Mjerenje Reputacije Turističke Destinacije Na Društvenim Medijima I Zadovoljstva Turista
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Mjerenje reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista Komšić, Jelena Doctoral thesis / Disertacija 2018 Degree Grantor / Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj: University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management / Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu Permanent link / Trajna poveznica: https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:191:941056 Rights / Prava: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported Download date / Datum preuzimanja: 2021-10-03 Repository / Repozitorij: Repository of Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management - Repository of students works of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management SVEUČILIŠTE U RIJECI FAKULTET ZA MENADŽMENT U TURIZMU I UGOSTITELJSTVU JELENA KOMŠIĆ MJERENJE REPUTACIJE TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE NA DRUŠTVENIM MEDIJIMA I ZADOVOLJSTVA TURISTA DOKTORSKI RAD Opatija, 2018. SVEUČILIŠTE U RIJECI FAKULTET ZA MENADŽMENT U TURIZMU I UGOSTITELJSTVU JELENA KOMŠIĆ MJERENJE REPUTACIJE TURISTIČKE DESTINACIJE NA DRUŠTVENIM MEDIJIMA I ZADOVOLJSTVA TURISTA DOKTORSKI RAD Mentorica: prof. dr. sc. Suzana Marković Opatija, 2018. UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA FACULTY OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT JELENA KOMŠIĆ MEASURING TOURISM DESTINATION REPUTATION ON SOCIAL MEDIA AND TOURIST SATISFACTION DOCTORAL THESIS Opatija, 2018 Mentor rada: prof. dr. sc. Suzana Marković Doktorski rad je obranjen je dana 9. studenoga 2018. godine na Fakultetu za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu pred Povjerenstvom u sastavu: 1. prof. dr. sc. Jasna Horvat, predsjednica, Sveučilište u Osijeku, Ekonomski fakultet 2. prof. dr. sc. Suzana Marković, mentorica i članica, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu 3. doc. dr. sc. Daniela Soldić Frleta, članica, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu Mojoj voljenoj obitelj, hvala vam! SAŽETAK Doktorski rad tematizira povezanost reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista. Cilj doktorskog rada jest istražiti i proširiti postojeće teorijske spoznaje, razviti konceptualni model za mjerenje povezanosti reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista te ispitati njegovu valjanost i pouzdanost. Za potrebe empirijskog istraživanja i testiranja postavljenih hipoteza razvijen je upitnik s 23 čestice i 23 elementa turističke ponude mjerena na ordinalnoj ljestvici Likertovog tipa s pet stupnjeva. Primarni podaci prikupljeni su metodom ispitivanja, a analiza podataka provedena je na uzorku od 305 ispitanika (turista). Primjenom metode multivarijatne statističke analize i metode parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata modeliranja strukturalnim jednadžbama (PLS-SEM) ispitana je valjanost strukturalnog modela za mjerenje povezanosti reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista te su testirane hipoteze. Rezultati istraživanja pozitivno i značajno su potvrdili tri od četiri pomoćne hipoteze, odnosno Postoji statistički značajna i pozitivna povezanost između sadržaja poruka na društvenim medijima i reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima (H1), postoji statistički značajna i pozitivna povezanost između stava prema komentarima na društvenim medijima i reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima (H2) te postoji statistički značajna i pozitivna povezanost između reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista (H4). Prema pokazateljima valjanosti, dosljednosti, kolinearnosti, značajnosti i relevantnosti težišnih vrijednosti, strukturalni model doktorskog rada smatra se valjanim i pouzdanim u mjerenju povezanosti reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista, čime se potvrđuje i glavna hipoteza doktorskog rada. Doktorski rad pružio je metodološku osnovu za buduća istraživanja i spoznaju o povezanosti reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista. Korisnost doktorskog rada ogleda se turističkom menadžmentu i kontinuiranom praćenju reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista, ali i korisnosti dizajnerima mrežnih sjedišta i gospodarstvu da potiču sve interesno-utjecajne skupine u tom smjeru, što otvara mogućnost zapošljavanja novih kadrova. Ključne riječi: reputacija turističke destinacije, zadovoljstvo turista, društveni mediji, mjerenje, multivarijatna statistička analiza I SUMMARY Before the appearance of user-generated content (UGC), sharing personal travel experiences through social media applications was limited to a narrow circle of friends and family. For instance, if the tourist had a bad experience at the tourist destination, the image and reputation of the tourist destination would not be seriously damaged. The growth of Web 2.0 and social media has enabled the development of user-generated content and sharing comments, reviews and opinions on websites such as tripadvisor.com, facebook.com, youtube.com, instagram.com and twitter.com. Today, tourists are increasingly participating in information processes. When booking a trip, tourists (social media users) exchange opinions via modern media and shape the tourism destination reputation, thus affecting the travel decision. The advantage of user-generated content is reflected in data collected within a natural environment. Tourists share information, experiences and emotions about services, brands, tourism providers and destinations (Horster & Gottschalk, 2012). Thus, tourist reviews on social media can be considered a crucial source of information. The so-called online reputation of a tourism destination represents an open process where tourists share their reviews and opinions about tourist destinations through social media, which builds the destination image and tourist satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction, while tourism products or services have the ability to impact the tourists’ emotional state and decision to book and purchase tourist products and services (Chun, 2005). Based on the foregoing the question arises if it is possible, through deeper understanding and measuring, to determine the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction? The main objective of this doctoral thesis is: (a) to explore and extend the existing theoretical knowledge about tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction, (b) to develop a conceptual model for measuring the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction, and (c) to examine the validity and reliability of the structural model. Specific objectives of this doctoral thesis are observed from the conceptual, empirical and applicative point of view. Based on the previous literature review, research results and research objectives, the main hypothesis was defined: based on the theoretical and empirical scientific knowledge about the concepts tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction, and the proposed conceptual model, it is possible to determine the influence of the observed concepts using the partial least squares structural equation modeling method (PLS-SEM). In view of the proposed main hypothesis and conceptual model, the following auxiliary hypotheses are proposed: II H1: There is a positive and significant relationship between message components on social media and tourism destination reputation on social media. H2: There is a positive and significant relationship between attitude towards comments on social media and tourism destination reputation on social media. H3: There is a positive and significant relationship between trust in social media and tourism destination reputation on social media. H4: There is a positive and significant relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction. In order to test the proposed research hypotheses, empirical research was conducted, which is based on primary data using the survey method. The questionnaire was designed in English, Croatian, German and Italian language and contains 46 variables and the socio-demographic profile of the respondents. In order to test the relationship between the constructs and the proposed hypotheses, a structural model was developed. The developed model consists of three exogenous and two endogenous constructs and 23 formative and 23 reflective variables. The empirical research was conducted on the western coast of Istria (Croatia), from the beginning of July to the end of September 2016 and 2017. The respondents were tourists who were informed about the tourist destination on social media before traveling to the destination. The qualitative data analysis is based on 305 valid survey questionnaires. The primary data were analysed using univariate and multivariate statistical analysis, i.e. partial least squares structural equation modeling method (PLS-SEM). The analysis of the demographic profile of the respondents indicates that 57.4 per cent were male and 42.6 per cent female. Most of the respondents were between 31 and 40 years old and had a higher education. The sample includes respondents from 17 countries, while the largest number of respondents came from Germany, Italy and Austria. More than half of the respondents (62.3 per cent) were advanced or expert users of the Internet. When searching information online, 72.8 per cent use other tourists’ comments as an information source. Furthermore, 49.8 per cent of the respondents read consumer reviews