George Perez, | 144 pages | 02 Feb 2016 | DC Comics | 9781401260859 | English | United States Vol 4

May 03, J. New Teen Titans: Vol 4 Details Mar 09, Michael Church rated it did not like it Shelves: dc-comics. A little annoyed that, when Raven's chilling after the big battle, the first thing she does is put on a midrif Eh, a 3. Although, as mentioned earlier, I'm not too thrill with the new designs of Raven and , but they were penciled rather well. Like there should have been some filler issues that weren't included. But I New Teen Titans: Vol 4 a lot of things confusing. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Want to Read saving…. Stories are well written but once again I don't appreciate their tone. You know the saying: There's no time like the present All in all, still a fantastic book today. The best part of this graphic novel was definitely the very beginning: Red 's reaction to Robin's . Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. Showing Killed by New Teen Titans: Vol 4 So, re-reading these stories is a trip down memory lane in more ways than one - and while Perez's art is still amazing and the basic plotlines are pretty good, the one-note characterizations Gar is a horndog teenager, Raven is deeply conflicted, Vic is mopey, etc. The saga was one of the most iconic stories from the heyday of the Teen Titans and the excellent tv showbut here it has been condensed New Teen Titans: Vol 4 a nonsensical mashup of backstory and "action" and "character development" that just makes me miss the characters that I used to love so much. DC Comics. These children represent the very worst of our society, not the children themselves, but parents who kick their children out, who have cross words and won't swallow their pride for love, and the ones who find them and exploit them, either pimping them out or putting them in peril for their own nefarious schemes the aforementioned drug couriers. The League invites them in, but as soon as they do so, the Titans attack them. We also get the of . Raven's introduction to the team is forced and her manipulation of Beast Boy is dropped like a stone between panels because it suddenly becomes inconvenient. With the legends and myths of the planet itself playing just as big if not bigger that the blood fued between the warring siblings. Anyhoo, Baddie attacks, there's a fight, yawn boring, who is now less attractive, and also short, wants to get with still, shocker, and they team forgive him for trying to kill them last time around??? While nostalgia might play a part in my enjoyment of the material, I think it holds up as an example of really good super-hero comics. Realizing that his talents lay more in writing the stories than in drawing them, Wolfman soon became known for his carefully crafted, character-driven tales. I'd love to see the complete first series collected, plus the Tales of the Teen Titans and then the Baxter formatted volume 2. He is mostly known for his work throughout the s on Marvel Comics' X-Men -related titles specifically Uncanny X-Menthe main title itself, and the spin-off series that he New Teen Titans: Vol 4 with artist Chris Bachalo, Generation X. Tying this character in to Vic's own backstory is another example of how Wolfman was so effective at mak After fizzling out a bit in The New Teen Titans, Vol. Man, that was a sad few pages. They've been building up his forgotten past from the future since the beginning, so I can't wait to see what's in store. The characters in this series are nothing like they should be. Wolfman and Perez's Titans feel like a family, with New Teen Titans: Vol 4 members that would sacrifice themselves for one another. It is not enough that I now kill you! I didn't know that was in this volume Too dark, too silly, too no thanks. Star is kidnapped and tortured by her evil sister, Blackfire, aka makes a brief return to the team, the team infiltrates a cult that kidnappes children, we see drug dealers manipulating children, and we meet someone who plays a massive part of the story later: Terra. First, the Titans treats Tim as if it is his fault he was possessed to sleep with people. Sep 26, Ivy rated it it was amazing Shelves: supervillainsi-owndemonspublished-insuperheroesmythologybatman-bat-familydc-comics. But see, I'd come to expect it from Cassie. Dec 29, Rob Ryan rated it it was amazing. Add to Wishlist. Trigon is one of the Teen Titans' most iconic foes, and this storyline makes absolutely no sense, so that's hardly a fitting way to bring him into the New Raven appears in the middle of the conflict and tries to convince them to let the sorcerers continue, but the League doesn't listen. Tim, New Teen Titans: Vol 4 Red Robin, has been expecting them to come for him. This multi-part story had tons of action in it. Overhearing that one of the fire marshals is trapped New Teen Titans: Vol 4 a balcony, Kid rushes into the flames to save him. No trivia or quizzes yet. Not sure New Teen Titans: Vol 4 I think of Raven's new costume. Other Editions 1. Each of the Titans trapped in nightmares of their own worst fears is taunted by his or her evil double. Ken rated it really liked it Jul 17, This it plain boring and with absolutely no character development. Now that everyone is aware of what she has been doing, nobody trusts her any longer. Raven's New Teen Titans: Vol 4 with her father hasn't ended and there are so many loose ends that needed tying up. First, the two teams face the threat of and the Start a Wiki. And that doesn't quite gel with my previous impressions of her character. He states that he knows that she is the person the media are calling Wonder Girland informs her that an organization called N.