EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN STRATEGY Photos © Vaughan Grantham Version 1.0 October 2010 Contact: East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA
[email protected] I October 2010 East Riding of Yorkshire BAP Strategy Version 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY What is biodiversity and why is it important? Biological Diversity, or Biodiversity, represents the variety of all life on Earth from the smallest bacteria to the largest blue whale. Biodiversity includes the variety of different species, the variety of places in which species live, known as habitats, and the variety within species. The term ‘biodiversity’ is subtly different to other similar terms, such as wildlife or nature, as it covers the variety of life in its totality including humans, their livestock and crops and man-made habitats. In a country like England this is important, as practically all habitats are influenced by, or rely on, the intervention of people in one way or another. Biodiversity is important because it provides mankind with food, medicine, materials and other essential goods. It also provides us with many services, including the provision of clean air, soil and water and protection from flooding and coastal erosion. Biodiversity may also potentially help us to adapt to climate change by storing and absorbing carbon and by mopping up some of the damaging effects it may have. The natural environment provides the East Riding with its sense of place, making it an attractive location for people to live, work and play and potentially bringing economic investment from tourism and regeneration.