Royal Norfolk & Suffolk
Issue No. 13. MARCH, 1964 THE JOURNAL OF THE P EAST ANGLIAN REGIMENT (ROYAL NORFOLK & SUFFOLK) Estd. 1898 A MANN EGERTON COMPANY If it’s an Austin you're after call in and look at the wide selection of them on display in our showrooms. Models vary in size and price from the Austin Mini to the AllO. For full details or a demonstration in any Austin, contact our nearest depot. And when maintenance and repairs to your Austin become neces AUSTIN A60 sary, you can get specialised servicing by factory-trained men at any o f our depots. Try them and see ! Any Austin available on Con tract Hire through our subsidiary Greyfriars Vehicle Contracts Ltd Ask for details. AUSTIN AllO 5 PRINCE OF WALES RD.,NORWICH 28383 97-101 London Road South, Lowestoft ■ 4441 AUSTIN DISTRIBUTORS MAJOR’S CORNER, IPSWICH TEL. 52271 76 Risbygate Street, Bury St. Edmunds . 3101 London, Fakenham, King’s Lynn, Peterborough. Nottingham, March, Wisbech “The Britannia and Castle” JOURNAL OF THE 1st EAST ANGLIAN REGIMENT (Royal Norfolk and Suffolk) ❖ All Editorial Contributions to be forwarded to The Editor, The Britannia and Castle Journal, Britannia Barracks, Norwich. JOHN COPPING JEWELLERS 67 LONDON STREET • NORWICH Silversmiths to the 1st Sast oAnylian ^Recjiment Silver jor <!.'Presentation Enamel Gold and Watches by Gem Set Regimental Patek Phillipe International Sporting Brooches Glrard-Perregaux Zenith JOHN COPPING, NORWICH . at the top of London Street 1 Today . • • just as in the time of the Peninsular, Crimean and the two World Wars, Hawkes & Co. are at the service of Officers in almost every Regiment of the British Army.
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