NMHS Progress Report (Period from April 2019 to January, 2020)

1. Project Information

Project ID: GBPNI/NMHS-2017-18/MG-12/ Sanction Date: 26-02-2018 Date:

Project Title: Entrepreneurship development among tribal men and women through scientific beekeeping in district Rajouri (J&K)

BTG: Livelihood options & Employment Generation

PI and Dr. Sajad Hussain Parey, Department of Zoology, Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah Affiliation University, Rajouri (J&K) (Institution): Name & Dr. Ali Asgher Shah Address of the Department of Zoology, Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri (J&K) Co-PI, if any:

Structured Background Abstract - During second year (2019-2020) of the project one National Seminar, three detailing the workshops, one training programme and many research activities were carried out. current year The progress work can be divided into two subheadings i.e. Extension work and progress [Word Research work. Limit 250 words]: Extension work: In second year (2019-2020), twelve outreach programmes, two workshops, one training programme and one national level seminar were organised. After proper handling training of honeybee hives, thirty tribal people were selected for distribution of fifty number of honeybee colonies.The beekeepers showed a progressive good honey yield per hive and this progression could be increased by increasing the number of hives. In addition the “Apiary” established within University campus was considered as one of the “Best Practice of the University” during National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) visit to University from 2-4 December, 2019. (Annexure III-IV). The first food product of the University was launched in the form of “BGSBU

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Forest Honey” with FSSAI License no. 210193116000560. One linkage has been established with HoneyDay Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore for start of Bee Cluster in district Rajouri for which every trained Beekeeper shall be provided with ten Honeybee Colonies. Research Work Diversity of indigenous pollinators As honey bee act as good pollinators on different crops, study was carried out to study other indigenous pollinators of the region that are providing the pollination services for different crops. The study revealed a total of twenty four species of insect pollinators from the collection sites falling in three orders, thirteen families and twenty one genera. Among Hymenoptera nine species were identified falling under eight genera. These species include Bombus trifasciatus, Xylocopa fenestrate, Apis cerana, A. dorsata, Vespa velutina, Lasioglossum himalayanse, Megachile routandata, Andrena flavicps, and Ceratina propinquity. Among thirteen species were identified in nine genera. These include Pieris rapae, Pieris canadia, Catopsilia pomona, Papilio menetries, Papilio maackii, Catopsilia pyranthe, electo, Fieldii menectrioes, Colias romanali, Ypthima sacra, Neptis suma, and Heliophorus sena. Among Dipterans two species were identified in two genera. These include Calliphora vicina; Sarcophaga sp. Foraging activities of different insect pollinators The maximum no. of flowers visited per minute was highest in case of Pieris rapae (10 flowers per minute) followed by Xylocopa fenstrata (7 flowers per minute), Apis mellifera (6 flowers per minute) Apis cerana (5 flowers perminute), Syritta pipens (6 flowers per minute). Similarly, the mean time spent / flower / minute was lowest in case of Pieris rapae (5 seconds per minute) followed by Apis cerana which was recorded to be (9 seconds per minute), Apis mellifera, Xylocopa fenstrata, Syrritta pipens (10 seconds per minute respectively), Bombus trifasciatus (20 seconds per minute). Foraging activity (Emergence, peak and cessation time) of different insect pollinators The early initiation time was first observed in case of Apis cerana (7:17±0.03), followed by Xylocopa fenestrate (7:20±0.002), Apis mellifera (8:13±0.005),Lassioglossum himalayanse (8:13±0.005), Andrena flaviups (8:13±0.005),Apis dorsata (9:11±0.004), Vespa velutina (9:15±0.04).The peak time for Apis cerana was observed to be(12:00-13:15), followed by Xylocopa fenestrate (11:30-12:30),Apis mellifera (14:00-15:00), Lassioglossum himalayanse (11:00-12:30),Andrena flaviups (11:00-12:30),Apis dorsata (12:00-14:00),Vespa velutina (10:00-12:30). Similarly the early cessation was found in case of Lassioglossum himalayanse (16:11±0.004), followed by the Andrena flaviups & Xylocopa fenestrate (16:19±0.019), Vespa velutina (17:10±0.005), Apis

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mellifera(17:20±0.002), Apis dorsata (18:13±0.005), Apis cerana (18:19±0.019). Dominance Index of Insect Pollinators The highest dominance index was observed in case of the insect order Hymenoptera followed by Lepidoptera and Diptera. Winter packing of honeybee colonies The results on winter packing revealed the maximum amount of brood improvement in case of hives packed with foam material compared with the non- foam hives. ACTION TAKEN REPORT ON MLE MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 4-7, 2019 MLE Panel advise 1: Compare the performance of 2 Bee species viz. Apis mellifera & Apis cerana & submit the periodic progress report. Action taken: Detailed work done is given in table IV & V MLE Panel advise 2: Need to disseminate the technique about winter packing used to check bee migration. Action taken: Detailed work is given in table VII and Plate V MLE Panel advise 3: The panel asked to requesting NMHS-PMU for allow him to provide only 70 Bee stands in lieu of proposed 100 stands Action taken: The follow up action is to be taken by NMHS-PMU. MLE Panel Advise 4: Consult Dr. Varma & Dr. Uma Partap who have done good work on the subject or field. Action taken: After giving many email reminders and Phone conversations with Dr. Uma Partap for the possible inputs of the project she couldn’t put her inputs because of her ailing health issues (Annexure-I). The complete address of another expert Dr. Verma as recommended by MLE Committee was not found anywhere. MLE Panel advise 5: Project Physical progress is slow along with financial progress only 47% of the fund utilized: Action taken: The funds of 85 percent of the project funds have been utilized in the FY 2018-19 & the UC of the same have been submitted to NMHS-Almora for information &processing. Objectives/ Aim:  Providing training to unemployed youth, tribal people, farmers, beekeepers and financially backward people for technology transfer, employment generation and increase the income of those people  Providing guidance to Beekeepers about production of bee products  Crop pollination through beekeeping;  Breeding & multiplication of honeybee colon.

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Methodology The tribal people who attended the training programmes, workshops and outreach programmes were selected and given honeybee colony stands free of cost for successful start of Apiculture as a livelihood option for income generation. For studying the different indigenous insect pollinators, the pollinators were collected through insect collection net with telescopic handle consisting of strong wire ring. The net was moved slowly until in the range, position of the net under the insect, then swing the upward and turn the handle so that the net flips over and the captured cannot escape. Insect pollinators were simply killed by one of the easiest way by using killing jar. It was prepared by placing one to two inch layer of absorbent material (Plaster of paris) on the bottom of the jar, some amount of ethyl acetate were added and allowed it to soak in. Blotters were placed over the absorbent material, and were sealed. Lower half of the jars were wrapped, with masking tape to prolong the potency of the killing jar by protecting it from sunlight. Captured pollinators were placed in killing jar for some time until they die. The specimens were identified with the help of available literature (Michener 1974; Bingham 1905-1907). Species were also identified with the help of experts like Prof. M. S. Saini (Professor Emeritus Punjabi University Patiala), Dr. Rifat H. Raina (Scientist-D, Zoological Survey of India). The collected and identified insect pollinators have been deposited in the Museum of Department of Zoology, BGSBU Rajouri as a reference material. The reading on foraging activity were carried out during three times in a day i.e. Morning, Afternoon and Evening time) with the help of stop watch. Approach: For analysis of data two types of approaches were used i.e. direct approaches with the help of taxonomic methods and second through statistical analysis. Results: The outreach programmes, trainings, workshops resulted in the production of thirty skilled beekeepers among which fifty Honey Bee Hive stands were provided (Table I-II, Plate-I). The first product in the form of “BGSBU Forest Honey” with FSSAI Lic no 210193116000560 have been launched under the project (Plate III-IV). Scientific Beekeeping was considered as one of the BEST Practice of the University during National Assessment and Accreditation Counsel (NAAC) visit to the University during 2-4 December, 2019. (Annexure III-IV). Twenty four species of insect pollinators have been identified which belong to three main insect orders Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera (Table III; Plate II- VIII).The foraging activities of different insect pollinators revealed Pieris rapae visits maximum number of flowers (10 flowers per minute) followed by Xylocopa fenstrata (7 flowers per minute), Apis mellifera (6 flowers per minute) Apis cerana (5 flowers perminute), Syritta pipens (6 flowers per minute). Similarly, the mean time spent / flower / minute was lowest in case of Pieris rapae (5 seconds per minute) followed by Apis cerana which was recorded to be (9 seconds per minute), Apis mellifera, Xylocopa fenstrata, Syrritta pipens (10 seconds per minute respectively), Bombus trifasciatus (20 seconds per minute) (Table IV). The results on Foraging activity (Emergence, peak and cessation time) of different insect revealed early initiation in case of Apis cerana (7:17±0.03), followed by Xylocopa fenestrate (7:20±0.002), Apis mellifera (8:13±0.005), Lassioglossum himalayanse (8:13±0.005), Andrena flaviups (8:13±0.005), Apis dorsata NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 4 of 49

(9:11±0.004), Vespa velutina (9:15±0.04) respectively (Table V). The peak time for Apis cerana was observed to be (12:00-13:15), followed by Xylocopa fenestrate (11:30-12:30),Apis mellifera (14:00-15:00), Lassioglossum himalayanse (11:00-12:30),Andrena flaviups (11:00-12:30),Apis dorsata (12:00- 14:00),Vespa velutina (10:00-12:30) respectively (Table VI). Similarly the early cessation was found in case of Lassioglossum himalayanse (16:11±0.004), followed by the Andrena flaviups & Xylocopa fenestrate (16:19±0.019), Vespa velutina (17:10±0.005), Apis mellifera (17:20±0.002),Apis dorsata (18:13±0.005), Apis cerana (18:19±0.019) respectively (Table V). Winter packing of honeybee colonies: The group of eight weak colonies (Table VII) were selected having constant number of frames but varies in store and brood taken as variables. The control colony (06*) were taken in comparison with weak colonies to check the improvement of brood by winter packing. The packing of colonies were done by foam (2 mm thickness). Hives were wrapped by foam and was cut according to the size of frames and placed vertically (Towards lateral side of the hives) as well as horizontally (on top) in the hives to prevent the excessive loss of heat during the winter (Plate IX-X). The treatments described here include the colony in the unprotected hive, referred to as the control colony (6), the colonies in the hive wrapped with foam, referred to as the packed colonies. The warmth in the hive due to the foam increases the hive activity such as improvement in brood, store and consuming food. Conclusion: Trainings and workshops to the local tribal people showed a good progression in yield of honey per box and if maximum number of honeybee colonies are provided to the trained people that could result in the improved economic growth through scientific beekeeping. The district Rajouri is rich with other insect pollinators as well as the current year work revealed twenty four species of insect pollinators helping in providing the ecosystem services free of cost to different crops of the region. In addition the brood improvement was enhanced by following the proper winter packing methodology in the region. Recommendations: Providing awareness and trainings among tribal people for successful start of Beekeeping can result in their enhanced economic growth and indirectly provide the ecosystem services in the form of pollination to different crops around the year. Because of urbanization and deforestation there is an immediate need to conserve the local population of indigenous pollinators by enhancing their nesting habitat and providing the awareness among local people about the importance and conservation of indigenous insect pollinators.

Project Partner Affiliations Role & Responsibilities Name Partner 1 Chief Agriculture Officer, Govt of Training and identification of beekeepers. J&K

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2. Project Site Details Project Site: District Rajouri IHR States Covered: Jammu and Kashmir Long. & Lat.: 33̊ 22' 16.6368''N 7418̊ ' 55.8216'' E Site Maps* (No.): Map-I Site Photographs* (No.): Plate-XVII *Attach a separate Descriptive Annexure/ Files (.JPG, .TIFF, etc.). 3. Project Activities Chart w.r.t. Timeframe [Gantt or PERT]

PROJECT DESCRIPTION OF WORK UNDERTAKEN (YEAR 2019- QUANTIFIABLE OUTPUTS ACTIVITIES 20) Project Activity 1 To provide training to unemployed Youth & providing bee Plate-I, II, XI hives to trained people. Project Activity 2 To note down the diversity of indigenous insect pollinators Table III; Plate VI-VIII of district Rajouri. Project Activity 3 To study the different forging activitities of insect pollinators Table IV-VI Project Activity 4 To develop the Winter packing technology for successful Table VII; Plate IX-X improvement of the brood. Project Activity 5 To develop some Bee products Table II; Plate V

4. Financial and Resource Information Note: A separate bank account is expected to be opened for NMHS Project as per the provision of Direct Beneficiary Account (DBA) as laid out by the Govt. of India and also facilitate the audit of accounts. The interest earned out of the NMHS project funds should be reported clearly in the utilization certificate.

Total Grant: 5738880/- Grant Received 2906000/- Date:

Project Affiliations/ Budget Allocated to Work Done by each Project Partner(s) Institution Partner Partner 1 Department of Nil Providing extension lecture series Agriculture, Govt of during the tranings, seminars and J&K workshops.

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Project Staff Information: S. No. Name Qualification Designation Fellowship/ Wages Remarks paid 1. Mr. Auqin M.Sc. JPF 16000+HRA Registered for Majeed Ph.D. prog. Under the said project 2. Mr. Zahid M.Sc. TA 10000+HRA Registered for Hussain Ph.D. prog. Under the said project 3. Mr. Gorav M.A.; PGDBM; Project 10000+HRA - Sharma Tally ERP-9; Assistant

5. Equipment and Asset Information S.N Equipment Details Cost Date of Photograp Lowest o. Name (QTY) Make/Model installation hs of the quotatio equipment n if not purchase d 01 Desktop HP/440G3 74,812/- 29/03/2019

02 Printer/Scanner/C HP/180n 42,500/- 29/03/2019 opier

03 Camera Canon/EOS77 62,600/- 29/03/2019 d

04 Projector Sony/EX- 39,000/- 29/03/2019 430VPL

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05 Advanced Rescholar/ 2,98000/- 30/03/2019 Stereozoom (excluding Microscope GST) (Binocular)

06 Stereozoom Olympus/SZX 5,48733/- 17/01/2019 Trinocular 10 Microscope

07 Apis mellifera Ambrosia 1,28,400/- 30/03/2019 (Boxes with bees)

08 Beehives (without Ambrosia 36,736/- 30/03/2019 bees)

09 Honey bee Ambrosia 4,48,000/- 30/03/2019 processing Unit

10 Hive tool Ambrosia 645 30/03/2019

11 Bee gloves Ambrosia 2675 30/03/2019

12 Smoker Ambrosia 3696 30/03/2019

13 Bee brush Ambrosia 538 30/03/2019

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14 Bee veil Ambrosia 2688 30/03/2019

15 Beekeeping suit Ambrosia 5600 30/03/2019

16 Uncapping knife Ambrosia 1008 30/03/2019

17 Bee feeder Ambrosia 11603 30/03/2019

18 Honey extractor Ambrosia 10976 30/03/2019

19 Nucleus hive Ambrosia 5287 30/03/2019

20 Pollen trap Ambrosia 2621 30/03/2019

21 Hive stand Ambrosia 10976 30/03/2019

22 Queen rearing kits Ambrosia 10752 30/03/2019

Note: Attach a Descriptive Annexure/ File separately.

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6. Expenditure Statement and Utilization Certificate Please update the annual Expenditure Statement and Utilization Certificate (UC) periodically.

Expenditure Information: S. Financial Position/Budget Funds Expenditure % of Total cost No. Head Sanctioned I Salaries/Manpower cost 564000/- 331205/- 58.72% II Travel 100000/- 98835/- 98.83% III Consumables (Chemical) 70000/- 67681/- 96.69% IV Contingencies 85000/- 84954/- 99.94% V Activities & Other Project cost 335000/- 125689/- 37.52% VI Institutional Charges Nil Nil VII Equipments 1752000/- 1749485/- 99.85% Total 2906000/- Interest accrued 82455/- Nil Grand Total 2988455/- 2463671/-

Period Expenditure Statement* Utilization Certificate (UC)* Annual [Attach in the prescribed format] [Attach in the prescribed format]

*Attach the descriptive Annexure/ File in the prescribed NMHS format.

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7. Project Beneficiary Groups

Beneficiary Groups Target Achieved [Capacity Building] No. of Beneficiaries with income 75 30 generation: No. of stakeholders trained, 27 particularly women: No. of capacity building 04 Workshops/ trainings: No. of Awareness & outreach 12 programmes: No. of Research/ Manpower 03 developed:

8. Project Progress Summary* (as applicable to the project) Description (Name of Description Total (Numeric) descriptive Annexure/ File attached)* IHR States Covered 01 Map-I Project Site/ Field Stations .... (attach photos) Plate III-IV Developed: ... (attach maps) No. of Patents filed (Description): NA  Article/ Review/ Research Paper/ 01 (Submitted) Annexure-I Publication: Under Results Section: Winter New Methods/ Modellings Developed Winter packing by foam packing (description in 250 words): method Table VII; Plate IX-X No. of Trainings (No. of 01  Beneficiaries): Workshop: 02  .... (attach maps about Demonstration Models (Site):  location & photos) Livelihood Options: 30  Training Manuals: NA  Equipment and Asset Processing Units: 01 Information at S.No. 09 Species Collection: Species identified: 24 Table III; Plate V-VIII Database (Numeric/Images/GIS  NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 11 of 49

Maps, etc.): *Attach a separate descriptive Annexure/ File. Note: Numeric Database should be provided in .xls format. Photos/Maps should be submitted in high quality (min. 300 dpi res.) compatible formats viz., JPEG, .JPG, .PNG, .SHP, etc. along with suitable figure legend/ caption.

9. Project Linkages (with concerned Institutions/ State Agencies) S. No. Institute/ Organization Type of Linkages Brief Description 01 HoneyDay Pvt. Ltd. Start of Bee Cluster within Exchange of honey product Bangalore District Rajouri propolis & start of Bee Cluster Unit at district Rajouri under Khadi and Village Industries Commission GoI initiative. Note: Attach a separate, descriptive Annexure/ File.

10. Knowledge Products – Publication, recommendations, etc. Time Period Publications Research Papers: 01 Annual [Year 2020] 1. Integration of non-native insect pollinator and forage plants into native plant-pollinator interaction web Submitted to “Annals of Botany” 2. Published one abstract book on National Seminar

Note: Attach a separate, descriptive Annexure/ File.

11. Project Concluding Remarks Kindly update the following Progress Parameters for the Reporting Period: Progress made against Project Quantifiable Output Monitoring Indicators Remarks Objectives against each objective (specified in Sanction Letter)

Providing training to Establishment of Fifty stands provided to thirty Twenty stands to be unemployed youth, independent skill trained tribal people provided in the tribal people, development 2020-21 F.y. farmers, models/micro-enterprises beekeepers and among tribal men and financially backward women through scientific people for Beekeeping (100 stands); technology transfer, employment generation and increase the income of those people;

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Providing guidance Providing guidance to Thirty trained beekeepers Pollen extraction to Beekeepers Beekeepers about learnt the learning of honey method to be about production of production of bee extraction from hives started in 2020-21 bee products products; provided to them F.y.

Crop pollination Development of pollination Pollination research trials in The finding of this through service concept among farmers field performed and objective in beekeeping; the people; different parameters of collaboration with pollination service like Insect University of pollinator diversity, Foraging Kashmir and activities etc carried out in SKUAST-Kashmir 2019-20 has been communicated with an International Journal “Annals of Botany” for possible publication.

Breeding & Establishment of well- A fully Beekeeping Building Further division and multiplication of organized beekeeping (Apiary) established within multiplication shall honeybee colon. disease diagnostic centre the University campus and be covered in in university was designated as one of the March 2020 Best Practice of University onwards. during NAAC visit 2019. A collaborative work Division and multiplication of to be taken with twenty eight honeybee Prof. Xin Zhou of colonies into seventy one China Agriculture colonies and among which University to study fifty colonies provided to local the genomic tales of farmers. Asian Honeybee (Apis cerana)

Methodology (in brief): The tribal people who attended the training programme, workshops and outreach programmes were selected and given honeybee colony stands free of cost for successful start of Apiculture as a livelihood option for income generation. For studying the different indigenous insect pollinators, the pollinators were collected through insect collection net with telescopic handle consisting of strong wire ring. The net was moved slowly until in the range, position of the net under the insect, then swing the upward and turn the handle so that the net flips over and the captured insects cannot escape. Insect pollinators were simply killed by one of the easiest way by using

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killing jar. It was prepared by placing one to two inch layer of absorbent material (Plaster of paris) on the bottom of the jar, some amount of ethyl acetate were added and allowed it to soak in. Blotters were placed over the absorbent material, and were sealed. Lower half of the jars were wrapped, with masking tape to prolong the potency of the killing jar by protecting it from sunlight. Captured pollinators were placed in killing jar for some time until they die. The specimens were identified with the help of available literature (Michener 1974; Bingham 1905-1907). Species were also identified with the help of experts like Prof. M. S. Saini (Professor Emeritus Punjabi University Patiala), Dr. Rifat H. Raina (Scientist-D, Zoological Survey of India). The reading on foraging activity were carried out during three times in a day i.e. Morning, Afternoon and Evening time) with the help of Stop watch. Major Research Achievements:  Identified twenty four indigenous insect pollinators of district Rajouri.  Studied Foraging activities of different insect pollinators including Apis mellifera and Apis cerana.  Experiment on winter packing by foam method resulted in progressive increase in the brood frames of the honeybee colonies. Brief Conclusion - the current  Trainings and workshops to the local tribal people showed a year progress – during the good progression in yield of honey per box and if maximum reporting period (point-wise): number of honeybee colonies are provided to the trained people that could result in the improved economic growth through scientific beekeeping.  The district Rajouri is rich with other insect pollinators as well as the current year work revealed twenty four species of insect pollinators helping in providing the ecosystem services free of cost to different crops of the region.  The brood improvement was enhanced by using the proper winter packing methodology that could be used during extreme winter conditions without following the winter migration procedure of honeybee colonies. Progress Achieved (%): 70 percent Remaining work to be done:  Trainings and Workshops  Supply of 25 or more honeybee stands to the tribal people  Note down the improvement in crop yield among the people provided with honeybee colonies (Two year data i.e. 2019-20 and 2020-21)  Preparation of publication for submission to reputed journals  Project Compilation

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Table I: List of the tribal people provided with Honeybee Colonies

S.No. Name Contact Number Number of stands provided 1 Sajid Shah 9797314631 02 R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri 2 Lateef Shah 9596711819 01 R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri 3 MaroofAzam 9906375911 02 R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri 4 MohdNaseer 9086934190 02 R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri 5 Ghulam Murtaza 9906179803 02 R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri 6 Sheraz Ahmad 9596934825 02 R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri 7 Aftar Ahmad 7051344904 02 R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri 8 WaseemJavaid 9086541393 02 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 9 Abdul Azaiz 9086033913 02 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 10 AftabAnjum 7006314165 02 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 11 Parvez Raja 9596858203 03 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 12 Gulzar Shah 990697931 02 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 13 MohdAsgher 9622629346 02 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 14 Khaliq Shah 9622295763 03 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 15 Sagheer Ahmad 9682171767 01 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 16 Sabir Ahmad 8899193151 01 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 17 Akram Shah 9686503082 01 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 18 Asif Raja 7051344904 01 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 19 Usman Raja 9419960281 01 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 20 Nayeemakouser 01 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 21 Manjit Singh 8899193151 03 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 22 Munna Shah 9622295763 01 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 23 Shabeer Shah 9086345186 01 R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 24 Wahid Raja 9149797594 01 R/o ChassanBudhal Rajouri 25 Mustafa Chowdhary 9596811851 01 R/o ChassanBudhal Rajouri NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 16 of 49

26 MasoodChowdhary 9797879498 01 R/o ChassanBudhal Rajouri 27 Sarfaraz Malik 7889508752 01 R/o ChassanBudhal Rajouri 28 MohdArif 9149621030 03 R/o ChassanBudhal Rajouri 29 Asif Ali 9858944511 02 R/o ChassanBudhal Rajouri 30 Tauseef Raja 7051338513 01 R/o ChassanBudhal Rajouri

Table II: The amount of honey yield (Two crops May and October, 2019)

S.No. Cost of each Stands Production Rate Per kg Total revenue colony provided /Hive generated/hive 1 Sajid Shah 02 08 Kg 250 2000/- R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri 2 Lateef Shah 01 08 kg 250 2000/- R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri

3 MaroofAzam 02 07kg 250 1750/- R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri 4 MohdNaseer 02 09 kg 250 2250/- R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri 5 Ghulam Murtaza 02 07kg 250 1750/ R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri 6 Sheraz Ahmad 02 07 kg 250 1750/ R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri 7 Aftar Ahmad 02 08 kg 250 2000/- R/o DhanorGosian Rajouri 8 WaseemJavaid 02 07kg 250 1750/- R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 9 Abdul Azaiz 02 08 kg 250 2000/-- R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 10 AftabAnjum 02 08 kg 250 2000/-

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R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 11 Parvez Raja 03 08kg 250 2000/- R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 12 Gulzar Shah 02 07kg 250 1750/- R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 13 MohdAsgher 02 09kg 250 2250/- R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 14 Khaliq Shah 03 08 kg 250 2000/ R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 15 Sagheer Ahmad 01 08 kg 250 2000/ R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 16 Sabir Ahmad 01 08 kg 250 2000/ R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 17 Akram Shah 01 09 kg 250 2250/- R/o DhanidtarRajouri 18 Asif Raja 01 08 kg 250 2000/ R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 19 Usman Raja 01 08kg 250 2000/ R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 20 Nayeemakouser 01 08kg 250 2000/ R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 21 Manjit Singh 03 08kg 250 2000/- R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 22 Munna Shah 01 07kg 250 1750/ R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 23 Shabeer Shah 01 07kg 250 1750/ R/o Dhanidtar Rajouri 24 Wahid Raja 01 08kg 250 2000/ R/o ChassanBudhal Rajouri 25 Mustafa 01 08kg 250 2000/ Chowdhary R/oChassanBudh al Rajouri 26 MasoodChowdhar 01 08kg 250 2000/- y NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 18 of 49

R/o ChassanBudhal Rajouri 27 Sarfaraz Malik 01 07kg 250 1750/- R/o ChassanBudhal Rajouri 28 MohdArif R/o 03 08kg 250 2000/- ChassanBudhal Rajouri 29 Asif Ali R/o 02 07kg 250 1750/- ChassanBudhal Rajouri 30 Tauseef Raja 01 08kg 250 2000/- R/o ChassanBudhal Rajouri

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S.NO Order Family Scientific Name Author/year Common Name

1 Hymenoptera Apidae Bombustrifascitus Smith ,1852 Three banded bumble bee 2 Hymenoptera Apidae Xylocopa fenestrate Eardley ,1987 Carpenter bees 3 Hymenoptera Apidae Apiscerana Asiatic honey bee 4 Hymenoptra Apidae Apisdorsata Fabricius, 1793 Gaint honey bee 5 Hymenoptera Vespidae Vespa velutina Lepeletier (1836) Asian hornet 6 Hymenoptera Formicidae Aenictus sp. Paraenictus Large army ant Wheeler, 1929 &Typhlatta Smith , 1857 7 Hymenoptra Helictidae Losioglosumhimalayanse ( Bingham,1898) Sweet bee 8 Hymenoptera Megachalidae Megachilerotundata Fabricius ,1787 Leaf cutting bee 9 Hymenoptera Andranidae Andrenaflavicps Fabricius ,1775 Yellow legged minning bee 10 Hymenoptera Ceratidae Ceratinapropinqua Cameron,1897 Small carpenter bee 11 Diptera Calliophoridae Calliphoravicina Robineau-Desvoidy Blue blowfly ,1830 12 Diptera Sarcophagidae Sarcophaga spec. Meigen , 1826 Flesh flies 13 Lepidoptera Pierisrapae Linnaeus ,1758 Small cabbage white 14 Lepidoptera Pieridae Pieriscanadia (Sparrman,1768) Indian cabbage white 15 Lepidoptera Pieridae Catopsilia Pomona Fabricius,1775 Common emigrant 16 Lepidoptera Papilionidae Papiliodemoleus Linnaeus ,1758 Lemmon 17 Lepidoptera Papilionidae Papiliomaackii Menetries ,1859 Alpine black swallow tail 18 Lepidoptera Pieridae Catopsiliapyranthe Linnaeus (1758) Lemmon emigrant 19 Lepidoptera Pieridae Catopsilia Pomona Fabricius,1775 Encyclopedia of life 20 Lepidoptera Pieridae Coliaselecto Linnaeus ,1763 Clouded emigrant 21 Lepidoptera Pieridae Coliasromanovia Grum - Clouded yellows Grshimalio(1885) 22 Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Ypthimasckra Moore (1874) Himalayan five ring 23 Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Neptissuma Moore (1858) Sullied sailer 24 Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Heliophorussena Kollar,1844 Sorrel sapphire

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Table IV: Foraging activities of different insect pollinators Species Mean no. of flowers visited by Mean time spent /flower/minute. insect- pollinator per minute. Pierisrapae 10 – flowers 5 seconds/min. Xylocopafenstrata 07- flowers 10 seconds/min. Apismellifera 6 – flowers 10 seconds /min. Syrittapipens 6 – flowers 10 seconds/min. Apiscerana 05- flowers 9 seconds/min. Diptera sp. 5 – flowers 20 seconds/min. Bombustrifasciatus 5 – flowers 20 seconds/min.

Table V: Foraging activity (Emergence, peak and cessation time) Insect pollinators or visitors Mean population foraging time (Hours)

Initiation Peak Cessation Apiscerana 7:17  0.03 12:00-13:15 18:19  0.019 Xylocopa fenestrate 7:20 0.002 11:30-12:30 16:19  0.019 Apis mellifera 8:13 0.005 14:00-15:00 17:20  0.002 Lassioglossum himalayanse 8:13 0.005 11:00-12:30 16:11  0.004 Andrena flaviups 8:13 0.005 11:00-12:30 16:19  0.019 Apis dorsata 9:11 0.004 12:00-14:00 18:13  0.005 Vespa velutina 9:15 0.04 10:00-12:30 17:10 0.005

Table VI: Dominance Index of Insect Pollinators Dominance Index(%age)

Genera Species Individual Hymenoptera Apis Cerana 500 Apis Mellifera 400 Apis Dorsata 300 Bombus Trifasciatus 90 Xylocopa Fenestrate 80 Vespa Velutina 80 Losioglosum himaliyanase 100 Megachile Routandata 200 Andrena Flavicps 150 Ceratina Propinqua 100 Diptera Calliphora Vicina 300 Sarcophaga sp. 250 Lepidoptera Pieris Trapae 60 Pieris Canada 60 Catopsilia Pomona 45 NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 21 of 49

Papilio Menetries 60 Papilio Maackii 45 Catopsilia Pyranthe 60 Catopsilia Crocalae 40 Colias Electo 35 Fieldii menectrioes 50 Colias Romanali 30 Ypthima Sacra 40 Neptic Suma 20 Heliophorus Sena 30

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Table VII: Winter Packing Colony No. Brood (f) Store Frame Queen f2 Remarks

04 02 01 03 + 04 Weak

21 01 02 03 + 01 Weak

27 00 00 03 + 00 Weak

33 01 00 03 + 01 Weak

34 01 00 03 + 01 Weak

35 02 01 03 + 04 Weak

36 00 00 03 + 00 Weak

37 01 00 03 + 01 Weak

06* 0 01 02 + Control

N= 8

*Control colony: without winter packing in order to check the improvement of packed colonies. Mean of the data=X = = = 3

S.D = =

Coefficient of variation = = = 0.40

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Date of Inspection: 01-12-2019

Colony No. Brood(f) Store Frame Queen f2 Remarks

04 02 02 04 + 04 Improving

21 01 03 04 + 01 Improving

27 02 01 03 + 04 Improving

33 02 02 04 + 04 Improving

34 01 02 03 + 01 Improving

35 02 02 04 + 04 Improving

36 02 02 04 + 04 Improving

37 02 02 04 + 04 Improving

06* 00 01 02 + No Improvement

N= 14

*Control colony: without winter packing in order to check the improvement of packed colonies.

Mean of the data =X = = = 2.14

S.D = =

Coefficient of variation = = = 0.86

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Date of Inspection: 15-12-2019

Colony No. Brood(f) Store Frame Queen f2 Remarks

04 04 03 07 + 16 Improving

21 02 02 04 + 04 Improving

27 03 02 05 + 09 Improving

33 02 02 04 + 04 Improving

34 01 02 03 + 01 Improving

35 02 02 04 + 04 Improving

36 03 02 05 + 09 Improving

37 03 02 05 + 09 Improving

06* 0 01 02 + No Improvement N= 20

*Control colony: without winter packing in order to check the improvement of packed colonies.

Mean of the data =X = = = 1.85

S.D = =

Coefficient of variation = = = 0.90

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Date of Inspection: 29-12-2019

Colony No. Brood(f) Store Frame Queen f2 Remarks

04 04 03 07 + 16 Good

21 03 03 06 + 09 Good

27 04 03 07 + 16 Good

33 03 02 05 + 09 Improving

34 03 03 06 + 09 Good

35 03 03 06 + 09 Good

36 04 03 07 + 16 Good

37 04 02 06 + 16 improving

06* 0 01 02 + No Improvement

N= 28

*Control colony: without winter packing in order to check the improvement of packed colonies.

Mean of the data =X = = = 1.75

S.D = =

Coefficient of variation = = = 1.07

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Plate I: Tribal People provided with Beehive stands

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Plate II: Tribal People provided with Beehive stands

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Plate IIB: Tribal people provided with Honeybee stands

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Plate III: Beekeeping designated as “Best Practice” of the University during National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) visit to University 2-4 December, 2019

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Plate IV Beekeeping designated as “Best Practice” of the University during National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) visit to University 2-4 December, 2019

Prof. Naresh Dutt Mathur (University of Rajasthan) and Prof. G. R. Reddy (Former V.C. VS University) Inspecting Apiary and Beekeeping equipments

Prof. Naresh Dutt Mathur (University of Rajasthan) and Prof. G. R. Reddy (Former V.C. VS University) inspecting different insect pollinators

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Plate V. Launch of “BGSBU Forest Honey” and FSSAI Lic. No.

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor BGSB University and other dignitaries during launch of “BGSBU Forest Honey”

FSSSAI Lic. no. of “BGSBU Forest Honey

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Plate VI: Diversity of insect pollinators

Colias fieldii Pieris canadia Catopsilia pomona

Catopsilia crocale Heliophorus sena Neptis soma

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Plate VII: Diversity of insect pollinators

Ypthima sakra Pieris rapae Paplio maackii

Bombus trifaciatus Xylocopa vulgaris Vespa velutina

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Plate VIII: Diversity of insect pollinators

Xylocopa sp. Andrena sp Andrena sp

Apis cerana Apis dorsata Aenictus sp

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Plate IX: Winter packing of honeybee colonies

Colonies before winter packing showing weak worker force

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Plate X: Winter packing of honeybee colonies

Honeybee colonies after winter packing showing enhanced worker force

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Plate XI: Training programmes to educated unemployed youth (Women & men)

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Plate XII: Workshop on Apiculture (Date: 15/04/2019 )

Mr. Anil Kumar Mr. Sayeem Wani Prof Shujauddin Employment Officer JKKVIB Director, CBS

Dr. Arvind Isher Mr. Mohd Younis Chowdhary KVK, SKUAST-J Chief Agriculture Officer

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Plate XIII: Two days National Seminar (Date: 29-30 July, 2019)

Prof. Mushtaq A. Siddiqui Release of abstract book Participants V.C, IUST-Kashmir (Chief Guest)

Prof. D. P. Abrol Mr. Apoorva BV Dr. P. C. Pathania Scientist-D SKUAST-J Director HoneyDay Pvt. Ltd. Banglore ZSI-Kolkata

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Plate XIV : Two days National Seminar (Date: 29-30 July, 2019)

Delegates Dr. Rifat Raina Prof. M.A Parray Scientist-D, ZSI-Kolkata SKUAST-Kashmir

Dr. M. Ansar Ali Scientist-Spice Board of India Dr. Ishtiyaq A. Dr. Shahid Ali Akbar Scientist-SKUAST-K CITH-Srinagar

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Plate XV: Two days Workshop on Apiculture (Date: 22-23 Nov. 2019 )

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Plate XVI: Four days Training on Apiculture (Date: 09-12 Oct. 2019 )

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Plate XVII : Outreach programmes/Site Photos of Distt. Rajouri

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Map I: Map of UT of J&K Map I: Map of Jammu

Distt: Rajouri

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Annexure -III

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Annexure- IV

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