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5-12-1939 -May 12, 1939

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Volume I 5 Cents Per Copy PORTLAND, OREGON, MAY 12, 1939 ...... Number21

Equestrian Experts l-Dedi·;t;d"t';ii~i;~-·r KNOWS BUSINESS Form Club Conference Spurs 1 -- . 8000 Voters Defy 1 Our hearts filled with rever- ! Sunday, May 7, at 10:00 a. On 1ence; our hands willing to J m. twenty-nine sports lovers of Fight j serve; our souls filled with ecs- [ Anti.. Lynch Portland's swank Negro society Klan In Miami l tasy; our voices lifted in praise; ! 0 met at the ranch of Vic Mayberry ------o Birmingham, Ala., May 11.- Thelma Dale, young sociology stu­ I and our spirits ever humbled I Miami, Fla., May 11-(CNA) for the purpose of forming a riding TIDES RISE IN SOUTH ( Ben Davis, Jr., for CNA) .-A dent leader, vice-ch:.irman-at-large; i because she, is ours. I -Militant Negro citizens defied club. A hearty· breakfast was wide campaign for passage of the Edward Strong, re-elected as exe­ after- "'·-~~-··-··--.-.·-··-··--·--+ FOR ANTI-LYNCH BILL Ku Klux Klan threats and cast a anti-lynching bill, President Roose- cutive secretary; Gladyse Ran­ served to those present and Popular Co-Ed to wards pla nswere laid to ride, swim record vote in a city primary dec- velt's social measures, and vigorous dolph, treasurer. dance and play tennis. Wed Law Student opposition to amendment of the Unions Represented Birmingham, Ala., May 11.- tion here 24 hours after the Klan Wagner Act, featured the out- Dr. F. D. Patterson was elected Initiation fees were set at $1.00 The engagement of Miss Julia (Robert F. Hall for CNA) .- had staged a terroristic auto parade per month; ~tanding resolutions adopted by the chairman of a new national adult per person; dues, SOc Blanchard to Mr. Kenneth F. The South is experiencing a high in which wtenty-five fiery crosses $5.00 for 13 hours of riding; one third All-Southern Negro Youth advisory council as a greatly sim­ Smits was announced at an in­ tide in the movement for the enact- were burned and placards were dis­ Conference at its closing session. hour SOc; 7Sc an hour on Sundays. formal gathering in Potter Hall, plified and improved organization ment of the Federal anti-lynching played warning Negroes not to organi­ These rates apply to members only. The conference represented plan was adopted. There are to be Linfield College, last week. Miss 750,000 persons, Guests are charged a small fee of bill. This is particularly true of participate in the primary. zations totalling 14 regional vice-chairmen, repre­ Blanchard, a member of the senior primarily Negroes, the largest rep­ $1.00 per hour. class of Linfield, is the daughter of the Negro communities, where this A huge truck carried the crosses, senting the 14 southern states, and JESSE B. BLAYTON resentation in its three-year history. The club will soon announce its Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Williams, movement, in spite of numerous and was followed by some 7 5 cars a national council. Professor of Finance and Account­ At its closed business session in contest to select a name for the or­ 2726 N. E. Going Street. The is nevertheless reach­ of hooded white men. The Klan Every southern state was repre­ ing, Atlanta Un1versity, Atlanta., Ga., shortcomings, the Masonic Temple it voted to ganization. bride-to-be was recently selected who is also a practical business ex­ sented among the 603 official dele­ ing unprecedented heights. again showed its true colors, by conccntra te on four fundamental The election of officers were as as a member of a nucleus for an pert. being senior partner ln the firm gates, the highest number of dele­ of Blayton and Adair, Certified Pub­ This is undoubtedly due to the covering the license plates of their issues in a special Southwide anti­ follows: Mrs. Hill, president; Honor Society of Senior Women. gates in the conference's three-year lic AccoUlltants. president of the fact that the Negro people in the cars, a violation of the law, but discrimination drive: jobs; right to Mrs. Lorraine Britton, vice-presi­ She has enjoyed wide popularity Atlanta Negro Chamber of Com­ history. Alabama furnished the vote clubs; adequate educational dent; Mrs. Ruby Wright, secre­ in both scholastic and social realms. merce, and executive vice-president South are more fully aware today, no police were to be found to arrest largest delegation. There were 108 of the Citi2ens Trust Company of facilities and the promotion of tary; Mrs. Bonita Duke, corres­ The benedict-to-be is a former resi­ that at any time since Reconstruc- the law breakers. labor delegates representing eight Atlanta. 1\lr. Blayton has also held health especially in act!Jally suffer­ ponding secretary; Mr. Rueben dent of Kans~ City. He is a grad­ for the past seven years the post of of the discrimination and per­ of the most influential CIO and tion, Hangmen on Parad~ ing backwood areas. Sullivan, treasurer. uate of the University of Kansas Grand Keeper of Finances of the AFL unions, eight farm delegates, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Recently secution which is their lot . At the The concluding general session There were 29 charter members and at present a student of the A dnagling hangman's noose was 192 students, 54 unemployed. he lectured a.t Howard University, same time they realize that it is not took place in the Sixteenth Street present. Northwestern School of Law. He Washington, D. C., on Negro busi­ held conspicuously from one of the There ·were religious (among them necessary to submit to these condi­ Baptist Church, at which Dr. F. is, at present, employed with the ness. -(Calvin Service) cars. 18 Catholic delegates), fraternal, D . Patterson, outstanding educa­ State Unemployment Compensa­ tions and that an organized strug­ social, civic, cultural, inter-racial Percy Norris Dead The Klan's unsuccessful scare tor and President of Tuskegee In­ tion Bureau. The date for the gle against them will achieve genu­ organizations, social welfare and STUDENTS FIGHT demonstration was held on the eve stitute, and Charlotte Hawkins Seattle. - Percy Norris, mem­ wedding has been decided upon. ine improvement. It is of great other types of organizations repre­ of the primary. Cards, lettered in Brown, principal of Parmer Insti­ ber of a well-known pioneer fam­ AT N. U. significance that an increasing sented. JI MCROW red, were thrown from the car tute in North Carolina, were the ily, met a heroic death Thursday, Voters' Benefit Assn. number of Southern whites deplore windows by the hundreds, and main speakers. May 4. Mr. Norris was killed as Open Membership Drive Evanston, Ill. May 11-(CNA) these conditions and support the read: "respectable negro citizens Condemn Florida Murder DAYTONA LYNCHERS he was attempting to warn others -Northwestern University stu- Negro people m the struggle are not voting tomorrow. Niggers The conference also voted a of impending death. His funeral At a Board of Directors meet- dents this week prepared to renew against them. stay away from the polls." It was resolution condemning the lynching JAILED FOR MURDER Saturday was indicative of his life. ing, Sunday, May 7, the members their fight against the institution's Discussion of the present anti- signed with one-inch letters, of Lee Bell, a Negro taxi driver Many friends attended to mourn d the board unanimously voted to Jim Crow restrictions. lynching bill, therefore, revolves "KKK." The parade passed 11. the passing of one of Seattle's fin­ in .Florida, on April 30, and one Daytona Beach, Fla., May start the spring membership drive Following blunt refusal of their around the general conditions of through the Negro section. freedom of the five -( CNA) .-Everett and Earl est young men. urging the on Monday, May 15, 1939. request for establishment on the the race in the Sout has much as it An effigy of a Negro was hung Scottsboro boys still in Alabama Blackwelder were being held on For the benefit of Negro voters campus of a dormitory for ·both does around the specific crime of from a power pole just on the edge murder charges this week after a 23 Indicted in prison~. in th~s ~ity ~ho. are._not, ac_qauint-l white and Negro women students, lynching. This discussion reflects of the Negro se('t!on. A large red­ ap­ cu,unt/, jury fouuJ tl1l} "die! ·.-.il- Ohio Numbers Game the drssaustacnon ot tht: l'ie­ Dra\' ng ~nost enthusiastic ed With the' mtncactes ur t1ty' aud 1~ coeds announced they would go that lettered sign pinned on the figure, aLa reso­ fully kill" Lee Snell, Negro taxi people in the South is spread- plause, was the adoption state government, the Association ahead with their efforts next gro read: "This nigger voted." On Roosevelt driver. including new lution commending Mrs. Cleveland, May 11.-(CNA). will arrange a series of lectures school year. ing, broadening, primary day the same effigy ap­ from the DAR in the The brothers, who had been in . d d Cl 1 d featuring prominent officials to h d · · for resigning - o P 11ce squa s toure eve an The 12 girl students, Negro and groups untouc e , m rts course. peared on a power pole across the "hiding" since the lynching of . k d h speak: on various phases of citizens' Marian Anderson case. Mrs. t hrs wee to roun up twenty-t ree white, had asked the university for The keynote to the system of street from one of the polling Snell, leisurely surrendered after · h obligations. Roosevelt is to be sent a letter from men m· d'rete d on extortion c arges permission to rent a house for discrimination is disfranchisement. attending the funeral services of a places as a large number of Negro the conference praising her stand by a grand jury ordered to investi------dormitory use, pointing out that This is accomplished partly through citizens exercised their right to youngeh brother accidentally killed for democracy. gate "racketeers and muscle men" First Lady Asks such a step would help to "provide the poll tax, which is in effect in by Snell's taxi. Local authorities vote. Officers elected were: Herman to the racial eight states, and partly through in Cleveland's numbers games. Racial Adjustment a practical solution Although the Klan has paraded H. Long, prominent young Birm­ had made no effort to arrest the Authorities estimated that the II R' d l N y M ll.- prejudice problem." registration laws which are de- through the Negro section of the ingham school teacher, chairman; men prior to their surrender. - rver a e, . ., ay . f rae ket d raws $5, 000,0 00 a year (CNA) If d , b President-Elect Franklyn Bliss signed for the specific purpose o on every election for a number The Blackwelders seized Snell ' d' . I .- emocracy ts to e city f rom Cleve 1 an d s tstnct a one. d . d h l Snyder told four of the girls: depriving Negroes of the right to of years, its activity was more vio­ Yonkers Bites Nails from a constable on April 30 while 1preserve , equa1 Ity un er t e aw N urn bers game warf are between . . . "There are definite reasons for vote. lent this year than ever before. The Over Divine Heaven the taxi driver was being taken to · 1 h b bl d f rs essentral, Mrs. Franklm D. nva operators as een arne or R 1 l . . refusing your request. That is all It matters very little to the re- directed its threats particu­ a hearing on manslaughter charges . k:'ll' h · ooseve t dec ared thrs week m a Klan srx 1 mgs ere smce 1931 · talk at the home of Mrs. Cleveland I can say." actionaries that this is a violation larly against the work of the Ne­ Yonkers, N. Y., May 11.­ in Benny Blackwelder's death. The four girls were Virginia of the 14th and 15th amendments gro Citizens Service League, an ( CNA) .-vVhite residents of the Snell, a vVorld War veteran, is H . D o d h ge, ere. First Lady advocated equal- Kennelly, 8810 Indiana Ave., Chi- to the U. S. Constitution. What organization interested in improv­ fashionable Park Hill section of survived by a wife and adopted Woman Elected The Pat Clark, 2020 Sherman, probably does matter, however, is ing conditions of Miami's Negro Yonkers this week looked on with child. In Los Angeles ity in education, equality in oppor- cago; for work: according to each Evanston; Kana Cole, Whiting, that the growing unity of the population. jaundiced eyes as Father Divine's Police Constable James Durden -- tunity individual's ability and in all Ind., all white, and Eloise Boone, whites and the Negro people in the largely angels nonchalantly whistled at testified before the coroner's jury Los Angeles, May 11.-~CNA) I The Service League was phases of American life. 3552 Vernon, . struggle against the poll tax is a their work of remodeling a palatial that he was transporting Snell from -Fay Allen, an outstandmg Ne-~ responsible for the registration of for a dormitory be- unity that undoubtedly can be ear- old mansion into another "heaven." Daytona to ne;rby DeLand after gro woman liberal, ":as el~cted to "Poor whites in many states," Movement 2,000 Negro citizens to vote i~ th B d f Educatl n th ek · ried over int oa struggle against The whites were busily searching the Blackwelders had made threats e oar o o rs we · s h e pomted out, "as well as Ne- gan in February, following a re- this election, an unusually large Sh f tw · all restrictions on the right to vote. the statute books to see whether against Snell's life. He positively e was one o o progressives groes are disfranchised because of port by an inter-racial committee number. Although some 20,000 Jim-crow segregation are aspects there was any law that could be identified the two brothers as the chosen by the city's voters. the poll taxes." ~that 33 Negro undergraduate stu- Negroes here are of' voting age, of the discrimination system that invoked against a "heaven" in their slayers of Snell. Miss Fay's election was part of a "When individuals have no dents at Northwestern did not have only 150 to 200 have registered for in the country," she .con- adequate facilities for living or is so ever-present as to be obvious elections in the past. midst, following acquisition by Snell had been involved in the smashing victory by the people's stake tinued, "they have not the same study. The report stated that no and irksome to even the most back­ Father Divine of the three-acre accidental death of 12-year-old coalition-progressive ticket which If any thing, the threats of the feeling of responsibility-they do Negro students lived on the cam­ ward politically. This Jim Crow estate at 357 Park Hill Ave., heart Be nBlackwelder, Jr., brother of elected six of its nine City Council- Klan made Negroes more deter­ happens to it, be they pus; the boys had to live at a extends into every phase of life, of the ritzy community. the two lynchers, whose cycle col­ men and only missed a clean sweep not care what mined to vote, and an accelerated or of YMCA, and the girls at the homes transportation, education, health, Only one of the Father's swanky lided with Snell's cab on April 30. by less than 500 votes in each of white or black, foreign-born vote was the result. During the of Negro families. restaurants, housing, everything! neighbors took the situation calmly. Snell stopped his car immediately the three losing districts. the earliest American stock." first two hours of voting only about There are those, of course, who He was Maurice H. Blinken, to heup the youngster, and was held 8 per cent of the white population say that the Negro people do not Manattan lawyer, who said : by police for county authorities. voted, a normal figure-during the "I have no objection-as long as ANTI BIAS BILL PASSED BY SENATE object to segregation they simply same time, about 25 per cent of the Protests Force .11 ction they behave properly." Albany, N. Y., May 11.- still locked in Republican-control­ dered, depending on the grievance. want EQUAL facilities. There is colored voters already has cast their coroner's jury rendered its ( CNA)._ Two anti-discrimina­ an obvious fallacy here. Segrega­ A deed transferring the property The led committees. The Republicans have failed to ballot. verdict of wilful murder after the Divine's followers was One measure approved by the tion and inequality are twin broth­ to Father International Labor Defense ac- tion measures, relating to Civil report out a bill which puts teeth ers. The very fact of segregation filed this week in the Westchester Service employment, were passed Upper Chamber provides that an in these provisions by making it a N.Y. Fair Admits cused the jury of delaying action implies inferiority and the result is County Clerk's office in White by the State Senate this week as appointing officer who selects an misdemeanor for an appointing of­ Negro Exhibit against the accused murderers in always some form of discrimina­ Plains, N. Y. The revenue stamps progressive groups, Negro and applicant for civil service who is ficial to discriminate on racial the hope that public indignation There was never yet a Jim on the deed indicated that $10,000 the grounds. tion. over the outrage would die down white, continuer to press for the graded lower than others on New York, May 11.-(CNA). cash was paid and that a $5,580 · h · list must state his reasons and Crow railway car equal in clean­ and thus permit a whitewashing. f u ll equa l ng ts program mtro- Civic leaders pointed out that -After conferences with Grover mortgage was continued. The · h · f swear that the choice was not made liness or comfort to the cars in Jacksonville representatives of d uce d I ear ym t e present sessron o the measures adopted this week Whalen, president of the New Overcliff Holding Company was · 1 on the basis of race, color or creed. which the whites were riding. the I. L. D. wired Florida's Sena­ t h e L egrs ature. must be regarded little more than a York World's Fair Corporation, a the seller. A similar bill was defeated in the There was never, in the South, a tors, Representative Hendricks and The measures adopte dare two gesture toward equal rights. Con- group of Harlem leaders announc­ Purchasers of the property were Republican-controlled Con s tit u- segregated Negro neighborhood Attorney General of eleven bills sponsored by the siderable public pressure is needed ed this wek that provision will be listed as Glory Light, Sweet Peace, tional Convention last year. that had street lights, paving, packs to force out of Republican-control- made for an exhibit showing the John Revelation, Faithful Love, at Washington, and Governor Temporary commission to investi- and houses equal to those in the Hearing led committees the most vital com- Negro's part in American civiliza­ New Love Devotion, Patience Job, Cone, demanding action against the gate the condition of the Urban Public white neighborhoods. Resentment tion. Mrs. True Love, Joy Love, Peace­ two lynchers. Colored Population after a two· The other bill provides that a missio nbills which penalize public against Jim Crow laws and cus­ and ful John, Andrew J. Delap, Mary The wire to Murphy said: "Sec­ year study of discriminatory prac- civil servant who has been dis- utilities, the worst offenders, toms is becoming daily more wide­ The Greater New York Coordi­ in housing, J. Mannes, John de Voute, Eliza­ ond Florida lynching in one month tices. missed or denied promotion because forbid discrimination spread. nating Committee for Employment beth Zedda, Sam and Honest Mes­ marks complete breakdown of civil A third bill enlarging the defini- of racial discrimination may peti- education and legal contracts. announced at the same time that chach. rights in this state. Request your tion of public places where racial tion for a public hearing before Senator Schwartzwald, New The Voters' Benefit Association such a venture would have no ef­ It was reponed that one of Fa- intervention to secure constitution­ or color bias may not be shown the state civil service commission. York City Democrat and head of holds its regular meetings on the fect on the fight against Whalen's ther's white followers was instru- al guarantees to residents of Flor­ has been reported on the floor of In the event the petition is upheld, the Temporary Commission, intra­ first and third Mondeys of each discrimination policies in hiring mental in putting through the deal. ida." the Senate. The remainder are reinstatement or promotion is or- duced the bills passed this week. month. personnel for the Fair. /

THE PORTLA1'-ID- OBSERVER City Hall Topics ent-day philanthropists have lost I Observer Back Illinois Bill To Ickes Brands Nazi Race The Portland Observer strayeJ or stolen. Harry, as a End Jim-Crow Housing Theory 'Neo- Barbarism' Publlsbed Frid.a.y of ea.ch week at Portland, Oregon. And Other Views member of a delegation, made a Observations Springfield, Ill., May 11.­ stenorian talk on Wednesday in J New York, May 11.-(CNA). WILLIAM H. McCLENDON, Editor and Publisher. the City Council advocating the "Bn,L MAc" (CNA).-Sharp demands for the by -Secretary of the Interior Harold Editorial Office-1504 N. passage Williams Avenue filling in of Mock's Bottom to pro­ of Senate Bill 14, outlaw­ Ickes branded the "nco-barbarism" Porlland, oregon. An issue of grave concern to ing restrictive housing Phone EAst 0949. Ralph C. vide a playground for the children covenants, of fascism in a vigorous attack up­ of the University young parents is that related to were made this week by Negro and All news and editorial matter should be addressed toP. 0. Box 3728 Clyde district. He said on Nazi race superiority theories in child guidance. An alarming per­ white civic leaders Simon . Bension gave us Benson at the hearing an address here before the Ameri­ City centage of parents know little if on Park, and the late Sam Jackson the bill before the Senate Hous- can Guild for German Cultural Comminioner anything about the various psy­ gave us the Ham Jackson Park, ing Committee. Freedom at the \Valdorf Astoria WE MUST WAKE UP and Mrs. Amanda Reed gave us ological methods and educational The bill was introduced by Hotel. I "Wh processes Some R ee d C 11o ege. H e k as e d , ere that must be resorted to State Senator William A. Wallace, Negroes in the state of Oregon are seem-' SOFT BALL I The address was broadcast over ingly devoid of ambition. oh where is a philanthropist of to- \ in order to produce successful citi­ Negro Democrat from Chicago's the NBC Blue Network. Few, if any, of the members Webfoot Camp, WOW, 1s day who will donate Mock's Dot- zens in this present complex society. South Side. Under its provisions, "Incertain countries in Europe of this group have put forth any special effort to bet­ deeply interested in the matter of tom to the people? i The ability to impart an effective any real estate sale, or lease con- I today, countries that once were the ter their social and economic status. enclosing Buckman Field. H. L. • • • • and satisfactory knowledge There is an of sex tract would be void if it forbade homes of enlightenment," Ickes Barbur, Clerk of the Camp, wrote SUMMER WATER alarming percentage of members within thfs group RATE to children is noticeably lacking. occupancy of the premises by mem- said, "it is the fashion-or shall I the City Council on \Vednesday, It is not unusual to find children who are content to sit idly by while they are gradual­ The following extracts from an bers of any particular race. Em- describe it as an ignis fatuus, the that the Camp has two teams for who have reached the ripe old ages ly restricted to employment in a few stereotype jobs article by B. F. Irvine, which re­ phasis was given to the need for marsh light of a dictator-to insist the Portland Softball season that of eight or nine so well versed on such as domestic cently appeared in the Oregon proper housing legislation for Ne- that culture is the production of a help, servants and the like. have raised considerable money for the intricacies and hitherto adult Journal regarding the summer groes by the recent fire at 2953 S. pure race, particularly the special­ In some instances lights and they believe that Buck­ phases of sex that companions can this listlessness can be explain­ water rate are self-explanatory: Ave., Chicago, which ly-designated pure race." man Field ed by citing the fact that the majority could be improved by be found only in a more advanced snuffed out th.e lives of of Negroes in "Portland and surrounding ter­ sev~n col- I He attacked the "nco-barbarian being enclosed. The matter was group. In the majority of these ored this locality are lacking in preparation necessary to ritory tenants, ftve of them chtldren. • interpretation of history" that cui- referred to Commissioner Bennett, may be beautified during the cases the parents are at fault. In hold positions that demand Supporters of the Wallace bill ture is the product of a pure race, technical or scientific who has charge of the Bureau of forthcoming summer by the gener­ the parents attempts to be ultra­ took pronounced issue with another with the consequence "as dictator­ training. A limited number have been trained to per­ Parks, for ous use of water at a very much investibation and report. modern and sophisticated they have measure, Senate form certain types reduced rate. This plan, if adopt­ Bill 264, which ially stated, that every other race of professional work. These can­ • • • • not only supplied the child with seeks to block ed by the City Council, will en­ extensino of the fed- and country is inferior. not follow the professions in which they have effi­ AUTO RACE TRACK answers to its various inquiries, but era! housing program for able the home owner to use twice Chicago "No Pure Race' ciently prepa1·ed themselves because there Mrs. G. E. Richards, Secretary they have furnished it with facts by allowing private corporations is no politi­ as much ,.,.·ater as he used during to "We here know better," he said. of the University Park Commun­ and knowledge far too dense for condemn land for cal cohesion within the Negro group as a whole. Con­ June, July, August and September, building pur- "We do not claim to be a pure ity Club, 7466 N. Syracuse St., be­ any adolescent ,or premature mind poses. sequently, there are practically n oopportunities for 1938, and pay half-price for the race, since there is no such thing lieves that it is high time to clamp to wade through intelligently. additional As the hearing on the bill to out- as a pure race. Our historians and employment open for Negroes along professional water." Some parents have even had down on the matorists who are law restrictive covenants began, our sociologists tell us that great lines, especially where political affiliations could "This is a far-seeing plan pro­ their children to delve deep into making a race track out of Russett Senator \Vallace received a tele- civilizations have always been the prove posed by Commissioner Clyde, and the practical and realistic realms of beneficial. Street. The Club believes that gram from Louis F. Budenz, edi-. product of ethnic and cultural mix­ if adopted, it will result in a vast sex when they were aware Negroes in this community have with summer approaching, it is of the tor, and William L. Patterson, tures. Creative ideas spring from further retarded improvement of lawns, flower gar­ fact that the child was wholly un­ more hazardous for the children to associate editor of the Chicago free contact between peoples; hence their progress by attempting to acquire special train­ dens and shrubbery because the able to comprehend the true mean­ reach Columbia Park as the auto­ Daily Record, pledging support of we believe in social harmony and ing in a few professions. This program can home owner can afford to use the ing and implications no longer ists are very reckless and are a of what they the paper to the measure. Patter- international cooperation." water at the reduced rates, and the were being taught. be followed. There must be earnest attention given menace to the neighborhood. In son, a former Harlem attorney, is On the heels of Ickes address, sale of surplus water will increase The result of unfolding to every phase of employment so long as it shows an concluding, Mrs. Richards writes know­ also associate editor of the Cru- the League for Industrial Democ­ the revenue of the city's Water ledge of this sort to children vol­ inkling of a chance for advancement. Negroes can­ to the City Council : "The U ni­ sader News Agency. racy announced the opening of a Bureau. The plan would mean untarily and without a reason of­ not pick any one field of endeavor on which to concen­ versity Park Community Club Senate Bill 264 was opposed by nation-wide campaign of popular much to Portland." ten leads them to believe it is a part trate their energies ·wishes to call this to your atten­ the civic leaders on the grounds education to combat racial preju­ as they will usually find upon com­ "This is to be a summer when of their home socialization pro­ tion, and we are satisfied that the that it was aimed at blocking fur- dice due to "increased Nazi and pletion of their education a tremendous amount of Portland, like other Northwest gram. Consequently, it usually fault will be corrected and the ther housing undertakings for the Fascist activity in the United envy, jealousy and ignorance cities will be on parade brings about a startling awakening which will tend to dwarf danger removed." The matter was before underprivileged by giving private States." the thousands of visitors for other children ·who come in con­ their personalities and distort their senses of percep­ referred to Mayor Carson. to the real estate interests the right to ------world's fairs. It will tact with these astute adolescents tion. .. * • • mean much condemn property for private pro­ Milwaukee to show them fresh, during school and play hours. The Parley ODORS green lawns, fits. Opponenst of the measure The short-comings of the Negro group stand out wel-kept gardens, flower beds and calmer, more conscientious parents Warns of Race Hate W. 0. Flint, 024 S. W. Sher­ pointed out that under the bill the for themselves. The few who have a social insight shrubbery. It will give Portland are then faced with the stark, man St., E. S. Lindsay, 17 S. W. government could be blocked from Milwaukie, Wis., May 11.­ know a distinction and a name that will dreadful problem of erasing from that suspicion and distrust creates strife and Sherman St., J. T. Gadwood, S. acquiring aites for its projects. (CNA)-Fascist race hatred prop­ spell much for the future." the minds of their children this so­ conflict. The developing of a philosophy that will W. Caruthers St., headed a list of They warned it would be also used aganda was assailed by the Rev. Not.e: The City Coun


lllllllllllllllllllllllllltniiiiiiiiiUllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllfliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIflltlllllllllllniiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIItl din has been vacationing 1 a month Mr. and Mrs. Holsclaw who con­ i55!i!liii!i:=:==:==:==:==:=:==:= 1union. Where are you going, The boy? Calvin's Newspaper Service in Seattle, and stopped off in Port­ tinually take an active part in the Bill Brown smelling as sweet as land for the C. B. C. dance. She civic and religious activities of the Shady Corner ever. Chester. C~rter trying to get TESTED RECIPE TOWN states she had an enjoyable time community. TOPICS someone to ch1p m a quarter. Fos- B1 FrmueJ Lee Bt~rton IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IUIIIIIIIIII!IIIIt llllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUHUII' and that the dance was the high­ • • • • By THE SHADOW ter trying to play pool. AM your shelves with jams and EuNrs MoTT light of her vacation in the North­ The Martha Washington and J IJreserves as the various fruits • • • • and berries ripen. It may mean a. west. Home Makers clubs will meet Notice! All persons wanting Mrs. Elsie Maney, ·who has been gram chairman are all capable lead­ to Why don't you get wise to your­ litUe work now, • • • • Thursday \Vith Mrs. Elsie Maney. know the identity of the Shadow but a well-filled working with the. Holiday Parent­ ers of this fine group of girls. Mr. self, young lady? Don't you know pre;;erve closet Stay off date June 13. Royal The club is now actively engaged please be at the corner of Williams Duke Jackson willingly tendered that people don't visit you because Is a mighty tine Teachers Association for a number High Hatters' big balloon dance. i nmaking gowns for the Hanne- Avenue and Cherry Court on the friend during his services as electrician as did they don't enjoy your chatter, and the cold winter of years, was recently installed to • • • • 77 northwest corner at 7 :00 p. m. months. Here is Mr. Al Pierre, pianist who is also, you can't force them to do so. ~~~~ ~n~ ~~~nii.ta·l · ..-.~ .. ~--~ Friday. This will be your one and a recipe to use the office of auditor by the record- known for his wonderful generos- The Girls' Work Committee 1v.trs. Lenora- Gaskin was l-.05tess Especially not by calling up and with either wild ing secretary and Girl Reserve are to have their '" only chance to meet in person- ••miiiiiiiiim-- or cultivated of Portland Council ity. to the Culture Club Wednesday The Shadow. demanding that they do. strawberries Annual Candlelight - of Parent Teachers, Mrs. C. D. • • • • Tea at the where the mothers were honored • • • • one berry that must be included in P. S. I am doing this mainly to your jam collection. Williams Avenue Branch of the To Cummings. The installation ser­ Children of the Edward Cald­ with a special program arranged help a certain lady the same young lady, the Strawberry and Pineapple YWCA, Mothers' Day, May 14, living on Schuy­ Jam wells, Delores and Alfred, made by the chairman, Mrs. Thelma young lady you have so unjustly 31i! cups (1* lbs.} prepared vice "\•;as made very impressive by from 5 p. m. to 6 p. ler Street satisfy her curiosity. very losely hosts to the "Young m. Flowers. Mrs. Gaskin's home was slanderized here of late is well fruit; 6¥.! cups (2* lbs.) sugar; gifts of hand made gardenias which • • • • • ',i: bottle fruit pectin. Adults," Saturday evening at their • • • bright and cheerful with many liked, if not by you. To prepare fruit, crush complete­ were distributed to the old and To the Shadow: ly or 1 parent's home on Halsey. Paying the Rose City a flying flowers and she served refresh­ * • • • grind about quart fully ripe new officers. Mesdames Banks I wasn't very much compliment­ berries. Each berry must be reduc­ • • • • visit Sunday were Mrs. Blanche ments of ice cream and dainty cakes Stay off date. Fraternity dance ed to a pulp. Cut fi ne or gr!ud 1 and Ruth Flowers are also mem­ Tolles, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Ed ed, but I can't get mad. All I can May 30, Italiao Hall. Banjoskee medium fully ripe pineappltl or use Mrs. Lulu Gragg, advisor to decorated in club colors of blue 1 No. 2 can crushed pineapple. bers of this association and Mrs. Robinson, Tacoma; Mr. Ed John­ say is clean up your own back yard and his Sizzling Demons of Swing. Klub Kredyuefawn, was hostess at and yellow. A beautiful corsage Combine fruits. Measure sugar and Clow, ,,...·ife of Pastor Reverend ]. son and Wyatt Stevens, Seattle. and thenr people will have room to • • • • prepared fruit into la:·ge kettle, mix a formal dinner party for members of violets were presented to each well, and bring to a full rolling boll J ames Claw, was an honored guest Mrs. Tolles and Mr. talk about somebody else. A certain ladies' club should over hottest tire. of the casts: "Eyes of Love" and W. Stevens mother and each member. The Stir constantly at the installation ceremonies. were dinner guests of Mr. Anonymous. stick: to their club business instead before and while boiling. Boil "Bought and Paid For," May and president, Mrs. Letitia Brode wel­ hard 3 minutes. Remove from fire * • .. * 2. Anonymous letters always mean of delving into other people's busi­ Mrs. Isaac Berry andspent a few comed and stir in fruit pectin. Then stlt The home was banked with baby the mothers with a few well and skim by turns for just 5 Mr. Richard Stanton, popular moments with Mrs. Mary Carter. so much to us,. We thought we ness. breath, peonies, snowballs and iris. chosen words and the clu btrio, minutes to cool slightly, to prevent member of teen-age sepias, and who • • • • would let every reader of this • • • • floating fruit. Pour quickly. Par­ The table was covered with a lace Mesdames Zepha Baker, Lenora Quote: Who does Bob Wright :~~oflin at once. Makes about 9 is now in attendance at Oregon Mrs. Odessa Freeman, hostess colmn in on the fact that our back- glasses (6 fluid ounces each). tablecloth on which sat tall green Gaskin and Ruth Flowers render- go with? Wonder what he is University, visited his parents, the for a luncheon honoring Mrs. Ber­ yard needs cleaning. wor­ candles encased in crystal candle­ ed a song of welcome written by ried about. Charles Stanton's the May 5th nice Fair of Seattle. The guests • • • • bras. The delicious dinner was themselves and dedicated to all A bill to grant the LaFollette· week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Stan­ present! were Mrs. Catherine Tay­ Dr. Burton, Seattle, is quite • • • • prepared b ythe hostess and the mothers. A paper on the origin of "Doghouse" told "Skillett," Thomas Civil Liberties Committee ton will motor to Eugene, Oregon lor, sister-in-law to Mrs. Fair, elated because h eis now playing in three course meal included grape­ Mothers' Day was read by the "Skillet" told Acket, Acket an additional $100,000 to continue the Mother's Day week-end to en­ Mrs. Kitty Fair, Mrs. Cora Lewis, the eighties. Doctor, why not con­ told fruit salad, chicken dinner and president, also a paper on mothers Massey, Massey told jo}' the company of Richard. mother of Mrs. Freeman visiting centrate a little more on trying to LeRoy its investigations of civil liberties strawberry shortcake. The young of today. The trio then sang that "Legs" Raines, "Legs" • • • • from Seattle. be in your church Sunday mornings told Broth­ violations is now before the Senate. people in attendance were: Mrs. old favorite, Mother Macllree. In er "Cat," Brother "Sat" told Has­ The following nine persons took • • • • instead of on a golf course? May­ Muriel Alberti, very summery in keeping with the club program for kell, Haskell told "Kansas City" RUTH COLEMAN advantage of the spring weather, Mrs. Helen Honeysuckle, Mrs. be your score will be lwoer~ven red plok:a cotton; Miss Maxine the year which is a tour of foreign Campbell, "Kansas City" told Sunday ·when the motored to Or­ Babe Holmes and Mrs. Tressa in the seventies if the neglect of SEWING SHOPPE Brown, gowned in gold satin countries, Mrs. Ethel Jackson gave "Sheik" Gardner, "Sheik'' told chard, "\Vashington, where they Smith were in the city to attend your duties is not on your con- DRESSMAKING - TAILORING trimmed with rhinestones; Miss the fascinating history of Haiti, Baer Lewis, "Baer told Jack John­ were guests of the Albert J. Mor­ the C. B. C. dance. While they science. Remodeling and Repalrlng Josephine Dancey, wearing a blue showing how the yhave been striv­ M:er. and Children Apparel were here, they were the house • son, Jack told "Boots," "Boots" tons. They are Mr. and Mrs. El­ ing with success • • • A Specl£lty taffeta; Miss Ila Fuller, demure guests of Mr. and Mrs. against many odds, told "Betty-Boo," "Betty-Boo" mer Flowers, Madame Minnie Richard Frisco McGale is in town again. TRinity 9521 in blue organdy ; Miss Doris to attain the practical ideals of told" Sea Biscuit, Biscuit told Crawford, the Gene Vardins, Mr. Farrell. We are glad to have him, but why 1408 N. Larrabee Avenue Jamieson, whide organza ; Miss • modern civilization. Then came "Foxy" Frisco, Frisco told "Sacky" and Mrs. Ralph Flowers and the • • • doesn't he bring his lovely wife Bernice Williams, sweet in peach • • • • a solo by Mrs. Marcell Johnson, that George "Switchy" High got EAst 1059 Isadore Maneys. George with him sometime? Wonder if marquisite trimmed with blue tur­ Francis, well known "Dear Little Mother." Mrs. his nose broken after the ball game Rosecliff-Quaker Corp. • • • • Seattle editor of the Northwest he is afraid of these Portland boys. quois ; and Miss Eunice Mott, Ruth Flowers read a beautiful trib- at Garfield by Harvey Chandler. "The Latest in Spring Fashions" The Royal High Hatters are • • • • gowned in a black: net over baby Bulletin was in Portland for a few ute to her mother. She was assist­ What was the cause? Your guess Shirts - Ties - Underwea.t' - Hose having a Mothers' Day tea in the Harvey Chandler and George blue crepe. Escorts for the dinner days this week. Mr. Francis has ed in writing her tribute by her is as good sa ours. We'll bet "One Rueben Sullivan Asa Brock ladies lounge of the Fraternal Hall, many friends Hight, we always thought the were Robert Price Jack Holsclaw, here, and between sister, Mrs. Clifford Dixon. As Line" Joe Staton has the right Sunday from 2 to 4, complimenting game of dice was played with the Novelties Wirt Morton, Hubert Lewis and them and his business, he was kept the closing offering of the club, the guess. Soda Fountain their mothers hands. and friends. Tom Alberti. The Mesdames quite busy. trio sang "Little Old Lady." A This is the first time we Broadwill Pharmacy • Ill • • ever saw faces and heads bandaged Loomis Harris, Jenny Ja'mieson • • • • few remarks of appreciation were French Forbid "Highest Quality Drup "Yam Nacrifa" a play given by Frisco McGale, well-known given by each member. The pro­ after a game. Or were you shoot­ at the Lowest Prices" and Brown assisted Mrs. Gragg. Racial Attacks the Trianon Girl Reserves, Fri­ • • • • fighter and trainer, is in Portland gram came to a reluctant enr with ing dice when that happened? Broadway and W1lllams TR. 7421 day, May 5, with his fighter to arrange for a all singing proved a very enter­ 1\!J:rs. Mary Carter. popular the Culture song-a • • • • taming atfa1r. series of matches in St, Johns. Mr. lovely verse written Who stopped Little Charlie Paris, M:l}'! l.--(C'. 'A)-The COUR":'!!:OUS SERVICE AT - To begi nthe pro­ newcomer and socialite of the com­ by Mrs. Em­ gram, McGale was, a few years ago, one rna w allcer. from making his French Government this week pro­ the entire club of 16 girls, munity, was hostess at a Sunday much publicized Bird's Service Station presented a dancing chorus. Next, of the best drawing cards on the trip to Seattle Wednesday morn­ hibited publication of defamation evening three-course supper party Comer Weidler and WIUJamJ Frances Vernon Pacific Coast. ing? or slander "tending to incite hatred ; interpreted "Heav­ complimenting Mrs. Beatrice Reed en Can vVait," MEETING NOTICES between Citizens.. . " I t spec1'f' 1ca 11y I WALTER REYNOLDS, Manager which was very and Messrs William Bailey and • • • • nice. Then came a minstrel scene George Francis, didn't you know forbade slander promoting hatred · Christopher Smith, both of Los V. B. A. meets every first ·and 1412 N. Williams E.Aat 4013 enacted by the entire club. Several Club Notes that Dorothy didn't know anything "against any group of persons be- Members and Guests Angeles. During the evening, third Monday cracks were made of each month. longing to any particular race or The which kept the those persons who dropped in on By ETHBL JACKSON about that trip to Seattle? Next Fraternal Hall Grill audience religion." "DeUclous meals sened from laughing until Edythe the gay foursome and helped make Excelsior Lodge No. 23, F. & time ask: her if he can go. Belard torched It's three years since the Rev. 8a.m.to1a.m." in her loveliest the joyous time continuous until A. M., Jurisdiction of California, • • • • The decree declares that, in view WE CATER TO PRIVATE PARTIES and Mrs. J. voice, "All of Me." Ulysses Bird a late hour were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Clow came to Port­ meets every second and fourth New name of the week: Richard of thd efforts the nation is making IN. J. Banks, Manager and Ruthella Jackson appeared on land and the Mt. Olivet Baptist "Sent for You Yesterday" Harris. for national defense, "hatred be- F t Cecil Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Gaines, Monday of each month. . . or your nex' aelal, shampoo, the program with a comedy skit i Mrs. Edward Caldwell and baby, Church. So Wednesday night, • • • • tween citizens must be suppressed manicure, eto., make an appolntmeat and of course, the cutest act of the Alcenia and the Madames La Belle the eSarchlight Club gave an an­ Ma. Hood Chapter 0. E. S., Sale notice: Benny wants to sell and every possible effort must be at evening was performed by those and Sims. niversary banquet. It was a lovely Jurisdiction of California, meets a Buick-cheap. made toward harmony and discip- The Inez Beauty Shoppe inseperable twins, Mary Ellen • • • • affair, and the culinary deparement every second and fourth Thursday • • • •• line." 1739 N. VANCOUVER did itself proud by serving TRlnlty Duncan and Jessie Mott when Miss Lyois Mae Morton made an ex­ o feach month. Boy I The chick:s sure go for a It declares further "no reason of 0510 cellent chicken dinner. they sang "My Blue Heaven." a charming hostess to the little Charm­ big Paclcard. Don't you girls? race or religion should be permitted ingly gowned hostesses presided For the Latest in After these two made an encore l\'1isses Betty Rutherford and Con­ at N.Y. U. Athletes Would I didn't even see you out before the to alter equality between citizens. the many SWING RECORDS bow, Vera Keyes confessed, "Blame stance Jeane Maney, by entertain­ attractively decorated Bar Anti-Negro Teams ship came in, or did I, Le Vonne? No heriditary circumstances should It On My Last Affair." The di- ing the girls at the Orchard, tables. Mrs. Dolly Parees as • • • • be allowed to weaken the feeling of The Madrona Music Shop rector of the dance routines, Mr. Washington, home of her parents, Mistres sof Ceremonies presented fraternity among members of the 1616 N. WILLIAMS New York, May 11.-(CNA). Say Russ, Guy and Bagley, why Dorothy Garrett, Manager Sidney, "Happy," Pierce, illustrat- the Albert Mortons, over the a pleasing musical program and French family." -The campaign to end Negro dis­ didn't you tell me what you saw ed talented feet when he danced I April 28 week-end. everyone departed with a happy crimination in the field of athletics Sunday at Bagley's? Scared? Penalties under the decree in­ and sang "When You're Smiling." • "' ~ • satisfied feeling. received a forward push this week That's the way to save your heads. clude imprisonment for five days Next came that small "handful of The Irvin Flowers were hosts • • • • When thinking of that It was pleasant when the Undergraduate Board of • • • • to six months and fines up to 2,000 sweetness," Delores Caldwell lyri- to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flowers having Mrs. new or used car Barbara Merriman return Athletic Control of New York I wonder what the "Great francs for slander against indi­ cally told the audience that over the May 5th week:-end at to the remember University Grinder" is doing these days? viduals. As concerns groups, the "The Masquerade Is Over." Oth- their beach home. city for a brief visit. She was a adopted a resolution op­ Never see him. punishment ranges from one month er harmonizers were Edythe Bel- * * • * charter member of the Rosebud posing the formation of teams on CbuUe Kaael • • • • to a year in prison and from 500 to ard and Vera Keeys singing the Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Burgess Study Club. The club was a very any othe rbasis than that of ability. Can you imagine Bob Price be­ 10,000 francs. otrer stand-by, "Mood Indigo." formerly Irene Belard, are the gracious hostess to Mrs. Merriman The move was understood to have Logan Oldsmobile Co. at a public tea given at the Wil­ been inspired by persistent demands ing attacked ? Jessie Matt proved she was more I proud young parents. They en­ • • • • Stay off date June 3. Unique 1005 S. E. GRAND AVE. than a minstrel actress by chirping, joy the company of liams A venue Branch of the of the student body to call off a their four­ Wonder what would happen if Goodfellows and Bluebird Clubs' Phone EAst 4164 the fine torch, "More Than You weeks old daughter, LaVerne YVVCA, where she enjoyed seeing football game scheduled for next two trains from the south and the dance: Know." Kathryn Turner was Louise. old friends and meeting new ac­ season with the University of Mis­ east could unload their passengers mistress of ceremonies, but Helen Mrs. Evelyn Perdue of Los An­ quaintances. soun. . . wit ha First Avenue destination at Mae Thomas introduced Kathryn geles sends greetings to her Port­ . . The action against the Missouri­ r-:::::::-:~:-·r FURNITURE The Chanticleer Bridge Club the same time. who crooned the popular, "When land young friends through. her ans grew out of the refusal of that I WAX PRODUCTS met Monday wit hMrs. Elizabeth • • • • L,.~Q .. A .. N .. S tile Angels Sing." With all of this sister, Mrs. Lenora Gaskin. Mrs. University to allow a Negro hurd­ Wax Wood Sealers Palnta Carden. Visitors to the club were It seems like a lot of people went fine entertainment, Delores Cald- Perdue is planning to return to the ler on the University of Wisconsin $50--to-$300 Mrs. Gustavia Winslow and Mrs. out to Vic Mayberry's Sunday to RETAIL AND WHOLESALE well, Vera Keeys, Mary Ellen Rose City for a lengthy visit this track team to participate in a re­ Abby Cantrell. The club enjoyed get two free squares, but Vic Portland Loan Co. Duncan and Jessie Mott did their summer. cent match between the two PAULSEN & ROLES having Mrs. Cora Minor back af­ tricked them and charged them 35c 306 Delrum Building best to attract a good case of jit- • • • • schools. Janitorial Supplies Mrs. Williams, former mana­ ter a prolonged absence due to the for the dinner. Go Vic I Third and Washington termania as the girls "swung-out" The resolution urged the N.Y. ger of the Fraternal Hall Grill, illness of Mr. Minor. Prizes were • • • • MUrdock '7W 1622 N. E. Union Phone ATwater for the jitterbug fans. Climaxing U. schedule-makers to take cogniz­ 6691 and her son, Earle, have returned won by Mrs. Winslow and Mrs. Quote: "I'll take my ad out of Frank E. Bolea Portland. Orecoo <abllahed alnee 1910 the evening was Miss Jeanette anze of the opposing team's atti­ S-161 C. F. MOONEY, Ma"r. to Louisiana where they will re­ Jessie Flowers. the paper if they write anything Donald who sang, as only Jeanette tude on sports, and to "refuse to ~------~·-·------~ main. Friends of their express sin­ • • • • else about me in that gossip col­ can sing, "Goodnight My Love." On Sunday, April 30, in ob7erv­ schedule matches with schools that cere regrets that they have decided umn." That looks like a threat In the background, to make a ance do not have as their sole criterion to live in Louisiana. of Negro Health Week, the to us. There is no sense in being ARBITMAN'S "finale grande," the club blended for play, the ability of the individ­ • • • • Culture 9lub sponsored vesper ser­ popular if nothing can be said voices and waved flashlights while ual players." Mr. L. Trice, of La Grande, vices at the Williams Avenue about it. New York Outfitting C:o. singing "Lights Out." Hot dogs Branch Oregon, was the week-end guest of of the YWCA. A very Commenting on the action taken • • • • 1021 S. W. WASHINGTON and pop were sold after the STREET enter­ Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Williams. splendid program was presented by by the Control Board, Lawrence tainment. Seen : Edison Gordley scuffling Will Dress you Up for Spring :Mrs. Barry, advisor, * • • * the program chairman, Mrs. Len­ Charry, a member of the body, de­ Mr. AI Pierre, accompanist, and hard on Alder between 4th and Full Line of Ladies and Mens Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Collins en­ ora Gaskin. Mr. Jack: Holsclaw, clared: "If I, as a member of the 5th. Guy Holmes in the usual Mr. Sidney Pierce, director, Rubye tertained Miss Ruth Hardin of a young student of chiropody, was Board, have anything to say, teams condition. Fred Edwards trying READY-TO-WEAR Kirk, president, Florence Mills, Los Angeles, with a farewell party the speaker of the evening. Much like Missouri would never appear to prove that he was sober. "Quack: Arrange Your Own Terms secretary, and Jessie Mott, pro- last Thursday morning. Miss Har- credit is due young people such as on our schedules again." Quack trying to join the sailon;' 1\..L;======-:1 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER

last election, 2nd Ward alderman., hiring of Fair personnel. Pagoda Tree From Orient Patronize Our Advertisers Sophora japonica, or the Pagoda The Fair is being picketed by To Mark Breaking the affiliations of a Hitchcock Originator of tree, was one of the first to be intra- Victory Banquet YOUR OWN DEALER lifetime, Dawson threw his support Harlem groups, under the leader­ Chair Bearing His Name duced from the Orient to the western to Dickerson after the February ship of the Greater Ne\\ York Co­ In 1818, Lambert Hitchcock, a na- world. It landed in France as long Era tive of Cheshire, Conn., settled near ago as 1747. Widely cultivated in FLOWERS' New Negro Political the latter ran on ordinating Committee, of which primaries because the little town of Winsted and es- the Far East, it is usua].J.y seen by AUTO DEALERS a platform emphasizing the vital the Rev. A. Clayton Powell, Jr., tablished a cabinet and chair fac- visitors around Buddhist temples which soon became the and other religious sanctuaries. The Chicago, May 11.-(Harold iact that the Negro people expect issues which confront the South is chairman. The picketing began tory there TRinity 6553 leading industry of the town. His pointed leaves of the Pagoda tree Preece for CNA) .-A new chap­ those for whom they cast their Side's 260,000 Negroes. with the official opening of the business prospered from the first are dark green above, gray under­ ter in the long fight for complete votes to give performance rather "These issues," emphasized Har- fair on April 31, when it was dis­ and by 1821 a small settlement neath. The bark is deeply fissured. grew up around his factory which and corrugated. The older trees Music Ba.r-B-Cue than lip service when they assume rison, "are crucial problems for our continued for the period of Presi- democracy began with the shift of was called Hitchcockville, relates have much of the appearance of the American Harmony Assn. America's 14,000,000 Negroes office." racial group relief for the hungry, d Ro ' address Alice R. Rollins in the Los Angeles white ash. It is especially valuable because of its late flowering habit. 522 N. W. HOYT STREET from the Republican Party to the jobs for the unemployed, housing sumtn tmme ta e er t e Times. I Alayor Jmvited At first Hitchcock made only chair The flowers are cream-colored and projects for those who live in dark President got through speaking. ' BRoadlwa.y 2006 progressive section of the Demo­ 1 parts and these were shipped in ~orne in large m':lch-branched pan­ Mayor Edward J. Kelly has 1 We Deliver cratic Party and its program of the tenements above unsightly alleys, 1 The pickets carry placards protest- large quantities to Charleston, s. ~ 1cles. . In the Or1ent tt:ees. 80 feet Portland, Ore. been invited to be guest of honor c., and other places in the South. I tall. w1th trunks 12 feet m gu-th and New Deal. an end to the restrictive covenants j ing the job discrimination policies at the banquet. Four newly elect­ After a few years he gave up the an abundance of_ picturesque Soft Drinks Music which help to keep Negroes in these 1 of Grover Whalen. business of making and shipping gnarled, wide-spreadmg roots, are That will be the central thought ed New Deal aldermen of the chair parts and devoted himself frequent!~ ~o be se_en: There are AT New Deal Victory Banquet pens, decent transportation, protec- DELICIOUS SANDWICHES of the South Side-Earl B. Dickerson of to the making· of complete chairs s~veral d1shnct . vanehes, the most abuses because of our commemorating the recent Demo­ the 2nd Ward; Benjamin Grant tion from UNITY, EQUALITY which he sold in great quantities. p1cturesque havmg pendant, crowd­ BIRD'S color-it was because the New ed branches (pendula). cratic landslide on Chicago's South of the 3rd, both Negroes; Abraham Lambert Hitchcock was in all Deal candidates gave emphatic an- MAY DAY KEYNOTE probability the originator of the +--·-..-·_.,_.,_,_,._,_,_,_,'!' 20 N. Cherry Open until 3 a. m. Side, to be held Monday, May 15, H. Cohen of the 4th, and Paul H. I ------swers on these questions that we sturdy, distinct type of chair which j 6 p. m., at the Savoy Ballroom, Douglas of the 5th will be pres­ bears his name. This form of chair,, j Phone EAst 1166 j MUrdock 2025 MUrdock 4016 voted for them." was produced in quantities 1 • 4733 South Parkway. their plans for bring­ By Crusader News Agency however, ent to outline 1 by hundreds of other chairmakers J ! PORTLAND ! HOTEL MEDLEY "But," declared William P. ing thl" New Deal to the South Most of the placards carried in I N. Interstate Avenue Push Bill for 1 during the first half of the 1800s. j 2272 Harrison, Chicago Urban League Side. the May Day demonstrations On the chairs previously made by j j Portland leader and chairman of the citizens More than a score of distin­ Tennant Farmers throughout the country stressed la-! Hitchcock, across the back of the • Laundrv ""o Special ra.tes to Railroad Men seat on the narrow strip was always I rl '-' • solidarity and the unit yo£ Ne- ' committee on arrangements, "this guished South Side citizens are act­ 1 bor placed the stencil of the maker. "L. i Stephen Wright, Manager gro and white workers. Some of will be more than a hallelujah and ing as a sponsoring committee of Washington, May 11-(CNA) Hitchcock, Hitchcockville, Conn., ·.1 Launders and to Warranted," usually all in one line. + hurrah dinner to celebrate an elec- the affair. Prominent among them -A special measure for the bene- them read "Admit Negroes Lambert Hitchcock was one of the ii Dry Cleaners i ,_,._, __,_,_,_,,_.,_,_,_,r impoverished ten- Trade Unions With Equal ' 1 1 tion victory. is William L. Dawson, progressive fit of the nation's first tc turn out rocking chairs as a B d t M ' Senate Bill Rights," "Crush Anti-Semitism," : 1740 S. E. UNION AVENUE f 1 roa way a ornson .1 "It will be a testimony to the Republican leader and until the ant farmers, known as factory product, although they had 1 i 1836, was introduced recently by "Unite the AFL and the CIO," been made much earlier than his .j.,._.,_,._,_.,_.,_.,_,_,_._,_,.f. i factory produced them. Jewelrv ! Senator Josh Leo of Oklahoma and "Unity Will Be a Blow to Reac- rl .------ROSENBLATT'S 1 One feature that contributed to the 1 has received endorsement of 52 U. tion." J popularity o:t these chairs was the Chicken Dinners Open after 8 p.m. s•1 1 I S. senators as co-authors. In the huge New York City! decoration. Added to that is their I verware 1 general fitness tor a t.rpe of furnish- IRENE and TOBY f The bill has the endorsement of May Day demonstration, Negro ing. The chairs were first painted a 1 the National Farmers Union Leg- workers "":ere represented in prac-l deep red, then black with slight 1936 N. Vancouver Avenue I ZELL BRQS. = irainings. The red coat sometimes Portland, oregon 1 islative Conference held in Omaha tically all the contingents; the i re&enling showed through, especially on the I Portland's Loveliest on March 14. Representative building trades, the needle trades, I wooden seats. Striping and stencil- Phone for reservations MU. 8491 j i ing in illt were then applied. .j.,_.,_.,_.,_.,__ ,._,._,_,_.._,+ Martin Jones, Chairman of the the hotels, restaurants and cafe-~ AMERICA'S SMARTEST House Committee on Agriculture, teria workers' locals, the furniture after a conference with Senator workers, the so-called "miscella- Mind Your P'a and Q's QUALITY PRODUCTS I same meas­ political organi­ Lee, has introduced the neous" unions, the Numbered Pints, Quarts COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD 1939 MEN'S ure in the House. The bill has re­ zations, the artists' local, the frat­ When we say "Mind your P's and Q's," we mean we must be 203 N. E. Weidler Street I ceived favorable comment from ernal organizations, the profession­ careful-especially of what we say. SPORTS ENSEMBLE President Roosevelt and the De­ al and office workers organiza­ But in former days it wasn't used MACEO J. HICKS Portland, Ore. partment of Agriculture, both of tions, etc. that way. It had another meaning, says a correspondent in Pearson's whom are in accord with its prin­ In Washington, D. C., Charles London Weekly. Holliday's Barber Shop I ciples. H. Houston, special counsel for the The generally accepted explana­ 511 N. W. 6th STREET Expansion of the excellent but National Association for the Ad­ tion of the phrase is that it came I trom the inn-keeper of olden days i People, was "We need your bead in our bDI!Ii:nea" i small scale tenant relief operations vancement of Colored who displayed his customer's ac­ carried on experiment~lly during one of the speakers who addressed counts on a slate. For pint he en­ W. H. Holliday C. H. Rucker I Nat­ the past two years is provided for a crowd of 1,600 persons in the tered "P" and for quart "Q." i urally, a heavy drinker would very in the bill. beautiful outdoor theatre at the soon have a succession of "P's" or I Meantime, John Vesecky, presi­ base of the Washington Monu­ "Q's" (or both) to his "credit"; SUnset 5551 and the landlord's warning would i dent of the National Farmers Un­ ment in the largest May Day cele­ very probably be "Mind your HOWARD FUEL CO. I ~ I iun, has confened with Secretary bration ever held rn the capitaL I P's and Q's.''• 82nd and Flavel PORTLAND BOTI'LINO 00. Wallace and Administrator Evans Houston evoked long applause ' Another explanation attributed to Distributors is that it originated in in regard to tenant conditions in declared that "the salvation of the this phrase K. HOWARD, Prop. the composing room of the printing Louisiana. Negro is one big union for every office. In the small letters of type, J Vesecky asked Wallace to take industry and every worker in that known as lower case, the "p" and Wm. Gregory "q" can very easily be mistaken steps to prevent the landlords in union. The acid test of May Day [ tor each other; and in the days be­ GREGORY'S MARKET Spring Suits worker-organized I hand-setting Louisiana from raising rents from is the Negro tore machinery-when QUALITY was the only method in use among of the crop to a third of labor's ability to absorb him be­ a fourth printers, there was a real danger Meats, Fish, Poultry for Men and Young Men crop in order to either compel cause with him goes the solidarity the that the wrong letter would be in­ 1500 N. Williams Ave. EAst 5029 tenants to pay the exhorbitant rent necessary to preserve democracy in serted. Hence the overseer's cau­ tionary "Mind your P's and Q's." or to vacate the farms so they can the United States." $2.0 to $40 ] ohnson, Negro assistant BUSY BEE CLEANERS take for themselves all of the bene- Henry it at fit payments which might be given national director of the CIO Pack­ First Canadian Settlement "Don't Forget Your Charge Following the discoveries of John to farmers under the AAA and soil inghouse Workers' Organizing and Sebastian Cabot and Jacques Spring Cleaning" conservation program. Committee, and Ishmael Flory, Cartier, attempts were made during STANLEY'S col­ 1612 N. Williams Henry DeWitty of the AFL the Sixteenth century to found secretary-treasurer onies in what is now Canada, but Harlem Tenants Dining Car, Employes Union, were the first permanent settlement was ~Eacon 2743 Billiards Clothes Shop Threaten Strike tmong the speakers at a Chicago not made until 1605. Pierre du Gast, Sieur de Monts left Havre de Grace, Sixth Street Pool Hall Where Your Credit Is Good May Day demonstration of I 00,- France, in April, 1604, for Acadia, 413 N. W. 6th Avenue I\ew York, May 11.-(CNA). 000 persons, with many Negroes which is now Nova Scotia. Samuel Champlain, the great explorer, was DELICIOUS MEALS 435 S. W. Washington in the Dunbar Apart­ in the line of march. -Tenants with him and the first place they Kelly Foster, Manager Music ments this week threatened a rent selected tor a settlement was an strike unless an eviction order island at the south of the St. Croix Hunters Find Moose Are river. This was a failure and in the rescinded. 2-PIECE .Jn-and-Ouler against their chairman is The Wariest of Animala following year they planted a colony THE BALLOT BOX CAFE The apartment occupies a full The moose is capable of great at Port Royal (now Annapolis, Nova of 1608 block between Seventh and Eighth speed and has remarkable powers Scotia). In the summer 1508 N. Williams EAst 1059 GABERDINE SUITS of endurance, writes Mortimer Nor­ Champlain sailed up the St. Law­ (BOo/a PURE WORSTED WOOL-20o/a RAYON) IAvenues and 149th and 150 Streets ton in the Montreal Star. It is an rence and founded the city of Que­ I and have 521 family units. awkward, clumsy animal, but nev­ bec on July 3. Champlain was a native of Brouage, on the Bay· of SOUTHERN PIT-COOKED BAR-B-CUE FOR ALL OUTDOOR WEAR The eviction order was served er fails to inspire interest and re­ spect when seen iu the forests or Biscay, in southern France, and was on George W. Streator, chairman feeding on lily pads in wilderness the son of a sea captain. The early FLOYD MACH, Chef A. G. GARRETT, Manager Here, men, is the smartest, most practical of the Dunbar Tenants League river. settlers of Canada were, of course, moose seek the elevated. French. comfortable sport suit we have seen in and son-in-law of Colonel Benja­ In winter and ridges where hardwood trees WE DELIVER many years. It gives that easy, nonchalant min 0. Davis, commander of the abound, and when the snow gets deep they "yard up" in the valleys The Man of Straw in any other 369th Infantry Regiment. Colonel feeling of freedom not offered as do the whitetailed deer. They Long years ago, men could be Davis is also a resident of the Dun­ seen walking in Westminster hall­ '"-·------sports wear. move about according to the supply bar Apartments. of food available-stripping maple, then the courts of justice-with a Three Reasons to Patronize Us indi­ can be worn inside or outside the buttonwood, birch and aspen trees straw in one of their shoes, to The Shirt Charging that Streator was be­ prepared to act CLEANING of their leaves and small twigs. 1 cate that they were ZORIC ODORLESS trousers ••• has long sleeves ••• 2 button­ ing evicted because of his activities as witnesses. The custom, however, SERVICE A moose will trot, run and jump farther back to ancient BETTER SHIRTS PUNCTUAL worn open or heading the goes much up pockets ••• collar can be in organizing and when occasion demands and can Greek days, asserts a writer in Lon­ crash through thick underbrush with dosed. Double-plaited drape trousers with league, leaders of the organization don Tit-Bits Magazine. A lawyer l. H. SAMMONS EAST ease. It is also a good swimmer. '-"""'=~-~ have threatened court action as with, probably, a weak case, would self-belt, zipper front ••• Attractive colors When stalking a moose, the hunter approach one of these "men of 6141 ·well as a rent strike. must go quietly and proceed against in plain blue, grey, tan, dark brown, dark straw," show him a tee, and ask: . NATIONAL S. E. Ninth & the wind, for these animals have "Don't you remember so-and-so?" or light green . • • small, medium, large of keen sense of hearini and smell Not always did the man of straw LAUNDRY Hawtho•n• Lehmann Asks Probe This is why, together with the den­ in­ . ~ sizes. remember-until the fee was Bias In Fair Hiring sity of the forest, it is so difficult creased when, strangely enough, for the hunter to see or get within CLEANERS AND DYERS ~ Come in and see it tomorrow! You'll really there was an access of memory, the tiring range of one of these wary I fee changed hands, and the "wit­ enjoy this outstanding sport suit for beach New Yor, May 11.-(CNA). creatures. ness" went into court and took the Indeed, moose will often locate in or fishing •.•• -Governor Lehman has asked oath. or mountain ••• for golfing almost impenetrable swamps, where I Grover Whalen, head of the New for motoring, lounging, or any other use the only practicable means of bring­ York World's Fair Corporation, in? them within reach is to use a Trotters Traced Far Back Oregon Federation of Colored Women's Clubs that demands comfort, freedom and ease! 1 to investigate charges of discrimin­ moose call. Where possible the The founder of the United States Complete ensemble is priced at method of still-hunting is to be rec­ trOttini horse family was Messen- Dance and Annual ation at ilie \Vorld's Fair, it was ommended, so that the quarry will ger, which never trotted in his life, announced this week by the New have a reasonable chance for its nor did any of his children. His I and Queen Contest life. An experienced moose caller children were bred to Canadian ani- I King York Joint Council of the United $ I is frequently able to lure a bull mals, early in the Nineteenth cen· 1 FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1939 Workers, .95 !Office and Professional moose out of the swamps where the tury. The United States then was Italian Federation Hall CIO, in making public a letter waiting hunter can drop it with a enjoying a horse-and-buggy era. It l well placed shot. This method en­ was noticed that offspring of the Fourth and Madison I from the Governor. tices the game to its death withcut descendants of Messenger, and the AL PIERRE'S SWING ORCHESTRA I Fair authorities have been ac-~ the slightest warning and under this Canadian horses learned to trot with I 1\DMISSION 50c 9:00 P. M. practice a section of the country can UtUe teaching. Thereafter the breed I Sam'l Rosenblatt Co cused of discriminating against Ne- MRS. ILA FULLER, Chairman WAS:11NGTON AT BROADWAY easily be depleted of its necessary was established for trotting pur. ~-­ 1 groes, JJews and Catholics in the breed.ini stock. pose•.