EU asylum, borders and external cooperation on migration Recent developments IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service Authors: Nikolai Atanassov and Anja Radjenovic Members' Research Service PE 625.194 – September 2018 EN This publication takes stock of recent EU developments in the area of asylum, borders and external cooperation on migration. It presents the major policy and legislative initiatives put forward by the EU in order to respond to on-going migratory challenges, focusing on three major aspects: reforming the common European asylum system (CEAS), strengthening the EU's external borders and reinforcing the EU's external cooperation on migration. The paper builds on previous research and analysis delivered by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS). AUTHOR(S) Nikolai Atanassov and Anja Radjenovic, EPRS. This is an updated edition of a paper drafted by Nikolai Atanassov, Costica Dumbrava, Maria-Margarita Mentzelopoulou and Anja Radjenovic: PE 621.878. To contact the authors, please email:
[email protected] LINGUISTIC VERSIONS Original: EN Translations: DE, FR Original manuscript, in English, completed in May 2018. Updated edition completed in September 2018. DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the Parliament. Reproduction and translation for non-commercial purposes are authorised, provided the source is acknowledged and the European Parliament is given prior notice and sent a copy.