Review of License Renewal Application for Brunswick Units 1
l .. I .~~ I .cZ Dul"-%2M; 7.19 __CQ4-O; * < __ __ . ______ ..lViI,.JAGEMENT -I. Fi ruroswir i . I UOse . E 1997 Unpato ! * SubiMiit.a for Stat-t Raview Nov-.,nber, 1997 Rocommrrenied by theoBrur.;s'viA' (;rourty Plannirn Uirc!.j Miay *:.ark*1 i A~dopted Liv the Brun.n.swkck County Board oi Comrnissionesii October I.-, 199.; hdopied as Rev'.-.ed, Decemseor 7. i 9OE3 m Certifie3d bIV the North Carolina Coastal Resources Coinrnissmnn. Novermber 20, 1 ro a) Brunswick County Land Use Plan 1997. Update, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jo Ann B. Simmons, Chairman, William M. Sue, Vice Chairman . .. eslie Z. Collier * .David Sandifer Donald E. Warren * Jimmy Vamer, County Manager. Robert Hyatt, Assis.tant County Manager . Joyce C Johnson, Clerk to the Board * . - . COUNTY PLANNING BOARD, . Ricky Tompkins, Chairman Alan Lewis, Vice Chairman. Boyd Evans Sharon Marshall Jo Ann B. Simmons Stuart Smith John Thompson, Past Chair Beverly Brown, Past Member BRUNSWICK COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Jeff Coutu, AICP, Planning Director Don Eggert, AICP, Planner 11 *Brian Huneycutt, Land Planner Connie Marlowe,.Administrative Assistant . .GLENN HARBECK ASSOCIATES . Glenn R. Harbeck, AICP Planning and Public Involvement . 5607 Keswick Court Wilmington, NC 28409 STATE REPRESENTATIVES Zoe Bruner, District Planner Rosetta Short, CRAC Representative The preparation of this document was financed In part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended; which Is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. I! / -ContentS - 1. EXECUTIVE SUJMMARY ....................................
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