Saint Angela Merici A Stewardship Parish

Rev. Michael-Dwight Pastor Rev. Loc Tran Parochial Vicar

Deacon Benjamin Flores Deacon Mike Shaffer Deacons

Rev. Dan Mc Sweeney Sunday Ministry

Celebration of the Eucharist Monday-Friday 6:30 am & 8:00 am Saturday 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Vigil, Sunday 7:45 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am 12:45 Spanish & 5:00 pm

Adoration Chapel Monday-Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 midnight

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday 3:30 pm or by Appointment

Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 2:00 pm 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Friday Second Sunday of Advent 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Parish Closing of the Year Saturday & Sunday 8:30 am - 12:00 Noon of Mercy and our Winter Wonderland Celebration

December 4, 2016


I was riding with someone last week and we discussed how it just does not “feel” like Christmas. We recalled how when we were kids the excite- ment was tremendously heightened at this time of year. Maybe we are just getting old we said to ourselves ... this was the conclusion we arrived at! Have we really be- come “hardened, cynical, and suspicious” as the years past or have we just come to accept that ole cultural saying, “Christmas is for kids.” As we crossed over the Orange Freeway at Imperial Highway, we glanced at the shimmering of the car lights ... there was so much traffic. As we drove on, we too confronted a back-up ... then suddenly, almost like an “unexpected” miracle, we both turned to each other said, it is Christmas! We both felt the excitement of the holidays rekindled by merely noticing all cars and people that were “out and about” when normally the freeway and roads were not impacted. How strange that the “traffic” ignited the spirit of Christmas within us! Those lights simply pointed to something “more” of what this season is really all about. What a wonderful surprise to rediscover once again what we thought we lost and found again!

John the Baptist seems to me is the “traffic that rekindles the spirit of Christmas.” He is that interest- ing personality that helps us ask questions we may never think of considering (like are getting “too old for the Christmas spirit???”). It is this imprudent personality who enables us to look at issues, be- haviors and ways of thinking in our lives that need our attention and reminds us that although the holidays “may be the happiest time of the year,” it can sometimes find us on edge, a little less pa- tient, pressed for time and perhaps even more stressed than usual which can divert our attention and dampen our spirits. John calls us to take a hard look at what is raw and run-down in our lives. He is the one who points the way for us to reflect on how we relate to things, people, family, and work. If we simply get drawn into thinking this time of year is no different than the rest of the year and that there is nothing special to take notice, then we are prone with each passing year to al- low Advent-Christmas to become some past holiday season. John the Baptist proclaims loudly this not the case: John.... is that voice of one crying out ... in the desert ... prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths (Matthew 3). He is above all who calls us out of the desert ... that we are not “getting too old” ... Christmas is not just for kids ... He is the one who rekindles what we may have lost or are longing to find. John is the one who proclaims boldly: .... there is one ... who will baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire ... clearing the threshing floor and gather his wheat into his barn (Matthew 3). Truly, this voice in the desert screams loudly that we are not defeated and we are not dead yet! God wants to fill us with fire once again and clear out the clutter of our lives!

Isaiah tells us that the ... lion will sleep with the lamb ... they will lay together ... (Isaiah 11). If we in- sist that there is nothing different emerging this time of the year then we will never ever experience the “ah ha moment” of this season in which the ... wolf shall be a guest of the lamb and the leop- ard shall lie down with the kid; the calf and the young lion browsing together ... (Isaiah 11). Our lives will forever remain in that circular cycle that repeats itself over and over and over again. I do not think that is what God intended Advent or his people to be all about. Advent is that time! It is the season to make the paths of our cynicism straight, to lay low every doubt, and level the atti- tude of defeat. We can look at all the “traffic” in our lives and simply become frustrated because the roads and freeways are impacted and with great consternation we fall back “on our old ways of seeing Christmas with a myopic perspective of our past or we can allow “all the traffic” in our lives transform the situations and people around us that we might become astonished, amazed and astounded in such a way which allows us to prepare a way for the Lord. Now is the Time!

Father Michael-Dwight


Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths ... (Matthew 3). This has been the strident invi- tation of John the Baptist for over two thousand years and was evident as Pope Francis articulated that the celebration of God's mercy would be local: Have people experience God's love in their parishes and send them out into the world to commit random acts of mercy. The Pope had said he wanted the Holy Year to be a new step on the church's journey in her mission to bring the Gos- pel of mercy to each person. The Pope's constant refrain during the Year of Mercy was that no one is excluded from the mercy of God. All can be forgiven, the Pope taught over and over again, and once a person experiences just how loving and merciful God has been, they can in turn reach out to others with the same love and mercy. Pope Francis said: God is pleased by every act of mercy because in the brother or sister that we assist, we recognize the face of God which no one can see. Our encounter with John the Baptist year after year would not be necessary if our paths were made straight by mercy (Matthew 3). The Year of Mercy was an occasion to help peo- ple recognize how merciful God has been to them. In effect, Pope Francis was commissioning all Catholics to be missionaries of mercy. Preaching God's mercy has been a central focus of Pope Francis' ministry since his election in March 2013, and the closing of the Holy Door in St. Peter's Basili- ca will not end that focus.

Jesus is God’s demonstration of mercy to us, as we are God’s demonstration of mercy in our work, family, friends and those estranged or forgotten by others: ...welcome one Christ wel- comed you ... (Romans 15). It is our hope that this Year of Mercy has enabled us to undertake the mission of a radical mercy which the Gospel beckoned us to enter. If, the spirit of the Lord has rest- ed on us this past year ... if we find ourselves not judging by appearance ... if justice is now the band on our waist ... if we are the avenue in which the wolf is the guest of the lamb (Isaiah 11), then be grateful. If we are just beginning to make our path straight, for after all it is the core of our life time journey of faith not a project or program, then be disciplined. May mercy that has been awakening in us in this special year continue to unfold fully within us.

As we begin Advent and a New Year, our Parish and School theme is: Now is the Time! During the Holy Year we have engaged in many acts of mercy through prayer, confession, many special events, activities and gatherings and our monthly observance of Mercy Sunday as well as the invi- tation to journey to the designated churches of mercy of our diocese to walk through the Holy Doors. Pope Francis in this Holy Year has asked us to be the arms of mercy of God embracing oth- ers without regard, so that no one will ever experience being left on the fringes or forgotten or feel that the mercy of God is not reaching out to embrace them. The Holy Father invited us to become a People of Mercy not only in the doing, but in who we are. In other words, we are not to just do mercy we are to BE MERCY. This is not an easy commission. It is easy to “do” rather than to “be.” Our theme this year invites us to deepen mercy within ourselves so that we are transformed by mercy itself. The heart of mercy is born first within our hearts and minds. Doing mercy without being mercy cannot bring about a lasting transformation. Now is the Time ... is the invitation of our Faith Community to be Missionaries of Mercy internalize what we have done this past year so even though the doors of the Holy Year have closed ... our hearts will remain open ... becoming the Heart of Mercy God to all who come our way!


Our Lady of Guadalupe Nuestra Seňora de Guadalupe

According to tradition Our Lady of Guadalupe, Nuestra Seňora de Guadalupe, appeared miraculously on the cloak of Saint Juan Die- go, a simple indigenous peasant, on the hill of Tepeyac near Mexi- co City on December 12, 1531. The Imagen de la Virgen Maria is often described as the Woman of the Apocalypse from the New Testament’s Revelation 12:1 ... arrayed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, with twelve stars upon her head, however within this image is also a hidden layer of messages for the indigenous people of Mexico. Her blue-green mantle was the color reserved for the di- vine couple Ometecuhtli and Omechihuati; her belt is interpreted as a sign of pregnancy; and a cross-shaped image symbolizing the cosmos and called the nahuiollin is inscribed beneath the image’s sash. She was called the Mother of Maguey, the source of the sa- cred beverage pulque, the milk of the Virgin, and the rays of light surrounding her doubled as maguey spines.

During a walk from his home village to Mexico City, Saint Juan Diego saw a vision of a young girl of fifteen or sixteen, surrounded by light on the slopes of the Hill of Tepeyac. Where are you going, asks Mary speaking in the local language, Nahuatl. Saint Juan Diego stopped in his tracks. The la- dy asked for a church to be built at that site in her honor where the cries of the poor and the op- pressed will be heard. Saint Juan Diego told his story to the Spanish Bishop, Fray Juan de Zumárra- ga, who hears these laden words with shock and disbelief. He searches for tangible signs to know if this is true. Bishop Fray Juan de Zumárraga tells Saint Juan Diego to return and ask the Lady for a miraculous sign to prove her claim.

Mary’s request was not meant to cause a division; rather it was a word of direction to build up a place where prayers, the cries of the poor and heartbroken can be heard. The Virgin told Saint Juan Diego to gather some flowers from the top of Tepeyac Hill. It was winter and no flowers bloomed, but on the hilltop Juan Diego found flowers of every sort, and the Virgin herself arranged them in his tilma or peasant cloak. When Saint Juan Diego opened the cloak before the Bishop, flowers fell to the floor and in their place was the Virgin of Guadalupe, miraculously imprinted on the fabric. The Virgin of Guadalupe is considered the Patroness of Mexico and the Americas and the Diocese of Orange calling for the conversion of the Americas.

As we close The Year of Mercy we welcome in procession Our Lady of Guadalupe the women ar- rayed with the sun and the moon under her feet ... she who is the Mother of Mercy, she who leads us to her Son who is the Heart of Mercy.

On Sunday, December 11, Youth Ministry will celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe with a Procession of Saint Juan Diego at the 5:00 PM Sunday Evening Eucharist. Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena is celebrated for nine evenings at 6:30 PM from December 3rd through December 11th with Adora- tion of the Blessed Sacrament on December 11th. The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be cel- ebrated on Monday, December 12th beginning at 5:00 AM with Las Maňanitas followed by hospi- tality in Olson Hall and Monday Evening, Eucharist will be at 7:00 PM followed by a reception in the hall. All are invited!

Now Is The Time! Advent and Christmas at Saint Angela Merici

We invite parishioners to bring Christmas mementos in remembrance of those who are ill, homebound, separated from us, are serving our country, and who have died and place them on our Tree of Remembrance. A remembrance and blessing will be shared at all Eucharists on Christmas Day

TODAY, Sunday, December 4-Second Sunday of Advent: Parish Closing Celebration of the Year of Mercy at 9:30 (9:30AM and 11:15 AM combined Eucharist) Winter Wonderland for the Closing of the Holy Year-Plaza OLG Novena @ 6:30 PM

Monday, December 5: OLG Novena @ 6:30 PM

Tuesday, December 6: The Feast of Saint Nicholas OLG Novena @ 6:30 PM

Wednesday, December 7 Vigil & Thursday, December 8, Feast of the Immaculate Conception: Vigil of the Immaculate Conception December 7–Eucharist @ 5:00 PM Wednesday-December 8-Eucharist at 6:30 and 8:00 AM, 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM in Spanish OLG Novena after the 7 PM Spanish Mass

Friday, December 9: The Feast of San Juan Diego OLG Novena @ 6:30 PM

Sunday, December 10 & 11-Gaudete Sunday – Rejoice! Advent Sacrament of Reconciliation after ALL masses (in-between masses in church) Youth Celebration of OLG-Procession with Saint Juan Diego @ 5 PM Sunday Evening Eucharist OLG Novena @ 6:30 PM

Monday, December 12-Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Las Maňanitas-5:00 AM-Reception Following-Olson Hall Eucharist @ 6:30, 8:00, & 7:00 PM (Spanish). Reception - after the 7:00 PM Spanish Mass in Olsen Hall

Tuesday, December 13: The Feast of Saint Lucy

Friday December 16: Posada Begins-6:00 PM

Sunday, December 18-Fourth Sunday of Advent Christmas Tamale Sale

Monday & Tuesday December 19 & 20: Sacrament of Reconciliation-Individual Confessions 8:30 AM and 6:30 PM

Wednesday, December 21: Saint Angela Merici Parish School Christmas Performance-7:00 PM

Saturday, December 24: Christmas Eve Vigil - Family Christmas Eucharist @ 4:00 PM and Eucharist @ 6:30 PM & 8:30 PM

Sunday, December 25: Christmas Eucharist at 7:45, 9:30 & 11:15 AM, 12:45 PM in Spanish & 5:00 PM Christmas Evening

Saturday, December 31-New Year’s Eve: Eucharist @ 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM Vigil Misa de Gallo @ 9:00 PM & Hospitality in the Olson Hall

Sunday, January 1-New Year’s Day: Eucharist at 7:45, 9:30, 11:15, 12:45 (Spanish) & 5:00 PM

Sunday, January 8-Feast of the Epiphany

Parish Life

Mass New Altar Server Training 2017 Buddies Are you visiting for the first Mark your calendars! time, thinking of becoming a Children in the 5th to 8th grade are welcomed. Catholic or know someone The child and a parent are required to attend the who cannot come to mass because they cannot first session on January 28th. drive? Are you new to Saint Angela Merici? Wish you Parents will be dismissed after the 30-minute in- knew someone to sit next to in the pew and not feel troduction and review of the program. like a stranger or alone? Maybe you are new to the The child is also required to attend 3 of the 4 re- Catholic faith and wish you knew the reason why maining sessions. certain prayers are said or what the rituals mean or maybe you are unsure when to stand, sit, or kneel. Training dates are for 2017 are as follows: Mass Buddies is a ministry that will partner parishioners Sat. Jan. 28, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM *REQUIRED * who attend a particular mass-time with those who Sat. Feb. 04, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM cannot drive and arrange a “ride-share” to mass or Sat. Feb. 11, 12:00 – 2:00 PM pair you up with a “buddy” before mass to introduce Sat. Feb. 25, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM you to other parishioners or sit with you at mass to Sun. Feb. 26, 2:30 – 4:00 PM answer any questions. CONTACT YOUR BUDDY: Jeff For questions, please contact Cynthia Weiner @ Draper @ 714/981-5967 if you can be a buddy to a 714/529-8271 or Erin Johnnie @ 714/256-9323 or parishioner or if you need a buddy! There is also infor- [email protected]. mation by the Baptismal Font.

Celebrate our Youth Ministry Events Newly Baptized Join us EVERY Thursday Night at 7PM We celebrate and rejoice with Ko- in the Youth Room. be son of Cesar and Talina Anaya, December is the month of Advent Kara Ann daughter of Wendell and come join us to learn more about this wonderful season! Ana Katrina Bala, Quinn daughter of Christian Today, December 4th: Join us for our Winter and Allison Cubacub, Isaac son of Carlos and Wonderland. Raina Gonzalez, Dylan son of Joseph and Tra- December 8th: Join us for a special guest speak- cydehll Lim, Tenleigh daughter of Sean and er. Also, there will be a Steubenville information Kimberli Miller, Alexander son of Alex and meeting at 6:30 prior to our guest speaker. Edra Pinto, Alvaro and Andrea son and December 11th: Join us as we celebrate Our La- daughter of Gerardo and Martha Santiago dy of Guadalupe with a procession of Saint and Maxon son of Christopher and Mae Juan Diego at the 5 PM Sunday evening Eucha- Anne Yu. All of whom were baptized into the rist. Christian Community on November 19. December 15th: Join our Confirmation leader- ship on a night led by your peers! December 22nd: Let’s celebrate the last week of Advent together! December 29th: Our next Youth Social: Fa La La Land join us for games, activities, and music! Make sure to wear your Ugly Holiday Sweaters! Sunday, November 27, 2016 POPCORN IS IN!! TODAY – If you ordered pop- $24,763 corn today is the day to pick it up! Stop by the Thank you for your Youth Ministry Office! Stewardship Support

Tree of Remembrance

Throughout the Advent-Christmas Season we invite our parishioners to bring a small Christmas ornament, remembrance or memento orna- ment of someone who is ill, suffering, or who has St. Angela Merici Parish School died. Our hope is to once again fill our special tree Who We Are with the treasure of our hearts. We have provided on the front of the tree a special Dedication Prayer, so as you place your ornament or memento on the St. Angela Merici Parish School is a Christ- tree, your gesture of love is entrusted into the care centered Transitional Kindergarten through and heart of God and our Faith Community. At Eighth Grade Catholic School. Religion is in- each Eucharist on Christmas Day we will ritually en- tegrated with all aspects of student life and trust all the ornaments and the lives they represent our curriculum which is based on the Com- to God in a special blessing and prayer. This Christ- mas holiday no one we hold dear in our hearts and mon Core Standards. In addition to core memories will be forgotten. classes, such as Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Religion, students of various grades are also educated in Spanish, Tech- Feast of the Immaculate nology, Art, and other additional curriculum. Conception Our students are able to grow in the realiza- Wednesday, December 7th –Vigil tion that faith is a way of life. Parents have Thursday, December 8th the primary responsibility for the Christian ed- Thursday, December 8th, is the Feast of ucation of children, however all members of the Immaculate Conception, the Patroness of the the faith community strive to support each United States and a Holy Day. The Vigil Eucharist will other. Our students attend weekly Eucharist th be on Wednesday, December 7 at 5:00 PM. Eu- and participate in religious retreats through- charist on Thursday, December 8th will be at 6:30, 8:00 AM, 5:00 PM, and 7:00 PM in Spanish. out the year, in addition to monthly prayer services, Campus Ministry Service and Out- reach Social Service. Fantastic opportunities await your child at Saint Angela Merici Parish Saturday Vigil, School. For more information about our December 10th school, visit our website at and Sunday, December 11th Adoration Chapel Third Sunday of Advent Tis the season to go to the Chapel and glorify the Lord! Take the whole family or just spend a few minutes by yourself in the Chapel during Our Advent Sacrament of Reconciliation this holiday season. This is the time and the (Confessions) will be celebrated after ALL masses (in- Chapel is the place to tell the Lord how special between masses in the church) on the December he is to each of us. St. Augustine of Hippo glori- 10th (Vigil) and on Sunday December 11th. Prepare fies the Lord in his own special way. He shared for Christmas by celebrating the forgiveness, mercy, these thoughts with us " You are Christ, my good and compassion of God in the Sacrament of Recon- shepherd, my living bread, my straight ciliation. Come to Confession! everlasting salvation." Find how you can glorify

Youth Ministry will be celebrating Our Lady of Gua- him in this special season! When you are in the dalupe-Saint Juan Diego Procession at the 5:00 PM Chapel, search your thoughts to tell him what Sunday Evening Eucharist. All are invited to this spe- he means to you! Have a great Christmas and cial celebration in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe always remember to glorify our Lord in our and Saint Juan Diego! The Procession will begin in beautiful Chapel! Blessings, Irene 714/526-6011. the plaza. 7

Faith Formation


Confirmation 1 Fall - Class #5-December 7th in Olson Hall at 7:15-8:45 PM Confirmation Summer C1 and Fall C1 - Sponsor meeting (sponsor and student) on December 11, in Olson Hall from 4:00-5:00 PM. Please join us for Eucharist at 5:00 PM, parents are also encouraged to attend Eucharist. Confirmation 2 - Sunday, Dec. 11th class 7:00-8:30 PM at your assigned location, Tues- day, Dec. 13th class 7:00-8:30 PM at your assigned location, Wednesday, Dec. 14th class 7:00-8:30 PM at your assigned loction.

If you have any questions please contact Kristi @ 714/332-8117.

Young Adult Faith Formation

Today, Dec. 4, in the Youth Room at 4:00 to 4:45 PM (First Communion) Dec. 11, in the Youth Room at 4:00 to 4:45 PM (Confirmation) We will be attending 5:00 PM Mass together after our meeting. If you are a young adult and would like to receive your sacraments please call Kristi at 714/332-8117.

Adult Faith Formation

AFF Sessions

Faith Sharing - All adults and parents of children preparing for Confirmation or First Eucharist the next sessions are: (credit for session attendance) Wednesday, December 7, 7:15-8:45 PM Wednesday, December 14, 7:15-8:45 PM Tuesday, December 20, 7:00-8:30 PM Wednesday, January 11, 7:15-8:45 PM

Journey of Faith - Adults preparing for Baptism, Eucharist and/or Confirmation the next sessions are: (all adults are welcome to join the conversation!) Wednesday, December 7, 6:00-7:15 PM Sunday, December 11, 10:45 AM-12:00 PM** Wednesday, December 14, 6:00-7:15 PM** Sunday, December 18, 10:45AM-12:00 PM (Please note date change!!) **Same Presentation Space is limited so please RSVP with Andrea Draper at 714/529-1821 ext 136 OR [email protected]. Please note: No one under 18 will be admitted. All sessions are held in St. Paul room.

Liturgy and Worship

St. Angela Merici Community extends it’s Gospel of Life Holy Hour prayers and care for the following inten- tions: Thursday, December 8, 7-8 PM

Adoration Chapel The Sick, Homebound, and those in Skilled Please join us in these important prayers for Nursing Facilities: the vast number of babies in danger of Bob Butner, Frances Hunter, Mayra Kopczynski, J. Richey, Pat Hanifin,Silvia Alvarez-Loya, abortion, for men and women who are vic- Gerald Holloway, Bill Sheedy, Lou Kerston, tims of brutal violence, for the sick and el- Tom Lau and Kathy Engles. derly who are in danger of assisted suicide. They all need our prayers to survive the The Deceased of our Community: dangers of abuse threatening them. Mary Jane Hanifin, Annie Lynch, For info, contact Joan Hosek at 714/983- Dr. Jose Velasco, Jr., Edward R. Favreau and 7560. Jennifer Sue Brown.

Our Community Eucharist Intentions for the Week

Monday 12/05 Friday 12/09 6:30 AM Jack & Margarita Denman (L) 6:30 AM Rita Rucker (D) 8:00 AM Rita Rucker (D) 8:00 AM Deidre Allevato (L) Tuesday 12/06 Saturday 12/10 6:30 AM Rita Rucker (D) 8:00 AM Special Intention 8:00 AM Jean Harris (D) 8:00 AM Tom Morgan Wednesday 12/07 5:00 PM Edmon Pascual (D) 6:30 AM Rita Rucker (D) Sunday 12/11 8:00 AM Fr. Michael Dwight (L) 7:45 AM Mary Jane Smith (D) 5:00 PM Bienvenido Garcia (D) 9:30 AM Rita Rucker (D) 7:00 PM Luis Fernando Vargas (D) 11:15 AM Antonio Urbalejo (D) Thursday 12/08 12:45 PM Elena Macedo (D) 6:30 AM Rita Rucker (D) 5:00 PM The Community of St. Angela 8:00 AM PALS Petitions (L) 5:00 PM Anita Schumski (D) 7:00 PM Luis Fernando Vargas (D)

If you have Celiac, Gluten Free hosts are available. Please see the Presider prior to Eu- charist and he will make arrangements and explain the process so you will have a gluten -free host served to you at communion.

Connecting with Saint Angela Merici — Welcome!

New? Visiting? Interested? Are you visiting for the first time? Are you interested in knowing more about the ministries and activities at Saint Angela Merici Parish and Parish School? Please check our Parish and School Website:

29th Evening Adoration: Healing Eucharist / Charismatic Prayer Group: John Garcia (714)529-1592 Jude Catania (714)525-8539 Active Christians Today (A.C.T.): High School RCIA Maria Fulton, Coordinator (714)529-6776 x 142 Tanner Jauregui (714)529-1821 x 117 Yarmniz Garcia (714)529-6776 x 144 Eucaristía de Jóvenes Jan Zylla (714)529-6776 x 143 Sonia Villanueva (562)612-5622 Adoration Ministry: Junior High Faith Formation Dave Engels (714)992-1306 Lety Garcia (714)529-1821 x 147 Administrative Assistant / SP-Weddings & Quinceñeras: Knights of Columbus: Ana Rodriguez (714)529-1821 x 110 Phil Kiefer (714)315-8882 Adult Faith Formation & RCIA Las Posadas: Andrea Draper (714)529-1821 x 136 Gloria Wade (714)529-5513 Altar Server Ministry: Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers: Cynthia Weiner (714)529-8271 Steve Allevato (714)746-3677 Erin Johnnie (714)256-9323 Marian Rosary / Sacred Heart Hour : Audio / Visual Ministry: Joan Hosek (714)983-7560 Ron Sled (714)803-1224 Marriage Encounter: Baptism Preparation: John & Maggie Lee (714)873-5136 Andrea Draper - English (714)529-1821 x 136 Mass Buddies: Jose Lopez - Spanish (562)697-0650 Jeff Draper (714)981-5967 Bereavement Support Group: Men’s Group: Deacon Mike (714)309-2933 John Cushing - Fellowship (714)213-1953 Bible Study: Frank Locaino - Recon (714)944-6946 Andrea Draper (714)529-1821 x 136 Ministerio de Hospitalidad: Bodas Comunitarias: Tano Gonzales (714)225-3540 Deacon Benjamin Flores (714)240-1289 Ministerio Liturgico Boy Scouts : Maria Figueroa (714)255-8365 Christian Lising (714)906-9276 Monaguillos / Grupo Mikael: Bread of Angels Ministry (Saturday Hospitality): Jose & Teresa Macias (714)255-0928 Phil Vasquez (714)390-1208 Parish Life: Children’s Faith Formation: Sue de Grasse (714)529-1821 x 126 Leticia Garcia (7140529-1821 x134 Parish Bulletin: Children’s Liturgy of the Word [email protected] William & Karen Mangold (714)993-2267 Parish Website & Parish Apps (714)612-8384 Church Sacristan Ministry: Parish Center Office (714)529-1821 Rebeca Rodriguez (714)256-0638 Pastoral Council: Franz & Lanny Liem (714)529-1821 Nick Pulone (714)674-0650 Carolyn Lamka (714)441-1278 Pastoral Care Council: Gloria Pena (714)879-0639 Bob Lanphar (714)809-8753 Chrissy Spittell (714)529-8893 Quinceañeras Confirmation Faith Formation: Yolanda Orozco (323)350-4310 Kristi Biederman (714)529-1821 x 117 Restorative Justice (Detention Ministries): Consejo de San Pablo - (Spanish Worship) : Jan Urban (714)879-7663 Leticia Garcia (714)529-2337 Sagrada Familia: Coros Unidos: Jesus Flores (562)753-4659 Rafael Bucia (714)529-1821 School ( Principal ): Cub Scouts: Nancy Windisch (714)529-6372 Greg Marick (714)317-6060 Sick, Elderly, & Homebound: Detention Ministry: Bob Lanphar (714)809-8753 Jan Urban (714)423-5802 Ejercito Azul (Spanish Rosary): Spiritual Direction Lola Flores (562)694-5878 Mrs. Ceci Witchey, OP (714)993-6117 Emergency Resource Response Ministry: Stewardship / Travel Club George Ullrich (714)267-6132 Gene Passafiume (714)524-2874 Empezar de Nuevo Virgen Peregrina: Carmela Gutierrez (714)770-7770 Rebeca Rodriguez (714)256-0638 Encuentro Matrimonial: Wedding Coordinators: Jaime & Lorena Hernandez (714)519-1688 Gloria Knapp (714)990-2483 Evangelization / Apologetics Welcome, Fellowship & Hospitality: Steve Allevato (714)746-3677 Peter Toller (714)528-4305 Facilities - Master Calendar: (714)529-1821 Women’s Group P.A.L.S.: Finance: Gloria Pena - AM (714)879-0639 Lisa Connell (714)529-1821 x 111 Donna Schafer - PM (714)990-8414 Finance Council: Worship Council: Dennis Dascanio (714)680-6202 Chuck Andersen (858)539-3531 Formación de Fe para Niños: Worship Ministry: Leticia Garcia (714)529-1821 x 134 Chuck Andersen (858)539-3531 Girl Scouts: Sue de Grasse (714)529-1821 x 126 Amy Hinz (562)253-8901 Mike Neis (714)528-6770 Gospel Of Life Council / Ushers: Nancy Peralta (714)906-0590 Phil Vasquez (714)390-1208 Eric LeVan - Accompanist (714)313-9656 Guerreros de Yahve: Sydney Alcaraz - Youth (714)529-1821 x 115 Eloy Cabrera (562)340-3599 Jenna Cushing - Youth (714)529-1821 x 115 Grupo de Oración: Youth, Young Adult, Jr. Hgh & S.A.M. School: John Garcia (714)529-1592 Danny Serna (714)529-1821 x 115 Liz Serna (714)529-1821 x 169



BULLETIN #: 513914

PHONE #: (714) 529-1821

MODEM #: (714) 529-0569



For any concerned issue please call Ross at 949-922- 6450 or email: [email protected].

Thank you.