Academy District Twenty Dr. Mark Hatchell, Superintendent of Schools

Education and Administration Center 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, Springs, CO 80920-3923 Phone: 719-234-1200 Website: Fax: 719-234-1299


DATE DUE: April 16, 2015, 2p.m. (local time)

Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services For Academy District Twenty

Issued by: Greg Stephens District Contracting Officer 1110 Chapel Hills Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80920 719.234.1273 (office) [email protected]

RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 1 of 25 PROFILE OF ACADEMY DISTRICT TWENTY Academy District Twenty prides itself in offering an unsurpassed education to over 24,000 preschool through 12th grade students in the northern area of El Paso County. The district is geographically and socioeconomically diverse. From the rural community of Black Forest to the growing Briargate area, the District encompasses 130 square miles and has 21 elementary schools, 8 middle schools, 7 high schools and 1 charter school.

1. PURPOSE OF REQUEST The purpose of this Solicitation is to provide qualified manufacturers sufficient information regarding the District’s needs in order to adequately prepare and submit a Proposal for Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services. This program is to provide a fully integrated multifunction hardware and software to modernize and improve the efficiency of the District’s printing and document management capabilities. The District currently has Toshiba Digital multifunction printers ranging from 20-110 pages per minute. The current annual volume is approximately 42,000,000 copies. a. All multifunction devices must be able to reproduce quality copies from any of the following types of original documents while operating in an automated exposure mode: laser printed originals, multi-generation copies of copies, faxed documents, standard black graphite #2 pencil, red pen and pencil, blue ball point pen, NCR forms (blue or black print on white or colored paper stocks), photographs (color or black and white), solid lines and grids, solids and reverse video graphic effects (white letters on black background), architectural patterns and blueprints, graduated gray-scale tones. All multifunction printers must be capable of selecting the proper paper size in respect to the original being copied. b. All multifunction devices must be capable of making copies on sheets of 20 pound xerographic bond paper of common commercial or industry grade which after being produced undergoes no further process or treatment other than calendaring, cutting or packaging; which may be either newly produced or recycled in content and which maybe white or colored. Multifunction printers must be able to produce acceptable copy quality and shall be able to operate without jamming when such paper is employed. All multifunction printers must be able to print on xerographic-type labels and on transparency material. c. The District prefers all multifunction devices placed in the District in conjunction with the resulting price agreement be “new.” New, meaning that the unit has never previously been used in any degree and contains only new components, parts, and mechanisms. This decision is not subject to protest by the Manufacturer. d. Replacement of problem equipment: If any of the multifunction systems proposed do not operate within the manufacturer product specifications during the term of the contract, and if the equipment cannot be repaired to perform within product specifications, the manufacturer will replace the multifunction device at no charge with a brand new current model (meaning that the unit has never previously been used in any degree and contains only new components, parts, and mechanisms) of equal or better features and specifications. e. Multifunction devices and any peripheral equipment, including computers, will be configured according to district naming and IP Addressing schemes, joined to the district Active Directory and have the district standard Anti- Virus installed (if applicable). Any machine hard drives taken out of the fleet must be destroyed and destruction proof provided to the District. Hard drives need to be encrypted at rest.


March 17, 2015 Distribute Request for Proposal March 24, 2015 Deadline for Emailed Questions to [email protected] March 31, 2015 Responses to Questions April 16, 2015 2:00 P.M. Proposal Due Date April 20-24, 2015 Vendor Presentations (if required) May 1, 2015 Approximate Vendor Selection July 1, 2015 Contract Start RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 2 of 25

3. INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS To be considered, an electronic copy (email or other method) of your Proposal and your Proposed Price must be received by Greg Stephens at the Academy District Twenty, Contracting and Purchasing Department, 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, [email protected]. ALL PROPOSALS MUST INCLUDE THE FORMS PROVIDED IN THIS PACKAGE. Failure to do so may be cause for rejection of your proposal. Proposals may be submitted in electronic format. A. Proposals must be marked plainly and prominently as follows: Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services, RFP 15-GPS-0317 It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure that the proposal is at the Contracting and Purchasing Department before the deadline. Unsolicited proposal and proposals from unapproved or non-qualified vendors may not to be considered.

B. All offers meeting the intent of this request for proposal will be considered for award. Vendors taking exception to the specifications, or offering substitutions, shall state these exceptions in the section provided or by attachment as part of the proposal. The absence of such a list shall indicate that the vendor has not taken exceptions and shall hold the vendor responsible to perform in strict accordance with the specifications of the invitation. District reserves the right to accept any and all or none of the exception(s)/substitution(s) deemed to be in the best interest of the District.

C. In the event of any claim by any unsuccessful vendor concerning or relating to the issue of “equal or better” or “or equal” the unsuccessful vendor agrees, at his own cost and expense, to defend such claim or claims and agrees to hold the District free and harmless from any loss or damage arising out of this transaction. D. Academy District Twenty reserves the right to negotiate with the submitter of each and every proposal; in order to best meet its needs as defined in the proposal as well as to reject any and all proposals and to waive any “informalities” in the proposal received whenever such action, rejection, or waiver is in its best interests. In all instances where, price, service, and quality are determined equal, preference in the award of contract will be given to Colorado- based companies.

E. Cooperative Purchasing Efforts: The District is a member of the Cooperative Educational Purchasing Council (CEPC). The geography of the CEPC lies along the front range of the Rocky Mountains from the Fort Collins/Greeley area in the north to Colorado Springs in the south. This membership of public purchasing departments represents approximately seventy percent (70%) of the K-12 public school enrollment in the State of Colorado. We hereby request that any member of the CEPC be permitted to avail itself of this contract and purchase any and all items specified herein from the successful Vendor(s) at the contract price(s) established herein. Each CEPC member which uses a contract(s) resulting here from would establish its own contract, issue its own orders, be invoiced there from, make its own payments, and issue its own exemption certificates as required by the Vendor. It is understood and agreed that the District is not a legally binding party to any contractual agreement made between a CEPC member and the Vendor as a result of this Solicitation.

F. Demonstrations may be required during evaluation: After the proposals are opened by the District, the Vendors may be required to demonstrate the product which has been proposed for evaluation by, and at no cost to, the District. The purpose of the demonstration is to observe the product in an operational environment and to verify its capability, suitability, and adaptability vis-à-vis the performance requirements stipulated in the Solicitation. If a demonstration is required, the District will verbally notify the Vendor of such and will specify the date, time and location of the demonstration. If the Vendor fails to perform the demonstration on the specified date stipulated, the District may elect to reject the Vendor's Proposal or to re-schedule the demonstration in its best interest. The District shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of the equipment in conformance with the Specifications and its decision shall be final.

4. AWARD A. Academy District Twenty reserves the right to: 1. Accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this RFP.

2. Waive or modify informalities and any irregularities in the responses received.

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3. Select the vendor it deems to be most qualified to fulfill the needs of the District. Proposals submitted will be evaluated by an Evaluation Committee selected by the District Contract Officer. During the evaluation process, the Evaluation Committee and the District reserve the right, where it may serve the District's best interest, to request additional information or clarifications from proposers, or to allow corrections of errors or omissions. At the discretion of the District or the Evaluation Committee, firms submitting proposals may be requested to make oral presentations as part of the evaluation process. In all instances, the decision rendered by the Board of Education (if necessary) shall be final and not subject to contest by others.

The District reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and to use any ideas in a proposal regardless of whether that proposal is selected. Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the firm of the conditions contained in this request for proposals, unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal submitted and confirmed in the contract between the District and the firm selected.

The District is seeking “Best Value” in the evaluation process.

B. Proposals shall remain open and valid and subject to acceptance for ninety (90) days after opening date unless otherwise stipulated.

C. The successful vendor(s) shall be furnished a Purchase Order with the District’s billing instructions. If multiple purchase orders are requested, the total of all purchase orders shall equal the proposal total.

D. The vendor shall not assign or transfer any or all of its rights, burdens, duties or obligations without the prior written consent of the District.


a. The District may, by written notice to the successful Vendor, terminate the contract if the Vendor has been found to have failed to perform its service in a manner satisfactory to the District as per specifications, including delivery as specified. The date of termination shall be stated in the notice. The District shall be the sole judge of non-performance.

b. The District may cancel the contract upon thirty days written notice for reason other than cause. This may include the District's inability to continue with the contract due to the elimination or reduction of funding.

6. EVALUATION CRITERIA In order to facilitate the evaluation and selection process, vendors are requested to submit responses that included the following information. Vendors should be also prepared to give a presentation on their submitted proposal using the same information.

a. Company and Personnel Qualifications b. Expertise in this particular field c. Ability to meet characteristics, specifications and requirements specified in the proposal and overall proposed solution. d. Proposed implementation plan and project timeline e. Cost Proposal/Rates for Services f. Additional Value Added Ideas/Sustainability g. Quality of References and level of satisfaction of present and former clients h. Oral Presentation (if applicable)

7. INTERPRETATIONS OR CHANGES a. Changes in the specifications for quality level purposes and or specifications presented in the proposal package shall be posted to the District’s website at: b. Academy District 20 website: RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 4 of 25

a. All changes will become part of the Proposal Document by this reference, and all vendors shall be bound by such changes, whether or not the vendor received it.

c. Should a vendor find discrepancies, or errors in the Documents, the vendor shall notify the District Contracting & Purchasing Department no later than ten (10) days prior to the date of the Proposal Opening.

8. TAXES Vendor shall not include federal, state or applicable local excise or sales taxes in proposal prices, as the District is exempt from payment of such taxes. For state sales and use taxes, it shall be the responsibility of the vender to complete and file an “Application for Exemption Certificate” with the Colorado Department of Revenue.

9. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Vendor shall provide Academy School District Twenty with certificates of insurance evidencing the policies listed below prior to the commencement of services. Academy School District Twenty shall be named as additional named insured as its interests may appear for all Commercial General Liability insurance and on all Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance if the vehicles are to be used on Academy School District Twenty property.

10. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS At all times during the term of this contract, vendor shall carry and maintain in full force at vendor’s expense the following insurance policies with insurance companies requiring minimum of thirty (30) days’ notice to Academy District Twenty of change or cancellation (including cancellation for nonpayment of premium).

A. Commercial general liability must include premises and operations, products and completed operations, contractual liability, personal and advertising injury liability and broad form property damage). Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 General Aggregate Limit $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000 Personal and Advertising Injury Limit $1,000,000 Fire Damage Limit $ 50,000 Medical Expense Limit $ 5,000 B. Automobile Liability (Must Include Owned, Non-Owned and Hired Autos) Combined Single Limit $1,000,000 C. Excess Liability Each Occurrence $1,000,000 D. Workers Compensation/Employers Liability Per Occurrence Limit $ 100,000 Disease Policy Limit $ 500,000 Disease Each Employee $ 100,000

NOTE: A certificate of insurance verifying coverage must be submitted with the proposal. The initial certificate can be a copy and does not have to show Academy School District Twenty as a certificate holder or additional insured. Upon award of the contract, an original certificate must be provided naming Academy School District Twenty as an additional insured as well as a copy of the endorsement to the policy with respect to that particular project.

11. WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE Successful vendor shall warrant that all items/services shall conform to the proposed specifications and be free from all defects in material, workmanship and title. The Contractor shall, during the one year warranty period ensure that work which proves defective or deficient during such time is corrected either by the Contractor subcontractors or such other means as shall be required.

RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 5 of 25 12. NON-COLLUSION The vendor certifies that this proposal is made without any previous understanding, agreement or connection with any person, firm, or corporation making a proposal for the same project, and is in all respects fair, without outside control, collusion, fraud, or otherwise illegal action.

13. INDEMNIFICATION To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Vendor shall save, indemnify and hold harmless the District against or from all costs, expenses, damages, injury or loss to which said District may be subjected by reason of any wrongdoing, misconduct, want of care, skill, negligence, or default in the execution or performance of contract and shall save and keep harmless the District against and from all claims and losses to it from any causes whatsoever, including actual or alleged patent infringements in the matter of making, furnishing and delivering materials/services as called for in proposal document. The parties acknowledge that the District is not waiving any right, immunity, or protection provided by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, CRS 24-1-101, et. seq.

14. OPTION TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT Terms of Agreement: The Agreement provides for a three year base contract with an option to extend the contract for two (2) additional 3-year periods to ensure leased equipment is refreshed every 3 years. The District may, by giving written notice to the Contractor 30 days before the annual expiration, extend the term of this contract.

15. FEDERAL FUNDING/CERTIFICATIONS The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that:

(1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.

(2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form–LLL, “Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,” in accordance with its instructions.

(3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.

This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than simplified acquisition threshold for each such failure.

(b) Debarment and Suspension. Subpart C of the OMB guidance in 2 CFR Part 180, as implemented by the Department of Defense in 2 CFR Part 1125.

The Recipient also agrees to communicate the requirement to comply with Subpart C to persons at the next lower tier with whom the Recipient enters into transactions that are “covered transactions” under Subpart B of 2 CFR Part 180 and the DoD implementation in 2 CFR Part 1125.

RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 6 of 25 A Recipient entering into a contract that utilizes federal awards of $25,000 or more, must verify that the vendor is not suspended or debarred or otherwise excluded. This verification may be accomplished by checking the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) which can be accessed via System for Award Management (SAM), collecting a certification from the vendor, or adding a clause or condition to the contract with that vendor. In addition, Recipient personnel responsible for federal grant administration should receive ongoing training to understand the laws and regulations that apply to its federal grant awards. A print-out of this research, as proof, must be placed in the file for audit purposes.

(c) Nondiscrimination. Provisions of the following national policy requirements (as applicable) with respect to the prohibition of discrimination:

(1) On the basis of race, color, or national origin, in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d, et seq.), as implemented by DoD regulations at 32 CFR Part 195.

(2) On the basis of sex or blindness, in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. 1681, et. seq), as implemented by DoD regulations at 32 CFR Part 196.

(3) On the basis of age, in the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. § 6101, et seq.), as implemented by Department of Health and Human Services regulations at 45 CFR Part 90.

(4) On the basis of handicap, in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794), implemented by Department of Justice regulations at 28 CFR Part 41 and DoD regulations at 32 CFR Part 56.

(d) Hatch Act. 5 U.S.C. 1501-1508 and 7324-7328, as implemented by the Office of Personnel Management at 5 CFR Part 151, which limits political activity of employees or officers of State or Local governments whose employment is connected to an activity financed in whole or in part with Federal funds.

(e) Drug-Free Workplace. Requirements regarding drug-free workplace requirements in Subpart B (or Subpart C, if the recipient is an individual) of 32 CFR part 26, which implements sec. 5151-5160 of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Pub. L. 100-690, Title V, Subtitle D; 41 U.S.C. 701, et seq.).

16. SUBGRANTS (a) State grantees shall follow state law and procedures when awarding and administering subgrants (whether on a cost reimbursement or fixed amount basis) of financial assistance to local and Indian tribe governments. States shall: (1) Ensure that every subgrant includes any clauses required by Federal statute and executive orders and their implementing regulations; (2) Ensure that subgrantees are aware of requirements imposed upon them by Federal statute and regulation; (3) Ensure that a provision for compliance with DoD Grant and Agreement Regulations (DoDGARs) section 33.42 is placed in every cost reimbursement subgrant; and (4) Conform any advances of grant funds to subgrantees substantially to the same standards of timing and amount that apply to cash advances by Federal agencies.

(b) All other grantees shall: (1) Ensure that every subgrant includes a provision for compliance with this part; (2) Ensure that every subgrant includes any clauses required by Federal statute and executive orders and their implementing regulations; and (3) Ensure that subgrantees are aware of requirements imposed upon them by Federal statutes and regulations. (c) Exceptions. By their own terms, certain provisions of this part do not apply to the award and administration of subgrants: (1) Section 33.10; (2) Section 33.11; (3) The letter-of-credit procedures specified in Treasury Regulations at 31 CFR Part 205, cited in §33.21; and RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 7 of 25 (4) Section 33.50.

17. ANNUAL APPROPRIATION This Contract is not intended to create a multiple fiscal year debt or other obligation and the District’s obligations hereunder shall be interpreted and limited in such a manner as to avoid creation of a multiple fiscal year debt or other obligation under the terms of Article X, Section 20, Paragraph 4(b) or the Colorado Constitution.

18. TITLE Unless specified elsewhere in this contract, title to items furnished under this contract shall remain with the vendor upon acceptance, regardless of when or where ASD 20 takes physical possession.

19. ILLEGAL ALIENS If Provider has any employees or subcontractors, Provider shall comply with § 8-17.5, C.R.S. regarding Illegal Aliens – Public Contracts for Services, and this section of this Agreement. 8-17.5-102 includes, in part, that: a) Provider shall not: (i) Knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien to perform work under this Agreement; or (ii) Enter into a contract with a subcontractor that fails to certify to Provider that the subcontractor shall not knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien to perform work under this Agreement. b) Provider has verified or attempted to verify that Provider does not employ any illegal aliens and, will participate in the E-Verify Program or State Department program in order to confirm eligibility of all employees who are newly hired to perform work under public contract for services. c) Provider will not use E-Verify Program or State Department program procedures to undertake pre-employment screening of job applicants while the public contract for services is being performed. d) If Provider obtains actual knowledge that a subcontractor performing work under this Agreement knowingly employs or contracts with an illegal alien, Provider shall: (i) Notify the subcontractor and the District within three days that Provider has actual knowledge that the subcontractor is employing or contracting with an illegal alien; and (ii) Terminate the subcontract with the subcontractor if within three days of receiving the notice under d(i), the subcontractor does not stop employing or contracting with the illegal alien. However, the Provider shall not terminate the contract with the subcontractor if during this three day period the subcontractor provides information which establishes that the subcontractor has not knowingly employed or contracted with an illegal alien. e) Provider shall comply with any reasonable request by the Department of Labor and Employment made in the course of an investigation that the Department is undertaking pursuant to the authority established in §8-17.5-102(5), C.R.S. f) If Provider violates this provision, the District may terminate the Agreement for a breach of contract. If the Agreement is terminated, the Provider shall be liable for actual and consequential damages.

20. CONFIDENTIALITY / PROPRIETARY AGREEMENT If your proposal contains confidential or proprietary information be sure to include this in the body of your response and that without the express, written permission of your organization it is prohibited to disclose, duplicate or reproduce.

21. METHODS OF PAYMENT Academy District Twenty uses the following methods for payment. They are listed below in their order of preference.

a. Single Use Account: In an effort to eliminate paper and improve our payment efficiencies with our strategic partners, Academy School District 20 is enrolled in a virtual credit card payment system. With this payment method, ASD20 provides a “virtual” credit card account number to pay for goods or services. This card number will only be valid for one payment and expires after each use. This will be ASD20’s preferred method of payment, and you will be asked to accept payment in this manner. Under this method, payments are made after verification of receipt of the goods or services by the receiver and within 5 days after receipt of a proper invoice.

RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 8 of 25 b. Credit Card Payment after issuance of Purchase Order: In an effort to eliminate paper and improve our payment efficiencies with our strategic partners, Academy School District 20 uses credit cards to make payments. Under this method, payments are made after verification of receipt of the goods or services by the receiver and within 15 days after receipt of a proper invoice.

22. LABOR, WORKMANSHIP, AND SCHOOL SECURITY All Work under this Contract shall be performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Vendor shall be and remain liable to the District in accordance with Applicable Law for all damages to the District caused by the Vendor’s failure to perform the Work under this Contract in a skillful and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the Contract Documents.

The Contracting Officer may require that the Vendor immediately remove from the Job Site any employee whom the Contracting Officer or on-site school personnel deem to be objectionable. The Vendor shall not utilize, in the performance of this Contract, any laborer or employee who has been convicted of a violent crime or a crime of such nature (such as child related offenses) as to categorize the person as being unsuitable for working around school children, or has engaged in such conduct, in the last five years, as to be similarly categorized, or who, in the opinion of the Vendor or the District, is otherwise unsuitable for working on the Project. Suitability shall be determined by performance of security/background checks (as are necessary in light of the potential of contact with the District's students, staff, property, or sensitive records maintained at District sites) by the Vendor on all laborers and employees utilized in the performance of the Work. When there is reasonable doubt regarding a particular person's suitability, the Contractor may make a request through the District's Contracting Officer for an approval/opinion prior to the individual beginning work. The Vendor shall submit to the District copies of all security/background checks performed within twenty-four (24) hours of a request by the District for such information. The District may request copies of these security/background checks up to one (1) year after Turnover of the Project. Failure to complete or submit any required constitute an Event of Default, and may result in termination of the Contract, removal from the active vendor and Offeror list for up to one (1) year, or any other available legal or contractual rights or remedies.

The Vendor, including without limitation its laborers and employees, shall not fraternize or otherwise communicate with students except in cases of safety and like necessities.

The Vendor shall not allow any laborer or employee to wear objectionable clothing or caps with other than company logo, (objectionable clothing will be determined by the District's on-site personnel), or use profanity in any manner while on District property.

The Vendor shall ensure that its laborers and employees fully comply with all District policies/regulations pertaining to restrictions that may affect anyone on District owned property. Examples of these current policies/regulations include: (a) Each person or each foreman representing a group of laborers must sign in at the school's main office upon arrival at the Job Site. (b) Each person shall maintain professional workmanlike attire. (c) No person shall use tobacco, or possess alcohol or any controlled, illegal or dangerous substance on District property. (d) No person shall possess any "weapon" of any kind as defined in District policy, including without limitation a pocketknife that is not directly used as a tool for Work in progress.

Removal of a specific person from the Project as a result of any condition mentioned above shall not relieve the Vendor from timely performance of the Work and shall not be considered grounds for a request for additional funds to complete the Project.

23. PROTECTION OF DISTRICT PROPERTY The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions and care to avoid damaging existing buildings, equipment, materials, and vegetation on District property. If the Contractor’s failure to take the necessary precautions or negligence results in damage to any of the District’s property, the Contractor shall replace or satisfactorily repair the damage at no expense RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 9 of 25 to the District. If the Contractor refuses to make such repairs or replacement, the District will have the right to make the repairs by whatever means necessary and deduct the cost from the contract price.

24. COLORADO GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY ACT Except as expressly provided herein, Academy District Twenty retains all of its rights under the Colorado Governmental immunity act, Section 24-10-101, ET. seq., C.R.S. This contract shall not be construed to create any right or benefit for any person who is not a party to this contract.

25. CHANGE ORDERS The Contracting Officer may issue a change in the work or the manner of work, which causes an increase, or decrease in the cost of the work. If a change that is ordered by the Contracting Officer causes an increase or decrease in the cost of the work, the Contractor shall prepare and present to the Contracting Officer a proposed change order with a cost estimate of any such increase or decrease. The District shall review the cost estimate and either agrees or both parties shall negotiate a cost. If an agreement cannot be reached, then the Contracting Officer shall determine reasonable actual costs, including a reasonable overhead and profit and will use that amount in the issuance of a unilateral modification. The Contractor agrees to perform the changed work, which shall become part of the contract even during the process of disputing the final amount determined by the Contracting Officer. Any dispute will be settled in accordance to the dispute clause. Any additional work performed by the Contractor that has not been ordered by the Contracting Officer shall be at the Contractor’s expense and is not subject to reimbursement.

26. DISPUTES (a) This contract is subject to the Contract Disputes under Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS) Title 24 Article 109. (b) Except as provided in the CRS, all disputes arising under or relating to this contract shall be resolved under this clause. (c) "Claim," as used in this clause, means a written demand or written assertion by one of the contracting parties seeking, as a matter of right, the payment of money in a sum certain, the adjustment or interpretation of contract terms, or other relief arising under or relating to this contract. A claim arising under a contract, unlike a claim relating to that contract, is a claim that can be resolved under a contract clause that provides for the relief sought by the claimant. However, a written demand or written assertion by the Contractor seeking the payment of money exceeding $50,000 is not a claim until certified as required by subparagraph (d)(2) of this clause. A voucher, invoice, or other routine request for payment that is not in dispute when submitted is not a claim. The submission may be converted to a claim, by complying with the submission and certification requirements of this clause, if it is disputed either as to liability or amount or is not acted upon in a reasonable time. (d) A claim by the Contractor shall be made in writing and, unless otherwise stated in this contract, submitted within six months after accrual of the claim to the Contracting Officer for a written decision. A claim by the District against the Contractor shall be subject to a written decision by the Contracting Officer. (e) (i) The contractor shall provide the certification specified in paragraph (d) (2) (iii) of this clause when submitting any claim exceeding $50,000. (ii) The certification requirement does not apply to issues in controversy that have not been submitted as all or part of a claim. (iii) The certification shall state as follows: "I certify that the claim is made in good faith; that the supporting data are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief; that the amount requested accurately reflects the contract adjustment for which the Contractor believes the District is liable; and that I am duly authorized to certify the claim on behalf of the Contractor." (f) The certification may be executed by any person duly authorized to bind the Contractor with respect to the claim. (g) For Contractor claims of $50,000 or less, the Contracting Officer must, if requested in writing by the Contractor, render a decision within 60 days of the request. For Contractor-certified claims over $50,000, the Contracting Officer must, within 60 days, decide the claim or notify the Contractor of the date by which the decision will be made. (h) The Contracting Officer's decision shall be final unless the Contractor appeals to the Head of the Purchasing Agency or the Executive Director, or files a suit as provided in the CRS. As defined in CRS 24-101-301: The Head of Purchasing Agency is the Deputy Superintendent/Chief Financial Officer; The Executive Director is the Superintendent. (i) If the claim by the Contractor is submitted to the Contracting Officer or a claim by the District is presented to the Contractor, the parties agree first to attempt to resolve the dispute through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 10 of 25 (j) The parties agree not to discuss any dispute with the press/media during the resolution process. (k) Interest will be computed in accordance with CRS 24-109-301 (l) The Contractor shall proceed diligently with performance of this contract, pending final resolution of any request for relief, claim, appeal, or action arising under or relating to the contract, and comply with any decision of the Contracting Officer.

27. SERVICE OF PROTESTS Protests, in accordance Colorado Revised Statutes 24-109-102, may be served by an actual or prospective OFFEROR, Offeror, or contractor who is aggrieved in connection with this solicitation or award of any contract resulting from this solicitation to the Contracting Officer or the Head of the Purchasing Agency. In the case of ASD 20, the Head of the Purchasing Agency is the Deputy Superintendent/Chief Financial Officer. Any protest shall be submitted in writing within seven working days after such aggrieved person knows or should have known of the facts giving rise thereto.

28. DEFICIENCIES IN WORK TO BE CORRECTED BY OFFEROR The successful OFFEROR shall promptly correct all deficiencies and/or defects in work and/or any work that fails to conform to the Contract Documents. All corrections shall be made within five (5) calendar days after such rejected defects, deficiencies, and/or non-conformances are verbally reported to the OFFEROR by the District's Project Manager. The OFFEROR shall bear all costs of correcting such rejected work. If the OFFEROR fails to correct the work within the period specified in this OFFER, the District reserves the right to place the OFFEROR in default of its contractual obligations, obtain the services of another vendor to correct the deficiencies, and charge the OFFEROR for these costs; either through a deduction from the final payment over to the OFFEROR or through invoicing.

29. DEMONSTRATION OF EQUIPMENT MAY BE REQUIRED DURING EVALUATION After the proposals are opened by the District, the OFFERORs may be required to demonstrate the equipment which has been proposed for evaluation by, and at no cost to, the District. The purpose of the demonstration is to observe the equipment in an operational environment and to verify its capability, suitability, and adaptability vis-a-vis the performance requirements stipulated in the OFFER. If a demonstration is required, the District will verbally notify the OFFEROR of such and will specify the date, time and location of the demonstration. If the OFFEROR fails to perform the demonstration on the specified date, the District may elect to reject the OFFEROR's proposal or to re-schedule the demonstration in its best interest. The District shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of the equipment in conformance with the specifications and its decision shall be final. The demonstration may be at any Academy District 20 School location and may last up to 30 days. The vendor will work with the District Information Technology Department to coordinate this process. Vendor will be required to provide the demo equipment within one (1) week after request from the District. The trial/demo will be at no cost or obligation to the District. The equipment used for the demonstration shall be the same as the manufacturer's model identified in the OFFEROR's proposal; therefore, the demonstrated equipment shall create an expressed warranty that the actual equipment to be provided by the OFFEROR during the contract period shall conform to the equipment used in the demonstration. The OFFEROR shall be required to provide adequate restitution to the District, in the manner prescribed by the District, if this warranty is violated during the term of the contract.

30. REFERENCES REQUIRED FOR EQUIPMENT OFFERORs are required to submit 2-3 references where they have demonstrated its capability to provide similar product to other customers, K-12 Education preferred. To fail do so may deem, your proposal non-responsive. Each reference must contain the following information: Name of agency or firm: Address Primary point of contact Phone Number Email address Project Scope of Work Description of services Model Specific technician assigned to accounts Award Amount Final Amount RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 11 of 25

31. SAMPLES OF PRODUCTS MAY BE REQUIRED DURING EVALUATION After the OFFER proposals are opened by the District, the OFFERORs may be required to submit a sample of the goods to be supplied for evaluation by, and at no cost to, the District. If samples are required, the District will notify the OFFEROR of such and will specify the deadline for submission of the samples. Each individual sample must be clearly labeled with the OFFEROR's name, OFFER number, manufacturer's name and brand name, and style number if applicable. All samples shall become the property of the District.

The District reserves the right to perform its own testing procedures or to send any and all samples to any certifiable laboratory for analysis. On the basis of this testing and analysis, the District shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of the sample in conformance with the OFFER specifications and its decision shall be final.

Any samples submitted shall create an express warranty that the whole of the goods provided by the OFFEROR during the contract period shall conform to the sample submitted. The OFFEROR shall be required to provide adequate restitution to the District, in the manner described by the District, if this warranty is violated during the term of the contract.

32. SERVICE FACILITIES SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OFFEROR IN THE COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO AREA: OFFERs will only be accepted from OFFERORs which have service facilities located in the Colorado Springs, Colorado area for parts and repairs.

33. ELIGIBILITY OF OFFERORS: MUST BE ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING PRODUCTS OR SERVICES RENDERED. OFFERs will only be considered from firms which have been engaged in the business of manufacturing the equipment and performing services as described in this request for proposal. The OFFERORs must be able to produce evidence that they have an established satisfactory record of performance for a reasonable period of time (5 years) and have sufficient financial support, equipment and organization to ensure that they can satisfactorily execute the services if awarded a contract. The term "equipment and organization" as used herein shall be construed to mean a fully equipped and well established company in line with the best business practices in the industry and as determined by the proper authorities of the District.

The District reserves the right, before awarding the contract, to require a OFFEROR to submit such evidence of its qualifications as it may deem necessary, and may consider any evidence available to it (including, but not limited to, the financial, technical and other qualifications and abilities of the OFFEROR, including past performance and experience with the District) in making the award in the best interest of the District.

34. SECURITY OFFERORS must submit an option for all new leased multifunction devices installed in Academy District 20 Schools to use security printing function that will allow employees to have a secure print option/rules based printing (all device drivers shall be fully compatible with the District’s Microsoft Active Directory/ LDAP environment with Proxy Card/ID Badge integration).

The District will not be responsible for cost to clear drives of data at the end of life of the machine/end of contract; Certificates of Data Destruction will be provided at no cost to the District. The quoted pricing shall remain firm for the entire term of the contract.

35. PRICING OFFERORS should submit a response to the RFP based on equipment lease plus a cost-per- page/copy (per unit) format with the resulting contract requiring the vendor to provide and install MFD’s meeting the model requests as specified for each location, speed and features provide all consumables (excluding paper) and maintain all MFDs under the contract award. The offeror should also provide in the response a cost-per-page/copy (per unit) format for maintenance, service and toner for the existing owned desktop devices. Pricing shall be in a cost per print pricing model with no minimums or maximums. The District will not pay any costs for overages, as the offeror will allow the district an unlimited number of printed pages for each device listed under the Contract. RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 12 of 25

All costs for equipment shall include: inside delivery to the equipment’s intended location, set-up and training, and any associated transportation costs to the district specified locations, as well as disposal. The District will not pay for removal of any equipment being replaced during the entire length of the contract. Proposals that stipulate the District must pay for removal of equipment or shipping costs at the end of the agreement or when an upgrade, downgrade, relocation or elimination of any machine is performed by the vendor may be eliminated from consideration. Proposed costs shall include all costs for repair, maintenance, parts and labor regardless as to whether repair or replacement is necessitated by wear or non-malicious damage. The quoted pricing shall remain firm for the entire term of the contract. The contract covering all newly acquired equipment is required to provide a fixed maintenance agreement for the term of the contract, and shall at a minimum include the following: a. Labor to service and repair all configured equipment. b. A dedicated customer service representative as well as a back-up for the District’s account. c. All repair parts and supplies - minimum toner, oils, developer and staples, do not include paper. d. Two full time high qualified service technicians assigned to the district during the district working hours 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. Please submit the resumes of these technicians. e. If one technician is out on sick leave or vacation, the company will assign a replacement for the technician for that day(s) off.

36. SOFTWARE LICENSING AGREEMENT The vendor shall include pricing for print accounting and management software pricing as well as any other proposed software solutions. Some of the software currently used by the district includes FMAudit (meter reads, toner supply JIT delivery), TopAccess (IP Address), PaperCut (print management/accounting), Scribbles Software (transcript ordering/records management software). Pricing for software for the entire district, including the student body, must to be included. Training for all software will be provided, at no cost to the District. When any changes in software/firmware arise, the change needs to be reviewed with the District Information Technology Department. All updates shall adhere to rigorous change-management and testing processes before wide-scale deployment (ex. An impact analysis will be conducted, and a meeting with the vendor and any software partners will take place to implement a change management strategy for on-site trial/testing server and hardware, all changes/updates shall be made on testing server first, with district approval before moving to the production server). Vendors shall include information in their proposal on how data on the test server will be updated to match production server and how it is refreshed regularly to match. All proposed software, at any point in the contract term, shall include integration (how it interfaces with the machine as well as the district network), installation, and implementation (migration strategy). The awarded vendor shall provide support on development/integration, testing, and production of all Software.

Vendor shall propose a solution for supporting scanning projects (credit card receipts, contracts, documents etc.), this may include storing, manage and retrieve critical documents with barcoding technology, etc. Pricing shall be provided in the proposal.

Granular print control to the school level, i.e. ability for building tech to limit student print jobs  Department  School  Student  Staff

All software and drivers must be updated to the latest version offered by each manufacturer for the duration of the contract. This includes any and all patch “updates” as well as complete software upgrades released during the term of the contract. If a software upgrade requires any hardware upgrades, the vendor is responsible for providing those at the time of the software upgrade. If hardware was provided by the District, the hardware requirements must be provided 90 days prior to the availability of the software upgrade. Pricing shall be fixed and firm for all software purchased for the entire term of the contract.

RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 13 of 25 RSA WebCRD enterprise software solution and associated hardware and comprehensive service support for the term of the contract or equivalent specified as part of the total solution, at a minimum, must meet the following criteria: a. System application must run on a reliable Sun Solaris version 10 UNIX platform. b. Web to Print Software Application must include a Job Preview which will display a dynamic preview of the finished product including finishing options selected by the user submitting the job. c. Web to Print Software Application must employ Intelligent Print Options. d. Web to Print Software Application must be able to print to any production printer with automated ticketing and employ Auto flow capability to automatically direct jobs to the correct printer with no operator intervention. e. Web to Print Software Application must have a client-side PDF workflow that enables users to submit files to the Web to print application for output, using the Print dialog box in their application to produce Adobe PDF files for submission to the print center. The print driver must be a true Adobe print driver based on Adobe Job Ready. f. Web to Print Software Application must allow jobs to be priced by any number of factors, including (but not limited to) customer, job type, impression count, paper stock, duplex, binding, folding and finishing.

g. Backend Server infrastructure – Academy District 20 utilizes a Virtual Server infrastructure supporting the current instance of WebCRD, running the following specifications: • OS – CentOS 4/5/6 (64-Bit) • Processor – 2 Core CPU • Memory – 4GB • In the event of a Hardware failure, Manufacturer will replace the failed Hardware on an advance depot repair basis. • During the Maintenance Period, Customer will have access to all software upgrades at no additional charge. • In the event of Software failure Manufacturer will via remote access attempt to fix or correct the issue or send a fix or a corrected version of the software to the customer

37. MOVING MACHINES All proposed MFDs should have wheels, and have the option to be moved to different locations within each District location (i.e. MFD is needed in gymnasium for Student Registration). Designated representative shall be on-site to move the machine after given 48-hour notice from any district location. If this is not an option, the vendor shall train designated district staff to move the machines, at no cost to the District.

38. PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE It shall be the responsibility of the vendor to perform preventative maintenance (PM) service for each device installed under this contract, according to the PM schedule specified by the equipment manufacturer. PM services must be scheduled beforehand with the designated District contact person at each facility as to minimize school and administrative department disruption. The district will receive service credits for any prints/copies made by technician during service/maintenance/training. School District employees shall not be responsible for installing or replacing any equipment components with the exception of toner cartridges/bottles, staple cartridges, and paper.

Vendor shall provide documentation on training and certification of all service technicians and if all are factory-trained. Indicate if specific technicians will be dedicated to the District account and if technicians specialize in particular models or cover specific territories. A descriptive map showing the entire service coverage area of assigned technicians is requested along with the current number of machines serviced in that area. Assigned and back-up technicians shall have working knowledge of all District machines/software. Back-up technicians with equivalent knowledge of the District account/fleet should be available if assigned technician is unavailable.

39. TRAINING The vendor shall provide, at their own expense, comprehensive training for District staff required for the operation of any equipment/software supplied as part of this contract. Initial training must be provided on functioning equipment in each school, administrative office, or facility within (48) hours of delivery and set up. Ongoing training, on-site and RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 14 of 25 online, will be provided by the vendor, as deemed necessary by the District, at no additional cost to the District. Initial training sessions for delivered equipment will consist at minimum of a detailed explanation of the features of the installed device, hands-on training of the device’s benefits, features and applications, and a question and answer period. Each equipment location shall have readily available on or near the machine, a manual providing, detailed instruction on the machines’ operation, with procedures for clearing jams, loading toner, etc. Each machine will have a visible label with Service Support and Supply phone numbers. Each machine will have a visible label with an internet web address for accessing on line training videos. The vendor shall provide, at their own expense, training on all purchased software as a result of this RFP.

40. REPORTS/CONSOLIDATED INVOICE The successful vendor shall provide the administrator of the contract on a monthly basis, a master activity report consolidated invoice of the past month’s activity and include year-to-date summaries. The master report should include all sites’ activities by department account, machine identification number, model number, beginning and ending meters, total copy volume extended by the cost per page and cost per device to achieve the total monthly cost per machine. Each individual department account shall also be totaled together, the indicating monthly true up metrics to date. Any service calls during the month should also be summarized within the monthly report. Vendor is required to provide verifiable first-time fix rate for service calls. A total monthly cost of all machines shall be included. The report/invoice shall be submitted electronically to the district. The vendor must provide customized automated billing reports for internal school and department billing. All invoices will be paid with a District Purchasing Card (currently Visa).

a. Power usage – total kWh b. Paper usage c. Total pages printed monthly, B&W vs. color d. Total email scanned pages per month per devices e. Total faxes per month per device f. Average device utilization per month per device compared to target utilization g. Hardware inventory h. IP Addresses, manufacturer, model, serial number, age of device i. Percent directly connected vs. networked j. Number of tickets for repairs, time to resolve, outcome, and uptime

41. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS All proposed equipment must be “new” and will not have been used since manufacture and shall be current models of modern technology in current production and not scheduled to retire within the next 36 months. Each current model listed shall represent only minimum acceptable requirements and should be included in the cost-per-copy price. OFFERORS must submit models for each category listed, detailing the ability of that model to meet or exceed the current model. Collating and scan to color capabilities should also be a feature. Please include information sheets for each proposed MFD. Vendors are not to assume that the list of equipment is the final list. Vendor(s) awarded contract(s) under this solicitation shall be required to notify the district of any manufacturer’s recalls regarding items ordered under said contracts. The Vendor shall contact the Buyer by phone within two hours of notification by the manufacturer and shall follow-up in writing within 24 hours. Failure to comply with this requirement may be cause for termination of any existing contracts between the Vendor and the District.

Please indicate if proposed MFD solution can scan to designated commercial printer. Users must be able to print to a PDF, Secure location (i.e. F: Drive), Google Drive, to Email, or to a queue and retrieve anywhere in the district. Equipment must support Apple, Google/Cloud, Mobile printing.

All equipment specified as part of the total solution, at a minimum, must meet the following criteria: • Fully digital technology • All equipment must be fully networked together via LAN and WAN • Operate fully and independently in the event of a LAN or WAN failure • Accept, convert to, and/or manipulate PDF format RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 15 of 25

All equipment shall have the capability to collate, staple, copy/scan/print/ two sided documents and 3-hole punch. Each site must have at least one machine that also has fax boards within the machines.

42. FAX SERVER Provide a fax server to be installed on our local area network (LAN). The server shall allow computer users whose computers are attached to the LAN to send and receive fax messages. Fax Servers must be a production fax server for high volume production faxes. Please provide specification on the proposed fax server. The district has approximately 3,000 employees.


Manufacturer will provide support staff to the District for onsite Print Shop Management. The Print Shop is located at the Education and Administration Center, 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, Co 80920. The Print Shop provides management and oversight for all District copier program. This includes but is not limited to service, repair, training, billing and management of the district copier and print shop programs.

Billing must be done monthly to all schools and departments. Billing must be done electronically and submitted to the District for processing. Attached are samples of the final billing that must be generated monthly.

a. Staffing

The current staffing for the print shop includes: One Manufacturer provided Print Shop Manager, One Manufacturer provided Print Shop Operator, and Two (2) District 20 full-time (8 hours/day, 5 days/week) print shop operators One (1) District 20 half-time (4 hours/day, 5 days/week) print shop operator

Vendor must ensure the proper staffing to complete all work required to be done in the Print Shop. Two full time tech personnel assigned to the district during the district working hours 7:00 am to 4:00 pm.

b. Hours of Operation

The Print Shop is required to be open from 7 am to 4 pm MST to provide on-site customer service to print shop customers.

c. Performance Requirements:

The Print Shop is to provide high quality copying, printing and other print shop services to the District. The Print Shop hours must be flexible to ensure print shop jobs are delivered in a timely manner. Standard Print Shop jobs are required to be completed and delivered to the schools with three (3) working days of receipt of the Print Shop. Larger print jobs such as planners, booklets, large quantities or jobs requiring special handling may take longer. These special projects will be coordinated with the requester. The District Distribution and Warehouse provides the daily delivery service to the schools.

d. Service Requirements

The Manufacturer is to provide complete repair and maintenance services to ensure efficient operations of the district multifunction devices. Manufacturer must provide a 2-Hour response time for all repairs required in the Print Shop and 4-Hour response time for all repairs required District wide.


RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 16 of 25 Manufacturer will identify what specific the energy efficient benefits and other green initiatives/enhancements are available by selecting its specific equipment/service. The District desires to support green initiatives and minimize negative environmental impact. Please identify specifically what energy saving features the multifunction devices and any peripheral equipment, including computers, have. If the multifunction devices and any peripheral equipment, including computers have remote start-up and shut-down capability, please indicate how this is accomplished.


a. The number of printing devices (printers, multifunction printers, faxes, etc.) installed across Academy District 20 is estimated to be at least 700 networked and 400 non-networked. The Managed Print Services initiative will be a phased approach that will ultimately encompass all printing devices. The printing devices of a particular model may include any variation of options for the model. This summary is for all printing devices (printers, copiers, and faxes) networked and stand-alone. This project will focus on the printers listed in below.

Manufacturer Total Model Types Brother 38 Canon 7 Copystar 1 Dell 13 Epson 16 Fujitsu 2 HP 180 Kodak 2 Konica 2 Lexmark 5 Samsung 1 Sharp 1 Toshiba 2 Xerox 4

b. Minimum services:

1. Vendor shall provide a printer service solution that offers a single point of contact for managing the entire print environment. 2. The program should include printer supplies and parts necessary for maintaining all printing devices. 3. Vendor shall provide a professionally staffed helpdesk for troubleshooting and problem resolution. A toll free number to the printer support desk will be provided to follow up with service calls and technical support. 4. When required, vendor shall dispatch certified printer technicians to all facilities when required. 5. Vendor shall provide a web site to enter service requests, view status of service requests, manage printer assets and pay invoices. Vendor shall bill each department individually for the printing on a monthly basis. 6. Program will include device management software that will automate managing this program, including automatic toner distribution. 7. All information gathered for running this program will be captured on a monthly basis automatically and detailed reports will be required for Academy District 20 to be able to effectively monitor success of this program. 8. Appendix B provides information on our print environment for which managed print services is required. Once the vendor is engaged the scope of services may expand to all remaining print devices (printers, multifunction printers, faxes, etc.) throughout the District.

RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 17 of 25 c. MPS Vendor Qualifications: Only those vendors who have successfully provided managed print services for an organization equal to or greater in size than Academy District 20 will be considered (i.e. approximately 400 printing devices located across 30+ sites). It is expected that the Managed Print Services (MPS) vendor will occasionally make recommendations for equipment changes in the interest of cost effectiveness. Academy District 20 does not want to be committed to a single manufacturer of print devices but will instead be looking to the MPS vendor for a variety of recommended options among a range of manufacturers. Academy School District 20 reserves the right for final approval of any printing device added to our hardware catalog, on our network, and on our print server. Vendor qualifications will be assessed by the responses to the following information requests: 1. A brief description of how the vendor will meet or exceed each of the service requirements described in the above. a. An overview of the vendor’s organization that indicates breadth and depth in key position categories (e.g. # service technicians; # customer support staff; etc.) b. Describe an environment that you have managed with device population similar to Academy School District 20. c. This program is for keeping existing printing devices within Academy District 20 up and running at all times. If new printers are required, how do we add them to the program you are outlining? 2. What happens if a printer is moved, added, or deleted from an environment? Is there visibility to changes that Academy District 20 will be able to see? 3. Do you support multiple brands and models of printer devices? Please provide detail in this regard. Are there manufacturer, models, or types that are not supported by your program? 4. How do you propose to manage distributed, non-networked devices within Academy District 20? 5. How do you deliver supplies/parts? 6. Are you able to help make our monthly printer spend more consistent and reduce that cost? 7. Can you help us forecast our annual print spend? 8. Are we able to perform expense allocation by department? 9. How do you handle location and department-level billing? 10. How do you proposed to increase our uptime? 11. How do individual schools and department make pay their invoices? 12. Do you have a secure payment portal to accept credit card payments? 13. Are invoices based on actual pages printed or historical estimates? 14. Are there situations where the monthly device usage is estimated? If so how do you make adjustments for the device if the estimate is too high or low? 15. Is there a minimum monthly charge per printing device to maintain on-contract status? 16. How do you accommodate devices with specific supply needs? For example, a printer in Payroll that requires MICR toner or a printer used by a photography class that needs a higher quality of toner? 17. How do you propose maintaining timely delivery of supplies with the cyclical nature of our school year? 18. Do you have a recycling program for used toner and ink cartridges? d. Management Software Application 1. Does your proposed management software provide the end user with service alerts? 2. Does your management software allow the end user to order supplies? 3. Does the management software permit the user to request service for printers through a secure portal? 4. What reporting capabilities exist for service dispatch, supplies, and meter capture? Provide examples. 5. Go into any other details you wish to discuss on your management software. e. Data and Security for Management Software 1. Explain the network security implications of your software and management tools. 2. Is the data secured? Can anyone see our data? How is our data transferred? f. Integration Can the software integrate with Academy District 20 existing database(s)? g. MPS Accessibility How will Academy District access the software? h. MPS Software Upgrades RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 18 of 25 1. What are the costs of upgrades? 2. If software/firmware upgrades are required on equipment, who is responsible for updating? i. MPS Service 1. Is there a toll-free customer service number for Level 1 support? How does Level 2 technician support get dispatched? 2. Explain in detail the service dispatch and printer output problem resolution process. Who is the main point of contact? Will the help desk have visibility to outstanding service calls? 3. How is a service request completed? Is there an online tool available to view all calls? 4. How are parts/supplies and service tickets entered? 5. Does your solution include any proactive hardware alerts if problems arise? 6. How do you deliver service? 7. How do I order service? 8. How do I gain visibility to service? 9. Can you support devices which are still covered by a manufacturer warranty? 10. How is manufacture warranty service performed? 11. What happens if certain devices are deemed more critical than others from a service standpoint? 12. Can you support all of my devices regardless of location throughout Academy District 20? 13. Do you have a same day service level agreement (SLA) with next day support? 14. Will you create and perform a preventative maintenance schedule? 15. Do you utilize maintenance contracts? 16. Does your proposed management software provide the end user with shipping alerts for supplies? 17. What supplies are not covered by your MPS program? 18. Are the minimum hardware/firmware requirements for a printing device to be serviced? 19. Do the devices require an inspection before being accepted in the MPS program? 20. What do you consider a timely repair for a printing device? 21. Do you provide a “hot spare” or device replacement for devices that cannot be repaired in a timely manner?

46. FORMAT OF PROPOSAL Vendors are instructed to organize their proposal as follows:

Tab 1. Administrative a. Proposal Form b. Acknowledgement to any/all addendums c. Certificate of incorporation or documentation meeting five (5) years in business d.W-9 d. Certificate of Insurance e. Warranty

Tab 2. Recommended Solution, Support, Service and Maintenance a. Provide detailed information on your proposed approach, proposed timeline for MFD installation and training, interpretation of project and concept as described. b. Provide detailed information on the quality and performance of the equipment proposed c. Provide detailed information on maintenance, supply and repair services d. Customer Responsibilities and deliverables e. Provide detailed information on hardware, software, technical support, and/or manpower f. Provide detailed information on Assumptions and Constraints g. Credit Card Receipt scanning approach h. Customer service after installation i. Training after installation and follow-up training j. Lessons Learned – provide details on past projects both good and bad outcomes k. Sample lease and maintenance agreements

Tab 3. Experience /Vendor Profile a. Executive Summary – The executive summary should give in brief concise summation of your submittal. Identify the points that make your firm uniquely qualified for this engagement. RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 19 of 25 b. Profile of the Firm – Provide a description of your firm including staff size, geographic location, number and nature of the professional staff to be assigned to the District. State whether your firm is local, national, or international. Also include the following for the office from which this work would originate: i. Size of the Firm and size of local office (local office is required) ii. Location of the office iii. Roles and Responsibilities iv. Provide detailed information on who’s contributing to the project, in what role, performing what work for how long. v. Provide resumes, staff experience, training and relevant certifications for key personnel listed. c. Provide detailed information on your experience and demonstrated ability to provide equipment and/or services. d. Number of years in business under the current business name and previous names of your firm, if any. It is preferred that interested vendors have at least five (5) years of experience in this field, Colorado public K-12 education experience is also preferred. Include certificate of incorporation or documentation meeting five (5) years in business e. Identify who will be the primary point of contact for the District for any contract resulting from this RFP. f. Descriptive map showing entire service coverage area of each technician g. An outline of the Vendor’s background and overall qualifications. h. List the names of the subcontractors/partners you expect to use, the services to be provided by the subcontractors and the amount of time that each is expected to spend on the project. Also include the names and resumes of the key subcontractor personnel who will be working on this project. A minimum of three (3) references and a sample insurance certificate must be submitted for each subcontractor identified. i. List any current litigation, outstanding judgments and liens your company is presently involved with. j. Provide copies of all pertinent licenses, if required, to perform the services listed in the statement of work.

Tab 4. References Provide complete information for each reference Tab 5. Cost Pricing Form for proposed equipment and maintenance, software, etc.

Tab 6. Value Added Features and Sustainability Information

Tab 7. Implementation/Service Plan/Project approach a. Include implementation plan and project time line b. Leasing Agreement (terms and conditions, etc.) c. Managed Print Services (service level agreement, terms, etc.)

Tab 8. Company Financials Provide the below financial information. Any confidential information shall be sealed in a separate envelope and marked clearly “CONFIDENTIAL.” a. Financial Statement to include balance sheet and income statement for the last two (2) years (or since the entity commenced operations). Financial statement shall include Balance Sheets and Statement of Income. Un-audited balance sheets, if any, for interim quarterly periods since close of last fiscal year. b. Provide contact information for point of contact for additional financial information (include first and last name, phone number and email address). c. Has your firm faulted on any contracts in the past five (5) years for failure to meet financial obligations? 47. PROPOSALS Proposal must be signed by a duly authorized representative of the company. An unsigned proposal may be rejected. The contract type is a fixed price for the configuration, purchase, delivery, installation, and test of the equipment, and a maintenance and service agreement (all inclusive). Please identify each separate piece of Equipment, Proposed Quantity, Unit Price and Total Price per item per year. Please use this template to provide pricing. Please expand as needed to provide unit pricing for all products and services proposed. RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 20 of 25 Having read carefully the proposal conditions and the specifications, the undersigned submits the following proposal. Any special conditions the District needs to know with regard to your proposal must be listed here: ______Receipt of Amendments I acknowledge receipt of addenda, if any as follows: ______The undersigned acknowledges that the governing board of the Academy School District Twenty reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and/or waive any irregularities or information in the proposal process. The undersigned hereby affirms that (1) he/she is a duly authorized agent of the vendor, (2) he/she has read all terms and conditions and technical specifications which were made available in conjunction with this solicitation and fully understands and accepts them unless specific variations have been expressly listed in his/her offer, (3) that the proposal is being submitted on behalf of the vendor in accordance with any terms and conditions set forth in this document, and (4) that the vendor will accept any awards made to it as a result of the proposal submitted herein for a minimum of ninety calendar days following the date of submission. PRINT OR TYPE YOUR INFORMATION

Name of Company: ______Fax: ______Address: ______City/State: ______Zip: ______

Contact Person: ______Title: ______Phone: ______

Authorized Representative’s Signature: ______Phone: ______

Printed Name: ______Title: ______Date: ______

Email Address: ______Approved by: ______Date: ______

Reviewed by: ______Date: ______

RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 21 of 25 Proposed Per Current Toshiba Make and Model Proposed Monthly Location of Machines Address in Colorado Springs, CO Click Charge Model Proposed Lease Price Line Item # (if applicable) 1 New 65PPM color Academy Calvert K8 Online 3475 Hampton Park Drive 80920

2 e-Studio 555 Academy Endeavour Elem - Copy/Workroom 3475 Hampton Park Drive 80920 3 e-Studio 356 Academy Endeavour Elem Office 3475 Hampton Park Drive 80920 Academy Int'l Elem School - Copy Work 4 e-Studio 555 Room 8550 Charity Drive 80920

5 e-Studio 656 Academy Int'l Elementary School - Main Office 8550 Charity Drive 80920 6910 Carlton Drive, USAFA 80840- 6 e-Studio 555 -LIC Dept. 1799 6910 Carlton Drive, USAFA 80840- 7 e-Studio 356 Air Academy High School-Main Office 1799 6910 Carlton Drive, USAFA 80840- 8 e-Studio 356 Air Academy High School-Student Svc 1799 6910 Carlton Drive, USAFA 80840- 9 e-Studio 356 Air Academy High School-Building C 1799 6910 Carlton Drive, USAFA 80840- 10 e-Studio 555 Air Academy High School-B Bldg. Workroom 1799 Air Academy High School-Library Coin-Op- 6910 Carlton Drive, USAFA 80840- 11 e-Studio 167 Not Networked (Upgrade to 35PPM) 1799 6910 Carlton Drive, USAFA 80840- 12 e-Studio 555 Air Academy High School D-Workroom 1799 13 e-Studio 555 Antelope Trails Elementary-Copy Room 15280 Jessie Drive 80921-2550 14 e-Studio 656 Antelope Trails Elementary-Copy Room 15280 Jessie Drive 80921-2550 15 e-Studio 356 Aspen Valley Mkiddle School 1470 Chapel Hills Drive 80920 16 e-Studio 456 Copy Room 1450 Chapel Hills Dr. Briargate Preschool (now Distric 20 Preschool)- 17 e-Studio 356 Education and Administration Center (EAC) 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 18 e-Studio 555 Challenger MS - Copy Room 10215 Lexington Drive 80920-1411 19 e-Studio 356 Challenger MS - Office Staff Work Center 10215 Lexington Drive 80920-1411 20 e-Studio 356 Challenger MS - Counseling Office 10215 Lexington Drive 80920-1411 21 e-Studio 555 Challenger MS - Copy Room 10215 Lexington Drive 80920-1411 22 e-Studio 356 Chinook Trail Elementary 11795 Grand Lawn Circle 80924 23 e-Studio 555 Chinook Trails Elementary - Workroom 11795 Grand Lawn Circle 80924 Discovery Canyon Campus (DCC) - Elem 24 e-Studio 555 Workroom #16812 1810 Northgate Boulevard 25 e-studio 456 DCC - Elem Staff Lounge 1810 Northgate Boulevard 26 e-studio 555 DCC - MS 7th Grade Office 1810 Northgate Boulevard 27 e-Studio 555 DCC - MS Work Room 1810 Northgate Boulevard 28 e-Studio 356 DCC - MS Front Reception 1810 Northgate Boulevard 29 e-studio 356 DCC - MS Counseling 1810 Northgate Boulevard 30 e-studio 356 DCC - MS Administration Office 1810 Northgate Boulevard 31 e-Studio 455 DCC - Room 4b HS (BETWEEN 402/404) 1810 Northgate Boulevard 32 e-Studio 456 DCC-HS Admin Office Workroom 1810 Northgate Boulevard 33 e-Studio 356 DCC-HS Work Room 453 1810 Northgate Boulevard 34 e-studio 555 DCC -HS Work Room 433 1810 Northgate Boulevard 35 e-studio 356 DCC - HS Work Room 512 1810 Northgate Boulevard 36 e-Studio 356 Distribution Center / Warehouse 7408 Duryea Drive, Bldg. B, 80920 4610 Douglass Drive, USAFA 80840- 37 e-Studio 555 Douglas Valley Elementary - Work Room 1299 4610 Douglass Drive, USAFA 80840- 38 e-Studio 356 Douglas Valley Elementary Nurse/Main Office 1299

RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 22 of 25 Proposed Per Current Toshiba Make and Model Proposed Monthly Location of Machines Address in Colorado Springs, CO Click Charge Model Proposed Lease Price Line Item # (if applicable) 39 e-Studio 555 EAC -Central Registration - Copier B 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 40 e-Studio 555 EAC - Central Registration-Copier A 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 41 e-Studio 356 EAC - Security Office 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 42 e-Studio4540C EAC- ITTS Shelley's Depart - Black clicks 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 EAC- ITTS Shelley's Depart- Color clicks 43 e-Studio 356 EAC -ITSS Upstairs 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 44 e-Studio 5540C EAC - Superintendent Black clicks 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 EAC - Superintendent Color clicks 45 e-Studio 3540C EAC - Human Resources Black clicks 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 EAC - Human Resources Color clicks 44 e-Studio 555 EAC - Benefits and Payroll 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 45 e-Studio 5540C EAC-Purchasing Black clicks 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 EAC-Purchasing Color clicks EAC - Professional / Staff Development 46 e-Studio 656 (Upgrade to Color) 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 47 e-Studio 555 EAC - Special Education 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 48 e-Studio 2830C EAC - Special Education Black clicks 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 EAC - Special Education Color clicks 49 e-Studio 3540C EAC - Learning Service Black clicks 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 EAC - Learning Service Color clicks 50 e-Studio 555 Eagleview Middle School - Copy Room 1325 Vindicator Drive 80919-3699 51 e-Studio 356 Eagleview Middle School - Copy Room 52 e-Studio 356 Eagleview Middle School - Main Office 53 e-Studio 356 Eagleview Middle School - Counseling Eagleview Middle School - Library Coin-Op 54 e-Studio 167 (Upgrade to 35PPM) 13710 Black Forest Road 80908- 55 e-Studio 555 Edith Wolford Elementary - Staff Work Room 2899 56 e-Studio 356 Edith Wolford Elementary - Front Office 57 e-Studio 555 Explorer ElementaryElementary-Main Main Office/Office/Workroom Health 4190 Bardot Drive 80920-7599 58 e-Studio 356 Center 59 e-Studio 356 Expulsion Trailer - EPP 7408 Duryea Drive, 80920 Facilities Maintenance Department (Upgrade to 60 e-Studio 356 65PPM) 10221 Lexington Drive, 80920 61 Add 35PPM mfp Facilities Maintenance Department 62 e-Studio 555 Foothills Elementary - Copy Room 825 Allegheny Drive 80919-1199 63 e-Studio 356 Foothills Elementary - Front Office 3755 Meadowridge Drive 80920- 64 e-Studio 456 Frontier Elementary-Workroom 4599 65 e-Studio 356 Frontier Elementary-Main Office e-Studio 555 High Plains Elementary-Workroom 2248 Vintage Drive 80920-3896 66 e-Studio 356 High Plains Elementary - Main Office 67 e-Studio 3540c Home School Academy Black Clicks 1110 Chapel Hills Drive 80920 Home School Academy Color Clicks 68 e-Studio 555 Liberty High School - Copy Room 8720 Scarborough Drive 80920 69 e-Studio 356 Liberty High School - Main Office 70 e-Studio 356 Liberty High School - Students Service 71 e-Studio 356 Liberty High School – Special Education 72 e-Studio 356 Liberty High School - Library Liberty High School - Library Coin-Op 73 e-Studio 167 (Upgrade to 35PPM)

RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 23 of 25 Current Toshiba Make and Model Proposed Monthly Proposed Per Location of Machines Address in Colorado Springs, CO Line Item # Model Proposed Lease Price Click Charge 74 e-Studio 555 Mountain Ridge Middle School - Copy Room 9150 Lexington Drive 80920 75 e-Studio 555 Mountain Ridge Middle School - Copy Room 76 e-Studio 356 Mountain Ridge Middle School - Main Office Mountain Ridge Middle School - Counseling 77 e-Studio 356 Office Mountain Ridge Middle School - LMC Coin- 78 e-Studio 167 Op-Not Networked (Upgrade to 35PPM) 79 e-Studio 555 Mountain View Elementary-Office Workroom 10095 Lexington Drive 80920 80 e-Studio 356 Mountain View Elementary - Main Office 10750 Thunder Mountain Avenue 81 e-Studio 555 - Copy Room 80908 82 e-Studio 555 Pine Creek High School - Copy Room 83 e-Studio 356 Pine Creek High School - Library Workroom 84 e-Studio 356 Pine Creek H.S. - Room 200/Teacher Plan Pine Creek High School - Room 100/Teacher 85 e-Studio 356 Plan Pine Creek High School - Library Coin-Op- 86 e-Studio 167 Not Networked (Upgrade to 35PPM) 3663 Woodland Hills Drive 80918- 87 e-Studio 555 Pioneer Elementary School - Copy Room 6366 88 e-Studio 356 Pioneer Elementary School - Main Office 89 90 e-Studio 555 Prairie Hills Elementary - Copy Room 8025 Telegraph Drive 80920-7199 91 e-Studio 356 Prairie Hills Elementary - Front / Main Office Print Shop- User: Brittany (Upgrade to next 92 E-Studio 1105 higher PPM) 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 Print Shop - User: Dick (Upgrade to next higher 93 E-Studio 1105 PPM) 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 Print Shop-User: Keegan (Upgrade to next 94 E-Studio 1105 higher PPM) 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 Print Shop - Drive Multi User (Upgrade to next 95 e-Studio 1105 higher PPM) 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 Print Shop - Multi-user (Upgrade to next 96 E-Studio 1105 higher PPM) 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 Print Shop- Black Clicks #2 -(Upgrade to next 97 e-Studio 5540C higher PPM) 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 Print Shop-Color Clicks 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 Print Shop- Black Clicks (Upgrade to next 98 e-Studio 5540C higher PPM) 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 Print Shop-Color Clicks 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 MBH Triumph 99 4850EP Print Shop - Programmable Paper Cutter 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 100 Xante Lumina Print Shop - Envelope Printer 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 101 Print Shop - Phoenix 44" Laminator 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 HP DesignJet Print Shop - Large Format Color 102 1120T Printer/Plotter 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 Print Shop - 14" Electric Punch, Auto Paper Onyn HD7700 Ejector, and Stacker Punches, Stacks in One, 103 Operation. Piks A Lift auto Lifts Sheets 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 Print Shop - Three Spindle, Heavy Duty; Lassco FMMH-3 Hydraulic Drilling, 2" Lift Capacity, Foot Pedal 104 Activation 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 Print Shop - Business Card Cutter, 24 upGutter Cut, up to 240 cards per minute.Automatic Duplo CC-330 Single-Pass Process; Optionsfor Post Cards 105 and Photos 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 Print Shop - Laminates 45" width / Thermal and RSH-1151 PS Film, 5/8" Mounting 1.5 to 10 Mil Laminate Film; Variable Speed up to 13'/ minute 106 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920 Print Shop - Cutter cuts up to 60", Cuts General Purpose Materials Up To 1/4" thick; Cutting accuracy up Cutter 107 to .03"; with Stand 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920

RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 24 of 25 Current Toshiba Make and Model Proposed Monthly Proposed Per Location of Machines Address in Colorado Springs, CO Line Item # Model Proposed Lease Price Click Charge 108 e-Studio 555 - Room 104 8250 Lexington Drive 80920-4390 109 e-Studio 555 Rampart High School - Main Office 8250 Lexington Drive 80920-4390 110 e-Studio 555 Rampart High School - Teacher's Lounge 8250 Lexington Drive 80920-4390 111 e-Studio 555 Rampart High School - Roof Access 8250 Lexington Drive 80920-4390 112 e-Studio 555 Rampart High School - LMC Dept. 8250 Lexington Drive 80920-4390 113 e-Studio 356 Rampart High School - Athletic Office 8250 Lexington Drive 80920-4390 Rampart High School - Library Coin-Op - Not 114 e-Studio 167 Networked 8250 Lexington Drive 80920-4390 115 e-Studio 555 Ranch Creek Elementary - Work Room 9155 Tutt Boulevard 80924 116 e-Studio 356 Ranch Creek Elementary - Main Office 117 e-Studio 555 Rockrimmon Elementary-Copy Room 194 Mikado Drive West 80919-1399 118 e-Studio 356 Rockrimmon Elementary - Main Office 119 e-Studio 456 School In the Woods 12002 Vollmer Road 80908 120 e-Studio 356 Sodexo - Upgrade to Color 7408 Duryea Drive, Bldg. B, 80920 121 e-Studio 555 The da Vinci Academy - Copier Area 1335 Bridle Oaks 80921 122 e-Studio 356 The da Vinci Academy - Reception Counter 1335 Bridle Oaks 80921

123 e-Studio 555 Timberview M.S. -Student Ctr. / Main Office 8680 Scarborough Drive 80920-7575

124 e-Studio 356 Timberview MS - Counseling / Downstairs 8680 Scarborough Drive 80920-7575

125 e-Studio 556 Timberview MS - Admin Hall 8680 Scarborough Drive 80920-7575

126 e-Studio 356 Timberview MSMS -- RmLibrary Main Coin-Op Office - 8680 Scarborough Drive 80920-7575 127 e-Studio 167 (Upgrade to 35PPM) 8680 Scarborough Drive 80920-7575 128 e-Studio 656 Transportation / Copy Room 7408 Duryea Drive, Bldg. A 80920 129 e-Studio 356 Transportation / Mechanics 7408 Duryea Drive, Bldg. A 80920

130 e-Studio 555 Woodmen Roberts - Copy Room 8365 Orchard Path Road 80919-2907

131 e-Studio 356 Woodmen Roberts Computer Room 8365 Orchard Path Road 80919-2907

TOTAL MONTHLY Lease $ OTHER PRICING, identify all other pricing per monthly basis below:

132 Managed Print Services, black print $ Managed Print Services, color print 133 Print Shop personnel $ 134 Service Personnel $ 135 District Fax Server $ 136 Software programs (i.e. WebCRD, FMAudit, TopAccess, PaperCut, Scribbles Software, etc. ) $

TOTAL Monthly cost $

TOTAL Annual cost $

RFP 15-GPS-0317 Multifunctional Devices, Print Shop and Managed Print Services Page 25 of 25