Achievement, As Motivation Component for Gamers 52 Active
Index A Bethesda 177 ABI, see Annual Business Inquiry (ABI) Big Pixel Studios 147 achievement, as motivation Bioware 40 component for gamers 52 Black Ops 43 Active Worlds 194, 197, 204 Black Rock Studios 40 Activision 28, 43, 51, 77 Blitz 77 Age of Empires for Mobile 160 Blizzard 41 analysis 154–6 Blockbuster game 3, 30, 40, 45 development story 152–3 blockbuster model 40, 45 violent content 153–4 BoardX 180 agglomeration 9, 16, 20 Bodycount 143 agile project management Bourdieu, P. 6, 7, 107, 112, 115, 119, methods 117 167, 169, 170, 171 agile project models 56 Broken Sword 16 Alice in Wonderland 115 Build-a-bear 35 Alienware 174 Bungie Studios 109, 177 alpha version of the game 57 business birth-rate 2 Alphaville 194, 201 business death-rate 2 Alternative Reality Games business models 5, 24, 28, 69 (ARGs) 109–10 of computer games industry 29–31 ambidexterity literature 86–7 demographic changes and 34–5 ambidextrous organizations 86, 87, downloadable content (DLC) 41 100 emerging, risk implications Annual Business Inquiry (ABI) 23 of 72–5 APB 4, 76–9 games production networks Apple 35, 37–8, 68, 117, 143–4 and 66 App Store (Apple) 37–8, 68 intellectual property (IP) arcade machine 105 based 68–72 ARGs, see Alternative Reality Games pricing strategy elements of 42–4 (ARGs) work-for-hire (WFH) based 66–8 art, and computer games industry Buy-the-Box games 41 72, 170 artistic interests 6 C Assassin’s Creed 40 Call of Duty (COD) 28, 40, 43, 160 audio-visual industry, workers in 14 career entry 130 avatar 7, 35, 51, 142, 186, 187, careers, in computer games 189–94, 197, 198–200, 203 industry 125, 129–31 Castle Wolfenstein 170 B Casualty Actuarial Society 70 Barbie 35 Championship Manager 76 Battlestar Galactica 49 children beta testing 70, 77, 203 violent games to 143, 145, 146, 160 beta version of the game 57 virtual worlds for 35–6, 45 211 212 Index Club Penguin (Disney) 35 production logic vs.
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