Annual General Meeting Agenda

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Annual General Meeting Agenda CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION LTD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the ANNUAL GENERAL COMMITTEE of the CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION LID, wi ll be held at WINNINGTON PARK RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB, NORTHWICH on THURSDA Y Ist JUL Y 2004 at 6.30 pm 50 1 Tower Buil dings, Grae me Marrs M.RE. 22 Water Street, Honorary Secretary Liverpool L3 1BL. June 2004 AGENDA 1. Notice of the Annual General Meeting. 2. To confirm the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting he Id on 3rd July 2003. 3. To receive a Financial Report. 4. To adopt the Comminee's Report. 5. To elect the Officers for the Year 2004 / 2005 The Committee nominations: (a) President: A.G. de B. Marrs MBE Esq. (h) Past Pres idents: P.G. Turner, G.C. Cox, M. Cohen J.P., F.R.Povall, N.H. Middlebrook, C.J.Coventry, D.P. Wright, D.1. Adams, D. Ewing (c) Senior Vice-President: M.J. Lord (d) Vice Pres idents: J.N. Lenton, E.J.F. Taylor (e) Northern League Representative : Steve McCafferty (f) Honorary Secretary: P. Rhodes 6. The fo ll ow ing officers be ing eligible and no further nominations being received are hereby elected: (b) Honorary Treasurer: B. W. Davies (c) Honorary Match Secretary: P. Warrington 7. To appoint Jane Cliff as Assistant Secretary 8. To confirm the appointrnent of M.J. Lord as RFU County Representative. 9. To elect the Committee for the year 200412005. One representative From each clu b in membership, one member from each of the Referee's Societies and IWo representatives From the Schools. 10. To elect the Auditor for the year 2004/2005. The Comminee's nomination: R. Parry. COMMITTEE REPORT 2003/2004 - COMMITTEE Six Comminec Meetings were held during the ycar and the following is a record of anendancc. P.Blakeman (Altrincham Kersal RFC) . 4 W. MoITat (Ramsey) .. o R.Neyton (Aluincham KersaJ RFC) .. 1 A.Sproston (Reaseheath College) .. o D.Onncsher (Ashlon-on-Mersey) .................. 3 lGore (Runcom RFC) . o H.Davenport (Birkenhead Park) .. 2 P.Tredwell (Sale) .. 4 M.lordan (Bowdon) .. 3 H. Middlebrook (Sal ians RFC 1 Pasl President) 5 F,Pnet (CaIdy) '" 5 J.Wyatt (Sandbach RFC) . 5 T.Roberts (Capenhurst) . o R,HasJehurst (Stockport RFC) .. 2 D.Hickman (Carrington) .. o N.Kelly (Southern Nomads) . o BW.Davies (Chester RFC) . 3 lS.$tockton (The Gentlemen of Moore RFC) . o Hon . Sec (Chester Law) .. o C.Connor (Vagabonds) ...................... .. P.Reid (Chester University College) . o C.Coombs (Village Spartans) ... 1 D.Shaw (Christl elon RFC) .................... o D.C.Smyth (Village Spanans) .. o RLewis (Conglcton RFC) 3 P.Warrington (Wallasey) 5 Mrs S .Clark (Crewe & Alsager RFC) o K.Diack (Western Vi ki ngs) . o lM.Farr (Crewe & Nantwich RFC) . 6 J.Holland (Wilmslow RUFC). o P.E.Garrett (Douglas) 1 S.McCaffcrty (Winnington Park RFC) .. 5 E.Taylor (Dukinficld RFC) .. 4 C.Gerrard (Wirral RFC) ... ... ................. 3 D.B.Pye(ElI esmere Pon). 4 M.Williams (Disciplinary East) . 3 CJ.Johnson (Helsby RUFC) .. 2 P'watkins (Manchester Referees) . 4 B.Meyrick (Holmes Chapel RFC) . 5 W.Buckland (Liverpool Referees) . D,Western (Hoylake RFC) . 6 3 A.Spark (Knutsrord) . 1 Peler Rhodes (Ass Hon Sec) .. 6 C.Hurrell (KnIllSrord) . 1 G.Marrs MBE (Hon SedSchools) . 5 G.Kennedy (Lymm RFC) . 5 D.l. Adams (SchoolsIPast Presidcnt) .. 6 l Taylor (Macdesfield RFC) . 5 J.Burton (Community Rugby) .. 4 N.Hawkley (Marple RFC) ... o M.Cohen (Wd fare OfficerlPast President) . 3 J.Pimùngton (New Brighton RFC) ................. .. o C.Coventry (Past President) .. 4 R.McUlverty (Northwich RFU) . 3 G.C.Cox (past President) . 5 n,Wilde (Old Anselmians) . 4 P.G.Tumer (past President) o D.A.Ewing (Old DirkonianslPresident). 6 F.R.Povall (past (President) 6 n .p.Wright (Oldershaw RFC/Past President) .. 1 M.J.Lord (RFU Representive) . .............. .. ........ r .. 5 E.Flynn (parkonians RFC) . 3 lN.Lenton (past President) . o P.Ashcrofl (Port Sunl igh t RF C) 5 A.Senn (Di sciplinary East Chairmun) . 1 B.Ramsden (Port Sunl ight SEC) 1 R.Gardiner (Youth Sec) . o J.Percival (prenlon RFC) .. o R.Blake (Selecti on) .. 5 CLUBS Altrincham Kef$ ~ Clewe and All.1gcr College Gentleman or Moore Sandbach Ashtoo-on-Mersey Crewe :lJ1d Nantwich New Bri!thton 5AROB UK Birkenhead P.trl< DOIJ~ l as North widi S.Nomads Bowdon Dukl nlicld Ol d Anslcmians Stockport Caldy Ellesmere Port Old BÎrkoni:lJ1 V'jabonds CapcnhU~l Hclsby Oldershaw Vil age 5paruns Cullttown Hoimes Chapd Pad:mians Wallasey Cheshire ConsLlbulary Hoy lakc Pon Sunlight We$lem Vikiog5 Cheshin: Regiment Knulsford Pn:nlOn Wilm~ow Che$le!'" Lymm -", WÎMington Pad: Chene!'" CoI lege Maccleslield Ruseheath Coll cgc Wiml ChCSle!'" Law College Manchester Sale Runeom Christlcton Marpl c 5., Congleton MOlllell Camngtoo Salians SCHOOLS Schools AffiliaJed 10 Cheshire RFU 2003 / 2004 Alsager School Crof! County Primary School Qu~ Eliubeth Il H S Stockport G S Altrincham G5 El lesmere Port Catholie B.S Queens Park H.S Tameside College AltrinchatTI Prep 5chool Grange Grammar School Ram ill ies Hall School Tarporel y COIJnty H 5 Aquinu Collegc Ramscy G.S Terra Nova School Ashtoo.on·Mcrsey ~~rf~~h~: I S Hall 5chool Rcdcourt St Anselms Plep The COIJ nly Ils LeflWic h Dallakerm«n H.5 Hilbre 1,' S Ridge Danyers College The Kiog's School Chester Deech Hall 5chool Holmes ChJpel C.5 RUlhin Sehool The Rylcy's School Birkenhead 5chool Jeff Joseph Sale Moor TC Rydal Pcnmose School Verdin U S Birkenh ead 5ixth Form CoUege King Willi l ms Col1cge St. Amb rosc Col lege Vict ori a CommunÎty School Biwop Hebo:r County H 5 Kings School Maccleslicld St. Ansclm's College Wallasey School Bllcon H.5 Lymm H S St. Da\id's College Wall aJq Consortium Brarnh.a.ll COIJnty H 5 Malb.nk School St. Nich ol as H S Wea\'cmam H S Bridgcwater County Il 5 Marple Hall School St. Ninian's H S Whi lby COIJnty H S Brine Leu County H 5 Midd1cwich H S Sale G.S Will iam Hulm e G S C. lday Grange G 5 MosslJods Sehool Sandbach School Wilmslow H S Cutle Rushcn Il.5 Moultoo C P School Sandbrook PrimaI)' School Wimtl G S. Cheadle Hu lmc School Oldcrshl w Sehool Sir 10hn Deane', Col lege \Voodford Lodge H 5 Chester C'lholie School Padg.te Hi gh School Sou th Wirn.1 H S Christlelon Il 5 Pensby Boys H 5 Stockport G S luni()t EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT VaUf Executive Committee has completed a very full ycar seeing many changes affccting ail racets of the game, many of these being passed down [rom Twickenham's professional stafT. 1 thank ail concemed on the Executive for thci r lime and patience necded to sec through many of thesc changes. Ta our co-opted members. Peter Rhodes (legal services), John Burton (community rugby), David Southem (rcgional rugby dcvelopmcnt manager) our special thanks for ail your contributions and support. Notable changes and developments have seen David Southcm co-opted on to the Executive, the appointmcnt of Jane Cliff as Administration Officcr, she has takcn forward many and varied County administrative procedures along side the roll of Registrar. The Isle of Man has seen an incrcase in the support from officers of the County along with, it must be said, R.F.U. staff. supporting the annual visit, the opcning of Ramsey's new club house and the Sweet Chariot Tour. The County's Str.:J.tcgic Plan has bccn reviewed by our sub-committees and considered along side the R.F.U. Strategie Plan. The introduction of Cluster Groups to support Clubs within sm aller locations, which, in many cases, have specified local needs. Thanks to Dai Adams for driv ing this forward, but of course, wc need to build fu rther on this in itiative. Community Club Development Programme has seen in year 1 the planned implementation of an all-weather pitch at Macclesfield, floodlighting at Chester and at Wirral, pitch drainage. This ongoing programme is supponed by a North West Facility Group which is a cambined Cheshire and Lancashire Group with Gracme Marrs and John Gardiner faci litat ing and ovcrseeing Chcshirc's interests. Your Committee has been closely monitoring the Schools Studcnts and Youth Review, along with the Constituent Bodies Partnership Review which the R.F.U. has now published and passed through Counci!. As result of this, wc consider that we, Cheshire, will nccd ta restructure same of our Cammittees, this has commenced but nothing as yet has been finalîsed . Ta fac ilitate an impraved understanding of our current sub-comminee structure, Executive Committee members have mis year each been nominated ta "look after" a specifie sub­ cammittee. This it is considcred, will enable your Committee ta ensure that any changes la Ihe overall structure will coyer ail our County needs. Conditional Funding appcars ta be having conslant changes in its fonnat, he lp has been made available through Brian Davics and his Icam of Audilors. Finally, thanks to our Presi dent and thc tcam he dcvelopcd around him for maving forward at very short notice, a highly successful $wcel Chariot Tour. Frank Pavail COMMUNITY RUGBY SUMMER WORKSHOPS 1) RU ready for RU?' At Eaglc 6.30 p.rn. August 18th, 19th, 23rd or 24th 2) Funding and Finance At Widncs 6.30 p.rn. July 19th 3) Child Protection At Chester 6.30 p.rn. July 15th 4) Voluntcer Co-ordinator" At Birkenhead Park 6.30 p.m. August IOth You can check on the Cheshire RU website for up 10 date news or Phone John Burton on: 07979877448 or W.
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