2021 PRODUCER INFORMATION AND WOOL VALUES British Wool, Your Trusted Partner. britishwool.org.uk PRODUCER INFORMATION AND WOOL VALUES Welcome to British Wool’s Producer Information and Wool Values booklet. As a cooperative, we firmly believe that the collaborative marketing of the UK wool clip by British Wool is the best way to deliver value for wool producers. If anything, the principal of collaborative marketing is even more essential today than it was when British Wool was established in 1950. The wool clip needs to be sorted and amalgamated into commercial weights if it is to be used by manufacturers and achieve value for producers. The average clip size in the UK is around 500kg and this typically comprises 10 grades of wool. The UK is fortunate to still have two commercial scouring plants but these typically process wool in 50,000kg batches. Export to other markets such as China is in 24,000kg shipping containers where all lots must be core tested. Without our scale, grading and testing the clip would have lower value and the viability of UK wool processing would be jeopardised. With 35,000 members we are able to both aggregate the clip into commercial weights and offer a true nationwide service handling the wool from all UK wool producers, no matter what type of wool, or how much wool they have. The more wool we handle the more cost effective our operations become, which in turn allows us to return more value to all producers. If an additional 1000 farmers each delivered 500kg, our operating costs for all producers would fall by 1p per kilo. With this in mind please encourage your colleagues in the farming community to support British Wool and deliver their wool this year. Within this booklet, please find important information including: • The British Wool process • Organic, Lamb and Second Shear wool • Removal of carriage fees from all British Wool drop off points • How we are marketing your wool • Grading system and wool values • Depot and drop off network • Board and Regional Committee Member contact information On behalf of the Board and all at British Wool we would like to thank you for your continued support and wish you well for the coming season.

Andrew Hogley, CEO Jim Robertson, Chairman

AGM The 2021 Annual General Meeting of registered producers will be held on Wednesday 10th November 2021. More details on the format of the AGM will be announced in due course

2 GUIDANCE FOR DELIVERING WOOL TO DEPOTS Due to the Covid-19 situation being fast-moving and a rapidly changing situation, this guidance may change at short notice. It’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest advice provided by the government British Wool’s depots have remained open throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and in order to keep everyone safe, the below guidance should be followed when visiting a depot to deliver your wool: • All producers wanting to deliver their wool should make contact with the depot to make an appointment beforehand. Each producer will be given a time slot which enables us to manage risk and reduce the number of producers on site at any one time. • Upon arrival at the depot, producers should report to a designated area near intake that will be clearly visible with signage / notices to ensure everyone complies with Covid-19 social distancing guidance. • Producers will then be directed to the intake area for delivery of their wool. • A supply of disposable gloves will be made available in the intake area so that every producer handing wool sheets, wears protective gloves. • Depot staff will frequently clean and disinfect high touch areas, for example, door handles. • All visitors to the depot should minimise contact with our employees and should only be on site for the time it takes to drop off their wool safely. • Social distancing should be implemented at all times, if face to face contact is necessary, please remain at least two metres away from depot staff and other visitors.


Register with British Wool. 1 VAT registered? Complete a Self-Billing Agreement.

2 Wool sheets and labels distributed to producers via the depot network.

Sheep are shorn. 3 Fleeces are rolled & packed into wool sheets provided (green sheets for organic wool).

Wool sheets are labelled (name, address and registration number). 4 If using a haulier, please complete paperwork provided.

Wool sheets are collected by haulier or delivered by the producer to 5 a depot or drop off location.

Wool is graded by type and weight. 6 Producers receive grading notification.

Wool is packed into commercial weights and tested for yield, colour, 7 and micron ahead of auctions.

8 Wool is sold in auctions held throughout the year.

Final value of wool is calculated based on the weight and grade 9 delivered and the prices achieved at auction.

10 Payment is credited when wool is delivered next season.

4 Contents FLEECE PRESENTATION Well-presented fleeces are much quicker and easier for our staff to grade and help minimise our operating costs. Poorly presented and unrolled fleeces may be graded at a much lower value. To maximise your clip value please follow the approved method of fleece presentation as illustrated below. After shearing throw out the fleece onto a clean surface flesh side down. (Fleeces from the Blackface, Herdwick and Rough Fell breeds should be laid flesh side up.)

Pick off any extraneous matter, e.g. straw, and remove any daggings.

Include only clean, dry belly wool with the fleece before folding the flanks towards the centre.

Turn in the britch end and roll the fleece firmly and neatly towards the neck.

After rolling, part the fleece.

Without twisting, tuck the neck wool firmly into the body of the fleece.

The finished fleece is firm and secure. Place the tucked fleece firmly into the wool sheet.

Where possible pack fleeces from different breeds and types separately to avoid cross contamination and a reduced wool value. • Do not mix hill wool with lowland wool. Kemp from hill wools can cause cross contamination and spoil lowland fleeces. • Do not mix coloured wool with white wool. Coloured fibres will contaminate white wool. • Do not mix wool from hoggs with wool from ewes and wethers. • Keep Bluefaced Leicester and Teeswater / Wensleydale fleeces separate from mule fleeces. Fleeces can be placed in a bag within the same wool sheet. • Do not mix oddments with fleece wool.

5 Contents PACKING Wool should be delivered to British Wool in wool sheets. These will be distributed by your local depot ahead of the new wool season. If you need wool sheets please contact your local depot directly. To aid operations in our depots we ask that wool sheets are evenly filled and well packed. When properly packed, wool sheets should hold approximately 80kg of wool. This will however vary depending on wool type. Use of a packing frame can help ensure that all sheets are evenly packed. These can be purchased from British Wool or improvised using a couple of farm gates / hurdles as shown below.

LABELS Every year British Wool handles approximately 24 million kg of wool, in half a million wool sheets, from almost 35,000 producers. As such it is essential that all wool is clearly labelled by the producer. All wool sheets should be clearly labelled with the producer’s name, address and registration number. Your registration number is a unique identifier and has seven digits. Sheet labels are provided for this purpose with the wool sheets. One label should be attached to the outside of each wool sheet and another inserted in the sheet with the wool. If using a haulier, please complete paperwork provided. If your wool is not clearly identifiable it is much more challenging for British Wool to ensure that you are paid correctly.

6 Contents AVOID DAMAGING YOUR WOOL Wool can be easily damaged which will impact negatively on price. In many cases this can be avoided with a little extra care.

Damaged wool (Fault code F) Where sheep have been shorn damp, or fleeces have been stored in damp conditions, wool can become brittle and suffer from discolouration. Please store your wool in a clean dry place and avoid storing in direct contact with concrete floors.

Vegetable matter contamination (Fault code V) Some vegetable matter contamination is unavoidable in areas of natural grazing but many cases are avoidable. Please avoid shearing your sheep on straw.

Excessive marking (Fault code H) Excessive marking can make wool more difficult to process. Please use sheep marking fluids sparingly and always use British Wool approved marking fluids.

Please don’t send in wool that has been damaged by Fly Strike or infected by Sheep Scab. Fleeces containing maggots are likely to damage other wools.

Please refer to pages 18 - 19 for full fault grade listing and prices.


Our licensed marker products are easy to identify as they bear this logo.

7 Contents ORGANIC WOOL British Wool handles organic wool separately in order to maximise it’s value. In order to meet the requirements of the UK Organic Control Bodies, Organic producers must deliver their wool in green wool sheets. If required these should be requested from your local depot. Organic wool producers must also provide evidence of their organic status on the date their wool is delivered to British Wool. The Organic Certificate and associated trading schedule must state “Sheep”. Only wool from the farm detailed on the Organic Certificate can be graded and paid as organic.

Approved UK Organic Control Bodies; • Organic Farmers & Growers CIC (GB-ORG-02) • Organic Food Federation (GB-ORG-04) • Soil Association Certification Ltd (GB-ORG-05) • Biodynamic Association Certification (GB-ORG-06) • Irish Organic Association (GB-ORG-07) • Organic Trust Limited (GB-ORG-09) • Quality Welsh Food Certification Ltd (GB-ORG-13) • OF&G (Scotland) Ltd (GB-ORG-17)

No Organic Premium was paid on 2020 wool receipts. This wool however achieved a premium when sold. This will be reflected by a10p per kg premium on Fine and Medium types and a 5p per kg premium on Mule types.

LAMB WOOL Lamb wool is graded as it is received and paid for on the same basis as fleece wool. This allows us to spread the sale of Lamb wool through the year and ensures that producers receive fair value.

SECOND SHEAR WOOL British Wool produces 3 grades of second shear (Medium, Romney and Mule). In order to be classed as second shear the wool must have sufficient staple length; wool that is shorn too short has very limited commercial value. In order to be graded as “Second Shear” rather than “Locks” the wool should generally have at least four month’s growth. As a minimum the staple length should be 7.5cm (3 inches) and generally 10cm (4 inches). Any wool shorter than this is liable to be graded as locks and producers will be paid accordingly.

Please write ‘Lamb Wool’ or ‘Second Shear’ on wool sheets labels to identify these types of wool in your delivery.

8 Contents MINIMISE YOUR TRANSPORT COSTS Wool producers have the option of delivering their wool to one of our depots / drop off locations or having it collected from farm by one of our network of hauliers. Contact details for each of our depots and drop off locations are detailed in this booklet from page 21. If you require your wool to be collected, your local grading depot will also be able to put you in touch with the haulier that covers your area. Details of our depots, drop off locations and hauliers can also be found on the British Wool website. Deliveries to British Wool grading depots or approved drop off locations as detailed on pages 21 - 29 incur no onward carriage charge. A small transport charge is applied for each sheet collected from farm by our hauliers. • Haulier collections of 2000kg and above: £5.15 per sheet • Haulier collections of 500kg to 1999kg: £7.45 per sheet • Haulier collections of less than 500kg: £10.80 per sheet Producers will also benefit from packing more wool into each sheet. By packing your wool into fewer sheets the carriage charges will be lower, based on the above volumes and rates. Where possible, all wool for the 2021 season should be delivered no later than 28 February 2022. Wool delivered after 1 March 2022 may not be graded until after 1 May 2022 and will be paid in accordance with the 2022 wool season prices.

VISIT THE BRITISH WOOL WEBSITE British Wool’s website has a range of interesting and informative information specifically designed for producers including shearing training, best practice, new entrants’ scheme, latest news and sale reports. The website also includes an interactive depot locator section which allows producers to easily locate their nearest depot and transport options for wool delivery. As well as having information for producers, the British Wool website also has sections specifically for Consumer, Trade and Learning. The web address is britishwool.org.uk To keep up to date with all British Wool news, follow @britishwoolfarm on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. @britishwoolfarm

9 Contents SITE RULES British Wool is committed to ensuring compliance to legal requirements and the health and safety of all persons on site. We would ask you to please read and abide by the following information when visiting one of our depots.

Speed Limits - If you are travelling in a vehicle around the premises, please drive slowly and beware of potential vehicle movements and pedestrians on site.

Safety Signage - Please abide by all safety signs on display. If you are in any doubt, please speak to a member of staff who will be happy to assist.

Pedestrians - Please be aware of moving vehicles; e.g. cars, vans, lorries etc. as you move around the site and use any designated walkways as required.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - High visibility vests must be worn in the warehouse and safety footwear must be worn where required. All persons when working at height must wear the harness / fall arrest system provided.

Visitors - If you are not alone and have passengers in your vehicle, please can you ensure that they remain in the vehicle until such times you have finished your visit. Alternatively, they must wait in the designated area as instructed by the member of staff. Under no circumstances are they allowed to enter the depot unaccompanied. Any persons under the age of 18 must be strictly controlled, supervised at all times and are not allowed in operational areas.

First Aid - All our Depots have full first aid cover. In the event that you are in any way injured or suffer health problems, please alert a member of staff immediately.

Emergency Procedures - Your host will be familiar with the site emergency procedures. In the event of an alarm being raised, please follow all instructions given. Leave the building at the nearest exit and report to the designated assembly point.

Accident Procedure - If in the unlikely event that you are involved in an accident or near miss, you must report this to a member of staff so an investigation can be conducted in line with company procedures.

Smoking - There is a strict no smoking policy which applies to all our depots.

Environment - British Wool is committed to implementing initiatives to reduce our impact on the environment. Please help us by adhering to our environmental systems such as switching off lights and equipment when not in use, disposing of rubbish in accordance with our recycling policy, reporting any spills, leaks or defective equipment and minimising and preventing unnecessary waste.

In addition to this all visitors must comply with the guidance set out on page 3 of this publication

10 Contents MARKETING YOUR WOOL Despite the challenges posed by Covid-19 we have made steady progress over the past 12 months on our consumer marketing programme. Examples of our activities over the past 12 months are highlighted below: Social Media We continue to experience good follower growth across our consumer social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest) and we now have over 90k consumer followers across all channels. This gives us a large, growing and highly engaged audience to which we can promote and grow our brand, promote our licensees products (driving sales) and communicate the many benefits of wool products and wool in general. It also allows us to engage with and educate consumers on farming more generally.

E-commerce Website To help drive sales of British wool rich products and meet the increasing consumer interest in such products we are launching a new e-commerce website (britishwool.org.uk/consumer). This site enables us to sell our licensees products direct to consumers at competitive prices. Not only does this add a lot of value to our licensees helping to encourage them to develop more British wool rich products and also attract more UK based licensees we also receive a healthy commission on every item sold through the website. The site currently has 10 licensees across a wide range of products from knitwear and yarn to dog beds! The plan is to increase the number of licensees over the coming 12 months and make this site the go to site for everything British wool!

Retail Activation Programme During the summer we managed to install our new carpet displays stands in 10 retailers across the UK. The initial feedback was extremely positive in that the stands were stimulating a lot of very positive conversations and leading to new sales of British wool rich carpets. Due to lockdowns the trial has been extended and we will be working closely with the 10 retailers over the coming 6 months ahead of a roll-out to a wider audience.

Other Activity • We are working on numerous new product development projects across a broad range of products and hope many will be launched in the coming season helping to increase the demand for our wool through the auction. • One significant product development project is a 100% British wool range with one of the leading flooring suppliers in the UK, we are looking at launching in September and over time this should drive some significant additional demand for carpet type wool. • Work continues in China building the British Wool brand and targeting new users for British wool across a wide range of product categories.

To find out more about our consumer marketing, email [email protected] or follow @BritishWool on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 11 Contents GRADING SYSTEM ADDS VALUE Given the number of sheep breeds, there is huge variety in the quality and characteristics of the wool produced in the UK. Grading every fleece individually adds value for our producers as this separates the better quality wool from the poorer, with the better quality achieving a higher price. The amalgamation of wool of a consistent type also enables it to be processed commercially by downstream manufacturers. British Wool’s grading system sorts wool based upon both its style and characteristics. The style of the wool is generally determined by its staple length, crimp, fineness, handle and lustre. There are six main styles of British wool. These are; Fine, Medium, Cross, Lustre, Hill and Mountain. In addition British Wool produces a number of speciality wools. These have distinctive characteristics and are usually specific to a particular breed. British Wool’s speciality types are Dorset, Jacob, Masham, Teeswater / Wensleydale, Lincoln, Shetland, Exmoor Horn, Hebridean and Herdwick. Within each style of wool, fleeces are graded by quality with judgements made across a range of characteristics. These include; whether the wool comes from a Hogg or a Ewe, Colour, Staple Strength, Uniformity, Kemp, Grey Fibre and Cotts. Organic wool, lamb wool, winter shorn wool and oddments are processed separately. Grading terms explained;

GRADING TERMS GRADING TERMS HOGG First shear up to 15 months growth DISCOLOURED Natural discolouration, yellow in colour EWE Second or subsequent shear up to 12 months growth SOFT COTTS Slightly matted fibre NO1 Good uniformity of style, length, COTTS Matted fibres colour with a sound staple GREY Grey fibre content more than NO2 Average uniformity of style, length and expected within the fleece possibly some slight discolouration Kempy fibre content more than and/or staple weakness KEMPY expected within the fleece

If you wish to see your wool being graded please contact your local depot before you deliver your wool.

WOOL AUCTIONS MAXIMISE PRICE British Wool sells the graded wool by auction every two to three weeks providing industrial users with a consistent product and steady supply over the course of the year. A typical auction lot will weigh just over 8 tonnes, contains approximately 4,000 fleeces and may contain wool from more than 100 producers. All auction lots are core sampled and the wool is independently tested for micron, colour, vegetable matter and dry yield. Testing is to international standards and provides data to buyers on the processing and performance characteristics of the wool. This in turn gives the buyers confidence in making informed decisions about the type and quality of British wool. The Agency Buyer service launched in 2018 continues to provide an important service to new buyers accessing wool through the British Wool auctions. This service alongside our consumer marketing and product development initiatives will help support British Wool and prices into the medium and long-term.



FINE WOOL Fine Hoggs No 1 221 20 Fine Hoggs No 2 222 18 Fine Ewes No 1 226 16 Fine Ewes No 2 232 15 Fine Light Grey 290 10 Fine Dark Grey / Black 291 8 SOUTHDOWN Southdown / Charollais Hoggs 203 15 Southdown / Charollais Ewes 204 15 DORSET Dorset Horn / Poll Dorset 205 15 MEDIUM WOOL Medium Hoggs No 1 322 22 Medium Hoggs No 2 334 16 Medium Ewes No 1 338 17 Medium Ewes No 2 345 16 Medium Ewes Naturally Discoloured 399 12 Medium Ewes Deep 348 15 Medium Light Grey 390 10 Medium Dark Grey / Black 391 8 Medium Second Shear 2710 15 Medium Second Shear Light Grey 2710X 11 ROMNEY Romney Hoggs No 1 305 30 Romney Hoggs No 2 306 25 Romney Ewes No 1 310 17 Romney Ewes No 2 320 16 Romney Naturally Discoloured 321 12 Romney Second Shear 2700 15 JACOB Jacob 351 5


CROSS / MULE WELSH MULE Mule Hoggs No 1 (Welsh) 461 20 Mule Hoggs No 2 (Welsh) 462 22 Mule Ewes No 1 (Welsh) 463 16 Mule Ewes No 2 (Welsh) 464 16 Mule Kempy (Welsh) 466 15 Mule Soft Cotts (Welsh) 467 12 Mule Cotts (Welsh) 468 11 Mule Light Grey (Welsh) 469 7 SOUTHERN MULE Mule Hoggs No 1 (Southern) 471 18 Mule Hoggs No 2 (Southern) 472 20 Mule Ewes No 1 (Southern) 473 16 Mule Ewes No 2 (Southern) 474 15 Mule Kempy (Southern) 476 15 Mule Soft Cotts (Southern) 477 12 Mule Cotts (Southern) 478 11 Mule Light Grey (Southern) 479 7 NORTHERN MULE Mule Hoggs No 1 (Northern) 481 15 Mule Hoggs No 2 (Northern) 482 17 Mule Ewes No 1 (Northern) 483 16 Mule Ewes No 2 (Northern) 484 15 Greyface Mule (Northern) 485 15 Mule Kempy (Northern) 486 15 Mule Soft Cotts (Northern) 487 12 Mule Cotts (Northern) 488 11 Mule Light Grey (Northern) 489 7 Mule Dark Grey / Black 491 5 Mule Second Shear 2711 15 MASHAM Masham Hoggs 403 18


LUSTRE WOOL BLUEFACED Bluefaced Leicester 554 175 Bluefaced Leicester Light Grey 590 160 Bluefaced Dark Grey / Black 592 160 Bluefaced Leicester Cross / No 2 555 55 DEVON Devon Cross 589 9 Devon / Dartmoor No 1 545 5 Devon / Dartmoor No 2 549 5 Devon / Dartmoor Cotts 548 5 TEESWATER Teeswater / Wensleydale 503 250 LUSTRE Lincoln / Lustre 506 5


HILL WOOL CHEVIOT Cheviot Hoggs No 1 614 25 Cheviot Hoggs No 2 615 24 Cheviot Hoggs Naturally Discoloured 698 12 Cheviot Ewes No 1 616 19 Cheviot Ewes No 2 620 18 Cheviot Ewes Naturally Discoloured 699 12 Cheviot Cross No 1 647 16 Cheviot Cross No 2 649 15 FINE / MEDIUM HILL Fine Hill Hoggs No 1 653 20 Fine Hill Hoggs No 2 654 15 Fine Hill Ewes No 1 655 16 Fine Hill Ewes No 2 659 15 Medium Hill 657 15 Medium Hill Light Grey 669 5 LONK Fine Lonk No 1 601 15 Medium Lonk No 1 602 15 Lonk No 2 605 15 Lonk Grey 606 15 SHETLAND Shetland White No 1 630 70 Shetland White No 2 633 70 Shetland Moorit No 1 631 60 Shetland Coloured 635 50 Shetland Light Grey 632 50 Shetland Dark Grey / Black 634 50 HEBRIDEAN Hebridean No 1 636 30 Hebridean No 2 638 6 Hebridean Cotts 639 5 EXMOOR Exmoor Horn No 1 674 16 Exmoor Horn No 2 676 15


MOUNTAIN WOOL BLACKFACE Blackface Fine No 1 725 12 Blackface Medium No 1 723 10 Blackface No 2 732 9 Blackface Cotts 735 7 Blackface Mattress 722 5 Blackface Light Grey 736 5 Blackface Dark Grey & Black 737 5 WELSH Welsh No 1 760 6 Welsh No 2 763 5 Welsh Coloured Kempy 766 5 Welsh Heavy Coloured Kempy 767 5 Welsh Steel 789 5 Black Welsh Mountain 790 5 Super Black Welsh Mountain 791 35 SWALEDALE Swaledale No 1 707 5 Swaledale No 2 710 5 Swaledale Cotts 711 5 Swaledale Grey 712 5 Rough Fell 720 5 HERDWICK Light Herdwick 718 15 Dark Herdwick 719 15



FINE / MEDIUM Fine Lamb No 1 815 20 Medium Lamb No 1 825 25 Fine / Medium Lamb No 2 828 15 Fine / Medium Lamb Naturally Discoloured 830 15 Fine / Medium Grey Lamb 890 15 ROMNEY Romney Lamb No 1 808 30 Romney Lamb No 2 809 20 MULE Mule Lamb No 1 836 25 Mule Lamb No 2 838 15 DEVON Devon / Dartmoor Lamb 832 15 WELSH / HILL Fine Hill Lamb No 1 802 18 Medium Hill Lamb No 1 803 18 Welsh Lamb No 1 804 5 Welsh / Hill Lamb No 2 805 5 Welsh / Hill Coloured Kempy Lamb 889 5 SPECIALITY Dorset Horn Lamb 813 20 Exmoor Horn Lamb 823 20 Cheviot Lamb 833 20 Scotch Grey Lamb 891 5 Black / Jacob Lamb 893 10

18 Contents FAULT WOOL


Fine / Medium - Vegetable Matter 345V 5

Mule - Vegetable Matter 434V 5

Hill - Vegetable Matter 657V 5

Blackface - Tainted / Excess Marks 732T 5


Mule Lamb - Tainted 0838T 20

Lamb Brands 892 6

There is no payment this season on other grades of fault wool or oddments.

19 Contents SELF-BILLING PROCESS British Wool pays producers who are eligible for VAT under a self-billing process whereby British Wool generates the Payment Advice rather than the producer invoicing British Wool. To operate in this way British Wool is required by HMRC to have a Self-Billing Agreement in place with all VAT registered producers, and producers registered under the Agricultural Flat Rate Scheme. VAT payments to producers are liable to be delayed if we do not have a Self-Billing Agreement in place. TRADING NAME ON ACCOUNTS Given that British Wool generates the Payment Advices for producers we are under an obligation to verify the VAT details that a producer provides when they register with British Wool. Under HMRC regulations the trading name for each VAT registered producer should be the same as the name on their VAT registration. KEEPING YOUR INFORMATION UP TO DATE In order for British Wool to pay you accurately and quickly for your wool, please notify us of any changes to your details. The Producer Services team can be contacted on 01274 688666 or by email at: [email protected] COMPLAINTS Should you have any complaints regarding the service provided by British Wool we would ask that in the first instance you contact your local depot manager. If your local depot is unable to resolve the issue to your satisfaction please contact Producer Services on 01274 688666 or your regional representative.

20 Contents 1747 BW Depot map 2021 AW3.pdf 1 28/06/2021 11:03

52 51 50 49

48 47 46 45 44 43 41 42 40 37 39 C Key: 38 36 Grading Depots 35 30 34 33 Drop Off Locations 32 31 29 24 28 Deliveries to British Wool 23 27 drop off locations or 22 grading depots incur no 26 21 13 onward carriage charge. 14 25 18 19 20 12 17

11 10 6A 15 16 9A B 9 A 7 8A 6 8B 5 8 1 3

2 4

21 Contents Deliveries to British Wool grading depots or approved drop off locations incur no onward carriage charge. South Molton Grading Depot - Mike Berry & Adrian Prisk, Depot Managers A Pathfields, South Molton, Devon, EX36 3DU 01769 572178 • [email protected] New for 2021 Launceston Drop Off - Rob Trivett 1 Pennygillam Way, Pennygillam Industrial Estate, Launceston, PL15 7ED 01579 342422 • [email protected] Chiverton Cross Drop Off - Ollie Cross 2 Blackwater, , TR4 8HZ • 07917 451055 • [email protected] Open all year, 7am - 7pm. All farm collections requests and drop offs must be booked. Newton Abbot Drop Off - Anthony Barrow 3 2 Stormsdown Cottage, Bickington, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 6LQ • 07850 682750 Open all year, please call before delivering wool. Totnes Drop Off - Ian Lethbridge 4 Yertonais Park Farm, East Allington, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 7QE • 01548 521224 • 07843 026931 Open all year, please call before delivering wool. New for 2021

5 Honiton Drop Off - Tim Parnell Airfield Ind Est, Marcus Road, Dunkeswell, EX14 4LB • 07790 966667 New for 2021 Crewkerne Drop Off - Charlie Snell 6 Furringdons Farm, Broadshard, Crewkerne, Somerset, TA18 7NJ • 07967 619747 Open all year, 8.00am - 5.00pm. For alternative times, please call Charlie Snell. New for 2021 Cheddar Drop Off - Ashley Hanchard 6 A Hanchard Farming Partners, Wells Road, Cheddar, Somerset, BS27 3RP 1st May until 30th September, by appointment only. Please contact Ashley Hanchard on 07831 277327. Salisbury Drop Off - Nathan Wall 7 Fifield Ashes, Broad Chalke, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 5HT • 07748 408678 1st May to 31st October, Monday to Sunday. Please call to arrange drop off. Isle of Wight Drop Off - Mr S Burden 8 Upper Rill Farm, Chillerton, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 3HQ • 07785 352045 1st June to 30th September. Deliveries by appointment, please call on the number provided. New for 2021 Petersfield Drop Off - John Olphert 8 A Marden Farm, East Harting, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU31 5LZ 1st May until 30th September, by appointment only. Please contact John Olphert on 07775 874987. New for 2021 West Sussex Drop Off - Jenny & Andrew Flake 8 B Passmore (Coombe), Church Farm, Coombe, Lancing, West Sussex, BN15 0RS Open until 31st August, by appointment; Thursday and Saturday only. Call 07876 024614 to book. Ropley Drop Off - Gordon Wyeth 9 Maple Farm, Gilbert Street, Ropley, Hampshire, SO24 0BY • 07734 534140 1st June to 31st October. Deliveries by appointment, please call on the number provided. New for 2021 Basingstoke Drop Off – Tim Cook 9 A Grammarsham Dairy, Grammarsham Lane, Farleigh Wallop, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2HW 1st May until 30th September, by appointment only. Please contact Tim Cook on 07748 747094.

22 Contents Newbury Drop Off - Simon Bastable 10 Foxglove Farm, Great Common, Inkpen, Newbury, RG17 9QR • 07774 286088 7th June to 27th August: Monday to Friday. Swindon Drop Off - Ben Miller 11 WoodField Farming, Woodfield Farm, Broad Town, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN4 7QJ • 07789 987349 1st May to 31st August, Monday to Sunday. Please phone to arrange drop off. New for 2021 Cheltenham Drop Off – Ben Brice 12 Trinders Barn Farm, Eastington, Nr Northleach, Cheltenham, GL54 3PY • 07805 189827 1st June to 31st August. Please call before delivering wool. Bromyard Drop Off - Caroline Larratt 13 Three Mills, Porthouse Industrial Estate, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4HS 01885 483314 • [email protected] New for 2021 Broadway Drop Off - Nick Brown 14 Top Farm, Buckland, Broadway, , WR12 7LY • 01386 858191 • [email protected]

Ashford Grading Depot - Spencer Bromfield, Depot Manager B Walnut Tree Farm, Church Road, Smeeth, Ashford, Kent, TN25 6SA 01233 622444 • [email protected] New for 2021 Surrey Drop Off - Andy Jackman 15 Feltons Farm, Old School Lane, Brockham, Betchworth, Surrey, RH3 7AU • 07831 284458 • [email protected] 1st June to 31st August, Fridays only. Deliveries by appointment, please call on the number provided. New for 2021 Tonbridge Drop Off - Sam Johnson 16 The Lambing Shed, Faulkners Farm, Hadlow, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0AL • 07415 281853 1st June to 31st August. Deliveries by appointment, please call on the number provided. Aylesbury Drop Off - Andy Deverall 17 Grove Farm, Crendon Road, Chearsley, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP18 0DL • 07912 987 241 10th May to 20th August: Monday / Wednesday / Friday. Bradford Grading Depot - Peter Manley, Depot Manager C Sidings Close, Canal Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD2 1AZ 01274 737 559 • [email protected] Dunstable Drop Off - Rob Pratt 18 Home Farm, Northall, Dunstable, Beds, LU6 2HD • 07768 403044 Deliveries by arrangement, phone the number provided. Stevenage Drop Off - Amanda Knighton 19 Highbury Farm, Woodend, Ardeley, Stevenage, Middlesex, SG2 7BD • 07977 021975 17th May to 6th August: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. Colchester Drop Off - Robert Chamley 20 Great Porters Farm, Fordham Heath, Colchester, Essex, CO3 9TZ • 07889 195 824 24th May to 23rd July. Bury St. Edmunds Drop Off - Andrew King 21 Ruffins Farm, Whepstead, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP29 4UD • 07774 668 393 10th May to 13th August, collection site is self service, call for advice if needed. Saxmundham Drop Off - W E Chantry & Son 22 Peacock Farm, Road, Thorington, Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 3QU • 01986 784 704 7th June to 16th July.

23 Contents Norwich Drop Off - George Harvey 23 White House Farm, The Street, Flordon, Norwich, Norfolk, NR15 1RN • 07771 522 347 7th June to 22nd October. New for 2021

24 Stamford Drop Off - Amanda Knighton Potters Hill, Morkery Lane, Castle Bytham, Lincolnshire, NG33 4SP • 07977 021975 • [email protected]

Brackley Drop Off - Andy Deverall 25 Grange Farm, Helmdon, , , NN13 5QF • 07912 987 241 4th May to 23rd October: Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday. Hunningham Drop Off - Amanda Knighton Hunningham House Farm, Long Itchington Road, Hunningham, 26 , Warwickshire, CV33 9EW • 07977 021975 [email protected] • 19th & 26th May, 28th July to 22nd September: Wednesday 8:00am - 5:00pm • 2nd June to 22nd July: Wednesday & Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm New for 2021 Leicester Drop Off - R.F. Harrison 27 Sunnydale Farm, Smeeton Road, Saddington, Leicester, LE8 0QT • 07772 551694 • 07790 077761 [email protected] • Please call to book. Open 1st June 2021 - 31st August 2021. Drop Off - Wayne Underhill 28 Whiston Bank Farm, Penkridge, Stafford, ST19 5QQ • 07443 040577 1st June 2021- 28th Feb 2022, Mon - Sun. Please call prior to arrival. Stanton on the Wolds Drop Off - Amanda Knighton 29 Bank Farm, Melton Road, Stanton on the Wolds, Nottinghamshire, NG12 5PJ • 07977 021975 17th May to 20th August. New for 2021 Newark Drop Off - Richard Baugh 30 JW & WM Baugh, Woodside Farm, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG220EJ • 07815 740155 [email protected] • May – October Longford Drop Off - Liz Wolfenden 31 Longford Hall Farm, Longford, Derby, DE6 3DS • 01335 330192 May to September: Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm & Saturday 8am to 12pm Derby Drop Off - Mr. Philip Allen 32 Alder House, Alder Lane, Brailsford, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 3GR • 07966 136 774 1st June to February, collection site is self service, call for advice if needed. Ashbourne Drop Off - Ben Salt 33 Northwood Farm, Ellastone, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 2HD • 07487 528410 • [email protected] May to February: Monday to Saturday 8:00 am to 6:00pm

Leek Drop Off - Robert and Ruth Belfield 34 Hurdlow Farm, Upper Hulme, Leek, ST13 8TX • 07923 941742

Stockport Drop Off - M Wilkinson 35 Meadow Farm, Church Lane, Woodford, Stockport, SK7 1PQ • 07702 251990 Deliveries by prior arrangement - May to September: Monday to Saturday, 8:30am to 5:00pm. Caistor Drop Off - Amanda Knighton 36 Nettleton Service Station, Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6AW • 07977 021975 1st June to 20th August: Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm by appointment. York Drop Off 37 Rising Sun Transport, Rising Sun Farm, Alne, York, YO61 1TY • 07725 133129 Monday – Friday, 08:00am – 5.00pm. Weekends by appointment.

24 Contents Ormskirk Drop Off - J & E Scarisbrick 38 Thompson’s Farm, Thannersmiths Lane, Mawdesley, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L40 2RA • 07595 690600 Deliveries by prior arrangement - June to February: Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 12:00pm. Chipping Drop Off - Mick Ellison 39 Cold Coates Farm, Chipping, Near Preston, Lancashire, PR3 2WQ • 07860 652 414 Monday to Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm. Carnforth Drop Off - Tom Middleton 40 Holden House Farm, Westhouse, Carnforth, Lancashire, LA6 3NL • 01524 241 375 • 07860 336 959 Please call prior to arrival.

Silecroft Drop Off - John Sharp 41 Manor House Garage, Silecroft, Cumbria, LA18 4NS • 01229 772 200

Ripon Drop Off - Andrew Percy 42 Springhill Farm, Jervaulx, Masham, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 4PG • 01677 460 039 Please call prior to arrival.

Richmond Drop Off - Ernest Bainbridge / Syd Bainbridge 43 Bainbridge Bros, Marrick Abbey, Richmond, North Yorkshire, DL11 7LD • 07772 623 119 New for 2021 Sedbergh Drop Off - Peter Alderson 44 Beckfoot Farm, Howgill, Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5JB • 01539 622 050 • 07971 636 323 7 days a week, please call prior to arrival. Kirby Stephen Drop Off - Mark Atkinson 45 Cooper House Farm, North Stainmore, Kirby Stephen, Cumbria, CA17 4DZ • 01768 341 367 • 07887 916 974 Deliveries by appointment, please call on the number provided.

Bishop Auckland Drop Off - Richard Todd 46 High Toft Hill Farm, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 0PE • 01388 833 117

Penrith Drop Off - John Errington 47 Ladyswood House, Roundthorn, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 8SJ • 07767 803 077 May to September, Monday to Saturday. Penrith Drop Off - David Gillett 48 Highway Shearing, Crown Farm, Unthank, Skelton, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9TG • 01768 899 659 • 07881 922 492 Deliveries by prior arrangement. Carlisle Drop Off - Tomasz Nikadon 49 Unit 2D, Heathlands Estate, Kingmoor Park, Carlisle, CA6 4RN • 01228 672 111 • [email protected] Monday to Thursday 8:00am - 4.30pm, Friday 8:00am - 3.30pm Kirkheaton Drop Off - R L Proudlock and Sons 50 East Farm, Kirkheaton, , , NE19 2DG 01830 530 277 • 07720 420 496 • [email protected] Scots Gap Drop Off - Joe Oliver 51 14 Willow Park, Scots Gap, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 4DA 01670 774424 • 07920 050 479 • [email protected] Cambo Drop Off - Patrick Brothers 52 Ralph Shield, Cambo, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 4LD 01670 774 269 • 07876 147 233 • [email protected]

25 Contents 1747 BW Wales Depot map 2021 AW3.pdf 1 28/06/2021 11:04

Key: 58 59 Grading Depots 59A Drop Off Locations 57

Deliveries to British Wool drop off locations or 56 grading depots incur no onward carriage charge. 56A E

55 54 53 D

2626 Contents Deliveries to British Wool grading depots or approved drop off locations incur no onward carriage charge.

D Brecon Grading Depot - Brian Jones, Depot Manager Unit A, Ffrwdgrech Industrial Estate, Brecon, Powys, LD3 8DR • 01874 622754 • [email protected]

The Brecon Depot operates numerous wool pick up points around South and West Wales. Please contact the Depot for further details. Llanbydder - Evans Bros 53 Auctioneers, Llanybydder, SA40 9UE • 01570 480444 • [email protected] Every Wednesday from 2nd June to 28th July Lampeter Drop Off - Gwili Jones 54 Gwili Jones, Maesyfelin, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 8LS • 01570 423 777 • [email protected] Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:30pm, Saturday 8:00am to 12:30pm

55 Tregaron Drop Off - DAG Jones D A G Jones, Tregaron Mart, Station Road, Tregaron, Ceredigion, SY25 6HX • 01974 298 365

Newtown Grading Depot - Barry Bellis, Depot Manager E Dyffryn Industrial Estate, Pool Road, Newtown, Powys, SY16 3BD 01686 626 040 • [email protected] Dinas Mawddwy Drop Off - Peter Cartwright 56 The Old Road, Minllyn, Dinas Mawddwy, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 9LT • 01650 531 206 • [email protected] [email protected] • Monday to Thursday 8:00am to 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am to 3:30pm New for 2021 Bow Street Drop Off - E Morgan 56 A Llys Alaw, Penygarn, Bow Street, Ceredigion, SY24 5BQ May until December, by appointment; 01970 820474 / 07967 820170 / [email protected] Porthmadog Drop Off - Meirion Jones 57 Madoc Street, Porthmadog, Gwynedd, LL49 9DL • 01766 515 178 • [email protected] Open all year. Tues, Wed & Thurs only from June - September, 8.00am - 4.30pm Holyhead Drop Off - Meirion Jones 58 Bwlcyn Farm, Bryngwran, Holyhead, Angleysey, LL65 3RW • 01766 515 178 • [email protected] 7th June – 24th Sept; Monday’s 8am - 4.30pm and Friday’s 8am - 3.30pm Ruthin Drop Off - Lowri Evans 59 Brickfield Lane, Ruthin, Clwyd, LL15 2TN • 01824 709 606 Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm New for 2021 Corwen Drop Off – G & N Evans 59 A Groesfaen, Ty-Nant, Corwen, Denbighshire, LL21 0PB By arrangement, please contact Glen Evans: 07977 077780

27 Contents 1747 BW Scotland Depot map 2021-138x130 AW2.pdf 1 11/05/2021 11:17 17471747 BW BWScotland Wales Depot Depot map map2021 2021-138x130 AW2.pdf 1 AW2.pdf11/05/2021 1 11:17 11/05/2021 11:17

75 75

74 74 73 73

72 G 70 72 G 69 71 70 69 71 Key: 58 68 59 68 Key: Grading Depots

Key:Drop Off Locations 57 Grading Depots 66 67 66 67 DeliveriesGrading to British Depots Wool 6456 dropDrop off Off locations Locations or 63 grading depots incur no 65 64 Drop Off Locations 62 63F onward carriage charge. 61 Deliveries to British Wool 65 E drop off locations or 62 F 61 gradingDeliveries depots toincur British no Wool 60 onwarddrop carriage off locations charge. or 55 grading depots incur no 54 60 onward carriage charge. 53 D Deliveries to British Wool grading depots or approved drop off locations incur no onward carriage charge. Galashiels Grading Depot - Michael Sanderson, Depot Manager F North Wheatlands Mill, Galashiels, Selkirkshire, TD1 2HQ • 01896 754 898 • [email protected] June – Sept: 7am – 4.30pm (Mon – Thurs), 7am – 3.30pm (Fri). Oct – May: Depot opens at 8am. New for 2021 Castle Douglas Drop Off - John Young / Rab Young 60 T.F. Young & Son, Knocksheen, Dalry, Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbrightshire, DG7 3XR • 07785 547382 • 07810 386464 1st June to 31st October New for 2021 Abington Drop Off 61 Alex Hyslop & Son, Blackburn Farm, CrawfordJohn, ML12 6SX • 07770 677549 1st June; Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm (Evening & Weekends by arrangement)

28 Contents 62 Irvine Drop Off - Gordon Cameron 1 Arkwright Way, North Newmoor Industrial Estate, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA11 4JU • 01294 203 637 • [email protected] New for 2021 Wilson McIntyre Drop Off - Frank or Lynda McIntrye 63 Stepends Yard, Stepends Road, Plains, Airdrie, Lanarkshire, ML6 8NS 01236 842943 • 07789 172498 • [email protected]

64 Dunbartonshire Drop Off - Ian Cooper Duncryne View, Duncryne Road, Gartocharn, Alexandria, Dunbartonshire, G83 8RX • 01389 830 236

65 Isle of Islay Drop Off - Fraser Woodrow 16 West End, Port Charlotte, Isle of Islay, Argyll, PA48 7TN • 01496 301 454 New for 2021

66 Crianlarich Drop Off - David Noble The Old Sawmill, Lochdochart Estate, Crianlarich, FK20 8QS • 07880 508012

Perth Drop Off - Karen Lamb 67 WCF- Horticulture, Cromwellstore, Almondbank, Perth, Perthshire, PH1 3GT • 01738 582 020 June to October: Monday to Thursday Evanton Grading Depot - Colin Steell, Depot Manager G Newton Road South, Evanton, Ross-Shire, IV16 9UH • 01349 830 678 • [email protected] Monday to Thursday 8am to 4.30pm, Friday 8am to 3.30pm Alford Drop Off - Alistair Smart 68 G P Smart & Son, Shiel Farm, Muir of Fowlis, Alford, Aberdeenshire, AB33 8NU • 01975 581 224 • 07703 281275 31st May to 10th Sept Mon to Fri 8am to 4.30pm. Please call prior to arrival Ian S Roger Drop Off - Colin Roger 69 Newton Of Forgie, Keith, Banffshire, AB55 6RN • 01542 882218 Monday to Friday 7.30am to 6pm, Saturday by appointment only. M L G Transport Drop Off - Mark Graden 70 Old Airfield, Easter Manbeen, Elgin, IV30 8TN • 07860 465705 Monday to Saturday, 8.00am to 7.00pm. Strictly by appointment only. Harbro Limited Drop Off - Charlie MacDonald 71 Struan Road, Portree, Isle Of Skye, IV51 9EG • 01478 612212 Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm. Please call prior to arrival. A MacDonald & Son Drop Off - Roddie MacDonald Junior 72 1 Ahmore, Lochmaddy, North Uist, HS6 5BW • 01876 560251 Saturday 12pm to 5pm, other days by appointment only. Hebrides Haulage Drop Off - Ian MacDonald 73 38-40 Rigs Road, Stornoway, Isle Of Lewis, HS1 2RF • 01851 703255 Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm. W D Cormack & Sons Drop Off - Sandy Cormack 74 The Ha, Durran, Castletown, By Thurso, Caithness, KW14 8TE • 01847 821663 Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm & Saturday 8am to 1pm. Please call prior to arrival. New for 2021 Orkney Drop Off - Isbister Bros 75 Quoyloo, Stromness, Orkney, KW16 3LT • 01856 841525 • 07793 244655 Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm. Strictly by appointment only.

29 Contents CONTACT DETAILS’ HEAD OFFICE: Wool House, Tel: 01274 688666 Welsh Office: Tel: 01686 626811 Sidings Close, Fax: 01274 652233 Scottish Office: Tel: 01294 229000 Canal Road, Email: [email protected] Gareth Jones - Head of Producer Bradford, britishwool.org.uk Marketing can be contacted via BD2 1AZ the Head Office WELSH REGIONAL INFORMATION WELSH SOUTHERN REGION WELSH NORTHERN REGION BOARD MEMBER: BOARD MEMBER: John Davies, Blaenglowon Fawr, Talgarreg, Huw Alun Evans, Hengwrt Uchaf, Rhydymain, Llandysul, Ceredigion, SA44 4EX Dolgellau, Gwynedd, LL40 2AR, Mob: 07816 857504 Tel: 01341 450252 Mob: 07922 775265 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] County Members: County Members: Brecon: Glasnant Morgan, Pwll-Yr-Hwyaid, Anglesey: Sian Evans, Erddreiniog, Tregaian, Talybont-on-Usk, Brecon, LD3 7YS Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7UH Tel: 01874 676354 Mob: 07967 911408 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Cardigan: Rhodri Hughes, Bryn Gido, Llanarth, Caernarvon: Elfed Jackson, Braich Ty Du, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA47 0NU Nant Ffrancon, Bethesda, Gwynedd, LL57 3LZ Tel: 01545 581100 Mob: 07792 010627 Tel: 01248 602345 Mob: 07771 622779 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Carmarthen: Hywel Morgan, Esgairllaethdy, Denbigh: Elfyn Owen, Ffrith Arw, Myddfai, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire, SA20 0PJ Llanddoged, Llanrwst, LL26 0LZ Mob: 07970 902299 Tel: 01492 641773 Mob: 07870 886543 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Glamorgan: Graham Jones, Garth Hall Farm, Flint: Vacant Cilfynydd, Pontypridd, CF37 4HP Merioneth: Emlyn Roberts, Esgairgawr, Tel: 01443 740292 Mob: 07768 936202 Rhydymain, Dolgellau, Gwynedd, LL40 2BH Email: [email protected] Tel: 01341 450271 Mob: 07764 198997 Monmouth: Elwyn Probert, Old Castle Court Farm, Email: [email protected] Pandy, Abergavenny, Gwent, NP7 7PH Montgomery: Steven Smith, Penybryn, Tel: 01873 890285 Mob: 07939 093867 Castle Caereinion, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 9AS Email: [email protected] Tel: 01938 850265 Mob: 07531 182294 Pembroke: Elgan R Williams, Henfeddau Fawr, Email: [email protected] Llanfyrnach, Pembrokeshire, SA35 0DB Tel: 01239 698638 Mob: 07774 709018 Email: [email protected] Radnor: Russell E Davies, Deepmoor Farm, Lingen, Bucknell, Salop, SY7 0EE Tel: 01568 770011 Mob: 07778 555821 Email: [email protected]

30 Contents ENGLISH REGIONAL INFORMATION ENGLISH SOUTH WESTERN REGION ENGLISH SOUTHERN REGION BOARD MEMBER: BOARD MEMBER: Alan Marshall, School Lane Farm, Chilsworthy, Bob Blanden, Upper Stonehill House, Charlton, Holsworthy, Devon, EX22 7BQ Malmesbury, SN16 9DX Tel: 01409 253389 Mob: 07977 471831 Tel: 01666 860308 Mob: 07860 689391 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] County Members: County Members: : Stuart Cornelius, Blackthorne Park, Berks/Bucks/Oxon: Rob Pratt, Home Farm, Davidstow, , Cornwall, PL32 9YA Northall, Dunstable, Beds, LU6 2HD Tel: 01840 261640 Mob: 07879 415136 Mob: 07768 403044 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Gloucestershire: Michael Carter, Carswalls Farm, Cornwall: Mary Andrew, Penwith, St Gennys, Upleadon, Newent, Glos, GL18 1ED , Cornwall, EX23 0NL Mob: 07581 034387 Email: [email protected] Tel: 01840 230006 Hampshire: Susie Parish, Lees Cottage, Lees Hill, Email: [email protected] South Warnborough, Hook, RG29 1RQ Devon: Colin Abel, Lower Godsworthy, Peter Tavy, Mob: 07767 765646 Email: [email protected] Tavistock, PL19 9NY Surrey (incl Mddx): Nicholas Bullen, Swanworth Farm, Tel: 01822 810264 Mob: 07760 105070 Mickleham, Nr Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6ES Email: [email protected] Mob: 07970 060107 Devon: Lindy Head, Harton Farm, Oakford, Email: [email protected] Tiverton, Devon, EX16 9HH Herefordshire: Penny Chantler, Hill Farm, Llanigon, Tel: 01398 351209 Hay-on-wye, Hereford, HR3 5RH Email: [email protected] Tel: 01497 820304 Mob: 07966 351563 Dorset: Julian Cranton, Steeple Leaze Farm, Email: [email protected] Steeple, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5NY Isle of Wight: Stephen Burden, Upper Rill Farm, Tel: 01929 480733 Chillerton, Newport, Isle Of Wight, PO30 3HQ Email: [email protected] Tel: 01983 721323 Mob: 07785 352045 Somerset: David Bawden, The Cloggs Farm, Email: [email protected] Hawkridge, Dulverton, Somerset, TA22 9QS Kent: Paul Boulden, Rushfield, Giggs Green Road, Tel: 01643 831597 Aldington, Ashford, Kent, TN25 7BT Email: [email protected] Tel: 01233 721800 Mob: 07703 581617 Email: [email protected] Sussex: Matthew Blyth, 19 Bankside, Charlton Road, Singleton, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0HT Mob: 07768 026380 Email: [email protected] Wiltshire: Al Higgins, 1 Kingston Close, Kingston Deverill, Warminster, BA12 7HQ Tel: 01985 845298 Mob: 07786 073765 Email: [email protected] Worcestershire: Jenny Letherbarrow, c/o Tenbury Vet Services, 3 Aspire Close, Tenbury, WR15 8HE Mob: 07772 824220 Email: [email protected]

31 Contents ENGLISH CENTRAL REGION ENGLISH NORTHERN REGION BOARD MEMBER: BOARD MEMBER: Kate Drury, The Lodge, Sutton Bassett, Carl Stephenson, Pikestone, Woodland, Market Harborough, Northamptonshire, LE16 8HL Bishop Auckland, Co Durham, DL13 5RT Mob: 07917 793192 Tel: 01833 631318 Mob: 07761 685259 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] County Members: County Members: Beds/Essex/Herts: Keith Williams, Green End Farm, Cumberland: Sam Rawling, Hollins Cottage, Dane End, WARE, Hertfordshire, SG12 0NY Ennerdale, Cleator, Cumbria, CA23 3AL Tel: 01920 438900 Mob: 07850 884141 Tel: 01946 861391 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Cambs/Hunts/Norfolk/Suffolk: Harry Bell, Durham: Denis Lumley, The Granary Steps, Slaley, Moor Farm, Moor Road, Fordham, Ely, Cambs, CB7 5LZ Hexham, Northumberland, NE47 0AA Tel: 01638 724947 Mob: 07792 993645 Tel: 01434 673204 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Derbyshire: Richard Spencer, Bentley Fields Farm, Lancashire: Brian Nutter, Sabden Old Hall Farm, Alkmonton, Ashbourne, DE6 3DJ Sabden Fold, Fence, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 9LF Tel: 01335 330240 Mob: 07794 026437 Mob: 07808 315293 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Leics/Rutland: Jamie Wild, Vine Farm, Northumberland: William Weatherson, Edges Green Back Lane, Morcott, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 9DG Farm, Haltwhistle, Northumberland, NE49 9PP Mob: 07843 098761 Mob: 07778 855841 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Lincs/Notts: Charles Szabo, Carr Farm, Park Lane, Westmorland: Brian Knowles, High Borrow Bridge, Saxby-All Saints, Brigg, North Lincolnshire, DN20 0QA Selside, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 9LG Tel: 01652 618243 Tel: 01539 823270 Mob: 07766 145345 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] East Riding of Yorks: Joe Jacobs, Villa Farm, Northamptonshire: Vacant Low Moor, Rillington, Malton, YO17 8JU Shropshire: Davina Stanhope, New Farm House, Tel: 01944 758003 Mob: 07971 533064 Cruckmeole, Hanwood, Shrewsbury, SY5 8JN Email: [email protected] Mob: 07968 218470 North Riding of Yorks: Richard Wilson, Email: [email protected] Crimple Head Farm, Beckwithshaw, Harrogate, HG3 1QT Staffs/Cheshire: John Froggatt, Mob: 07730 654448 3 Common Lane, Bednall, Stafford, ST17 0SB Email: [email protected] Mob: 07889 411443 West Riding of Yorks: Philippa Gray, Lower Wynter Edge Email: [email protected] Farm, Northedge Lane, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 8JP Warwickshire: William James, Whitchurch Farm, Mob: 07584 255074 Wimpstowe, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 8PB Email: [email protected] Tel: 01789 450359 Mob: 07837 205759 Email: [email protected]

32 Contents SCOTTISH REGIONAL INFORMATION SCOTTISH SOUTHERN REGION BOARD MEMBER: Peebles/Selkirk: John W Davidson, Jim Robertson, The Becks, Langholm, Crosslee Farm, Selkirk, TD7 5HT Dumfriesshire, DG13 0LP Tel: 01750 62279 Tel: 01387 380457 Mob: 07834 034779 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Perthshire: Mairi Paterson, County Members: Dunruchan Farm, Muthill, Crieff, PH5 2DF Angus: Peter Smith, Glenmoy, 9 Kinnordy Avenue, Tel: 01764 681306 Mob: 07799 848769 Kirriemuir, Angus, DD8 4JP Email: [email protected] Mob: 07724 321826 Renfrew/Dunbarton: Andrew Rankin, Edentaggart Email: [email protected] Farm, Luss, Alexandria, Dunbartonshire, G83 8PB Argyll: Vacant Tel: 01436 860226 Mob: 07789 904638 Email: [email protected] Ayr/Bute: Hugh Blythe, Nether Culzean Farm, Maybole, Ayrshire, KA19 7JQ Roxburgh: Walter Douglas, Tel: 01655 882269 Mob: 07770 932586 Carlenrig, Teviothead, Hawick, TD9 0LH Email: [email protected] Mob: 07904 228062 Email: [email protected] Ayr/Bute: Kenneth Harkness, Place Estate, Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, KA25 7HJ Mid Lothian: Vacant Mob: 07891 801952 West Lothian: Matthew Hamilton, Woolfords Farm, Email: [email protected] Cobbinshaw, West Calder, West Lothian, EH55 8LJ Berwick/East Lothian: William Dickson, Bedsheil Tel: 01501 785 024 Mob: 07740 423738 Farmhouse, Greenlaw, Duns, Berwickshire, TD10 6UR Email: [email protected] Mob: 07977 808116 Stirling/Clackmannan: John Owen, Email: [email protected] Muirpark Farm, Stirling, FK7 9QS Dumfries: Leanne Bertram, c/o 1 Carding Street, Tel: 01786 818861 Mob: 07780 684227 Symington, Biggar, ML12 6LS Email: [email protected] Mob: 07400 776600 Wigton: Libby Templeton, Ardachie, C/O Oldland Farm, Email: [email protected] Kirkcowan, Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire, DG8 0HR Dumfries: John Renwick, Corsebank Farm, Mob: 07785 786155 Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire, DG4 6HA Email: [email protected] Mob: 07895 913954 Email: [email protected] The following counties have a vacancy for an Fife/Kinross: David Peebles Jnr. South Baldutho, additional regional committee member due to Arncroach, Pittenweem, Fife, KY10 2RX the size of the county; Argyll and Perthshire. Tel: 01333 720218 If you are interested in becoming a regional Email: [email protected] committee member, please get in touch with Kirkcudbright: Robert K Graham, Irelandton, your local regional coordinator on; Twynholm, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4PP 01294 229000. Tel: 01557 860673 Email: [email protected] Lanark: Vacant

33 Contents SCOTTISH NORTHERN REGION BOARD MEMBER: Orkney: Michael Cursiter, Laga Farm, Donald Fraser, Dunain Farm, Arwick, Evie, Orkney, KW17 2PF Dunain Mains, Inverness, IV3 8JX Tel: 01856 751213 Mob: 07745 272765 Tel: 01463 232808 Mob: 07778 375694 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Ross & Cromarty: Paul Grant, County Members: Inchbae Farm, Inchbae, Garve, IV23 2PG Mob: 07801 293308 Aberdeen/Kincardine: Roddy Marshall, Email: [email protected] Meikle Haddo, Newburgh, Ellon, AB41 6AN Mob: 07799 076952 Sutherland: Nigel Murray, Email: [email protected] Morvich Farm, Rogart, Sutherland, IV28 3XB Tel: 01408 641355 Mob: 07979 783700 Banff/Moray/Nairn: Eleanor Mackintosh, Tombreckachie Email: [email protected] Farm, Glenlivet, Ballindalloch, Banffshire, AB37 9BX Tel: 01807 590247 Mob: 07867 956678 Email: [email protected] Caithness: Sandy Douglas, Achnamoine Farm, The following counties have a vacancy for an Watten, Wick, Caithness, KW1 5XW additional regional committee member due to Tel: 01955 621288 Mob: 07593 437133 the size of the county; Aberdeen/Kincardine, Email: [email protected] Inverness and Ross & Cromarty. If you are Inverness: John Matheson, interested in becoming a regional committee Milton of Aberarder, Dores, Inverness, IV2 6UE member, please get in touch with your local Tel: 01808 521218 Mob: 07747 178484 regional coordinator on 01294 229000. Email: [email protected]

OTHER BOARD MEMBERS Apart from the Regional Board Members, the Chief Independent Board Members appointed by Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer, Agricultural Ministers: British Wool has three other Board Members. Rhys Davies Board Member Email: [email protected] Marko Ilincic Jonathan Lea Mob: 07445 454848 Mob: 07515 597270 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

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