Baptist Missionary Society

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Baptist Missionary Society ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF XHifi BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY, FOB. T H E YKAJEL ENDING MARCH THE THIRTY-FIRST, M.DCCC.LXI. WITH A LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS, BKING A CONTINUATION OF THE PERIODICAL ACCOUNTS. LONDON: FEINTED BY TATES AND ALEXANDER, HOllSESHOE COUET, LtJDGATE HIM,, TO BE HAD AT THE MISSION HOUSE, 33, MOORGATE STREET; ALSO OF J. HEATON AND SON, 21, WARWICK LANE; AMD HOULSTON AND WRIGHT, 65, PATERNOSTER ROW. N.B.— THE ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF THE PARENT SOCIETY ARE MADE UP ON THE THIRTY-FIRST OF MARCH, PREVIOUS TO WHICH ALL CON­ TRIBUTIONS MUST BE FORWARDED ; IT IS THEREFORE DESIRABLE THAT THE CURRENT YEAR OF AUXILIARIES SHOULD BE FROM JANUARY TO DECEMBER, IN ORDER TO ALLOW TIME FOR THE REMITTANCE OF CONTRIBUTIONS. CONTENTS. PAGE Notice in reference to Bequests ..................... iv Committee and Officers for 1861-2 ................................................................................. ▼ Corresponding and Honorary Members ........................................................................ vi District and Corresponding Secretaries ........................................................................ vii Plan and Regulations of the Society..................................................................................viii Minutes of General Meeting................................................................................ ............ x Annual Public Meeting ...................................................................................................... xii R eport ........................................................................................................... 1 M issionary Stations :— W est I ndies .............................................................................................................. 2 Ja m a ic a ....................................................................................................................... 4 A frica ........................................................................................................................... 6 I n d ia ............................................................................................................................... 7 Ce y l o n ........................................................................................................................... 10 China ........................................................................................................................... 11 F r a n c e ........................................................................................................................... 12 — T ranslations.............................................................................................................. 12 Finances............................................................................................................................... 13 Report in detail of Missionary Stations........................................................................ 16 APPENDIX No. L Stations, Missionaries, and Native Preachers of the Society in 1860-1............... 75 APPENDIX No. II. Statistics of Mission Churches in 1860-61 ................................................................... 79 APPENDIX No. III. Statistics of Schools for 1860-61 .................................................................................... 81 APPENDIX No. IV. Statistics of Churches and Schools in Jamaica ........................................................... 84 APPENDIX No. V. Life and Annual Subscriptions ......................................................................................... 85 Donations ............................................................................................................................... 86 Legacies for 1860-61 ...................................... 86 Collections at Annual Services ........................................................................................ 86 Contributions from Auxiliaries........................................................................................ 87 Abstract of the Cash Account ......................................................................................... 160 China Fund, Cash Account ............................................................................................. 162 India Special Fund, do....................................................................................................... 163 Expenditure for India ..................................................................................................... 164 Statement of Liabilities and Assets ................................................................................ 163 Summary of Contributions................................................................................................ 165 L egacies.................................................................................................................................... 166 Life Subscribers ............................................................ 170 Rules and Regulations for Auxiliaries..................... 173 ÎT S IX T Y ->'IXfTH R E T O R T . [1861. NOTICE JN REFERENCE TO BEQUESTS. As the kind intentions of some of the deceased friends of the Society have been ren­ dered abortive for want of correct knowledge of the law relating to Charitable Bequests, the Committee call special attention to the following directions :— By Statute 6 Geo. IT. cap. 36, commonly called the Mortmain Act, it is enacted, Section ], that after the 24th Jnne, 1736, “ no manors,lands, tenement«, rents, advowsons, or other hereditaments, cor- eal or incorporeal, 'whatsoever; nor any Burner sums of money, Roods, chattels, stocks in the pnblic Cda, securities for money, or any other personal estate whatsoever, to be laid out or disposed of in the purchase of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, shall be given, granted, alienated, limited, released, transferred, assigned, or appointed, or any ways conveyed or settled to, or upon, any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, or otherwise, for any estate or interest whatsoever, or any ways charged or incumbered by any person or persons whatsoever in trust, or for the benefit of any charitable uses whatsoever, o n i æ s s such gift, conveyance, appointment, or settlement of any such lands, tenements, or hereditaments, sum or sums of money, or personal estates (other than stocks in the public funds) be, and be made by d e e d , indented, sealed ami delivered, in the presence of two or more credible witnesses, twelve calendar months at least b e f o r e t h e d e a t h of such donor or grantor (including the days of the execution and death), and be enrolled in Sis Majesty's High Court of Chancery, within six calendar months next after the execution thereof; a n d u n l e s s such s t o c k s be transferred in the public books usually keptfor the transfer of stock, stx calendar months at least before the death of such donor or grantor (including the days of the transfer and death), a n d u n l e s s the same be made to take effect in p o s s e s ­ sion for the charitable uses intended immediately from the making thereof; a n d b k w i t h o u t any power Of revocation, reservation, trust, condition, limitation clause or agreement whatsoever, for the benefit of the donor or grantor, or any person or persons claiming under him.” The third Bection of the statute enacts “ That all gifts, grants, conveyances, appointments, assurances, transfers, and settlements whatsoever, of any lands, tenements, or other hereditaments, or of any estate or interest therein, or of any charge or incumbrance affecting or to affect any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or of any stock, money, goods, chattels, or other personal estate, or securities for money to be laid out or disposed of in the purchase of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or of any estate or interest therein, or of any charge or incumbrance affecting, or to affect, the same to, or in trust for, any charitable uses whatsoever, which shall at any time from and after the 24th June, 1736, be made in any other form than by this Act is directed and appointed, shall be a b s o l u t e l y , and to all intents and purposes, n u l l a n d v o i d .” Upon these enactments it may be observed :— 1st. That the Baptist Missionary Society is a Charitable Institution, within the meaning of this Act. 2ndly. Land, money arising out of land, or money secured on land wholly or partly, and whether freehold or leasehold, can be given to a charity only by deed in manner directed by the statute. 3rdly. Not only cannot a will pass to a charity any property of the above description, but no money- legacy given to a charity can be satisfied out of such property. If, therefore, a testator has only land, mortgages, rent-charges, debentures, or securities on land, the legacy will fail altogether ; if his estate be mixed it will foil to the extent of the proportion of this property to pure personalty. If A. having £1,500; namely. £500 at. his bankers, and ¿1,000 on mortgage, gives £100 to a charity, the bequest will only be worth £33 6*. 8d. Railway and canal shares are pure personalty, and may be used to satisfy a charitable lcgacy, but not railway debentures. By 1 Vic. cap. 26, sec. 9, it is further enacted. “ That no will shall be valid, unless it shall be in Writing, and executed in manner hereinafter mentioned (that is to say) : it shall be signed at the foot or end thereof by the Testator', or by some other person in his presence or by his direction : and
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