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3000000000000000000M*MMMMM3000000000000000900000000000000000000000( * Reproductions Supplied by EDRS Are the Best That Can Be Made from the Original Document DOCUMENT RESUME EA 020 142 AUTHOR Mellor, Warren L., Ed. 'TITLE An Inventory of Documents on Educational Planning and Management in Asia and the Pacific. INSTITUTION United-Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Bangkok (Thailand). Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific. REPORT NO BKEPM-85-M-4-600 PUB DATE 85 NOTE 232p. AVAILABLE FROMPublication Sales, UNIPUB, 9730-E George Palmer Highway, Lanham, MD 20706 (Stock No. UB-176; $5.00). PUB TYPE Reference Materials - Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies; *Databases; *Educational Administration; *Educational Planning; Educational Research; Elementary Secondary Education; *Foreign Countries; Research and Development IDENTIFIERS Australia; China; India; Japan; Malaysia; Nepal; New Zealand; Philippines; Thailand; Turkey ABSTRACT This document comprises a UNESCO-sponsored inventory of documents on educational planning and management in Asia and the Pacific. The database consists of 714 documents from participating countries, divided into 10 subsections by country and indexed accoiling to author and subject. The main entries are grouped alphabetically by country, as follows: Australia, China, India, Korea (Republic), Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand, and Turkey. Each entry consists of five fields: citation number, author, title and publication details, descriptors, and annotation. (TE) 3000000000000000000M*MMMMM3000000000000000900000000000000000000000( * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. * 300000000000000E30mxxx)0000000000000000000000000000m0000000000000000mx w4:1 (3ow 5 0 17. V;$CC pa eL0 rr' IJJ gC 0 2 z 0,' ta -a z co us gl IJJ Mellor, Warren L ,ed. An inventory of documents on educational planning and management in Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok, Unesco, 1984. 229 p. 1. EDUCATIONAL PLANNING BIBLIOGRAPHIESASIA/ PACIFIC. 2. EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT BIBLIOGRAPHIES ASIA /PACIFIC. I. Unesco. Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific. H. Title. 379.15 371.2 O 3 AN INVENTORY OF DOCUMENTS ON EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT IN ASIA MD THE PACIFIC Editor Warren L. Mellor UNESCO Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific Bangkok, Thailand 1985 Unesco 1984 Published by the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific P.O. Box 1425 General Post Office Bangkok 10500, Thailand Printed in Thailand The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Unesco concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or boundaries, or of its authorities, or concerning frontiers. Opinions printed here do not necessarily represent the official views of Unesco. Entries appearing herein may be freely reproduced, and reference to this volume would be appreciated. 5 Kgrotivm/4-eoo PREFACE This Inventory of Documents on Educational Management is the end result of an attempt made in 1983 to collebt citations abstractson studies and publications related to educational planning and administration in Asia and the Pacific. The institutions engaged in this field were invited through the Unesco National Commissions to provide the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific (ROEAP) with the needed information. By the end of 1983, about 1000 citations were received from ten of the Member States.These materials were collected and classified by the Educational Planning, Management and Statistics Service of ROEAP. Dr Warren Mellor of Monash University was invited toserve as the editor to produce the Inventory for trial publication. Dr Mellor, assisted by a group of colleagues andsome funding from various sources, worked with the data collected by Unesco/ROEAP and developed an Asia and Pacific Information System for Educational Management (APISEM) which could easily produce consecutive editions of the Inventory. The present volume is the trial edition being circulated as an example of the type of publication -4:lich is intended to be updated and produced by ROEAP from time to time. With the continuous collaboration of scholars, institutions and authorities in the Member States, it is hoped that future editions of the Inventory will appear in more comprehensive and useful format.Countries not yet included in the system are cordially invited tai join, and every Member State is requested to continuously submit additional materials to be included in the Inventory. It is hoped that the content of the Inventory will also be reviewed by the contributors, and that ROEAP will be informed of any needed modification or revision. CONTENTS Introduction (1\ Main Entry Section Australia 1 China 53 India 72 Korea (Republic) 131 Malaysia 136 Nepal 154 New Zealand 169 Philippines 170 Thailand 183 Turkey 186 Subject Index 193 Author Index 212 (i) INTRODUCTION The possession of timely, relevant information is vital for decision makers in educational management, planning, policy formulation and administration. This is particularly so in the implementation of educational reforms and innovations. Exchange of experiences amongst educational managers isone way to ensure that we learn from each other's mistakes and successes. Sometimes these exchanges take place informally and socially, sometimes they take place in more formal settings suchas conferences and meetings. Often relevant information is filed away but not consulted dueto the busy schedules and time constraints under which decision makers operate. The dissemination and utilization of information isone of the current priorities of Unesco, its constituent agencies, and many other international bodies. This volume fits within those priorities. Its aim is to provide educational managers with a neatly filedsource of information which they may easily consult when looking for decision situations that compare with their own. This citation information alone is often sufficient to provide signposts along the decision making path. More detailed information, of course, will be available in the documents themselves. Data Base Construction From the initial set of document citations submitted by Member States, a total of 714 were selected for inclusion in this first volume of the Inventory of Documents on Educational Planning and Management in Asia and the Pacific. The following table shows the numbers of citations set out by country: Australia 195 China 67 India 218 Korea (Republic) 16 Malaysia 75 Nepal 50 New Zealand 3 Philippines 40 Thailand 15 Turkey 35 Total 714 It was felt to be neither appropriate nor possible to make a sele...tion on the grounds of quality of document, partly because the editor was working only with citations and not with the documents themselves. Rather, the broad criteria that were adopted were relevance to education management, and recency.The overall aim was to compile a volume which r was as comprehensive as possible given the limitations of money, time and citations contributed. Collections of statistical data were generally not included as it is intended that they will form part of a companion series. The following list was provided by Unesco/ROEAP showing the areas of specialization relevant to educational planning and management: economics of education educational planning (macro level) educational planning (micro level) policy formulation and analysis educational system studies project management administrative control and organization legal basis of educational system and operation governmental and judicial role in education school districts and school boards rural education administration urban education administration educational finance and business management budgeting accounting procurements administration of physical facilities planning, financing and construction operation of educational buildings special services administration sports/character building and recreational activities management, and youth leadership curriculum and instruction administration parental and community relations school administration (principalship) college level administration personnel administration personnel evaluation and selection compensation/promotion plans staff development/training career planning and development job analysis and evaluation operational supervision leadership communication discipline grievance handling educational levels and modalities administration pre-primary education primary education secondary education vocational/technical education higher education teacher education adult education/lifelong education literacy programme management recurrent education non-formal education For the most part, the citations included in this volume refer to documents drawn from Ministries of Education or from similar public agencies, or from academic institutions and journals. Citations were included only from those countries which responded to the initial Unesco call. In order to meet publication deadlines, it was not possible to follow up those'Member States which were not able to respond in time. It is hoped that subsequent editions of this Inventory will be updated with other countries not represented here, as well as with additional documents newly published. Document Retrieval and Availability The original of this volume has been produced by microcomputer, using word processing software. While the reader will find relevant citations readily enough using the indexes and the Main Entry Section listings
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