Bios from 1902 History
JOHH D. DALY. BIOGRAPHICAL. JOHN D. DALY.—It is with pleasure that clothing, furnishings, boots and shoes, crock- we are permitted to write concerning the tal- ery, groceries, and feed to lumber, hardware, ented and enterprising" business man whose and machinery and implements. In addition name appears above, since he is one of those to this fine business, Mr. Daly and his partner men of honor and stability who form the real are among the leading financiers of the sec- strength of any community, and since he is tion, being largely interested in the First Na- numbered as one of the leading business men tional Bank of Ontario, and the First National of the county of Harney, and has here and else- Bank at Burns, Oregon. Our subject is the where achieved a success which is very grati- president of both of these institutions and they fying both in the results to him individually are in a flourishing condition and well estab- and in the general business world of eastern lished. The firm also handles a sawmill, Oregon, where he has operated. twenty-two miles north from Drewsey, and Mr. Daly was born in Canyon City, Ore- Mr. Daly has about one-half dozen ranches of gon, on May 13, 1866, being the son of Eugene value in various parts of the country, and he and Mary A. (Donohoe) Daly. His parents manages this large amount of business with were natives of County Cork, Ireland, and marked wisdom and discretion, putting into came to the United States in 1862, locating in the entire lines energy and vigor which are Boston, whence in 1863 they came via Pana- characteristic of his own personality.
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