50¢ March 4, 2007 Volume 81, No. 9 www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC

Diocese to inactive Catholics: Looking for someplace ‘You can always come home’ new this

BY DON CLEMMER spring break? Find some peace FORT WAYNE — “We announce today the begin- ning of a public effort to draw back to Christ and the in God’s kingdom church the many Catholics — and there are many — Pages 10-11 who have stopped the practice of their faith,” Bishop John M. D’Arcy announced at a Feb. 21 news con- ference at the Archbishop Noll Catholic Center in Fort Wayne. By making heavy use of the media, in what the bishop called a “full court press,” the dio- ‘We are daughters of cese hopes “to reach those who have forgotten about God and have placed him on the back burners of God, and inherently their life,” and “be a welcoming church to those who need us.” valuable and This initiative, made possible in part by a beautiful $60,000 grant from Our Sunday Visitor, is to be part of the celebration of the Sesquicentennial Jubilee because of that’ Year of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. A similar news conference was held in South Bend on conference Feb. 26. hosted at Notre Dame Going into other details on the campaign, Bishop D’Arcy explained that he has asked every to Page 3 have a parish mission over a three-year period. He also noted that many fallen away Catholics feel a need to speak with someone, but also feel a need for anonymity. “There may have been a reason why they left the ‘Especially when it church,” Bishop D’Arcy said. “It may have been an error on our part.” Or, he added, they might find cer- comes to God, I DON CLEMMER tain aspects of the church or its teaching troubling. believe in keeping Bishop John M. D’Arcy speaks at the Feb. 21 news conference in Fort Wayne announcing the To serve these people’s needs, the diocese has campaign to call and welcome fallen away Catholics back to the full practice of their faith. inaugurated the 1-800-MERCY4U phone line for an open mind’ The news conference included information on the Wells of Hope program, the 1-800- Second installment MERCY4U number, Mercy Day and the aggressive media campaign by the diocese to pro- HOME, PAGE 20 mote this initiative. of Real Lent series Page 9 Youth inspired MARKED FOR THE JOURNEY to be Christ’s heroes

becoming heroes. BY KAY COZAD The youth and chaperones retired to gen- der-specific cabins on the grounds for a NORTH WEBSTER — In this good night’s sleep and were treated in the Sesquicentennial Jubilee Year, the youth of morning to a hearty breakfast provided by the diocese have already had an opportuni- Catering Kitchen. Epworth Forest kitchens ty to celebrate their faith together. On provided all other meals. Friday, Feb. 16, over two dozen teens from Saturday was a full day with a variety of around the area gathered for the first annu- speakers from several diocesan locals. Our al diocesan-wide youth retreat , Lady of Good Hope pastor Father Mark held at Epworth Forest. Gurtner addressed compassion in heroes, The retreat, “Be a Hero,” was hosted by St.Vincent School teacher Nate Proulx the Office of Youth Ministry, says director advised the youth on reckless vs. risking for Cindy Black and designed as a spoof on Christ and -Purdue Universities at American Idol, a popular television pro- Fort Wayne (IPFW) teacher Bob Sedlmeyer gram. “We asked, ‘What does it mean to be spoke on the burdens heroes carry. Teen a hero?’ and agreed Jesus Christ is the one witnesses included Laura Schmidt, Reid DON CLEMMER true hero,” she says. Leazier and Whitney Soberalski, all from Katie Zoch receives a mark of ashes at Ash The fun-filled and inspiring weekend St. Vincent de Paul Parish. began on Friday evening with teachings Skits were interspersed throughout the Wednesday Mass at the Cathedral of the from Black on the characteristics of a hero. day to bring the talks to life and later in the , Fort Wayne, Feb. Krista Gensen, parishioner at Queen of day, four area priests offered those in atten- Angels, Fort Wayne, followed with a teen dance the opportunity for reconciliation 21. Catholics worldwide began the season witness. The evening drew to a close with the teens praying over each other to rid of Lent by being marked with this sign of themselves of all that held them back from HEROS, PAGE 20 repentance. 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC MARCH 4, 2007 TODAY’S CATHOLIC

Official newspaper of the New evangelization welcomes Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 all to hear the word of God PUBLISHER: Bishop John M. D’Arcy celibate commitment takes on its full valid- Many young students from the University EDITOR: Tim Johnson ity only if it is accompanied by prayer — of Notre Dame, Mary’s College and ASSISTANT EDITOR: Don Clemmer that prayer in which we tell the Lord we Holy Cross College. STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad belong totally to him. He is our portion and our cup and our inheritance. He is our A meeting with vicars Editorial Department NEWS “land.” We also tell him that he is suffi- We have six new vicars — Father cient, and more than sufficient. This makes Thomas Jones, CSC, Father Terry Fisher, PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan &NOTES the priesthood a way of love, an adventure FREELANCE WRITERS: Ann Carey, Father William Sullivan, Father of love if you will. Carkenord, Father Daryl Rybicki, and Michelle Castleman, Elmer J. Danch, BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY This was a great day with the priests, Father David Voors. The vicar is important Michelle Donaghey, Bonnie Elberson, which had been postponed because of the because he helps the bishop give pastoral Denise Fedorow, Sister Margie weather. We also spoke about vocations to care to a certain region. Canonically, they Lavonis, CSC, Jennifer Ochstein, the priesthood, and we saw a beautiful have been called deans, but they also are Theresa Thomas, Kristi Ward A time to evangelize video entitled “Fishers of Men.” On top of called vicars forane. They gave me excel- The word is overused, so perhaps we do that, Cindy Black, our director of Youth lent advice on how their office can be used Ministry spoke to our priests, as did Linda Business Department not understand it or do not really hear it. to enrich the pastoral ministry of priests Furge, director of the observance of our and laity. We will work to see that the vicar BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice But the mission of Christ is our mission, the mission of the church. It is to preach the jubilee. Cindy set out for our priests her visits each parish to strengthen the priest, to AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber word of God “in season and out of season,” approach to youth ministry, and also her make sure he is in good health — physical- BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol as St. Paul put it. The church, as Paul love and respect for the priest. ly, emotionally and spiritually — and also [email protected] VI said, “must first be evangelized in order to see that the people are being well served. that she might evangelize.” It simply means Advertising Sales preaching the Gospel. This has been my joy A weekend to remember Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) these past few weeks, as always, with each I was off early on Saturday morning to Still Catholic (260) 456-2824 day full of his mission. Indeed, it must Elkhart because I wished to celebrate Mass I had a wonderful visit to St. Judy Kearns (South Bend area) always be for bishops and priests but, in a at St. Vincent de Paul Parish and visit with Hospital, Fort Wayne. This was done at the (574) 234-0687 sense, for all of us. Father Philip DeVolder, who has been invitation of Sister Carole Langhauser, Web site: www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY unable to offer Mass because of a serious PHJC. The two young men, Chad Towner back pain. He has been out for several and Kirk Ray, who are leaders of the hospi- Published weekly except the last A new evangelization months, and he had a serious infection. I tal, greeted me and we had lunch with Sunday in June, second and fourth Not new in content, but “new in method, wanted to be close to the parishioners when Sister Carole. I recall when the Poor weeks in July, second week in August new in expression and new in ardor.” There their local pastor was not so visible. Handmaids, who had served at St. Joseph and last week in December by the is also a document in the church on media This also enabled me to attend the first Hospital with distinction and dedication for Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, which says that the church would be “guilty half of the semi state basketball game. It generations, with great reluctance deter- 1103 S. Calhoun St., P.O. Box 390, Fort before the Lord” if it did not use modern was at North Side gym in Elkhart, and the mined that it was necessary to sell this Wayne, IN 46801. Second-class means of communication. This is why, with spirit was extraordinary. Alas, the Lady beloved hospital. However, I recall quite postage paid at Fort Wayne, IN, and Indians of ’s High were beaten well that, as part of their agreement with additional mailing office. the help of a grant from Our Sunday Visitor, you will be see- the for-profit company, they POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: ing spots on television, newspa- insisted that that campus would Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort pers and billboards. On Ash remain a Catholic hospital. What Wayne, IN 46856-1169 or e-mail: Wednesday in Fort Wayne and in In the afternoon, I led the Rite of Election in St. Matthew does this mean? It means that [email protected]. South Bend a few days later, I the Ethical and Religious explained all this to the media. Cathedral Parish. Next week, it will be held at the Directives of the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Domestic in There are also missions. This Conference of Catholic Bishops advance, one year $20. Bundle rates week I will be at the small parish are observed. It means that there available on request. Single copy 50¢. of Blessed Sacrament, Albion Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Fort Wayne. will be excellent sacramental and a larger, urban parish, St. care. Father Daniel Chukwuleta MAIN OFFICE: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort Joseph, Fort Wayne. Next week, I This is a diocese where you do everything twice. visits every Catholic patient on a Wayne, IN 46802.Telephone (260) regular basis — sometimes 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. will be at the large parish of St. Charles Borromeo, Fort Wayne, every day. Also, he offers Mass BUREAU OFFICE: 114 W.Wayne St., South daily at 4:15 p.m. and on Bend, IN 46601.Telephone (574) 234- and the following week in a 0687. Fax: (574) 232-8483. smaller parish, St. Patrick, Sunday morning at 10 a.m. It Walkerton. also means that some sisters are after a great year. News deadline is the Monday morn- I also had a most blessed meeting with still present and visible at the hospital. ing before publication date. our presbyterate; that is, with all our priests. After Mass at St. Vincent’s, I met with I toured the hospital. What a special joy. Advertising deadline is nine days Here my emphasis was on prayer and the members of the staff and also with Father I went to the obstetric ward, and a woman before publication date. teachings of our Holy Father Pope Benedict DeVolder. He is an extraordinary priest, and came out to meet me. Her name was XVI. In the annual talk he gives to the curia I ask you to keep him in your prayers. I Juanita. She said, “Bishop, please come in LETTERS POLICY: Today’s Catholic wel- in Rome — that is, to the various officials was impressed with the excellent staff and and see my first grandchild.” The baby was comes original, signed letters about who assist him — he referred to a visit to with Father Bill Sullivan, who is acting as less than two hours old. What a gift for the issues affecting church life. Although Bavaria, the place of his birth. It brought administrator, as well as Father Wilson bishop. we cannot publish every letter we him to the theme of the priest as a man of Corzo and Father Jay Steele, CSC, who This hospital will remain in the middle receive, we strive to provide a bal- have been a great help at St. Vincent’s, the of our city. Its tradition is to serve the poor. anced representation of expressed God. He spoke of celibacy and he said the reason sometimes given for it; namely avail- mother church of Elkhart. Indeed, this is one of the guidelines of the opinions and a variety of reflections I drove down the bypass then to South on life in the church.We will choose ability, is quite insufficient. Are we to say Catholic Ethical and Religious Directives that the young mother with several children Bend. The next day, I offered Mass at — to continue a special effort to give to letters for publication based on read- Corpus Christi Parish. It was the 25th er interest, timeliness and fairness. is less in her devotion to her family than the those in need. Thus, the spirit of the Poor Readers may agree or disagree with priest is to his parish? The pope says that anniversary of their Perpetual Adoration of Handmaids of Jesus Christ, who built and the letter writers’ opinions. Letters such a reason can lead to egotism or hard- the Blessed Sacrament. It was a joy to cele- maintained this great institution, is being must not exceed 500 words. All let- ness of heart. He then places celibacy in the brate Mass in observance of this occasion, continued. ters must be signed and include a context of a prayer that he says, “We senior especially on the first Sunday of Lent. A wonderful few hours at our Catholic phone number and address for verifi- priests used to say when we received ton- In the afternoon, I led the Rite of hospital. I am grateful that the spirit of the cation.We reserve the right to edit sure.” I recall saying this prayer also, and I Election in St. Matthew Cathedral Parish. Poor Handmaids remains strong in this hos- letters for legal and other concerns. think we used to say it when we put on the Next week, it will be held at the Cathedral pital. cassock. It is “Dominus Pars Hereditatis mei of the Immaculate Conception in Fort So far, I have not been called to the Red Mail letters to: Today’s Catholic, Wayne. This is a diocese where you do Sox spring training site. Maybe it is best, P.O. Box 11169, Fort Wayne, IN et Calecu meae.” “The Lord is my portion and my cup.” The pope recalls that the everything twice. because I am quite busy. If they want me to 46856-1169; or e-mail: What a joy to see St. Matthew’s filled [email protected] Levites of the old law, the priestly tribes come and throw batting practice, I will be were the only ones not to receive a portion with the presence of so many people who ready. are preparing for baptism or entrance into ISSN 0891-1533 of land, their portion was the Lord. See you all next week. USPS 403630 I reflected on this with our priests — our full communion with the . MARCH 4, 2007 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 3 Notre Dame’s Edith Stein Conference focuses on feminism in a Catholic perspective

BY DIANE FREEBY woman.” Pia deSolenni, a theologian who zine emphasizes self-discovery, AND ANN CAREY In other words, according to the writes and lectures on issues like character development, social conference’s missions statement, feminism, culture and society, responsibility, modest fashion and woman’s inclination toward mater- spoke on “Renewing the Feminine love for God and the church. NOTRE DAME — “Love is pow- nity draws her to all living and Image.” She told the largely student The message girls and women erful. It brings clarity and truth. In personal things, and to a more spe- audience that “We are desperately should be getting, Lee said, is that redefining feminism, we are cific, contemplative knowledge. imperiled of losing the context of “We are daughters of God, and reminded by the first papal Gifted with the capacity for carry- authentic feminine sexuality.” inherently valuable and beautiful encyclical ‘God is Love,’ to keep it ing life, as the continuation of Eve The “brokenness of today’s cul- because of that.” simple.” called “mother of all living,” she is ture is seen everywhere,” she said, Wendy Shalit, who at age 23 Those were some of the open- also responsible for preparing the and is evidenced by our contra- wrote “A Return to Modesty: ing comments from the student “restoration of life.” cepting and divorcing society in Discovering the Lost Virtue,” told the organizers of the Edith Stein To this end, some 25 women which adults seem to be afraid of story of how she was motivated to Project held Feb. 23-24 at the and men from all parts of the making a commitment. research modesty after being repulsed . country were invited to speak on Women “have to make a con- by the lack of privacy in the co-ed In seeking to redefine femi- various topics throughout the two- scious decision about how we bathrooms at her college. In her nism, conference organizers chose day conference. Speakers included want to be treated as women,” she research, she came to realize that to focus on a uniquely Catholic Notre Dame students and alumni, said, explaining that today’s cul- women and men are made in the perspective on healing; healing on as well as national figures like ture tends to define sexuality as image of God, and “Modesty is about an individual level for those who Deirdre McQuade, director of “doing, not being,” even though protecting what is precious, what is have been victimized by real vio- planning and information for the PHOTOS BY DIANE FREEBY our sexuality is integrated into inside, what’s unique about us.” lence, and on a cultural level for U.S. Bishops’ Secretariat for Pro- Annamaria Scaperlanda, a senior who we are as a whole person. Economist Jennifer Roback all who are negatively impacted by Life Activities. philosophy major at the DeSolenni also touched on the Morse, author of “Love and a society where eating disorders, Moral theologian Janet Smith University of Notre Dame, did the inappropriate sexualization of Economics: Why the Laissez-Faire pornography, sexual assault and talked about how contraceptives initial research into Catholic femi- women in the media, and this Family Doesn’t Work,” talked attacks on women’s sexual health change women and men biologi- nism that resulted in the Edith theme was further developed by about “dumb sex,” which she said are common concerns. cally and emotionally, negatively Stein Conference. Brandi Lee, founder and editor-in- included casual sex, living together This is the third year for the impacting the natural hormones chief of True Girl magazine. Lee without marriage and having a conference, a product of research that attract members of the oppo- created a culture of recreational explained that she founded the baby without a father in the pic- done by Notre Dame senior site sex to one another. This results sex, resulting in a multitude of magazine, which has a target audi- ture. “Smart sex,” she said has two Anamaria Scaperlanda. The tone of in relationship problems between problems, including high incidence ence of Catholic girls ages 12 to purposes: procreation and spousal the conference is reflected in the the sexes, as well as physical prob- of sexually transmitted diseases, 18 and a circulation of 5,000, unity. St. had this words of its patron saint, Edith lems for the woman, ranging from emotional trauma and at-risk fami- because other publications for girls figured out centuries ago, Roback Stein: “The capacity for empathy increased risk for depression and lies, said Smith, who is the Father and women are focused on physi- Morse said, and now science is with others and their needs and the certain cancers. J. McGivney Chair of cal perfection, Hollywood celebri- catching up, for the results of capacity and docility for adaptation Furthermore, the separation of Life Ethics at Sacred Heart Major ties and what it takes to attract and “dumb sex” are wreaking havoc are more developed in the nature of sex from babies and marriage has in . please a man. Lee said her maga- on individuals and society. Speakers share stories of healing and faith Rachel’s Vineyard offers a Nolan and Cathy continued to BY DIANE FREEBY message of hope and healing, pro- date when she enrolled at viding retreats throughout the year Northwestern University and then NOTRE DAME — It is God’s to women in need. Beth Bauer, married. Cathy and Denis experi- infinite mercy that ultimately who helps women with this heal- enced spiritual and relational ups saved Bernadette Roy as she ing, said it takes on average five and downs early on, separating for exclaimed in the session, Trauma to 15 years for a woman to deal a short time. and Healing After Abortion: with the painful reality of her During their separation, Nolan Neither Do I Condemn You. abortion. made some choices she would later Her story began like many Those interested in learning regret, including turning to a birth other women. Roy came from a more may visit Rachel’s Vineyard control device that could also work large Catholic family, the fourth of online at rachelsvineyard.org . as an abortifacient. But as she and eight children. She married her “We want to take something Denis reconciled, Nolan buried the high school sweetheart and by Satan intended for evil and turn it shame and moved ahead into a life 1973 had two children. There into good,” Bauer said, “to glorify of prayer, joy and family having were problems in the marriage, God by helping other women and seven children in a row. God was and Roy found herself divorced men suffering from abortion.” clearly working in their lives. and single. She made some poor In another session, The “God’s way is not to hide our choices, “hooked up” and became Healing of the Feminine: A Case shame,” explained Nolan. “God’s pregnant. Bernadette Roy shares her jour- in Point, Cathy Nolan illustrated Cathy Nolan, wife and mother of way is to name it, to entrust it into “I went to Planned ney of healing after suffering that the glorification of God eight children currently works at his hands and to teach us that he Parenthood,” recalled Roy. “They from an abortion. Beth Bauer of through prayer brings healing. She the Women’s Care Center. She loves us more than anything we talked about termination because Project Rachel followed with her shared her faith journey and spoke of her personal faith jour- can do.” there could be complications.” offered a plan for other women to ney and how prayer and journal- Today, in addition to praying Ashamed to tell anyone else, talk on “Trauma and Healing begin their own healing. ing lead to healing. with other women and teaching Roy made her decision without after Abortion: Neither Do I Nolan, who took a 20-year sab- them how to use journaling as a any more input. She made the Condemn You.” Beth discussed batical between her junior and springboard to conversation with decision alone to abort her baby. the many healing resources avail- senior year at Saint Mary’s Nolan. “By my junior year, every- Jesus and Mary, Nolan continues “God kept calling me out,” able to those who survive the College to be a co-creator with thing was changing. Sexuality was her pro-life calling on the front said Roy. “I was working, doing horror of abortion. God and begin a family, went on up for grabs.” lines at the Women’s Care Center. some repairs in a friend’s home, to complete her master’s degree in As Nolan described the terror “God wants us healed and not when her curly-haired little girl Catholic Church. theology. She was invited to be a she experienced when a male full of shame and brokenness,” jumped in my lap and hugged me. “I received an annulment,” said member of the Mariological acquaintance made an attempt at said Nolan. “God wants us recre- Her mother told me how her Roy. “I went to confession 20 Society of America because, rape, she also revealed the discon- ated in his image. daughter was usually so shy times about my abortion.” She according to the society’s presi- nect many of her generation around others. I just cried and then remarried in the church and dent, “she encompasses the appeared to be experiencing, cried. I went home and cried that became more involved in the faith unique combination of a scholar’s between their behavior and what entire night. The next morning, I she had once abandoned. intellect and a mother’s heart.” they were after in their hearts. The Edith Stein Conference was spon- put on my face and tried to return Roy recalled the night she truly Nolan chronicled her journey Depressed and confused, sored by the Notre Dame to my life.” began to heal. “I went to dinner from obedient daughter in the Nolan dropped out of college her Departments of Psychology, The pain continued. One day, with five church friends, and one 1950s to a questioning college junior year and went home. Nolan Theology and Philosophy; the Roy visited her former in-laws. broke into tears as she revealed student during the confusion of ended up marrying the one guy Center for Ethics and Culture; the Her former father-in-law was she had once had an abortion. I the 1960s and 70s. who showed genuine care and Center for Social Concerns; touched by her visible pain, and realized that at a table of six “When I entered Saint Mary’s, compassion by coming by to visit Campus Ministry; and the Our he gently brought her back to the friends, two of us had abortions.” the rules were strict,” recalled and see how she was doing. Denis Sunday Visitor Institute. 4 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC MARCH 4, 2007 YOU CAN LEND A HAND HIGHLIGHTS

PROVIDED BY QUALITY DINING St. Louis Academy took home the grand prize of $250, the traveling trophy, 500 tickets to an additional Komets’ game and a school visit by Komets mascot, Icy D. Eagle, for the second year at You Can Lend a Hand Night. In the photo are, front row from left, Jessica Van Horn, Van Horn, Taryn Van Horn and back row, Jake Van Horn, Tiffany May, Jarrett Lortie, Mercedes Matter, You Can DENNIS FECH Bishop Dwenger’s fine arts addition is quickly taking shape. The goal Lend A Hand Program Coordinator Kelly Van Horn and is to have the new space ready for occupancy following spring break in Nathan May. In South Bend cheerleaders and music stu- early April. The inset photo shows interior construction in the fine dents performed at the University of Notre Dame arts addition of Bishop Dwenger High School. Women’s Basketball game against De Paul. Bishop Dwenger High School’s Pope denounces trend fine arts addition takes shape

BY DENNIS FECH dents and a multi-purpose room order to begin construction of a toward ‘designer embryos’ can be used by the school’s show new classroom wing in late choir, dance team and other spring. Dwenger has experienced BY JOHN THAVIS including pressure to legalize FORT WAYNE — The first groups within the school. Over nearly 15 years of steady growth abortion, new forms of chemical phase of Bishop Dwenger’s the past few years, Bishop in its enrollment. Currently more abortion introduced under the pre- expansion effort is moving Dwenger has experience tremen- than 1,070 students attend VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope text of “reproductive health,” and towards completion. The 42,000 dous growth in the fine arts cur- Dwenger making it one of the Benedict XVI denounced the the continuing politics of demo- square-foot addition will house riculum. More and more students three largest Catholic high high-tech trend that encourages graphic control. new band and choir rooms as are pursuing the academic honors schools in the state. parents to seek the “perfect child” In richer countries, he said, well as space for campus min- diploma, which requires a mini- The additional classrooms are through genetic selection. biotechnological engineering aims istry, the service coordinator, mum of two semesters of either needed to meet the needs of the In a speech Feb. 24 to more to establish “subtle and extensive maintenance and Alive. visual or performing arts. Over current students and staff. A than 350 Catholic medical profes- methods of eugenics in the obses- The goal is to have the new space 300 students are taking visual number of teachers do not have sionals, the pope said so-called sive search for the ‘perfect child,’ ready for occupancy following arts at this time with another 150 their own classrooms and three “designer embryos” represent one through artificial procreation and spring break in early April. or so in the performing arts. of the current rooms in use are of many contemporary attacks on various forms of diagnosis that Once complete, the new band Once the band and choir move below the minimum size for a human life. allow selection.” room will accommodate approxi- into their new space, the existing high school classroom. The attacks have increased to He said this kind of genetic mately 100 students for both music room will be converted Dwenger is now reaching out the point that the Christian con- selection is part of “a new wave of class and rehearsals. Individual into three art classrooms. The to all of its parents, alumni and science has been lulled, and even discrimination” aimed at unborn. practice rooms will allow stu- school currently offers several friends in an effort to bring the good people sometimes seem par- The pope also warned against dents to work on private lessons classes in both two and three- campaign to a close. The school alyzed in the face of collective increasing pressure to legalize as well as prepare for the annual dimensional art. The curriculum is confident it will reach its goal social pressure against the right to euthanasia. In addition to such Indiana State School Music is expected to expand with the that will help insure the future of life, he said. direct attacks on life, he said, Association (ISSMA) competi- addition of the new classrooms. the school for many years to The pope listed a number of efforts are multiplying to legalize tion each year. Ample storage Bishop Dwenger High School come. If anyone wants to learn ways in which human life is “alternative” forms of cohabitation will be available for a music has raised nearly $6.7 million more about the current campaign, threatened in poorer nations today, that are closed to procreation. library, uniform and instrument towards an $8 million goal in its they may contact the school’s storage. ONE Family Committed to the development office at (260) 496- A separate choir room will Future Campaign. The goal is to 1706 or e-mail dfech@bish- Love accommodate another 90 stu- raise an additional $1.4 million in opdwenger.com. never dies. The Memorial Tear™is a tear drop, to be worn in memory of someone loved. There is a rose inside as a symbol of the love that never dies. (I Corinthians 13:8, 13) Available in necklace or lapel pin. Sterling Silver or 10K gold

AQUINAS 2306 Mishawaka Avenue South Bend 46615 (574) 287-1091 MARCH 4, 2007 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 5 Sister Thea Bowman lived a full Pope says Christ on cross helps life of hope, love and justice. Christians recognize sin, God’s love

BY MAY LEE JOHNSON remembered receiving a standing BY CINDY WOODEN Pope Benedict asked Catholics ovation after her presentation as during Lent to keep their hearts keynote speaker. At the close of and minds focused on Christ’s he always had a song in her the meeting, she invited the bish- VATICAN CITY (CNS) — crucifixion, because it is the best heart and a prayer in her soul ops to stand, linked arm in arm, Contemplating Christ on the way “to understand fully what sin Sfor social justice for all races and sang with much enthusiasm, cross, Christians recognize the is, how tragic its seriousness is, and creeds in the Catholic Church. “We Shall Overcome.” seriousness of their sins and the and at the same time how incom- Bertha Bowman was born Dec. At 46, Sister Thea was diag- power of God’s love, Pope parable the Lord’s power and 29, 1937. She attended a nosed with terminal bone cancer, Benedict XVI said. mercy are.” Methodist church but went to which spread to her brain. “Only by turning our gaze to Keeping their eyes on Christ, Holy Child Jesus School in This didn’t slow her down, as Jesus, dying on the cross for us, he said, people also should allow Canton, Miss. At the age of 9, she she continued to minister from her can this basic truth be known and themselves to feel that he is was so touched by the sisters who wheelchair. Her prayer was “to contemplated: God is love,” he watching them. taught her that she received her live until I die.” said Feb. 25 before praying the “The one we have pierced parents’ permission to become a Sister Thea had lived a full life Angelus with visitors in St. with our sins never tires of pour- Catholic. of hope, love and justice. A holy Peter’s Square. ing out on the world an inex- With a beautiful voice, brilliant woman of our times, she loved The midday appearance was haustible torrent of merciful mind and dynamic personality, God. She loved her faith. She went Pope Benedict’s last public love,” he said. Bertha, who would become Sister home to be with her loving God engagement before he and top Pope Benedict prayed that Thea Bowman, a Sister of the like a shooting star in 1990. Vatican officials began their humanity would come to under- Third Order of St. Francis of “Sister Thea Bowman — Shooting weeklong Lenten retreat in the stand “that this is the only source Perpetual Adoration, intended to A personal witness Star” contains selected writings evening. from which to draw the indispen- make the world a better place. And and speeches and is published by The pope asked the people in sable spiritual energy needed to she did. Today’s Catholic contributor the square to accompany him Saint Mary’s Press Christian build that peace and happiness “Many people considered Sister May Lee Johnson remembers per- with their prayers, and he prom- for which every human being is Brothers Publication, Winona, Thea Bowman to be a prophetic sonally meeting Sister Thea ised to pray for them as well. looking.” voice in the church,” Holy Cross Bowman when she visited South Minn. Brother Roy Smith, from the Bend in the early 1980s. University of Notre Dame, said. Johnson had never really met “Some saw her as having a or spoken with a black sister, so Cragan’s Irish Imports prophetic voice in calling the when her friend Brother Roy church, the people of God to bring Smith called her to say Sister Thea about justice and peace to all of would be speaking at Notre Dame, about leaving the Catholic Church St. Pat’s Day Headquarters God’s people.” Johnson went to the lecture. at the time, discussed her concerns After a career in higher educa- Johnson said she thought it with Sister Thea. tion, she turned her immense ener- would be interesting to meet her Sister Thea responded that she Authentic Gifts gy and love into teaching others and hear what she had to say about would never allow the undervalu- the beauty of a multicultural blacks and Catholics. ing of African-Americans and Irish Music world. Johnson had no idea what to women in the church and society She loved music, and had a expect, so she had dinner with her. stop her from doing her part. Goods Food candid and uncompromising per- “When I saw her decked out in Later, Johnson found this quote sonal acceptance of all people. She her native African dress, I was in some notes she had taken years was singer, dancer, liturgist and shocked,” Johnson said, “but she ago: “I like being black. I like evangelist, and she spent her life greeted me with a warm smile and being myself, and I thank God for preaching the good news as a big hug, and I quickly knew I was making me my black self and Open Monday-Friday 10-6 • Saturday 10-5 woman and as a Franciscan sister. in good company.” that’s when I decided to become At the U.S. Conference of After the two talked a few min- fully functioning, to the church 1643 Edison Plaza • South Bend • 243-1400 Catholic Bishops in 1989, she was utes, Johnson, who was thinking and the world.” TODAY’SCATHOLIC welcomes you!

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Christ’s service in every way possi- Al-Azhar’s grand sheik ble, so your immense and deep agrees to meet for talks knowledge will bear fruit, as well as your priestly devotion for the with pope in Rome good of the beloved church in Poland.” The pope said in a letter VATICAN CITY (CNS) — One of EWS RIEFS N B published Feb. 21 that he was “fully Sunni Islam’s leading clerics has aware of the exceptional circum- accepted Pope Benedict XVI’s stances” in which Archbishop invitation to meet for talks in Wielgus had worked “when the Rome, the Vatican said. Grand CHARISMATICS PRAY DURING ANNIVERSARY IN DETROIT Marxist regime used all means to Sheik Mohammed Sayyid Tantawi smother the freedom of citizens, of Cairo’s al-Azhar University, a and especially priests.” The letter world-renowned center of Islamic was dated Feb. 12. Archbishop scholarship, agreed to the Wielgus had “given proof of great encounter “with satisfaction,” the piety and deep love for Christ and Vatican said Feb. 20. No date was the church,” he added. announced for the meeting. It would be the pope’s highest-profile encounter with an Islamic leader Geographers use GPS to since his September speech in Regensburg, Germany, that sparked mark Italy’s prime controversy and criticism through- meridian in Vatican out the Muslim world. Cardinal Paul Poupard, head of the Vatican Gardens agency that coordinates interreli- gious dialogue, met Sheik Tantawi VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Feb. 20 in Cairo in what the Vatican Although the Global Positioning described as “a climate of great cor- System has made meridians obso- diality” and conveyed the pope’s lete in mapmaking, a group of greetings to the cleric. Cardinal geographers used the GPS to mark Poupard also planned to meet with the exact spot where the old prime Egypt’s religious affairs minister, meridian of Italy passed through Hamdi Zaqzuq. the Vatican. Standing at the end of a technologically guaranteed straight line of flower pots, the geographers Pope to canonize and Vatican officials dedicated a plaque marking the spot in the Brazilian in May, four Vatican Gardens Feb. 23. A prime others in June CNS PHOTO/GREGG MCINTOSH, THE MICHIGAN CATHOLIC meridian is an arbitrarily deter- mined line running around the VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Young adults pray Feb. 17 with more than 3,000 Catholics from across the country gath- globe from north to south; it is used Benedict XVI will canonize a ered in Detroit at the Cobo Center to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the charismatic to determine longitude as well as Brazilian Franciscan during his time zones. Although an interna- May trip to Brazil and will declare renewal. Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher of the papal household spoke tional agreement was reached in four other new saints in June. Feb. 17, saying “The first need of the church is for a perennial Pentecost — an ongoing 1880 recognizing the meridian in During a prayer service in the Greenwich, , as the prime Apostolic Palace Feb. 23, the pope Pentecost — in which the church would have fire in her heart, works in her midst and meridian, Italian government maps set May 11 as the date for the can- prophecy in her outlook.” continued to use the Italian prime onization of Blessed Antonio until the 1940s. In 2004, a group of Galvao, an 18th-century Franciscan Italian geographers and historians and founder of the Sisters of Our court, to overturn Bishop exceptions to the ordinance would resolve peacefully the dispute over began a project to commemorate Lady of the Conception of Divine Bruskewitz’s 1996 decision and its be so broad that unnecessary law- Iran’s nuclear weapons program, the Italian meridian by marking it Providence. The pope will be in affirmation last year by Cardinal suits would surely arise, potentially said the executive director of Pax in the Vatican Gardens and in sev- Brazil May 9-13 to participate in Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the costing taxpayers hundreds of thou- Christi USA. “We have seen no evi- eral parks around Rome. the Latin American bishops’ fifth Vatican Congregation for Bishops. sands of dollars. dence in this (U.S.) administration general assembly; the papal sched- In a Jan. 27 letter to Pokora and to practice any skilled” diplomacy, Religious leaders call ule published by the Brazilian bish- Peterson, which was copied to Rome office issues Dave Robinson told Catholic News ops in early February said the pope Bishop Bruskewitz, the court said it Service after a Feb. 26 press con- Bush’s Iraq War policies would celebrate a morning Mass had “no competence,” or jurisdic- prayer cards, relics to ference by U.S. Christian leaders May 11 at the Campo de Marte air- tion, in the matter. Call to Action who had returned that morning ‘morally bankrupt’ field in Sao Paolo. Pope Benedict Nebraska was the only group to ask promote sainthood for from a weeklong trip to Iran. Pax also announced the June 3 canon- the bishop to reverse his decision. Christi USA is affiliated with Pax BALTIMORE (CNS) — Baltimore ization at the Vatican of a Polish John Paul II Christi International, a Vatican-rec- Christian leaders used the backdrop Franciscan, Blessed Simon of ROME (CNS) — The Rome dioce- ognized Catholic peace movement. of Ash Wednesday and props of a Lipnica; Blessed Charles Houben, a Nashville bishop san office charged with promoting Iranian society is “a deeply devoted dead soldier’s combat boots as they Dutch Passionist priest; Sister supports mayor’s veto the sainthood cause of Pope John society and culture” of Muslims, called President George W. Bush’s Anne-Eugenie Milleret de Brou, Paul II continues to distribute the and the administration of Iranian Iraq War policies immoral and the French founder of the Religious of ‘English-first’ official prayer cards for the cause President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged Marylanders to take part in of the Assumption; and a Maltese legislation and the only authorized relics, an is “particularly pious,” he said. U.S. an organized anti-war rally in priest, Father George Preca, office spokeswoman said. “We President George W. Bush “doesn’t Washington. The 13 religious lead- founder of the Society of Christian NASHVILLE, Tenn. (CNS) — receive dozens of requests each day understand this language” of a ers from varying Christian faiths — Doctrine. Saying that “we don’t need a law to and the distribution continues,” she country where religion and society including Denis J. tell us what language we are told Catholic News Service Feb. are one, and diplomatic solutions Madden of Baltimore — chose the already speaking,” Nashville 26. The relic is a small piece of one can be lost in translation, Robinson first day of Lent Feb. 21 to launch Vatican rejects Call to Mayor Bill Purcell vetoed a bill that of the white cassocks worn by Pope said. their collective anti-war platform, Action appeal; bishop would have required city agencies John Paul. The free cards and relics because it’s a penitential season. and officials to communicate in can be requested by letter, fax or e- “The time has come to confess our urges return to church English “except when required by mail. The e-mail address is: Pope supports Polish mistakes and wrongdoing and with- draw our troops” from Iraq, said the LINCOLN, Neb. (CNS) — The federal law or when necessary to Postulazione.GiovanniPaoloII@Vi archbishop who protect or promote public health, cariatusUrbis.org; the fax number Rev. Peter K. Nord, head of the Vatican’s highest court said it has resigned after Presbytery of Baltimore, part of the no jurisdiction over a decision by safety or welfare.” Bishop David R. is: (39-06) 6888-6240. The mailing Choby of Nashville, who stood address is: Postulazione Giovanni national Presbyterian Church Bishop Fabian W. Bruskewitz of communist links (U.S.A.). “The Jesus we follow Lincoln that Catholics in his dio- with Purcell as he made the veto Paolo II, Vicariato di Roma, Piazza announcement Feb. 12, said the city San Giovanni in Laterano 6A, OXFORD, England (CNS) — prays for peace and so do we,” Rev. cese who are members of Call to Nord said at the news conference at Action, Call to Action Nebraska is “noted for its friendliness and its 00184 Rome, Italy. Pope Benedict XVI expressed sup- willingness to welcome those who port for an archbishop who City Temple Baptist Church in the and 10 other organizations were Bolton Hill neighborhood of automatically excommunicated. In are new to the area.” The bishop resigned because of links to com- said, “The characteristics of kind- Pax Christi official: U.S. munist-era secret police. “I would Baltimore. “I’m troubled that our the wake of the ruling, Bishop commander in chief neither shares Bruskewitz renewed his invitation ness, for which this city has devel- needs diplomats who like, above all, to offer words of oped a national recognition, can encouragement, inviting you to this prayer nor listens to his peo- to Call to Action Nebraska mem- ple.” bers to leave that organization and also be called Christian charity.” know religion, Iran stride forward with confidence and “This ordinance does not reflect peace in your heart,” Pope Benedict return to full communion with the WASHINGTON (CNS) — church. Rachel Pokora and Gordon who we are,” Purcell said, noting said in a letter to former Warsaw the long tradition of immigration in Diplomats who understand the reli- Archbishop Stanislaw Wielgus. “I P. Peterson of Call to Action gious sensibilities of Iran are need- Nebraska had asked the Apostolic middle Tennessee. A primary rea- express the wish that Your son for the veto, he said, was that ed to act as translators between Excellency renew your activity in Signature, the church’s supreme Iranian and American officials to MARCH 4, 2007 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 7

Additional corporate sponsor- Queen of Angels ship opportunities are available. For information, call Kathy plans parish mission Elmore at (260) 359-9333. FORT WAYNE — Queen of St. Matthew to host Angels Parish in Fort Wayne will AROUND THE DIOCESE host a parish mission March 11- benefit Trivia Night 14. The mission is built on the theme of the diocesan SOUTH BEND — St. Matthew Sesquicentennial Jubilee Year, Cathedral Parish in South Bend “Behold the Face of Christ: His BISHOP CELEBRATES 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF HOLY HOUR will host a St. Patrick’s Day Trivia Steadfast Love Endures Forever.” Night, March 17, in the Cathedral The following presenters will PROGRAM AT CORPUS CHRISTI Gym at 6:30 p.m. All proceeds speak: will assist with the medical • Sunday, March 11, 7 p.m. — expenses of Keely Quinn, the Father James Stoyle will present daughter born on Nov. 13, 2006 to Steadfast in Faith. a St. Matthew family. • Monday, March 12, 7 p.m. — Keely was born with Down Jim Didier will present Steadfast Syndrome and has had heart diffi- in Prayer. culties requiring cardiac surgery. • Tuesday, March 13, 7 p.m. — She is awaiting another surgery. Father Tim Wrozek will present Cost is $15 per person. Steadfast in Forgiveness. Donations and program advertis- • Wednesday, March 14, 7 p.m. ing space are also being accepted. — Bishop John M. D’Arcy will Please contact St. Matthew School speak on Steadfast in Communion at (574) 289-4535 for more infor- at the closing Mass. mation. Morning sessions, presented by Sister Jolene Heiden, SSND, from Plymouth native elected the diocesan Office of Spiritual Development-Evangelization, will to National Board of be held Monday, Tuesday and Trustees of Catholic Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in the rec- tory. Charities USA The mission will have a special ALEXANDRIA, Va — Kathleen programming track for teens in Flynn Fox of Naples, Fla, has grades 7-12. On Sunday, from 7-8 recently been elected to serve on p.m. in the parish rectory, spiritual Catholic Charities USA’s Board of artist and faith speaker Mary Trustees. Fox joins the board for a Hilger will do a live chalk draw- three-year term with the possibili- ing and speak with the group. On ty of one renewal. Monday, from 7-8 p.m. in the Fox is the daughter of Kay activities center, local firefighter Flynn, Plymouth and the late and former Purdue University Patrick J. Flynn. Fox and her hus- cheerleader Jeremy Elder will DIANE FREEBY band are currently building their explore the correlation of prayer Bishop John M. D’Arcy celebrated Mass with Father Camillo Tirabassi at Corpus Christi summer home on Pretty Lake. in sports to daily life. Teens will Fox has volunteered in her attend the sessions in the church Church in South Bend Feb. 25. They commemorated 25 years of the Holy Hour program communities for more than two on Tuesday and Wednesday. at Corpus Christi. Barbara O’Brien, left, is one of the original members of the holy hour decades, including having served Babysitting for infants and on the board of directors of children through first grade will program. Catholic Charities of be available for the evening ses- Minneapolis-St. Paul from 1998 sions. Please call the rectory in to 2004. On the board she served advance for babysitting services. as its chair, vice chair, public pol- Hospitality will be offered on regular all-state band, there is a Maria Council will be Irish step a dinner as well as silent and live icy chair, governance chair, and Sunday and Wednesday evenings select honor band. Dr. Lowell dancing of the World Academy auctions. The auctions feature vice chair of the agency’s annual after the services. The parish Graham, music department chair and the Irish quartet of Pat goods and services donated by fund campaign. extends an invitation to the com- at the University of Texas-El Paso, Heiden. local businesses and handcrafted She currently serves on the munity to attend the mission. will direct the Indiana All-State Maury Hogan is president of by area residents, as well as spe- board of directors of the Christ For additional information, Honor Band. the South Bend chapter. cial projects created by Child Society and volunteers at a contact Tom Szymczak at (260) All members will participate in Reservations can be made by call- Huntington Catholic School’s stu- literacy program for Head Start 482-9411. a series of activities including ing Hogan at (574) 232-7832. — dents, priests and sisters. children in Naples, Fla. Fox head- seating auditions, sectionals and EJD “Huntington Catholic School is ed Silver Fox Partners from 1989 Dwenger students full rehearsals from Friday, March a strong asset to the community,” to 2005. The Minneapolis-based 9, through Sunday, March 11. A Huntington Catholic said Michael E. Zahn, First marketing and consulting compa- participate Indiana grand finale concert will be pre- Federal’s president. “Being a local ny focused on assisting regional All-State Band Festival sented to the public on Sunday, School fundraiser has bank, we feel it’s important to par- shopping malls and retailers with March 11, at 2:30 p.m. in the new benefactor ticipate in a number of organiza- branding, marketing and merchan- FORT WAYNE — The Indiana Musical Arts Center (MAS) on the tions in Huntington. ... We’re a dise buying and display. Bandmasters Association has Indiana University-Bloomington HUNTINGTON — Run for the community bank, and we try to Prior to starting her own firm, named three students from Bishop campus. Rams, Huntington Catholic give back to the community as Fox served as vice president of Dwenger High School to the 2007 School’s annual gala fundraiser, much as we can.” marketing for Lieberman Indiana All-State Band. Seniors has a new benefactor this year. First Federal and its employees Enterprises, a national restaurant Mary Andorfer and Katie Blakie Hibernians celebrate Irish First Federal Savings Bank has also have a number of personal chain of 350 stores located in along with junior Katie heritage signed on as corporate sponsor of ties to Huntington Catholic regional shopping malls in 46 McDermott have been selected to the May 12 dinner and auction. School. Zahn’s father, First states. participate in the 47th Annual SOUTH BEND — The South The bank’s support, Run for the Federal CEO Stephen E. Zahn, She holds a bachelor degree in Indiana All-State Band Festival Bend chapter of the Ancient Order Rams Chairman Kathy Elmore and his mother, Alyce Zahn, are history from Saint Mary’s College sponsored by the Indiana of Hibernians will celebrate the said, will allow a greater portion both Huntington Catholic gradu- of Notre Dame in Indiana. Fox is a Bandmasters Association (IBA). Irish in the area with a St. of the event’s proceeds to go ates. Zahn and many of the bank’s board-elected trustee. Each student earned this honor Patrick’s Day dinner and dance on directly toward the operational employees and customers are also Catholic Charities USA’s mem- by participating in a highly com- Saturday night in the ballroom of expenses of Huntington County’s members of one of the city’s two bers-more than 1,500 local agen- petitive audition held in early the Santa Maria Council 553 of only Catholic school. Catholic parishes, which support cies and institutions nationwide January at nine centers across the Knights of Columbus. Thanks “We’re thrilled that First the school. provide help and create hope for Indiana. Nearly 900 talented to historian Bernard Doyle, the Federal Savings Bank is willing to Tickets for Run for the Rams over 7.4 million people a year young musicians applied to audi- South Bend chapter can trace its be one of our sponsors for this are $60 per person and can be pur- regardless of religious, social or tion. After the selection committee historic enterprise to more than 60 event,” Huntington Catholic prin- chased by calling Huntington economic backgrounds. For more reviewed tapes of these students, years ago. Area Irish groups high- cipal Jason Woolard said. “It will Catholic School at (260) 356- than 275 years, local Catholic 167 outstanding high school band lighted their social functions with definitely help us bring Catholic 1926. Charities agencies have been pro- members have been selected to dinner and dance programs mark- education into Huntington County For information about donating viding a myriad of vital services in participate in the 2007 festival ing St. Patrick’s Day. The Ancient and strengthen our offerings in the auction items, contact Tim Ness at their communities, ranging from Dr. Frank Tracz, director of Order of Hibernians in America future.” (260) 224-1353. Donated items day care and counseling to food bands at Kansas State University, was established in The eighth annual Run for the may also be dropped off at the and housing. will direct the 83-piece Indiana on May 4, 1836. Rams, to be held May 12 at the school’s Primary Building, 820 all-state band. In addition to the Featured at the affair in Santa North Star Civic Center, includes Cherry St. 8 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC MARCH 4, 2007

“Professional Insurance Services” Bill to provide permanent funding kintz •Life •Auto •Health •Home for affordable housing advances insurance •Annuities •Business agency •Disabilities •Liability BY BRIGID CURTIS AYER •Medicare Supplements Poverty and housing in Indiana •Nursing Home Care INDIANAPOLIS — “Providing Information below extrapolated by a report compiled by the Indiana 111 North Third Street • Decatur affordable housing is the single Coalition on Housing and Homeless Issues for Affordable Housing (260)728-9290 • (260) 724-8042 • 1-800-589-5468 most effective way to solve home- lessness in our state and nation,” and Community Economic Development Awareness Day. said Bill Bickel, director of Holy Family Shelter and Holy Family ccording to the U.S. homeless population in Transitional Housing in Indianapolis, a part of Catholic Census Bureau’s Indiana 9,877. Charities. “And House Bill 1351 A2004 American — Source 2005 Housing will do just that — help provide Community Survey there are and Urban Development affordable housing in Indiana.” Rep. Jeb Bardon (D- 2,690,619 housing units in (HUD) Continuum of Care Indianapolis) author of HB 1351 Indiana, 10 percent that were Applications for Indianapolis, said, “There are two sides to this vacant. Evansville, South Bend, and issue — a moral issue for society and a fiscal issue for government. the Balance of the State. Data This bill will help a segment of includes both homeless indi- Voice Mail O:(260)436-6363 Ex 317 Face of homelessness society that is struggling for sur- viduals and person in home- (260) 479-1162 R: (260) 639-6471 vival.” in Indiana The groups expected to be less families with children. helped by the bill include the Poverty rates: people 65 or Emergency Shelters in homeless, many of whom are sin- older 7 percent; related chil- Indiana. HUD defines an gle moms with children; victims dren under 18 years of age 14 of domestic violence; former con- emergency shelter as any victs; and seniors in transition. percent; female householder facility the primary purpose of “It will also help reunite fami- families 28 percent; all fami- which is to provide temporary lies since one-third of all kids in lies 8 percent; all individuals foster care could go home if their or transitional shelter for the family had a more stable housing 11 percent. homeless in general or for situation,” said Rep. Bardon. Poverty related statistics specific populations of the Rep. Bardon said that the only TANF monthly average fami- opposition to the bill is the real homeless. Family units 558; estate and building industry lies in 2004 were 54,330; family beds 1,965; individual because of the additional fees that Food Stamp recipients in 2004 2,152; total yearround 4,152; they may have to pay when they were 516,360; Free and get documents from the recorder’s 71 seasonal; overflow/ vouch- office. Reduced Lunch recipients in er 1,000. “Some think that poverty and 2004 were 356,702. — — Source 2005 Housing homelessness is only an urban Source: Indiana Business issue, but it’s an issue that affects and Urban Development those living in rural counties as Research STATS Indiana (HUD) Continuum of Care well,” he said. Data. Applications for Indianapolis, “We will get a better output on Emergency sheltered popu- schools when poor children have a Evansville, South Bend, and stable home environment and also lation 3,230; transitional hous- the Balance of the State. Data save on health care because there ing population 3,849: unshel- includes both current and will be less of need to use the tered population 2,798; total emergency room on cold nights as under development. a means to survive,” said Rep. Bardon. Rep. Bardon, who attends St. $750. A poor family could live in board member for the Indiana Michael Parish in Indianapolis, that apartment and pay $250 and Catholic Conference said his shel- said “providing affordable housing the affordable-housing fund would ter and others like his will not ben- for the poor is an issue everyone pay the difference of $500. efit directly in the sense of getting agrees is the ethical thing to do “What’s great about how this a check handed to them, but he from a moral perspective and the fund works is that poor people are says there will be a tremendous right thing to do fiscally for the not singled out by putting them in benefit for those that they serve state, but there is a difference on projects or subsidized housing. because they will have a much how to achieve that. Lower income families could quite better chance to find permanent Under HB 1351, affordable feasibly live side by side with housing, which to Bickel is equal- housing funds will be paid for by a other middle class families,” he ly or even more rewarding. mix of permanent funding sources said. “That’s the beauty about the Bickel explained that there are including new fees from the coun- way this fund is set up because no some concerns among those who Our experienced and professional staff is dedicated ty recorder’s office, a portion of one knows who is receiving the work in with housing and home- to providing the highest quality of nursing care. the interest from other state funds subsidy except the owner or prop- lessness issues that with ample and an adjustment in big box erty manager who receives the affordable housing some lawmak- • Daily Mass retailers’ sales tax collection dis- check,” Bickel said. ers might think that temporary count. Current law does not pro- “The family maintains their shelters won’t be needed, but • Skilled Care • Intermediate Care vide a permanent funding source dignity and the property owner is Bickel said even with ample • Medicare Certified for affordable housing. guaranteed the rental income,” he affordable housing emergency “Holy Family Shelter and crisis said. “It’s a win-win situation. shelters are “unequivocally neces- • Secured Units for Alzheimer Care shelters in general were created to Indianapolis is also in a good situ- sary.” be temporary crisis relief shelters,” ation to handle increased rental “There will always be people • Physical, Occupational, & Speech Therapies said Bickel, “but unfortunately due tenants because there is ample and families for some reason who to the enormous lack of affordable stock rental properties. In some will need emergency housing, just • Assisted Living Apartments housing, these shelters have states, they have to build, but that like there will always be a need in • Independent Living Patio Homes on Campus become permanent housing. This would not be the case in a community to have an emer- is completely unacceptable. Indianapolis since we have ample gency room at the hospital,” he For Information, Call: (260) 897-2841 “Our faith calls us to uphold housing,” said Bickel. said. the dignity of each and every per- “Actually Indiana is behind the Rep. Bardon said he expects 515 N. Main Street, Avilla, Indiana 46710 son — including the poor. Those curve on this issue since our HB 1351 to pass the House with at Provena Health, a Catholic health system, builds communities who are at or below the poverty neighboring states already have least a two-thirds majority of level can receive a subsidy to pay permanent funding sources for House members supporting the of healing and hope by compassionately responding to human for their housing under this bill,” their affordable housing funds,” bill and is hopeful the bill will need in the spirit of Jesus Christ. Bickel explained. “For example, Bickel said. only improve as it makes its way let’s say the rent of an apartment is Bickel, who also serves as a through the Senate. MARCH 4, 2007 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 9 Lent — Is that the one before Christmas? Sometimes it is easy to think of the season of Lent simply as a set of rules and requirements, days of fasting and abstinence, giving up the customary foods or habits. But the real depth of Lenten expe- REAL LENT rience occurs when the season plays out in the lives of real peo- ple, how these practices affect DON CLEMMER them and play a part in calling them back to God. This is the sec- ond installment of a series that to practices like giving up choco- “How do you knock it off and looks at how the season of Lent late or television. But this does not knock it off for the rest of your life?” plays out in the everyday lives of mean that he is a stranger to what he muses, suspecting that a “one day different Catholics. Lent means. at a time” approach is best. It’s a time when people focus on So even if he still feels like a ressed in his usual T-shirts, the suffering of Christ and reflect on Protestant incognito, Arnold is jeans and black leather the sins and suffering in their own open to trying for a meaningful Djacket, Doug Arnold comes Doug Arnold sits in the cockpit of a jet during his 2006 stint in Iraq. lives that they would like to see die Lenten journey. across as a laid back guy with a lot Arnold, a former Protestant, feels that he’s never really had much expo- with Christ, in hopes that they might “Especially when it comes to going on just beneath the surface. sure to Lent, but is open to the experience. share in the joy of the Resurrection. God, I believe in keeping an open His smile ranges from wry, like For Arnold, suf- mind,” he notes, he’s both amused and bemused by and now attends St. Vincent de airplane mechanic, he explains. fering comes in “especially if he life’s peculiarities, to sly, like he’s Paul Church in Fort Wayne. His But Arnold’s faith life is not the form of the can show me in on a particularly wicked or pos- two kids graduated from Bishop limited to books. He greets the daily drudge, as “How do you knock it off something that sibly naughty joke. At 42, he pos- Luers High School, and he says Lord with prayer in the morning he puts it, “the lit- can make me a sesses a quirky demeanor that that he likes that the Catholic and — since his car’s stereo busted tle things that better person, sometimes gives him the feel of a Church takes a firm stance on — even spends time in quiet con- aggravate a lot of and knock it off for the something that mischievous teenager and at other issues like abortion and gay mar- templation. Arnold tries to main- folks.” It might be might have been times the feel of an old sage who riage. But he’ll also admit that tain an attitude of gratitude in his smashed fingers missing.” He is fond of dispensing his life obser- those catechism classes were a prayer because, as experiences like and the aches and rest of your life?” wouldn’t mind vations in droll phrases such as, “I pains that come reading some long time ago and that his method his 2006 stint in Iraq have shown DOUG ARNOLD still consider myself a Protestant in of living a Christian life today has him, he is “one lucky guy.” from working all books to guide Catholic clothes.” a Protestant ring to it. He is especially proud of his day in the garage the journey or This would be because Arnold “I try to spend time in that two kids, Brandon and Rachelle, or when he tries maybe take a grew up in a Methodist church and Bible every day,” Arnold notes. noting, “They’re both excellent in to “move an F-16 with my head.” It class or hear a talk. He also likes came to Catholicism in the early He’s currently working his way school. I haven’t had to bail them also comes in the form of dealing the idea that a Lenten discipline, 1980s when he married his wife, through the Gospels. He also out of jail or anything like that.” with people, be it the frustration of once habit, can be carried on Regina. enjoys daily reflection books, one In the midst of this faith life, being caught in traffic, the ongoing throughout the year. “My feelings were, you know, of which he keeps in one of the however, Arnold admits that his learning experience of making a And then, in true Protestant I’d like to worship with my wife,” many pockets of his uniform for exposure to Lent has never been marriage work or feelings of anger, form, Arnold has an idea for his recalls Arnold, “but I’m not sure if the Fort Wayne Air National very substantial. From his hate or prejudice toward others. Lenten discipline: the Catholic life is the way for me.” Guard, where he works as a full- Protestant upbringing to his life He also finds himself frustrated “Maybe I need to read that He ended up making the switch time technician — essentially an today, he still has trouble relating by repeated sins. Bible even more.” Pretzel Day helps homeless in South Bend Lenten recipes

BY JENNIFER OCHSTEIN BY STACY VIERA Smoked Salmon and add to pizza. Add the remaining ingre- GRANGER — Casey Ziegert, dients and cook at 450 degrees 10, was happy to make pretzels McLEAN, Va. — Lenten prac- for 8-10 minutes or until cheese and blankets, even if they tices, such as abstaining from is melted through. weren’t for her. meat and giving them healthy Source: “It makes me feel good alternatives, will help Today’s Morey’s Seafood International because I’m giving something to Catholic readers adhere to the LLC someone who really needs it,” abstinence requirements. said Casey, a fleece cow print What is good for the soul is Basil Baked Cod Fillets blanket on her lap. good for the body, too. To that Casey along with other end, the National Fisheries Cod is one of the most versa- parishioners of St. Pius X Institute, found on the Web at tile and popular species in the Catholic Church in Granger www.AboutSeafood.com, is U.S., with a mild flavor that pairs made soft pretzels to share with pleased to be a resource on fish well with herbs. those living at The Center for and seafood during this holy sea- Ingredients the Homeless in South Bend as son. • 1/2 pound cod, haddock, well as blankets for the Linus lingcod or orange roughy fillets Project, a nonprofit organization Smoked Salmon Pizza • 1 teaspoon olive oil that gives blankets out to kids • 1 teaspoon lemon juice Create a quick and healthy who are sick or have been in JENNIFER OCHSTEIN • 1/4 teaspoon dried basil, difficult situations. meal with omega-3 rich salmon crushed From left, Collin Pica, 7, and his mom, Kristin Pica, and his brother, Evan in this creative, family friendly “We like during Lent to turn Pica, 6, twist dough to make pretzels for Lenten Pretzel Day at St. Pius X • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper recipe! • dash salt our thoughts toward others,” Catholic Church in Granger. The church is sharing the pretzels with The Ingredients • 2 plum tomatoes, cored and said Amy Schlatterbeck, a pas- Center for the Homeless in South Bend. toral associate who organized • 4.5 ounces chunked Morey’s cut lengthwise into thin slices Lenten Pretzel Day at the church Wild Alaskan Smoked Salmon or • 2 teaspoons grated Parmesan any flavor for the second year. fit,” she explained. who participate in Catechesis of cheese Because they want to turn • 1 large cooked pizza crust Instructions She went on to say that she the Good Shepherd — could • 6 oz. Alfredo sauce their thoughts towards others, wants to involve the children in attest. Drain and pat fillets dry and Schlatterbeck said they perform • 1 Cup reduced fat shredded cut into 2 serving pieces. hopes that it encourages them to “Making the pretzels, it’s just mozzarella cheese stewardship projects consisting be good stewards as they grow. fun,” said Collin Pica, 7. Combine oil and lemon juice in a of three elements: prayer, fast- • Red pepper baking dish. Add fish and turn to “We also want to take time His brother, Evan Pica, 6, • Green pepper ing and almsgiving. The pretzels away during Lent for prayer and added they also do it to “help coat both sides. Sprinkle with represent fasting and prayer • Red onion basil, pepper, and salt. Overlap to be with God and others in the poor people because they • Black olives because they’re made of a sim- community,” Schlatterbeck said. don’t have any food.” tomatoes in an even layer on fish Instructions ple dough and they’re shaped “And it’s also a time to learn And, indeed, Evan said he and sprinkle with Parmesan like arms in prayer. And the Spread sauce over the top of cheese. Cover with foil and bake more about the faith.” likes to make the pretzels the pizza crust. Evenly sprinkle blankets represent the almsgiv- And part of that is also hav- “because I like to help the peo- at 400° F about 10-15 minutes or ing “so other children can bene- mozzarella cheese over the pizza. until fish flakes easily. ing fun, as students — many ple.” Chunk Morey’s Wild Alaskan 10 FAMILY FAITH MARCH 4, 2007

PEANUT BUTTER CONTEST FINALIST Alexandra Yoder, sixth-grader at St. Vincent de Paul School, Fort Wayne, is one of the five finalists in the “Jif Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest.” Her Peanut Butter Rolls “Sushi Style,” includes peanut butter, strawberry cream cheese, fresh fruit and granola. Alexandra and her family will be flown to New York on March 20 where she will vie for a $25,000 col- Family Faith lege scholarship grand prize at a cook-off before a panel of judges. God’s kingdom comes alive at Queen of Universe Shrine

BY DIANE FREEBY the newly inaugurated Pope John ing Christ, suspended at the rear of Paul II’s call to “open wide the the nave. Here is reflected the joy- doors to Christ,” Father Harte ful promise of the Resurrection, ORLANDO, Fla. — As Catholics, envisioned a permanent facility. intended to gladden the hearts of we are taught that when we are He imagined a “spiritual oasis the faithful. traveling, we still need to make an where the faithful could share in Mary, Queen of the Universe effort to attend Sunday Mass. Not the Holy Mass, spend time before Shrine Church opened its doors to to worry, though, if your spring the Blessed Sacrament and medi- the world on Jan. 31, 1993 before break destination includes a stop at tate amidst the prayerful serenity an overflow assembly of 2,500 Walt Disney’s Magic Kingdom in of God’s preserve.” worshipers. Florida. Fittingly, in 1979 (the silver “This is a day of great rejoic- Mary, Queen of the Universe anniversary of the papal encyclical ing,” proclaimed Bishop Dorsey. Shrine is easily accessible to any- establishing the Coronation of “We ask God’s grace upon all who one vacationing in Orlando, the Mary as a memorial feast of the will be drawn to this holy church.” beautiful grounds easily visible church) the shrine was to be The shrine complex continued from Interstate 4. named under the patronage of to grow. The building, which first Mass is offered daily and sever- Mary, Queen of the Universe. served as the temporary church, is al times on the weekend and holy “As Catholics, we look to now an Evangelization Center and days. The primarily volunteer-run Mary, Mother of God, for inspira- religious bookstore. A bust of Pope shrine also provides for a priest to tion, encouragement and help in John Paul II greets visitors to the be available Monday through our lives,” explained Father Harte. beautiful grounds of the Rosary Friday during normal business “Her words in the first chapter of Garden, which is embedded with hours. Luke’s Gospel, ‘My being pro- PHOTOS BY DIANE FREEBY flowers and rich Florida landscap- What began as a sort of travel- claims the greatness of the Lord,’ This bust of Pope John Paul II is located at the entrance to the Rosary ing. Those wishing to pray may ing ministry for Catholics traveling provide motivation in our Garden of Mary, Queen of the Universe Shrine near the Walt Disney follow a path of large stepping to Orlando has resulted in a mag- Christian daily living to place God World entertainment complex in Orlando, Fla. stones marking each rosary bead. nificent tribute to Jesus through his Stations of the Cross are also post- Blessed Mother. above and beyond all else.” ed amidst the flowing fountains for In the late 1970s, as the popu- After much prayer and many a serene and prayerful atmosphere. larity of Walt Disney World private donations (the shrine is not The 2,000-seat shrine-church is soared, so did the need to provide supported financially by any dio- adorned with inspirational stained- a place of worship for the millions cese), ground was broken on Dec. glass windows and sculptures, of Catholics who joined vacation- 8, 1984, the feast of the depicting the story of God’s love ers there. In seeking to provide for Immaculate Conception. Within for man and Mary’s place in God’s their spiritual needs, the Diocese two years, the initial facility was plan for salvation. The shrine’s 14 of Orlando arranged for Masses at completed. Across the courtyard, aisle windows are entitled The an area hotel. As the number of an outdoor chapel was constructed Magnificat Windows. A specially visitors grew, additional hotel and anchored by an 80-foot bell designed Blessed Sacrament Masses were scheduled, including tower. chapel within the church enables Mass offered on the grounds of Within the chapel walls is an worshipers to spend time in com- Disney World itself. inspiring 12-foot bronze work, munion with the Lord. Together with Bishop Thomas entitled “Mother & Child.” This “It is really nice to have a Grady, Orlando pastor Father F. was the first of several important church like this for visitors,” said Joseph Harte realized that pieces to be commissioned from Larry Schroeder, who was visiting makeshift hotel facilities would no noted sculptor Jerzy Kenar. with his grandchildren from South longer be sufficient to accommo- August 22, 1990, the feast of Bend. “I felt very welcome, and I date projections of the 30 million Mary’s Queenship, saw the especially liked the life-size annual visitors to the Orlando area. groundbreaking for the main Nativity scene in the chapel.” The two Catholic leaders saw church. The shrine’s defining represen- before them an extraordinary “We want this shrine to be a tation of Mary, Queen of the opportunity to reach greater num- temple,” said the Orlando Bishop Universe, is located to the right of bers of men, women and children, This statue of the Blessed Mother holds the baby Jesus is located inside Norbert Dorsey, at the ceremony, the main altar. This project was embracing them with the good the Mary, Queen of the Universe Shrine near the Walt Disney World “a sacred place to give glory to long-delayed as sculptor Jill news of Jesus Christ. And, echoing entertainment complex in Orlando, Fla. God and honor our Mother.” Burkee combed the great quarries After finishing his sculpture for of Carrara, Italy, for a block of the outdoor chapel, Kenar created rare, pure white marble. AMERICA’S FIRST COMMUNION STORE two more magnificent additions to “I have to say that working on the shrine. The holy water font is a this commission is a humbling Apparel for Girls and Boys... marble base, ringed in brass and experience, even a bit scary” DRESSES accented by two ascending arches. recalls Burkee. “To depict Mary Even more striking is his 650- both as the simple girl of Nazareth (plus sizes) Veils, Gloves, Capes, Boleros, Shoes pound portrayal of the crucified and as queen is an extraordinary Christ which, against an architec- challenge. But it is enormously Suits (including white and husky), Shirts, Ties, Shoes... tural glass backdrop symbolizing gratifying to know this work can m the shadow of the cross, hangs sus- mean so much to so many people pended above the main altar. in years to come.” • Complete Line of FIRST COMMUNION INVITATIONS, Kenar said he depicted Jesus with The completed eight-foot work REMEMBRANCE ITEMS & PARTY GOODS! his arms outstretched but with a stands on a marble base and spirit of repose. encloses the names of some www.CatholicChildrensCompany.com “This image is designed to lead 3,3300 Shrine Associates. the faithful to dwell upon the suf- fering and sacrifice that was our America’s First Communion Store is owned and operated by Lord’s gift to humankind.” Directly across from the cruci- For more information, visit GARY ANDORFER, BLHS Class of ‘76 fix is Kenar’s rendition of the ris- www.maryqueenoftheuniverse.org. MARCH 4, 2007 FAMILY FAITH 11 With only five more cancer treatments, teen Seven ways to make a looks forward to baseball and bowling date for couple time Evan to have a MRI scan at Riley Nurturing your personal relationship helps to BY JENNIFER OCHSTEIN Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, and after a few more strengthen the family bond SOUTH BEND — Evan Graveel tests, doctors confirmed Ewing is a boy of few words when it Sarcoma. According to Jennifer BY LISA M. PETSCHE Enjoy late-night dates at comes to cancer. Graveel, it was an unwelcome sur- He lets his mother do most of prise, as all cancer is. home the talking about his health. “No one has ever had (a diag- he early years of raising If it’s hard to arrange babysit- Asked how long he’s been nosed) cancer in our family,” she children are physically and ting, or you feel your children dealing with Ewing Sarcoma, a says. Tmentally demanding. It’s are too young to be left with a bone cancer found mostly in Since then, Evan has endured easy for parents to get so caught sitter, plan home-based dates. young males, he shrugs. several rounds of chemotherapy up in meeting and anticipating Once the kids are settled in “I don’t know,” he says, a smile and surgery to remove the cancer their children’s every need, in bed, order your favorite takeout breaking out on his face and look- along with the bottom portion of addition to fulfilling other obliga- food and enjoy a candlelit dinner ing at his mom, Jennifer Graveel. his right shoulder. tions (employment, volunteering, in the dining room; have a picnic While he doesn’t want to talk “They saved most of the mus- household management, helping on the living room floor; cook a about how long he’s had the can- cles around the rotator cuff,” aging relatives), that the need for special meal together; cuddle up cer, he does know how much Jennifer Graveel says. “That’s why quality time with their spouse is and watch a movie (perhaps one longer he’s going to have to take he’s going to physical therapy now neglected. you enjoyed while courting); or chemotherapy. because they reassigned some of In order to flourish, the mari- play cards or board games, to “I’ve got five more treatments,” those muscles.” tal relationship must be continu- give just a few ideas. Turn off the says Evan, curled up on the couch Apart from having to work ally nurtured by a conscious, JENNIFER OCHSTEIN phone so you aren’t interrupted. in his home. through their son having cancer, ongoing investment of time and That’s 14 more weeks, he says, Evan Graveel, 14, has been battling Jennifer and Michael Graveel have effort. Chances are, though, you adding later it will all be over by Ewing Sarcoma, a bone cancer been surprised by the outpouring won’t “find” couple-time at this Use flex time at work found mostly in young males. busy stage of your life — you Memorial Day. of care from St. Jude Parish in If you both work outside the Just in time for summer. By South Bend, where Michael have to carve it out, making it a priority. For instance, do you or home, arrange a lunch date, or that time, he should be back in the Sarcoma last July, Jennifer Graveel is a parishioner. jointly arrange an afternoon off swing of things — literally. He’ll Graveel says the onset began in On Feb. 17, the parish spon- your spouse devote time to indi- vidual leisure pursuits? If so, to do something fun together be able to play baseball again, and May when he developed a 102- sored a fund-raiser at Marian High until it’s time to pick up the kids. while he and his family don’t degree fever. School to help pay for the family’s scale back and substitute couple- time. If you can flex your work time, know how strong he’ll be, at least “And he’s never sick,” she expenses and medical care associ- plan to go in later one day and he’ll be playing again. He’s says. “I hardly ever have to take ated with the cancer treatment. have breakfast together after tak- already bowling again — albeit him to the doctor.” While the family doesn’t know Make regular dates ing the kids to school or day care. with a 10-pound ball. But that’s And at first the family blamed how much money was raised, over better than not playing his second 400 people showed up to share Consider establishing a week- it on the rain after Evan played ly, biweekly or monthly “date,” favorite sport. baseball in inclement weather in their support. Take time to talk “My therapist says I can play “You know while all this is perhaps going out for dinner, the spring. attending a cultural or sporting It’s also important to find soon,” Evan says of baseball, not- They finally got rid of the going on that people are praying ways to build quality couple time ing he’s got about four more for you or you’ll get a check in the event, or trying a new activity fever, but Evan remained weak, together. If you’re on a tight into daily life, even if all you can weeks of physical therapy. “And and on top of that his right shoul- mail from people trying to help,” manage for now is 15 minutes. that’s good because school ball is says Jennifer Graveel. “But to budget, collect and use coupons der would pop out of joint if he for local restaurants and attrac- It can be as simple as habitual- coming up.” lifted his arm up too far. actually see it ...” The family was ly sitting down together to talk Evan attends Marshall seemingly overwhelmed with the tions, go out for dessert instead After visits to the chiropractor, of a meal, take a long walk or go about your day once the kids are Intermediate Center in South Bend the chiropractor noticed a lump on amount of people who wanted to settled in bed, instead of automat- and wants to play on the school’s help. Even Evan, mostly quiet, cycling, pack a picnic lunch or the shoulder blade and advised the supper and go to a park, or drive ically turning on the TV or com- baseball team. family to take Evan to the doctor. was pleased, adding, “It was neat.” puter, delving into your briefcase Diagnosed with Ewing somewhere that offers a great After a CAT scan, doctors wanted sunset view. Vary activities and or dashing off to do household the time of day to make dates chores. Give each other your full even more fun and take turns attention, eliminating all distrac- Altar server awarded Eagle Scout rank planning them. tions. Carve out alone time Show appreciation BY IDA CHIPMAN cannot solely be a fund-raising project and cannot be commercial Give preference to activities Get into the habit, too, of in nature. that allow you the opportunity to demonstrating affection on a CULVER — “The Eagle has Conlan began working on his be alone and to communicate daily basis, and expressing appre- landed” in the basement of project in May of 2006. (remember how much time you ciation for the things your partner Conlan Deery’s grandparents, He decided that he wanted to spent talking — both face to face does for you and your family. Mike and Judy Deery, in Culver. do something to benefit the Saint and on the phone — when you Perform thoughtful gestures such It was there a few weeks ago Joseph Health Center (SJHC) in were dating?). So if you like as completing a household task that Conlan and a crew of helpers Plymouth. going to the movies, build in time your mate customarily handles or that included his scoutmaster, His idea was to assemble flu, for coffee or a walk afterwards. serving breakfast in bed. Revive Dan Murphy, his parents, Sean wound and hygiene kits to be Once or twice a year, try to courtship practices you once and Connie Deery, a sister, handed out to needy patients arrange an overnight date, at engaged in, like giving flowers or Shannon, and a friend and fellow served by the SJHC. home or away. writing notes. Scout, Cree Gerlach, put together The plan was approved by Rest assured that as your chil- his Eagle Scout Leadership various committees of Boy Find a reliable babysitter dren grow, couple time will be Service project. Scouts with the final authoriza- easier to come by. However, you Conlan has been a member of tion granted by the Sagamore IDA CHIPMAN It’s best if the babysitter is must lay the groundwork now. Boy Scout Troop 206 of Council in Kokomo. Conlan Deery, 16, of Culver, packs someone your children know Without question it’s a challenge, Monterey since the sixth grade at Conlan worked for months flu, wound and hygiene kits to be well: a grandparent, aunt, uncle, but well worth the effort, because Culver Community School. getting cash and item donations distributed to needy patients at teenage cousin or a good friend a good marriage is a source of Now 16, a Life Scout and a for the 50 kits, to be packaged in Saint Joseph Health Center in of yours. Another option is to refuge from the trials and tribula- junior in high school, Conlan was zip-lock bags. Plymouth. Deery’s project earned hire a teenager from your neigh- tions of life, providing great ful- ready to reach the highest The flu kits contained hand him Eagle Scout rank with Boy borhood — someone whose fam- fillment and joy while mirroring sanitizer, pocket tissues, cough advancement attainable in the Scouts of America. ily you know, or who has good God’s unconditional, everlasting Boy Scouts of America —the drops, a can of soup, a drink box references. If you don’t know of love for us. Eagle rank. and Blistex. The wound kits had anyone, ask around. By fostering intimacy as a He has earned more than the Band-Aids, lotion, antiseptic Church, aspires to attend St. Or consider taking turns couple, you also create a nurtur- required number of 21 merit ointment and soap, while the Joseph’s College, Rensselaer, and babysitting with another set of ing home environment and set a badges, having a total of 27 and hygiene kit had 14 items — nail eventually become a veterinarian. parents you know. Also, check positive relationship example for has served as a Life Scout, clippers, Q-tips, shampoo, condi- A member of the Culver out the weekend preschool pro- your children. In other words, the demonstrated Scout Spirit and is tioner and deodorant. It also con- Community School’s varsity golf grams at YMCAs/YWCAs and whole family benefits. a leader in his troop. tains razors, toothpaste and tooth- team, he has an after-school and area recreation centers, or at local The Eagle project must be one brush, a comb, dental floss, baby summer at the Mystic Hills children’s museums; they allow powder, lotion, soap and pocket that benefits an organization Golf Course, Culver. enough time for you and your Lisa M. Petsche is a clinical social other than the Boy Scouts of tissues. He plans to formally present spouse to go for coffee or a walk, Conlan, who is an altar server worker and a freelance writer America; it cannot be performed the kits to the director of the or do some errands together. specializing in family life for an individual or a business, at St. Mary of the Lake Catholic SJMC soon. 12 TODAY’S CATHOLIC MARCH 4, 2007

Shared Faith literature Office of Spiritual Development and Evangelization can be found at “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” www.diocesefwsb.org Putting out into the deep — to tell our story

BY LINDA FURGE spread the good news of salva- “I don’t want to offend any- Let the other person lead the • When did faith first come to tion to the people in our lives. A one.” None of us ever wants to be conversation: if they continue, me? minority of us is called to be irritating or annoying, especially if you follow; if they are quiet, • When did I first acknowl- Opening prayer prophets, publicly preaching in we are unsure how our efforts will become quiet as well. Be loving, edge the reality of God? the marketplace, asking the hard be received. If we are attuned to gentle and kind. Seeds often take • What were/are the most Lord, I believe my life is questions and confronting the sta- moments of opportunity, we can time to germinate in order to bear powerful religious moments of touched by you, that you want tus quo. The rest of us are tasked invite another into a conversation their fruit. Finally, trust in God’s my life? something for me, and of me. with quietly and persistently or a prayer or to join us as we time, knowing that God loves the • What changes have I under- Give me ears to hear you, eyes to sharing the good news in our attend Mass or prayer or Bible other person as much as God gone and what role has faith see the tracing of your finger, and own circles of influence. study or whatever. loves you. played in them? a heart quickened by the motions Evangelization for us begins Each day God gives us oppor- • How have I come to think of of your Spirit. Amen. — Ted when we share our own faith sto- Circles of influence tunities to honestly and appropri- God? What images, what scrip- Loder, “Guerrillas of Grace” ries with another. ately share our personal faith tural stories or sayings speak Steven Covey popularized the story. Each day we should pray most deeply to me? Scripture: 1 Tm 4: 6-16 Excuses concept of “circles of influence.” that we recognize evangelizing • What are my hopes? In the center is the person most moments in our circles of influ- • How does God address my Commentary: Okay, so now we’re on shaky easily influenced — each of us. ence, that we have the courage fears? My longings? ground! “Who me?!” you ask. When we change, this affects and conviction to act on these • How does God underlie my By now you know the celebra- Yes, you. those in the closest circle around opportunities, and that we trust life values? tion of our 150th anniversary of “But it’s not my job!” Oh, yes, us — that of our family and God to do the rest. • How have I as a believer the diocese has begun — and it is! None of us is exempted friends. Other circles we influ- touched another’s faith life? there is much to celebrate as we from being evangelizers, from ence, but perhaps not as directly, Reflection questions — TAKEN FROM “THE EVANGELIZING look to the past and the future. sharing with others our faith — it are circles of acquaintances and CATHOLIC: A PRACTICAL HANDBOOK FOR We are a lot like the first disci- is our mission as a baptized colleagues ... and, finally, a circle • Of the three excuses men- REACHING OUT,” FRANK P. DESIANO, CSP. ples. Even as they celebrated Christian. Each of us will do it that includes the wider communi- tioned for not evangelizing, Jesus’ resurrection, they remem- differently, according to our per- ties in which we interact. As we which apply to me? In what prac- Closing Prayer bered the past when he walked sonality, profession and talents ... witness to the importance of faith tical ways can I resolve these with them — and wondered and but none of us is excused from in our lives, as we tell our faith excuses? A Prayer for Zeal argued and prayed about the doing it. stories, we influence each of • Who are the persons in my Implant within my heart, O future. They worried they were “But I don’t know enough!” these circles to a greater or lesser circles of influence? God, the fiery zeal of a , not doing what Jesus would’ve Many of us fear not knowing the extent. • “A rippling pool of water the conviction of a Ruth or done when they encountered new answers to questions of faith. All captures the broad impact created Rebecca and the zest of a Francis communities with new concerns. the more reason to dust off our When the time is right by a small force.” We are our of Assisi. They struggled to remain faithful Bibles and catechisms; join class- own innermost circle of influ- Stir my slumbering soul, that to his teachings as a community es, faith-sharing or Bible study The bottom line is there is no ence. As we change, we affect all it might sing a song of passion of believers while they hoped for groups; and really begin to excuse for not evangelizing, but the other circles. In what ways and devotion, drunk with danc- his second coming. explore our faith. Something we we should be wise as we go about can I change to positively influ- ing joy and desire for you, my Such has been the life of the already intimately know is our it. We want to lead others to ence my other circles of influ- divine and loving Friend. church throughout the ages. One own journey of faith. The most Christ, not away from him. ence? May my heart be as hot as the thing has remained constant. We effective form of evangelization Praying is always the first option, heart of for all your chil- are all members of the same pil- is simply sharing our faith story. along with the daily conviction of Evangelizing action item dren burdened by slavery, for all grim church, always searching to This means telling others what your own life. Wait and be watch- who feel oppression’s steely heel be holy and faithful, always look- God has done for us and how ful for a “right” time. You’ll know Each of us has a personal or suffer rejection in an alien land. ing to reach out to others, always God is a part of our lives. when that moment arrives. You story of faith. When we know our May I, like your son Jesus, be struggling to transform to Gospel Johnette Benkovic in Women of may be asked a question or for own journey of faith, the next consumed with zeal for you, for values the world in which we Grace gives us a simple formula: advice; you may be sharing a par- time someone asks, “Why are life, for justice and for peace; for live. This is the nature of evange- “I was, God did, I am. It is non- ticularly difficult or especially you Catholic?” we will be able to all that I know in faith. lization — then and now. threatening, irrefutable and joyful time together; you may be comfortably share our story. Here Fill me with zeal, O God. In our place and time, we are engaging. It is one way we can discussing a current event or are some important questions for — ED HAYES, commissioned by Christ to all share our love of God.” debating a controversial issue. our reflection: “PRAYERS FOR A PLANETARY PILGRIM”

Mercy Day celebrates reconciliation in jubilee year Jubilee Pilgrim Cross Beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing throughout the Lenten season in this Sesquicentennial Jubilee Year, all parishes across the diocese will extend a welcoming hand to inactive or under-active Catholics. A toll-free phone line (1-800-MERCY4U) (1-800-637-2948) will be in service throughout Lent to provide a confidential and anonymous venue for those with questions on any subject regard- ing the Catholic faith. The lines will be manned by priests or trained lay or religious persons and will operate from 2-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday as well as on Sunday after- noons from 1-5 p.m. Mondays are for the Spanish speaking. According to Linda Furge, director of the Office of Campus and Young Adult Ministry and jubilee coordinator, the diocese will conduct an extensive media campaign to make people aware that “You Can Always Come Home.” Wells of Hope will be underway in many parishes as a way to reach inactive Catholics based on Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. Another invitation to come home is Mercy Day. Mercy Day is scheduled for Tuesday, March 20, and invites Catholics to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation. All priests of the parishes across the diocese will be available from 10 a.m. Feb. 23-March 2 Little Flower South Bend to 1 p.m. and 4 to 8 p.m. to hear confessions in their area church- March 2 - 9 University of Notre Dame/Holy Cross House es. It is the hope of the diocese that this special day will provide March 23-April 13 Notre Dame Complex/St. Mary’s College/Holy Cross an opportunity for many to “examine their faith life and return to, College/Saint Joseph’s High School Notre Dame/South Bend or increase, active participation in the sacramental life of the church.” MARCH 4, 2007 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 13

EDITORIAL Nothing compares to the Eucharist COMMENTARY ecently we heard about a young Catholic family who joined one Rof the new mega churches because the family wasn’t “getting TODAY’S CATHOLIC welcomes letters from readers. All letters must be signed and include a phone number and address for verification. anything out of the Mass.” Today’s Catholic reserves the right to edit for clarity and length. Address letters to: Today’s Catholic • P.O. Box 11169 • Fort Wayne, This family was attracted to that Protestant church by its wide IN • 46856-1169 or e-mail to: [email protected] selection of activities for children, as well as a variety of clubs and groups for adults. Furthermore, the parents found the new church’s graduates of Bishop Dwenger marchers assembled on the 50-piece orchestra to be very “entertaining.” Diocese offers High School — Courtney Hague National Mall for a rally with a We agree that people should feel comfortable and welcome in ‘04, Joe Hake ‘04, David Peden number of speakers, both political their churches and should enjoy a certain fellowship with the other financial support ‘05, and John Grashoff ‘06; and and religious, including presiden- members of the congregation. Many Catholic parishes don’t do a for Wabash College one student from Marian High tial hopeful Sam Brownback. very good job in this department, and certainly that is something we School — Borrelli ‘03. From there the march went up should work on. marchers The group arrived in Capitol Hill to the U.S. Supreme We do not agree, however, that one should choose a church based Washington late in the evening on Court building, with many people On Jan. 22, the anniversary of Saturday, Jan. 20, and spent praying the rosary along the route. on the feel-good social benefits or the level of entertainment provid- the Supreme Court decision in Sunday touring the nation’s capital The group wishes to express ed. That’s motivation for joining a country club or planning a Roe v Wade which legalized abor- before attending a late-night Mass thanks to all who supported the Saturday night out with friends. tion in the United States, 12 stu- at the national basilica for people effort with prayers and to offer Rather, we attend church to worship our God within a faith com- dents from Wabash College and who had arrived for the march. special thanks for the financial munity, and Jesus Christ has provided us with the blueprint for doing DePauw University were joined The next morning the group generosity of the Diocese of Fort that through the church he established and through the holy Mass in by seminarian Michael Parrett in attended an early morning Mass at Wayne-South Bend for making the which he becomes present to us in the Eucharist. attending the March for Life in St. Patrick Church during the trip possible. Ideally, good music will be part of the Catholic liturgy, not to Washington, D.C. Included in this National Catholic Youth Rally, as Travis McLaughlin entertain us, but rather to help us worship better. As group were five college students the MCI Center had filled to Wabash College student noted, the purpose of sacred music is “the glory of God and the sanc- from the Diocese of Fort Wayne- capacity. Crawfordsville, IN tification and edification of the faithful.” South Bend. There were four After Mass, the pro-life Undoubtedly there are many other Catholics who share this fami- ly’s feeling that they are “not getting anything out of the Mass,” but perhaps this “feel good” attitude could be replaced with an analysis of what they — and we — are putting into the Mass: Time saved — and given Do we approach the Mass with the intention of actively worship- ping our generous God? Do we see ourselves as part of the Body of f you’re eager to “spring could save time in a bottle …” Christ, gathering together to pray, just as Jesus directed? ahead” to begin Daylight But of course we can’t and we Do we listen to the Word of God and try to figure out what it ISaving Time, you’re really in know it. So we do the next best LIGHT means in our lives? Do we open our hearts to what the priest says in luck. Because of changes in fed- thing by getting through as many his homily? Do we prepare ourselves to receive the graces present in eral law, the United States, with things as possible that we want ONE the sacraments? the exception of Arizona and — things that are part of our to- Do we make an effort to participate in the liturgical prayers and , will start DST earlier and do list for our day or our life. Up songs? Have we considered becoming more involved by volunteer- end it later, giving us an addition- to a point, I think that’s a good CANDLE ing to be a lector or to carry up the Offertory gifts? Have we thought al month of more “usable” day- thing. We do need plans and goals to accomplish our unique BY DENNIS HEANEY about what we can do to help improve other aspects we find lacking? light. March 11 is the kickoff this purpose in life. Still, I have to What do we do to welcome and acknowledge other members of the year for changing watches and believe that while God expects us interruptions. These often consti- congregation? clocks, including those in all the to use our time well, He also Of course, because the church is made up of human beings, the tute the conspiracy of accidents electronic gadgets we own. Some expects us to stay open to through which God guides our Mass is not always done well, and liturgical music is frequently less gizmos will do it automatically, change, to our own many needs than excellent. Even so, Jesus Christ still becomes present in the lives. If we were totally in con- for others, you’re on your own. and the needs of those around us. trol of our own agendas, if we Eucharist at every valid Mass, whether it’s celebrated at the Vatican Now, where did I put that instruc- There are times when the inter- or in a mud hut in a remote village. And being able to participate in could simply plan and execute tion manual? ruptions to our plans are the most our lives according to our own that miracle in your own Catholic parish just can’t be compared to People can’t stop tinkering valuable moments of all. even the best orchestra or the most entertaining activity. dreams, with no unwanted derail- with time. Because we can’t real- Think about it. You want to ments, I fear that many of us ly create time we exert our con- finish writing a report for work. would, slowly and subtly, trol by trying to measure it. Take Your kids want you to read them become selfish and all too soon ‘You Can Always Come Home’ the calendar. Over the centuries a bedtime story. You want to find our lives empty of the sim- relax in front of the TV. Your best For those families or individuals who have stopped going to Mass, people have come up with many ple joys that come from real fam- variations to account for the 365- friend needs a heart-to-heart con- ily and real community.” now is the perfect time to return to the Catholic Church and the plus days it takes us to travel versation. You want to live a sacraments. During Lent of this Sesquicentennial Jubilee Year for our Let’s not worry so much about around the sun: hence, Leap Year. long, healthy life. Your doctor saving time, or spending time or diocese, there will be a joint diocesan and a parish media campaign Did you know that under the tells you that you have cancer. welcoming back of inactive Catholics, with the theme “You Can even wasting time. Let’s just live ancient Roman calendar March What’s that saying, “Life is it well. Always Come Home.” was the first month? That’s why what happens while you’re mak- In many parishes, teams of parishioners are reaching out to inac- September, October, November ing other plans”? tive Catholics in their parishes in a confidential, nonjudgmental way. and December (our ninth, tenth, Religious writer Father This program, called Wells of Hope, is based on Jesus’ encounter eleventh and twelfth months) Ronald Rolheiser said this in his For more information write: The with the Samaritan woman at the well. have their linguistic roots in the article “Interruptions, Our Real Christophers, 12 East 48th Street, Of course, inactive Catholics need not wait to be contacted, and Latin words for seven, eight, nine Work”: “We have to always look New York, NY 10017; or e-mail: may call a priest at any time. Many inactive Catholics may feel more and ten. for the hand of providence in our [email protected] comfortable approaching a Catholic friend or neighbor who can help We even talk about how we them contact a priest and/or accompany them on the journey back to spend time as though it were a the church. precious commodity which, Additionally, a toll-free telephone line (1-800-MERCY4U) (1- indeed, it is. We find ourselves 800-637-2948) is available throughout Lent for anyone to ask a ques- trying to get the most “bang for tion about the Catholic faith or discuss a path for returning to the the buck” by multi-tasking even faith. Callers may remain anonymous, and their questions are confi- to the point of absurdity – or dan- dential. The lines are answered by priests or trained laity or religious ger. I cringe when I see drivers on Mondays through Thursdays from 2-10 p.m. and Sundays from 1- not only eating snacks or tuning 5 p.m. Spanish speakers are available on Mondays. their radios, but also having cell phone conversations that are Every parish will also celebrate Mercy Day on Tuesday, March clearly more absorbing than any 20. On that day, all parish priests will be available from 10 a.m. to 1 car or person on the road. At the p.m. and 4-8 p.m. to hear confessions. office, I suspect most of us are There’s an old saying that “You can’t go home again,” but when not content to simply speak with your home is the Catholic Church, “You Can Always Come Home.” someone on the phone when we can answer e-mail at the same time. All this is part of our continu- Today’s Catholic editorial board consists of Bishop John M. D’Arcy, ing efforts to control time, our Ann Carey, Don Clemmer, Father Mark Gurtner, Father Michael Heintz, own time. Remember the first Tim Johnson, Vince LaBarbera and Msgr. J. William Lester. line of the Jim Croce song, “If I 14 COMMENTARY MARCH 4, 2007 ‘Economic Justice for All’: CATEQUIZ’EM By Dominic Camplisson “Where’s the meat?” Where does it fit in today’s society? “There is no meat.It’s Lent!” “Who’d you lend it to?” WASHINGTON (CNS) — Since with Catholic News Service. This Lenten joke introduces this quiz about lending. 1997, more than 36,000 copies of “Everything is framed in terms of a 10th-anniversary edition of the corporation as citizen.” THE “Economic Justice for All,” the Twenty years ago, Clark was an 1.What aspect of lending was forbidden in the Old Testament? U.S. bishops’ pastoral letter on the economics instructor at St. John’s a.the imposition of interest on money lent to other Jews economy and Catholics’ role in it, and working on his doctoral dis- WASHINGTON b.lending to non-Jews have been sold, as well as about sertation. “I remember going to the c.lending anything except money 57,000 copies of a U.S. bishops’ presentation at my parish on it and LETTER reflection on the 1986 pastoral’s I followed the debate and discus- MARK PATTISON 2.Exodus includes this rule about what to do if you take a cloak as security for a debt: 10th anniversary. No figures are sion that came out” afterward, he a.You had to wear it with a sign saying it was not yours. available on sales when the docu- recalled. b.You had to return it to him before sunset. ment was first issued. The bishops’ pastoral empha- Its legacy, though, suggests that sized that economic decisions have human person really looks at c.You had to wash it and return it ritually clean. the pastoral letter has staying human consequences and moral humans as animals, and animals power beyond that of the sales fig- content. It challenged people to look out only instinctively for 3.Deuteronomy lists the following law: ures. make economic choices based on themselves,” Clark said. This view a.Interest is not allowed to be charged on money or of food or of One outgrowth of “Economic whether they enhance or threaten ignores “the human aspect, or anything else on which interest is usually demanded. Justice for All” is “the explosion in human life, dignity and rights, and humanity, (that) comes from our b.Interest is not allowed on anything destined for the Temple corporate social responsibility and measure success by how the weak- being made in the image and like- ness of God, that gives us reason unless the Levites have agreed. linking business practices to our est are faring. c.Interest is only allowed on goods which are to be sacrificed. higher calling,” according to Now the author of 100 pub- and free will, and our ability to Charles Clark, associate dean of lished economics papers including work and cooperate with each the economics and finance depart- 20 on Catholic social thought and other, and to cooperate in our own 4.And Deuteronomy shows that the prohibition is not total because it only applies to: ment at St. John’s University in economics, and in the midst of development — now highlighted a.non-Jews Jamaica, N.Y. writing a book on economic as the foundation principle of b.loans to other Jews “There are tons of groups that insights from the Catholic social Catholic social thought,” he said. c.loans to one’s relatives look at in business, tradition, Clark said those who “I can’t imagine a time or a both Catholic and non-Catholic, challenged the bishops’ competen- place where those ideas (in 5.This part of the Bible does not deal explicitly with lending issues: and even outside of that a larger cy to write a pastoral letter on the ‘Economic Justice for All’) would- n’t have importance, relevance, a.the Old Testament percentage of management profes- economy “had a fundamental b.the New Testament sors are now looking at questions flaw” in their critique of that they wouldn’t command the of corporate social responsibility,” “Economic Justice for All.” c.the gnostic gospels he added in a telephone interview “The economic view of the LETTER, PAGE 15 6.The Catholic Church early on adopted this stance: a.Lending was permitted, but usually not interest. b.Lending had to include a 10 percent interest as a tithe. Jesus is access to true and eternal life c.Only bishops could charge interest. 7.Lending with interest was not allowed to be undertaken by this specific group tradition later would proscribe eat- them this divinity. On their own, according to two councils,Arles and Nicaea: ing the flesh of any bird of prey, or they were unable to see it. Strong a.Jews b.clerics c.pagans THE any other predator. Rather, they symbols from Hebrew tradition simply were victims of their own conveyed the reality of this divine 8.A later council (Aix),found this practice was objectionable even for: SUNDAY instincts and unaware of the most identity. God spoke from a cloud. important of all realities, that God Gleaming light surrounded Jesus. a.Muslims b.madmen c.laymen is and that God lives. Jesus was fully in the tradition GOSPEL himself is vulnerable. of God’s relating to, and with, peo- 9.Eventually in Europe,lending with interest was: MSGR. OWEN F. CAMPION Darkness overtakes him. The sun ple. On either side of Jesus were a.allowed for Christians but forbidden to Jews sets. He is terrified. Without God, the prophets Moses and . b.allowed for Jews but forbidden to Christians he is at risk, powerless before the c.allowed for Christian laymen but permitted for clergy elements, helpless before whatever Reflection 2nd Sunday of Lent might come. 10.These rules were based on this view of money,since discredited: The second reading is from the As we progress in Lent, the Lk 9:28b-36 Epistle to the Philippians. Philippi church offers us several important a.Money was merely a medium of exchange and could not gen- lessons. These lessons are intended erate wealth. he Book of Genesis is the was one of those cities, Greek by to strengthen us in our Lenten b.Money was filthy lucre and always resulted in spiritual death. source of the first reading. It background, its name honoring the resolve, and ultimately in our c.Money was the root of all evil. is a story about Abraham, father of Alexander the Great, in T which a Christian community had Christian commitment. whom the Jews regard as the First, we are limited. We are father of their race. In addition, formed. 11.This movement against the Catholic Church gradually also freed up the lending humans. Second, in our human Abraham is seen as the spiritual Paul wrote to these early business in Europe: limitation we are shortsighted, father of all who know and honor Christians to give them direction a.the restoration even blind very often, and we shall the one God, hence he is a special and encouragement. He expanded all die. Third, God loves us with a b.the Russian revolution figure in the religious traditions of their knowledge of Jesus. He chal- love shown Abraham and the c.the reformation Christians and Muslims. lenged them to be more loyal and prophets. He loves us in Jesus, the Scholars believe that Abraham fervent disciples. Son of God. Jesus is our only 12.One reason for the more permissive stance on lending is that borrowed money is was an actual person. He is not a Such occurs in this reading. St. hope. He is our only access to true now generally seen in capitalist societies as: figment of imagination, nor a fig- Paul says in this reading that and eternal life. Using Lent to ure constructed in some literary human beings are imperfect, even a.another tool for making money relate to Jesus more closely is effort. He actually lived. without their willful sinning. b.a sign that one is lost worth every effort. Several points are important in Human bodies are “lowly,” the c.a trick played against the gullible hearing, or reading, this passage. epistle declares. Christ elevates The first is that God communicates and restores humans. In Jesus, by 13.In this movie,Christopher Reeve handled millions of dollars and ran a bank for the the grace of God, human beings with Abraham, and God is in READINGS Vatican: Abraham’s world. However, God never die if they earnestly follow the Lord. Sunday: Gn 15:5-12,17-18 Ps 27:1,7- a.“The Shoes of the Fisherman” is above and beyond Abraham’s 9,13-14 Phil 3:17-4:1 Lk 9:28b-36 b.“The Scarlet and the Black” world. In other words, God is not St. Luke’s Gospel provides the last reading. It is Luke’s story of Monday: Dn 9:4b-10 Ps 79:8-9, 11, c.“Monsignor” Abraham’s peer. Abraham does not 13 Lk 6:36-38 relate to God as if God were an the Transfiguration, a story found equal. also in Mark and Matthew. Tuesday: Is 1:10,16-20 Ps 50:8-9, 14.The Catechism of the Catholic Church addresses the issue of lending in broad God has command over nature The story is brilliant and pow- 16bc-17,21,23 Mt 23:1-12 terms.What prevents Catholics from charging excessive interest? and the living beings of nature. erful. As is so often the case in Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20 Ps 31:5-6, a.basic principles of social justice, care for the poor, a proper New Testament accounts, apostles God can order Abraham to capture 14-16 Mt 20:17-28 understanding of the purpose of wealth are with Jesus at a very important animals and then to sacrifice them. Thursday: Jer 17:5-10 Ps 1:1-4, 6 Lk b.Catholics who charge more than 4 percent interest are auto- Since the animals that Abraham moment. In this case, Peter, James, 16:19-31 and John were with Jesus. They matically excommunicated. captured were sacred, as they were Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28 knew Jesus. They interacted with c.Interest cannot be more than the individual earns in a week. intended for sacrifice to praise Ps 105:16-21 Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 God, Abraham protected them Jesus. They certainly saw the human characteristics of Jesus. Saturday: Mi 7:14-15,18-20 Ps 103:1- ANSWERS: from being taken by birds of prey. 4,9-12 Lk 15:1-3,11-32 It is not as if birds of prey were Yet in this situation, they saw the 1.a, 2.b, 3.a, 4.b, 5.b, 6.a, 7.b, 8.c, 9.b, 10.a, 11.c, 12.a, 13.c, 14.a inherently evil, although Jewish divinity of Jesus. The Lord showed MARCH 4, 2007 COMMENTARY 15 The original meaning of Lent was a time of prayer and penance

Why can’t babies be baptized during few weeks ...” That babies are bap- firmed the church’s unchanged what is the background? MW,Fort Lent? SN,Fort Wayne. tized within the first few weeks position that Catholics were for- Wayne after birth would be a higher value THAT’S bidden from joining the Masons. Nothing in church law forbids than the emphasizing of the Easter The document, which declared There has been no official the baptizing of children during Vigil as the great moment for bap- A GOOD this is called, “Declaration on change in the Stations of the Cross. Lent. However, the original mean- tism. Masonic Associations,” and it was ing of Lent was a time of prayer It seems though that both could QUESTION issued on Nov. 26, 1983. It can be and penance set aside by the be accomplished. Pastors could found on the Vatican Web site. It Father Mark Gurtner, pastor of Our church for non-baptized adults decide to keep baptisms during states, “Therefore the church’s Lady of Good Hope Parish, Fort who wish to be baptized. The bap- Lent to a minimum by, first of all, negative judgment in regard to Wayne, answered this week’s ques- tized faithful journey along with encouraging and giving the oppor- Masonic association remains tion. Contact him through e-mail at the non-baptized so that through tunity for non-baptized babies who Mason was overturned in recent unchanged since their principles [email protected] prayer and penance their own gift are already born to be baptized the years.I have come across priests who have always been considered irrec- of baptismal grace is renewed and Sunday immediately before Lent have no clue about the position of the oncilable with the doctrine of the deepened. This time of preparation Today’s Catholic welcomes ques- begins. Then, should a child be church and yet I am of the opinion church and therefore membership tions from readers. E-mail your culminates at the Easter Vigil dur- born within a couple of weeks in them remains forbidden. The ing which the non-baptized who that the church has never allowed questions to [email protected] before Easter, it would not be membership in the Masons because faithful who enroll in Masonic fwsb.org or mail them to Today’s have been preparing throughout unreasonable for the pastor to wait associations are in a state of grave Lent are baptized. Thus, the Easter their ultimate aim is destruction of Catholic, That’s A Good until Easter for the baptism. If the sin and may not receive holy Question, P.O. Box 11169, Fort Vigil is the moment par excellence child should be born at the begin- the Catholic Church.Would you please Communion.” for baptism. state the current position of the Wayne, IN 46856. Include your ning of Lent, then canon 867 name, city and an e-mail address For this reason, some pastors should be followed, and the pastor church and give reference? B.Shonka I heard that Pope John Paul II added a choose to refrain from baptisms or phone number so we can con- should find a time during Lent to You are correct that the church 15th station,the Resurrection,to the tact you if necessary. Anonymity during Lent in order to emphasize do the baptism. Of course, if a baby the Easter Vigil as the great has never allowed Catholics to be Stations of the Cross. Is this true and will be preserved upon request. is in danger of death, he or she members of the Masonic Lodge moment for baptism. In fact, it should be baptized immediately. seems to be a widespread practice because one of their founding pur- within the parishes of this country. More and more Catholics are believ- poses is the destruction of the SCRIPTURE SEARCH However, Canon 867.1 states Catholic Church. In 1983, the ing that they can be Masons in addi- Congregation of the Doctrine of “Parents are obliged to take care tion to being Catholic.Some believe By Patricia Kasten that infants are baptized in the first the Faith under Cardinal Ratzinger, that the condemnation of becoming a now Pope Benedict XVI, reaf- Gospel for March 4, 2007 Luke 9:28b-36 Following is a word search based on the Gospel reading Lent and family life for the Second Sunday of Lent, Cycle C: the revelation on the mountaintop. The words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. ell, we managed to get to the first Lenten PETER JOHN MOUNTAIN WStations of the Cross at TO PRAY APPEARANCE BEHOLD our new parish last Friday. At the EVERYDAY CATHOLIC TWO MEN MOSES ELIJAH tenth station, as the kids and I THERESA A. THOMAS GLORY SPOKE ACCOMPLISH slunk into the back seat, I was JERUSALEM MASTER THREE mentally flogging myself for fail- A CLOUD (over)SHADOW A VOICE ing to get there on time. The high MY CHOSEN ALONE HAD SEEN school basketball and track prac- be fit in when convenient. It’s God kids covertly fight over whether tices ran until a half hour before. first, and then everything else the kneeler should be up or down? I mistakenly told the high should follow in line. I learned my My struggles last week moti- school kids to come home first so lesson on Friday. Next time I vated me to go to Matthew 6 to APPEARANCE we could go together, as a family. might have to give up my goal of contemplate (alone in my room, A quick shower for them took too coming to the devotion as a family, later, thank you). I found Matthew NHOJERUSALEM long. As I sat in the car in the and my athletes might have to give 6 a perfect recipe for Lenten devo- EMOUNTA I NCAA driveway with the little ones buck- up an immediate shower and just tion. There’s no room here to led up, waiting, I knew then I meet us there. quote the whole chapter, but grab KJYROLGAACPS made a blunder. It really was just So on Sunday, with the memory your Bible and see if you agree. OODCLODVCKPT five minutes until they reappeared, of the stations flop fresh in my My conclusions upon reading dripping and clean, and we set off mind, the kids were herded out the the Bible were pretty simple. Lent PEERHTJOLBEE down the road to church. But it door for Mass in plenty of time — is for mortification, for trying. If SDSESOMI OEAR didn’t matter. We were late. And it 20 minutes early. But the roads perfection is not reached, well then was my fault. were a sheet of ice, and despite our welcome to life. I think the impor- HRETEPSCUHRK Welcome to best efforts, we tant thing is to resolve to do better ANANLRJEDOAW family life, you arrived just as the when we fail and to try again. DEL I JAHDNLNL say. And you opening song was Because that’s what families do. would be right. Do anybody else’s kids being sung. No Work together. Try together. And OFSPOYOJODCC It takes a lot of pre-Mass prayer eventually we will succeed togeth- WH TWOME N F S EM juggling to or contemplation er. We might have to help the little orchestrate covertly fight over whether for us. No time to ones “practice” participating at TWHADSEENDWP

everyone’s comfortably take Mass. We’ve sung responsorial © 2007 Tri-C-A Publications activities and to the kneeler should off the coats and psalms before lunch after particu- lead. get ready to pay larly tepid participation at church. Sometimes, as I be up or down? attention and con- We do have to teach, discuss, dis- that were enunciated” to address realized on centrate. I felt cipline. And I personally might global corporate social responsibil- Friday, parents like a failure ... have to learn to start gathering LETTER ity, he added. “You have a pretty don’t always again. coats and putting on little one’s good common denominator. Look CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 make the best It just got shoes a little earlier so that we are at the Millennium Principles (for judgment calls. And the bigger the worse during Mass. After our one- not late. global economic development). family, often the more commit- and-a-half-year old was flailing I’ve heard this analogy: We all attention of leaders, be they elected There’s a lot of similarities ments that need juggling, and and simultaneously begging for a fall in mud puddles. Some sinners officials or corporate executives,” between that” and the pastoral. quick decisions and priorities must drink and freedom from the pew wallow in the mud, enjoying it. said Ed Soule, an ethics scholar in Jesuit Father David be made. But the first and fore- (during consecration, no less) I Others bemoan the fact that they the public policy program at Hollenbach, who served as a con- most in our priorities should be wondered a few more things: How fell in the mud and despair. But Georgetown University in sultor and a drafter for early ver- God. “... seek first the kingdom (of can a child belt out a memorized saints pick themselves up, clean Washington. “You can’t open up an sions of the pastoral, said it has God) and his righteousness, and all song from the Disney movie off and keep trying. I think I’ll try annual report today and not see had “a significant influence in the these things will be given you “Cars” all the way to church but to follow that last bunch. some substance to it,” he added, Catholic community in the United besides.” (Mt 6:33) have to be nudged to sing a simple “where these principles would find States, primarily through long- On Friday, we weren’t seeking responsorial psalm whose words a home.” term educational programs where the kingdom of God first. We are printed directly in front of Theresa Thomas, parishioner of St. Matthew Cathedral Parish in Soule said, “If the bishops sat it has incorporated many of its sought first the shower and in the them? How can my sweet off- down today to pound out princi- fundamental ideas, especially process missed out on the devotion spring recite intricate catechism South Bend, is the mother of nine children and wife of David. ples, they may have a shade of dif- toward concern for the poor — and peace of mind that comes questions beautifully at home, but ference in the wording, but they did now taken for granted as a key from meeting with Christ in con- sometimes barely mumble the Our Visit her Web site at www.there- sathomas.typepad.com. a really good job” 20 years ago. component of what the Catholic templation. God isn’t something to Father at Mass? Do anybody else’s “Look at the Sullivan Principles Church should stand for.” 16 COMMENTARY MARCH 4, 2007 Singles ministry is vocation formation the church knows and understands. Next, from the same document, writes of “the depths of their free- Singles Conference, to be held in BY DAVE SLOAN God is family. Church is family. we see that there are, “two specific dom, which is freedom of giving.” both in Chicago April 27-29, and This explains why, to my knowl- ways of realizing the vocation of (p. 74) Speaking of celibates he in San Diego June 29 through July he most radical demographic edge, there are no singles ministers the human person, in its entirety, to writes of “the freedom of the gift.” 1, is a profound sign that the revo- shift ever to take place in employed full time in any parish or love: marriage and virginity or (p. 248) In his book, “Love and lution in singles ministry, in true Thuman history has been the diocese in America, though there celibacy.” (“Familiaris Consortio,” Responsibility,” John Paul II vocation formation, is at last very recent shift away from family are now 100 million singles in n. 11) expressed it this way, “Freedom underway. life and toward single life. America, comprising, as of 2005, a When we move from dis- exists for the sake of Love. ... After selling out two years in a Between 1970 and 2000 in the majority of all households. (We do cussing the universal vocation of Freedom is the means, and love is row in Denver, Colo., the confer- U.S.: have Catholic Young Adult all Christians to love, to discussing the end.” (p. 136) ence is expected to attract over 500 • The marriage rate dropped by Ministers and ministries doing particular vocations, we are always The modern crisis in vocations, singles in both Illinois and half as the divorce rate doubled. great work, but they are not nor- referring either to marriage or both married and celibate, will be . International speakers • The number of people mally designed to minister to sin- celibacy — consecrating one’s corrected only by helping single such as Matthew Kelly, between 25 and 34 who were gles as singles and in need of whole life to virginity for the sake people to find true freedom — the Christopher West, Father Thomas unmarried tripled. vocation formation.) of the kingdom of heaven. freedom of the gift, the freedom Loya, Father Robert Faricy, Rose • The percentage of Americans What we need in the church As Christopher West, perhaps which makes love possible. This Sweet, Dr. Philip Mango, and oth- living alone increased 2.5 times. today is a revolution, a revolution- the leading expert on vocation and freedom cannot be found in the ers will address the challenges of (All statistics from the U.S. ary new focus on ministry to sin- family in the church today, isolation and self-centeredness, living the Catholic Faith as a sin- Census Bureau.) gles. Singles ministry should con- explained it to me, “We could which are so much at the center of gle person. We are failing to marry and sist of these two essential ele- describe being single as a ‘state in modern, materialistic life. The They will discuss what it means have children. Our nonimmigrant ments: life’ but not strictly as a vocation- freedom to give is learned and to live out masculinity and femi- birthrate is 20 percent below • Drawing singles into the fami- — not, anyway, as the church has lived only in the family. ninity in an authentic way in the replacement and dropping fast. ly life of the church; traditionally understood that word All life is family life. Outside midst of a culture that sends mixed Even with this birth rate, and not • Helping singles to find and in this context. The word vocation the family there is only death. We messages, and they will offer prac- considering how fast it is dropping, live their vocations to married and implies a total, definitive and irrev- must help singles live the fullness tical suggestions for dating and in three generations our population to celibate life. ocable gift of self.” of family life within the family of discerning one’s vocation. These will be half what it is today. Our Another way to put it is this: The concept of total gift is criti- the church. talks will be accompanied by pow- society is committing fast and sure Singles ministry is vocation forma- cal here. Single life, when properly In this way, singles can make a erful times of prayer and plenty of suicide. Singles ministry, almost tion. understood and lived, is what free and creative commitment of time to socialize with hundreds of nonexistent in the Catholic Church Effective singles ministry makes this gift possible. In order our lives each day in the universal singles from around the country. today, is the antidote to this trend, requires us to clarify the prevailing for the gift of our lives to have Christian vocation to love and and the great hope for the future of confusion about the meaning of the value and meaning, then we must give, even as we strive to become the church. word “vocation.” First, there is a be truly free to make that gift. so free as to be able one day to The Catholic Church has found universal vocation, shared by Freedom then, true freedom, is the give ourselves permanently in par- For more about the conference visit it particularly difficult to come to every Christian, as explained in essential character of the single ticular vocations to marriage or NationalCatholicSingles.com grips with these rapid, radical soci- “Familiaris Consortio”: Love is life. celibacy. Dave Sloan’s Web site is etal changes because singles typi- “the fundamental and innate voca- John Paul II explains this free- The Third National Catholic www.Godofdesire.com. cally live outside of family life and tion of every human being.” dom in the theology of the body. structures. Family is really what (“Familiaris Consortio,” n. 11) Speaking of married couples he Meet the Priest Jews find religious tolerance from Father Philip A. Widmann Romans, hostility from others Ordained Jan. 15, 1977 Pastor, St. Peter Parish, Fort Wayne What did the Jewish people face when Probably in 458 B.C. Ezra the St. Mary Parish, Fort Wayne they returned to Jerusalem from exile scribe came from Babylon to What was the primary influence on in Babylon? Jerusalem with a second group of exiles to carry out religious your decision to become a priest? King Cyrus the Great of reforms and to preach God’s Persia (modern Iran) conquered It was overall my parents and HIRE Law. Father John McKenzie says homelife, my schooling with the Babylon (in southern Iraq) in 539 Ezra was a secretary for Jewish B.C. He then allowed the Jewish Sisters of St. Peter’s and the parish HISTORY affairs. He was an officer of the priests, most exiles in Babylon to return to Persian court sent to impose the Jerusalem in 538 B.C., if they FATHER RICHARD HIRE especially law upon the Jewish community Bishop wished, to rebuild the temple and of Jerusalem. Ancient documents the city walls. Joseph show the interest of the Persian Crowley and B. Metzger says Cyrus was exiles and explains, to some court in religious affairs. The acting in accord with a general extent, the 20-year delay from Msgr. and really feel sorry for those who Persians also wanted to establish Thomas do not know or understand this joy. policy of religious toleration fol- the rebuilding of the altar and peace and order in Jerusalem, for lowed by the Persians for politi- laying the foundation of the tem- Durkin. it was near troublesome Egypt. What do you like to do for relaxation? cal expedience. The Cyrus ple in 536 B.C. to the completion Later on in 445 B.C. Cylinder, a clay barrel-shaped of the temple in 516 B.C. The Why do you “antiquing,” spending time with Nehemiah, a Jew who was the like being a document found in Babylon in rebuilding of the temple from cupbearer of the Persian king mother and the cats, some reading 1879, says Cyrus returned vari- 520-516 B.C. was accomplished Artaxerxes I (464-423 B.C.) and priest? ous city gods to their original by the high priest Joshua and the appointed as governor of Judah, I am humbled by the power of What is your favorite reading material? sanctuaries. Later on, the governor Zerubbabel, a grandson came to Jerusalem to rebuild its ordination — the power to conse- History — World War II and Romans too would be tolerant of of Jehoiachin. This temple was city walls, which would give the crate the body and blood of Christ the Jewish religion to keep the completed during the reign of the the Civil War in particular, as well Jewish community physical secu- and the power to absolve from sin. as histories of the church, especial- peace. Persian king Darius I (521-485 rity. Although the Samaritans I try to remind myself of this awe- The return of the Jews to B.C.) who continued Cyrus’ gen- ly the so called Reformation peri- objected to rebuilding the city some power each day and pray od. For novels — Jack Higgins. Jerusalem is recorded in the Old erous policy toward subject peo- walls, Nehemiah accomplished that I am worthy. Testament books of Ezra and ples and encouraged the Jews to the task speedily. Silver and gold What is the best part of being Catholic? Nehemiah. The first return was rebuild the temple. coins from this period have been Do you have a special interest or Another problem the returning led by Sheshbazzar, the prince of found with the letters YHD, the hobby? It is knowing that you have Judah, who probably was the Jews faced was the hostility and Aramaic form of the name Judah. the “fullness of the truth.” fourth son of Jehoiachin, the king guerrilla warfare of the Aramaic was the international When I have time, I like to go of Judah, taken captive to Samaritans. B. Metzger says diplomatic language of the to antique shops and do some What is your favorite prayer? Babylon in 598 B.C. King Cyrus these Samaritans were a mixture work with the Cathedral Museum. Persian empire and also the lan- the rosary even returned to Sheshbazzar the of those Jews not deported by the guage of Jesus. Father McKenzie I’ve always liked history and espe- utensils of the former Jerusalem Assyrian king Sargon II (from cially historical artifacts. mentions that Nehemiah’s What is your favorite Scripture pas- temple that King northern Iraq) in 721 B.C. and appointment as governor may Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had various peoples from conquered have included the erection of a Do you have a pet? sage? taken from Jerusalem and placed lands introduced into this region new separate province of Judah, I’ve always been surrounded by John 3:16 in the temple of his pagan god. by the Assyrians. These which had previously been a part dogs and now cats. I have two Father Peter Ellis mentions Samaritans were religious con- of the province governed from Persian cats, Roulette and Ota Mae What is your favorite food? the economic prostration of the servatives, who did not want Samaria. This would certainly — so loyal, a lot of company. I land of Palestine after the exile. Jerusalem to grow powerful, and shrimp and pastries arouse the opposition of the cannot imagine life without a pet This caused much discourage- their hostility continued into New authorities in Samaria. ment among the repatriated Testament times. MARCH 4, 2007 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 17

WARRIORS DASH INDIANS’ CHANCE FOR ANOTHER STATE TITLE Saint Joseph’s High School gave their Lady Indians basketball team a spirited welcome even though their favorites were nipped by the Wawasee High School Lady Warriors, 58-46, in the semistate round of the Indiana High School Athletic Association tournament on Feb. 24. The Lady Indians wound up the season 22-3. Sydney Smallbone, Saint Joseph’s leading point getter, tallied 11 points, which enabled her to become the Lady Indians Sports all-time scoring leader with 1,712 points. — EJD CYO leagues name new champions

BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN After the final time out, Benoit ran one all season to upsetting the No. a play they had practiced for just 1 seed and untouched league this type of situation. Marquel champs. Curry finished with 30 FORT WAYNE — In final-game Cooper got open and took his shot points to lead all scoring, while action of the 71st annual Catholic that was nothing but net at the Luers-bound Kiermaier ended his Youth Organization (CYO) tourna- buzzer. Cooper told his coach, “It CYO career with 26. Benoit will ment Feb. 24 at St. Charles School was not me shooting. I had help go in the record books with a per- in Fort Wayne, all three leagues, from “the man upstairs.” fect 15-0 record. both boys and girls, named new “It’s tough to beat a team three champions. St. Jude, Benoit times without getting over confi- White League girls: St. Jude 27; Academy (boys and girls), St. dent,” said Benoit coach Paul St. Vincent 19 (Mayers 20, Vincent (seventh and eighth grade Gerardot. “I was so proud of the Shen/Litchfield 6) boys), and St. Joseph, Decatur, boys. I told them all week that White League boys: St. Vincent were all awarded gold medals. even though we beat Hessen 43; St. Joe, Decatur, 32 (Fiechter In the six-game lineup, the Cassel twice during the season, it 11, Selking 15) closest battle all day came in the means nothing during the tourna- Blue League girls: Benoit 48; St. 54-52 Blue League Boys’ division ment. Hessen Cassel gave us one Therese 44 (Gorman 36, match up between the undefeated heck of a game. They came ready Colvin/Hofrichter 12) PROVIDED BY ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL, DECATUR Benoit Academy Phoenix and the to play.” Blue League boys: Benoit 54; St. St. Joseph, Decatur, girls celebrated a sweet victory after the CYO cham- Squires from St. Joe Hessen The Squires came out firing Joseph-Hessen Cassel 52 (Curry pionship Gold League game. They beat St. Charles marking just their Cassel. With 8.4 seconds left in and jumped out to an early 9-6 30, Kiermaier 26) third title in tournament history. St. Charles had beaten St. Joe earlier regulation, Wil Knapke scored a lead thanks to a trey from Hunter Gold League girls: St. Joe, during regular season play and last year for the 2006 title. The Decatur bunny on a Ty Wyss steal to put Tobe. Benoit’s “Shannon Curry Decatur, 46; St. Charles 32 team consists of the following: front row, from left, Alexandria Davison, and company” answered back over (Schultz 20, Burkhardt 12) the Squires up 52-50 for the first Abby Stimpson, Madison Schultz, Dana Kaczmarek, Gabbie Weaver, Jesse and over fighting every trip down Gold League boys: St. Vincent 52; time since early in the first quarter. Brewer and Alex Fuelling; second row, Brea Henkenius, head coach Mike Next the scoreboard read 52 points the court to keep control of the St. Charles 36 (Springman 21, game. The Squires kept applying Book 12) Stimpson, Arial Davison, Kaylie Girod, manager Janelle Lose and assis- each with just 3.9 seconds cour- tant coach Dan Kaczmarek tesy of a Steven Kiermaier bucket. pressure and came closer than any- ICCL teams to play final playoffs PANTHERS SHARE CO-CHAMPIONSHIP and championship game this weekend ual total for the year. Nick First round playoffs: Colors Division BY ELMER J. DANCH Pellegrino had 18 points for St. St. Pius Blue 13, St. Thomas Joe. White 50 The Corpus Christi Cougars St. Jude Green 31, St. Anthony SOUTH BEND — The four bas- edged St. Anthony, 45-37, with Maroon 30 ketball teams that set the pace Andy Klimek and Tate Corpus Christi Blue 27, Christ most of the way in the Inter-City Bellegrande each tossing in 16 The King Gold 38 Catholic League (ICCL) will have points. St. Thomas Maroon 22, St. another opportunity to validate Holy Family defeated St. Thomas Gold 32 their claims in the final round of Michael of Plymouth, 39-16. Holy Cross Blue 35, St. Joseph, the post season hardwood tourna- Collin Skodinski dumped in 15 South Bend, Blue 34 ment, which officially winds up points for the victors. Holy Family Columbia Blue the campaign this weekend. The four semifinalists in the 34, Christ The King Blue 20 The St. Joseph Wildcats of Colors Division will be St. St. Matthew Black 11, St. Mishawaka, who finished the reg- Thomas Gold of Elkhart, Holy Anthony Gold 38 ular season as the only unbeaten Family Blue, Christ the King Gold St. Joseph, South Bend, Gold PROVIDED BY PETER GILLIS team and captured the Martin De and St. Jude Green. 31, Christ The King White 38 The St. Anthony Panthers were the co-champs of the John Porres East Division pennant, will St. Thomas Gold beat Holy Second round playoffs: boys varsity face Christ the King in the first Cross Blue, 41-28, with Parker St. Joseph, Mishawaka, 51, St. Bosco East Division of the Inter-City Catholic League game of the semifinals. Then the Devenney picking up 10 points for Thomas 43 Corpus Christi Cougars, who lost (ICCL). The Panthers shared their championship status the victors. Christ The King 61, St. Joseph, only one game during the regular Holy Family Columbia Blue South Bend 43 with St. Joseph of South Bend. season, will face Holy Family in defeated St. Anthony Gold, 34-28, Corpus Christi 45, St. Anthony 37 the other semifinal. The two win- with Zack Zehender snaring 12 St. Michael 16, Holy Family 39 ners will clash in the champi- points for Holy Family. Zach Fozo Principal Catholic School onship round for the Knights of Second round playoff scores: Colors with 10 points, Joey Pinkowski Division Columbus’ Fourth Degree trophy. had 10 points for St. Anthony Pre K - 8 St. Joseph beat St. Thomas of St. Thomas Gold 41, Holy Christ the King Gold defeated Cross Blue 28 Elkhart, 51-43, in the quarterfinals, school rival Christ the King White, Precious Blood Parish School - Dayton, Ohio leading start to finish. Coley Holy Family Columbia Blue 48-31, as Kyle Wieschaus placed is encouraging faith-filled dynamic persons to apply for the position Schultheis, the leading point scorer 34, St. Anthony Gold 28 12 points for the Gold. Christ The King White 31, of Principal, beginning in academic year 2007-08. The school, Pre K of the Wildcats all season, poured St. Jude Green beat St. Thomas Christ The King Gold 48 Grade 8, located in northwest Dayton, with a current enrollment of in 24 points in a blazing individual White, 34-23. Michael Henry performance. It marked the fourth St. Thomas White 23, St. Jude 360, is committed to living Gospel values, fostering academic excel- scored 13 points for St. Jude. Green 34 time he has gone over the 20-point First round playoffs: boys varsity lence and celebrating diversity. Candidates should be practicing threshold. Taylor Krugh bagged 14 Semifinal pairings: boys varsity Catholics, have or be eligible for Ohio Elementary Principal certifica- St. John 44, Corpus Christi 71 St. Joseph, Mishawaka vs. points for Elkhart. St. Anthony 74, St. Pius 45 tion, and have successful experiences in motivating and affirming oth- In another high-scoring per- Christ the King St. Michael 27, St. Adalbert 10 Corpus Christi vs. Holy Family ers through effective leadership and management. Interested candi- formance, Christ the King Holy Family 49, St. Jude 39 swarmed over St. Joseph, South Semifinal pairings: Colors Division dates please send cover letter and resume by March 31 to: St. Bavo 48, St. Joseph, Mish., 61 Helen Weber, C.PP.S. Chair, Search Committee Bend, 61-43, behind the firebrand St. Thomas 47, St. Monica 33 St. Thomas Gold vs. Holy performance of Max Matthew who St. Joseph, SB 45, St. Matthew 41 Family Columbia Blue c/o Precious Blood Parish 4961 Salem Avenue, Dayton, OH 45416 drained the nets for a sizzling 32 Christ/King 58, Holy Cross 41 Christ the King Gold vs. St. points, the highest single individ- Jude Green email: [email protected] 18 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC MARCH 4, 2007 The band’s playing schedule for the next several months: • March 17 — Riverfront Café Oblates of Blues — in Niles, Mich, 9 p.m. to midnight MOVIE • March 23 — Brigid’s Pub, Waterford Estates in South Bend CAPSULES (the old Ramada Inn, on U.S. 933 Gospel, blues are about life just north of Road.) This is a benefit for the St. Vincent de NEW YORK (CNS) – Following are BY JUDY BRADFORD Paul Society, which provides the capsule reviews of movies poor and needy with clothing, food, household items and finan- issued by the U.S. Conference SOUTH BEND — The Gospel is cial assistance. Donation is $10. of Catholic Bishops’ Office for about failed relationships and Music begins at 8:30 p.m. Film and Broadcasting. despair, as well as love and cele- • April 14 — Riverfront Café, bration — “the whole mix of life Niles, Mich., 9 p.m. to midnight. and the human condition,” says • May 5 — Riverfront Café, 9 “Amazing Grace” (Samuel Maxwell Johnson. p.m. to midnight Goldwyn/Roadside) So are the blues. • June 7 — Thursdays in the Compelling historical biography These two worlds — the Gospel Park, Niles, Mich. Time to be about William Wilberforce (a and the blues — aren’t very far announced. dynamic Ioan Gruffudd), the great apart, and you can live fully in both • June 23 — Riverfront Café, 9 18th century British abolitionist, of them without contradiction. p.m. to midnight. who with the help of the young That’s what he, and others with British Prime Minister William Pitt connections to Notre Dame’s theol- (), and other ogy department, do as part of a like-minded friends in Parliament band called the Oblates of Blues. and elsewhere (, The band traces its roots back to ND Campus Ministry , and Saint John’s Abbey and University Youssou N’Dour), managed — after in Minnesota where Johnson taught offers new podcast tireless and courageous struggle — in the mid 1990s. He and some to pass an anti-slave trade bill in graduate students started out doing for prayer Parliament. With its solid perform- a couple of talent shows. PROVIDED BY MAXWELL JOHNSON NOTRE DAME — ances, accessible script and hand- In 1997, he came to South Bend Maxwell Johnson is one of six members of the Oblates of Blues band, “NDPrayercast,” a weekly Internet some production design, director to take a teaching job with the who are all professors, doctoral candidates or alumni of the University podcast of Gospel readings, Michael Apted’s film recalls some University of Notre Dame. Two of Notre Dame’s School of Theology. They don’t consider themselves full psalms, meditative songs and hom- of the best historical dramas from graduate students followed, brothers of the blues. They simply make their oblation, or offering, by ilies was launched Ash Wednesday, Hollywood’s golden age, and is all although they’ve since left the area. spreading the message of the Chicago blues. The band will have a bene- Feb. 21, by Notre Dame’s Office the more admirable for its unabashed portrait of a passionate Now the band has six members fit concert at Brigid’s Pub on March 23 to benefit the St. Vincent de Paul of Campus Ministry. man of God. The USCCB Office for — all professors, doctoral candi- Society. The free podcast will be avail- dates or alumni of the school of able at www.ndprayercast.org/. Film & Broadcasting classification theology. The program, which will be is A-II — adults and adolescents. They don’t consider themselves guitar scream, he might be singing ter’s degree in theology from Notre updated weekly, includes music by The Motion Picture Association of full brothers of the blues. They about another life-affirming act: Dame, takes the drums; the Notre Dame Folk Choir, a America rating is PG. simply make their oblation, or just getting through the week. • Nick Russo, a doctoral candi- on the Sunday liturgical offering, by spreading the message His favorite tune, “Call It date in liturgy, plays bass; readings, a sung version of the “The Number 23” (New Line) of the Chicago blues. Stormy Monday” by T-Bone • Mark Cichra, doctoral candi- weekly responsorial psalm, the Psychological thriller about a But the term “oblates” also hon- Walker, is just about getting date in ancient history, plays guitar. Gospel reading and a correspon- man (Jim Carrey) whose reading of ors the Benedictine legacy so influ- through the work week. They also write some of their ding homily by one of Notre a curious novel — in which the ential in the intellectual and spiritu- The band plays in local taverns own songs, varying in subject mat- Dame’s Holy Cross priests, prayers hard-boiled detective-protagonist’s al formation of many of its original as well as summer festivals in the ter from the biscuits that everyone for the week, and the Lord’s Prayer story eerily mirrors elements of his members. According to the Web Michiana area. And last fall, they loves at KFC, to being a father of as it is regularly sung at the 11:45 own life — leads him to increasing site of the Benedictine Order, the played at the Eck Alumni Center, four daughters. They’ve recorded a.m. Sunday Mass in the Basilica paranoia and madness, as he, like role of the oblates is “to live in the on campus before every home foot- their own CD. of the Sacred Heart. his fictional counterpart, becomes world. To become holy in the ball game. The band avoids songs with “NDPrayercast” was conceived obsessed with the “23 enigma,” the world, to do what they can to bring Other members include: explicit lyrics. by Steven Warner, director of the theory that the number 23 holds a the world to God by being witness- • Hugh Page Jr., who is Notre “Because the blues are about Notre Dame Folk Choir and mem- numerological significance in nature es of Christ by word and an exam- Dame’s dean of first-year studies life, the lyrics are sometimes very ber of the Campus Ministry staff. and world events. Despite an ple to those around them.” and a professor of Africana studies explicit about sex or drugs,” says He is assisted by Joshua Stagni, intriguing premise, director During the weekday at Notre and theology, on harmonica and Johnson. campus ministry intern, and Schumacher’s dreary neonoir tale is Dame, Johnson talks with students vocals; “We stay away from songs like Emmeline Schoen, a 2003 alum- all style and little suspense, with a about the life-affirming acts of • Larry Sullivan, professor of ‘Champagne and Reefer,’ or nus of Notre Dame and former muddled plot and a contrived twist Christian worship — like baptism, world religions and a concurrent ‘Hoochie Coochie’ by Muddy member of the Folk Choir. payoff. The USCCB Office for Film confirmation and the Eucharist professor of anthropology, plays Waters. But we’re not beyond Warner hopes soon to produce & Broadcasting classification is L with particular interest in the first keyboard; doing lyrics with innuendo.” separate podcasts for Morning — limited adult audience. The four to six centuries of the church. • Tom Guinan, Notre Dame’s After all, the Gospel and the Prayer, Evening Prayer and Motion Picture Association of On weekends, while making his associated controller, with a mas- blues are about life. Compline. America rating is R.

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Box 11169, Carmen G.Haines, 63, Mishawaka Robert M.Kuminecz St.Joseph Joseph J.Bieganski, 80, Fort Wayne 46856; or e-mail: [email protected]. Events that require an admission charge Sr., 77, St.Anthony de St.Joseph or payment to participate will receive one free listing. For additional listings of that event, please Alice Ann Smith, 59, Padua St. Peter Edna Mae Chamberlin, call our advertising sales staff at (260) 456-2824 to purchase space. Linda B.Lloyd, 69, 77, Queen of Peace Emily R.Young, 78, Little Flower St.Vincent de Paul Monroeville W. Calvert, on Friday, March 2, March 9, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Carl J.Mitts, 82, FISH FRIES Mary M.Crabill, 83, from 5 to 7 p.m. Tickets are $7 in the cafeteria, door #9. Carry- Larry W.Bulmahn, 64, Holy Family Fish fry at the door, $6.50 presale, $4.50 St. Fort Wayne — Queen of Angels out is also available. Cost is Our Lady of Good children 6-12, under 6 free. Pre- Richard V.Nemeth, 83, will have a family style fish fry adults $7, students (k-8) $4, pre- Hope New Haven sale tickets may be purchased at school and under free. St Charles Corpus Christi on Friday, March 2, from 4:30- Salvatore J.Ebetino, 81, the Our Lady of Hungary rectory is located on the corner of Reed Lois J.Kranz, 83, 7:30 p.m. Adults $7 adult, $3 St.John the Baptist Jose A.Galicia, 33, (574) 287-1700. and Trier roads. St.Jude children 6-10, children under 5 St.Adalbert free. Carry-out available. Notre Dame Fish fry time Joseph E.Quinlan, 89, Fish Fry at St. Matthew Cathedral Brother Delores M.Jozwiak, 78, Walkerton — A fish fry will be South Bend — St. Matthew St.Jude fish fry held Friday, March 2, at St. (Edward) Tessier, CSC, St.Adalbert South Bend — Corpus Christi Cathedral, 1701 Miami St., will Patrick School, 811 Tyler St. John P.Huneck Sr., 78, 84, Holy Cross Village Parish will have a Jonah fish fry host a fish fry on Friday, March Helen J.Speybroeck, from 4 to 7 p.m. Adults and St.Vincent de Paul and salad bar on Friday, March 23, from 4 to 7 p.m. in the Clarence F.Dineen, 90, 86, Little Flower carry-outs $7, children 6-10 school gym. Carry-out and drive- 16, from 4-7 p.m. Adults and Granger Our Lady of Loretto $3.50 and children under 6 free. through available. Adults $7, Wabash carry-out $8, children 6-12 $3, Emma K.Nagy, 89, seniors $6, children (7-12) $4, South Bend Jacquelynn Arricka children 5 and under free. St.Pius X St. Aloysius hosts fish fry children 6 and under eat free. Eleanor M.Orszulak, Mendoza, 77, Yoder — St. Aloysius Catholic 80, St.Adalbert St.Bernard Athletic boosters plan fish fry School will have a fish fry on Fort Wayne — The St. Therese MISC. HAPPENINGS Friday, March 9, from 4:30 to Booster Club will have a fish fry SAJES meet for retreat 7:30 p.m. Adults $7, children 5- on Friday, March 2, from 4:30-7 South Bend — A Lenten day of 12 $4 and children under 5 free. for priests and vocations. made to (574) 288-5708 ext. 203 p.m. Adults $7, children (6-12) reflection is planned for Carry-outs $6.50. Wednesday, March 14, at St. by March 23. $4.50 and children 5 and under Organist to perform at Ancilla Domini free. Francis Convent in Mishawaka Knights plan fish fry by Sister Barbara Anne Hallman, Chapel Evening prayer offered at St. Joe Fort Wayne — The Knights of OSF, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Donaldson — Dr. Herman D. South Bend — St. Joseph Parish St. Joseph Hessen Cassel plans fish fry Columbus Council 451, 601 Taylor and his wife, Vivian will be offering Sunday evening Fort Wayne — St. Joseph Hessen Cost for the day is $15 and Reed Rd., will have a fish fry on Taylor will perform on March prayer each Sunday of Lent at Cassel Parish will have a fish fry includes lunch. Reservations are Friday, March 2, from 5 to 7:30 13, at 7 p.m. in the Ancilla 6:30 p.m. The Lenten Vespers on Friday, March 23, from 4- required by March 12 to Sister p.m. The cost is $7 for adults, $3 Domini Chapel. The organ series is entitled, “Journey to the 7:30 p.m. in the hall. Adults, Agnes Marie at (574) 259-5427. for children 12 and under. Fish, recital/vocal performance is Words and the Water” and will $6.50, children 11-5 $4 and chil- two sides and beverage are jointly sponsored by the PHJC use Old Testament readings from dren under 5 free. Get back on track with series by IPFW included. Ministry Center, Lindenwood the Easter Vigil to help us pre- Newman group Retreat and Conference Center, pare for the great liturgy of the Rosary Society plans fish fry Fort Wayne — Embark on a Knights plan fish fry Ancilla College and the First church year. Arcola — St. Patrick Parish will journey with others to “Get back South Bend — The Knights of Federal Savings Bank. The have a fish fry on March 9, from on track.” The next session Columbus Council 5521, 61533 recital is the opening event in a Rummage and bake sale planned 4-7 p.m. at the Arcola fire sta- “Working for the Treasure that is S. Ironwood Dr., will have a fish week-long series of celebrations South Bend — The St. John tion. Adults $7.50, seniors $6.50, Priceless” will be held Thursday, fry on Friday, March 9, from 5 leading to the installation of Dr. Altar and Rosary Society will children 6-12 $4 and children March 8, from 7:30-9 p.m. in to 7 p.m. Adults $7, children (5- Ronald May on March 16 as have a rummage and bake sale under 6 free. Walb room 222. Sessions are president of Ancilla College. 12) $3. Chicken strips for $7 and independent of one another, so on Saturday, March 17, from shrimp for $8 will be available. feel free to join us at any time. 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and on Holy Name Society fish fry St. Joseph-St. Elizabeth Garage Sale Sunday, March 18, from 7 a.m. South Bend — A fish fry spon- For more information contact Athletic board sponsors fish fry Fort Wayne — St. Joseph-St. to noon. sored by the Our Lady of Mike Gibson at mgibson0428 Fort Wayne — St. Charles Elizabeth Catholic School will Hungary Holy Name Society @yahoo.com, studentipfw.edu/~ Borromeo’s athletic board will sponsor a garage sale on Lenten day of recollection will be held at the school, 735 newman or call (260) 481-6994. sponsor a fish fry on Friday, Saturday, March 10, from 9 a.m. Fort Wayne — Bob Deck, a to 1 p.m. at St. Joseph Parish at Secular Franciscan, will offer a Knights plan spaghetti dinner the corner of Brooklyn and Hale. South Bend — The Knights of Lenten day of recollection enti- The garage sale offers clothing, tled, “The Seven Last Words of Columbus Council #5570 is household and baby items, toys, sponsoring a spaghetti dinner on Christ” on Saturday, March 10, Special Notice furniture and more. All proceeds from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the St. Thursday, March 8, from 4 to 6 support St. Joseph-St. Elizabeth Vincent de Paul Spiritual Center. p.m. Adults $7, children ages 5 School. to 12 $2.50. The council is locat- Lunch will be potluck style and The Catholic Cemetery in Fort Wayne ed at 5202 Linden Ave., one a freewill donation will be taken block east of Mayflower Road. Parish Mission to cover the cost of materials. wants to remind you that Warsaw — A Parish Mission Call (260) 490-9571 for informa- will be held at Sacred Heart tion and to register by March 9. SPRING CLEAN-UP Grand re-opening of the Ave Maria Parish, 125 N Harrison St., Press bookstore March 18-22 at 7 p.m. each begins March 15th and ends March 31st. Notre Dame — The Ave Maria Card party planned by Rosary Society evening. The presenter will be South Bend — The Rosary bookstore will have a re-opening Father Richard Hart from the Society of St. Hedwig Parish Should you wish to save any sale Monday, March 5, through Capuchin Preachers office. The will have a card party on Friday, March 9, from 8 a.m. to decorations, they must be removed theme is “The Reign of God.” Sunday, March 4, at 1 p.m. in 5 p.m. Everything in the store prior to March 15th. Babysitting is available each the memorial center. Lunch will located at 19113 Douglas Rd. evening. Please call the parish be served. Donations are $4.50 Call 1-800-282-1865 for infor- office (574) 267-5842 to let us in advance by calling (574) 259- m mation. know how many children and 5675 or (574) 287-9880 by Feb. Please do not place any their ages. 18. Bring own cards or dice. new decorations until after March 31st. Little Flower Holy Hour Fort Wayne — Father Bernard St. Adalbert announces bake sale Galic will celebrate the Holy Centering prayer South Bend — The St. Adalbert South Bend — Centering prayer Thank you for your cooperation. Hour at MacDougal Chapel on Sisters Auxiliary bake sale will is held every Tuesday from 4 to Tuesday, March 6, at 7:15 p.m. be Saturday, March 31 from 8 5 p.m. at Little Flower Chapel, Father Galic is pastor of Holy a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Heritage 54191 N. Ironwood. Family Parish in South Bend and Center. Lamb cakes, sweet-sour vocation director for the ASSOCIATION, INC. cabbage and other baked goods Diocese. Bring a friend for will be available. Pre-orders for prayer with the special intention lamb cakes at $13 each can be 20 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC MARCH 4, 2007 HEROS HOME CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

before Jeff Jehl, also of St. those who have questions about Vincent Church, gave a teen wit- the Catholic faith or who need ness on the Eucharist. A special spiritual counseling. The phone Mass was celebrated by Father line will be open until Mercy Gurtner followed by reverent par- Day, March 20, when there will ticipation in eucharistic adoration. be priests available all day in the The day was complete when confessionals of their parishes to the youth were treated to the offer the sacrament of reconcili- praise and worship sounds of the ation. popular Christian band Frankie In conjunction with the media and the Holy Rollers. “The kids campaign and the phone number, all said the music was great,” the diocese has also begun its reports Black. Wells of Hope program, which Martin Wheeler, youth direc- was explained at the news con- tor at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton ference by Ginny Kohrman and Parish, set the tone for Sunday Sister Jolene Heiden, SSND, of morning with his talk on listening the diocesan Office of Spiritual heroes. Teen witness was Beth Development and McManus from Immaculate Evangelization. Conception Parish in Auburn. Ginny Kohrman described the Seminarian Matt Coonan offered program’s method of going out his teachings on a hero’s courage to people’s homes two by two, to as well as sharing his own inspir- show fallen away Catholics that ing vocation story. they are loved and missed and Eight parishes were represent- PROVIDED BY THE OFFICE OF YOUTH MINISTRY also “to see what it is that we ed at the retreat, which Cindy Young people representing parishes throughout the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend participated in the can do for them.” Black hopes will become a grow- first annual diocesan-wide youth retreat weekend held at Epworth Forest. The retreat, “Be a Hero,” was hosted Bishop D’Arcy emphasized ing annual event. “The parishes by the Office of Youth Ministry on Feb. 16-17. that the people involved in going have suggested March for next out two by two — like the disci- year in cooperation with sports ples in the Gospels — have had and dance events,” says Black, “It was pretty cool. Better than I training and formation so that who was encouraged by the expected.” The witness stories, they can listen to, understand youth this year. The teens were she says, were inspiring to her and help the people they visit. more open than anticipated, she and she feels her faith has been After this presentation, the reports. “They opened up to pray- renewed. diocese unveiled four new 30- ing and jumped right in to praise Would she recommend it to second television spots to and worship. Their hearts were others? “Yes,” she says. “Try it accompany the campaign. open right away.” out. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go. When asked by the media Bishop Luers sophomore John But I was sure glad I did.” how many Catholics the diocese Till was in attendance because German exchange student and hoped to bring back to the full his mother, a member of the junior at Central High practice of their faith, Bishop youth ministry at St. John, New School Anne Wedekind says the D’Arcy said that the program Haven, made him go. “I’m so weekend was “awesome!” was not so much oriented toward glad I went though. I felt like I Though a non-Catholic, numbers as it was on ministering needed that experience to get Wedekind has been attending to people. closer to God,” he says. youth group at St. Mary, Decatur, “I hope to get at least one,” The skits enticed him, but Till her host family’s parish. the bishop joked before noting admits that adoration was his Following the invitation to the that Mass attendance in the dio- favorite part of the retreat. “The retreat Wedekind decided to cese is relatively strong. He also priest talked about Jesus lifting attend. cited the words of Christ in our problems from us. It made it “It was the best weekend of Scripture that there is more joy real,” he says, adding, “I received my life,” she says. Attending over one who has returned than part of the Holy Spirit.” church in Germany, she reports, over 99 who are in no need of DeKalb High School junior She, like the others, would hope I can make a difference in is not a common event and fol- recommend the retreat to every- Germany.” repentance. Brittney Koza attended with lowing the events at Epworth When asked about the friends from her home parish of one and has hope for the future, The Office of Youth Ministry Forest she realized what was as she says, “I know I have faith may just have successfully emphasis on media outreach in Immaculate Conception in missing in her life. “I found God this campaign, the bishop cited Auburn. Of the retreat she says, support here, but when I go back inspired the start of a new gener- that night,” she says reverently. to Germany, I don’t think I will. I ation of Christ’s heroes. Pope John Paul II, who once said that, in American culture, nothing happens until it happens on television. “Christ went out into the Redefining Senior “HOME” highways and byways and preached the Gospel,” the bishop added, “and the media is the Whether it’s our pets in residence, our of living, from beautifully appointed highways and byways of con- flowering plants or our staff that acts more living spaces to delicious meals, engaging temporary life.” like family than caregivers, Sunrise Senior social activities, transportation, and The bishop also expressed that the need for an campaign to Living provides everyday experiences that personalized assistance and care. call inactive Catholics back to make our communities simply, the full practice of their faith is Visit or call Sunrise of Fort Wayne more livable. something with numerous parts. to see what we do to make our On one hand, the Catholic faith At Sunrise, we understand that the communities into places seniors can is a demanding faith, one that transition to a senior community isn’t asks something from people, call home. In Fort Wayne, we offer “and complications arise.” always easy. So, we focus on the details Assisted Living and Alzheimer's Care. But more importantly, he noted, the campaign should exist because, ultimately, it is not the church that is doing the calling. “God is seeking them,” he said. “It is our obligation as church to welcome them home Stop by for a tour and a through prayer and instruction cup of hot coffee today. Let us know and through public signs that Fort Wayne Sunrise of Fort Wayne 260-471-3110 3110 East Coliseum Blvd Christ wishes to meet them on how we can help you meet the care the road and welcome them needs of a senior in your life. Assisted Living Alzheimer’s Care home.” For more information and a FREE online newsletter, visit www.sunriseseniorliving.com