200 Name Bands Offer Services!

Orks Will Play 4M S. Dearborn, Chicago. Illinois Interni at ueond daw matti r Odokur t, IMS. at the pod office nt I Sirapv, rilinou a*3 0C a taar 1« tha United Watai; M-W <» Canada (Canadian Dollar«; 00 auawbara Down Boat I» published fwu:a monthly Printed 1« U.S.A. Roglsterad U.S. Fat. Office. For USO AHairs New York—More than 200 “name” hand* in every section NO. 25 CENTS VOL. 9, 2 CHICAGO, JANUARY 15, 1942 of the United States have volunteered services to the U. S. O. for entertainment of soldiers, sailors and marines in army ramp* and naval 'talion* throughout the land, it Comes Through revealed Blues Shooter Killed After last week by Walter Hoving. U. S. O. president. With a Baby Boy In what is undoubtedly theetribution. “serving the men who largest------. «“organization------:——»” ever to serve,” it was necessary to break Waxing ‘Hearseman Blues’ take place in the band indus­ existing contracts in many -pots try, the bandleaders accepted and to waive stringent union rules. by ONAH SPENCER The largest factor in making this Hoving’s appeal for help by possible was the cooperation of Chicago—Less than one month after he recorded Give Me wire within 12 hours after James C. Petrillo, president of the Flowers While I’m Livin’ and Hearse man Blues, Peetie AFM, who served actively on the they were approached. Each committee which made the ar­ Wheatstraw, famous blues Kinger, was killed when the car in leader, moreover, agreed to pay rangements These organizations, which he and two others were%ide8 are Workin’ on the Project, expenses (traveling and mainte­ too, in the band-booking business, riding was struck by a passenger nance) himself, at no cost to the Doin’ the Beet I Can and SOI Blues. made possible the circuit through train. The accident occurred in men in the service who will bene­ their 100 per cent cooperation: Peetie is survived by his wife, fit by “in the flesh” performances. St. Ixniis, Dec. 21- Lizzie Bunch. General Amusement Corporation, Wheatstraw, whose real name Booker« M-o Helping Music Corporation America, was William Bunch, was known by To complete this patriotic con- (Modulate to Page 20) his own descriptive titles as The Devil’s Son in-law and the High Sheriff of Hell. Born thirty-six On the Cover years ago in Little Rock, Ark., The Bobby Byrne Lilli«* Thea­ “Bridges Not a Communist” Wheatstraw started recording blues ter und Music for Special Orca- for Decca as early aa 1926 and it «ion* group puned for the tableau was estimated that Peetie had cut on Down Beat's cover. The Byrne some 400 »ides to date. He origi­ ork 1* rurrentb at Chicago'« Won’t Be Beported nated the long shout “whooee” Hotel Sherman. The uctora from used by so many blues singers to left tu right by CARL CONS day nnd with his singing played Bobby's brother and saxophon­ either guitar or piano ist: Walt McGuffin, trombone The West Coast labor leader Harry’ Bridges, who was held Wheatstraw was one of the few player; Dick Farrrl, drums, vo­ subject to deportation as an alien and a Communist party blues chanters to stay on wax cali*! Dorothy Claire and bos* throughout the depression along Bobby. Pic by Rudy Feist idea member in 1937 by Examiner Charles B. Sears, has won an with such stars as Bessie Smith by Eddie Reaumonte. appeal from the deport order. and LeRoy How Long, How Long Carr. A few of his better known Sears had held that Bridges, a subject of Australia and as a member of an organization advocating the overthrow of PURE BUNK!" CRIES BEN the United States government by force or violence, was New lurk—It’« a boy fur the subject to deportation. Charlie Barnet*. The youngster arrived Dec. 27 at Doctor«’ Hos­ The 4-Man Immigration Appeah^that Democracy is still working in pital in Manhattan und weighed Board unanimously reversed the this war emergency, and though “Through As a Leader? Not order, finding that “Bridges had we felt Bridges was both five pound« «tripped and deliv­ guilty ered. never been affiliated with the Com­ and unpatriotic, we hereby reverse munist party after entering the The mother is the former our decision according to the U. S. and that at the time he was democratic procedure of sifting Me,” Pollack Proclaims Harriet Clark, who last year a member of the I.W.W., that or­ sang with the Burnet band and truth for the sake of justice to all ganization did not advise, advocate We hope that if Harry Bridges lot* Angele*—"Bunk.” «aid , in reply in the report cir- the Sonny Dunham orchestra. or teach the unlawful, damage, It'* her first baby, and al pres* feels in his heart that his future culuted here that he had finally given up the baton for good und hail injury or destruction of property time no name hud hc«n official­ belongs to labor in America that retired a* a leader to become an agent and “bund builder.” or sabotage or circulate printed he immediately apply for U. S. ly cho»eti. The father flew in matter advocating such.” “This story got uround,” «aid Ben to the Beat man. "Because I hitp­ from Ohio when informed of citizenship and becomes one of us. Democracy Mill Working pened to drop some remarks tof hi* *on'« arrival. He has surely found that Do Jack Teagarden, and mocracy works. th« effect that when I quit as a ' Other noted bandleader* who Dou n Beat is gratified to know othei well known musicians, stated leader I would , have Im father* that his band had been temporarily ¡MM become a ‘band month* M oody Herman. taken over by Chico Marx, who builder’- but I , Vaughn Monro«, Horae■e Heidi. Johnny Long Hires Carter Writes Negro was appearing with it in a series L am not through Inn Santi. lx-* Brown. Raymond of theater dates at this writing. Scot! and Mitchell Ayre*. Saxist Brad Moon Martial War Song The veteran May Organise 802 Banti New York—Johnny Long has put New York—Benny Carter is the bandleader, who Pollack revealed that early in Brud Moon, tenor saxist, into his first colored composer come organized the January he planned to go to New band, replacing Ted Nash. Moon, through with a war song. Titled hand that later York to readj a band of Local 802 Thorny Gets playing his first Eastern job. hails Harlem on Parade, it is dedicated became the nu­ members for Chico’s eastern dates. from the Rudy Bundy, Wally to the Negro boys in the U. S. cleus of the In spite of Ben’s comment, the Donny Polo Stoeffler and Hugh McPherson armed Redd Evans cob present Bob feeling here is that if the Marx labbed with Benny on the tune, Crosby band brother clicks as a band front and Pollack and who is decides to stick with the music For Faz Spot credited with business, Ben Pollack will stick New York—Claude Thornhill is the discovery of , with Chico as a personal manager. Goodman Learns of his Poll Victory using Danny Polo as featured clari­ netist in the Thornhill band, now on tour, since Irving Fazola left t? Judge Baps Brewer’s Songs go with the Muggs} Spanier ork at Arcadia Ballroom here. Polo, an Indiana boy like Thorn­ hill, left Jack Teagarden’s band to As Ex-Con Admits Murder go with Claude. New York — Clinton Brewer, twice-convicted murderer, Nick Fatool, drummer, also is heard a judge sentence him to life imprisonment here recent­ out of the Thornhill ork. He was replaced by Lou Fromm from ly, and he never batted an eyelash. But when a probation Teddy Powell’s unit. Fatool joined officer described the music Brewer wrote as “unoriginal, Jan Savitt. Johnny Fresco is in on sexless and elementary,” Brewer flared up angrily. tenor sax for Hammond Russum. Fresco, a Dutch boy, has been in Brewer, who was freed from' probation officer, told the judge prison last summer and paroled that Brewer “had no feeling for America two years now and has New York—Benny Goodman, left, officially notified of hia because he had shown some ability, the interpretation of present day worked with Ben Pollack and winning the Down Beat poll («wing bund division) on Station WMCA’« behind bars, in writing songs, music, and that Brewer’s songs Harry James. He’s playing most "Plalterbrain*” program two weeks ago. Shown above with Dave were unoriginal, sexless and ele- of the hot with Thornhill. killed Mrs. Wilhemina Washing­ Dexter, Jr., the New York editor of the Beat} I.ronurd Feather. British mentary.” Brewer crushed Marty Blitz is Thornhill’s new ton in a Harlem apartment house. when he heard that. bassist, replacing Harvey Cell, and authority, and Milton Gabler, hot record expert, Benny heard the Hr pleaded guilty to a second de­ Brewer before his parole last Marty Berman joined in place of good new* a* "Platterbrains” took the air with Bob Bach etnseeing gree murder charge. Judge Jonah summer had served 19 year.- of a Dale Brown on alto. The draft is The program, one of the favorite musician show* in New York, is life sentence. recorded tearing holes in Thornhill’s per­ J. Goldstein last week sentenced sponsored by Crawford Clothe*. Guest arti*t« appear each week and one of his tunes, titled Stampede sonnel and Claude has been endur­ ’hit» to 40 years to life in Sing in G-Minor for Okeh. But Clinton ing many headaches trying to listener* «end in question* Irving to "stump” the experts. Down Beat Sing after Irving W. Halpern, never again will be free. make suitable replacements. Pic by Ray Leeitt,

XUM Chicagc 2 DOWN BEAT NEWS Chicago. January 15. 1942 Good Times Ahead for I Les Brown Boys Impress Campus Martha Raye Sa Chicago—Dun Jacoby, Mt Les Brown's first trum­ Ill—Bat Doc pet player, is shown Bands as War Shock at the left describing some of hia future Chicag Okays Work Satchelm group of Northwestern University students us months - Wears Off; Biz Booms Cincinnati—“Martha Raye is a fii.d it hi Brown, seated at the very sick girl and it will be neces­ There’s r New York—The “boom” in show business, expected by right, enjoy* a huge sary that she remain in the hos­ the old c many in the trade to come after the public recovered from joke of his own. The pital a week or longer so we may I have t chick in the center is determine the cause,” Those an joined Pi the first shock of America’s entry into the war, got under coed Peggy Schnoor. the Sunsi way in earnest this month. Hotel dining rooms have been Jacoby and Brown, to­ the words passed on to the Beat Partici gether with Biitch by Doctor Fairo, Miss Raye’s at­ crowded, night clubs are drawing 30 per cent better than a Stone, Betty Bonney, tending physician. year ago, and theaters and ballrooms also are doing brisk Abe Most and Ralph Miss Raye has been playing the Y oung. all of the Lea Shubert theater here for the past business. she was “unable to find a band Brown crew, and a Booking offices report a “tre­ week Upon completion of each suitable for the room.” Blue Bar­ Doun Beal representa* night’s engagement she must re­ mendous” demand for name bands. ron is at the Edison, another tive, visited the North­ On hundreds of college campuses turn to Christ hospital for treat­ Kramer location. western campus last ment. She will now' be confined this month there’ll be “name” month and distributed band: in person, celebrating the Muggsy Goes Patriotic until the Doctor can determine the some 200 of the latest Brown rviordings. The boys in the bund then cause of her illness and what may close of the first half of the school W’ith everyone taking the play­ were entertained at a Pi Kuppa Alpha dinner. Pic, Courtesy bf Karl Irvin. be wrong with her. year. Operators of ballrooms in ing of ASCAP music on the air The local papers came out with small towns and large cities alike as a matter of course now, it’s like are clamoring for attractions, and old times with the publishers and front page stories that Martha col­ paying premiums for signed con­ their ’pluggers.’ ASCAP ■ con­ lapsed backstage and had tu be tracts. Music Corp, of America, trolled music pushed BMI and Bunny Gets the Call rushed tu the hospital with police ‘Sal General Amusement Corp., CRA public domain songs right off the escort. When the Beat contacted a chance Los Angeles — When you hear^ Said Leith Stevens, musical di­ the doctor about the statement mouth. and Wm. Morris all report “in­ airlanes. Virtually every top tune rector of Syncopation, concerning creased activity” in their band Jackie Cooper apparently playing made, he was furious. He stated Our ci of the day now is ASCAP’s. cornet in the new Bunny Berigan: “We selected departments! Muggsy Spanier, at Arcadia Miss Raye did not collapse nor hated to RKO film, Syn­ Bunny not only because we be­ was she rushed to the hospital. girl we i Spivak at the Penn Ballroom, has taken the tagline copation, that lieve him to be one of the best “Music as America Loves It” for All he did say was she is a very Pillars oi Here in New York. Charlie will actually be in the country, but also because his NBC shots. He’s the first sick girl. “Further,” the doctor was reco Spivak’s ork followed Glenn Mil­ Bunny Berigan’ - his musical style seemed to fit with leader to use a patriotic angle in stated, “Martha was very cooper­ Kirk. ler’s into Hotel Pennsylvania, horn you’ll bear the character played by Jackie his billing. ative and a grand patient.” number one hotel spot of Man­ pouring out Cooper. Cooper does not represent Miss Raye was booked for I am ti hattan, while Benny Goodman re­ Record* Red Hut golden notes. any one musician, but is a compos­ Youngstown, Ohio, starting Jan. mains at the New Yorker. Sammy The war hasn’t halted interest in Bunny has been ite of several great trumpet play­ 12 but Dr. Fairo said he was very Kaye has closed at the Essex records, either All three major signed by pro­ ers.” doubtful if this engagement could House. Bob Chester replaced Carl firms, Victor, Decca and Colum­ ducer William be filled. Bob Hoff at the Top Hat nitery in bia, report orders are holding up. Dieterle to re­ Jersey City across the river. Most observers believe that last cord the sound Vaughn Monroe remains at the year’s all-time high of 120 million track which will Spanier Ork Mai Commodore, Vincent Lopez at the discs will be topped in ’42. “Bunin1 supply music for Sleeping Beauty Taft, Guy Lombardo at the Roose The draft is the big worry. All the Cooper scenes. He reported to Cats 4 Sides On! velt and Freddj Martin, for Eddy bandleaders are afraid of losing work Jan. 5. I os / Duchin,. at the Waldorf-Astoria. key men. Publishers are fretting Also in the picture is Rex Stew­ ducers ol Hari;y James closed the most over their staffs being sliced. But art, who enacts a role somewhat With Fazola Syncopal from a box-office standpoint things successful engagement he’s ever reminiscent of the great forerun­ New York—With Irving Fazo- come of had, at the Uneoln, and took to look good. The new year may wind ner of today’s hot trumpet men— la’s big-toned clarinet captured on day Evei the road. At press time the room up as the greatest and most pros­ Buddy Bolden. Stewart, member ican ban was closed because the owner, perous of their, all. And ii- recent of the Duke Ellington ork, also the band’s first four records, for unconfirr Mrs. Maria Kramer, announced years, they’ve all been good. recorded the music to go with his Decca, Muggsy Spanier’s personnel that mos impersonation. now appears permanently set at ax expec Arcadia Ballroom on Broadway, with var where Spanier has shattered all Benny < Flacky Ennis previous marks and continues in­ Gene k definitely on the bandstand. whose in The Spanier band cut three sides, marks. Bass Flayer Chicago, Can’t We Be Friends and Only s a spiritual, Little David. With a the band Now Recuped small band, also featuring Fazola, Steubcnville, O.—Van Keyes, man witl Muggsy cut Hesitation Blues. Fud ork leader at the Half-Moon Club here ths Livingston and Deane Loh Angeles — George White, Kincaide here is being tagged the “Sleep­ ducers 1 made the arrangements. bass player with Skinnay Ennis, ing Beauty” by the boy* in hit get him Edythe Harper, wife of trom­ band now. Keyes recently turned and the most seriously injured of band. bonist Vernon Brown, bas re-1 the table* on hi» men by going the Ennis bandsmen who were lo -Icep at home on opening .placed Jeanie. ____Ryan as_ Muggsy’s The r night und letting the men play badly knocked around in a bus ac­ singer and Jerry Scott, recently has been the entire evening without him. cident several months ago, re­ with Bob Chester, is taking over pianist v joined the band here recently. Dick Stone’s vocal spot. Russ Van «till avers it wa* an acci- dent. Even on White suffered fractures in both Isaacs has replaced Don Carter on ginning legs and other injuries in the bus drums Russ left Savitt to go with gnrdless smash-up, which injured virtually the plunger trumpeter tinkling every member of the Ennis band. Spanier originally was skedded Herman Band tai mann to record for Okeh, but a Decca scheme c Four Dixie Debs .. . These four girl» muk« up the bid at a higher ante swung the jazz mu vocal team called the Dixie Deb*, now dinging with Dean Hud-on’- jumping young outfit over to the In New Film suspicion urk. They are Juanita Simpson, Winnie Simpson, Evelyn Guye, und Ho Hum, Bonnie Kapp brothers’ label. Discs will be Post reai Mildred Guye—-and they all hail from Florida. The Hudson band i* issued in February. Marks the first New York — It’s a motion pic­ ry Buss ture for the Woody Herman band, now heard on Okeh records and is managed by 's Leaves Tucker records Muggsy has made since his trumpet Personal Management corporation. Pic by Harter. “ragtime band” sides for Bluebird their first, and Woody and the New Y’ork—Bonnie Baker finally two years ago. Vernon Brown is boys by now have arrived in Cali­ fornia for actual production on the leaves the Orrin Tucker crew in not leaving to join Artie Shaw, as reported in other trade papers. Universal lot. New Deal for February after numerous denials The film is Wake Up and Drear Note on the Times that she and Orrin were dividing. and stars the Andrews Sisters and Nick1 Freddy Martin is now photo Alan Courtney Ever since Bonnie’s disc of Oh, Gloria Jean along with the herd. New X Herman was forced to cancel about graphed at n piano for all pub­ swept the nation 18 months ‘Louie’ Film peter ai New York—After a month’s ab- Johnny 17 fat one-night stands to take the licity purpose* because his band ago there have been repeated ru­ leader, v sence from the air, Alan Courtney film assignment. hit the top with its recording of mors of a split. To Camera of Dixie returned to WOV two weeks ago Making the trip west with the 17 at Ni Tschaikow sky's Piano t oncerto. to resume his 1280 Club nightly! ^iss Baker a Texas chick, will But actually, Freddy's instrument programs. One of the best-like^ "ot be In March band was Joe Howard, who took Tony SI is the saxophone. over Vic Hamann s trombone chair, mer, wil record spinner-spielers in the East £ ,°P^S Slide section also comprises Neal Courtney has signed a new con- ^b- h“8 bccll,<‘onfirme<1’ Los Angeles—Latest report from Orson Welles’ office at Mercury Reid and Jerry Rosa. Band is ex­ tract with the station which gives finally. She 11 go out on her own as pected to follow Benny Goodman him three hours everv right. Dick a. single Tucker .recently hired a Productions indicates that the into Hotel New Yorker here in -••• • • —...... girl vocal group m and “jazz picture” which Welles plans Gilbert no longer is affiliated with I is grooming that team to replace mid-March. WOV. to produce will not get under way Adding Two Courtney has 14 sponsors. La Bonnie’s chirping. until March or later. Welles pre­ viously announced that he ex­ Adams of Victor New York—Jimmy Dorsey will pected to be in production on it by add a fourth trombone and a Two Ricardo Men the early part of this month. To Don Khaki fourth trumpet to his band soon, Bond Emsee Now Welles, quite a jazz addict him­ making his brass section eight self, will make his screen treat­ New York—Mel Adams uf RCA- strong. Will Join Ork Victor enters the army sometime In U. S. Novy Chicago — Ed Bruneau, saxist ment of the subject essentially the Dorsey, who opened at the New story of . this month, pointing for the U. S. York Strand Theater Jan. 1st for New York — The big-museled, and arranger, and Maggotts Pe­ Army air corps. The pint-sized a 3-weeker on the stage, said Don heavy-voiced Al Helfer, who etn- terson, drummer, will rejoin Don press agent who got his start » Matteson probably would return to seed the Coca-Cola Spotlight Bands few years ago as Hal Kemp’s Ricardo’s ork here when the band Marvin to Baity the band on trombone. The new program over MBS since its incep­ publicist, and who for the art trumpet player wasn’t set. Jimmy tion in November, now is on active goes on the road in March. Three Baltim<.re, Md. — Mel Marvin’s couple of y ears has been in ch.irg* is auditioning several. duty with the LT. S. Navy, Helfer former Ricardo sidemen are now ork goes in to the Hotel Belvedere of al1 publicity for Victor-Bluebird Dorsey’s trumpets now line up is a lieutenant, junior grade. His in the service. They are Fuzzy here Feb. 23. Crew currently play­ records in New York, said he would with Jimmy Campbell, Nate Kaze spot on the program, which fea­ Wilkinsor. sliphornist, now in the enlist in January. bier and Shorty Solomson. His tures big name orks, has been navy, and Danny O’Conner, trum ing at the Flagship, Union, N. J. Adams hope« to continue to v ork, trombones are Phil Washbum, taken over by Gil Newsome, for­ peter, and Bob Lauser, saxophon­ Location rates four NBC shots a for the disc firm while he’s in Sonny Lee and Al Jorden. merly of WCÀU in Philly. ist, both in the army. week khaki

w i A Ü . I 5, 1942 Chicago. January 15. 1942 I TD Congrats Buddy Duke on Tour Snow Use! As Troc Debut Chicago^Hal Leonard'« bund had been on location from May 1 to Dec. 23, during 1941. So Is Postponed by LOUIS ARMSTRONG finally the ork took time oft for three one-nighters, reports I eo­ Los Angeles — The Trocadero, Chicago Hello, cats. This is&inan and have reduced 35 pounds nard. .ind got caught in the which s scheduled to re-open so far but that fodder wagon looks Satchelmo speaking. After two worst blizzard of the year. with Duke Ellington’s awful good to me. Dec. months in and around Chicago, I The I eonard band, now play- band and one of the most expen­ ye is « Joe Garland, former baritone mg Lantz¡ Merry-Go­ find it hard to leave this old town. and now arranger for band, sive all-Negro shows ever assem­ e neces- Round, Da y ton. O. ha« added a Tl ere’s a flock of fine memories of says he likes that man’s size bass bled, postponed its opening again, he hog- new guitarist, Royal Eppri-on the old days back in the 20’s that sax he features because of its solid .■nd a new trumpet player, this time to Feb. 1 or thereabouts. we may I have here such as: The day I deep tonation. Listen to it on our Johnny Bessemer. Ellington, who is doing well un ose an joined Papa Joe, the old Vendome, new waxing of Leap Frog. theater dates at present, is uncon­ the Sunset. . . cerned over the postponement. He he Beat Which reminds that 1941 was a Particularly, I remember playing sad year for tenor sax. It was a left here to play theaters in Kan­ ye’8 at- baseball at old tough blow a few years back to sas City, Detroit and Chicago. Ed Washington lose Herschell Evans but now, Hany Liai Fishman of the William Morris ing the Cab’s Chu Berry and Kirk’s Dick Mae-tro Tommy Dorsej ¡« office said the Duke’s theater dates he past Wilson are also gone. Folks, it shown here congratulating hia had been set to permit him to re­ >f each pitched; short will be a long time before* those drummer, Buddy Rich, for whi­ Is ‘Stranded’ turn here by Feb. 1 if the Troca­ lust re- stop Earl Hines solid cats can be topped because ning Down Beat’* all-atur poll dero was ready to go then. r treat- taking easy care they were hellions ■ n the reeds. this month. The Dorsey band is New York—Harry Lim can't go of his hands as ?onfined now playing at the Palladium in home. The pint-sized Javanese jazz line the he shied away Angeles and doubling ai the New Mills Office tat n ay from fast studios for n new pic. Inciden­ expert had planned to sail in De- grounders, and tally, Tommy himself placed sec­ cember for Batavia, Dutch East Hollywood — The Mills Music Bob Jenney to company has opened new West ut with me ducking flies ond in both and sweet Indies, but the Japs meantime in center field Coast offices here at 8746 Sunset tha col­ divisions as favorite ork, Gene started a war and sailings are no I to he using the excuse Letter photou'ed this one. Blvd. Irving Mills celebrated the Wear Khaki longer practical through sub­ with an “open house" i police ‘Satoh that I can’t take opening marine-infested waters nf the Offices include recording mtacted a chance on getting hit in the party. New York — Claude Thornhill’s South Pacific. studios, sales rooms, lounge and itement mouth. hand takes another body blow Jan. Dick Stone, Singer, Still running Sunday jam ses­ Our chirper, Ann Baker, also bar. i stated 20 when Bob Jenney, hot trombon­ To Wed Debutante sions in the Village, Lim is in­ jse nor hated to leave Chicago. Ann’s the ist and singer, reports for military definite about future plans, ex­ lospital. girl we got direct from the Jeter- service as a draftee. Despite his New York—Dick Stone, vocalist cept that he will remain in the Dorsey Pic Changed a very Pillars ork several months ago. She recent marriage and claim of de- with Muggsy Spanier’s band at States. He was recently rejected was recommended to us by Andy doctor pendents other than wife, Arcadia Ballroom, announced last by the Royal Netherlands Navy Los Angeles—Tommy Dorsey’s cooper- K-rk. young Bob has been ordered to re­ week he would marry “sometime because of his size. He told Down new film, now in production on the Ixtuie’s Reducing port for service. He’s Jack Jen- this year.” The girl is Nancy Beat he would try to land a job in Metro lot, has undergone a change I am trying to pull a Paul White ney’s little brother. Simpson, Richmond debutante, now New York and thus remain here of title from I’ll Take Man'la to ig Jan. Thornhill also loses Tasso Harris, studying designing in New York. indefinitely Lim may go to Chi­ Ship, Ahoy. The war has made the as very She’s 20 and blonde. cago shortly for a visit. old title a touchy proposition. it could trombonist. Inasmuch as Claude uses only two trombones, that Bob Haggart means that the entire section will have to be replaced. Harris also is May Nab Spot skedded to report Jan, 20. Rusty Dedrick, Thornhill’s hot On SEP Bond trumpeter, also expects the call to arms this month. Los Angeles — With pro- ducers of RKO’s “great jazz epic.” Hal Burman, drummer, recently Syncopation, still mum on the out­ with Babe Russin and other bands come «»f theii poll via the Satur­ in New York, also reports for day Evening Post for an all-Amer­ service Jan. 20. ican hand to use in their picture, unconfirmed reports here had it that most of the first places went, aa as expected, to leaders identified Chi Nitery with various instruments, such as Benny Goodman, both Dorseys, Plans Jazz Gene Krupa and other leaders whose instruments are their trade murks. Bashes Only side-man to draw a spot in Chicago — A new experiment the band is Bobby Haggart, bass which swing fans of the Windy Keyew, man with . It is known City are watching closely will be n Club here that the Syncopation pro­ launched Monday, Jan.-19, here by ‘Sleep, ducers have contacted Bobby to Mr. und Mrs. Billy Stearns at their in hi» get him for appearance with the LaConga club on Rush St. turned band. The plan calls for Monday night going Duchin fur Piano? sessions by local and visiting jazz pening The rumor that Eddy Duchin names and the first band to get the call is that of Bud Freeman, ace t him. has been elected to the position of pianist with the band still persists. tenor saxist, which will feature Even on the RKO lot they are be­ Shorty Cherock and Bill Dohler. ginning to understand that, re­ “I believe that there is a real gardless of Duchin’s talent for demand for good music which we tinkling the ivories in a sentimen­ can fill,” saia Mrs. Stearns in an­ tal manner, he does not fit into the nouncing the plan. scheme of an all-star band of hot She is the former operator of jazz musicians. There ia also a the Palladium ballroom here. SPIVAK suspicion that Saturday Evening CHARLIE on pic Post readers have nominated Hen­ n band, ry Busse as their favorite hot md the trumpet player. DESIGNS and USES th* New in Cali- i on the WHISPA-IÌ1UTE BLAST-PROOF Dream (Trade-Mark) ers and THRILLING is the word that e herd, New York—Henry Levine, trum­ MICRO-Shastock describes CHARLIE SPIVAK’S d about peter and NBC Dixieland band $1.00 performance with his trumpet ake the leader, will be honored by a group PRODUCT (Pat. App. For) . . . especially when it comes of Dixie musicians and fans Jan. TO BE ABLE TO WRITE ALL YOUR -ith the 17 at Nick’s in Greenwich Village. own ARRANGEMENTS WITHOUT to ‘muting.’ The new Whispa* ho took Tony Sbarbaro, vet Dixie drum­ FYEN USING A PIANO Mute especially designed e chair, TO KNOW THE 4 PART HARMUNt mer, will also be present. EVERY CHORO s Neal MUSIC by CHARLIE SPIVAK for the FOR ALL Eb. Bb < C INSTRU 1 is ex- MENTS THE SAME TIME exacting requirements of radio, oodman « FOR A COMPLETE COURSE ON recording and other micro­ here in ARRANGING phone work. It is absolutely • TO HAVE A SOUNn KNOWLEDGE OF CHORD PROGRESSION “Blast-Proof.” • ’C BE ABLE TO TRANSPOSE ANY SONG TO ANY OTHER KEY DUplexQ The Whispa-Mute is another • TO «E ABLE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTION OF HARMONV “MICRO-Shastock” product | bearing the “MICRO” label THE NEW LIGHTNING f KCA- . . . which means the product! metimt ARRANGER has been thoroughly tested. e U. S. it lh» only -nuiic.l dovico In »ho For guaranteed satisfaction de­ nt-sizefl world »hat will DC ^LL THIS1 It 1» colorful, dunbl« .ind fit» into your mand “MICRO” Products. start » «•il pockot Kemp’* SEND FOR THE NEW "MICRO’ rouît NEVER ¿£T >Oua DON'T DELAY he last •Tice ».you USE a...... CATALOG charge Send only SI 00 Now to Th« lluebiri e would Lightning Arranger Co. MICRO MUSICAL PRODUCTS CORPORATION Allentown, Penna. lo V ori i he’s in Steve broado. 10 WEST 19th STREET DEPT. No. 5 NEW YORK, N. Y

XUM 4 DOWN BEAT News Chicago, January 15. 1942 Chicago Tm Through with the Road!’ Says the Hawk Levy Boys Big Down ♦memories of King Oliver. < Lombardo US Emil Coleman’s society ork re­ Ace Negro Saxophonist Building opened the Blackstone Hotel and Haymes Planning Chuck Foster got the call at the Stevens. . . . Which reminds that Music Catalog Bell Jump Combo in Chicago Jack Russell, former leader in this To Have Band ? New York—Lou Levy, at by BOR LOCKE area, has switched over to General New York—It was a sudden de­ 31, Amusement as a booker. Phil cision that took Dick Haymes out becomes one of the most powerful In th< Chicago—“I’m tired of a big band, of one-nighters andI Brown of that office left to join of the Harry James band at Hotel of the "little” publishers with his to detei William Morris. . . . The Black­ long hops, and I want to settle down in one spot with my own Lincoln, just as Haymes was be­ recent acquisition of the lombardo present small combo and relax,” said Coleman Hawkins, whose repu­ hawk is on a sour kick, as far as coming nationally known for his swing fans are concerned, follow- singing. An unknown when he brothers’ song publishing firm, 100,000 tation as one of the country’s foremost tenor saxophonists[ ing Les Brown with Johnny Scat joined Harry, Dick left the band Olman Music. have al is already established. “I believe I can play better that way.” Davis and Orrin Tucker. . . . The two weeks ago purportedly to go With his own Leeds Music firm remainin “I know it’s all right for youngsters to travel with bands। Sherman has sandwiched in Artie out on his own, possibly as a going strong, and his subsidiary some 24,1 on the road every night of the4> Shaw for two weeks in February leader. He and Willard Alexander firms, Pan-American and Kaycee gible. Al year,” the Hawk continued. “They there are any number of spots for a terrific tab. . . . Roy ~Ben- of the William Morris agency have Music, both making money, Levy ferred b can take the grind and besides open to jumpy small bands—such son’s at the Pump Room. been making plans for several now has four complete firms under few will they’re getting better experience. as the Cafe Society and Famous Shaw Takes a Rest weeks. his aegis. All are being incorpo­ poor hea But me, I’m happier blowing my Door in New York, for instance, Xavier Cugat’s ork moved into Haymes was replaced in the rated into the single læeds com­ Comini horn in one spot And few colored bands of today town for a long stay at thePal-__ James ork by Sonny Saunders, pany, however. some of 1 all the time.” are getting rich, anyway. mer House, after first copping a who had been on WCAU, Philly, Guy and Carmen Lombardo sold observer! Coleman has At present, Hawkins has been date at the Chicago theater. The both as a soloist and as a star of their firm for $10.000 cash to Levy. far bette been grooming fronting Jimmy Williams ace Cugat engagement shoved up Eddy Joey Kearns’ studio band, for two In the catalog are such favorites his foret a new combo Duchin’s opening to April 2. . . . years. Saunders’ first name was as Heartaches, Little Girl, Little to the in which he debuts seven-piece combo at White’s. Un­ Artie Shaw’s ork played two dates immediately changed to “Jimmy.” Lady Make Believe, My Extraor­ door acti tomorrow at der the management of a gent at the close of the year here, pack­ He will be known as Jimmy Saun­ dinary Gal and other songs made White’s Empo­ named Fire Brand and with floor ing in crowds at both the Aragon ders in the future, with James. into terrific smash hits a few yean rium, new lav­ shows produced by Teddy Black­ and Savoy ballrooms. The colored Haymes is a citizen of Canada. ago by the Lombardo band. The ish South Side man from Detroit’s Plantation, prom attracted Lips Page fans. Saunders joined James Dec. 27 at Lombardos now have no interests Lom black and tan now the Congo, White’s appears Jack Jenney has dropped out of the Lincoln. music firm. spot. It’s a set to develop into another Grand the band to take a long needed jumpy combo Terrace. rest and Vernon Brown will come One boasting besides Chicago Jotting« in, right after the band starts on Hawkin* the Hawk two Hal Leonard has added a new the road again late this month Reichman’s Chirp young musicians arranger, Marshall Johnson, who after a two week layoff. Wilke whom Coleman claims will be the formerly turned out By the way, South Side Chicago­ She’s Jane Fulton, new talked al stars of 1942 — Alvin Burroughs, scores. In addition to penning ar­ ans should dig the boogie woogie singer with Joe Reichman circles i drums, and Gail Brockman, trum- rangements of ballads, Johnson piano styles of Christine Randall. •nd hi« orchestra, currently Lombard will also take vocal turns at the . . . Andy Kirk follows Fletcher held over at the Book-Cadil­ the exce “Fine A* Tliey Come** mike. . . . Mike Riley’s crew ap­ (Smack) Henderson into the lac hotel in Detroit. The band wh “These boys are as fine as they pears set for the winter at the Grand Terrace. . . . William Mor­ Reichman baud records for northwes come,” says the Hawk. “Besides Brass Rail. When not clowning on ris is angling for the Jay McShann Victor and recently switched not beei being solid and full of ideas, they the bandstand, the ork plays some crew of City, which it from William Morris to MCA. left but have a fine technique. fair Dixieland. . . . Mike McHend- wants to place in the Terrace. personal "I think the majority of rising rick, Louie Armstrong’s old guitar Oriental Theater has taken to ably pla; colored band leaders would be player, is currently playing at the playing band acts, spotting weeks The bi smart to concentrate on smaller 411 Club on the South Side. And to Art Jarrett, Clyde McCoy, Duke formed outfits. The number of places Tin Pan Alley, rendezvous on Ellington and Count Basie this will be i where big Negro bands can go on Rush Street, boasts paradiddlings month. . . . Cab Calloway will be my Giar location is becoming limited but by Baby Dodds, which brings back in town for a colored prom Feb. 1 Noble’s. at the Savoy. . . . Freddy Martin copped a one-nighter at the Ara­ Mike ] gon while en route to New York’s Lombard Waldorf-Astoria. . Erskine which Famous Shngerland Hawkins’ boys gave him a new changed silver trumpet with an “alligator” Kashenb leather case for Christmas while Paul, wi Gabriel in turn handed all the lads the reed 'rum a bonus. featured The b many ei George Frazier Lombart With Bobby Byrne Elopes Weds f------New York—George (Acidmouth) Nt Frazier surprised friends Dec. 27 when he married Miss Marion New Calloway on boy or (Mimsi) Madden of Boston in Jerry Wayne Korn West Roxbury, Mass., fully two Tour; Booked hundlir weeks ahead of his scheduled wed­ On Upbeat Tron ding ceremony. New York—Jerry Wayne, for­ die, tu Till June 30 bi«» ar Frazier, noted jazz columnist for mer Spud Murphy and Bobby Byrne vocalist, is hitting the big pipe», the Beat, Music and Rhythm and New York — Having just com- time with his own commercial on board, Mademoiselle magazines, and his pleted four “soundies” and a week’s the Mutual web. Featured since bells, bride will soon make New York engagement at the Buffalo Thea­ April on several CBS shows with mouth their permanent home. Mrs. ter, Cab Calloway, his ork, revue Walter Gross, Wayne made his tie, dm and newly added male vocal quar­ bow Jan. 5 on the Regent show, skurhh Frazier is a non-professional, but which features him Monday*, trick h like her husband, is considered an tet, The Cabaliers, head for the Tuesdays and Wednesdays with a baby authority on jazz and jazz musi­ middle west solidly booked until music by Ted Straeter. instrun cians. June 30. Wayne is also a dramatic actor the Ko Calloway opens his current tour with considerable radio and stock shots, transcr tomorrow (16) at the RKO Palace company experience, and a song­ writer with several numbers placed theater, Cleveland, followed by a at BMI. VOCALISTS! similar engagement at the Stanley Only $1.00 Buys You the theater, Pittsburgh. On Feb. 1, Edc Master Vocal Course" the Calloway company hops on the Fitch Band Wagon. For three Lawrence Brown’s by Norman Kling weeks beginning Feb. 3, Calloway Is 1 will sit down at the Lookout Mother Dies OWADAYS it takes more than just New Now for the first time Norman House, Cincinnati nitery. It will Kansas City—Lawrence Brown, Eddie S to make a bandleader. The maestr Kling’s nationally famous course mark Cab’s initial appearance trombonist with Duke Ellington’* arrange Nace sidemen of yesterday and that’s why Bobby Byrne’s in voice »• available at a price there. Following the Lookout as­ ork, dropped out of the band for his wife new band is such a success. He knows music and he knows anyone can afford. Thin is the signment, Detroit will next see the two days here last week to attend at pret Calloway entourage, this time the funeral of his mother, Mrs. musicians. Perhaps that’s the reason he chose a ■ame complete course which gravely SLING- formerly sold in lesson form to from the stage of the Paradise Maggie Mae Browr who died Jan. ERLAND drummer, brilliant young Dick Farrell whose 2 in San Francisco. The Duke’« Toots hundred* of voice students. theater. A 3-week stand at Valley Dorsey rock and steadfast tempos put such a lift in the band. Dale, Columbus, O., for Frank band was playing the Mainstreet Clearly illustrated and explained friend ' Chicago drummers can hear Farrell's fine stick work now Dailey and then a repeat engage­ theater here. It will open at ths are the exercises and tips on phras­ ment for four weeks at the Sher­ Oriental Theater in Chicago on man ba while Bobby Byrne is playing the Hotel Sherman. ing and voice control — the same man hotel in Chicago. Jan. 23. A recording date has also ing out Why not join the endless procession of “name” drum­ study routine which Mr. Kling used In addition to the above men­ been set in Chicago in which the Goodms in developing great stars like Barry Duke will wax a Billy Strayhorn arata, mers who play Slingerland “Radio King** drums and tioned dates, Cab is scheduled for bing fo tunable tom-toms? Wood, Ethel Shutta and Kay St. a score of one-nighters and 12 original, From Swee’pead to Duke, Germaine. It’s the most modern, sides for Mannie Sacks on the and a new Strayhorn-Ellington come a practical course on voice ever writ­ Okeh label. ditty, I Don’t Mind. Try the famous "Radio Kings" ten—and it’s by a man who has been training big time vocalists for years. of your dealers today. Well SEND FOR FREE SWING DRUM CATALOG SEND $1.00 FOR IT TODAY.' RICKERBACRER "ELECTRO” Guitars Fidd PUT PUNCH AND PRESTIGE IN PERFORMANCE Chics SLINGERLAX» DRUM CO NORMAN KLING —MANUFACTURED BY— Morri st 1327 Belden Avenue Chicago. Ill. 508 Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago, III. ELECTRO STRING INSTRUMENT CORPORATION of Law (For private lessons telephone Web. 7IM) 4071 S. WESTERN AVENUE • LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA • Writ« for Cotai«« week. X Trianot doubles . 1942 Chicago, January 15. 1942 News DOWN BEAT Down Beat Survey Shows— Tools Camarata Leaves US Musician Physically Jimmy Dorsey’s Band Better than Ever Before New York—Toots Camarata, brilliant young arranger, and Jimmy Dorsey parted company last week after many years together. Originally by EDDIE BEAUMONTE it 31. hired by Dorsey as a trumpet player, Camarata took his music more (verful In the January 1 issue Down Beat began a national survey seriously than most musicians do, studied before and after every job, th his to determine the status of the American musician in the and within five years developed into one of the greatest dance band ibardo present crisis. Down Beat found that of the approximate arrangers in the business. Just in the last year, it was The split came because of “dif­ firm, 100,000 musicians in this country close to thirteen thousand Camarata who arranged such ferences” between he and Dorsey, Toots told Down Beat. Camarata have already been inducted or have enlisted. Of the 87,000 Meet Alfie Etan« of New York, sensational sellers as Dorsey’s remaining show that« was to take at least a 1-month c firm the survey NBC clarinetist and one of the Amapola. Green Eyes, Times Was, lidiary some 24,000 musiciaiia an* still eli­ a good deal more or nis daylight Marie Elena, Charleston Alley, vacation before resuming work. Laycee gible. Although some will be de­ hours in such diversions as tennis, studio men in Henry Levine's Daydream, Yours, My Prayer, The Levy ferred because of a dependency, skiing, swimming, golfing and the group. He’s shown at his home like whereas many persons still Breeze and I, Madame LaZonga, under few will be invalided as a result of here with his 3-year-old Welsh I Hear a Rhapsody, My Sister and Agnew Renewed poor health. harbor the belief that the musi­ and dozens of others. He also corpo- cian’s daylight hours are spent Terrier which he calls Tommy I scored the entire musical track for I com- Coming aa a great surprise to Tucker, III. Alfie plays legit San Diego—Charlie Agnew’s ork asleep or over gambling tables and the forthcoming Paramount pic­ was again held over at the Sher­ some of the country’s more skeptic racing forms. lo aold observers, the musician of today is clarinet with Toscanini and other ture The Fleet’s In, starring Doro­ man Cafe here for another four far better fit physically than were Down Beat is glad to reveal that longhairs: turns right around thy Lamour and the Dorsey or­ weeks, and will wind up his third roritet his forebearers of the trade. Due (Modulate to P .ee 23) and goes heavy on the gutbucket. chestra. month in this city Feb. 11. Little to the increased popularity of out­ traor- door activities, the musician spends made yean L The Greets Lombardo Has One Man Left

by EDDIE GUY Wilkes-Barre, Pa.—The most talked about subject in local music i man circles at present is the Frank FINEST ently Lombardo band break-up. All, with «dH- the exception of one man, left the Thr for band which was one of the best in northwestern Pennsylvania. It has AXOPHONE « ched not been revealed why the men 4CA. left but some say it was due to personal reasons. The band invari­ EVER ably played the best spots around. The boys who walked out have formed a cooperative ork which mnoE will be fronted by handsome Sam­ my Giannone and known as Lew Noble’s. Mike Rostack, who arranged for Lombardo, is handling the scores which will be practically un­ changed for the new band. George Kashenbalm, formerly with Ralph Paul, will take Sammy’s place in the reed section and will also be featured on vocals. The band is booked solid with many engagements contracted by Lombardo himself. SPECIAL ZEPHYR /------N No Fish Bowls? SAXOPHONES New York—The job of prop boy or “major domo” with the Designed to meet the requirements of the most critical players, Korn Kobblers necessitates the New KING SPECIAL ZEPHYR Saxophones are noted for perfect handling these instruments: Trombone, trumpet, bass fid- intonation in all registers, giving the most pleasing tone, having the , for- die, tuba, solovox, drums, nlto, fastest, lightest key action, and offering the utmost in workmanship. Bobby bass and tenor saxes, fiddle, gas le big pipes, com-liquor jugs, wash­ You will find all we say definitely proven by the ial on board, ratchets, ocarinas, cow­ »in« bells, thimbles, slide comet, KING SPECIAL ZEPHYR Saxophone itself. Before I with mouth organ, tonette, slide whis­ le hii tle, duck-quaker, skoocherphone, making your final decision, you owe it to yourself show, skuchbutt, celeste, xylophone, to put a KING SPECIAL ZEPHYR to the test — ndayi, trick hats, vibes, a skunk skin, with a baby’s pot and dozens of other The New KING SPECIAL ZEPHYR learning for yourself just why it has been instruments and props used by has a Sterling Silver mouthpipe, with proclaimed "THE FINEST" by so many actor the Kobblers on their Mutual air­ double tube telescopic connection to stock shots, their Okeh records nnd body of instrument, which prevents of America's eminent musicians. song- transcriptions. air pockets forming in the neck, placed V------/ making it the easiest blowing horn on the market. It ha* an action that . Hemin u • would make a flute green with envy. M dm. lew K£% SPECIAL And that's not all — accurate _ ''H Eddie Sauter intonation, tougher keys, improved Zephyr m . A U Ili J IS bore, and a host of other features Is Ailing make it the sweetest saxophone you ever played. frown, New York — Pneumonia struck gton’i Eddie Sauter, ace Benny Goodman arranger, two weeks ago just as SHEP FIELDS — Famous Orchestra leader shown here with id for his wife was expecting a baby, and ittend at press time Sauter was still his KING SPECIAL ZEPHYR Tenor Saxophone. Mh. gravely ill. i Jan. TONY PASTOR — Popular hot stylist and swing band leader lake's Toots Camarata, former Jimmy street Dorsey arranger, who’s a close with his KING SPECIAL ZEPHYR Alto Saxophone. it th« friend of Sauter, kept the Good­ jo on man band out of a hole by knock­ DON LOD1CE — Tommy Dorsey's amazing young saxist who ing out some manuscripts which s also plays a KING SPECIAL ZEPHYR Tenor Saxophone. h the Goodman needed desperately. Cam­ arata, however, was merely sub­ yhorn TOMMY TUCKER — Leader of 194 Is hit band with Kerwin Duks, bing for Sauter and will not be­ ngton come a member of the BG staff. Somerville, his lead alto and Joe Duren his 2nd Tenor. They play KING SPECIAL ZEPHYR Saxophone*. Welk Adds Two Fiddle Players Chicago—Roy Cohan and George 5225 SUPERIOR AVE. cîit£ hite o CLEVELAND.OHIO a Morrison joined the fiddle section H.N.W C . of Lawrence Welk’s ork here last week. Welk is now playing at the Köw Cleveland -American Standard^ Qlatiùd&t Band Ins trumëtets Trianon ballroom. Morrison also doubles on guitar. Jhicaç 6 DOWN BEAT Features Chicago, January 15, 1942 His Emmet Hardy Never Who’s Who in Music Rei ------Benny Goodman’s Band------(Compiled by I^eonard G. Feather) Mib Taught Bix, Says Pal BENNY GOODMAN . . . Born Chicago, May 30, 1909, of poor parents. •esult One of big family, eight brothers, four sisters in all. Harry and Gene e> went back to his favorite cornet. Regent M^ic, Irving is trumpeter with Vaughn Monroe and and hi hy WAYNE H. ROHI.F Bix’s young nephew now owns this | 18 Benny s road manager. BG started clary at 10, played his promise cornet and I believe Harold Oer-1 «r8t Pro engagement in 23 in short pants then worked with Arnold Far be it from me to dispute the word of the great Monk is one mann of Chicago once purchased Johnson. Art Kassel, Ben Pollack, Red Nichols radio studios, etc., be- ver pu Hazel, one of the many famous New Orleans contributions or was «riven one of the trumnets fore form,nR his own group in 1933 with the help of John Hammond. to the history of American jazz, but I would like to take ex­ Now, gr hope terOkeh?935 & band 'eader ReC0K1S ception to a statement that he made in his article that glori­ pardon me for getting technical IIMMV w v * musical family. Tommy worked in the steel Since fied Emmet Hardy’s deceased uncle. Monk stated that Emmet and I hope he won’t feel offended. . trumpet . . mills at 18, was an amateur banjoist on ultra-sn born Stockton, CaL. Jan. 9. 1917. and was the side. . . When things got slow in the ,one . . . born Huntingdon County, Pa., phony orchestra needed one . . . left home ‘slow b uncle failed to give him much en­ three numbers, dedicating one to Dec. 29. 1912. . . Father was railroad en- at 16 to go with Joe l«efrance’s band, way to I each of the three branches of the couragement figuring that it was stayed six months and then decided it roared i service. years liefere taking up trombone profes­ was easier to starve in N. Y., but nothing just a voung boy’s passing fancy. sionally. . . Worked in an East Liberty happened, so Sid went home to Rochester, Maestro Mark War now and dance hall with Fay Murphy, came to The next time Al visited the 1933, gigging with Basil Rock’s local quar­ Joe ti singers Barry Wood and Joan Ed­ N. Y. C. w’ith Charlie Dornberger, then tet. . . Played four months with Louis Beiderbecke home, young Bix was seriously laid off for six months. Scholl s wards remain as program regulars Prima. One night Sid was sitting in with taking choruses on the favorite After a little local work, got a wire from the band at Dickie Wells’ in Harlem when the bali tunes of the day. providing the week’s 10 top tunes. Jan Savitt to join him in Memphis. Came Wingy Mannone, also sitting in, heard back to N. Y. with him early in 1938. it was Bix would sit in with all of the him. Opened with Wingy at the Knicker­ Moved to the Goodman camp late in 1940. bocker in Manhattan. 1931. stayed with his but he 1 local bands and played on a truck Reportedly dissatisfied because AL “SLIM*’ DAVIS . . . trumpet . , . quartet 18 months joining Charlie Barnet it nobly with a high school jazz band at at Glen Island Casino. 1935 ; got married, his broadcasts born Nov. 21, 1917, Chattagua. N. Y. . . in a do football games. He also played Sunset Serenade mother was professional w'histler . . . went to Washington to study and played were being cancelled due to the with society bands. Back in jazz 1937 with design : with orchestras at University started on clarinet and alto at school, switched to trumpet in 1937, got his first Artie Shaw, until Shaw quit the bund late solid. and Lake Forest Academy and lengthy run of Metropolitan Opera 193!» ; then with Joe Marsala at the Fiesta pickups, has switched job with a band at Geneva Lake: then to All then joined the Wolverines and Red Noble in Buffalo. Later worked with for a while; joined Tommy Dorsey early the series from NBC to Mutual. 1940, joined the Goodman rhythm section Local 8 eventually joined Jean Goldkette’s Harold Austin. Jack Harvey a On tour now. Miller aired the first teacher) and joined B. G. July. 1941. Mar­ November 1941. A great Jimmy Blanton in u bi1 ork. It was while Bix was with New Sidelights on the early fan. Lives right beneath the Dave Dexters. show on Mutual from Cleveland ried just two weeks before Jimmy Max- mar I) Goldkette that he learned to read life of I .eon Bi-mark Beider­ w’ell, lives in Jackson Heights, likes Cootie, EDDIE SAI TER . . . arranger . . . born Jan. 1(1 and Detroit will be the music and his teacher was none becke are revealed in the ac­ Billy Butterfield and Roy Eldridge. Brooklyn. Dec. 2. 1914. but has lived for other than the famous Freddy companying article by Wayne originating point, Jan. 17. CLINTON NEAGLEY . . . alto . . . born years in Nyack. N. Y. Made frequent trips Since ia dedi­ Trenton. N. J., October 26, 1916. Brother to Europe during childhood and got his Farrar and as far as I know of, Bohlf who wa* an early friend Sunset Serenade was high school band director, is now interest in music from n trumpet-playing Mus Freddy is the only real teacher of Bix in Davenport, la. The cated to men in military service. principal. . . Clint was 10 years old when stew-ard. Learned trumpet and mellophone. famous cornctinl never took Ie*, Miller continues to give away 50 he acquired a curved soprano sax from worked for Archie Bleyer and Charlie Bar- that Bix ever had. net. With Barnet, he met Red Norvo, got Nev «on* from Emmet Hardy, «ay* records weekly to each of five army his brother. . . Quit playing several times, Listened to Ixtuie but started in earnest at 16, working in a his real start as an arranger, staying with Bohlf. camps chosen at random. beer joint. At 18. went to music school for the Norvo-Bailey team, from Red’s first He learned plenty by listening two years, then worked a year with Bub­ small band to his full-sized combo, right On to King Oliver, Louie Armstrong, the time. However, Bix and Hardy- bles Becker. Hurt an arm badly in a car through to mid-1939, when he was hired smash and was out for six months. Got by Goodman. One of the most brilliant and might have traded licks in Chicago Also A Boogie Woogie Ork back to work with a Trenton band, then studious of swing arrangers; has written at some time or other, and if so, after a year landed the job with Gene Benny’s best original and finest pop tune st. Pi I would be only too glad to know Krupa in July, 1939, which kept him busy arrangements, one of the best recent cf- GUITARISTS ■ Notic«! Rocks New Haven right through to June, 1941, when he forts being Clarinet • La King. cian* v about it. Besides being proud to switched to Benny. Had solos with Gene’s ART LONDON . . . vocalizt . . . real month t Footstool’ have been a friend of Bix, I have New Haven, Conn.—Paul Mol- band on records of Who, Love In My name Arthur Lund • • . born Salt Lake major r LIFT FOOT a pretty good collection of mag­ Heart. No Name Jive, A Lover le Blue, City. April 1. 1915. Father was president leur’s boogie-woogie piano and Tuxedo Junction. With Benny on Pound a daytir azine articles and clippings about of Amateur Athletic Union, also an ama­ band is exciting local jazz fans Ridge. Is exempt from draft on account of teur cellist and Art'» boxing teacher. Art and pin him. here, Down Beat readers report. bum arm. Doesn’t smoke or drink. went to West and South High School» and theater- eordin gw. Invaluable Brother Saved Money for Him Outfit measures 12-pieces and spot­ VIDO Ml SSO . o . tenor . . . born Car- Westminster Junior College; didn't study gion. rini, Sicily, Jan. 17. 1913. Came to this music. Two more years of college in Rich­ Bix’s brother, Bernie, used to be lights Molleuer on the ivories; Ray country 1920. educated in Detroit, started mond. Ky.. during which he sang at claa» Requi manager of the record department Hannon on trumpet, and Jerry studying clarinet with local Italian teacher. meetings and had his own five-piece group that th« Zitzer on tenor sax. Others in the Sonny Clapp band took him out of town for gigs. Then spent a year as general trade b of a store in Davenport. One day in 1928 ; Vido was only 15 and his father ■porta coach—football, basketball, boxing, while I was in the record depart­ sax section include Phil Mason, went with him on the first trip. To Los softball — at Washington High School, and exp ment, I overheard Bernie talking Sherwood Greenberg, and Gordon Angeles 1929 ; family followed him soon Maysville, Ky Joined Little Joe Hart*» Accor afterwards to settle there. Worked with to Jean Goldkette (via long dis­ (Jeep) Terrell. band in Ohio, stayed with him il month»! City tru Nick 4Pentrelli, vnutm, vziiGil cvaiin,Evans, unuand waswnw in sev- joined Jimmylimmy Joyjoy in ölSt.. ijoujsLouis., December.wvcjuuv*• Collapsible; tance phone) and heard him ask eral bands with which Jimmy Maxwell 193^. Benny Goodman heard him with Joy planned Goldkette to send him half of Bix’s played : went to Honolulu with Rube Wolff. ¡n Chicano last summer and brought him theaters 1936. LaterTofor that «.Anyear, w joined B.tj Z*G„ stay­ in from. erKansas ZB!.City ato— replace— 1— Tommy Newfoui salary so he could put it in the ing with him until Christmas, 1938; rec- Gootee In Again Taylor with the band. Married tn July will ut bank for Bix. Somehow, Bix just orded with Teddy Wilson and Lionel 1940 to Kathleen Bolans from Washington, Beaut!* didn’t seem to know the value of Chester, Pa.—J. Wharton Gootee Hampton groups on clarinetv andSU tenor.V«IIV< , D.JJ. C.. AFVArt SIstill UI gwagoes IIIin for MWOMHSW.,handball. every ni Joined Krupa early 1939. left to form his tennis, swimming, and listening to Bing money. I have been told that he has been re-elected prexy of Local own band which lasted only a few months Crosby. would ask a hotel clerk to keep 484 for the fifth consecutive year until he joined Harry James 1940 ; stayed Eddie Price «3.50 • Order direct from 18 months, rejoined Benny in June *41. | ■PEGGY LEE . . ‘. ------vocalsKT '. ’. '. "born Fargo. large sums of money in the safe here. Other officers elected include N. Dak., real name Norma Egstrom. Paul M WELCH & WELCH until he called for it and then Melvin Janney, vice-prexy; Louis GEORGE RERG . . . tenor . . . born Started on local radio, doubling as wai- intervie' Bix would forget it. Rosenberg, secretary; Norman Long. Branch, N. J., June 6, 1918. No tress; went to California and worked as P.O. Bai 3042. Hollywood, Cuirt. musicians in family. Started on alto, also barker and singer in E'un Zone, then sang this se ★Patent applied for. Although he had several fine Forrest, treasurer, and Edward played bassoon in school band. Took a job at a Hollywood spot, the Jade. Hl for a Frank I trumpets given him, he always Grueninger, sergeant-at-arms. at Crystal Cafe in Brooklyn, where Red ionK time with throat trouble, went back Norvo and John Hammond heard him in home and sang at a coffee shop which be- 1936: went right into Norvo’s band and came Fargo’s main entertainment center Burns stayed 1*2 yearssolos on Red’s Bruns- for two years; then decided to try band Newfoui wick records of Just You Just Me and work, sang with Sev Olson, Will Osborne» ing day Undecided. Various club jobs until 1938, went to Chicago with a cocktail combina­ when he joined Teddy Powell ; then a tion and was heard there in the summer week ar year with Larry Clinton, briei job with of 1941 by Benny Goodman, who hired her sax ma Will Hudson at the Lincoln and five to take over from Helen Forrest. Wrote were sti months with Muggsy Spanier; joined Little Pool, her first published song, fea­ cians ir Goodman fall of 1941. Married 1*40. Faves tured by B. G. Unmarried, very blonde; are Hawk, Chu, lister, Webster, Russin, serious about her work but has a good were no Miller. sense of humor. Her best record to date U location CHARLES ••CHICK” GENTRY . . . bari- Let's bo It. course tone . . . born Belsrade. Neb.. Dec. 14. 1911. Clarinet at school; two years at Col­ time cer orado State Teachers’ College: then got married and decided he needed a job, went to California and joined Kenny Baker trumpeter« I« misting. This lineup la ■«• (Ralph Collier was in the same band). curate as of Dec 1, 1941.—EDS. Also worked on the coast with Vido Mus­ so's band and Pinky Tomlin. BUY Combos. Year and a half with Harry Conin Rnnfl U/tpltC James; joined Benny Goodman July, 1941. playing mostly baritone; had previously — done frequent work as a tenor man. Bari- fyiSH GObS Cleve tone models are Harry Carney and Earl ’ Jreystoi Carruthers. London—One of the most ex­ of Clevi MELVIN POWELL . . . piano . . . born citing bands in England today is (rio has MARKEt! I incoin’s Birthday. 1923. in New York 7; " . 3 n -i mil. City . . . full biographical details and style the colored band of Gynl ¿.lake, • eek. T analysis in Sharon Pease's article (Down performing at Alec Ward’s famous iding t Brat. Sep. 1. 1941). Studied six years with ('lnh here accordinir to the a German lady, also got many of his first 1 „ nere, accoiaing to tne -lightly jazz ideas from Willie (The Lion) Smith. Melody Maker. Band is being set Buck Played with most of the Dixieland bands to record for Parlophone, standout at Nick’s in Greenwich Village under ,. , , . - . . Muggsy. Bobby Hackett, Jimmy McPart- Jig S Club has for twelve years v indowe land. Bud Freeman etc. Has written sev- been a “Harlem in London” for ronts t bccJdza/tX cuto!you//find ufa eral tunes and arrangements for Goodman nennle and virtuallv everv • ery cl< including Th.- Earl. I'm Here. Clarinetta. c°lorea people ana virtually every and Little Fool. famous American Negro musician lays ba tommy MORCANELi.i . . . guitar . . . visiting England has gone there Arrange GRATZ CO., .. Nov born Bethlehem, Pa„ Nov. 22, 1909. Non- and sat in W’ith the band.

XUM Chicago. January 15. 1942 1942 News His Tux Is So Thin You Cun Come on Naturals ! My Baby Needs a New Fur Coat Rood the Lobel on His Shorts by SIG HI ILER Milwaukee—When two guys who enjoy gags tangle, the i rents, i Gene •esult is usually very entertaining. Orkleader Joe Gumin >e, and md his sideman Art Scholl got off one the other night which ed his romises to go into the archives»- president; Walter Homann, vice­ Arno 4 of the best gags that was president; Roland Kohler, secre­ ver pulled in Beertown. imond. tary, and Charles XVagner, treas- is now 190.» Model Since Gumin’s ork opened the XX ar w ith Germany has brought the steel some changes in the German at­ joist on ultra-smart suburban supper club, i in the Schuchs, leader Joe has been mosphere in certain Milwaukee ly. First bounding his sidemen to get eating places. One of the most Nichols, notable is at the Schwaben Hof i Bunny ouble-breasted tuxes. Somehow or n 193J». other, Art never got around to where Cy Bloomberg’s Tyrolean around buying one so Joe good-naturedly ork has replaced its old world cos­ ie 1941. tumes with cowboy suits and has put the heat on him to have a XX hat do musician* do in their *pur« time? XX ell. golf. I rotn left to right aried its musical selections to fit Don Falmei •r. G<- e ilouble-breasted job by the next Ihnm Heat'* inquiring editors found out what al Danny Richards, vocalist ocalisl. tope in the new set of circumstances. . . . evening. Scholl, with tongue in least a few of them do- They shoot craps. Moralists, X Rockford ight of Local 8 went to bat for its men in cheek, went out the following pleas«- ignore. Th« shot al the left, turned in b* Dick Jurgeins' lads engaged in galloping dominos t . born uniform by sending each a carton Angeles morning and bought the oldest tux in (lie drc*siling room of the Coronado theater. That's ’s later, he could find that was double­ of cigarets for Christmas. d broke breasted. It turned out to be a ed with 1905 model (actually had the th Vido a local date in it) with a fancy cut back, on and sausage pants that four aand on Krupa niches too short, and generally so ut Cozy old and worn that you could read n Jack« the label on Scholl’s shorts through boys. n Sehe« When Art came on the job that light he created a mild riot both tuba. with the guys in the band and the customers. After ol sym- ft home ‘slow burn’ leader Gumin gave band. way to his fine sense of humor and -ided it roared with the rest. nothing cheater, XX ar Bring* Changes 11 qua.-­ > Louis ■Toe turned the tables by making in with Scholl stand in front of the band n when the balance of the evening, and heard it was Art’s turn to burn slowdy but he had had his laugh so took it nobly. The next night found Art narried. played in a double-breasted tux, modern 37 with design No. 7 with built-in pats, ind late solid. • Fiesta y early All the incumbent officers of section Local 8 were re-elected last month Blanton in a bitterly contested race. Vol- Wiso* mar Dahlstrand was re-elected . horn spiimiQ ved for it trips lot his playing Musicians into ■phone ie Bar vo, got Newfoundland ig with 'a first > right On Defense Job - hired >nt and written Also Music at Night p tune -nt ef- St. Paul — Six Twin City muai- cians were being «elected thia . real month to *ign up with one of the i lake major northwest projects to work Miden* a daytime trade in Newfoundlano >r. Art .ind play in one of several new ila and theater* being erected in that re­ study gion. i Umm> Newfoundland defense area, und ■ July ngton. practically ndball. every night of the week. Bing Pay* S80 per Week Eddie Ringus secretary of Paul Musicians Local 30, did interviewing and ced as contracting this setup with defense Frank Reiter. A Minneapolis Local 73 Burns______McMillan,, is already in band Newfoundland playing and work­ NELSON RIDDLE’*» letter tells the story of his preference for borne : ing days. The job pays $80 per nbina- Old* Trombone* *o w«4l we felt it merited reprinting intact. week and up. At this writing a id her sax man and three other horns Nelson'* opinion means something, too—hi* performance Wrote were still being sought, but musi­ as trombonist-arranger lor Charlie Spivak's fine bund i* londe cians in draft classification 1-A good were not being considered. Exact proof enough of that. Ind his opinion is typical umong top lat« ia location this project course withheld because of war men in leading bands everywhere because only a truly time censorship. custom-built OLDS afford* that r combination of full.

pure tone: easy blowing fortable “feel”; durability and »marl streamlined sty ling... Only un OLDS

b» EUNICE KU Cleveland— Booked into the Greystone hotel in Elyria, suburb OLDS TROMBONES • FRENCH HORNS f Cleveland, the Connie Howell iy is trio has gone into its seventeenth TRUMPETS • CORNETS • FROM $130 lake, week. This combo has been pro­ viding terrific kicks in spite of its the ■lightly commercial arrangements. set Buck Feola, guitarist, is the tandout instrumentalist and is indowed solidly on vocals. Connie CHICAGO MUSICAL ronts the outfit and plays some very • ery clean vibes. Jimmy Corey INSTRUMENT CO. '■lays bass and manages their biz. here arrangements are by Feola.

XUM DOWN BEAT News Chicago, January 15, 1942 Chica Show Bars Mushroom in Bob Crosby’s Dixieland Band Climbs to Heights Again N Detroit; 88ers Windowed by LOU SCHURRER F Detroit—A blitz of show spots is ’42’s gift to Tank Town! While the wheels of war production spin on 24 hour shifts, Detroit’s late goers are jamming the new niteries. Current craze is back-bar jive with talent in tandem on the eighty­ Sai eights. Duo spinets above the crowd, an old Chi idea, is new into t here in three spots while another«) The i features Hammond. The fifth, a hair tempo has taken on the man­ theater, offers bands. tle of jeremiad jump. Christmas orche week saw the opening of Detroit’s comp Penobscot Club Opens new Paradise theater with Satch Two former local leaders, CarlI Armstrong’s band on stage and a Foi Vincent and Herman Fine, are) huge Harlem revue. Future Para­ packe featured on pianos at Sam Harris’ dise policy features colored talent downtown Stage Door. Fine’s crew, through March 13 with such stars ago a the Floridans, finished at the Gold as Andy Kirk, Jan. 2; Deep River With a radio commercial all inked and carefully Millon Berle. The first photo shows Jess Stacy, the out c Cup room recently. He does vocals Boys, Jan. 9; Maxine Sullivan, tucked away and several juicy location dates lined band's pianist, who again came out winner in Down and doubles on accordion when off Jan. 16; Lunceford, Jan. 23; up for the winter, the Bob Crosby band is jumping Beat’s annual all-star poll. In the center shot is ging the boogie beat with Vincent. Al­ Hampton, Jan. 30; Green-Brad­ again and appears headed for the heights in 1942 Matty Matlock, crack arranger, taking a few bars on day h ternating sets is a smooth colored shaw, Feb. 6, and following—Ink­ that it reached back in 1938-39 and only recently the flute. Eddie Miller is at the right, warming up team on vocals known only as spots and Sunset Royal ork. slid away from for a brief spell. The band is cur- on clary. Miller also plays tenor mix and was runner- succe up in the Down Beat poll. Happy and Eddie giving with tip­ Others include Calloway, Hines renlly featured on the Ballantine Ale show with vails; ple and git. and the Count. early The Penobscot club, Les Gruber’s Card of Gold ultra skyroom has built a band Local 5 celebrated the 30-year bettei around another piano combo. Ruby membership of over 140 musicians er is of the Chop House aided in form­ last month at the Book-Cadillac ing the unit consisting of tenor, Esquire room by presenting solid the li bass, guitar, accordion and Freddie gold cards to the faithful. Fred Busch and Barney Green on black H Able, 86, was the oldest charter But and white. Darling Diane Day so­ member of the union. Memories los on vocals and piano. Spot is two y were related of jobs in the old leadin] rating raves with better people. vodvil houses and concerts on the Bill Boesky and Joe Freedman midst Belle Isle boat. Jack Ferentz pre­ new t£ of Brass Rail fame opened a new . sided and the directors dished the spot of the same name on Adams cisco, cards. boxes Ave. It’s a three floor affair with Sandra replaced Don Hill on eating on the first, lounge bar the £ piano with Step Wharton, the for­ Fields downstairs and the Airliner room mer Chick Carter bandleader re­ to open soon on the second. The hotels cently. Step is drawing with fine Poor back-bar stage is occupied by Sey­ technique slightly on the down mour Hoffman and Roy Swartz wardei south beat. The ‘Spots’ are soon where on spinets and the flashing Del waxing one of his new numbers Parker does vocals. Hoffman’s with round« Living My Life for You. . . The Bob Crosby is shown at left engaged in a little handles a little clary so they say. And at the right Vernoi Phil Brestoff’s Statler band after­ former Betty Town, WJR canary, noons. Swartz did solo work about horseplay with Milton Berle, comedian and song­ with Bob is Shirley Roas, motion picture star and Bob I is nesting with John Kay Rosevar. writer, who provides the laughs on the Crosby pro­ ace vocalist on the program. of the the city and Miss Parker left the . . . Alvino Rey and Jan Savitt band of Vince Bragale while in gram. Center shot depicts Doc Rando, who also subseq pulled New Year’s crowds to the Hamp Detroit. She was in stock and State Fair agriculture building. taught pian<- in Chi. The combo A r< The Michigan theater had the Tee Franc: sparkles in unusual and not too Dorsey show canceled because of boring arrangements. Why Try to Top Music chang< movie commitments. . . Phil Bres- Tee Dorsey lem n Jump Come« to Ork Hall toff is the pit ork for the Mich., decent The Sapphire room in the War­ having six brass and five sax. numbe Phil on phiddle. . . Milton Buckner Of Old Timers? dell hotel features Dorothy Berlin choose on strolling accordion and the left Don Cox to piano for Lionel Grounded; nal an Hampton who laid repeat eggs at San Pedro, Calcete., persist in striking out along Hammond. Dot’s done show work Yerba the Graystone. . . . Pat Donnelly To the Editors: lines of their own and developing in major local clubs and hotels. the Di must be definitely through with The article by J. Foghorn Tea­ new forms, harmonies and melo- She’s assisted at the organ by can n< Detroit She did a month at the :garden in the Dec. 15 issue of dies, They should know that the McShann Hot Isobel Stewart of Grinnel’s Music. your mag was indeed enlightening first efforts of a group in any bam’ i Stork and is now with George ; in for Ol’ man Time swings a mean Hale’s new show. . . The Book- ;and inspiring. It wasvas well put anaand branch of the arts cannot possibly by JOE PIT beat, for who of the white tie be improved upon. residei Casino has been lifted out of the coincided with Davenport, Iowa — Tommy Dor­ trade could conjure in moments of L. D. Hall crowd i red and into top money by Joe my own senti­ sey and gang dropped in to pay uttermost fantasia that Orchestra joy thi Reichman, currently jamming the ments in the the Tri-Cities an unexpected visit Barrai Hall, their sacred sanctum of sym- B.O.। . . The Graystone ballroom matter. Ah me, phony, would in time to come be . Christmas day. The famous Dor­ again featured five local bands the good old sey crew, enroute from Hollywood a veritable hotbed of blasphemous Christmas week because of their Buy Defense Bonds! The boogie woogie? , days. When men to Fremont, Ohio, in a chartered successful Thanksgiving deal of were men and Down Beat urges all members United Air Lines plane, was Alabai The once staid temple of long- thei same policy. and leather lips of the profession to buy defense forced down by bad weather at doubt were not uncom­ bonds or stamps today—to help Moline, Illinois. The Fremont en­ waits mon. Nothing defeat the Axis. Your govern­ gagement had to be cancelled. clearec CURING CHRONIC MUSICAL AILMENTS good has been ment calls on you to help now After Xmas dinner at the LeClaire of Sat played since the with your dollars. hotel, Tommy and his gang board­ of the make : “Big Tea” days of King Bonds cost as little as $18.75. ed a bus for Cincinnati, their next Oliver, because Stamps come as low as 10 cents. night’s session. Thei it is impossible to play anything Defense bonds and stamps can Kansas City Jay McShann and Bill C better. Of course, Jackson T. and be bought at all banks and post- his ork played for a Christmas blues, other white musicians carry on in offices and stamps can also be dance sponsored by the Baron’s depart the good old tradition, first made bought at all banks and post- club at the Danceland ballroom. famous by the King and the Origi­ offices and stamps can also be1 This McShann band really has nal Dixieland Jazz Band (there purchased at retail store* and something on the ball. . . . Maurie Cai was u band, surpassed only by from your newspaper carrier Bruckmann is reorganizing and Oliver’s magnificent outfit). It is boy. Buy them every day if you switching from swing to schmaltz. indeed a pity that Duke Ellington can. But buy them on a regular . . . Jack Blair chilling the local Bel This is a peculiar ailment. The pa­ and others of his ilk do not fall basis. cats with his Armstrong-like vo­ Peor in line and play the good old mu­ cals and terrific hide beating. . . tient actually feels far better than compoi sic. Too many, far too many of Dick Boltz, one of our finest trum­ his fellow orchestra members. Claims Franki these modern Negro musicians and pet men, is expecting the call to his instrument won't play below mf orchestras have gone astray from Page FDR—This the colors most any day now. joined those fine, sound musical tradi­ bell toi will bring rnliaf to all concerned. tions established by members of Prez Goes into of See their race in earlier days. Faker, many < Jackson T. has the right idea. Fifteenth Year Spotlight Moves scored He, like Muggsy and those other NBC a HOW TONEX CURES "BLASTOSIS fine white musicians having that Denver—Mike Muro is well liked instinctive feeling for good jazz by the boys that do the sending To Chi Next Week which only the white musicians Mart Tonex Pads reduce air loss and acoustic absorption — the around here, for Muro has been Chicago — The Spotlights Band have these days, play the same elected to prexy the local 20 for Jeffers chief cause of inability to play softly. Not only that—Tonex Pads program, Mutual nation-wide dance Accom solos which Buddy Bolden, Fred­ the coming year. It will be Muro’s parade featuring the leading band die Keppard and the early greats Hampj give your instrument more pep. You can stand out against the 15th year as prez. Monday through Saturday, will first played. I really should say Gehrt, move here next week to present the loudest brass section for a solo, then soften down to pianissimo “solo” instead of “solos.” The sin­ Down Five Points way, its Eli Richey orks currently appearing in this and never worry about a tonal "break." Ask your local repairman to gular form is much more appro­ Rice and his mad men of swing chirp e< are doing the sending that has the city’s hotels and night clubs. give you a free estimate on the moderate cost of a Tonex installation. priate, since all these “solos” may wave i be derived from approximately the brown folk jumping. Fans gather The schedule calls for a Spot­ Mathis same simple melodic figure. around the stand to dig Rice’s tall light visit Jan. 19-22 and Jan. 26- and a 29. Broadcasts will be staged in Originality is to be despised. I valveman, J. C. Mady, who makes Orlean the Civic theater with Gil New- club ,i love Ben W’ebster because he copies his music go with the wind. some as the emsee. The order for the great “Hawk” so assiduously Talk • nnrl ■ ■ ■ ■ . - . . ir and Bob Barfield, tenor saxman, two of the trio who made John happy, subsequently found chairs in Lionel Was It Pee-Wee Hampton’s band. A return visit by anyone to San Francisco would reveal that Or Don Murray? changes have been made. The prob­ lem no longer is in the lack of Causey Barn, decent jazz, but from which of a Eastleach, number of righteous spots to Lechlade, choose. For besides the phenome­ Glos., Eng. ROTH nal and oft-mentioned Lu Watters’ To the Editors: Yerba Buena Jazz Band playing in In the Nov. 1 issue of Down the Dawn club, the amazed visitor Beat on page 18, it is reported can now drop into the Club Ala­ that as a result of having listened Qaitncub Qor bam’ and witness socialite couples to Frankie Trumbauer’s Okeh clas­ in formal attire mingle with the sic, Cryin’ All Day, Pee-Wee Rus­ residents of little Harlem, both sell revealed that it was he, and Dor- crowding around the tables to en­ not Don Murray, who played pay joy the stomp music of the Wilbur clarinet on this record. visit Barranco crew. “Reveal” in this instance was an Dor- unhappy choice of words, for it Kirby Styled Band BAND wood gives the impression that Mr. tered The visitor moves from the Club Russell’s word is law, and in ac­ was Alabam’ to Jack’s Place where no tual fact the clarinet solo on this r at doubt the joint is sold out. One disc is no more like Pee-Wee than t en- waits patiently until a table is the cornet is like Roy Eldridge. elled. cleared, and the precise rhythms On Oct. 24, 1927, Bix and Tram INSTRUMENTS 'lai re of Saunders King, not unlike that took a bunch of the boys down into yard- of the famous John Kirby band, the Okeh studios and cut five titles. next make it all worthwhile. First came a pair of “Lucky Sev­ Then to the Town club where en" sides (Goose Pimples and and Bill Owens’ outfit beats out the Sorry), then a coupling under tmas blues. The visitor’s attention on Trumbauer’s name (Cryin’ All ron’s departing is held by the logical Day and Good Man) and finally oom. another Rix side (Best Gal). has These, in case you didn’t know, Lurie Carl Bean Joins bear the concurrent matrices from and 81568 to 81572 inclusive. altz. So what? So just this . . . Don local Bell-Tone Ork Murray was indisputably on the VO* first, second, fourth and fifth title. Peoria, Ill.—Carl Bean, recently Why the heck should Russell take ■um- composer and arranger with his place for the third side? Come 1 to Frankie Masters’ orchestra, has now—it doesn’t make sense at all. Coined Steraie Sternberg and his Granted that this isn’t absolute »ell tone ork. Bean is the composer proof, we are confronted with a of Scatterbrain, Charming Little solo in Cryin’ All Day so entirely Faker, Say When, Perhaps and typical of the late Don Murray as many other top tunes. He also has to make any alternative suggestion Like Einatein. who amazed the world with his scored sustaining programs on virtually out of the question. complicated theory of relativity, the easy blow­ NBC and CBS. Everything points to it being Mur­ ing Roth brasses are a source of amazement Jack Mathis at Faust ray—and when I say everything, and delight to brass men who have to play tho Marcella Faux is playing at the I mean everything. The whole and Jefferson hotel’s Casino room here. construction of that solo is Murray toughest “books" in music. mce from start to finish, and don’t be and Accompanying her are Herman For example, there's Rudy Novak, Paul Whiteman's talented Hampy, organ and trumpet; Russ misled by that superficially “dirty” young trumpeter whose brilliant solo and section work is the will first note. One Russell-like note the Gehrt, vibes and bass, and Jimmy talk of the profession. In the Whiteman band musicians are this Richey, guitar. Marcella formerly doesn’t permit Pee-Wee to claim required to play everything from swing to symphony ", . . and chirped with Hampy on a local air­ the honors for the whole solo! that," says Rudy, “is why I like my Roth. It has the tone and wave skit, Doc and Dot. . . . Jack And finally, talking of claiming pot- power you need in playing classical work and the brilliance Mathis and his combo, three lads the honors, are you aware that and bite' so necessary to Jazz " 26- and a lass, moved in from New this same Charles Elsworth Rus­ I in Orleans and took over at the Faust sell insists that he played the Have your dealer show you a ROTH today ew- club after a two-weeker at the great majority of those fine Fud and write for details of our TREE trial plan. for Talk o’ the Town. . . . The Talk Livingston passages on the early :ted currently boasts Sammy Dale and Five Pennies? To anybody who has wn, his continental ork. Pert Lucille made a study of Fud’s superb Del Shearer doubles as thrush and playing, this claim is no less ab­ be emsee. . . . Attracting attention at surd than the previous one. the the It club are Fats and his cats, a No hard feelings, Pee-Wee, but 4-piece rhythm combo. don’t let’s spread confusion! —Ray Shear R. G. V. Venables 2815 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio

XUM Editorial Chicago, January 15. 1942 Chica* <

Musicians* Kids Could Use Some 1942 Minute Men! Off the Record

GLENN BURRS, Editor CARL CONS, Managing Ed.

Advertiting Editorial TOM HERRICK ...... Adv. Mgr. DAVE DEXTER, JR. New York Editor HAROLD JOVIEN Adv. Salm BOB LOCKE Chicago Editor R. V. PETERS...... Auditing EDDIE BEAUMONTE Associât. Editor BUD CONS ...Production ROY SCHUBERT DEFENSE NEW YORK OFFICE Nc*s—DAVE DEXTER, JR. Advertising—ED. FLYNN Forrest Hotel West 49th Str >et • Phone Circle 6-5252

PACIFIC COAST OFFICE CHARLIE EMGE, 648 N Rampart Blvd., Los Angeier Calif.

Opinions expressed by writers in this publication are not necessarily those of Down Beat's editors. To insure return of material submitted for publication, contributors must enclose self-addressed, stamped envelopes. Down Beat is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.



month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Carlson. Iler dad is the drummer who sparkplugs \V oody Herman’s band, and the Glorified Hoboes! shot was taken just befors the band headed West where it is scheduled to make ■ picture. by CARL CONS, Managing Editor NDS OTEL STORE ROOMS from Maine to California are ■ I full of obsolete banjoes and C-melody saxophones left as “security” for unpaid bills. STAMPS It’s not so long ago, when musicians could joke when their bandmates brilliantly eluded a creditor in every town. Often, the manager of the band would engineer an artful escape for a whole hand, feeling safe in the next town several hundred miles away. Musicians were tolerated the Tor Why Musicians same as other entertainers on the BUY the m Have Such road more as gypsies; colorful, ro­ you hi Lousy Credit mantic, but nevertheless, charming very I bums. band. Because the majority of decent musicians were equally tolerant and generous they gave the irresponsible few, addi­ New York—His pappy beats bull-fiddle, but little Mark remin tional opportunities to spoil the professional standing of the eiss, 9 months old, prefers .1 ten yes industry. Mark Weiss played Today, a truck driver can borrow RAG-TIME MARCHES ON old Kei Bandsmen from a Benny Goodman and se more money than a well-paid musi­ •sal—his father i- Sid Are 4th from cian. In fact, he can visit a loan com­ (xMMlinau Daddy i — George Frazier, Clouds pany, write his name and borrow the gets In- kicks taking NEW NUMBERS ind Marion Madden of The Bottom ! ! ! few hundred dollars necessary for an «»vies of Mark on KNIGHT—A son, James Everett, born Boston in West Roxbury, Dec. 27. with s Dec. 15 to Mrs. Jimmy Knight. Dad is HAGART-WENDT Nick HaRarty, seer«, Ash. T tenor sax player with Buddy Sawyer’s ork. emergency. tary of Local 60, AFM, and Ann Wendt Ben Be born to Mrs. James in Pittsburgh, Pa., recently. A musician will get a polite but firm refusal! Chicago, Dec. 14. ZORR-EARL1 Al Zorr. teno saxist, and is former Virginia Louise Margaret Early in Buffalo, N. Y., Yet music, with all its branches is the third largest indus­ d is with Music recently. Joe, “I try in the U. S. Over 138,000 are working as professional D’AMICO-CARNOVALLI Gabe D’Amico, Chords and daughter, with Raymond Scott’s ork, and Jean Car- hailed musicians. Stanley Cowan in Hollywood, Dec. 17. Dad novalli in Boston recently. long a. Music today is big business. And its performers make more Discords ’—Don C. Edwards, Jr., ber all LAING A daughter, 5*4 lbs., born Dec. and Jan vocalist and saxophone banded money than the biggest theatrical stars ever hope to earn. to Mrs. George Laing at the St. Anthony player with the Ladies of Note orchestra, Dad is the drummer in Crawfordville. Pa., Dec. 12. when 1 For the past three years Kay Kyser has SHEVAK-KALI.OA — Joe Shcvak, bass Missou Kay Kyser averaged over $1,000,000 annually. His per­ Give Us a Break' ENGLE A son, James Werner, born player with Mario’s orchestra, and Molly later s Dec. 2 to Mr. and Mrs. Werner James Kalloa in Pittsburgh, Dec. 18. Callow sonal appearances in theaters are made on New York City Engle. Dad is a trombone player and a Averages To the Editor: Bl ERM ANN-PHILLIPS — John W. Bier- a $15,000 plus percentage basis weekly, and member of Ixical 47, Los Angeles. mann, one of the Bodyguards with Orrin ] am appealing for all the young BiRNET-- A son, five pounds, born to Tucker’ and Sue Phillips, Dec. “Whitt $1.000.000 he has received as high as $26,000 for a Mrs. Charlie Barnet at Doctors* Hospital his ow non-union musicians in Harlem, in New York, Dec. 27. Dad is the band single week. who never seem to get a break in K U.CHHMM LNASTER—Jack Kalcheim, But ii Yearly with the William Morris agency, Chicago, thougE Meyer Davis, millionaire leader big time music. CLEVENGER A son. Steven Douglas, six and Ix*one Manaster, nonpro in Chicago, “GIVE US A BREAK.” pounds, born to Mrs. Augie Clevenger. Dad Jan. 11. Nami is saxophonist on staff of radio station who has a string of orchestras that play for society functions We have put out such players as >WEITZER-LANE George Sweitzer, Bos­ Mor receives fabulous sums, as high as $5,000 for one night. Gordon Powell, whipping the ton pianist, and Syma I^ane, vocalist, in adían Boston, Jan. 1. hides for John Kirby; Mike Hed­ Even Xavier Cugat, who plays only Latin-American music, TIED NOTES ed Doi has personal yearly earnings over $300,000. ley, now playing tenor in a hot Eric N combo at Ernie’s in Greenwich V-BARTON —- Jerry Brandow, LOST HARMONY Some 120 million phonograph records sold in 1911, poured Village, and Horatio Barrow, bass and Jane Barton in Philadel- andra fiddler, composer and arranger ex­ PERCILLA Del Percilla, circus musician, splits a fortune into musicians’ pockets. Millions of nickels dropped SSELL VENGEERERG — Richard UsseL divorced from Martha Coleman Percilla, in traordinary who put out some stuff • rop man with Tommy Dorsey’s ork, Macon. Ga., recently. Percilla plays under Galt, in juke-boxes poured another fortune. Movies, radio, ball­ for the well known Benny Carter. Jane Engel berg, secretary to Leonard the name of Del Hoyt. They rooms and theaters poured more. hand such un- Dorsey’s in Holly- week Sonny Werblin of MCA re­ and recent Coca Cola kins, Mary Smogar, sta FINAL BAR ley Ls cently completed a deal with Pulliam’s non-union ork whom the WHAT. Philadelphia Jinn Coca Cola that will mean a $1,­ l>est Harlem critics rate above W1UTUNGER MORGAN— Fred Whitlin- a band leader in Cincinnati, died Dec, 25 sidera' Spends $1.000.000 in that city. T.J*.'s Buddy Rich. If 1 named ger, bass player with Joey Sims’ ork, and lay ni 000,000 a year to orchestras, on Dorothy Morgan in Pittsburgh, Dec. 18. KOCK—Austin, 32, orchestra leader, died them it would probably take for Orchestras a 5-times-weekly show featuring IIITE-IIERTING — William W. White, Dec. 16 in Kenton, O. For a a different band every night. His booking firm, MCA. did an magazine to print it. ork leader and singer, and Adele Herting CAREY Ralph IL, 89, cornetist in many cockta ask is one, two or a theater orks in New York, died Dec, 9 as the annual gross business last year of $50,009,000. General three-inch column to let the public I.AMH-CONKI ING Karl B. Landt, mem­ at his home in Burton, O. Niosi, Amusement did another $12,000,000, and Consolidated Radio know Harlem is still in there. ber of the Landt Trio and treasurer of the EDWARDS — Wilbur, tuba player with Al H Coast Music Corp., and Christine Conkling Joe Sanders’ ork, died Dec. 11 in Edward Artists about $8,000,(KM). ■ Charles Griffith in Scotia, N. Y„ Dec. 20. Hines Hospital, Chicago. vibes Vocals Why then should a musician’s credit suffer? Tom If nine tenths of all musicians are honorable gentlemen, World Should Replace who knows what he’s talking about mags praising Jack Ordean with Gale 1 and better paid than the average II. S. worker, why should Popular Junk with Jazz If half of the so-called popular Stan Kenton? If he wants a real The a junk heard over the radio today lead alto to listen to, what’s wrong is knr they be forced to accept the bad reputation hung over them Seattle show To the Editors: was traded for good American •r Les Robinson? by the unstable one tenth? jazz, played by Spanier Arm­ and Ei I’d like to know where this coun­ Jimmy Canty strong, Ellington, Crosby and they f Suppose musicians passed a try’s music is going when Sammy Should Union Force other real musicians, the music resolution that, “Any musi­ Kaye and Guy Lombardo are rated world might redeem itself. Krupa! Musicians cian who intentionally beats a ahead of Kiupa and Bob Crosby in Las hotel bill, a musical instru­ a swing band poll? Why stick one John Gilbert Pittsburgh into I To Pay? of the country’s most popular To the Editors Royal ment bill, a tailor bill or any hands in the ‘‘King of Corn” sec­ Let me offer my’ congratulations be th other fair and legitimate obligation, and thereby harms the tion and I mean Glenn Miller? Attention, Richards! to Gene Krupa for sticking up for to ke reputation and character of musicians as a whole should be, And how come Louie Armstrong Boston Roy Eldridge, who is u real artist nights after fair and proper trial, suspended from the union until rates only 15th the soloists To the Editors? and a helluva swell little guy to a pro column? Who the hell is this Dana Rich- boot, and should not be penalized Nio (Modulate to Page 12) Good for Bill Barger. He’s a guy aids who is writing to all the trade (Modulate to Next Page) Till C

XUM 1942 Chicago, January 15, 1942 News DOWN BEAT

mirers from all fields of music to the 331 Club. Boo Laine, the Chords and Discords ivory and Bill Depew (Jumped from Page 10) She Doesn’t Approve clarinet tnan, advertised by a ban­ merely because he had not the^with their dresses pulled up? I’d Carole Page, fern chirp with ner hanging from a small spot on foresight to pick his own ances­ like to see photos of such old Emerson (¿ill's ork in Cleveland, Sunset Blvd, near Vine. Newsy Notes tors. T have never thought much timers as Bessie Smith, Jimmy report* that she isn’t particular­ Freddy Slack doing guest shots of Gene’s band, but my estimation Harrison, Kid Ory, Johnny St. Cyr ly fond of this photo but the on KFWB’s popular “Swingo” pro­ of him as a person has gone up and Floyd O’Brien. editor* of Down Heat fail to gram, also doing a double date at 1000 per cent since I read that Brian Kaiser lind anything wrong with it. Pasadena Civic Auditorium Jan. item. Other bands set for ■Charles C. Sords Miss Page *uccei*ded Imogene January dates at the Aud were Protests Glenn Miller's Lynn with the band. Pic, Cour­ Johnny Richards, Paul Martin, Corn Votes Skinnay Ennis and Jimmy Walsh tesy of Lou Cramton. Defends Woody Kansas City , Knowles Blair, that very com­ Elmira, N. Y. To the Editors: petent publicity man for Ray Noble, the Casa Manana and To the Editors: How come all those corn votes others, is laid up with a bad ankle. I would like to take up the issue for Glenn Miller in Down Beat’s Knowles is carrying on at the old brought up by the Kansas City poll? He has the best all-around typewriter with Mrs. Blair taking boy, Bill Barger, who thinks that band in the land. over the running and jumping. . . . Woody Herman is an “off-the Also, why not have your All­ A swell jam session staged beam drip.” The noises that sound Star band recorded this year? New Year’s Day by the Local 767 like “a herd of seasick elephants” Harry McClure boys at their headquarters on are probably the I novel introduc­ Central Ave. . . . Gale Laughton, I tion to Woody’s Comments on the Poll the kid harpist (a la hot) who was introduced to network listeners on I theme, Blue Akron, Ohio the Al Pearce-Camel program is Fame, which I To the Editors: consider a musi­ regular feature that What’s wrong with Down Beat's cal masterpiece. show, which warrants a salute to contest voters? How they can As to the fact Pearce’s musical director, Lou leave out of the running a class Bring, who, by the way, is direct­ ¡that Woody I doesn’t know A A arranger such as Ben Homer ing for Lena Horne’s Victor album I how to pump is beyond me. Just listen to those of old favorites, which will be re- I thi* blues, I wish clean cut arrangements put to ac­ leased soon. . . There’s a big tion by Les Brown’s crew and you to refer Mr. scramble among lusicians from can’t help but admire their attrac­ Barger to the Radio Row for spots on the Voice U oody tiveness. Ben puts those notes picture on page of Firestone air show, which was down in a way that most arrang­ of the Dec. 15th which scheduled to to Hollywood Beat, ers want to, but can’t. for broadcasts of Jan. 1!) and Jan. shows four of the Big Blues to­ I’m afraid too many readers 26. . . . Karl Tunberg, 20th-Fox gether. voted for too many members of film writer, is preparing u movie This isn’t a poison pen letter, in their favorite band. They should for that studio entitled Orchestra that 1 agree with his likes in bands be looking into other crews as well. and fully agree that the commer­ Wife, which recalls that Karl’s There very few bands that Famous Jamaica Joe PopsUp cialized music is definitely not jazz. brother, Bill Tunberg, was active have outstanding instrumentalists as a bandleader around here in Mosher behind every instrument. But I ninth Whiskbroom in Toronto 1927 and '28 and that Karl, who have no doubt that many ballots traveled around with him, got an contained votes for all the mem­ by DUKE BHORY inside slant at the band business. bers of one band whether these Chicago members really deserved the dis- Toronto—Jamaica Joe Peterson is the Negro attendant in tincticn or not. the men’s room at the Palais Royale ballroom here. Unless Whatever happened —Bob Katzenmyeb Gray and ie Casa you have a terrific memory for names Jamaica Joe will mean D. Wade Takes chestra? very little. Still some may remember Peterson’s all-ukulele Donahue Set band. Over Keller Ork “It was the first all-ukulele band in the United States,’’ Print More Photos in Wichita Spot reminisced Jamaica Joe, “and 1 organized it in Chicago over Of Jazzmen Wichita, Kas.—-Al Donahue’s ork ten years ago ’’ Peterson said they^ At LA. Nitery Faribault, Minn, has been irked for a l()-day en­ ravings here recently. Part one is played such Chicago spots as the ' To the Editors: gagement at the Blue Moon nere, in boogie tempo while part two is, old Kenton Tea Gardens, the Orient ' Why doesn’t Down Beat print commencing Jan. 23. It will be one as guitarist Doug Hurley puts it, Los Angeles—Dave Wade, one­ and several Chicago theaters. Bill- ; more pictures of jazzmen and of the longest engagements on “just plain old jazz, but good.” Ben time member (trumpet) of the ed as Joe Peterson’s Six Dark , leave out those dizzy looking dames record of a name band in this city. Lewis wrote the score. original Raymond Scott Quintet, Clouds of Rhythm they later tour­ has taken bandleader’s ed the States, appearing along / spot at the Zucca Brothers new with such noted maestri as Paul “band-building” venture at Her­ Ash, Ted Lewis, Frankie Masters, Wendt mosa Beach near here. Ben Bernie and others. Who Wants to Read, The Zucca Brothers, who oper­ W hite’s Still Playing ate the Casa Manana in Culver SWING SENSATIONAL “My home is in Jamaica,” said Anyhow ? City, originally planned to install Joe, “but most of the other boys Freddy Slack and his new band at ùnico, I.o* Angeles — “My place i* the Hermosa Beach spot. At the FRANKIE CARLSON i Car- hailed from St. Louis. It was so bomb-proof or my bund would long ago that I just can’t remem­ last minute the outbreak of war, have shaken the spot to pieces failure to secure a radio line on ber all their last names. We dis­ ingy Manone told phone banded after two years together schedule and other elements caused when Morris White left to join the Freddy to withdraw from the ar­ Dixieland playing rangement. Freddy stated that he bass Missourians.” The Missourians the Street* of Pari* here. Molly later served as the nucleus of Cab । “We ain't worrying about the long term commitment demanded Calloway’s present band. war ourselves,” added W - - Don McG rune’s band has be lay night sustainer labeled. Recipe pen at the Commodore Perry hi For a Cocktail. The show depicts a W liileman ut the Florentine Gur- replacing Bill Bardo. cocktail party with station CKCL dens. Ray Aoblc at the (¿rove, Bob as the cocktail lounge and Big Joe ( rosby at the Trianon. Biggest in Niosi, bass; Les Foster, accordian; size if not in name was a new­ Frankie Carlson with Woody Herman WFL Drums and Accessories have with Al Harris, guitar, and Namaro, helped Carlson succeed just as they Iward comer to the Coast, Tiny Hill, at Jitters Gone, Coast is a swing sensation and drummer idol vibes and piano, as the Tee Cubes. the Casino Gardens. Tiny tips the who has skyrocketed to fame He has will help you in your drum career. Vocals are by the Pink Lady and beam just u little under 400 lbs., Sees Boom Ahead youth, speed, and dexterity plus a pas Join the parade of big-time drummers Tom Collins who reality they tell us sion for drums and drumming that like Ray Bauduc, Buddy Schutz, (Tale Meredith and Barry Phillips. Lionel Hampton, and many others with Doing the Jive Joints makes for stardom in the drum world. The announcer, Gordon Thompson, who specify WFL Drums as made by real Meade Lux Lewis closed his long is known as the Jug Jiggler. The ne** panic for V i *t Coast niter- Drum-Famous "Bill” Ludwig. See "ong run at the Swanee Inn, leaving show is penned by Maurice Rapkin ie* during llu period immediate­ these big time drums at your music and has become so popular that ly following United State- entry dealer today. Local 767 boys, to ably assist Joe they soon expect a sponsor. in the war, had mostly worn oil Turner at the piano. Meade re­ here by Sew Year’s I .ve, al­ •Just Plain Jazz* ported to have taken over in a though many musician* were DRUMMERS CATALOG Last month small spot in Riverside, Calif . without the lucrative *ingle en­ LUDWIG. President Sind for FREE WFL Drum Catalog. into his fourth year at the Palais Cee Pee Johnson and band, former­ gagements that usually mark the Royale. The Niosi band seems to ly at the Rumboogie, moved into last night of the year. W hile 64 pages many in full color reproduc­ be the only Canuck aggregation Frank Kerwin’s new Vine St. spot, many private functions were can­ tion Outfits, trap effects, accessories for to keep this spot operating six “Sugar Hill” (formerly the short- celled, the major drink and DRUM CO every drummer need. Write Dept DB-1 nights n week the year round at lived Copacabana) Four Cats rtist dance spot* enjoyed the biggest 1728 N. DAMEN AVE., CHICAGO. U.S.A > to a profit. and a Fiddle into the Radio Room today. It’s FREE! ized Niosi’s rendition of the William (Vine St. bowling center) Tell Overture has caused plenty of Tatum drawing his host of ad-

XUM DOWN BEAT News Chicago, January 15, 1942 Chicaç Johnny Hamp Wexler’s Swinging Gates Little Josephine Leads Girl Ork Mends Cracked Unhinged; Band Scatters Parette Band Sprin Minneapolis — Th«- breakup of that Jim Tucker, former native Scranton—Johnny Hamp, veter­ and hi» ler of । Nate Wexler’s Swinging Gates alto man with the Bob Owens and an leader, ha>» taken over the Jim­ came suddenly last month at the pa rad«* . LeRoy Ellickson bands, was one end of the Lakota engagement in my Parette outfit to continue his greatly Milwaukee, with Wexler finding of the American airmen cited for road tour through the eastern thi* Ozi bravery in the Japanese attacks on a solo piano spot at the Lenox states. The band disbanded right died of hotel in Duluth. The rest of the the Philippines. No definite word b« lore after their Hotel Jermyn engage­ band scattered to other locations. has been received on this, however. presider ment due to a few of the men be­ Tod Ellis and his band recently Four Years in One Spot He was ing drafted. many o moved into Sleizers replacing Plaudits for being able to ‘take his deat Verne Elliot’s combo it’ among local musicians go to *Taps to Jap*.' New Tune Hoove Jim Tucker Air Hero* the Joe Snyder band at Dannis’ Rather than continue with the college with four years of constant play­ Planning to enlist in the army headaches involved with the mush* where h ing in the book. Two of Minny’s air corps are Bob Peterson of the business, Jimmy left the band to piano. 5 beat, Les Cochrane, drums, and Bev Robey band at Sloppy Joe’s go into the night club business. rememb« Bill Hulwi, piano, are with alto and Johnny Nelson, recently of the Some of the boys left to go with played man Snyder. Claude Thornhill band. other bands but didn’t hesitate to certs oi Rumors were thick last month reorganize when Johnny Hamp of­ fered to take the band over. Ray Krise, form«*r arranger anti Boz trumpeter with Jimmy Dorsey, Musicians Aren’t Hoboes! really knocked himself out the other evening at O’Hearn’s nitery, Has (Jumped from Page 10) by jamming with some of the local boys until the wee hours. Gift settlement is made or satisfactory arrangements are made to by KAY SHEAR pay.” This does not mean the AFM should become a collection Hot Election (her Toron’ Peoria. III.—“Liltk Jo*ephine” Begonia, former NuvachordiM with agency. They would merely be protecting the large majority “This is the first time in months piece coi of honest, reliable musicians by penalizing habitual dead­ femme* combo. I really enjoyed playing,” said crowds Billed a* Little Begonia and her Rhythi Krise after the session. At present beats from exploiting unsuspecting and honest citizens. christen« ibes ho is doing radio work in Syra­ cuse. He expects to work on some combo Any musician or executive who Mary Demond, trumpet, anti Mary (.ochrane, ha«« and uwak. After Good Musicians has other good suggestions for of Mrs. O’Hearn’s numbers fur ra­ musicker building up the good name of mu­ the band played an engagement ut Peoria'* Sport! club booked dio use, especially her new ditty Al Blue Shouldn't Suffer called Taps to the Japs. trombon« sicians, should write to Leo Cooper Benny 1 Reelection of Madea Cetta to From Deadbeats Cokey C in Chicago, c o Down Beat, who president ended the hottest cam­ works a has pioneered a movement to improve musicians’ credit from paign in this local for quite some coast to coast. Baron Elliot Band Ripens time. Cetta was opposed by Wil­ In strenuous times like these, when the national spotlight liam Emmel who tried to kill Cet- Horae« ta’s prospects of a third term by foremost will be turned more and more on the musician as morale On Long Location plus Air panning the present regime’s ac ganists, builder, anything that aids our reputation will be helpful tions. Defeated along with Emmel in the In to all of us. Pittsburgh—The Steel City’s favorite ork, Baron Elliot, was another oppositionist, Sid York ho' has been doing so solid a job at the Wm. Penn, that their Campbell, who was aspiring for the weekly ( booking has been changed to indefinitely. The Baron who position of business agent. Herb land’s be Sealy got the job. Hank Mehl was Here is another Auburn boj debuted his here when the aggregat elected secretary and Frank Reiley, Vincent Combo Penn opened their fall season, has handle the vocals. Elliot’s former Cliff Me known band. Other loca* lads who built up : i large and enthusiastic chirp is Eugenie Baird treasurer. Rudy H; ddie uy Seeks 88er for have made good are Frank and following which throngs the Ur- Tony Pastor. E G handle tl Jiggs Caruana with Enric Madri- ban room nightly. Bill Ai güera: Tommy Reo with Charlie five wee Extended Tour Barnet Jimmy Page with Buddy Perxonnel Change* Joey Sims and his 11-piece crew from th« by RAY TREAT Fisher; Eddie Beyer and Larry Former staff leader at WJAS, started the ball rolling at WJAS, Morris Crew Hotel Ro as staff ork, after the union dis­ Auburn, N. Y.—Harold Vincent Ruggiero,», who have their own Elliot was well known long before ton An« pute and the matter was a closed closed at Deauville here just be­ bands in the east, and Herbie La he made the jump to the roof, Gale Br< issue. That is up until a few days Local Fave fore the new year to fulfill book­ Hood. Some out of Syracuse in­ which gave a good start to such merchant ago when the station gave him Shreveport, ings on a number of club dates clude Louie Mucci with Bob Ches­ names as Kyser, Long, Lawrence Most popular notice and shortly Joey w-ill be out band in this area is the jazz outfit around Rochester. Vincent has a ter; Peanuts Hucko, formerly with Welk and a slew of others. The and Mickey Ross with a 10 piece of John Henry Morris, featuring Paul fine combo consisting of Joe Petite, Will Bradley and now in NYC and band underwent a personnel change outfit will be in. Reason for this the maestro on trumpet. Band re­ Reynolds, guitar; Ken Purtell, vibes; Don Steve Madrick with Les Brown. when Jack Hartigan replaced surprise move was not explained cently played to 2,000 dancers and to practi Course, baas, violin and French Johnny Corlett on valves. Johnny Mu*ician* Scarce but it is something in line with outdrew Basie, Ellington, Hines, but only horn, and leade r Vincent, tenor sax, himself does occasional bits for Jimmy Jay enlarged his band to the station’s “policy.” Mickey, an Hawkins, Harlan Leonard and Firman t clarinet, trumpet and vocals. the Beat. Babe Rhodes returned play Auburn’s annual Charity ball to the band Jimmy Dattilo’s alumni of the Baron Elliot ork Ella Fitzgerald. Crew is currently Masonic Ian al Boys Make Good the second year in succession. Jay chair, and Louie Sturchio filled in left last year to try his hand at located at the Palace Park here. to this ' Vincent is looking for a good is extremely popular in the Prison at Andy Olesak’s vacated seat fronting and has become n future dates Hudson and his gang from Florida after band had for four Improve With Age” opened at Hotel Sy racuse ■ few signed. lama Thompson One Nighting ford, Bill days before the holidays. Dick For Stoeffier Len Malvern, local fave, Michael Strange, former featured Orrin Tu Kowell’s Collegians were at Snell’s, operated recently for follow ah by KAY RUSSEIJ vocalist with Baron Elliot, is now Syracuse, recently. ailment and successfully. Odd to at Etzi Covato’s Villa Madrid. has the h< Richmond, Edythe Wray, note is the fact that the doctor Freddie Herman Middleman’s band re­ often tabbed Radio Queen of the who did the knifing is completely ly will gf South, who made such a tremen­ deaf himself and requires an au­ turned to Jackie Heller’s Yacht YOU MAX STOP A BLOND club, Jan. 3. . . . Smoketown’s Mick­ man that dous hit throughout Virginia while diphone at all times. Len’s fea­ the objec AT TWENTY PACES Autr appearing with Russ Kates tured soloist is Ray Schafer, for ey Scrima returne«! horn«* New band, concluded her contract with mer B.C. man. Year’s day when Harry James came into the Stanley theater here. tty* hand Jan. 1 Edythe has left Ted Ht mes. tôwn to join Wally Stoeffler’s band . . . Chick Floyd’s new band is now on tour. doing nighters in this terri- Bob Boykin recently inked a tory. Ditto Lang Thompson. binder to continue on the Southern Band Saves Props Four Tubix r* to limit Dairies’ commercial over WRNL. In Nitery Fire Local 60 el«*ction results were Contract holds until June. Claire Meeder, president; Ed Eb- Billy Bethel, terrific tub thump­ Buffalo—A $50,000 fire occurr«*d berts, president, and Nick er in the Barney Abrams band, to the Chez Ami night club here Haggerty, the new s«*cretary and Insist Upon "La Pago." has r«*cently taken over the vocals Christmas night. However, the treasurer, replacing Charles Graf­ Look for Hie Name on job. Handles them well too. . . Johnny Martone ork, which had felder, who resigned due to illness Hie Cymbal Burt Repine closed the Marshall bowed in the same evening man­ after many years’ service. Jan. Band to follow aged to salvage its library und Billy Yates’ band is in its fifth unknown at press time. instruments. engagement within two years at No cymbal» »«»Id direct the Grey Wolf tavern, Sharon, Pa. from factory, '*ee your , . Jack Williams, former Baron dealer Elliot saxist and vocalist, was home on leave from Camp Meade for the holidays. . . Tommy Flynn, ...DOWN BEAT currently at the Merry-Go-Round J. La PAGE here, has been having drum trou­ manufacturer CLASSIFIED ADS DCSW RTTENTlOk MUSIC STANDS ble, having lost four hide kickers F COW COAST TO COOST „ „ to the draft within the past three months. Sandy Graf was the last to go.

XUM 1942 Chicago, January 15, 1942 News

Herbert Hoover Dies Recognize ’Em ? Vaneo uver’s Best (Not Former US Prez) Springfield. Mo.—Lillie Hoover4 bandstand at Doling park, Jazzmen Bold on veter- •nd hi* , for over a quar­ skating rink und others. Some mu­ by DON McKIM ter of n century a part ut every sicians remember practice in th« Jim- parade and concert, is going lo ix blacksmith shop. Early day thea Vancouver, B. C. 1'he blackout «.a tremendously successful four le hit greatly missed by all the people of tergoers remember him the scare didn’t amount to very much year engagement at the Alexandra istern this Ozark city. Herbert I . Hoover piano, directing the pit band for here, although Vancouver and dis­ ballroom, has retired to wanner died of heart attack just a few days stock companies and road shows. trict have had three nights of climates with a sockfu) of the stuff right dusk-to-dawn blackouts. before he i bit-ome vice­ He organized his band in 1909 that makes for easy living. He left The blow to show business, espe­ gagi­ pis «ideili of m» local 150. and continued it until his death. his band here under the guidance m be- H was 63 years old and had held Faces in the band changed from cially for the danceries, was tell­ of Guy Small. many offices in the union before time to time but Hoover was al­ ing. In many spots during the his death. ways at the head, trumpet in hand. three crucial days the staff out­ Hoover graduated from Drury —B. W. Pike numbered patrons, but business h the college conservatory of music soon returned to a normal level. Barnet’s Latest where he studied both trumpet and Best known among Vancouver’s nd to piano. Many of the old timers will Bassman Breaks jazzmen are still on the bandstand, remember Hoover’s band that Believe although the armed forces have three lad* from left to right are with played the Saturday night con­ called in quite a few sidemen. It Up—Whango Benny Goodman. Jimmy Mac­ ite t( certs on the public square, the Holds Singing Contest ip of- Denver—Why leaders turn gray Partlund and Bud Freeman. Pho­ as told recently by Milt Shred- to wan dua up for Down Heat by Dal Richards’ crew continues at well liked maestro the MacPartlanil and Forrest Pearxon. the Hotel Vancouver and continues r and Bozart Combo NBC ether here. While to get more publicity than all the orsey, playing his theme two minutes be- rest put together. Richards pulled t the Has Scotland's fore going net program, a neat stunt with his singing con- litery, test among femmes of the « local Shrednik looked up to see his be- Pete Smythe Gift to Jazz loved bass man, Butch Wilkinson, younger social set. Gals took turns pass out and come crashing on Saturday nights, with salaries Toronto—Frank Bogart’s nine through his stand. Cracks Henry contributed to the Red Cross. lonths piece combo is attracting profitable Hurrying like mad, Shrednik Most night spots were jammed said crowds to the Rainbow room of and some of his crew carried Wil­ to capacity New Y ear’s Eve, proof resent the recently remodeled and re­ kinson out into the studio lobby, King Record enough that even a very real war Syra- christened Club Top Ha», The and then dashed back into the scare can’t put a damper on tradi­ combo windows such Canuck studio to play the program. It now- tional excuses for celebration. bv ft AFTER CASS rnusickers as Artie Huston, hass; dawned upon Shrednik that his Leo Smuntan, whose band played Denver — Pete Smythe has ditty Al Blue, drums; Floyd Roberts, trio, featuring bass, organ, and trombone; Scotland’s gift to jazz, himself at the piano could not be amazed locals around this neck of the woods inasmuch as he and Benny Winestone tenor, and clone as scheduled. With the pro­ Hazel Bruce his band are getting their second Cokey Campbell, on tenor. Bogart gram already in progress, Shred­ Kaycee on chirp lo appear with Charlie holdover at the Cosmopolitan ho­ works a potful of 88. nik changed his mind and substi­ Barnet’« band. Mie's from San tuted with a string selection al­ tel. Now Denver can boast of an­ Wil- ( htl McKay Featured Upbeat but Antonio. 22, and can dress in a ready rehearsed earlier in the day other local boy makes good, for 1 Cet­ bn« in b secund«. Mildred Bailey Horace Lapp, of Canada’s After the program, it was fourni Smy the has broken a record set in by foremost concert pianists and or­ by Henry King and his crew many Slowly that Wilkinson had been taken ing the XX ild Man of the Tenor, ganists, has been doing zing biz choruses ago. home and put in bed. Overwork fans mmel in the Imperial room of the Royal Kansas City—Honest jazz Miss Bruce worked with Joe anugh it’s of a de­ Herb land’s bettei musicrews the Lapp and around soon. put them into song, just after his 1 was aggregation is juiced mightily by sultory sort. Three theaters are Walter Cvss opening, Smythe and his crew now playing flesh acts which call leiley, Cliff McKay's alto and clarying. were threatened to be thrown out Rudy Hanson and Dottie Deane for pit orks and the number of Filipino Ork by union waiter pickets. To ex­ night spots employing live music Guy handle the thrushing. Swing Trio Holds press his feelings, Smythe came is gradually on the increase. Bill Andrew and his band have out with a song, I've Been Robbed. Judy Conrad’s ork got the pit five weekly airings CHMI But soon matters were cleared up Cut in Half Sunday Concerts assignment at the recently opened from the Starlight room of the and to tell his fellow affiliates that by LARRY I.OMMF Hotel Royal Connaught in Hamil he was no longer mad, Peter came burly house, Folie theater housed in the old Missouri build­ ton. Andrew scrapes fiddle and Webster, Mass.—The Boots Mar­ out with another song. I’ve Had a By Uncle Sam ing. And Herb Six’s crew con Gali« Brent and Mickey Horner tin trio at the F’orest club here Change of Heart. Both songs have merchant the vocals. has inaugurated n series of Sun­ caught and are now being heard the Tower theater. by RAY SHEAR Otherwise the town is much the «pular day Swing Concerts which has at­ regularly over NBC. outfit tracted such visiting name musi­ same as it was a year ago. Peoria, Recently the ten- piece Royal Filipino ork of Nick :uring Paul Firman’s valve, Jimmy cians a.« XVil) Bradley, Ray Mc­ I’o—ibilitie« for XX at Reynolds, has set aside his horn St. Marie yielded half its personnel id re­ Kinley Jack Teagarden and the Harlan Leonard and Dusty 's and to practice clary and alto sax— boys in Ella Fitzgerald’s band. to the induction offices leaving but Cadets Mob Amy Roades engaged battle of but only for kicks far. The a five-piece combo. Hines, Combo is made up of Boots Mar­ bands at a New Year’s jamboree and Firman band is at the north end The band, after stinting on lead­ tin, who plays a Fazola-like clary; at the Muny Auditorium, Roades rently Masonic auditorium. In addition Bob Varney, drums, and Glenn ing ocean liners and in Cuba, Mex­ actually fronting the Tower the- here. to this work Jimmy does seven Gary, Tatum-like pianist. Outfit ico, Australia, Panama, and South ater pit ork. Hal Wayne and radio show - out of the CBC stu­ America, recently had been pinned was recently signed by Paramount his rumba band got a return call dios weekly. to the northern continent by the Orchestras. Where’s George Fra- to the Drum room of the Hotel prevailing maritime status. ■Duke Delory President. . . . Bus Moten and Bob Moody are still doubling between Nick, who occasionally drops a the XVhite Horse and Tower Tav bowl on the head of a sideman to ern, and Julia Lee and Harold catch up on his barbering hobby, Martin Unjust to Tune Gadson hold down their old spot at plays sax, clary and Hawaiian git: Phil Ramos plays trumpet ana by ROLAND YOUNG Milton’s. Incidentally, wonder why recording officials 1 )ecca slide; Jimmy St. Marie, valves and Bridgeport, Conn, Teeing off*editorial in a daily paper here re Bluebird don’t get wise to the won­ Spanish git; Larry Lang, piano, mined th» long-awaited schedule of vaude- cently, and the sum substance of derful talent Moten and Julia Lee and Benny Manalo, the skins. The band ville show- at the long shuttered the whole article was to the affect possess? combo features Hawaiian and Lyric theater here in Bridgeport. burgh that band (even Martin’s) Most promising ork in town Spanish tunes and is tutored by Tommy Tucker and hr- band bass couki do justice to this melody as Oliver Todd’s jumpy little crew McConkey. proved profitable by drawing the broth- could the long-hairs. But how the Casa Fiesta club. The Eight Ball club on WMBD cash customers with return- really 1 will about those record sales? plugs one and a half hour of wax surprising everyone. Band was in dates. Buddy Arnold’s crew is featured waffles every Sunday ayem. How­ for four days with Jimmie Lunce- in the newly redecorated Lenny’s Amy Amell, «ongatre«* for Fuhrman Sax ard Bill, whose dad is Edgar Bill, mg fmd, Bill Robinson, Sammy Kaye, Rainbow room here until Feb. 1 Tommy Tucker, i« nhown above chief exec on the local web, writes Orrin Tucker and others due to it ured Don surrounded by “interested” ca­ Player Quits script and directs this new follow ihortly. Gus Meyers, Jr. Bowen, trumpet, drummer Buddy det* between set« al a recent recorded request program with has the house band here. Lowell, and Arnold on tenor are prom til Thr Citadel. N. C. Amy Philadelphia—Jack Torchin, for Bob Snow, staff engineer, manipu- Freddie Martin, who undoubted­ d re­ the boys who are featured on the made mer Carl Hoff saxist, replaced lat i ng the discs. Art (Sparky) ly will go down in history as the Y acht jumps. The addition of trumpeter did the whole of Tommy'« band, Carl XX’axman in Clarence Fuhr­ Seelye oi the black and white* man that revived “Concerto,” was Mick- Ronny Rommel has greatly im report* N. II Bnr»»ij. Jr., who man’s band here. Waxman is mov­ currently leads community the object material of quite an New i proved the band on pops. «napped the pic. ing to New York. singing at Tony s Fairway. James ■ here, md >s ferri­ MIRACLE d Eb- PLASTIC PHD Nick y and MACCAFERRI’S Graf- illness ! fifth MY MASTERPIECE irs at POPULAIRE Baron THf »ffOf rou M40f 14M0VI vi eade Wynn. Round trou- ickers three flEKCH IME RiCAN »f£DS MEG CO V ISM R0IDWB N(«’3iCII> e last

XUK DOWN BEAT Records Chicago, January 15, 1942 Chicago, ]

still happy-go-lucky and had not attained the status of big business. Incidentally, the above-mentioned Reviewer Deplores Girls’ 1920 Mannerisms! band did not record any items. DRIVEL FOR ’42—Some Sales Surplus stolen from Hobbies Junk Somebody Nobody Loves, it re­ Harry James Pile. Add to discography of Henry Jane Froman Cited as Chirp veals Claude’s ivory artistry in a Brown the pianist: Paramount different groove, unlike he’s ever Without question Helen Forrest 12816 an accompaniment to Ike sounds the greatest she’s ever With No Business on Discs played before, at least on wax. Rodgers trombone on It Hurts So And Lillian Lane’s vocal is better sounded on the verse to He’s 1-A Good (1396) and Screenin’ the by DAVE DEXTER. JR. than the lyrics deserve. Col. 36458. in the Army, backed by the James Blues (1397). strings and a swell beat. In the Ida Cox advises Lovie Austin is TVANDS HAVE IMPROVED and so have methods of re- Gene Krupa blues idiom Helen’s at her very best, and this shows it beautifully. and has been for the past fourteen “ cording in recent years. Dance music, on the whole, is Speak of the devil. Genes got an­ The band is great, too, and Harry years playing piano in a South State burly in Chi. She also in­ other boffo rhythm tune which takes a thrilling break. Wrapped vastly superior to the oom-pah syncopation of a decade ago. sists the six sides listed in De­ Anita O’Day socks across hard in up, it’s n first-rate performance of But girl vocalists—those, we mean, who perform as “singles” her high-powered, slambang style. a tune which until now has never launay by her with Louis are with on their own—remain as deplorable from an artistic stand­ been performed properly. Dick Louis. point as they were back in the days when Whiteman’s Haymes also sings superbly on the Frank Holland of Cleveland backer, Day Dreaming, on Col. wants to add to the Jimmy Blythe Whispering was considered an excellent recording. 36455. section on page 274 of Hot Discog­ raphy Paramount 12205 consisting “Least Talented—Froman” pipes. And judging by her latest King Cole Trio of two vocals by Priscilla Stewart Yvette is a sterling example. release which pairs Baby Mine with Blythe’s piano. They are You Even the highly-publicized Dinah with When 1 See an Elephant, I Like to Riff is an unusual nov­ Ain't Foolin’ (1760-2) and True Shore is another, for her incon- Miss Froman is the least talented elty, at up tempo, showcasing Nat Blues (1761-2). of n long line of pitifully in­ Cole’s Steinway stroking and some George Avakian writes from capable fem songstreses. excellent single-string guitar by Flying Camp Croft that Columbia defi- all-star du By strict standards, Miss Fro- Oscar Moore. The three guys sing nitely does not have the master of man’s enunciation simply isn’t. well, too. Stop, the Red Light’s On from left Okeh Sentimental Baby (401135) George M< The lyrics are unintelligible in her isn’t a match. The Krupa-Roy- by Trumbauer with Bix as stated hands. Intonation isn’t much bet­ O’Day version is better. Decca in the Box Nov. 1, ’41. ter. But her worst fault, of many, 8592. Louis Deppe who sang on those is her phrasing. Stilted, awkward rare Earl Hines Gennett accom­ and unrhythmic, Miss Froman’s Tony Martin paniments is working in Chicago presence on wax is one of those A gent who is capable of sing­ with Boyd Atkins at Club Planta­ many little mysteries frequently tion. arising where records are con­ ing well, Martin of late has been Goldie (Harry Goldfield) who cerned. adopting phony mannerisms which has been in the business since the Al Good man’s accompanying band detract immensely from his nor­ famous Jan Garber Entertaining performs creditably. mal style. On 'Tis Autumn and Cancel the Flowers, it’s Harry band of 1920 and has played with Louis Armstrong Sosnik’s backgrounds which im­ them all now has his own Laugh press, and not the tight-throated, Band at the Chanticleer Club in Joe Garland’s instrumental, a Orchids to Anita ... sen strained contortions emanating Madison, Wis. He traveled 6500 so-so opus titled Leap Frog, is to­ improving and rapidly becoming At Her Greatest... Helen from Martin’s larynx. Tony sings miles to recruit his boys who really tally lacking in interest and Louis ForreNt soundN the greatest she one of the very finest of all somewhat like Woody Herman. come on. has ever sounded on her new re­ has nothing to do, from either an band vocalists is Gene Krupa's With u few more years of hard Collector's Catalogue—Jerry Ma­ instrumental or vocal standpoint. cordings with Harry James’ or­ work he may give Woody competi­ son—Jack Teagarden Orch.—1776 Plattermate is the old Von Tilzer- Anita O'Day, says Down Beat chestra says Down Beat’s record tion. Decca 4101. Broadway, New York City. His Concedt Brown pop, I Used to Love You, record reviewer Dex. Her latest reviewer Dave Dexter, Jr. “Hel­ collection features Mr. T., Good­ in which our Satch emulates Harry Ohio, terr en's at her very best in the is Thanks for the Boogie Ride. man, and the Artie Shaw Bruns­ James and by so doing, wipes out Cab Calloway ing Band, blues idiom,'' says Dexter, “and wicks. All interested in trading she shows it in her chirping of his prize asset—his own invigorat­ Even with material as weak as is really k It’s called Thanks for the Boogie contact him at the above address. He's A-l in the Army, u tune ing, inimitable manner of blowing and well as the Roy Eldridge is heard brief­ Who Calls? The Mermaid William W. Clark — 507 39th which has never been performed a horn. Sad sides from n man who Ride. country. ly. O’Day is still improving, and Song, the Calloway orchestra man­ St., Rock Island, Ill. Mr. T., Red properly on wax before.” is so fully capable of doing better. ages to sound good. Solos are at a The band, certainly, at this stage, ranks as Nichols, and Armstrong. Hopes to Decca 4106. minimum, because of Cabell’s sing­ Jimmy Jam one of the very finest of all band complete “Whoopee Maker” collec­ ing, but the ensembles are clean nan, is the sistency prohibits her being any­ Claude Thornhill vocalists. Flipover, Keep ’em Fly­ tion. Mrs. W. W. Clark is also an 1 mtire Arm and precise and the beat fine. Calls ardent collector of T, Nichols and thing but a highly stylized but hor­ A strong commercial bet, but ing, is patriotic stuff, sung well by a niche in t is it ballad, not suited to Cab’s McPartland. Bill made his living ribly affected chanteuse. But worse unimpressive musically, is Rose Johnny Desmond with an army nusicians. colonel popping up from nowhere style, while Mermaid is an alleged playing trumpet around St. Louis than either Y vette or La Shore, Bright spots: Fazola’s Strictly a O’Day. novelty, arranged by Buster Hard­ for about ten years. by far, is Jane Froman. She re­ clary bit and the obligato singing to bark out orders, for atmosphere. received its cently started recording for Co­ of Martha Wayne behind her hus­ Okeh 6506. ing. Okeh 6501. Solo of the month—Bix Beider­ lumbia under her own name, with band Buddy Stewart’s vocal solo. becke’s on the 12-inch Whiteman a select group of musicians accom­ Backer gives Thornhill plenty of version of Sweet Sue. panying her tired, unstimulating 1 leeway as an 88 soloist. Titled Hamp s First 4 Sides Are Cut BG Uses Lee New York—Lionel Hampton and «»combination. On Sextet Wax his full 16-piece aggregation final­ HOT BOX The first four sides cut under ly hit wax when the band made its the band’s two-year pact with New York—Reviving the idea first session at the Decca studios Decca were My Wish, Just for A COLUMN FOR RECORD COLLECTORS he originated six years ago when here Christmas week. You, both ballads with vocals by Helen Ward cut two sides with his The 15-months-old band had not Ruble Blakey; Buddy Johnson’s trio, Benny Goodman made an un­ previously recorded in its entirety Southern Echoes, with Lionel on usual session for the Okeh label as Lionel was contracted to Victor, the vocal; and a swing version of recently in which Peggy Lee was by GEORGE HOEFER, JR. (2 E»t Bank,, Chicas») who Lad an arrangement with Nola. First three arrangements teamed for the first time with the Duke Ellington which prevented were penned by Fred Norman, Maxie KaminNky was reminiscing just been knocked-out looking at new Goodman Sextet. them from using any other big former Goodman and Krupa manu­ the Mound City pic (Jan. 1 Titles cut were a new version of ■ colored bands on the 50-cent Victor back of the bandstand at Chicago's Beat), script man who is now writing came over to join us just as Maxie Where or When, previously waxed label. All Lionel’s latter dates for Savoy the night Irtie Shaw one- regularly for Lionel. Nola was embarked on the tale of Joe’s birth­ by the old Trio; and Sunny Side Victor had to be made with a nighted Bronz.eville's historic dance scored by Milton Buckner, the emporium. “Times weren't lush day party at Delmonico’s and im­ of the Street. Also made on this small contingent from his regular band’s recently acquired pianist. around '33 but I was hooked up mediately took over the narration. date was a side featuring Peggy with a killer.'' Meaning Maxie was Frank recalled he left the party with the two trombones, clarinet playing in Joe Venuti's band at the with a two-gallon can of mixed and rhythm, doing Blues In the Band” afte Delmonico Restaurant located in whiskey sours under arm. When Night. Mel Powell was featured trips by a Tke FINEST MICROPHONES llie basement below Roseland on Joe’s birth anniversary came up on celeste in Where or When. soldiers sta Broadway. Jobs with the ever jocu­ he arranged with the management south. The lar fiddler have always been killers. to have a party for himself and »me so gn /recording/ This Venuti aggregation played the band. Al) the tables were set >een taking a lot of show music and Joe was end-wise and laden with party Orks Entire Book 1 >y air as a i quite proud of the all-Italian sax juice and all bars released. The Strangest section. However, the important male vocalist late in the evening Stolen from Cor >iwe outfit thing to Maxie was the group of took the floor to render his usual *pt one is Chicago—The entire library of musicians who played with the ballad. Venuti retired to the kitch- ook the w Garwood Van’s ork was stolen band without benefit of payroll. en and returned behind the ill- Biting for here Jan. 6, while Van’s car was These sitter-inners were such men fated singer with an enormous (ecSee is I parked outside the Sherman hotel, 4s Bud Freeman and Wingy Ma­ cabbage. As the wavering “croak­ Vrnon InI were for five hone and all the other prowlers er” got to an especially sentimental The arrangements Tommy Tu brass, five saxes, soprano lead, of the mid-town sector looking for tear jerking line Joe let him have Broadway n and three rhythm. Van sends out a jam session. Vioundii it right on top of the head. Jazz an SOS call for the return of the AMPERITE A/aw P. G. Good Old Days men like to recall these stories of library, reporting that otherwise ►ut by Bru VELOCITY DYNAMIC Frank “Josh” Billings, who had the past days when hot jazz was 13 men and a girl vocalist will be Gore piui MICROPHONE . WITH NEW thrown out of work. It will be 'er to troi WITH A SUPERIOR impossible, Van said, to get an­ rmy so tin PATENTED 1 ELIPSOID other library together in less than five-way I ACOUSTIC • PICK UP two months. »efl’er, ex COMPENSATOR j PATTERN! *o Nings w Decca Signs Chirp AMPERITE KONTAK MIKES PHONOGRAPH NEEDLE IDEAL FOR AMPLIFYING Philadelphia — Evelyn Brooks, STRINGED INSTRUMENTS girl chirp at the Embassy club USED WITH ANY AMPLIFIER here, will record for Decca soon. AND WITH RADIO SETS Contracts were signed last month. ASK TOUR JOBBER WRITCEOR FOLDER

Band leaders! If you’re looking for the right dope on the latest stock arrangements, then dig Tom FERMO AID NATIONAL DEFENSE Herrick’s Orchestration Reviews in *!■ the Gr Down Beat. AMPERITEc c o d n « r. uj n v C u; v rv W 1942 Chicago, January 15. 1942 Records—Army News DOWN BEAT 1 not mess, ioned Sale« (Dost Popular Records in the Coin machines Junk [enry SONG FIRST CHOICE SECOND CHOICE= lount I Ike ts So 1—B Kite Cliffs of Dover . Kay Ky*er, Columbia . . . Sammy Kaye, Victor tho 2—Shrine of St, Cecilio . Al Donahue, Okeh . . . . Vaughn Monroe, Bluebird 3—-Tis Autumn . . . . I»es Brown, Okeh . . . . Woody Herman, Decca 1—Blue* in the Night . . tin is W dy Herman, Decca . . Artie Shaw, Victor 5—Chattanooga ( hoo-Choo I Jenn Miller, Bluebird . . Andrew* Sisters, Decca rteen 6—-Moonlight Masquerade . south Jimmy Dor«ey, Decca • . . Vaughn Monroe, Blu, bird 7—/fny Bonds Today? . . o in­ Jimmy Dorsey, Decca . . . Barry Wood, Victor 8—Rose O'Day . . . . De- Freddy Martin, Bluebird . . Claude Thornhill, Columbia , Decca . . . with 10—Make Love to Me . . Teddy Powell, Bluebird . . . . Artie Shaw, Victor 11 —Everything I Love . . Glenn Miller, Bluebird . . Claude Thornhill, Columbia eland 12—Elmer'» Tune , . . . Glenn Miller, Bluebird . . . . Dick Jurgens, Okeh lythe scog- "SLEEPERS“ sting wart MY OLD FALME—Count Basie’- dynamic waxing ditto throughout the land. Bluebird. You of thi* old favorite of the early 1930’s has finally PETE'S MIXTURE — For swing locations ond Trat been released, and it’s looming as a great roin ma­ others frequented by young persons, musicians und chine winner already. Lynn Sherman’s soft vocal hot fans, this bit of barrelhouse piano artistry by from Flying Band . . . This is the sax section of the Flying Hund, and moody but beautiful instrumental passage* make Pete Johnson on Decca appears destined for much thi* surefire for every type location. Okeh. popularity. Pele plays a chorus of boogie-woogie at defi­ all-star dance band al Patterson Field near Dav ton. Ohio. Shown SOMEBODY ELSE HAS TAKEN MY PLACE— “up" tempo, then a chorus of straight 4-4 piano* er of from left to right are ElweMid Carl, I ou Riebs. Bob Hilberer, und This i* a brand new tune but it's constructed like an alternating throughout the side. Accompanied by 1135) George McKay. Band is lead by Al Cassady. tat Eberly and no Helen O’Connell. A sem»- public favor. It's a lovely arrangement which fea­ -pirilual, thi* Decca by Dorsey is a strong magnet y Ma- tures Chalmers MacGregor's piano, done with the for coins. Operators report it’s moving fine and -1776 finese and accuracy for which Miller is famous. should hit il* peak within the next four weeks. Worth His Conceded by musicians of the Dayton and Springfield, Going big in the East and no reason why it can't trying on any location. (Tood- Ohio, territory to be the finest band in these parts, the Fly­ runs- ing Band, stationed at Patterson Field, located near Dayton, their training here. formerly chirped with Walter ading is really killing the soldiers as<®> Shumann's ork in New York. dress. well as the cats in this part of the Flexible doubles give the band One of the be-t musical variety 39th some terrific effects with front man show* emanating from W I’ll) is the Tagged “Bill” by his friend*, country. he also is the composer of , Red The band, led by Al Cassady, ex­ Cassady doubling from, all the “Medical Musical Parade,” weekly Melancholy Mood. >es to Jimmy James and Ace Brigode sax reeds to trombone, thus giving the half-hour program of the Medical •ollec- band either six brass and four R<‘placement Training Center. nan, is the only dance band in the reeds or five reeds and six brass. San Francisco. When Uncle Sam so an 1 mtire Army Air Corps to attain The program feature* the camp's Ice trombone man is Lenny Hol­ called him he was with Roy Fox, s and . niche in the “respected class” by lop dance orchestra, composed of the famous English leader. living ton, also one of the Deacon’s grad­ former members of some of the nusicians. Sgt. Bostwick, who was featured Louis Strictly a swing combo, the band uates, who also plays a mess of nation's finest dance band*. a in u movie short of Reisman’s band ■eceived its title of the “Flying trumpet, adding lot of brilliance to the brass section. Usually two guest artists are when the organization was in Hui eider- introduced to the radio audience Trumpet section is led by mar­ lywood, worked for a while with eman during the course of the program. Helen Morgan. velous lead man Allan Renaker of Numbered among these have been the brilliant tone and fine phrasing some of the country’s finest pro­ Bostwick met the famous Helen Renakers. Hot work is handled by fessional musicians. in a New York night spot where the much talked of Barr Nolder, he was working. She came over who is sending the eats with his A recent edition of the Musical to the piano, told him to play-- Berigan-like solos. Third chair is Parade featured Sgt. Harold Bost­ he played and he had a new job. wick, former pianist for Leo Reis­ Singer Now Nephew held down by Dick Adams. All Now Sgt. Bostwick, who ranks man's Lucky Strike orchestra. Sgt. Shown here is Pvt. John W. IX three trumpet men are back door high as an exponent of modern Bostwick, who also service Jacoby, who just checked in idea soldiers hailing from Dayton. piano rhythms, gets in the groove with Bob Chester’s organization, with the ''arg. Now one of when Solid rhythm section really rocks thumbed the ivories for Harry for Uncle Sam. One of the favorite the band with skin man Gene Wel- Uncle Yarn's nephew*, stationed th his Reiser's Cliquot Club Eskimos dur­ tunes of his soldier audiences is celean from Dayton as the founda­ ing a cruise from New York to at Fort tranci* E. Warren, he hs Bostwick Boogie. in un­ tion. VVelcelean also holds down label the chief funny man assignment. e was Bernie Freeman, piano man, two the th basses and Loeffler’s fine guitar round out the section. Basses are ion of manned by Max Rinehart and waxed Ooch Dixon. I Side Sax section is plenty fine with n this Lou Riebs from Dick Stabile’s SLIRGERLflnD Peggy Vernon I*hmael band playing fine lead. Riebs hails arinet from Cincy and has seen action wand” after making several long n the with Ted Lewis before becoming it u red trips by air to play for other a soldier. Hot work in the section DRUM soldiers stationed throughout the en. is carried on by Elwood Carl, south. Their popularity has be- tenor man-vocalist who was with »me so great that the boys have Benny Strong’s band. George Mc­ >een taking 800-mile one-nighters Kay and Bob Hi Iberer round out 1 >y air as a matter of course. the section. McKay was a studio Harry Jamei' Orchestra Strange*! thing about this sixteen man in Dayton and Hilberer calls lire« outfit i- that every man ex­ Th. drummer with Horry Jam-»' great ept one i* an enlisted man who Cleveland home. try of ook the whole works instead of Aside from all thi* solid, many t.von-man bros» section playing one stolen Wiling lor the draft. The only novellies, and the Ishmael vocal* of the hardest books in swingdom. Ii* lee1 is the band's ace vocalist, give the soldiers from Patterson Yet Harry has long be' * known to hotel. 'ernon. ... Ishmael, formerly with Field something to talk about. p >ssess a rhythm section that is the >r five Tommy Tucker'* crew and many Since the Army arrived at Camp envy of leaders from coast to coast. lead, Broadway musicals. Lee, Va., radio station WPID in Mickey Scrima is on tho Loaf with a ds out Astounding arrangements after nearby Petersburg probably has set of SLINGERLAND "Radio Kings." of the hi lunceford variety an turned aired more celebrated musicians erw ise »ut by Bruno Zabinski, ex-Deacon than in all its previous broadcast­ Take your cue from Geno Krupa, Ray will be (sore piano man who switched ing history. McKinley, Buddy Rich and Maurice .•ill be 'er to trombone after joining the Broadcast either directly from Purtill—have your dealer show you et an­ rmy so that the hand might have the studios or by wire from one of the incomparable SLINGERLAND s than fi'< -way bra** section, and Jack the camp buildings, hundreds of "Radio King" drums and tunable wfl'er. ex-Berigan guitarist, who programs have featured the musi- tom toms today. They cost no more. *o 'ing* with the hand. cal talents of soldiers receiving SEND FOR FREE SWING I RUM CATALOG! p WE SHIP RECORDS ANYWHERE books, In Chicago? Drop in to See Us! And try a SLINGEKLANO y club Servicing Datrn Heat Reader* Since July, 1939 "Radio King" drumhead— soon, the sturdiest, most respon­ month. Minimum mail order: 3 records. Send 5c in stamps for lists. Decca Bluebird • \ ictor • I iommodore sive head on the market. H.K.S, Party • U.H.C.A. • Okeh • Blue »Hiking Note Solo Art • Milt Wolf • Columbia SLINGERLAND latest THE GROOVE RECORD SHOP g Tom Phone Dre. *482 • 4712 S PARKWAY, Chicago, III. DRUM CO. lews in Liwten to "Rug Cutter’s Specials’* WSBC, 12 lO-k, 1327 BELDEN AVE., CHICAGO, ILL h the Groove* Monday thru Friday* at 2 P.M. Chicago. January 15. 1942 DOWN BEAT Technique Chicaç Personnels Rambling Along Tin Pan Riley I Guitars & Guitarists —hy MICHAEL MELODY== ■ 'll Glen Lane Buck Dale, Cordon Marl trumpets i Tommy Dorsey’s Jack Johnston j-and songwriter who was killed in Great Possibilities Arnold Keller, Bill Peek, Doug Henry, Rod Bernie Kilbourne, thinks he har another Ruth Lowe September, 1940, when a motor Nev —I’ll Never Smile Again combina­ car ran him down, wrote a song In Piano-like Style tion on his hands in the talented years ago titled, I Love J ou. S un­ person of 21-year-old Shirley Bot­ day. The song was r«jcorded by Ted Toasty Paul win. Her newest tune is Tell It to Lewis and sold over 500,000 copies. by Irving C. Ashby Fred Foster, publisher, is revising Harold Weighart, piano; Carl Boek, gui­ a Star. Here’ tar; Cobby Elsner, bass; Bill Epple, drums; Johnny Mercer and Arthur the tune and shaping it for a cune Chuck Redetl, comet; Bob Nutting, sax, Schwartz are the writers of a new back. Royalties will go to Mrs. Miller g Witmark tune, Straight. air wav< In a previous column I mentioned a piano-like style which Eighth Notes All Through the Bregman, Vocco and C om., Inc, an accu Night, also be­ will publish all of Daye Rose’s I have been featuring recently. In the eight bars below is an Ralph Teynor, Tommy Herzog and Rom even do1 Kahle, trumpet«; Jim trombone ; ing used as the original musical compositions 'or example of this style. It is a ‘release’ of a very popular tune. Juju Wagner, Jerry Schroedl, Red Martink« theme song of pian.i in a series entitled Mnne can styl and Baggy Schafer, «axe«; John Griffeth«, a new Warners to> Modems. BVC has aln ady re­ opens w In order to facilitate fingering of this passage I recommend drum« | Kitty Bartl, piano, and Jim Neu- holding your fingers poised directly above the strings and film of the same leased in published form the tol­ fiers, ti lowing Ros«* compositions: name. Our general attacking each note from this position. You will find that the Jerry Alan Paul Mills Waltz, Valse de Nuit, Da East* first ch chords will be clear and there will be no muffled strings or John Baviglio, Amby Cappili, Joe Flnel- has been added Time. Four Twenty A. V., Nursery blurred tones. 11, Bob King and Bob Jone«, bra««; Hank to the staff of Without Rhyme and The Soprano» muted b Amaro, Walt Weigle, Jimmy Judnon and Mills Music. Nightmare. Rose is musical direc­ Do not be confused because this example digresses from the Sam Leo, eaxe«; Bill Fagen, Cillatti, Smith, first at J tor of the Don Lee broadcasting melody, for little improvisations are what make solos inter­ and Ogden, rhythm; Howie Rone, arrang­ Brother Sid is interlude er; Shirlev Whitney, vocalist, and Jerry professional system. , _. , esting. Study the harmonic structure of this example before manager. . . . Maurice Wells of Chicago has vamp in two tunes, set for a big play 1 tev second t trying it. Buddy Clarke Sammy Cahn I hope this example will help make you realize the possi­ V ill Hudnon and Saul Chap- are What Is It About You, waxed which is Ernie Ardi, asst, leader, steel guitar ■nd lin penned Honolulu Lu as title by Orrin Tucker, and Heaven It bilities that lie in this style of playing. fiddle; Alex Pine, sax, flute, clarinet. can voca fiddle; Cha. Raquea, ■nd song for the newest Lupe Velez Mine, Again. Lawrence Welk col­ of secon« fiddle; Syd. 1 picture produced by Columbia. . . . laborated on the latter ditty. the last Irwin Her ken Will Hudson says his latest in­ mellophone« ; Sully Pease VI rites Ditty at H. L Peacock, ba« strumental. Sarong, was not influ­ builds a' enced by Dot Lamour. Sharon Pease, author of Down lib. Beat’s piano column, is the co­ Dan Gregory Weippert Is Upped writer of a song entitl'd Ham Raymond Ripani. Herbert Britton, Robert William Wiemann, head of the You Met Yvette. Words were Schaffner, «axe««; Herbert Taylor, trumpet; Witmark, Harms and R«;mick Buddy Calvert, trumpet and vocal«; penned by Ernest Ford . . . Cine- I Prowell Seitzinger, trombone; Buddy standard departments, has ap­ Mart in Hollywood recently re­ pointed Louis Weippert eastern leased Ted Bear’s waltz, In My No sales representative of the firm. Heart, foi public performance. . Published Sam Donahue Weippert launched his first sales And Missouri’s state song, I Hear trip last week. . . . Mort Greene the Ozark Mountains Calling lit, ader and tenor; Bill and Harry Revel have formed Publlahed Max Kriseman, «axes; is being published M'lls and Paul Potrilla, one; Harry Gozzard, their own firm, Greene and Revel, waxed on a Decca hillbilly label, Here a Mitchel Paull. Inc., on the West Coast. Company Chart Music of Chicago s pub­ series of will publish popular songs and and Tar bone«, Wayne Herdeil, piano; Walt Sher* lishing a Louise Massey tune. man, ban.; Harold Hahn, drum.; France. make them available for perform­ Nothing Matters Any More ant Robbin.-? ance by all broadcasters. Their a ditty by Phil Kalar, entitled These ar newest ditties include Beware, Ridin’ to the Barn Dance. . . . orchestral Harder Downing Hands Across the Border, and The Will Sullivan of the Englewooc Harder Downing, leader and trumpet; Light of My Life Went Out Last Music Company, Chicago, h“ Night. . . . Del Courtney recently written a ballad entitled Its Great authored his fourth song, a ballad to Be a Rooster. . . The boys u Ray Johnson, Tommy Maggio­ called .Just Remember. Courtney Jimmy De Knight's band in I nil®- ; Ernie Washington, piano; Bob has waxed it and Maurice Wells delphia have, between themselves, Mail for Irving Ashby should be addressed c/o Down Beat, 608 is publishing. managed to get four of thei "Mi South Dearburn, Chicago. For personal reply inclose a self-addrevM-d, Lew Douglas Eddie Cantor is featuring We compositions published recently. stamped envelope. Lew Douglas, leader, aax, clarinet, Did It Before and We Can Do It Tunes include Things That ra ranger, vibraharp; Johnny DiMaggio, Again in his Broadway musical, Say and Song of the Stars, pub Banjo Eyes. Cliff Friend and lished by Jack Howard, and ¿id« Charlie Tobias wrote it. Saddle Joe, published by M. M GUTBUCKET DRIPPIN’S Constance Duin Royalties to W idow Cole, and Songbeam, pubbed bj = CAUGHT BY BOB LOCKE ------ee Duin, leader, accordion and Charley Straight, veteran leader Claude Lapham. Jack VI Joe Vance. 1 N. Wickham Rd., Baltimore, Md., write* in to say a few Edith Smith, drum« • trombone; Helen Duin, piano; Ro«e Hodgin«, «ax • working « word- of praise for George Frazier. Says Vance, “I heartily agree with interpreta your critic, ‘Stink’ Frazier, that Shaw and Goodman are nut the greatest Lloyd Hunter as an an jazz clarinetists. How right he is.^them. this Cuba' , Jim Alexander, Jit Diggin' the Drums Shaw is just a cheap imitation of played. Th Murray W a- u Genius well arrar Barney Bigard. Shaw’s so-called “As for Benny Goodman, I Latin sort new swing band is just a Rhapsody think he is still riding on his repu­ ano; Bob Parker, drum«; Will A Dance Band Is As Good As tation made with the band he had ba««; Dave Finney, guitar; Orvi in Corn. Their arrangements are , vocal«, and In the in' 1936. To me, Goodman is a bad trumpet and front. Published L so simple Iximbardo could play carbon copy of Don Murray who Its Rhythm Section was a true genius of the clarinet. Earl Fredrichs This is < “More power to ‘Stinko’ Frazier Bernie Silver«, piano; Gail of the sea and his drive for better jazz. May Fred Thie«, trumpet«; George by George Wettling and Jack I suggest a few titles for those vocallnt ; Don Meyer, Herb Jack!«« what has ard Griesbach, Babe Boi««y, «ax. , stock form self styled kings of this or that: McDougall, drum«; Jim Kellogg, ba««; Earl ‘Corn Vendor’ Barnet—The Pool Fredrich«, leader and trombone. his cut sp Man’s Hodges. The importance of drums in a^bang away at the dtums, but i ginning at the middle ‘Flutter Lip’ James—The King loist. dance hand is what one reader, takes real finesse to play soft an of the Vibrato. still make the band feel th«* beal that it is Awful Artie’—Buffoon of the Mike (rould uf Hollywood, would muted bra 'Mechanized Miller' — And his Blues. That comes from touch and tone have me write about thi- time. reed lead Robots of Rhythm. “Now to play some of my El­ comes from stick control, which i ‘Budapest Benny’ — The Stock U ell, a dance hand is a- auod ■« turn comes from practise. take the lington records The only band 4-bar intei scua you» uvomn Yard Stokowski. that has always since its beginning it» rhythm section and its rhythm ‘Kazoo Elman’—Siren Tone So- peat. The and to the present played pure section is as good as its diummer. ineager 4 1 JfJRACIF1 JAZZ.” Take, for instance, th«* gr«*at Ashby Set for trumpet. e eiesrtc »tn - Incidentally, if any of you cats 1 ave in nund a rejoinder to Mr. beat Artie Shaw’s new band has. Nuptials—Birthday F IheDeORinonDUnE Vance’s criticisms, shoot your let­ The little fellow responsible for Published by New York—The most importan T. . "MIRACLE PLASTIC PEID ter in to the Gutbucket. that beat is Dave Tough. I could Magnetic Gui­ day in the life of Irving Ashbj . imn’y i Vivo Dynartt: Pat (No. 2224 30t} praise Dave forever but the best gULVtUliHguitarist withWilli theLI IC XJ1V1ICILionel liaiupvviHamptoi _hls K— lor|fi tar Pickup re­ AMONG THE FIRST TEN way to find out what I’m talking band and Down Beat columnist * ( ‘ produce« only the WINNING GUITARISTS IN about is to hear Dave in person. occurred Dec. 29. true tone of the On that day, in addition to cele semble stu DOWN BEAT'S POLL, 4 — No funny antics, facia) contortions but it’s inci string«. No pick brat ing his twenty-first birthdaj or 41*2 measures of drum solo for th«' young Hampton star wi is an inter} ISO VIBRANT ★ George Barnes him—he just sits down and beats married in Boston to Miss Corns the iron he The 100* Reed, Patented crou-mc- listen to E it out with a beat you can't help Howe, a language teacher an tion cut, No other Rood is like it. Count Bas guitar. feeling. graduate with B. A. and M. J degree.- from Boston University slow and d POPULDIRf ★ Hy White Avoid Playing loud P-b, for thi Tremolo Con­ The bride, who according to Ashb for reeds trol • new prov­ R. T. of Quincy, Mass., writes has been his inspiration since i POPULAIRE" en development. that he thinks he has possibilities was 14, has reason to be proud J Makes solo play­ REGULARLY USE of becoming a fine drummer if he Irving. In addition to his music ing a pleasure. Publi«he Adds feeling and could only overcome the habit of talent he is a cartoonist, journalis Outstanding success in it’s field MILT WOLF'S depth to your playing too loud. brilliant English student, and afelrln- /! lagnelu Strings playing. Try one Well, anyone can play loud and qualified meteorologist! A melodii today. Handled by line it’s go all leading dealer» everywhere. FLAT WIDE WOUND Aft. r eight MY MASTERPIECE on their electric*. Mr. DRUMMER . . . IT'S NEW . .. IT'S SENSATIONAL Helmy spl "Charley" Wilcoion'i book of Amer tea'« Bett Seller Fined Read Writ# for FREE IHeraturg on th« Mag­ O' ■ rn cn netic Guitar Pickup and Tremolo Control RUDIMENTAL-SWING SOLOS c i actly ■ Manufactured by ■on-electric guitar or our special violin 6-bar mod T'me to I sot/* for the ADVANCED DRUMMER special cho ROWE INDUSTRIES, INC. 2-tenor du FRENCH AMERICAN REED Co Milton G. V.»lf The String Master 11.50 Postpaid in U. S. A Wilcoxon's Drum Shop 3120 Monros St., Telado, O 1220S Kimball Hall. Chirac» 201 Erie Bldg., 2123 E. *h St., Cleveland, Ohio wirs in fr 165B Broadway p « for

XUM 15, 1942 Chicago, January 15, 1942 Technique DOWN BEAT

Sister Act Johnny Mince Takes a Hot Chorus Orchestration Reviews Br CLARINET ------★ by TOM HERRICK *------killed in a motor New Glenn Miller Score Pucks Wallop > a song 'ou Sun? Jingle Bells ^takes the second eight. Reeds get some more of the solo, and the last d by Ted Published by Mutual, 10 copie«, cut chorus is solidly phrased in a revising . semi-swing style. r a come Here’s that arrangement that to Ma Miller gave such a play over the The White Cliffs of Dover air waves during the holidays. It’s' Published by Shapir»», Bemetein, inn, Inc., an accurate copy of the original e Rose’« even down to Ernie Caceres’ Mexi­ White Cliffs will be way up ions for there by the time this issue hits d Must* can style vocal. The arrangement the stands. This is a full sweet •eady re- opens with much snapping of fin­ arrangement throughout. After the the fol­ ders, tinkling of glasses, and a repeat choruses, saxes change to ks: Our general sleighbell effect into the clarinets to back up a trombone >a Easta solo for the first 16 bars, that tak­ Nursery first chorus, which is for cup ing the bridge in unison octaves. \oprano't muted brass. Saxes take a phrase Full brass takes the last cut chorus al direc- first at B followed by a 5-measure and the accompanying sax figures idcasting interlude at C and 4 more of a are nice. Chicago—These two girls are Jean and Jane Williams, who vamp into the optional vocal or Basie Boogie iago hu split up the vocal chores with second trumpet solo at D and E, Publl.hed by B.V.C., ay. Thev Ix»u Breese's ork now on tour a, waxed which is for ensemble. The Mexi­ after a successful run at the eaven It Authored by the Count and his can vocal comes at F. Eight bars Chez Paree here. Jean handle« Velk col- of second trumpet at G leads into manager, Milton Ebbins (are you tty. kidding, B.V.C.?), Basie Boogie is the ballad- while Jane chirps the last three 8-bar riff phrases the scat songs and they actually at H, I, and J, where the band a mighty sharp piano solo and a builds around second trumpet ad wonderful example of Basie’s sim­ are sisters. Pic by Seymour. af Down lib. ple but “right-in-there” style. The the co- saxes romp in the intro for 8 bars ;d Havt Perfume De Amor to provide the boogie setting, and SHEET MUSIC is wen Zombie the rest of the arrangement simply BEST SELLERS . . Cine- Mis Cinco Hilos backs up the main event of the ntly re- evening which is piano from begin­ WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER (Shapiro- No Te Imporfe Saber Bernstein) , In My ning to end. The pianist doesn’t ELMER'S TUNE (Robbins) ince. . .. live who won’t get a kick out of SHEPHERD SERENADE (Mayfair) , I Hear Americongo this one. CHATTANOOGA CHOO-CHOO (Fela«) TONIGHT ME LOVE (Maestro) ling Mt, THIS LOVE OF MINE (Finbaaey) [ills and The Magic of Magnolias ROSE O'DAY (Tobias) Uy label Here are recent releases in the Published by Paramount, BY-U-BY-O (Majestic) > is pub- series of Boleros, Rumbas, Congas SHRINE OF ST. CECELIA (Brann) and Tangos, published by the BELLS OF SAN RAQUEL (Peer) >y tune, Victor Schertzinger’s tune from fore and Robbins Music Company of Cuba. These are unique in the field of the Para pic Glamour Boy. The SONGS MOST entitled first chorus of the tune which, in­ orchestrations...... in that they come ce. . . > cidentally, is reminiscent of La PLAYED ON THE AIR nglewood as close to re­ producing the Golondrina, goes to ensemble with WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER (Shapiro* go, h«i Bernstein ) complicated Cu­ overlapping sax figures. After the t’s Great repeat, first trumpet takes the CHATTANOOGA CHOO-CHOO (Feist) ■ boys ii ban rhythms as EVERYTHING I LOVE (Chappel) is possible to solo in the special, backed up by ELMER'S TUNE (Robbins) in Phil«- clarinets and tenors who subse­ FROM ONE LOVE TO ANOTHER set down on pa­ ( Marks) emselve«, quently play the lead in unison at heir own per. True, they MADELAINE (Santly-Joy-Select) are rather tough the bridge with first trumpet tak­ TIS AUTUMN (Wiltnark) recently. ing it out. The last is awingily I GOT IT BAD (Robbins) hat Yw for piano, bass, THIS TIME THE DREAM'S ON ME guitar, and phrased. ( Remick) irs, pub- THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER drums used to (Block) and Sidt playing Ameri­ ALSO RECOMMENDED Band Leader Is Hero 1 M. M. canized rhum­ Not a Care in the World—Pub­ by ISABELL GOUNDRY ibbed by bas, congas, etc. lished by Robbins, Arr. by Paul Radio, ballroom, cafe, aymphony Brandon, Man.—Quick thinking hero of a recent holdup attempt, But they are Weirick. Jack Mason and theater music are among the perpetrated at the Esquire club here, was Roy Brown, leader of th« well worth How About iou?—Published by branches of the music industry cov­ band playing the club. working out, not only for their Feist, Arr. by Jack Mason. ered by the staff of Down Beat. Get Hep — Published by Pepsi­ When two unidentified men attempted to rob the club of its New interpretation as numbers, but also Buy Down Beat on the newsstand« dear’s Eve receipt, Brown grappled with the bandits until someone as an analysis of the real way Cola, Arr. by Helmy Kresa. the 1st or 15th of every month or could call the police. The assailants however were not captured. this Cuban jive is supposed to be It Isn't a Dream Anymore—Pub­ send in your subscription now. Brown’s band is known chiefly because five brothers play in it. played. These are all exceptionally lished by Advanced, Arr. by Jack well arranged and they kick in a Mason. Latin sort of way. Rehearsin' for a Nervous Break­ down—Published by Leeds, Arr. by In the Middle of a Dance John Warrington. T H E ZOiOVOX This is one of the prettiest tunes of the season by Dan Dougherty Milt Buckner New and Jack Yellen. Mason follows W what has come to be his usual Hampton Pianist; stock formula of late by inserting his cut special chorus at the be- Ray Walters Out Exclusive FREE Offer 3, but i ginning and putting the braces in New York — Lionel Hampton’s soft an the middle of the arrangement so year-old band underwent one of its the bea’ that it is more easily cut. Cup rare changes in personnel last to Professional 88-men I nd touc muted brass supplement a unison month when Milton Buckner took which i reed lead in the first chorus and over the piano chair, replacing Ray take the melody out through a Walters. 4-bar interlude at B into the re­ Buckner, 26-year-old pianist-ar­ peat. The last chorus gives a ranger from St. Louis, is a McKin­ meager 4 bars of ad lib to second ney’s Cotton Pickers graduate and trumpet. has written arrangements for sev­ Fiesta in Blue eral name bands including Jimmie Uday Lunceford’s. His elder brother Ted id portan is Lunceford’s alto man. Only in Jimmy and Benny thought up • Ashbj one other chair, in the trumpet sec­ Hamptoi this glorified trumpet solo which tion, was a change made in the goes to second trumpet in the or­ U ilson John Fisher, solid man on the Solovox, has olumniS Hampton band during the whole of made two sharp piano arrangements for this amaz­ chestration. There’s lots of en­ 1941. Few other bands, and prob­ semble stuff in it, and good— k to cel* ably no name white band, can claim ing electronic instrument. These are FREE to pro­ birthdaj but it’s incidental to the lead which this distinction. fessionals. Send for yours today and try them on the is an interpreted bit of business by tar wi the iron horn. For interpretation, Solovox at your dealer’s. Discover the new variety i Corris and color this instrument gives your ivory work. her an listen to Buck Clayton cut it in Count Basie’s fine record. Play \\ ith your right hand on the Solovox keyboard, d M. I slow don t attempt it on the Mercer's Ork liversitj and ’ you create beautiful instrumental effects as of trum­ to Àshb job’ ^or here's many a bad part reeds as well as brass. Plans Flicker pet, flute, trombone, violin, saxophone, cello and since h many more—rich “solo voices” in brilliant contrast proud < Angeline i musici But Faintly to your regular left-hand piano accompaniment. Published by Jimmy Campbell, jurnalis Boogie or blues, the Solovox sells out with the , and Los Angeles—Mercer Ellington, band . . . for solo spots . . . for intermission A melodic bounce tune that looks the Duke’s 24-year old son, who like it’s going to get somewhere. has been rehearsing a band here, music. It’s easy to carry . . . attaches quickly to After eight bars of ensemble intro, left Los Angeles just before Christ­ any piano . . . plugs into any A.C. electric outlet Helmy splits the brace choruses mas without making any announce­ . . . does not affect the piano’s normal use or tone. between ensemble and saxes in the ment regarding his plans to be­ SEE the Solovox . . . PLAY it ... at your nearest compactly voiced first choruses. A come a band leader. Associates of 6-bar modulation leads into the Mercer said he had dropped the piano dealers. For Wilson John Fisher’s two •pecial chorus where a 2-clarinet, idea for the time being and might Solovox arrangements, write: Hammond Instru­ $209 F.O.B. CHICAGO • COMPLETE 2-tenor duo take the first eight get back to it later. Mercer, un­ ment Co., 2931 N. Western Avenue, Chicago. WITH TONE CABINET • EASY TERMS b*rs in front of plunger or hat married, may be in the U.S. Army tgures for the brass. Unison brass shortly. BY THE MAKERS OF THE HAMMOND ORGAN AND THE HAMMOND NOVACHORD

XUM Chicago. January 15. 1942 Cnicaç

How Harry Campbell Plays “High on a Windy Hill Solovox Solo Offered on the Solovox Down Beat Readers Organist, pianist, and Novachordist, Harry Campbell, u 39 years old and lives in New York City with his wife and two children. He attended the Army and Navy Prep School and the University of Maryland and worked his way through school by playing the piano with a Meyer Davis orchestra Due t which was under the direction of Nathan Brusiloff. He has have coi an amazingly wide background which ranges from radio all the work and recordings of all classes >player, in time, will find himself a compì, to playing the organ automatically using this technique we have in practically every composition he with the Philadelphia Symphony VAN attempts to play on the Sok ox. Dale, 58 Orchestra under the direction of NOTE: Change combinations Leopold Stokowski and Fritz with whatever hand is free at the BOB A? Reiner. time. la, 529 I The arrangement of High H indy Hill for Solovox is a good Palmer, example of his excellence as ar Barney Rapp walk, Cc arranger for keyboard instru- Sterling ments. This written on three Has Stevenson ney Fish what additional staves show Montrea 0 h beauty can be obtained from the by BRAD McCUEN 1 Solovox by playing fill-ins and Chapel Hill, N. C.—Emory Stev­ Pat Mc( extra notes on the piano with the enson. after leaving Freddy John­ Jersey C right hand. Usually the thumb of son, joined Barney Rapp on 1st BAUM,

the right hand holds down a key trumpet. Hubie Wheeler, piano­

T E. Locus on the Solovox while the other arranger, has also left Johnson fingers of that hand play the extra for arranging duties in New York. BIX BE fill-in notes. But occasionally some His place has been taken by Frank ger, 7701 Hl

I B other finger of the right hand may Settlemeyer. hold the solo note down instead of ‘Spivak’s Tour Successful’ 11 Fron the thumb and what determines Recently when Charlie Spivak WILL B this is the position of the hand and piayed a theater date in Raleigh, 1619 All what is to be played by it. With a Barney Rapp, who was in town for small amount of practice this ef­ a one-nighter the next night, took ton, D. C fect can be accomplished so that a his whole band to hear Spivak. 05-116 A After show, the two New Bill Hob Haven (Conn.) boys got together Newton, Carol Lofner in Charlie’s dressing room back­ Parkview stage and talked of the old days. . . . GE Incidentally, Spivak’s southern tour Campbell Launches New was very successful. ney, N J Sy Lubman took a seven piece Pace, 2( Ork in Texas combination into the University Brighton, cafe on the campus of UNC. The Mae Gil by VIC VENT group under bassist Lubman play Brooklyn, Fort W’orth, Tex.— After a big in a jam style with the rough spot« BURKE, play of name bands, this section of being polished off swiftly. Radio 115 Hig Texas appears to be cooling off shots are being considered in the Mass. . . after the holidays with local orks near future. , St Mam getting the call at many spot. Alfonso, Carol Lofner, of the old famous Lofner - Harris band which for Lester Young's Ork Clinton A years before its breakup w’as own­ Murgatte ed by Phil Harris and Caro) Lof­ Under Morris Banner and Alleg ner, opened Jan. 3 at the Baker Los Angeles — William Morris with a local ork he has been re­ office has signed Lee and 1.ester. St., Ridg hearsing. Lofner has been in Dallas Young and their Isle of Capri; BUSHKI? for about a year now, owns a small combo, a sepia ork. Lester Young, Broadway interest in a cafe, and belongs to is the former Count Basie tenor. BY’ BYR? the Dallas local. saxist. Present plans are to shoot. Turner A Ligon Smith’s crew’, also a local the crew East when a good spot,. Bud Jone­ ork, opened the same day across can be obtained. " Falls, S. the street in the Adolphus’ Century . 14 Glen I .. . CAS^ Room. Nick Stuart’s urk at the Texas Harr, 543 hotel here was followed by a local ... CARY' combo, headed by Ra'pl Raye, va Sylvest Washingto pianist. TER. Bett Ave., New CLARKE, Howard Jones Rochambe: HARRY ( NO, Alice Gets Marshard Parkway, CROSBY, Backing crest Ave., NY DAVI Boston—Jack Marshard’s latest Get On These Morningstc bandleader undergoing the buildup Audience Thrillers en Island, treatment which boosted Vaughn WITT, Je: Monroe into national prominence ford Ave., is Howard Jones, saxophonist, now TOMMY’ L at the Statler Hotel. Mildred Law, ley, 93 Ur former Monroe chirp, is singing • .. Juanita with the Jones band. IN THE MIDDLE Tulsa. Okli Will Johnson, vocalist, recently Wary Casi junked his band to take the lead in OF A DANCE” Eddie Cantor’s show' Ranjo Eyes, HAM, Robi now in New Y’ork. Johnson also A Sophisticated Song Ave . Spa/1 was getting the Marshard treat­ With Mass Appeal EATON, ! ment until he grabbed the Cantor JAZZ, Soi show spot. Bud Estes, arranger, House, Uni has since returned to Alvino Rey. bor, Mich. •J ’ Kitty Glea: Pat< son, 1 MATTY MATLOCK WHAT’S COOKIN', REI L, Mi •J WHILE IN Fiftl Ave., COOKIE ?’’ CHI< K Fl LOS ANGELES Hyh 4356 A Novelty That I MAKE •• HUC Is Clicking rt., San Le /ARITELI LOCKIES 1316 Count • • BEN? fut< .ings, HEADQUARTERS Irei >n, N 09- 159 Í am, Rho Each Number 35 . t., N.) For Orchestra ;RT IN, A LOCKIE MUSIC EXCHANGE •arc 4y St 1034-40 s? Broadway“«* los 'angeles, 75c V()i iy h: ■d, 3 New DISTRIBUTORS OF Copyright 1940 hi Broadcast Music, Inc., 580—Sth Ave., N.Y.C. All rights re«erved, including public per­ CONN - SELMER ■ BACH FORSTER ew Ro formance for profit. Youn|

XUM Chicago, January 15, 1942 Features Ex River Boat The Column ior Two Heads Musician Forms tei than one, figure Eddie Cha*e und Or­ Band Fan Clubs rin Tucker a» they go New Jazz Band e and over the score of School Chase's tune, Ao Aeed by JOE VIII EY, JR. rough by Dick Jacobs y. which St. Louis--Dewey Jackson, the Tucker featuring. last of the famed Mississippi river icsra Due to the many requests that bettor Rd«lily, volume and de­ Parkway, Berwyn, Ill. . . BOB left dance music for a sojourn in New Ballroom pendability playing hi- Easter Island. Harry , CROSBY, Isabel Lee, 985 Silver Florida where he sought to pick Stratford, la. — A new terp erest Ave., Akron, Ohio. . . JOHN­ James is featuring his Etude-X. up, his early interest in serious temple, the Stratoliner ballroom, LX-B19 carri«« «asily, sets up in NY DAVIS, Marion Whelan. 42 McCarthy boni Glen, opened here last week. Debuting a jiffy. It'» a» easy to operate a» I wrote several fugues and any ordinary radio »of. There • Morningston Rd., Elm Park, Stat­ Mich., of parents who operated a band was Skippy Anderson. C. K. nothing better in FA for th« trav­ a thing called Dance of the Trolley Ilers en Island, N. Y . . ALLEN DE popular resort. It was frequented Johnson is the operator. elling band or show—it's com* WITT, Jean Sambers, 1593 Bed­ Cars and spent several weeks pact, lightweight, powerful — ford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. . . mostly by composers making a choral arrangement of true-toned — absolutely Super TOMMY DORSEY, Harriet Plum­ and opera artists from Chicago. the Deuterominy," he said. “But it ley, 93 Urban St., Buffalo, N. Y. Young McCarthy started taking was never performed. It was STUDY ARRANGING . . Juanita Foote, 536 S. Harvard, piano lessons at the age of 3, and scored for 5,000 voices in quarter Wart EcoMmy? when 9 years old, he had his first Tulsa, Okla. . EDDY DUCHIN, tones and I guess it was too tough. Choos* the Mary Casasanto, 870 4th Ave., opportunity to play with a band— Besides, couldn’t ,000 Carapolis, Pa. . . SONNY DUN­ The House of David band. singers at one time in Florida.” otto cesam PX-630 HAM, Robt. Eberling, 2609 Mann / VI RY Musician Should be itile >ng Not Meant Iu 11« I ont Hair Ki'lurncd lo (-onipoMng PA SYSTEM! Ave Sparrows Pt., Md. . . N. H. “I guess I wasn’t cut out to be After this adventure, McCarthy to Arrange EATON, SAJ THE MEN OF a long hair,” he says, “because I returned to composing. He also One V Here’s the Economy System bonds and JAZZ, Sonny Cady, 200 Tyler didn’t last long with the outfit.” scored many radio programs origi­ House, Univ, of Mich., Ann Ar- shows are going fori It's low-priced yet In 1926, he hitch hiked to De­ nating in Hollywood. When Sonny CORRESPONDENCE tops for results. Plenty of power (30 Mr. Mich. EBERLE BROS. troit where he obtained his first Kitt Dunham’s band first was organ­ watts), sweet-toned, versatile, and Gleason, 520 McBride Ave., important professional job, as a ized, he turned out some of their Pat >on, N. J. . . DICK FAR­ AT STUDIO lightweight for easy portability— guitarist with Jean Goldkette’s or­ early scores and recently, he there's nothing in Sound that compare« REEL , Mildred Gemellino, 9229 chestra. In the company of Bix They studied with Otto Cotana: Fift played with Joe Venuti’s orchestra. with it at the price! Ave. Brooklyn, N. Beiderbicke, Don Murray and At present, he is under contract to CHI< K FINNEY, Minnie Mae other star stylists in Goldkette’s Get the detail* covering Super Hyl« 1356 Easton, St. Louis, Mo. Matty Matlock..... Luxe and Economy System« . band, his perspective of rhythm Andy Phillips...... < HUCK FOSTER, 969 Helm music showed tapid improvement. Herb Quigley....Anti St., San Leandro, Calif. . . JOHN The following year he joined Phil WHEN IN DETROIT Alvino Rey...... JAR HELD, Margaret Sedler, John Philip Sousa. Ill The RALH.AND CORF. • Baxter’s Texas Tommies band, in Bring Your Al Wagner...... 4245 N. Knox Avent»« 1316 County Rd., Calumet, Mich. which Bob Zurke, the able pianist, Buddy Weed...... I Chicago, I Minois. Dept. J 5 instrument Troubles to . . BENNY GOODMAN, Hope was also a member. • Please send us your free literature describ­ lute ings, 1059 Prospect St., In 1931, he joined Hank Bia------NOW------ing RAULAND Sound Systems. i enfi Treii >n, N. J. . . Doris Hayes, gini’s ork. After two seasons, he AVAILABLE! 09-.’ -159 St., Jamaica, N. Y . . IVAN C. KAY am. Rhodes, YMCA, 181 W. DETROIT HOME OF (Complete material).... 35 t., N.Y.C. . . RAY HEATH- Introducing a new Waltz Hit >ur»e in Modem llanrr Ir- -RT )N, Annette J. Shreiar, 45 naina (Complete material) . . The Sweetheart of SELMER und BACH >ur»e in Modem Counterpoint Staio tare iy St., Worcester, Mass. . . Our Repair Department Can't Ba (Complete mF ?0< »Y HERMAN, Ike Ben Da Private O'Reilly Reminiscing (St id, 3 New St., New Brunswick, For 1 limited tim« only Beat • Complete Lino of Reed« American h J . . George Santo^, 396 Main orchestrations 25c (coin) and Accettorie» I Score) .... ■t. > ew Rochelle, N. Y. . . Craig- Cholvin Music Salua Cherry 4288 • Detroit *112 John R Miller Young, 168-05-116 Ave., Ja- 7I2O W. Highland Ave Chicago, Illinois OTTO CESAD fl «ADIO SO UND-COMMUNICATIONS

XUM News Chicago, January, 15, 194? All-Chick Dance Ork Runs Remember This Band?—Pollack’s Greatest Gauntlet; But Okay ut Coda

by HARRY DAVIS •bank of 50 grand. You guessed it Louisville—Chiquita and her all­ —the same two guys. Chiquita was speechless. girl rumba band, recently here at Gene Edwards, left the Plantation, had an interesting Earl Peters band, now playing at experience while traveling here Colonial Gardens, to form his own through St. Ixiuis. The girl’s car band to take into the Silver Slip­ per. It will be the first duo piano broke down about a hundred miles job attempted locally. from St. Louis and the chicks were Bill Harrington, piano man, forced to hitch hike. with the Four Senators, playing at Two men picked up the six girls the Kentucky Hotel, is hearing a lot of his tune, Jitney In the Juke und drove them safely into town. Box, which is going over good The following morning the local around here. papers carried a page 1 story of Doug Williamson broke his band Buff, two men who had robbed a nearby to play drum- with Johnny Burk- «irgonizi artn. . . . Bob Millar ia at the •rttled i Brown hotel. . . . Ray Luby leaves of one ; the Flamingo to go to Club Rialto. Krupa Rests . . . Paul Neilsen takes Luby’s taking < place at the Flamingo. al the r ia now i Police Raid Jam Sessions

In Detroit Hen* is the old Ben Pollack bund, which boasted form their own bands. Doun Heat report» on Page I such names as Benny Goodman, Jack Teagarden. of this issue that Pollack i* definite!) not retiring by LOU SCHURRER Harry Goodman. Gil Rodin und others, and which from the bund business. However, Pollack’s present Detroit — Several plainciothe«- formed the nucleus for the present Bob Crosby band crew is now being ironted by Chico Marx, one uf men raided the Ash-Trumbull club although many of the members have gone out lo the famous Marx brothers of flicker fame. Spring! here recently und broke up an olis of tl Shown here between recording be the vc chore« at the Okeh studio* ia after-hour jam semion. Four mu­ Schroeder Nabs due to th Gene Krupa, chatting with Col. sicians taking pari in the acsaion Stolzenberg Ork 200 Name Bands Offer ant Wool John F. Daye of the Army Re­ were booked and held overnight in Neosho. jail. They were Dun Doyle, Andre Omaha, Neb.—The Vic Schroed­ Springfiel cruiting Service. Krupa recently Services at USO Dances gives loca waxed the lune. Keep 'Em Fly­ Bartha und Mickey Steinke, und er agency has added Ray Stelzen­ for spon ing, which ha* been adopted as Bill Bennett, the leader. berg’s cowboy band to its list of (Jumped from Page 1) ARad Norvo, Eddie Oliver, Harry Owens, night spot the air corp»’ official recruiting Whether honest jam session? are danct bands and show bands. Crew George Olsen, Teddy Powell, Ray Pearl, Junior William Morris Agency, Consoli Don Pablo, Pancho, Bobby Parks, Vincent going to be made a crime in this is made up of Irvin Allen, sax; motor, ha «ong. By the way, < oioncl Daye dated Radio Artists, Inc., Fred­ Pattie, Paul Pendarvis, Newt Perry, Bobby in the ofl is the gent who gives the flying town isn’t exactly determined as Russell Wallace, trumpet; Arnold erick Bros., Joe Glaser, Inc., and Peters, Bob Pettay, Jack Pettis, Louh That is ii orders on the record. yet, but the musicians arrested Vargason, string bass; Floyd Moe Gale. Prima, Ben Pollack, Tony Pastor, Frank Junior wi have demanded a trial by jury on Brown, accordion; Walter Varga­ Among the leaders who jumped Ramoni. Dick Rogers, Alvino Rey, Jimmy Recent at Richerds, Johnny Richards, Mazimiliai charges pending against them us son, guitar, and Stolzenberg, him­ at the chance to entertain service were Hen Rose Tommy Ronolds, Boyd Raeburn, Shaw. Texas Orks Net a result of the melee. self, on drums. men are the following: Carl Ravazxa, and Leo Reitman Floyd 1 Van Alezander, Bob Allen, Gus Arn­ Artie Shew, Charlie Spivak, Harty to the KV Salter, Joe Sanders, Bob Saunders, Hal Heavy Dates heim, Bob Astor, Mitchell Ayres. Blue Rutledge Saunders, Jan Savitt, Ivan Scott, Ray­ Parting? Barron, Will Bradley, Count Basie, Henry with the by JAKE TRUSSELL, JR. mond Scott, Dick Stabile, Benny Strong, vira, the Corpus Christi, Tex.—This town, Chicago Rumor j Busse, Paul Baron, Charlie Bernet, Gene Bob Strong, Nick Stuart, Joe Sudy, Terry elers. rightfully named the nation’s nch- haw it here that Paula Beecher, Bunny Berigan, Ben Bernie, Rey Shend, Noble Sissle, Tod Straeter, Mug est little city, hit the name bar'd Kelly no longer will Block, Nat Bra nd wynne, David Brock­ gsy Spanier, Claude Thornhill, Jack Tea­ jackpot over the recent yuletide garden, Lang Thompson, George Town* sing with Artic Shaw’s man, Paul Burton Eddie Bush, Lou Bring. season. Chuck Foster played at band at the conclusion Orrin Tucker, Tommy Tucker, Don Turner, Is Bit the newly opened El Rancho while of her present con­ Bill Bardo, Beverly Twins, Tiny Bradshew, Joe Venuti, Garwood Van. Ranny Week Johnny Davis performed at the tract. At any rate, Shaw Lou Biarse Del Casino, Larry Clinton, Ren Wilde, Jerry Wald, Herman WaU Club Dragon Grill. Baron Dakin held Al Cooper, Carmon Cavallaro, Bob man, Jimmy Walsh, Sammy Watkins, Tei sway at the Club Vega and the Weems. Griff Williams, Doc Wheel« more publicity photo* Chester, Jack Coffey, Bob Crosby, Xavier old Swingland, two miles south­ which include Paula. Howard Woods, Paul Whiteman, Be' A Bl< west of the city, changed to the The 32-piece Shaw ork Cugat, Bernie Cummins. Fausto Curbollo, Young, Sterlin Young, Leo Zollo Joyland and brought in the local is "et to open at the Del Courtney, Reggie Childs, Dolly U.S.O. Camp Shows, of which Rocafur crew of Jake Stevens Hank Han­ Panther Room of the Dawn, Al Donahue, Jimmy Dorsey, Sonny the Broadway producer Eddie perienced kins, former proprietor of the last montl Hotel Sherman for two Dunham, Marvin Dale, Johnny Scat Davis, Dowling is president, is the gov­ Swingland, opened up the Casa week* beginning Feb. ernment-approved entertainment iny Walkf Nova club with a 10-piece sepia Bobby Day, Tony DiPardo, Tommy Dor­ agency for this war. Under iti ing after-1 jump band and then switched to sey, Eddy Duchin, George Duffy, Sem sponsorship, 11 big shows are no« went out a juke box. Donahue, Duke Ellington, Baron Elliott, touring 65 army camps and nave! stand in t The bla Still carrying on however are Gene Englander, and Skinnay Ennis. stations throughout the country Roy Marroquin at th< Continental and another circuit of shows, which running ir Tavern and Hank Henry, on a Ivory Thumpers Co Ed Farley, Freddie Fisher, Ella Fitz­ will go into 1141 posts, is soon t> up the eu stand of one-nighters. gerald, Chuck Foster, Ship Fields, Ted be routed out of New York. jam sessic Fio Rito, Ed Fitzpatrick Chick Floyd, finest jaz: Fast in Orati—Wail eluding F< Basil Fomecn, Rudolph Friml, Jr., Frank Keith Me v Macon, The Gene Pringle<^the illness of her mother. In her Gagen Jan Garber, Benny Goodman, Donahue Men chirpie Jei band, currently playing Fay’s place he is using Ethelyne Mae. Gray Gordon, Hal Gmyson, Johnny Bob Ra Green, Jimmy Grier, Earl Hines, Erskine Southern Restaurant here, recent- a record-I “There’s a chick around here Hawkins, Carl Hoff, Woody Hermen, Escape Injury the Hotel ly lost three piano men to the named, Joanne Leaux,” said Prin­ Johnny Hamp, Phil Harris. Ray Heather­ recently. ' draft. “I can’t seem to keep an gle, “that I’ve got my eye on—but ton, Horace Heidt, Everett Hoagland, In Bus Crash •ecutive i ivory thumper,” said Gene, “wt> so has leader Johnny Hamp.” Hal Howard, Dean Hudson, DeLange group eve Hudson, Mal Hallett, Les Hite, Richard by MICHAEL STRANGER matter what!” At present he is The Pringle band is the only the Nelson Himber, Ina Ray Hutton, Louis Jordon, Worcester, Mass.—The men i McCurdy holding tight onto Lew Fontana band in Macon at present with the Isham Al Donahue’s orchestra narrow! Nelson a from New York City. exception of one nighter orks. They Jones, Jimmy Joy, D ck Jurgens, Art escaped death New Year’s E" man chain To add to Gene’s troubles his have n nightly Mutual-Southern­ Jarrett, Ray Kinney, Ari Kassel, Al when the band made a long hop t Gil Hea Kavelin Herbie Kay, Den Kaye, Sammy double from a dance engagemeu thrush was called home because of Network wire. Jade room Kayo, Josoph Kearns, Larry K«nt, Henry at Providence to the Plymouth the band, mu King, Ted King, Wayne King, Clyde ater here. Icy highways caused tb Heard is h TRUMPETERS= Knight, Gene Krupa, Kay Kyser, Johnny bus in which thej were travelin Develop Range, Tone Scott to Carroll Long, Michael Loring, Eddie LeBaron, to go into a tailskid and cracko and Elasticity with Harlan Leonard, Phil Levant, Jimmy Liv­ against a steel bridge girder I New York—Perry Scott joined ingston Carol Lofner, Guy Lombardo the famous “Dead Man’s Curve, Abo Lyman Al Lyons, Trd Lewis. Vincent just outside of Worcester, hut non LIP FLEXIBILITIES Irv Carroll’s Solovox ork at Jack Ronnv By Chat. Colin, leading teacher Lopez, and Clyde Lucas. of the injured. Thi at Professionals Dempsey’s restaurant here recent­ Glenn Millar, Leon made the rest of the journey Worceste Here's what they say. ly as vocalist. Majoica. Matty Malneck, Muzzy Marcel­ a public bus. has joined "Tops"'—Charlie Spivak lino, Gui Mariel Freddy Mariin, Tommy BAXTER "Terrific —Sonny Dunhar- High Hats "Sane Warm-up Bunny Berigan Marvin, Frankie Mesters, Lucky Millinder, rently held «nd hit "A killer"—Billy Butterfield of B Goodman Thv Bill Meigs, Johnny Messner, Bob Millar, ' Perfect"—Zeke Zaichy of G Miller NBC liner near Rollickers' Carlos Molina, Jos» Morand, Russ Mor­ Johnny McGee ORCHESTRA "The Best"—Roy Eldridge______lineup of Trio gan, Billy Mozet, Bill Munday, Vaughn Ne* an tour Sead $1.00 to Chat. Colie Into Springfield chunas, I 111 W 48th St . N Y C. _ "A TRULY UNUSUAL Monroe Jack Melvin, Johnny McGne, piano; Alv Ekdusive Management MUSICAL COMBINATION" Leni McIntire, Bill McCune, Billy Mc­ Springfield. TH — Johnny M "Absolutely Free”—Booklet containing Underhill, Amstomsnt Booking Corp. (5) free lessons. Enclose 10: (Coin or ___ FLYNN'S COCKTAIL Donald, McFarland Twins, Jack McLean, Gee’s ork will follow* Jimmy Ric drums; Gi ROOM, NEW ORLEANS 4B W. 4B*h St., N.Y.C. s'ampil to cover mailing. now Leighton Noble, Rey No­ aids into the Gingham Garde Harrry Hi ble, Garry Nottingham Ozzie Nelson, here. Chicago. January IS. 1942 1942 DOWN BEAT exec Stan Ballard expects to lost 150 local men headed for the draft Hank 0'Amico Now Heads Own Combo George Paulson Injured .ind war within the next few weeks In Crush; Clothes Stolen Eddie Lang

by DON LANG Guitar Club Minneapolis—Latest victim among northwest musicians On Upbeat involved in auto accidents this fall and winter is (ieorge Gary, Paulson, saxist, who had just left^ great jazz guitarist, may be dead Claude Thornhill and was en route Evans chose “going to the dogs’* but his memory goes on, perpetu­ to join the new Paul Barron band rather than going on tour with in Houston, Texas. Will Bradley’s band recently when ated here in Gary by the Lang the band played the Orpheum Guitar club, a national organisa­ tome« Home for Real theater here. tion made up of members devoted Accident occurred Little Evans’ plight is not as bad as to guitar playing. Rock. Ark., when Paulson was it may seem, however, as Doc has Ray Dicluon, president of the forced off a muddy road on a one of the top cocker spaniel breed­ club, reports a gn-at growth in stormy night to avoid a head-on ing places of the northwest and membership during the last year. crash with an oncoming car that Buffalo. N.Y.—Since leaving Bob Crosby’s ork. Hank D'Amico hu» couldn’t bear to leave hi» kennels “True, guitar playing has come held the entire road. Three other so the Bradley > with a few of thr boy«. Thr lad «rated One southern Minnesota’s George Van Epa, Perry Botkin, tendons in his hand. largest night spots. The Oakr, Wi­ George Barnes, Les Paul, John al the right m Jimmy Fowler, former McFarland Twin« vocaliat. whn Paulson was returned here after nona, Minn, brings in the Lloyd Cali, Tony Gottuso, Ton} Mottola it now «hirping with D’Amico. hospitalization in Prescott, Ark. LaBrie band this month. Jim Lev­ and many more top notchera But Bad kick was finding all his per­ erett takes over lead alto with La­ the first modern guitarist and the sonal belongings, including several Brie in place of Ray Sorensen, who inspiration of all to follow was suits of clothes, new camera and remained in Madison to gc to the beloved Eddie Lang," says travelling bags, and uniforms school. . . . Piano man Jack Now­ Dickson. “And while his untimely Army Camps This Cat’ll Never stolen after the wreck. icki of the solid Glad Olinger bann death wav a major tragedy, he will Evan« Chooses 'Dogs' tu Bradley is handling most of Johnny Davis’ not be forgotten That’s the pur­ Be Out oi Work Fine Dixie trumpet man Doc arranging at present. Union pose of our club.” Boom Ozark Dysart. Ia.—Skippy Anderson, ’'learned*' band leader waa lec­ turing here to Helen Lewi«, ball­ Pagel retiring Music Biz room operator, and «ome rf her prrMnI •taff (hia own band ia loo »mart one uf b* It W. PIKE io listen) on obesity and the Springfield, Mo.—This metrop­ lack of it. He waa gabbing about olis of the Ozarks is proving to the “lack of if when, for an be the t enter of army recreation due to the nearness of Fort Leon­ example, he pointed out Slim ard Wood and the new camp at Harding, «az man. oox*. Neosho. Most of the boys hit “Now, look at him,” Prof. An­ Springfield when on leave. This derson «aid, “If things ever get gives local 15U extra work playing for .-ponsored dances. Also all «lack, he can always hire out as OwOM, night spots are thriving. a baton *' iy Pearl, Junior Siman, 20 year old pro­ Viacant moter, has a nice array of bands y. Bobby in the offering for local dancers. ». Louis That is if Uncle Sam doesn’t call Two New Baity >r, Frank Junior within the next few weeks. y, Ji'nmy Recent attractions booked by him Combos Spark aximiliai were Herman, Bradley, Miller and Ra abura Shaw. by JOHN DEINLEIN Floyd Rutledge has been added Baltimore—The new Ken Hanna . Hern to the KWTO-KGBX regular staff. band is the most talked-of combo 1er«, H«l Rutledge toured for seven years in local music circles. The key solo­ >H. R»y with the Weaver Brothers and El­ t Strong, vira, the original Arkansas Trav­ ists are F. X. King, tenor; Andy dy Terry elers. Clouspy, clary; Gordon Weitzel, trumpet, and Johnny Potocki, toan *•t0* lock T»e trombone. Peggy Vorhees handles • Town, n Turn* Is Black—Tan the vocals and Ken, himself, the y Woll arranging. An outstanding bit of in W«M- Club Blackout scoring is his job on Pale Moon. flint, Tu Pete Santoru, who recently join­ Wheel«, ed his men with those of Hal Gold­ Did you get a Down Beat Subscription for A Blackout? berg, has also come to the front with an interesting band Pete is f which Rockford, This town writing all the jump scores and Christmas? You didn’t? Well looka here... Eddie perienced an unexpected blackout features himself on trombone and he gov- last month when the lights at Jim­ vocals. Outstanding in this gang ainment my Walker’s Black and Tan, lead­ arc Len Bohager on trumpet and ider its ing after-hours musicians hangout, Al Blizzard on clary. arc now went out leaving the cats on the Latest concerning Balti- id navii stand in total darkness. more’s Jimmy Abato, former sax­ countrj The blackout, caused by a car ist with Claude Thornhill, is that is, which running into the switch box, broke up the customary .Saturday night he left Thorny to front his own jam session. Some of the district's band at Baltimore’s Beachcomber. finest jazzmen were on hand, in­ cluding Ford Keeler, Pete Gaiiano, Don't take a chanco on Keith Meyers, Lucier Rimmele and Draft Takes Chunk missing a singlo one of chirpie Jeanne Kakuskr. tho "boat's" regular Bob Rafferty’s band concluded Of Kenny Blue Ork features . . . a record-breaking engagement at Detroit — The draft is rapidly the Hotel Nelson'» Jade room here depleting Kenny Blue’s band, You'll gel a million dol­ recently. The ork played 20 con­ which plays out of the Club Ori­ lars worth oFklcks if you secutive weeks longer than any ental here. Uncle Sam has already subscribe new. and . . . group ever to play the -pot. From GER called bass player Gene Struppa the Nelson Rafferty moved into the and second tram Bill Zelcrrak, and McCurdy in Evansville, like the narrowlj in the near future, hide beater Jim make sure of hawing Nelson a member of the Van Or­ Appleman will enter the service it delivered to your man chain. Altoist Ray Frappier also dropped home pronto on the ig hop I Gil Heard replaced Bob in the out of the for a few days 1st and 15th. ragvmen Jade room. Gil’s is strictly a hotel last month to wed Dorothy Abel, outh the bund, muted trumpets and all. former canary with the band. lused tb Heard is heard on vocals. • i avelin cracku DOWN BEAT FUt. CO., MM S. D»«rbo*n, Chicago, III. rirder I Send me DOWN BEAT for: Curve, but noi New Girl Chirp for 0 I Year (24 issues) $3 0 2 Years (48 issues) $5.00 Harry Harper Ork 0 4 Mon. ( 8 issues) $1 0 6 Mon. (12 issues) $1.50 urney Worcester, Mass. — Stella Kaye Canada: 4 Months, $1.50; I Year, $4.50; 2 Years, $7.50 has joined Harry Harper and his ENGRAVERS High Hat? nf Harmony ork, cur­ 0 Money Enclosed 0 Send Me a Bill rently held over at Duffy’s Stream­ liner near here on Route 20. New Name. lineup of band includes Ed Bal­ ch unas, bass; Duke Mahoney, piano; Alvin Fossner, tenor; Len ust sit right down, fill Address nny M Underhill, alto; Ray Harvey, n the subscription my Ric drums; Gil Benoit, trumpet, and blank and we'll bill State. Garde Harrry Harper, vocals and front. you later.

XUM J News Chicago, January 15, 1942 Chicago.

Mixed Minny Farley Launches Own Comic Combo 1 Tucker Forms Alum Queen Nitei Bond Folds New Big Bund by WAIT RELLER St. Louis, Mo.—Al Tucker, long Cincinn Minneapolis Drum. associated with the station KWK looked lik mer Bob Benham, to «ucce»*fully staff here, and remembered for his all the lo< integrate the bent in colored und small combos at the Chase hotel turned in white by using the first for the past several seasons, has in night mixed band in a downtown -not, stepped into the big band competi- Hills, the ended in dismal failure last month tion with record attendance closed its when Manager Art Muiray was chalked up by his crew for a week At this forced to give notice to three of at the Casa Loma ballroom. Fea­ hotels, thi the northwest's top men, Popeye tured members of the band are spat ring Booker, and Oscar Johnnie Baker, trumpet; Kewpie who will ford. Nettel, and Al Sarli, piano. best in na Thr engagement of the three Guitarist Dave Wright handles the doesn’t sei colored and Iwo white rombo vocals and Al Tucker, when not lure the proved a rontinual headache for waving stick, features with goot Murray, who did his best to give violin. names, ha the band a good spot and a chance Plays Four al Once its share, to click. The people who patronize Eddie Dunstedter has been signed answer ft the Red Feather were taken aback to appear for the coming thirteen Looking by the sight of these men playing weeks in a new senes of radio together, and complained vocifer­ Jimmy Ji programs entitled The Master seems to ously. j Makes Melody over station KMOX. Minneapolis still takes its music gagement, At the present time Dunsted­ also of W by sight, and not sound, according ter, presents a similar program at to Benham, who was forced to dis­ at that b< the Park Plaza Merry-Go-Round, like the J band that combo. According to the and is said to be the first musician men in the band, a leader of one few open to master the playing of piano, who w as of Minneapolis’ greatest defense organ, Solovox und Novachord at plants threatened to turn away infection, the -ame time. The new program Snyder, 10,000 people, his employees, from is, therefore, the first of its kind the place if a mixed group was money ma Fun, and every once in a while the boys will play some music. The ever to be heard over the air on used on the bandstand. This in­ any of the nation’s stations. Dun- Bctsy Jone*, featured canary cident, plus others just as inane, crew just completed an engagement at the French Village, Dayton. with Sandy Sandifer’» ork, wu nite eng, Shown standing are Sam DiBoms, Ed Farley (trumpet), Milie Costa, stedter’s most recent appearance put an end to this fine group. recently chosen “Aluminum F ielden I and Rocky Herman: seated, Jerrv Salisbury and Dulie Smith. on the air was as piano and organ born who Don Lang Queen” of Texas. She romet virtuoso and conductor of the or­ rose club. chestra heard over the Columbia from V«-rnon, Tex., the home network in It Happened in Holly­ and birthplace of Jack Tea­ Local Ork Follows Blauth’s Horns, Paper wood. garden. Incidentally, »he ia a Jeter-Pillar Still Top* great Teagarden fan. Note: The Eddie Le Baron Latest arrivals town entire ccMtumr i* made nf alum- Cleveland- Clint Noble’s ork, a Freddy Starr and his ork at Hotel local crew, follow-ed Eddie Le Baron Lost in Nitery Blaze Coronada’* Jug, ami Harry Rich­ into the Hotel Statler’s Cuban Ter­ man’s band at the Chase club . , . New ’ by TED HUMES taken place, but Owner Lou denies United ' race Room here last week. Le that this had any bearing on the Dotty Dodson and Gloria Foster, Mill is still the South Side’s fa­ Baron returned New’ York. Pittsburgh — Pittsburgh'» Route vocalists with Chuek Foster’s band, vorite. Eddie Varzos’ ork at Tin Pan blaze. war Mint Deal was set by W. L. Hennessy 88 nitery, the New Penn, went up Blauth could not be reached for stopped the dancing at Tune Town the Park Plaza’s Crystal Terrace and marks first time a local band ballroom the other nite with their features Lucille Matthews, « St met the in a blaze late la-t month, nnd comment, but it is expected that place u booked into the room during height he will shortly reorganize. His clowning. Patty Shaw, Bud Louis girl, as vocalist. . . . Johnny of season. with it the complete library and Hennessey and Mary Raines are Lyons, a real St. Louis old timer, band was not staying in the New of the fi musical instruments of I«m al favor­ Penn at the time. Singer Irene packing the Lennov hot >1 Rath­ is now at Vein Dalton’s new chib. ite Henry Blauth anti his crew. Davey was one of the unfortunates skeller. ... So is Kay Zorn and . . . Jeter-Pillar’s ork is still St Irving I Teachers' Directory I Delores Kaye at Hotel Claridge’s Louis’ top colored band at Club ten hi* Singers, dancers, and jugglers fled to lose her wardrobe,’ ’ along’ with other entertainers. Grill. June Mann at the Beo Plantation. > ou Off into the frosty morning leaving be­ new ditt Chicago hind them wardrobe and equipment for It. valued at hundreds. The loss of Billy Bisset Ork Sherman on Weekly Airshot; The Sun the club was estimated at 150 gees land of Did II i by operator Lou Passarello. Fire­ Trades Bookers Sonny Raye with Stan Wood Again. men declined to give a figure. Omaha — Billy Bisset and his New c This was the climax to one of Music from Mayfair ork ha-- sev­ by BOB REDMOND «»doing three nites per week at the Japs Ha Palais D’or, also Sunday nite at the town’s most popular nite spots. ered booking affiliations with MCA Montreal — Milt Sherman and Chance ANDY and has signed up exclusively with the Vienna Grill. . . . Rockhead'i Ironic to note was the fact that ork have been getting in their half the M or. Frederick Brothers. First location hour air shot weekly over CFCF Paradise which several months ago RIZZO two days before the fire, a stab­ date for Fredericks is the Music from the Tic Toe club every Thurs­ was turned into a dance hall, fea­ bing which involved five men had Box at Omaha. day, and will continue to do so tures Jenny Jones and his small throughout winter sepia unit. Jenny is playing hot Dear Roland David formerly of Russ trumpet. . . . Don Turner ami hil orchestra still catering to Mon- Piano-Accordion Meredith’s band is holding down Banc Hello Muggsy— the tenor chair, and gets off on treal’s society atop tho Mount Instruction plenty of hot work. Milt is using a Royal hotel, Normar die Webster 2824 “This year again, 1 picked ten-piecer, and is completing his roof. Suit* 723, Kimball Hall, Chicago Madisoi the Forrest as our person­ third consecutive year at the spot. dixieland al headquartt-r«. You can’t Gilbert at New Palm after two brat it for convenience and Sonny Raye, fem vocalist a la guy can‘1 Bonnie Vodak one Iob comfort in the heart of mode, has been appearing with i Stan Wood’s band al the Audi­ him,’’ saie sunne pinno! the ‘SW ING SECTION’.” torium. Sonny is well known to New Ork into The Mr I earn to play real Swing Piano! local fans from he? many perform­ ing well Send for free “home study” folder. ances with the old Irving Laing closed lea made a < TeachiRS: Write for bii-ine— offer. band, a one time Montreal fave. Coke Lounge Art Ei send rath Muggsy Spanier She was born in London, England, club unti AXEL CHRISTENSEN Studios and came to America at the age of Beloit, Wis.— Drunini«*r Ro-.nie short of 21 Kimball Hall, Chicago, III. fourteen, entered radio work in Vodak, brother of Lee Vodak, Doc nished wi Buffalo some years later and then Lawson trumpeter, has organized was Wat« SPACIOUS STUDIO ROOMS made her way to Canada. his own 8-pi«'«er, featuring the with it. Johnny Gilbert and band have clarineting of Vernard Sanborn. Madisoi VAith Private Bath, Shower, Radio meter, ,. been playing nightly at the new •Strictly for Kid»' and Circulating Ice Water Palm cafe Johnny and the boys U ales ar WILLIAM BELL play the .ummer months at the Others in the octet are Jack Sar­ re fugees. Breakfast Dinner and Luncheon Lakeview hotel in Missisquoi hay. gent and Harold Diehl, saxes, Jimmy —Instruction on- Norm Lipke and Max Diehl, trum­ at the 1 Tuba, Trombone, served in our spacious dining room. Gilbert bills himself as the “Gene Krupa of Canada.” pets, Bob Cox, trombone, and Bob seasonal Euphonium, etc. Kay, piano. The band is set for and open« We have a special weekly rate for musicians Turner on Rooftop their first job at the Lounge it Minnesoti only. Inquire on the stationery of your band. Hal Hartley and his nine-piecer Beloit. Goldie ai The lounge is strictly a coke bar, now at Cl ARTIE MILLER catering to the high school and in’ them Private Musicians* I

XUM 1942 Chicago, January 15, 1942 News DOWN BEAT

Borleug, Gordon Lind, Wilfred Burtis, Donald McGovarn, Tommy Niteries Hit Ceferelli, John W. Maland, Aldan O. Jack Leonard Cherie«, Edger Otnas, Burdette Chermek, Doneld Phillip, Robert CLASSIFIED Colerich, Geo. M PottsJ Claude (Count Name, Address, City and State) By Wor-score Is Ready, Unk Dahlberg, John Praitingar, Leopold Dibble, Tom Rubinger, Moa 25c Extra lor Boi Sorvic» in a recent interview with Ferley, Bob Runnerstrand, Paul by BUD EBEL Fottom, Eerlo Ryan, Man Ten Cents per Word—Minimum 10 Words Freddie Gold, the Beat’s Newark Freier, Armond Schrader, Allan Cincinnati Seemingly what scribe, Jack Leonard, famous Hellend, Rey Smith, Lyla looked like a big season ahead for vocalist who was only recently Geil, Melvin P. Sutton, Willard Gilbertton, Robert Thayer, Raad AT LIBERTY all the local night spots, suddenly released from the army, stated, Glendenning, Cel Tiffany, Bob ARRANGEMENTS, “I have a few dates signed, one Jonei, Robert G. Treitman, Irving ORCHESTRATIONS, ETC. turned into the biggest nose dive of which is the Hippodrome in Woodgete, Sam DRUMMER—Young, Capable, looking for a in night club history. Beverly break. Will send all possible informa­ Baltimore, und -ome record dates Ralcasad, subject to recall tion. Eddie Bove, 37 Pilling, Haverhill, MODERN ARRANGEMENTS for Piano, $3.00. Hills, the top nitery in these parts, but when Uncle Sam calls me I’m Arnti, Pete Brakka, N. Frank Mass. Lew Gould. Wakefield, R.I. closed its doors last month. ready and I mean I’m ready.” Blom, Walter Ebert, Harlan Boike, Henry S. Floe, George A GUARANTEED satisfactory PIANO­ At this writing the two major Hill, Bob INSTRUCTION VOCAL to your melody including guitar diagrams, chord notation, accordion sym­ hotels, the Gibson and Plaza, are I-A ratlug: bols, $4.50. Malcolm Lee, 344 Primrose» TRUMPET SOLO—Modern—Effective—Dash Syracuse. N.Y. sparring with each other to see Down Beat Survey— Charleson, Ernie Green. Bill of Triple Tonguing—Not Difficult—With Gale, Roger Larson, Wood row Piano Ace. $1.00. URAB. 245 West 84th who will last longest. Even the (Jumped from Page 5) Peterson. Bob St., New York. THE BEST IN SWING—Trumpet. Sax. Clar­ best in name bands and floor shows inet choruses copied from records. Two the musician of today is well fit to MISSOURI HOT SOLO, for all instrumenta. Price 6c, $1.00. Burrows Music Service. 86 Vern­ doesn’t seem to be the right bait to rise in defense of his country arm Drum Rhythms. Price 5c ; Chord Chart. dale St.. Brookline, Mass. in arm with the farmer, the laborer Price 10c. NATIONWIDE, Dept W, 245 lure the customers. The Gibson West 34th St., NYC. and the executive. Appel, Louis J. L«m«n, Eugana RECORD YOUR SONG—Finest Professional with good bands, but not the big Berdeeuz, Edwerd Parschbacher, Paul Vocalists 32.00. Songs arranged — Re­ TWENTY-LESSON HARMONY COURSE. The names, has always done more than The survey is as yet incomplete Cronen, Doneld Ruth, Johnny vised — Printed — Melodies Written. but tabulations to date show that Donohue, T. Micheel Schillinger, Fred most easily understood harmony course URAB. 245 West 34th, NYC. its share. The war seems to be the Elklni, Benny Schultz, Rudolph ever written. Complete. 32.00, postpaid. some 37,000 to 40,000 musicians Grimes, Cherley Schumacher. Phillip V. Lew Gould. Wakefield, R.I. SONG HITS! Song Poems Wanted. FREE answer for the complete foldup. will be engaged in this world drive Hedeller, Marinali D Shumate, Al recording if accepted. Write for Free Looking back over 1941 the to check and turn back the blind Kenton, Bill Smith Daan DeLuxe Rhymer. De Luxe Music Service. Knirr, Walter H. Stanglain, Warran PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Box 3163-D, Bridgeport. Conn. Jimmy James band from WLW puppets of a jerk paperhanger. Kreher, John Strubhart, Oliver A. Leibner, Elmer R seems to have scored best on en­ Following is an incomplete list­ Venegoni, Angelo L. PERFECTS WANTED: Redheads’ "How MY MELODY INVENTING method, secretly gagements played. Burt Farber ing of the musicians in the armed Wesse» Forrest Come . . . ?”. Loopers’ “Clorinda,” Han­ responsible many broadcast hits. Exam­ also of WLW, who kept his band Ralsaied, subject to recall shaw’s “Only Sunshower.“ R.G.V. Vena­ ples, originations revealed. 11.50,31.50, Herl forces, those released but subject bles. Eastleach. Lechlade. England. Vila. 16» E. 86th St.. NYC. at that hotel level of sweet music, to recall and a few of those who Shunk, Willard like the James band has had very hold a 1-A rating and expect to be COLLECTORS—Send for monthly bulletin few open dates. . . . Joe Binder, called soon: of rare jazz and blues discs. Record MISCELLANEOUS who was seriously ill with a brain Arbltman, Harold Lawit, lami« Shop, 251 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Baker, Buddy Maba. Bill Mass. infection, is on the mend. . . . Mel MASSACHUSETTS Boyer George McPharson, Warron MANUSCRIPT PAPER—Concert 12x19, Or­ Snyder, who’s tabbed as high Coi, Paul LATE RECORDINGS; 10c up. List free. chestration 11x14. 100 either $1.50 pre­ money man on single engagements, Ritledge, Hoyt Pop's Record Shop. 232 S. Michigan. paid. Samples for stamp. Quantity dis- Alpert, Louis Mezzett Loui« Dick Bill Sandart, Lowall South Bend, Ind. counts. Old Colony Press, Norwood, Mass, inary is now in the Patio for an indefi­ Bond, Maurice Nerino, Robert Funkhäuser, Robert Swinford, Paul nite engagement. . . . Johnny Cohen, Robert Movack, Paul Hicks, Cop Thiel. Loula PHONOGRAPH RECORDS lOe. Catalogue 50 or 100 PIANO COPIES PRINTED. Voor- Fielden band replaced Tony Os­ Couniham, Louis O'Neil, J. Leon Irwin, Ish Tilman, Paul free. Paramount. VO-358 East Market. hws Music Printers, 238 Academy Street. mum Criscuoll, A. V. Pafon, Robert Jennings, Boots Wilhoit. George Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Newark, N.J. uniti born who did so well at the Prim­ DeMarco, Guido Raimo, Joseph Johnson. Hershel Young, Doyla rose club. DeMattia, George Roni, John home Donnelly, Walter Roy, George NEW JERSEY PENNSYLVANIA Bishop, Noll Martln««k, John Tea- Freni, Joseph Rubin, Ban|iam Bogenberger, Gordon Mclldown«y, Robert Farnham, John Rubin, Samual Boyd, Norm Mctldownay, Winton Gatti. Peter Santa Maria, Camillo Adolph, Herbert Kinney, Harry Carr Rich Millpr, K«nn«th Anzler, Welly Holub, Rudolph Seabury, Gordon Kaw, Marty Barravozlia, Art Kippola, Matt Caryl, Jack Miller, Ralph : The Tin Pon Alley Does Aurnhammer, Vernon Hunter, Thomas Sullivan, Edward Krueger, Alexander Cerllli, Bernard Krummich, Kurt Chapman, Albert Mithlove, Hy slum Senker, Morty Chesnlk, Carl Sullivan, Leonard Lubetkin, Murray Conte, Valdo Kyte, Kenneth OH in ger George Brodiky Sem Kalis, Sidney Takki, Marti Mazzei, C. Loui« Craig, Wm. A. LaValle, Rone Id Clauder, Joseph Palmer. Bob It’s Dil Brombech, Edward Kurth, Richard Talor, Joseph M MacDowell, Edwin Dandoy, Leon Lesce, Genislo Coomer, Phil Panfil, Alois Ezner, Fred Lamb. Gladwyn Van Loon, John McQu««n. Jackson Dezort, Frances Melvin, Orvis Davidson, Lon Poast, Harold New York—Shortly after the Fairbanks, Sam Manu, Dominic Wallace, Lester Moore, S. William Di Leo, Vincent Mulach, Arthur Drews, Edward Polsin, Arnold Fekelmen, loteph e’s fa- United State» entered the war, Mangone, Joseph Walsh Leonard Paley, MaHin KeLornie, Alfred Mundy, George Erickson, Harold Quatsoe, Robert Fulerhem, G Theodore Rabito R. Caspar Dobrushl, Seul Nirella, Jos. Estes, Buff Ressel, Raymond ork at Tin Pan Alley was flooded with Gichner, Henry Rullo, Salvator« Eisner, Jerome Olesak, Andrew Evenson. Elmer Rink, Lawrence war songs. The music publishers Gurecki, Stanley 'erraci Scheckman, Harold Friedman, Alvin Pechar, Chas. Ewig, Walter Sarnecki, Edward MICHIGAN Hertz, Loui« a St met the occasion by managing to Schwartz, W. G«org« Frisch, Walter Pilles, Jos. Ferguson, Frank Schafer, Goo. Hoite, Clarence Valdic, Joseph Geffell, Robt. Phillips, Jot. Field, Art Scheinet, Orv. johnny place is score oi songs on the Julian, Gabe Weber, E. Charl«« Gerson, Mundy Ravelle, Jos. Giese, Edwin Scholl, George music counters before the end Adln, Paul R. Johnson, Hampton Kamler, Philip timer, Weber, C. Herbert Graham, W. O. Salvettera, Goetz, George Seifert, Vern Baker. John L. Marvin. Tommy Bruno V club, of the first week. Wilhelm. Georg» Hall. Ross Golla, Raymond Ballmer, Emerson Karg, Robert Sarraf, Robt. Haug, Leroy Gruber, John Saynour, Saion till St Irving Berlin has already writ­ Barrow, Eddi« L. Schmidt, Roman Kehoe. Ben Released, subject to recall: Heron, Wm. Gusk, Dougies t Club Bartha, Andor King. Irvin Schaffer Ben A. ten his war tune, We’ll Wipe Hoffman, Floyd Paul. Herman Hinds, Nelson Smith, Gene Homme, Bob farry, n. Bass«y, Claranca Krieg, Richard Hoops, Thoodor« Philburn, Francis Hoffman, Robt. Hyland, Charles Thompson, Stan Ion Off the Map, Mr. Jap. Other Bastian, Donald Kukurka, Joe Torynbee, Ches. R Hurst, George Walter. Ben|. Jendusa, Jacob Trimbl«, Kannath new ditties include They Asked Back, Charles E. Laakko, Bruno I-A rating: Janickl, Jos. Williams, John Jierscheck, Raymond Voigt, Marvin Beno, Eugene MacDonald, John Kemmerer, W for It, You're a Sap, Mr. Jap, Goldfinger, Seymour Keller, Jack Yokubenas, Walt Vracavich, Milan The Sun U ill Be Setting on the Berky, Dczsc McArthur, William Klammer, Frank Warrinar, W. ot; Berry, Franz Mann, John Released, subject to recall: Kobs, Ralph Welch. E. P. Land of the Rising Sun, and We Bishop, Mason E. Mazur, Bruno NEW YORK Owen, Wm. Konrad, Arthur Woltar, Gordon Brewer, William Meehan, Robert Did It Before and We’ll Do It (NEW YORK CITY NOT INCLUDED) Kreps, John Woltar», Jos. Again. Buchner, Orman Mongiardo, James Kundert, Paul Wood, D«l Bunker, Wallac« E. Moore, Oscar TEXAS Lambrecht, Darwin Voalz, Roy Caruso, Jack Morehead, William New comic -ongs include The Carnlcelli, John Coh«n, Sidney Neill, Jack Randall Milone, Ralph at the Japs Haven’t Got a Chinaman’s Doherty, Wm. Jr. Released, subject to recall Cordier, Siegfried Ob«lnicki, Frank Pulaski, Thomas Balfour, James Roman, Frank nite at Dougherty, Willard Adrian, Frank Mueller, Sidney Chance and I’ou Can’t Push All Csircsu, William O'Dwyer, Philip Simpson, Clifford Guitierrez. Fred Rotborough, Jimmy Beecher, Art Molnar Joe khead’s Cunningham, S. R. Osadchuk, Mitchell Guitlerrez, Joe Scheel, Alvin the B arid Ground. Dieck, James Reese, Cully Davidson, Frederick Patti, Anton Hord, Neil Schreier, Carl ths ago OHIO Dutkovich, Martin Rotas James DeVries, William Padilla, Marshall Ponder, Roy Smith. Dave dl, fea- Glazer, Henry Schilling, Glenn Djerkiss, Don R. Paturzo, Elliott In service: Regier, Ken Speegle, Wallace Hitmes, Earl Stindlo Hoyd : small Domilici, Peter Phillips, Walter Wild, Paul Albright, Richard Herman, Kirschner Koss, Horman Voss, Al ng hot Downey, Andrew J. Picou, Montes Dean Morrison Armour, K«nn«th Kramer, Hal Additional 11 at in as to th and hi« Duquette, Clyde Platt, David Batch«lor, Rob«rt May, John Jon««, T«d > Mon­ Eaton, H«ctor E. Pizzimenti, Joe Bocik, Edward Modert, Charles Stlbantaln, E. Band Folds Eikind, Aaron Premer, Frank Bo«h, Roy Morris. Robert Villani, A. A. Mount, Elden, Neal E Pulver, Howard Bartl«tt, FaIbius Nankovitch, Dan •mandi* Fairobent, Albert Purcell, William Bradl«y, Bob Nankovitch, Mito VIRGINIA by THE TIGER Fancher, Myron Raid, Armond Burns, Wm. Porcher, Howard Madison, Wis.—Dean Morrison’s Fanfalon«, Vincent Richards, Byron Cassidy, AI Riebes. Louis Feldman, Clifford Rigby, Harold Crabbs, Wilb«r Brown, Blak« Windley, D. G. dixieland band folded here recently Fischer, Deal Rose, Ralph D«Armond, Richard Schlutue, Carl Powell, Harold Woodson, H. L. after two years of operation. “A Forys, John Rosen, Harry E Dixon, Bob Schmidt, Ralph F. I-A rating: guy can’t keep a band going if Frank, Buddie Rossi, Arthur Gat«s, Jimmy Stelbasky, Mike Frank, David Rozanoff, Abe Gibbs, Laonard Shaver, Ray Fitzgerald, Eugen« Saundars, Billy one job after another dies under Frye, Rex Harold Rodriguez, Robert Hansolman, Charl«s Szalkay, Wm. Francis, Jr., H«nry Saundari, Jack THANKS him,” said Dean. Fullington, Lawrence Rue,John H«rron, Fr«d Passinger, John Lusk, Bobby St. Clair, Jimmy The Morrison gang had been do­ Geisz, Otto Rumble, Thomas Hartzsch, Otto Thompson, Geo. George, John to ing well until the Club Hollywood Sanchez, Edward Hornar, Mal Wagher, Pete Gerard, Jack Sobelman. William Kach«nm«ist«r, L«st«r Weitzel, Martin WASHINGTON closed leaving them jobless. They Gilmore, Edwin Sparer, Sol Kalan, Marty Hines, Robert Gitschlag, Carl Steger, Albert Down Beat made a comeback at the Marine Abb«y, Woodbury Graham, Norman Strange, Wesley LaRue. Dan Released, subject to recall: Alv«rs, Tommv club until the ops were caught Grandy, Irving Szitas, Gabriel Martin, Glen Bartley, John Raymond, Hal Bennett,Dennett, vnCharl« short of vitamins — silver gar­ Gross, Irving Talley, Huestell Millikan, William Ronnie Dahlman. Art Serafin, Edw. Readers Gross, Lee Thiedig, Bernard Braden, Cy nished with long green. This job Franklin. Morton Starr, Carl ak, Doc Grycan, Benedict Thompson, Howard Densmore, Lawrence Nelson, Carl Oberhelman, Robert Vogt, Dick -ganized was Waterloo and the band sunk Gwillim, Alfred Trombly Arthur Holm«s, Billy Pinnell, Russell Widlo, Miko K«n«ally, D«gland Riccetti, Tony ing the with it. Hattis, Robert Ullrich, Donald Madison jazzmen, Gordy Kem- Hawn, Burton Wachowski, Jos. Lang, Richard Tomlinson, ...... Bob BUDDY nborn. Horton, Robert Wallace, Stanley OREGON Wolcott, Jack meter, Johnny Salerno, Clayt Humbert, K«nn«th Warren, Johnny Wales and Art Beecher are the Hyder. Ralph C. Webster, William WISCONSIN RICH ack Sar- refugees. Jakubiak, Bob Weiser, Walter Drayar, Julian saxes, Jefferson, Arthur Wilkinson, Earl Jimmy Faye, who is a perennial Jenkins, Harry Witt. Earl I-A rating: Andrason, Charles Lavin. Ed il, trun- at the Top Hat here, took his Johnides, Wm. Wolf, Anton Brickell, Frank Quirk, Tommy Ann«d, Horman Lewison, Lloyd and Bok seasonal vacation from the spot Wyrick. William Handzlik, Loon Scott, Earl IBaerwaldt, Gilbert Livingston, James Leathers, Berne Shields. Jack Banholzor. Harold Loh, Albert set for and opened at the Oaks in Winona, Released, »abject to recall' unge is McDonald, S. B Thomas, Harvey Lorenz, Lincoln Minnesota, on January 6. . . . Blossom, Marton Roiavaar, Jack Olson, Norman Webb, Dick Bagovati, Michael Majeski, Theodore Goldie and His Laugh Band is D'Alleva. Frank Ruffin, Gao. W. Potter, Edward Weber Jr., Wm. Baltma, AI Margotis. Nick :oke bar, now at Club Chanticleer and pack­ Couglas, Leon Thoma«, Harker tool and in’ them in. . . . Charley Halver­ Haron, Irving Urtulatcu. John Hill, Marvin A. Vatr. Harold it bands son, prexy of Madison local, proud­ Paulmar, Tommy Wolgin, AI of Dick ly displaying an announcement of Zullo, Frank CATERING MW • MODERN Buff Estes’ becoming an officer in to and offering the the Royal Canadian Airforce. ... MINNESOTA er in his M.ita Raye, sepia 88 gal, giving SPECIAL RATES CHICAGOAN ROOMS SUITES out to a full house most every to his sax Bergman, John Koch, Richard HOTEI, . . . Tht night at the Parkside Bar. Beaulieu, Bob Laurie, Frank L THE PROFESSION APARTMENTS aw beinf Heart of the Loop rby. . . ■ Belated Greetings WOLVERINE 67 W. MADISON STREET O«' Hart from Related Greeting» Between Clark and Dearborn he Ella from HOTEL he Blue Chicago, III. CLÁI COB’ AL MORGAN HAY CONNIFF kie with Zutty Singleton BHaabath. • half black ng siness it with Artie Shaw Special Rate« HOTEL at Jimmy Ryan's, 53 West To the Profession 52nd Street, New York City and his Orchestra DETROIT i Foss ÇOOn(O See These People Figured in \eirs of the Music Morid Last Meeh ' Story on Dance Band Boom Gets Underway! Page 2 DOWN BEAT

Jaeger Chirps the Blues Torchy Lee is the name of this Happy Birthday ... i* Mort RADIO ■ 8RLLRD0ÍI1 ■ [RFE 5VmPH0nV THEATRE . . . Clear out of this world as he silken-haired spaniel, shown with mis­ Lawrence’s birthday but Frankie Mas­ drums and sings the blues simultan­ tress Peggy Lee. Torchy was the gift ters and Romo Vincent, the musical eously is Harry Jaeger, Vaughn Mon­ of an unidentified friend of Miss Lee’s comedy star, are in a race to eat Mort’s ■m roe’s versatile tub-thumper. Jaeger while she was appearing with Benny birthday cake. Lawrence runs the Goodman’s band at Meadowbrook sev­ Dawn Patrol, all night record program drummed for Benny Goodman and a eral months ago. Now, both are reg­ on W1P in Philly. The finish was a mess of Chicago bands. Pic hy Henry ular features of the Goodman menage draw as both were stopped by the Harris. at Hotel New Yorker in Manhattan. candle.

Ar Armful of Charm... Dick Polka Chirpers.. . Thin in an Thornhill Find who is fulfilling Jurgens, whose band doubles between intro to the Barry Sisters, who’ll open every expectation in brunet Lillian the Aragon ballroom in Chicago and at Chicago’s Chez Paree next month. I.ane of Ft. Wayne, Indiana, who now one-nighters in the Middle West, holds Their “Standard” platter of Pound is on lour with Thornhill and hi- fast an armful of charm in the person of Your Table Polka is currently one of rising young orchestra. Miss Lane Ada Leonard. Miss Leonard and her the most popular coin machine hits in was found by Claude and his man­ all-girl band are at present louring the the nation, especially strong in the ager, Murray Alberts, on a Ft. Wayne army camps as a morale builder. It's a Middle West. Pic hy Murray Korman. radio station alternating as a vocalist Seymour Rudolph pic. and stenographer. Pic by Hess.

k Dally Ritual . . . Little Frank For Pearl Harbor! . . . B..nd Strictly from Bixie. . . Landa Dailey, who’s the son of Cliff Dailey leader Sammy Kaye and Don Reid Keene, center, really hails from the and a nephew uf Frank Dailey Mead- wen* among the first to click with a south and now is -tarred as soloist on Bobby—the boys keep switching off the lights and yelling, ‘BLACKOUT! nw brook renown, pounds the skins war song, their ditty Remember Pearl the NBC Strictly from Dixie sustainer under the critical eye of Gracie Barrie Harbor having grabbed a big play heard Fridays. With her are Elisabeth and Dick Stabile. That’s Cliff, the throughout the country. Sammy is do­ Council, announcer, and Henry (Hot baby’s father, at the right. Miss Barrie nating his composer’s royalties lo the Lips) Levine. now is Dick’s featured vocalist. She’s Navy Relief Society. Above shot de- Vol 8 No. 2 his wife. Pic by Johnny Bernier. picts Kaye and Reid putting the fin­ ishing touches on the song. 5c

3 Ï » = 2 S «