
212 Heart 2001;86:212–216 causes nitric independent coronary artery vasodilation in humans Heart: first published as 10.1136/hrt.86.2.212 on 1 August 2001. Downloaded from

H Teragawa, M Kato, T Yamagata, H Matsuura, G Kajiyama

Abstract Objective—To determine how magnesium aVects human coronary arteries and whether endothe- lium derived (EDNO) is involved in the coronary arterial response to magnesium. Design—Quantitative coronary angiography and Doppler flow velocity measurements were used to determine the eVects of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) on magnesium induced dilation of the epicardial and resistance coronary arteries. Setting—Hiroshima University Hospital a tertiary cardiology centre. Patients—17 patients with angiographically normal coronary arteries.

Interventions— (MgSO4) (0.02 mmol/min and 0.2 mmol/min) was infused for two minutes into the left coronary ostium before and after intracoronary infusion of L-NMMA. Main outcome measures—Diameter of the proximal and distal segments of the epicardial cor- onary arteries and coronary blood flow.

Results—At a dose of 0.02 mmol/min, MgSO4 did not aVect the coronary arteries. At a dose of

0.2 mmol/min, MgSO4 caused coronary artery dilation (mean (SEM) proximal diameter 3.00 (0.09) to 3.11 (0.09) mm; distal 1.64 (0.06) to 1.77 (0.07) mm) and increased coronary blood

flow (79.3 (7.5) to 101.4 (9.9) ml/min, p < 0.001 v baseline for all). MgSO4 increased the changes in these parameters after the infusion of L-NMMA (p < 0.001 v baseline). Conclusions—Magnesium dilates both the epicardial and resistance coronary arteries in humans. Furthermore, the coronary arterial response to magnesium is dose dependent and inde- pendent of EDNO. (Heart 2001;86:212–216)

Keywords: coronary artery; coronary blood flow; magnesium sulfate; nitric oxide

Much interest has been focused on the relation women) undergoing coronary angiography for http://heart.bmj.com/ between magnesium and cardiovascular the evaluation of chest pain. Chest pain was disease.1–3 Furthermore, the benefits of magne- atypical for eVort angina in all of the patients. sium administration have been shown in a vari- All patients had angiographically normal epi- ety of cardiovascular diseases.4–7 In the setting of cardial coronary arteries, normal left ventricu- coronary artery disease, several studies have lar function (contrast ventriculographic ejec- shown the eYcacy of magnesium infusion in tion fraction > 50%) and a normal coronary patients with acute myocardial infarction,4 va- flow reserve. Patients with angiographically 5 8

sospastic angina, and unstable angina. While documented coronary spasm (> 50% luminal on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. several mechanisms are probably responsible for narrowing) after intracoronary injection of the favourable eVects of magnesium, the coron- acetylcholine were excluded from the study. ary vasodilatory eVect seems to be the primary No patients had a history of prior myocardial mechanism responsible for the beneficial eVects infarction, heart failure, or other serious of magnesium.9–11 However, only a few studies diseases. Written informed consent was ob- have investigated human coronary responses to tained from all patients before the study. The magnesium infusion in vivo.12 13 protocol was approved by the human investiga- One potential mechanism responsible for tion ethics committee of Hiroshima University. magnesium induced coronary dilation involves activation of the endothelium derived nitric The First Department oxide (EDNO) pathway.14–17 However, it is STUDY DESIGN of Internal Medicine, The study design has been previously de- unclear whether EDNO is involved in the Hiroshima University scribed in detail.18 In brief, all drugs including human coronary responses to magnesium. School of Medicine, antianginal agents were discontinued 48 hours 1-2-3 Kasumi, Therefore, in the present study we investigated before catheterisation, except for the unre- Minamiku, Hiroshima, the coronary vascular responses to intracoronary stricted use of sublingual glyceryl trinitrate, Japan 734-8851 infusion of magnesium. In addition, we deter- H Teragawa which was withheld 1 hour before catheterisa- mined whether EDNO contributes to the MKato tion. A 6 French guide catheter was introduced coronary vascular response to magnesium by T Yamagata into the left main coronary artery. A using NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA), H Matsuura 0.0014 inch Doppler flow guide wire (FloWire, G Kajiyama a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor. Cardiometrics, Mountain View, USA) was Correspondence to: advanced through the guide catheter into the Dr Teragawa Methods proximal segment of the left anterior descend- teragawa@ STUDY POPULATION ing coronary artery. The wire tip was carefully mcai.med.hiroshima-u.ac.jp We studied 17 Japanese patients (mean age 62 positioned in a straight segment of the vessel to Accepted 23 January 2001 years, range 44–69 years; seven men, 10 obtain an adequate flow velocity signal.

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Table 1 Systemic haemodynamic and coronary diameter and blood flow variables

Coronary diameter (mm) Heart: first published as 10.1136/hrt.86.2.212 on 1 August 2001. Downloaded from HR MAP (mm Coronary blood flow (beats/min) Hg) Proximal segments Distal segments (ml/min)

Baseline before L-NMMA 68 (2) 108 (4) 3.00 (0.09) 1.64 (0.06) 79.3 (7.5)

Low MgSO4 69 (2) 105 (4) 3.03 (0.09) 1.67 (0.06) 82.8 (7.3) High MgSO4 68 (3) 105 (4) 3.11 (0.09)*† 1.77 (0.07)*† 101.4 (9.9)*† Baseline after L-NMMA 67 (2) 108 (4) 2.89 (0.09)** 1.58 (0.06)** 68.3 (6.1)**

Low MgSO4 68 (2) 106 (4) 2.93 (0.08) 1.62 (0.06) 71.7 (7.4) High MgSO4 67 (3) 106 (3) 3.01 (0.09)*† 1.67 (0.06)*‡ 86.2 (8.3)*† Glyceryl trinitrate 75 (3)§ 98 (4)¶ 3.26 (0.09)§ 1.95 (0.06)§ 98.4 (12.0)††

Values are mean (SEM).

Low MgSO4 was at a dose of 0.02 mmol/min; high MgSO4 wasatadoseof0.2mmol/min. HR, heart rate; L-NMMA, NG-monomethy-L-arginine; MAP, mean arterial pressure.

*p<0.001vbaseline; †p < 0.01 v low MgSO4;‡p<0.05vlow MgSO4; **p < 0.05 v baseline before L-NMMA;††p < 0.05 v oth- ers except high MgSO4;§p<0.001vothers; ¶p < 0.01 v others.

STUDY PROTOCOL measured without knowledge of the clinical After baseline control conditions were estab- characteristics of the patients. An end diastolic

lished, magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) was in- frame was selected and analysed by a computer fused at rates of 0.02 and 0.2 mmol/min for 2 assisted coronary angiographic analysis system minutes. These doses were determined based (CAAS II/QUANTCOR, Siemens AG, Berlin on preliminary studies performed in six other and Munich, Germany). The average values of patients who had undergone cardiac catheteri- triplicate measurements of luminal diameter sation. On the basis of these preliminary stud- were used for analysis.

ies, intracoronary infusion of MgSO4 at the doses used in the present study had no eVects on either systemic haemodynamic variables or ESTIMATION OF CORONARY BLOOD FLOW systemic serum concentrations and Coronary blood flow was calculated as the did not cause conduction disturbance. In con- product of coronary blood flow velocity and trast, these doses caused significant increases in vessel diameter using the following formula: × × × 2 the serum ionised magnesium concentration in ð average peak velocity 0.125 diameter . the coronary sinus (mean baseline concentra- For calculating coronary blood flow, the inter- tion (SEM): 0.50 (0.02) mmol/l; 0.02 mmol/ nal diameter of the vessel at the location of the flow measurements (2–3 mm distal to the wire min: 0.65 (0.04) mmol/l, p < 0.01 v baseline; 0.2 mmol/min: 1.65 (0.15) mmol/min, tip) was measured using the method described above. p < 0.001 v baseline). After 5 minutes, L-NMMA was infused into the left coronary http://heart.bmj.com/ artery at a rate of 40 µmol/min for five minutes. BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS After control conditions had been reestab- Venous blood was drawn from a femoral sheath

lished, MgSO4 (0.02 and 0.2 mmol/min) was before the first and second administration of again infused serially. Finally, an intracoronary magnesium to measure serum ionised magne- infusion of glyceryl trinitrate was given at a rate sium and concentrations using a selec- of 200 µg/min for one minute. All drugs were tive electrode (NOVA 8; NOVA Biomedi- infused directly into the left coronary ostium cal, Waltham, USA). All measurements were

through a catheter using an infusion pump performed in duplicate. on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. (TE-311, Terumo, Tokyo, Japan) set at a rate of 1 ml/min. Coronary angiography was performed under DRUG PREPARATIONS control conditions and at the end of each drug MgSO4 (Toa Pharmaceutical Co, Tokyo, administration. The coronary blood flow veloc- Japan) was dissolved in an isotonic glucose ity was monitored continuously by a 12 MHz solution. L-NMMA (Sigma) and glyceryl pulsed Doppler velocimeter (FloMap, Cardio- trinitrate (Nihonkayaku, Tokyo, Japan) were metrics). Arterial pressure, heart rate, and dissolved immediately before use in physiologi- ECG were monitored continuously and re- cal saline. L-NMMA was sterilised in the corded by a multichannel recorder (Ni- department of pharmacy of Hiroshima Univer- honkoden Polygraph System, Nihonkoden, sity Hospital. Tokyo, Japan). We waited at least five minutes after each drug infusion to obtain stable values STATISTICAL ANALYSIS for blood flow velocity and coronary diameter. All data are expressed as the mean (SEM). Serial changes in haemodynamic variables, QUANTITATIVE CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHY epicardial coronary diameter, and coronary

The trunk of the left anterior descending and blood flow in response to MgSO4 were left circumflex coronary artery were divided compared by one way analysis of variance into the proximal and distal segments of equal (ANOVA). Serial changes in the epicardial cor- lengths. In each patient, the luminal diameters onary diameter and coronary blood flow before of the proximal and distal segments of the left and after the administration of L-NMMA were anterior descending and left circumflex coron- compared by two way ANOVA. Paired data ary arteries were measured to determine the were compared by Wilcoxon signed ranks test. eVects of various drugs on epicardial coronary A probability value of p < 0.05 was considered diameters. The luminal diameters were significant.

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A Proximal segments 120 3.3 Before L-NMMA

Before L-NMMA Heart: first published as 10.1136/hrt.86.2.212 on 1 August 2001. Downloaded from 110 After L-NMMA 3.2 After L-NMMA † † 100 3.1 NS NS 90 3.0 † † 80 2.9 70 2.8

Coronary blood flow (ml/min) 60 2.7 Baseline Low High Baseline Low High MgSO4 MgSO4 MgSO4 MgSO4 Figure 2 Changes in coronary blood flow in response to

intracoronary infusion of MgSO4 before and after L-NMMA infusion. Vertical bars represent SEM.

B Distal segments *p < 0.001 v baseline and †p < 0.01 v low MgSO4. 1.9 CORONARY RESPONSE TO L-NMMA AND GLYCERYL Coronary diameter (mm) 1.8 † TRINITRATE After intracoronary infusion of L-NMMA, the coronary diameter at baseline decreased from NS 1.7 3.00 (0.09) mm to 2.89 (0.09) mm (p < 0.05) in the proximal segment and from 1.64 ‡ (0.06) mm to 1.58 (0.06) mm (p < 0.05) in 1.6 the distal segment (table 1). Furthermore, after the infusion of L-NMMA, coronary blood flow 1.5 at baseline decreased from 79.3 (7.5) ml/min Baseline Low High to 68.3 (6.1) ml/min (p < 0.05, table 1). After MgSO MgSO 4 4 the intracoronary infusion of glyceryl trinitrate, Figure 1 Changes in the diameter of the (A) proximal the coronary diameter at baseline increased and (B) distal segments of epicardial coronary arteries in from 3.00 (0.09) mm to 3.26 (0.09) mm response to intracoronary infusion of MgSO4 before and after infusion of NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA). (p < 0.001) in the proximal segment and from

Low MgSO4 was at a dose of 0.02 mmol/min; high MgSO4 1.64 (0.06) mm to 1.95 (0.06) mm was at a dose of 0.2 mmol/min. Vertical bars represent (p < 0.001) in the distal segment (table 1). SEM. *p < 0.001 v baseline; †p < 0.01 v low MgSO4; ‡p < 0.05 v low MgSO4. http://heart.bmj.com/ Results CORONARY RESPONSE TO MAGNESIUM INFUSION At a low dose (0.02 mmol/l), the intracoronary CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS infusion of MgSO caused small increases in Three patients were current smokers (> 10 4 the coronary diameter (proximal segment: 3.03 cigarettes/day), but were instructed not to (0.09) mm; distal segment: 1.67 (0.06) mm; smoke for at least 48 hours before the study. table 1 and fig 1) and coronary blood flow Five patients had hypertension but no echocar- (82.8 (7.3) ml/min; table 1 and fig 2), although diographic evidence of left ventricular hyper- these values did not reach significance. At a trophy. Hypercholesterolaemia (total serum high dose (0.2 mmol/l), MgSO caused signifi- on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. concentration > 240 mg/dl 4 cant dilation of the proximal segment (3.11 (> 6.2 mmol/l)) was present in five patients, (0.09) mm) and distal segment (1.77 but their total serum cholesterol concentra- (0.07) mm, both p < 0.001 baseline and tions were not more than 270 mg/dl (7 mmol/l) v p < 0.01 low dose; table 1 and fig 1). This while not receiving antihypercholesterolaemia v was associated with increased coronary blood drug treatment. One patient had diet controlled flow (101.4 (9.9) ml/min, p < 0.001 baseline diabetes mellitus. v and p < 0.01 v low dose; table 1 and fig 2). HAEMODYNAMIC VARIABLES There were no significant changes in either EFFECT OF L-NMMA ON MAGNESIUM INDUCED heart rate or mean arterial pressure at baseline CORONARY RESPONSE or during the infusion of various drugs, except After intracoronary infusion of L-NMMA, low during the infusion of glyceryl trinitrate. With dose MgSO4 caused small increases in the cor- the infusion of glyceryl trinitrate, the heart rate onary diameter (proximal segment: 2.93 increased and the mean arterial pressure (0.08) mm; distal segment: 1.62 (0.06) mm; decreased (table 1). table 1 and fig 1) and coronary blood flow (71.7 (7.4) ml/min; table 1 and fig 2), although ELECTROLYTE VARIABLES these values were not diVerent. After the infu-

The serum ionised magnesium and calcium sion of L-NMMA, high dose MgSO4 caused concentrations at baseline did not change significant dilation of the proximal segment (magnesium: 0.51 (0.02) mmol/l and 0.52 (3.01 (0.09) mm, p < 0.001 v baseline and (0.02) mmol/l before the first and second infu- p < 0.01 v low dose) and distal segment (1.67

sion of MgSO4, respectively, p = NS; calcium: (0.06) mm, p < 0.001 v baseline and p < 0.05 1.14 (0.01) mmol/l and 1.13 (0.01) mmol/l v low dose; table 1 and fig 1). After infusion of

before the first and second infusion of MgSO4, L-NMMA, high dose MgSO4 increased coron- respectively, p = NS). ary blood flow (86.2 (8.3) ml/min, p < 0.001 v

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baseline and p < 0.01 v low dose; table 1 and caused by a direct action of magnesium on fig 2). These changes in coronary diameter and coronary arteries.

blood flow in response to the intracoronary Heart: first published as 10.1136/hrt.86.2.212 on 1 August 2001. Downloaded from

infusion of MgSO4 were not altered by the MECHANISM OF MAGNESIUM INDUCED CORONARY infusion of L-NMMA (figs 1 and 2). DILATION Several mechanisms responsible for magne- sium induced coronary dilation have been Discussion hypothesised. Magnesium is a physiological The present study shows that the intracoronary calcium blocker,22 and previous studies23–25 have infusion of magnesium causes dilation of established that extracellular magnesium in- human coronary arteries, including the epicar- hibits calcium entry into vascular smooth mus- dial and resistance coronary arteries, in vivo in cle cells. Fujita and colleagues19 showed that a dose dependent manner. Furthermore, the co-infusion of magnesium and calcium blunted present study shows that EDNO does not the vasodilatory actions observed by magne- mediate magnesium induced coronary dila- sium infusion alone, suggesting that magne- tion. To our knowledge, this is the first descrip- sium induced dilation is caused by the antago- tion of the relation between EDNO and nistic actions between magnesium and magnesium induced human coronary dilation. calcium. It is also possible that magnesium modulates 3',5'-monophosphate for- COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS REPORTS mation through adenylate cyclase, which is There have been very few studies of the activated by magnesium.23 26 Therefore, mag- changes in human blood flow in response to nesium infusion may cause an increase in magnesium infusion in vivo.12 13 19 Fujita and adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate production colleagues19 showed that intra-arterial infusion within coronary smooth muscle cells, leading of MgSO4 decreases forearm vascular resist- to the dilation of coronary arteries. ance. Vigorito and associates found that coron- Several studies have shown that prostacyclin, ary blood flow increases in normal,12 but not which is the vasodilating substance produced ischaemic, human coronary arteries13 after by the vascular endothelium, is involved in the 27–29 intravenous infusion of MgSO4. However, in vasodilatory action of magnesium. Al- these reports, the response to magnesium was though some studies have had opposite find- determined in peripheral or coronary resist- ings,30 31 Ravn32 reported that there are large ance vessels. Before the present study, there interindividual and intraindividual variations were no reports concerning changes in human in prostacyclin release. Therefore, although conductance and resistance coronary arteries many observations are needed to quantify the in response to magnesium infusion in vivo. amount of prostacyclin released by magnesium infusion, it is likely that endothelial release of http://heart.bmj.com/ EFFECT OF MAGNESIUM ON CORONARY ARTERIES prostacyclin contributes to the vasodilatory The present study shows that intracoronary eVect of magnesium.

infusion of high dose MgSO4 causes dilation of coronary arteries and increases in coronary DOES EDNO CONTRIBUTE TO MAGNESIUM blood flow. In contrast, the changes in these INDUCED HUMAN CORONARY DILATION IN VIVO? parameters did not reach significance with the Studies of magnesium and EDNO14–17 33–35 have

intracoronary infusion of low doses of MgSO4. presented contradictory hypotheses concern- These findings suggest that the coronary ing the relation between magnesium induced response to magnesium is dose dependent. The vascular dilation and EDNO. One hypothesis is on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. dose dependent blood flow response to magne- that EDNO is involved in magnesium induced sium infusion is in keeping with previous vascular dilation.14–17 The studies that support reports of forearm blood flow.19 this hypothesis were all performed in animals. In the present study, both the resistance and However, there have been no reports concern- epicardial coronary arteries dilated in response ing magnesium induced coronary response and

to a high dose of MgSO4. Furthermore, this EDNO in humans. In our study, the dilation of response was not inhibited by L-NMMA. human epicardial coronary arteries and the Because our previous study20 showed that increase in coronary blood flow induced by L-NMMA does not inhibit adenosine induced, intracoronary infusion of magnesium were not flow mediated dilation of human epicardial aVected by L-NMMA. On the basis of these coronary arteries, we cannot exclude the possi- findings, we conclude that EDNO is not bility that dilation of the epicardial coronary involved in magnesium induced human coron- arteries by magnesium infusion is caused by ary dilation. The diVerences in species, types of flow mediated dilation. However, it remains to vessels, and concentrations of magnesium used be determined how increases in coronary blood between previous studies and this study may flow can cause flow mediated dilation of the account for the diVering results. The second epicardial coronary arteries. Because the in- hypothesis is that magnesium inhibits the crease in coronary blood flow induced by mag- release of EDNO.33–35 This hypothesis suggests nesium infusion is less than that induced by that infusion of magnesium does not cause adenosine infusion,21 the increase in coronary EDNO mediated dilation. Our results support blood flow induced by magnesium may be this second hypothesis. insuYcient to cause flow mediated dilation of epicardial coronary arteries. Therefore, we STUDY LIMITATIONS believe that the dilation of epicardial coronary There are several limitations to the present arteries observed in the present study may be study. First, the dose of L-NMMA may have

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