Plant Syst. Evol. 239: 95–112 (2003) DOI 10.1007/s00606-002-0252-7

Genetic variation within and between populations of pusillus agg.

Z. Kaplan and J. Sˇteˇpa´nek

Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences, Pru˚ honice, Czech Republic

Received August 6, 2002; accepted November 22, 2002 Published online: May 15, 2003 Springer-Verlag 2003

Abstract. Patterns of isozyme variation were ex- Key words: , Potamogeton amined in 17 populations of P. pusillus and berchtoldii, isozymes, genetic variation, population P. berchtoldii, together with one population of structure, reproductive systems, clonal growth. P. trichoides taken for comparison. Both P. pusillus and P. berchtoldii displayed low levels of variation The Potamogeton pusillus agg.1 belongs among within populations associated with high levels of the taxonomically most difficult groups in the interpopulation differentiation. This pattern of family . The complex is partitioning of genetic variation within and be- almost cosmopolitan in its distribution; the tween populations is attributed to the founder only continent from which it is absent is effect, frequent vegetative propagation by turions, Australia. All morphotypes within this group dominant self-fertilization and limited seedling were by earlier authors referred to as a single recruitment. The mechanism of pollen transfer was investigated in cultivation. Effective pollina- species, sometimes divided into a few varieties. tion takes place in air above the water surface The first attempt to arrange all variation in this (autogamy, geitonogamy, anemogamy), on the group in Central Europe and to describe it in water surface (epihydrogamy) or below water terms of formal classification appeared in the surface (hydroautogamy). The species are self- Central-European Flora by Ascherson and compatible. The low level of infra-population Graebner (1897) who distinguished five infra- variation together with rare occurrence of hetero- specific taxa. Soon after, Hagstro¨ m (1901) zygotes suggest that selfing is the most frequent separated two species, P. pusillus (nowadays mode of pollination, although the protogynous called P. berchtoldii Fieber) and P. panormit- flowers may occasionally permit some cross-polli- anus Biv. (true P. pusillus L., see Dandy and nation. Unique enzyme markers were found for Taylor 1938, 1940). Fischer (1907) followed P. pusillus and P. berchtoldii, and also for the single Hagstrom in treating two distinct species and population of P. trichoides. All multienzyme phe- ¨ notypes were species-specific. Isozyme data support subdivided Bavarian into 23 and eight the separate position of P. pusillus and P. berch- infraspecific taxa, respectively, at the variety toldii. UPGMA dendogram based on enzyme data of 133 samples revealed three distinct main 1 In this paper, Potamogeton pusillus agg. is understood as enzymatic entities perfectly corresponding to the comprising two species in Europe, namely P. pusillus L. s. three morphologically defined species. str. (syn. P. panormitanus Biv.) and P. berchtoldii Fieber. 96 Z. Kaplan and J. Sˇ teˇ pa´ nek: Genetic variation in Potamogeton pusillus agg. and form levels. In his worldwide account, P. berchtoldii at three levels: (1) genetic vari- Graebner (1907) lumped the two species into ation within populations in order to estimate P. pusillus and recognized 14 units mostly at prevailing modes of reproduction, (2) genetic variety level within it, besides 3-4 closely variation between populations within each related South American species. Both species species to reveal possible contribution of were subdivided into several forms and varie- different genotypes to observed morphological ties also by Hagstro¨ m (1916) in his monograph. differences, and (3) inter-specific differences Besides these two basic units, he described six to test the distinction of P. pusillus and additional similar species from this complex P. berchtoldii at species level. mostly from Africa. In a revision of North American linear-leaved Potamogeton species, Material a methods Fernald (1932) adopted both species with several varieties. The concept of many infra- Plant material. Potamogeton pusillus and P. berch- specific taxa has been gradually abandoned in toldii are morphologically very similar. In fact, the literature, with the notable exception of most recent guides to identification stress only a Soo´ (1936, 1938) who proposed many new single morphological feature: structure of stipules. combinations of highly dubious value. At These are closed and tubular when young in P. pusillus but open and convolute in P. berchtoldii. present, both main taxa are generally recog- Hence in this study, sampled plant material of nized as separate species in Eurasia (e.g. Dandy P. pusillus agg. was divided into two groups solely 1980, Kasˇ ina 1988, Preston 1995) or either as according to the stipule shape. Besides similar varieties (Haynes 1974, Hellquist and Crow morphology, both species also share many basic 1980) or recently as subspecies (Haynes and biological features. The two species are largely Hellquist 1996, Haynes and Hellquist 2000) in sympatric in Eurasia and North America, but only North America. At the worldwide scale, satis- P. pusillus occurs in most of Africa. The exact factory taxonomic solution for this complex is position of South American plants that belong to still not available. In a recent global account of this complex is still insufficiently known. P. tricho- Potamogeton species (Wiegleb and Kaplan ides Cham. et Schltdl. is a species related to 1998), a broad concept of P. pusillus had to be P. pusillus agg. as delimited here, which is, howev- temporarily adopted again to cover the ex- er, taxonomically well defined and usually mor- phologically well distinguishable particularly when tremely rich mosaic of widespread phenotypes, fertile material is available (Preston 1995, Wiegleb local taxa and extreme forms of P. pusillus agg. and Kaplan 1998). A single population of this In spite of the fact that the extreme species was also included in analyses for inter- morphological variation in P. pusillus agg. specific comparison. All three species are consid- has been observed by many authors, its origin ered to be diploids with a chromosome number has little been studied systematically. Variation 2n = 26 (cf. Hollingsworth et al. 1998). Nine due to seasonal development was noted by chromosome counts have also been determined in Haynes (1974) who reported differences in plants included in this study, five in P. pusillus s. development of lacunae and shape of leaf apex str. and four in P. berchtoldii, all with chromo- between plants collected in early summer and some number 2n=26 (Jarolı´ mova´ and Kaplan, those collected later in the season. Contribu- unpubl.). tion of variation due to environment has Plants for cultivation and analyses were sam- pled from sites in Central Europe in 1997–2000. recently been investigated by Kaplan (2002), The origin of plants used for isozyme analysis is who observed considerable phenotypic plasti- summarized in Table 1. The reference population city in general appearance, branching pattern, numbers correspond to numbers of cultivated width and colour of leaves, details of venation, material and numbers of vouchers; herbarium and shape of leaf apex. specimens of individuals from the populations were The main aim of this study is to provide designated as their fractions (e.g. 307/1, 307/2 etc.). data on isozyme variation in P. pusillus and Voucher herbarium specimens from both field and Table 1. Localities of samples used for isozyme analysis, with population designations used in the text and reference population numbers S J. and Kaplan Z. corresponding to numbers of cultivated material and numbers of voucher herbarium material Species Population No. Locality P. pusillus Untersee 990 Switzerland: Distr. Thurgau: S margin of the Untersee (lake) 1 km ESE of Ermatingen village, 395 m a. s. l., 23 VI 1998

Bodensee I 987 (P) Austria: Vorarlberg: Distr. Bregenz: inlet at S margin of Fussacher Bucht (bay) of Bodensee Lake ˇ te ˇ 1.5 km N–NNE of Fußach village, near Ho¨ chst, 396 m a. s. l., 23 VI 1998 pa ´ Litomeˇ rˇ ice 959 Czech Republic: Bohemia: Distr. Litomeˇ rˇ ice: small pond in valley at N margin of Litomeˇ rˇ ice- in variation Genetic nek: Pokratice town suburb, 260 m a. s. l., 27 V 1998 Rokytnˇ any 1133 Czech Republic: Bohemia: Distr. Mlada´ Boleslav: pond 0.4 km W of Dolnı´ Rokytnˇ any village, 234 m a. s. l., 11 VI 1999 Dubovec 1212 Czech Republic: Bohemia: Distr. Jindrˇ ichu˚ v Hradec: Velky Dubovec pond 1.3 km SSE of Lomnice nad Luzˇ nicı´ village, 425 m a. s. l., 15 VI 2000 Panensky 1159 Czech Republic: Bohemia: Distr. Jindrˇ ichu˚ v Hradec: Velky Panensky fishpond 1.3 km SSE of Lomnice nad Luzˇ nicı´ village, 420 m a. s. l., 8 IX 1999 Struzˇ ky 1213 Czech Republic: Bohemia: Distr. Jindrˇ ichu˚ v Hradec: Struzˇ ky fishpond 0.8 km W of Brˇ ilice

village, 445 m a. s. l., 15 VI 2000 pusillus Potamogeton Sˇ imanov 307 Czech Republic: Bohemia: Distr. Jindrˇ ichu˚ v Hradec: Sˇ imanov pond (above Thierov pond) near Trˇ ebonˇ , 1.4 km NE of Trˇ ebonˇ railway station, 428 m a. s. l., 21 VIII 1996 P. berchtoldii Thuner See 991 Switzerland: Distr. Bern: Interlaken: small pool on E bank of the Thuner See (lake) W of Unterseen town, 560 m a. s. l., 21 VI 1998 Bodensee II 987 (B) Austria: Vorarlberg: Distr. Bregenz: inlet at S margin of Fussacher Bucht (bay) of Bodensee Lake 1.5 km N–NNE of Fußach village, near Ho¨ chst, 396 m a. s. l., 23 VI 1998 Skalna´ I 1147 Czech Republic: Bohemia: Distr. Cheb: pool in bottom of disused clay-pit called Sucha´ 1.8 km E–ESE of Skalna´ , 430 m a. s. l., 29 VII 1999 97 agg. Skalna´ II 1224 Czech Republic: Bohemia: Distr. Cheb: pool in bottom of disused clay-pit near Zelena´ settlement, 0.8 km SE of Skalna´ , 440 m a. s. l., 10. VIII. 2000 Chvojno 1219 Czech Republic: Bohemia: Distr. Pardubice: forest ditch with slowly running water 2.8 km NE of Vysoke´ Chvojno village, 269 m a. s. l., 31 VII 2000 Tyynis ˇ teˇ 927 Czech Republic: Bohemia: Distr. Rychnov nad Kneˇ zˇ nou: drainage ditch with slowly running water in forest sand-pit 1.3 km E of Tyynis ˇ teˇ nad Orlicı´ , 260 m a. s. l., 5 IX 1997 Litice 930 Czech Republic: Bohemia: Distr. U´ stı´ nad Orlicı´ : pool in the bottom of disused granite quarry by N margin of Litice nad Orlicı´ village, 460 m a. s. l., 11 IX 1997 Zˇ amberk 910 Czech Republic: Bohemia: Distr. U´ stı´ nad Orlicı´ : fishpond in castle park at SE margin of Zˇ amberk town, 413 m a. s. l., 14 IX 1997 98 Z. Kaplan and J. Sˇ teˇ pa´ nek: Genetic variation in Potamogeton pusillus agg.

cultivation are preserved in the herbarium of the Institute of Botany, Pru˚ honice (PRA). A population selected for sampling for study of genetic variation within populations had to fulfil the following criteria: (1) water habitat is not too old (either a relatively new one such as a clay pit or a small pond seasonally drawdown recently); (2) the water body does not lie on the main local migration routes of waterfowl; (3) individuals in the population flower freely and produce abundant fruits; and (4) the population is well established.

 y fishpond 1.3 km SSE of The requirements 1 and 2 should have increased the chance that the variation studied reflects breeding behaviour of individuals within the population rather than complicated history of repeated colo-

 y Panensk nization of propagules from various sources. The third requirement was applied to avoid sampling of vegetatively persisting clones. The last requirement should have excluded too young populations that had no chance to build up within-population variation. Material for analyses was collected at v Hradec: Velk ˚ least 2 m between each plant, if possible, in order to ichu ˇ avoid collecting from a single shoot system. Ten to erov: ditch with standing water in meadows at WNW margin of ˇ fifteen samples were collected from each popula- tion, with exception of population Thuner See where only seven samples could be collected without sampling twice from one clump. Addition- al material was collected from water bodies that village, 420 m a. s. l., 8 IX 1999 ´ had not fulfilled the requirements described above. nicı

ˇ However, these samples were used only for com- parison of variation between populations. Only a few individuals were generally taken from each of village, 194 m a. s. l., 14 IX 1999

ˇ these populations. Cultivation. Plants of P. pusillus agg. were cultivated for observations of reproductive behav- iour and for isozyme analyses in the experimental Chropyne Lomnice nad Luz garden at the Institute of Botany, Pru˚ honice, Czech Republic, in 1995-2001. Altogether, samples of 11 populations of P. berchtoldii, nine populations of P. pusillus, and six populations of P. trichoides were 1160 Czech Republic: Moravia: Distr. Pr grown. Plants were cultivated in plastic tanks of two sizes (180 · 140 · 80 and 200 · 120 · 35 cm)

ˇ filled with water and sunk in the ground in order to prevent overheating of water in summer. Each sample was planted in a plastic pot with pond mud Chropyne Lomnice 1157 Czech Republic: Bohemia: Distr. Jindr after desiccation treatment and submerged in a cultivation tank. Electrophoresis. Leaf material was collected

(continued) from cultivation early in the morning in summers 1999 and 2000 and immediately used for enzyme extraction. The leaves were dabbed free of water, Table 1 Species Population No. Locality P. trichoides Z. Kaplan and J. Sˇ teˇ pa´ nek: Genetic variation in Potamogeton pusillus agg. 99 marl and algae. Approximately 60 mg of leaf tissue before the application. Gel was rinsed in water and was mechanically ground with Dowex-Cl (1-X8) then in buffer tris-HCl pH 7. Solutions A and B and quartz sand and homogenized on ice in 0.75 ml were mixed and poured on the gel. Gel was tris-HCl extraction buffer. Two different extraction incubated in the dark at 32 C until bands ap- buffer systems were used: (a) ‘‘viola’’ (0.1 M tris- peared, and then it was rinsed and fixed (1:1:3:5, HCl pH 8.0, 70 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 26 mM glycerine, acetic acid, H2O, methanol). The gel sodium metabisulfite, 11 mM ascorbic acid, 4% stained for LAP was rinsed in buffer 60 ml 0.2 M polyvinylpyrrolidon) was used to separate isozymes tris-maleate pH 6 and incubated 10 min with 40 mg of AAT, ADH, EST, and PGI; and (b) ‘‘luzula’’ (75 L-leucyl-b-naphthylamide-HCl in 50% acetone and mM tris-H3PO4 pH 7.5, 13 mM 2-mercaptoetha- 60 mg MgCl2 (both dissolved in 30 ml buffer). nol, 7.8 mM dithioerythritol, 2.8 mM L-ascorbic Afterwards solution of 25 mg Fast Black K Salt in acid, 4% polyvinylpyrrolidon) for samples later 30 ml buffer was added and gel was incubated in stained for AAT, ADH, EST, GDH, LAP, PGI, the dark at 32 C until bands appeared. PGM, SOD, and 6PGDH. The extracts were Data analysis. The data set resulting from the centrifuged for 10 min at 13,000 rpm and clear isozyme electrophoresis was analyzed for inter- supernatants were stored at )75 C for up to 16 specific relationships by unweighted pair-group months until investigated in electrophoresis. method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) clus- Electrophoresis on non-denaturing polyacryl- tering 28 population-multienzyme phenotype units amide gels was run in a Hoeffer vertical electropho- (see Table 3), where alleles were taken for charac- resis unit at 4 C. The gels consisted of separating gel ters and their absence/presence coded as character (8% acrylamide, buffer of 1.82 M tris-HCl, pH 8.9) binary states. All homomeric and monomeric and stacking gel (4% acrylamide, buffer of 0.069 M bands showed in Fig. 1 were scored for the tris-HCl, pH 6.9). The electrode buffer consisted of UPGMA analysis. Simple Matching and Jaccard 0.02 M tris and 0.24 M glycine, pH 8.3. coefficients were applied, both used as similarity or The following nine enzymes were analyzed: distance. The different coefficients gave more or less aspartate aminotransferase (AAT, EC, identical results and only the analysis based on alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH, EC, esterase Simple Matching is therefore shown. (EST, EC 3.1.1.-), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH, EC, leucine aminopeptidase (LAP, EC, phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI, EC Results, phosphoglucomutase (PGM, EC, Enzyme analysis. A total of 133 plants from superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, 6-phos- phogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH, EC Central Europe was analyzed using isozyme The staining procedures followed Valle- electrophoresis. Gels were stained for 9 enzyme jos (1983) to visualize ADH and 6PGDH, and systems (AAT, ADH, EST, GDH, LAP, PGI, Wendel and Weeden (1989) for PGM, PGI, EST, PGM, SOD, 6PGDH). PGI and PGM could SOD, and GDH, with the following modifications: not be interpreted because 6PGDH was ADH (20 ml ethanol), 6PGDH (0.1 M tris-HCl pH stained in the same place on the gels. Two 8.4, 30 mg 6-phosphogluconic acid), PGM (24 mg other isozyme systems (EST, SOD) showed MgCl2, 50 mg glucose-1-phosphate, 10 mg NADP), patterns too complex for analysis. Their indi- PGI (10 mg NADP, 24 mg MgCl2), EST (Na- vidual loci could not be determined reliably phosphate buffer pH 6.45; 25 mg b-naphthylphos- without additional tests of determination of phate, 50 mg Fast Blue BB), SOD (0.05 M tris-HCl the actual genetic basis of each. Hence the pH 8.2, 4.5 mg EDTA, 5 mg NBT). electrophoretic profiles were used only for Enzyme systems AAT and LAP were stained using the following methods. Two staining solu- comparison of polymorphism on the level of tions were prepared for AAT: A (20 ml 0.1 M tris- isozyme phenotypes, but were not scored for HCl pH 8.4, 240 mg aspartic acid, 40 mg allele frequencies because it was not possible to a-ketoglutaric acid) and B (20 ml 0.1 M tris-HCl infer reliably which constitution was heterozy- pH 8.4, 50 mg Fast Blue BB Salt, 50 mg Fast Violet gous. The remaining 5 enzyme systems showed B). The solution A was prepared at least 15 min 9 isozyme loci. Among them, Aat-1 could not 100 Z. Kaplan and J. Sˇ teˇ pa´ nek: Genetic variation in Potamogeton pusillus agg. Z. Kaplan and J. Sˇ teˇ pa´ nek: Genetic variation in Potamogeton pusillus agg. 101 be analyzed because of low enzyme activity in ulation. P. pusillus and P. berchtoldii were some samples, Aat-3 and Adh-2 gave no consistently different in this locus (Table 2). variation for the material tested. Observed The gel stained for GDH displayed one isozyme phenotypes of the 8 isozyme loci that locus with three phenotypes (Fig. 1). The most displayed interpretable activity and legible common phenotype of Gdh-1, designated A, bands (Aat-2, Aat-3, Adh-1, Adh-2, Gdh-1, consisted of a single band and was detected Lap-1, 6Pgdh-1, 6Pgdh-2), together with the 2 in all three studied species. Each of the lower enzymes systems difficult to interpret in terms two bands was unique to one species: that of of loci (EST, SOD), are given in Fig. 1. phenotype B to P. berchtoldii; that of Variation at individual enzyme systems and phenotype C to P. pusillus. Up to five addi- loci. AAT gave patterns consisting with 3 loci, tional faint bands appeared between the two of which Aat-1 was insufficiently stained and bands of phenotypes B and C. These had could not be scored in all individuals. The probably risen due to post-translation modifi- slowest products Aat-3 produced a single cation of a minority portion of molecules of invariant phenotype of one band representing the subunit. The number of these faint hetero- one homozygous allele. Altogether 5 bands meric bands indicated that GDH was hexa- appeared at Aat-2 that gave 4 different phe- meric in the studied plants. notypes (Fig. 1). The P. berchtoldii plants The single displayed locus of LAP gave showed phenotypes A and B; A was unique three different phenotypes, each homozygous to this species, B was shared with P. trichoides. of one allele. A ‘‘second’’ band of secondary The middle band of Aat-2 was diagnostic for origin appeared closely above the ‘‘main’’ one P. pusillus and appeared in all samples of this in all lines. Phenotype B with the band in the species. Most populations of this species had middle position was most frequent and was homozygous phenotype C, the heterozygous found in all three species. Phenotype A with phenotype D appeared in samples of only one the slowest band was unique to three popula- population. P. pusillus and P. berchtoldii tions of P. berchtoldii, whereas phenotype C shared no band and therefore no enzyme appeared only in three populations of phenotype at Aat-2 (Table 2). P. pusillus. The pattern of ADH consisted of two loci. Two loci were detected in 6PGDH. Three Adh-2 showed a homozygous phenotype of a phenotypes were found in the slower area of single band in all studied samples. Additional activity with locus 6Pgdh-2. Two of them, A faint secondary bands sometimes appeared and B, were homozygous, each consisting of a above the single band. The faster locus Adh-1 single band that presented a subset of the was variable. Three different phenotypes were pattern seen in phenotype C (Fig. 1). The observed, each of a single band (Fig. 1). All phenotype A was most frequent in all three plants of P. pusillus and of P. trichoides shared species. The phenotype B was confined to one phenotype B. The P. berchtoldii plants had population of P. pusillus, whereas the hetero- mostly phenotypes C, but one plant with zygous phenotype C was unique to one plant phenotype A was detected in a variable pop- of P. berchtoldii.In6Pgdh-1, altogether seven b Fig. 1. Interpreted enzyme phenotypes of AAT, ADH,GDH,LAP,6PGDH,ESTandSODobservedin samples of P. pusillus, P. berchtoldii and P. trichoides. All supposed secondary bands are omitted. Size of bands and distances between them within an enzyme system (or each locus of 6PGDH) are printed in 100% of actual size as the appeared on the gel. Alphabetical codes below the banding patterns denote the different locus or enzyme phenotypes of polymorphic enzymes. At AAT and ADH, these codes refer to phenotypes of loci Aat-2 and Adh-1, respectively. Black, shaded, striped and empty bands in EST indicate brown, violet, green and yellow bands on gels, respectively Table 2. Occurrence of locus/enzyme phenotypes in plant material studied, with number of analyzed plants from each population S J. and Kaplan Z. (N), number of 102 plants with particular multienzyme phenotype among the plants studied (n), and code of multienzyme phenotype (MEP). Each multienzyme phenotype is defined by the unique combination of the eight locus/enzyme phenotypes Species Population N n MEP Aat-2 Gdh-1 Adh-1 Lap-1 6Pgdh-2 6Pgdh-1 SOD EST P. pusillus Untersee 3 2 U C A B C A F D A 1XCCBCAFBA Bodensee I 3 3 VCCBBAFDC Litomeˇ rˇ ice 12 12 Y C C B C A F D C Rokytnˇ any11TCABBAFDC Dubovec 10 7 Q C A B B A F B C 2RCABBAFCC 1PCABBAFAB Panenskyy1010ZDABBAFBD Struzˇ ky106TCABBAFDC 1SCABBAFDA 3OCABBAFAA ˇ Simanov 1 1 W C C B C B F A C ˇ te ˇ P. berchtoldii Thuner See 7 7 E A B C B A A D K pa ´ Bodensee II 2 1 G A B C B A A E L in variation Genetic nek: 1DABCAAEEL Skalna´ I107IABCBADFG 1JABCBADFH 1HABCBABGI 1CABABCDFG Skalna´ II 15 14 K B A C B A A D K 1LBBCAAADK Chvojno 11 11 AAACAAAEJ

Tyynis ˇ teˇ 11 11 B A A C B A C D E pusillus Potamogeton Litice 1 1 F A B C B A A E F Zˇ amberk 1 1 K B A C B A A D K Chropyneˇ 13 13 M B B C B A A D K P. trichoides Lomnice 12 12 N B A B B A A D M agg. Table 3. Occurrence of multienzyme phenotypes (A–Z) among 50 samples of eight populations of P. pusillus, 71 samples of nine populations of S J. and Kaplan Z. P. berchtoldii and 12 samples of one population of P. trichoides. Each crossing symbol represents one population-multienzyme phenotype unit used in UPGMA analysis Species Population A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z P. pusillus Untersee ··

Bodensee I · ˇ te ˇ Litomeˇ rˇ ice · pa ´ Rokytnˇ any · in variation Genetic nek: Dubovec ··· Panensky · Struzˇ ky ··· Sˇ imanov · P. berchtoldii Thuner See · Bodensee II ·· Skalna´ I · ··· Skalna´ II ··

Chvojno · pusillus Potamogeton Tyynis ˇ teˇ · Litice · Zˇ amberk · Chropyneˇ · P. trichoides Lomnice · g.103 agg. 104 Z. Kaplan and J. Sˇ teˇ pa´ nek: Genetic variation in Potamogeton pusillus agg. bands gave six different phenotypes, three of heterozygotes per locus (H). Average values them heterozygous (Fig. 1). Phenotype F with of these parameters were V = 2.00, p = 0.095, the remote slowest band was diagnostic to A = 1.095, H = 0.033 for P. pusillus and P. pusillus, being found in all samples of this V = 1.67, p = 0.125, A = 1.317, H = 0.045 species. In P. berchtoldii, this locus was highly for P. berchtoldii. The single population of variable. Homozygous phenotype A was most P. trichoides was uniform. All multienzyme frequent. Heterozygous phenotypes were de- phenotypes were species-specific (Table 3). tected in both mixed populations with homo- In P. pusillus, four of the distinguished loci zygous plants (B, D, E) and uniform were polymorphic and two uniform, with two population (C). P. trichoides was homozygous more enzyme systems that were polymorphic with phenotype A (Table 2). (Table 2). Twelve multienzyme phenotypes Isozyme system SOD was too complex to were observed (Table 3). Eleven of them were allow distinguishing of loci and heterozygous confined to a single population, except multi- constitution. Seven isozyme phenotypes were enzyme phenotype T which was found in two observed (Fig. 1); of those A, B and C were populations. Among the recognized loci, seven unique to P. pusillus, and E, F and G to alleles were unique to P. pusillus (4 in Aat-2,1 P. berchtoldii. The most common phenotype D in Gdh-1,1inLap-1, and 1 in 6Pgdh-1), three appeared in some plants of all three species. of them diagnostic for this species (2 in Aat-2, EST gave a very complicated pattern of 1in6Pgdh-1). Adh-1 also reliably distinguished bands of at least four colours (Fig. 1). Thirteen P. pusillus from P. berchtoldii. Additionally enzyme phenotypes were distinguished. They five unique bands were recognized in EST, two showed very high variation between popula- of them diagnostic, and two unique bands in tions and most of them (B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, SOD. L, M) were peculiar to a single population or All loci/enzyme systems of P. berchtoldii to some plants of a population. Phenotypes A were polymorphic (Table 2). Thirteen multien- and C appeared in two and six populations of zyme phenotypes were found (Table 3). P. pusillus, respectively, and phenotype K was Twelve of them were detected in only one found in four populations of P. berchtoldii. population but K was located in two popula- The two fastest bands in phenotypes A, B, C tions. The distinguished loci displayed eleven and D were diagnostic for P. pusillus.No alleles unique to P. berchtoldii (1 in Aat-2,1in diagnostic band was found for P. berchtoldii Gdh-1,2inAdh-1,1inLap-1,1in6Pgdh-2, although the fastest band was present in 84% and 5 in 6Pgdh-1); two other alleles were of studied plants of this species (Table 2). shared with P. trichoides but not found in Multienzyme phenotypes. A total of 22 P. pusillus (1 in Aat-2, and 1 in 6Pgdh-1). multienzyme phenotypes was observed Additional eight and two unique bands were (Table 2). In the eight populations of recognized in EST and SOD, respectively. P. pusillus, 12 multienzyme phenotypes were The single population of P. trichoides was found, whereas 13 multienzyme phenotypes uniform in all enzyme systems (Table 2). were detected among plants from the nine Unique enzyme markers were found only in populations of P. berchtoldii. Among popula- EST where 3 bands confined to this species tions studied for infra-population variation, were observed. two of four were uniform in P. pusillus, and In the UPGMA dendrogram (Fig. 2), vari- four of six were invariable in P. berchtoldii ation among populations of P. pusillus is (Table 4). Genetic variation within populations found at a similarity coefficient of 0.73–1.00, were estimated by the number of multienzyme and variation within populations at a coeffi- phenotypes detected in population (V), propor- cient 0.92–1.00. Values of a similarity coeffi- tion of loci polymorphic (p), mean number of cient for P. berchtoldii are 0.76–1.00 for alleles per locus (A), and mean proportion of variation among populations and 0.83–1.00 Z. Kaplan and J. Sˇ teˇ pa´ nek: Genetic variation in Potamogeton pusillus agg. 105 for that within populations. The single popu- Potamogeton. Isozyme variation was very high lation of P. trichoides was invariable. between populations but low or absent within Relationships between the species. The in- populations of P. pectinatus L. in a study by vestigated material represents three distinct van Wijk et al. (1988). In an extensive isozyme enzymatic entities perfectly corresponding to survey made by Hettiarachchi and Triest the three morphologically defined putative (1991), most of 18 Potamogeton species species. In the UPGMA dendogram, all popu- showed low infra-population variation and lations of each of P. pusillus and P. berchtoldii high inter-population differentiation. Isozyme were clustered together and separated from variation was found in two of twelve popula- populations of the other species and from that tions of P. coloratus Hornem. by Hollings- of P. trichoides (Fig. 2). In this analysis, worth et al. (1995a). New Zealand samples of P. berchtoldii is the most distinct species sepa- P. ochreatus Raoul, P. cheesemanii A. Benn. rated from the others at a similarity coefficient and P. crispus L. showed little genetic diversity of 0.64. The P. trichoides cluster is separated between populations but even less variation from P. pusillus at a coefficient of 0.73. Exclu- within them (Hofstra et al. 1995). More sion of P. trichoides material from the analysis variation was found to be distributed between did not change the mutual relationships than within populations of P. pectinatus L. and between P. pusillus and P. berchtoldii. P. filiformis Pers. by Hollingsworth et al. (1996a). These observations correspond also to the general trend in many aquatic plants Discussion (e.g. Les 1988, Laushman 1993, Philbrick and Pattern of genetic variation within and between Les 1996). populations. In the preceding paragraphs, Role of reproduction modes in the genetic it has been shown that most genetic variation variation pattern. A species’ breeding system in P. pusillus and P. berchtoldii is distributed often plays a central role in determining the between rather than within populations distribution of genetic variation within and (Fig. 2, Tables 2 and 4). At least half of the between populations. In P. pusillus agg., populations studied for infra-population vari- vegetative propagation seems to be the princi- ation were found to be uniform in both species, pal mean of maintenance of populations. while others generally presented low levels of Colonies in deep, shaded or turbulent water genetic variation as estimated by the number often do not flower. Then, the individuals of multienzyme phenotypes detected in popu- reproduce solely by turions. These are short lation (V), proportion of loci polymorphic (p), stems with reduced leaves modified into veg- mean number of alleles per locus (A), and etative buds. They are produced in quantity in mean proportion of heterozygotes per locus late summer in the leaf axils (typically in (H) (Table 4). This low diversity within pop- P. pusillus) or on the apices of the main shoot ulations was revealed in spite of the fact that and axillary branches (in P. berchtoldii). These only freely flowering and fruiting populations turions are dormant and serve mainly to carry were sampled for the analysis to avoid collect- the colony over the winter since the rest of the ing clones obviously persisting vegetatively. In plant is annual and dies down in autumn. The contrast, the differences between populations clonal growth is the only opportunity to were very high. With one exception in both survive for the populations that fail to flower species, each multienzyme phenotype was at all. However, even if plants in some specific to a single population. The pattern of populations flower and fruit freely and a rich distribution of genetic variation in populations seed bank is produced, seedling recruitment is of P. pusillus and P. berchtoldii revealed in this generally rare in established populations. In study is in accordance with published studies spring, the faster growth of new stems from on isozyme variation in other species of turions causes failure of the smaller and 0 .Kpa n .S J. and Kaplan Z. 106 ˇ te ˇ pa ´ e:Gntcvrainin variation Genetic nek:

Fig. 2. An UPGMA dendrogram based on presence-absence data of 51 enzyme markers, constructed for the 28 population-multienzyme phenotype units (altogether representing 133 plant individuals) listed in Table 3. Simple Matching was applied as a similarity coefficient oaoeo pusillus Potamogeton agg. Z. Kaplan and J. Sˇ teˇ pa´ nek: Genetic variation in Potamogeton pusillus agg. 107

Table 4. Genetic variation within populations of P. pusillus, P. berchtoldii and P. trichoides based on isozyme data: number of individuals sampled (N), number of multienzyme phenotypes detected in popu- lation (V), proportion of loci polymorphic (p), mean number of alleles per locus (A), mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus (Ap), mean proportion of heterozygotes per locus (H), range of similarity coefficient between individuals within the population (S)

Species Population N V p A Ap HS P. pusillus Litomeˇ rˇ ice 12 1 0.00 1.13 – 0.00 1.00 Struzˇ ky 10 3 0.25 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.92–1.00 Panensky 10 1 0.00 1.25 – 0.13 1.00 Dubovec 10 3 0.13 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.92–1.00 P. berchtoldii Chvojno 11 1 0.00 1.00 – 0.00 1.00 Thuner See 7 1 0.00 1.13 – 0.00 1.00 Tyynis ˇ teˇ 11 1 0.00 1.63 – 0.13 1.00 Skalna´ I 10 4 0.50 1.88 3.33 0.14 0.83–1.00 Skalna´ II 15 2 0.25 1.13 1.50 0.00 0.94–1.00 Chropyneˇ 13 1 0.00 1.13 – 0.00 1.00 P. trichoides Lomnice 12 1 0.00 1.00 – 0.00 1.00 weaker seedlings in the competition for light. reproduction. Van Wijk (1989) concluded that In waters with very low light transparency, the maintenance of populations of P. pectinatus L. seedlings die soon after germination. Also, was almost entirely due to vegetative persis- seeds of several species exhibit prolonged tence and reproduction. Kautsky (1991) dormancy2 and they are likely to be covered recorded no seedlings in the site where with sediment before they start to germinate. P. pectinatus and P. perfoliatus L. had been In contrast, vegetative propagation is very the most abundant angiosperms. Hollings- effective. It has been reported that a single worth et al. (1996a) concluded that seedling turion of another species of the genus, recruitment rather than the frequency of sexual P. crispus L., planted at the start of the season reproduction itself is an important factor in grew into a plant that produced 23,520 turions controlling the observed levels of variation in by the end of the year (Yeo 1966). It may be P. pectinatus. concluded that the main function of fruits in The propagules of P. pusillus agg. (seeds, in P. pusillus agg. seems to be in dispersal and shorter distances also turions and shoot frag- long-term survival during unfavourable peri- ments) are easily dispersed between standing ods. Similar observations on the low impor- water bodies by waterfowl. Almost every tance of seeds in maintaining established abandoned clay pit or stone quarry with a populations have been made in other species water body in Central Europe is quickly of Potamogeton. Brux et al. (1987, 1988) noted colonized by these linear-leaved pondweeds. only rare establishment of plants of P. alpinus The new population is often established by a Balb. from seed in the wild despite a rich seed single or a few genotypes and this founder bank and found that the colonies are main- effect determines low initial genetic variation. tained almost entirely by means of vegetative Plants in these shallow waters usually flower freely and regularly set fruit in quantity. Next spring, when dormancy of a portion of the 2 Several hundreds of fruits of P. berchtoldii from a single population were collected in 1993. They did not germinate seed bank is broken by low temperature during during the first season and have been preserved in a the winter, seeds start to germinate and their refrigerator at about 4 C. Each spring, several tens of success is often high in the new habitat with them are removed and kept at room temperature. Some germinating seedlings have been observed each year. Now, almost optimal conditions such as sufficient in 2002, the experiment still continues. nutrients, clear water and low competition. 108 Z. Kaplan and J. Sˇ teˇ pa´ nek: Genetic variation in Potamogeton pusillus agg.

However, the low genetic diversity or even 2. Geitonogamy. In P. pusillus agg., several uniformity is usually retained for many subse- flowers are usually open simultaneously in the quent generations. These plants also exhibit same spike and transfer of pollen falling from high heterozygote deficiency. This pattern of upper flowers to a stigma of flowers below genetic variation coincides well with what one seems to be the most common case of between- would expect in a self-fertile inbreeder. flower pollination within an individual. The dominance of self-fertilization was also 3. Anemogamy. The inflorescences usually observed in cultivation. The plants were flower- project above the water surface before flowering ing freely in summer when grown in shallow and the peduncles bend upwards under negative standing water. No differences in pollination geotropism, which seems to be an adaptation to have been observed between P. pusillus and anemogamy. The pollen from dehisced anthers P. berchtoldii. Both species share the same floral may be then easily blown away by wind. The structures. The plants have several-flowered concave shape of the petals arising close to the spikes on peduncles longer than the spikes. anthers gives rise to small turbulences that When in flower, the inflorescence usually pro- enhance the chance that the pollen grains are jects above water surface. The flowers are bisex- caught in the airstream. Some of them may then ual and exhibit strong protogyny. The pollen accidentally reach the stigma of another flower. grains are hydrophobic and spherical in shape. 4. Epihydrogamy. Even though flowering The following mutually non-exclusive spikes are mostly emerged, they sometimes get modes of effective pollination according to the in contact with the water surface, particularly pattern of pollen transfer from anthers onto the when water level has risen or at a late phase of stigma have been observed by Z. K. in cultiva- flowering. The pollen is hydrophobic and tion. In natural populations, more than one of pollen grains float on the water surface. In these modes are likely to operate simultaneous- sheltered places, the water surface may be ly. They may also be considered as different covered by a carpet of floating pollen grains. aspects of the overall pollination system: When pollen comes in contact with a flower, 1. Autogamy. When petals open, a lot of pollen grains stick on the stigmas. pollen is released from the anthers on the stigma 5. Hydroautogamy. This term has been of the same flower. Most of the pollen stuck on proposed by Philbrick and Anderson (1987) the stigma seems to originate from the same for self-pollination in submerged flowers of flower and within-flower self-pollination would Potamogeton. The selfing takes place via be the most frequent mode of pollination. To bubbles that are produced when the anthers test self-compatibility, several spikes were each dehisce. These bubbles provide a surface on enclosed in a small bag before the flowers which pollen moves from the anther to the opened. The isolation within the bag not only stigma of the same flower. Hydroautogamy is prevented pollination by pollen from a different suggested as an intermediate stage between plant, but served also as a barrier against wind aerial and true water pollination in aquatic that could transfer pollen between flowers. plants (Philbrick and Anderson 1987, Phil- Although this did not exclude that some lower brick 1988, Philbrick and Les 1996). flowers in a spike were pollinated by the pollen Each of the above pollination modes gave fallen from the apical part of the spike, there rise to mature fruit that was later able to was obviously no mechanism that would bring germinate. It is therefore assumed that fertil- pollen upwards. Development to mature fruits ization by the acquired pollen follows each of was observed in all spikes, including their apical the pollination modes. flowers. Full fruit set was also repeatedly Another experiment with the aim to ex- observed in cultivation in the first spike when clude theoretical possibility of occurrence of no other source of pollen for crossing had been pseudogamy or agamospermy in our studied available. plants was unsuccessful. Because of their Z. Kaplan and J. Sˇ teˇ pa´ nek: Genetic variation in Potamogeton pusillus agg. 109 structure, the flowers were always damaged nance of selfing, the occurrence of polymorphic during attempts to remove all anthers from populations, heterozygous plants and interspec- young flower buds. The same difficulties with ific hybrids (cf. Preston 1995, Wiegleb and emasculation were noted by Guo and Cook Kaplan 1998) indicate that outcrossing does (1990) in experiments with Groenlandia densa sometimes occur. (L.) Fourr. However, because of the occur- rence of polymorphic populations, the high Relation between habitat conditions number of isozyme phenotypes detected in this and genetic variation pattern study and the occurrence of interspecific hybrids (cf. Preston 1995, Wiegleb and Kaplan Among the freely flowering and fruiting pop- 1998), we consider the occurrence of gameto- ulations studied for infra-population variation phytic apomixis in P. pusillus agg. unlikely. in this study, no isozyme variation was detect- Philbrick (1984) observed reduced seed set ed in 50% of populations of P. pusillus and in in the American population of P. berchtoldii he 66% of populations of P. berchtoldii. 73% of studied and suggested that the pollen seemed populations consisted only of homozygous to be incompatible with the stigma of the same plants. The typical habitat of these populations flower. However, this first interpretation of with dominance of selfing is a small and self-incompatibility has been abandoned in his relatively shallow pond, a pool in the bottom later works. of a disused clay-pit or a meadow ditch with Modes 1, 2 and 5 described above always standing water. These habitats seem to offer result in selfing. Only in modes 3 and 4 there is optimal conditions for abundant flowering, some space for crossing between different fruiting and seed germination. genets. However, as shown above, natural In contrast, some populations consisted of populations of P. pusillus agg. are often mixed homozygous and heterozygous plants or genetically uniform so that pollination by a even entirely of heterozygotes in one of the different ramet can equally result in selfing. loci. All plants of P. pusillus from the popu- Also the low proportion of heterozygous lation Panensky displayed heterozygotes at plants (H ¼ 0.00–0.14, see Table 4) indicates Aat-2. The samples were invariable in all that cross-pollination is rather a rare event in observed enzyme systems. This pattern sug- P. pusillus agg. gests that the population is actually a clone. In On the other hand, crossing may be fa- spite of the fact that the plants did flower and voured by protogyny. At early female phase, the set abundant fruits, sexual reproduction must petals are closed and protect the anthers. The have been ineffective and the population per- stigma is ready to receive pollen a few days sisted there solely by vegetative reproduction. before the anthers dehisce. When the petals This is probably because the water in this pond liberate the pollen, the stigma may have already is relatively deep and of low transparency, been fertilized by pollen from a different plant. preventing fruit germination or successful The released pollen grains may be caught in the seedling recruitment. Invariable occurrence of airstream and reach another stigma. Cook heterozygotes at Aat-2 indicates either the (1988) considers petals as a pollen-arresting founder effect, with the population having mechanism that liberates the pollen only after been established from a single turion, or the female receptive phase. Our observations considerable bottle-neck, in both cases fol- suggest that the stigma is still receptive at the lowed exclusively by vegetative reproduction. male phase unless it has already been fertilized Similarly, all plants of the population by different pollen. Several bagged inflorescen- Tyynis ˇ teˇ were heterozygous at 6Pgdh-1 and ces produced full seed set from all flowers (see uniform in all studied enzyme systems. The above) and thus protogyny here is an inefficient population grows in a drainage ditch with slowly barrier to self-pollination. Despite the domi- running water and the absence of genetic vari- 110 Z. Kaplan and J. Sˇ teˇ pa´ nek: Genetic variation in Potamogeton pusillus agg. ation in this site may be explained by abundant species. In the UPGMA analysis, P. pusillus, organic sediment that covers the plants. Small P. berchtoldii and the single population of and weak seedlings are likely to be stifled under P. trichoides were divided into three distinct this sediment whereas stronger turions are main clusters. In spite of little morphological probably able to escape by faster growth. differences between P. pusillus and P. berchtol- Most likely a combined mode of generative dii, enzyme markers provide convincing support and vegetative reproduction occurs in the for treating them as two separate species. population Skalna´ I. Four multienzyme phe- Identification of sampled plant material on the notypes have been revealed among ten plants basis of stipule structure corresponded perfectly from this site and a high proportion of with the distinct enzymatic entities. heterozygotes was found at 6Pgdh-1. The The isozyme results of this study are in locality is a pool in the bottom of a disused accordance with the separate position of clay-pit and the plants grow there in spatially P. pusillus and P. berchtoldii given by Hetti- rather isolated clumps and set fruits freely. arachchi and Triest (1991) who compared An alternative interpretation of the genetic inter-specific isozyme variation between 18 structure within this population is that the species of Potamogeton. In their study, the collected and studied plants may have repre- cluster analysis (l.c., Fig. 4) divided the diploid sented samples of up to four different clones linear-leaved species of P. pusillus group (sensu coexisting in the site. Wiegleb 1988) in two subgroups that perfectly corresponded with the division proposed by Hagstro¨ m (1916). The species with tubular Relationships between species stipules (P. pusillus, P. friesii Rupr.) appeared Species-specific isozyme markers have been in one cluster whereas those with convolute found in several studies on Potamogeton. stipules (P. obtusifolius Mert. et W. D. J. Multienzyme phenotype patterns were diag- Koch, P. trichoides, P. berchtoldii) were placed nostic at the species level in the study by in another cluster. However, the relationships Hettiarachchi and Triest (1991) and could of P. pusillus group to other groups of the serve for identification. Isozyme markers that genus were quite different from those Hag- separate P. pectinatus, P. filiformis, P. vagi- stro¨ m assumed. Although results of both natus Turcz. and South American P. striatus isozyme studies support the separate position Ruiz et Pav. were detected by Hollingsworth of P. pusillus and P. berchtoldii, a different et al. (1996a, 1996b). Clear interspecific differ- topology was recovered with respect to ences in isozyme band pattern were observed P. trichoides: samples of this species were by Hofstra et al. (1995) between P. ochreatus, clustered with P. berchtoldii in the Hettiarach- P. cheesemanii and P. crispus. Consistently chi and Triest study, but the single population different isozyme patterns have been repeated- examined in this study was placed in the basal ly utilized for identification of hybrids, some of position of P. pusillus cluster. which are otherwise difficult to prove on the morphological grounds only (Hollingsworth We are especially grateful to Ivana Placˇ kova´ and et al. 1995b; Hollingsworth et al. 1996b; Karin Kottova´ for considerable help with labora- Preston et al. 1998; Fant et al. 2001a, 2001b; tory work. We wish to express our thanks to Jitka Sˇ teˇ pa´ nkova´ for her help during field work. We also Iida and Kadono 2002; Kaplan et al. 2002). thank Sˇ imon Bercha and Ilona Kaplanova´ for Unique enzyme markers were found also for taking care of the cultivated Potamogeton material, P. pusillus, P. berchtoldii, and for the single and to Clive A. Stace and two anonymous review- population of P. trichoides investigated in ers for constructive comments on the manuscript. this study. Sharp genetic differentiation was The research was supported by grants no. 206/98/ revealed in several enzyme systems as well 1539 from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic as between multienzyme phenotypes of these and no. AV0Z6005908 from the Academy of Z. Kaplan and J. Sˇ teˇ pa´ nek: Genetic variation in Potamogeton pusillus agg. 111

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