Aquatic Plants in Big Bass and Wadley Lakes Marathon County Nancy Turyk, UW-Stevens Point February 27, 2014
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Aquatic Plants in Big Bass and Wadley Lakes Marathon County Nancy Turyk, UW-Stevens Point February 27, 2014 BIG BASS LAKE • Survey conducted by Jen McNelly and UWSP students June 1, 2012 • WDNR point-intercept method • Visited 282 sites; 152 sites were vegetated WADLEY LAKE • Survey conducted by Jen McNelly and UWSP students – Aquatic Plant Community July 20, 2012 • Used WDNR’s point-intercept methods • Visited 147 sites; 128 sites were vegetated Big Bass Lake (2012 Survey) 25 Aquatic Plant Species Scientific Name Common Name Coefficient of Conservatism Value Emergent Species Sagittaria latifolia common arrowhead 3 Dulichium arundinaceum three-way sedge 9 Schoenoplectus acutus hardstem bulrush 6 Schoenoplectus pungens three square bulrush 5 Schoenoplectus softstem bulrush 4 tabernaemontani Sparganium, spp. bur-reed 5 Typha latifolia broad-leaved cattail 1 Floating Leaf Species Lemna minor small duckweed 4 Nuphar variegata spatterdock 6 Nymphaea odorata white water lily 6 Potamogeton natans floating leaf pondweed 5 Subergent Species Chara muskgrass 7 Eleocharis acicularis needle spikerush 5 Heteranthera dubia water stargrass 6 Myriophyllum sibiricum northern milfoil 6 Najas flexilis slender naiad 6 Potamogeton friesii fries pondweed 8 Potamogeton gramineus variable pondweed 7 Potamogeton illinoensis Illinois pondweed 6 Potamogeton praelongus white-stem pondweed 8 Potamogeton pusillus small pondweed 7 Potamogeton zosteriformis flat-stem pondweed 6 Stuckenia pectinata sago pondweed 3 Utricularia vulgaris common bladderwort 7 aquatic Moss Wadley Lake (2012 Survey) 18 Aquatic Plant Species Scientific Name Common Name Coefficient of Conservatism Value Emergent Species Schoenoplectus softstem bulrush 8 tabernaemontani Typha latifolia broad leaved cattail 1 Phalaris arundinacea reed canary grass Iris versicolor Northern blue flag Floating Leaf Species Nuphar variegata spatterdock 6 Nymphaea odorata white water lily 6 Polygonum amphibium water smartweed 5 Submergent Species Chara muskgrasses 7 Myriophyllum sibiricum worthern water-milfoil 6 Myriophyllum spicatum Eurasian water-milfoil Najas flexilis slender naiad 6 Potamogeton gramineus variable Pondweed 7 Potamogeton illinoensis Illinois pondweed 6 Potamogeton natans floating leaf pondweed 5 Potamogeton praelongus white-stem pondweed 8 Potamogeton pusillus small pondweed 7 Potamogeton zosteriformis flat-stem pondweed 6 Vallisneria americana wild celery 6 Figure 3. Species richness at sampled sites on Wadley Lake • Big Bass Most Abundant Species – White Stem Pondweed • 30% of vegetated sites • C Value=8 Slender Naiad Big Bass: Second most abundant Wadley: 41% of vegetated sites 26% of vegetated sites Chara Big Bass: Third most abundant • Macro algae • 25% of sampled sites • Grows near groundwater inflow Wadley: Most abundant species • 59% of vegetated sites • Keeps water clear Illinois Pondweed • Wadley Lake: 35% of vegetated sites Floristic Quality Indices for Marathon County Lakes 35.0 30.0 Big Bass Lake – High C value 25.0 20.0 Three-way sedge C=9 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Floristic Floristic Quality Index (FQI) Wadley Lake – High C value Softstem bulrush C=8 Fries’ pondweed C=8 White-stem pondweed C=8 White-stem pondweed C=8 Aquatic Invasive Species • No curly leaf pondweed identified in June surveys • No Eurasian water milfoil in Big Bass • Eurasian water milfoil present in Wadley Lake EWM in Wadley Lake July 2012 • In 2012 survey occurred at 10% of sites Sediment Core – Wadley Lake • A shift in the diatom community and sedimentary changes reflect an increase in phosphorus and possibly filamentous algae in the top of the sediment core. • Greater input of silica-based materials to the deep part of the lake, indicating disturbance and more suspended sediment in the last century. • A decrease in marl formation reflects a potential loss or change in the aquatic plant community or changes in groundwater flow into the lake. Sediment Core – Big Bass ¢Over this time period, there have been increases in nutrients to the lake, including phosphorus, and substantial habitat changes. ¢Diatom species communities and sediment properties reflect an increase in phosphorus, aquatic plants and filamentous algae in the top of the sediment core. ¢Properties at the top of the sediment core indicate that some shoreline stabilization has occurred in recent years. Acknowledgements Marathon County Citizens and Lake Groups Marathon County Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources Aquatic Plants - Jen McNelly UW-Stevens Point Undergraduate Students Questions? .