HIPPOCRENE BOOKS New York Thanks to Fred Hill for his support and creative input.

© 1999 Nicholas Awde Fourth printing, 2005.

Hippocrene Books, Inc 171 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016

ISBN 0-7818-0621-6 (pbk.)

Typesetting by Nicholas Awde/Desertr Hearts

Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS

Introduction 5

A Very Basic Grammar 10

Pronunciation Guide 16

The Somali Alphabet 18




Further Reading I75

Map 176 ^ A Somali person is a Soomaali.

^ The adjective for Somali things is Soomaali.

m The call themselves Soomaalida.

The Somali language is called Af Soomaali.

Somalia is Soomaaliya.

4 • Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook INTRODUCTION

Somalia was known in ancient times as the fabled land of Punt, the biblical place known to the

Egyptians for its incense and herbs. In a later age,

the British explorer Richard Burton was to describe the people of Somalia as a "fierce and turbulent race of republicans" — and, indeed, the Somalis have always retained an ethnic and cultural distinctiveness despite centuries of Arabian influence and a long history of partition of their land, situated as it is at the strategic mouth of the Red Sea leading to the Suez Canal. The nations of Britain, France, Italy Egypt, Ethiopia and Kenya have all, at one time or another, administered parts of 'Greater Somalia' and the reunification of the Somali people has remained high on the national agenda since independence in 1960.

Somalia is one of the most ethnically homogeneous states in Africa — and all the groups there which are ethnically Somali share a common cultural background, but there are still wide differences between the pastoral groups and the sedentary peoples. In a country severely affected by drought and war as well as the long-term effects of massive foreign aid and foreign debt, it is presently difficult to estimate the total Somali population.

Perhaps there are around five to eight million, excluding another million living abroad as migrant workers or refugees. Aside from Somalia itself, Somalis have also traditionally lived in Kenya's North-West Frontier province and Ethiopia's Ogaden Desert. This has been subject to much change in recent years, however.

Aside from the traditional ways of herding livestock — mostly camels, sheep and goats — and trading along the coast, an important source of employment for many

Somalis is as migrant workers in the oil sector of the

Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook • 5 neighboring Arab states. It has been estimated that as

many as 250,000 at any one time work there, in the process providing a significant part of Somalia's economy

It is hoped that local sources of natural gas and petroleum

will be located and developed in order to create new employment as well as break the present reliance on energy imports.

Islam spread to the Horn of Africa in the 9th and 10th

centuries as the Arabs came to settle in the ports along the coast. The 12th century saw waves of migration southwards from the north by Somali clans who occupied the general area they occupy today and the region bustled with their trade, mingled with the movements of pastoratiits and their herds. By the 16th century, the

Somalis had already hit the history books when Ahmed Gurey one of their clan leaders, led an army of fierce warriors on a jihad or holy war against the neighboring

Christian kingdom of Ethiopia.

The 15th and 16th centuries saw the arrival of the Portuguese, who sought to control Somali trade,

particularly in the south. After two centuries of this

European presence along the coast, the Omani Sultanate then took over from the early 18th century and held onto

the reins of trade until colonialism in the late 19th century

started its relentless carving up of the African continent.

First the Egyptians took over the coastal towns, then the

British, who had made a commercial presence as early as

1827, linked Aden, on the other side of the Red Sea, with

Somalia as a suitable base for monopolising trade in the

Indian Ocean. Their desire for full political control soon followed. By the 1880s, Somali clan leaders had signed

protectorate treaties with Great Britain, but many other groups fought strenuously against foreign domination,

significant resistance ending only well into the second decade of the 20th century. Notable was Seyyid

6 • Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook Mohamed Abdille Hassan (unfairly dubbed the 'Mad Mullah' by the Western press), who headed a jihad against the 'infidel' colonisers — particularly the Ethiopians and the British — for almost 20 years.

By the late 19th century the French had also started to make inroads into Somalia — as had the Italians, who saw the southern region as essential to building an empire that included the ancient kingdom of Ethiopia. But the Italian incursion into the Horn of Africa backfired and their military defeat sparked a counter-expansion by Ethiopia which claimed the (then) Somali Ogaden for its own and threatened the French and British protectorates in the north. At the end of the Second World War, however, the

British were given control of as well as the Ogaden until 1950. Once more Somalia was divided up again, with Southern Somalia reverting to Italy and the Ogaden to Ethiopia. Under United Nations auspices, independence was eventually negotiated for the British and Italian Somalilands. On 26th June 1960, British Somaliland became independent and on 1st July of the same year so too did

Italian Somaliland. After a brief, heated debate, they were instantly re-united as a single, independent nation: the independent Republic of Somalia. French Somaliland, however, had to wait almost two decades more for its own independence (see below).

But conflict was never far away. The year of 1963 saw

Somali insurrection in Ethiopian-held Ogaden, fired by the unification of the Somalilands, while a five-year guerrilla campaign began in an attempt to gain independence for

Somalis living in Northern Kenya.

After a brief period of democracy under civilian rule. General Mohammed Siad Barre took control of the new nation he called the Somali Democratic Republic. He swiftly implemented his system of 'Scientific Socialism',

Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook • 7 backed by the USSR in the process nationalizing much of the economy. All land came under state ownership and

was leased to farmers, while in 1973-74 the National Literacy Campaign was launched to implement the new

Somali alphabet — the one used in this book. But despite

its Socialist bloc links, Somalia drew closer to the Middle

East and North Africa by joining the Arab League in 1977

By the same year, however, Siad Barre's policies had reduced Somalia's economy to chaos. The drought of 1974- 75 had already sparked a huge influx of refugees from Ethiopia and caused internal chaos, none of which was

helped by the collectivization of agriculture and fishing. In

the same year French Somaliland (later renamed French

Coast of A^rs and Issas) became the Republic of Djibouti under the presidency of the Somali Hassan Guleid.

In order to distract attention from his country's worsening situation, Siad Barre sent army units to help

Somali-sponsored rebels to try to take over the Ogaden, taking advantage of an Ethiopia weakened by the revolution against the Emperor Haile Selassie. But the

Ethiopians called in the Cubans and the following year the

Somali troops retreated, incurring heavy losses. The war and subsequent drought forced out even more Somali

refugees who lived in the Ogaden. It is estimated that

almost a million of these fled to an already strained Somalia. Sections within the clan system moved to take

advantage of the divided nation. Rioting and a failed coup led to brutal repression by the government. But this

provoked the rise of a movement of rebel groups who

eroded government power over the next decade. In 1991

they finally captured the capital .

The rebel groups failed to unite and Somalia was split

once miore as the north, which had previously been British Somaliland, broke away and proclaimed itself the

Somaliland Republic. Meanwhile, in the south, a bitter

8 • Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook power struggle broke out in the streets of Mogadishu

between the two camps of Ali Mahdi Mohammed and General Mohammed Farah Aydeed. The intensity of the conflict and the scale of famine

were such that first the U.S. sent in troops uninvited and then the U.N. followed, in a heavy-handed attempt to

impose peace. While there, this military force also took over the responsibility for ensuring the distribution of food aid to people during a famine which cost the lives of as many as 500,000. Still, the entire operation was expensive and not without controversy. The last soldiers were withdrawn in 1995, leaving behind them a continuing situation of conflict and ravaged economy, unaltered by the subsequent death of Aydeed.

The years of partition, war, civil war, foreign debt, drought and famine have taken a predictable toll on the

Somali people and their land. But they have maintained a remarkable sense of nationhood throughout the recent upheavals, and this spirit has never been abandoned in the many migrant and refugee communities of the diaspora.

Somalis, wherever they may be, hope for the restoration of peace and to be given the chance to peacefully restore and reconstruct the culture, institutions and economy of their homeland.

Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook • 9 A VERY BASIC GRAMMAR

Somali belongs to the Cushitic family of languages, which forms part of the Afroasiatic group of languages.

Other members of the family include Oromo (spoken in

Ethiopia and Kenya) and Afar (spoken in Ethiopia, Eritrea

and Djibouti).

Somali has been written in an official script since 1972,

but was written according to a variety of alphabets prior

to that.


While totally unrelated to English, the structure of Somali

is nevertheless quite simple. Word order is flexible, but the

verb is usually put at the end of the sentence, e.g.

Shaleyto bariis waan cunay.

'I ate rice yesterday.'

(literally: 'Yesterday rice I ate.')


As with many other languages, like Italian, German and

Arabic, Somali divides words up according to gender, i.e. whether they are masculine or feminine. This can be

predictable, e.g. naag woman (feminine) and nin man'

(masculine); or not, e.g. jariidad newspaper' (feminine) and

gaadhi car' (masculine). Verbs agree according to this

gender, e.g.

Feminine: Naag-tu way tagtay. The woman went.' Masculine: Nin-ku wuu tagay. The man went.'

Somali has no real word for 'a or an' — just the word by

itself is sufficient, e.g. raydiiyow means 'radio' or 'a radio.'

As in, again, Italian, German and Arabic, 'the' changes

10 • Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook according to gender: -ka for masculine nouns and -ta for

feminine nouns, e.g. dukaan shop' — dukaanka 'the shop,'

galab afternoon' — galabta 'the afternoon.' Note however that these forms are not fixed and can undergo a variety of sound changes.

Plurals — There are a variety of forms for the plural in

Somali, and these should best be learnt with the singular

of each new word you learn. Some involve a simple change of ending, e.g. naag 'woman' — naago 'women,' while others have different forms, e.g. ilig 'tooth' — ilko

'teeth,' jariidad 'newspaper' — jaraa'id 'newspapers.'

A strange feature of Somali is that often a word swaps

its gender as it changes from singular to plural, e.g. naag is feminine in the singular but the plural naago becomes masculine. The reverse happens with with inan 'boy' which

is masculine but becomes feminine for inammo 'boys.' At first sight it is not a predictable phenomenon, but remember that this gender reversal is a purely grammatical phenomenon.

Case — In addition to the plural, nouns in Somali also take other endings with have grammatical function, depending on where they appear in a sentence. These are best left for more advanced study, but for a note on the Vocative, see the note on page 132.

Like English, there are two ways in Somali of expressing

possession, either using the Genitive: guriga Jawaahir 'the

house of Jawahir/Jawahir's house'; or using a shortened form of the possessive pronouns: Jawaahir gurigeeda 'the

house of Jawahir/Jawahir's house' (lit: 'Jawahir her house').


Adjectives in Somali come after the noun, e.g.

weyn big' - gaadhi weyn big car'

yar 'small' - gaadhi yar 'small car'

Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook • 11 Common adjectives are:

weyn big ladan healthy yar small wanaagsan good

dheer long; tall xun bad

gaaban short fudud light; easy

quruxsan beautiful kulul hot


Prepositions in Somali are really prepositional phrases'

which have two forms — masculine (-iisa) and feminine (-eeda) — that agree with the gender of the noun they


debeddiisaAeeda out

gudihiisaZ-eeda in

hortiisa/-eeda in front of; before

dabadiisaAeeda behind; after

agtiisa Aeeda near

geestiisa/-eeda by dartiisa/-eeda because of dushiisa/-eeda on hoostiisaAeeda under dhexdooda"^ among

But the sense of English prepositions is more often

rendered by preverbs' (see below in Verbs).


As with verbs (see below), there are many different forms

of pronouns depending on how one wants to stress the

situation. However, a good basic set of personal pronoun

endings (here combined with waa, which is often used

with verbs) is as follows:

* This is a plural form.

12 • Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook SINGULAR PLURAL

waan I waannu we exclusive

waad you singular waynu we inclusive

wuu he; it waydin you plural

way she; it way they

la one; someone

Note that there are two forms for the single English word

we.' The exclusive waannu means us only (and not the

person you are talking to),' while the inclusive waynu

means us alt.'

'Him/her/it/them' are not translated — Somalis know the context always makes it clear what or who is being

spoken about and there's never any confusion. Basic forms

for object pronouns are:


i me na us exclusive

ina us inclusive

ku you singular idin you plural

Possessive pronouns have modified forms (masculine takes

k-, feminine t-) which agree with the gender of the person

or thing possessed:


kayga/tayda my ; kayaga/tayada our exclusive

keenna/teenna our inclusive

kaaga/taada your kiinna/tiinna your plural


kiisa/tiisa his; its kooda/tooda their

keeda/teeda hers; its

e.g. nnasculine dal kooda 'their country'

feminine lacagtooda 'their money'

Demonstratives behave like possessive pronouns, and in

the singular have masculine (k-) and feminine (t-) forms:

Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook • 13 SINGULAR PLURAL

kan/tan this kuwan these kaas/taas that kuwaas that


The structure of Somali verbs is different in quite a few

ways from English. In theory the system is very logical — in

practise, because of the many different endings, it may

seem all a little bewildering at first. It is worth spending a

little time sorting out the concept and then you will have

little difficulty — Somali can be complex at times, but it's

not really complicated!

Essentially the Somali verb system is an extremely flexible one that gives you a wide choice of word

combinations to say what you want. First of all, every

Somali verb has a basic form to which are added endings

that convey information about who is doing what and

when, e.g.

keen bring! keen-i to bring

keen-aa I bring

keen-ee I would bring

keen-ay I brought

keen-ay-aa I am bringing

In addition to the prepositions listed above, Somali uses

preverbs' — simple prepositions that add to a verbs meaning:

u to; for ku at; in; by

ka from; about la with

These are very broad in meaning and stay close to the

verb, connecting with other words in a sentence, e.g.

Gabadhu laybreeriga way ku qortaa.

The girl writes in the library.'

(lit: The girl the library she in writes.')

Note that English splits prepositions too (although for

14 • Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook ' different reasons), in sentences like What library did the girl write in? (lit: 'In what library did the girl write ?'). When these prepositions are combined with pronouns or other prepositions they are written as one word and sometimes show sound changes, e.g. caanaha koobka buu

[igiLshubay 'he poured the milk in the cup for me' — where iigu is made up of i 'me,' u 'for,' and ku 'in.'

The negative is formed by putting ma 'not' (or forms combining with it) before the verb. Ha 'do not' is used with commands.


Five important irregular verbs to watch out for are:

yimi to come yidhi to say yiqiin to know yahay to be

yiil to be somewhere

The verb 'to have' is formed by hay or hayso, e.g.

Basaboorkaaga ma haysataa?

'Do you have your passport?'.

'Have to' or 'must' is expressed by waa in-, e.g.

Waa inaan tago.

'I have to go.'

Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook • 15 PRONUNCIATION GUIDE

Somali Somali Approximate English letter example equivalent

a dai country short: pat

daar house long: father D bad sea DOX C cun eat 0 dad people dog dh dhul land e eber zero short: pet

eeg to look long: like the a in paid

g ^aadht car ^et h haa yes nat

i nin man short: s/t miis table long: seat

jariidad newspaper yet j k kulul hot ifick Kn khamiis Thursday

1 1 ladan healthy let m makhaayad restaurant mat n nabad peace net 0 orod to run short: cot jooji stop long: coat

q quruxsan beautiful r run truth rat, but rolled as

in Scottish English

s saacad hour Slt

sh shaneemo film 5/IUt

I tagsi taxi fen

u lug leg short: put tuulo village long: shoot w weyn big well X xukumad government y yar small yet

16 • Pocket Senna li Dictionary & Phrasebook Nothing beats listening to a native speaker, but the following notes should help give you some idea of how to pronounce the following letters.


The general difference in length of vowels is important,

e.g. dul 'top — duul 'fly'; bariis Vice'— Baariis 'Paris'


Also important is the 'doubling' of consonants, e.g. keennay

'we bring' is pronounced very distinctly as keen-nay —

to distinguish it from keenay (keen-ay) 'I bring.'

dh can be viewed as a 'flapped' d or r, depending on the

speaker — either way you'll get it right. Set your mouth up

to pronounce a normal d or r, but then curt your tongue

right up so that the bottom part of it touches the top part of your mouth. As you then try to pronounce the original d/r, you will feel your tongue 'flapping' forward.

X is a more emphatic form of h. Take the exhaling sound you make when you've just burnt your mouth after

taking a sip of boiling hot soup, push it right back into the very back of your mouth, making sure your tongue goes back too, and that should give a good approximation! [= Arabic ^] c if you follow the same pronunciation rules for x, with

your tongue and back of mouth all pressed up against the back of your throat, then simply change the hiss of

the h to a sound using your vocal cords. If you're then

sounding like you're being choked, then you've got it.

Hint: Rather than think of c as a consonant, think of it as a 'vowel modifier', and when listening to a native

speaker, note how it changes any vowel in its vicinity 'pharyngealizing' the vowel, sending half the sound up the nose. [= Arabic (^] q is pronounced like a k, but right back in your mouth at the throat end, in the same area as c and x. Imagine you have a marble in the back of your throat and that

you're bouncing it using only your glottis, and make a k sound at the same time. [= Arabic

also pronounced like the Spanish/Castillian 'jota'. [= Arabic C]

Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook • 17 > is what is called the glottal stop' You simply close the glottis at the very back of mouth/top of your throat,

and then release the built-up air. The result is a light

uh' sound with a very slight grunt just before it.

Although it's not written, it occurs in the conver- sational speech of nearly all English speakers, being most noticeable in the pronunciation of words like "bottle" as "bo'el" by many Londoners. [= Arabic

A NOTE ON SPELLING Note that you will find variants of spellings for many Somali words — this does not reflect any significant

difference in pronunciation, instead it's a situation similar

to that encountered in English spelling.


Somali Somali Somali Somali letter name of letter letter name of letter

a [a] m [ma]

b [ba] n [na]

c [ca] o [o]

d [da] q [qa]

dh [dha] r [ra]

e [e] s [sa]

f [fa] sh [sha]

g [ga] t [ta] h [ha] u [u]

[i] w [wa]

[ja] [xa] j X k [ka] y [ya] kh [kha]

\ [la] [hamza]

18 • Pocket Somali Dictionary & Phrasebook SOMALI DICTIONARY


Agoosto August

agteeda by; at the side of ahminayn ranching abaalgud prize akhlaaq moral aabbe father akhri read abaar drought alaab material abitey kite alaabo ceerin raw material abla-ablayn classification alaabta wax lagu cuno cutlery abooto grandmother alaabo guri fumiture abriil April albaab gate; door abuur xulasho seed selection alkalayn alkaline aad . . . u very Allaah God aadami human alle keli aamine monotheism adaa mudan! you're welcome! alleelo shell adag hard; thick; difficult ama or addoon slave amaah borrow addoonsi slavery amar order adduun world amba or adduunweyne international ambalaas ambulance community ammaan praise adeegto maid ammaano u hayn trusteeship adeegsi use aammus to be quiet adeer (paternal) uncle adhaxlay chordate aammusan quiet anaaniyad egoism adhi sheep & goats morality adhi-jir shepherd anshax adiga you anshax xumo immorality adkaysi resistance; endurance antaartik antarctic af mouth; language antibaayootik antibiotic afaaf door aqal house afar four aqbal accept afar gees square aqoon intelligence; knowledge afartan forty aqoonsi recognition af-badan sharp arag see afecf hypothesis aragti theory afka shimbiraha beak aragti maalineed daylight vision af-lagaado abuse arbaca Wednesday afo wife ardey student

Afrika Africa argaggixiso terrorism afuuf blow armaajo cupboard ag nearness ammin jiideed time agagaar neighborhood; surroundings ammin meeleed local time

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 21 aroor

aroor morning badan many; much aroore vein badbaadiye fuse arrin matter Badda Cad Mediterranean Sea aasaasi fundamental bad sea asal original badaad survive asbuuc week baadari missionary aashito; aasiidh acid baadariyad nun ashtakee accuse badeeco goods ashuun water pot badh half

askar army baadhis investigation askari soldier baadiye country; countryside assalaamu calaykum! peace be badhan button with you! badhar butter

astaamo characteristics badhax dilute astaan mark; characteristic badhe equator atmoosfeer atmosphere badhi bulb aton atom badhtame center

awood authori'^; power badmaax; badmar sailor awoodda danabka biyaha hydro- badweyn ocean

electric power bafto cotton (cloth) awoode almighty bah family of the same mother

awood-siin jurisdiction; mandate baahan u needing

awoowe grandfather bah cadceedeed solar system awr (burden) camel baahid propagation: diffusion axad Sunday baahin decentralised axdi agreement; pact baaji postpone; prevent

-ay feminine vocative suffix bakayle rabbit aayatiin destiny bakteeriye bacteria

ayeeyo grandmother bal! oh!

aayo ka talin; aayatashi self balaadhan wide determination balanbaalis butterfly baal feather; page; paper baalal wings

baalbiyood fins B baaldi bucket baali untidy

-ba as well as ballanqaad promise

ba' to be destroyed ballaadh width babbaay papaya ballaadhan wide baabbi'i destroy ballan agreement babbis fan baaluq maturation

baabuur car; truck baambad tap

bac (plastic carrier) bag bambeelmo grapefruit bacadleh market bang! bank

bacrimin fertilization bani aadnimo humanitarianism

bacrimiye fertilizer baankiriyas pancreas

bacrinnimo fertility bannaan plain bad sea bannaanbax protest

22 • Pocket Somali Dictionary blirbiriq

bannaan fatah flood plain baasto pasta bannaan webiyeed river plain baasto miir colander bannaan xeebeed coastal plain batalaqsi paddle baansiin petrol batax sand baqat mule bawdo thigh; femur baqdin fear bax to go; to leave baqo to be frightened baaxad size baqshad parcel baxso to escape baaq (dhawaaq) announce baydhis deflection baaquli bowl; basin baylin boil bar teach; indicate bed area; field barabbaxin displacement beddel u to change; to exchange baradho; bataati potatoes beddelid reform baraf ice; snow beed egg barashada macdanta geology beer farm; garden; liver; to grow; to barasho education; learning cultivate baarashud parachute beeraley farmers barataseemolo parsley berberooni pepper (capsicum) barbaarin education; training beri day; time bare teacher beeris culture (bacteria) barl east; to break the day; to spend beeris ganaceed farming, the night commercial baarij oats beeritaan plant bariis nee beer kooxeed collective barkin pillow beerole farmer barkulan focus beer raaxo park barmiil barrel beerta xayawaanka zoo barnaamij program beeryar spleen barnaaamijka (cuntada) degdegga beesad coin

crash (food) program beetalmay lavatory baro learn bi'i destroy baroosin anchor bidaar bald bartame center bidingal eggplant barwaaqo fertile land; prosperity bidix left barwaaqo soor to prosper bikaac lens barwaaqo-sooran prosperity; bil month

commonwealth bilaab; bilaw begin bas bus biiad environment baasaboor passport bilaa micne nonsense basaasnimo intelligence; spying bilaydh plate basal onion bilow start basali pink bilowga webiga river source basari untidy biin peg; pin basbaas chilli pepper biinso pincers; pliers basbaas leh hot; spicy biqil germination baasijar passenger biixi-yar fibula

basilas bacillus bir metal; iron; steel baaskeelad bicycle blirbiriq to shine

Pocket Somali Dictionary 23 bir ceerim

bir ceeriin ore burush; baraash brush biririf interval bu' nucleus

birlab magnet bu'da isha eyeball bir xadiid iron buudh boot birlabdanabow electromagnetism budhcad bandit

birtaboobe magnetic budhcad-badeed pirate bisad cat budo flour bisad yar kitten buufi to spray bisil ripe buufin balloon bislayn cooking buufiye pump bislec to cook; to boil buug book bistow to be cooked buuga lagu qoro notebook BismiUaah! In the name of God! buug xasuus qor diary (said before eating or drinking) buulo village bixi to emit; to extract; to pay buul shimbireed nest bixin extraction; pay bulsho society biyo water buluug blue biyo dhac water^ll bullaacad drain biyo fadhiisin marshy land bun coffee biyo shub oodan inland drainage buundo bridge biyo shub toosan river estuary bunduq gun biyowlayda dhulka hydrosphere bunduq-madfac cannon bocor pumpkin bunni brown bood-bood skip buuq noise booddo flea bur flour boodh dust; spore buur mountain boodhe brown buuran; buurnaan fat boodid jump burbur roodhiyeed crumb bogso (ka) recover (from) burcad butter bohol depression burcad dhanaan cheese boholo gullies buur duuban fold bool bolt buur fulkaaneed volcanic boolo stamp buur yar hill boolo-boolo duck buuro butter booqasho visit buruc belly booqo visit boqol hundred burus hammer burush; buraash brush boqor king boqorad queen burushka rinjiga paint brush boqortooyo kingdom; monarchy; bus dust sultanate buush cork boqoshaa mushroom buushe bran boor dust bushkulecti bicycle

boorso bag; handbag bushqad package booskaadh postcard buskut biscuit boosta; boosto post office bustc blanket

borotiin protein buux to be full

booyiso maid buuxi to fill

24 • Pocket Somali Dictionary casho

buuxso to fill up calaacal palm of hand buyaane piano calaamad mark; scar; sign meel istaraatiijik ah strategic calal rag position calan flag calaykum assalaam! reply to assalaamu calaykum! caleemo herbs C caleen leaf; herb calool stomach cab drink cambe mango caabbi resistance cammuud sand cabbir measure caan universal; fame cabbiraad measurement canab grapes caabudid worship cananaas pineapple cabid drink canbaruud pear cabsi fear canbuur dress cabuudhiye piston candhuufo spit cad meat canjeelo qalaad pancake cadadi coin caano milk cadaadi press caano diiq dairy cadaadis pressure caano fadhi yogurt cadaadis bccg barometer caanoole milkman cadaadis fudud yar low pressure canqow ankle cadaadis hawo air pressure caaqil wise cadaadis wayn high pressure caqli intelligence cadanyo allergy Carab Arab cadaw enemy carar to run caday tooth-stick cariish hut caddaan white carjow cartilage caddayn; caddee to explain; to caaro spider

prove carqalad barrier cadho anger; heat; upset carrab tongue cadhosan angry carro earth cadhow to get angry carro guduud red soil caadi usual carro guur soil erosion caadiga loo yaqaan average carro nafaqeyn soil fertilization caado habit carro seel saline soil cadow enemy carro-guur soil erosion caafimaad health carro-san fertile soil cag foot carruur children caag plastic carruusad toy cagaar grass carsaanyo snail; crab cagaaran green carwo fair cagaariye chlorophyl carwo dad circus cagafcagaf plow; tractor cas; casaan red cago feet cashar lesson cajalad tape; cassette cashee to have dinner cajiin paste casho day

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 25 casri

casri modern cod sound; voice ; vote casuusi pink cod dheer loud caato lean codka boolo-boolada quack caawa evening: this evening cod muusiko note cawaan barbaric codsi order cawee to spend the evening cudbi cotton caawimo help cudud upper arm; humerus

caws straw; grass cudur seexiye sleeping sickness caws qallalan hay cuf mass cayayaan insect(s) cufnaanta tirada dadka population caymis insurance density

cayn forest cufisjiidad gravity cayriin raw; unripe cufnaan density ceedhiin raw culays weight ceel well cuius heavy ceelka aartiis artesian well cun eat ceeryaamo; ceeryaan fog cunaqabatayn blockade celcelis average cunta qaadasho ingestion

ccli to return; to repeat cuntee to feed

ceriiri dhaqaale depression cunto food; diet (economic) cunto mareen alimentary canal ceyriin raw; unripe cunto ururin food gathering cid someone cuntub aggregate

ciid sand; holiday; festival cunug baby; child

ciida kristmaska Christmas curad first-born child

ciddiyo nails curcur wrist cidhib heel cusbataal hospital

cidhiidhi narrow cusbo macdaneed mineral salt

ciddi nail cusbo salt

ciddi fardood ama xayawaan hoof cusub new; fresh; modern cidiyo paw cidna no one ciidamo forces ciidan army D/DH cilmi intelligence

cilmiga bulshada social sciences da' age; to rain

cilmiga tirokoobka statistics dab fire; electric

cimilo climate; weather dab demis fire-engine cimilo-gooreed weather daba-case carrot

cinjir rubber dabaabad tank cinwaan address daabacaad print

cir joogayaal planets dabadeed external cirbad needle dabadeedna and then

cirif pole dabagaale squirrel

cir sky dabaq floor

ciyaala suuq rascal dabaqad class ciyaar dance; match; play dabargoyn exterminate ciyaaryahan xirfad leh acrobat dabayl wind

26 • Pocket Somali Dictionary dayaan

aaOayi joojjio an picvaiui ig wii lu danabayn electric charge; plpffrifiration QaDaYI Ka JccQ ICCWaiU cic\.ii II iv.aiiv^i 1 HaKavi ku iffPfl winnw^rn danab (fumman direct current dabci behsviour danabtuse electroscope dabeecad mdnners danbiit basket uawiivinaniiri iiaiuivriAtiirp danjirc ambassador

<4aKn fnliow ucieiiiyv^idaanvppr QL/c,;)np' iiiv^iip^cymnnkpv

dabo t3il " behind daa(^ pasture dabool cover daa(fad window f4aKiiiiK Hi^ni^^inn flaaa ^unp-flaanp hprnivorniK

naniin floiir" nowHpr daciif wesk da(]ii(]|ad minute dacsad makiinadeed peddl dar reason dacw66 3ccuse dar ku to add to dad people daar house; building da'da dhulka geological age daarad yard daad^urcG evacuate dar isku/ku to add daad-xoor silt darajada labaad secondary da^aal fighti battlej war darajo rank uaKoiainaoaal suKccyccaI^povo ^iviiriwil w^rwai uaicciinarppn tpn^inniciijiL^ii naffaal vanan iannanppn ptiprri narppncinp rara^ yanviilp cnin;)l ueiKaai yaiioiii jauiiciuvscu kuci i iiia daah curtairi(s); cover nerve dahab gold darGGnsidc waji facial nerve daahid lateness dareere licjuid daaji graze darii(f road; street

UCIIVIIII(4alflili lli\_VJIIIv.inromp aaiiiaaaa too rnavaarniio aiiiiuuc dal country; pestle darii<^ badeed sea route daal tired darii(fo method dalab order dariishad window dallaayad umbrella dameer donkey daallin oppressor danfi(|asho hurt dal (^alaad abroad daruur cloud(s) dalag cropsj input darycclid welfare dalag ganac cash crop darycclka carrada soil conservation dalag gedis crop rotation daa'uus peacock dal^o pharynx flaw ns^c dalool hide \jaadaawaadavaalvraauayaai avjuici;tiirlipnrpiv_c dalooliyc awl flaawp ni^k'

Ka^'L'VA/arrlnpcc uaiiiuoiyiinamnax/n uav.K wai ui ic J J uaWawO iUa

dambe behind; last; next; secondary dawan bell dambee to follow dawaar sewing machine

dainbiil basket uavvaaricHau#aario fsil^rlallur

uaiiicciflamppr Hnnl^px/ii\cy ua wcyn uivj

dameer faraw zebra dawlad state; government

dhammee to finish dawladeed state dan interest daawo medicine

daan jaw day to look at danab electrostatic dayaan echo

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 27 da'yar

da'yar young dhammee finish daayeer monkey dhan (dhamaa) to drink milk

day ku to try; to test dhanaan sour dayax moon dhaqaajiye motor dayax gacmeed satellite dhaqaale economy dayr short rains (September to dhaqaaU fadhiid ah economic November) stagnation

dayuurad aeroplane dhaqdhaqaaq movement; activity

debecsan loose dhar cloth; fabric clothing; ; clothes debed outside dharab dew

deg to inhabit; to live; to settle; to dhar ka dhig to undress stay dhaw near deegaan environment; vegetation dhawaaq ku announce deg-deg urgent; hurry dhawr protect deeqe donor dhaxal inheritance

deggan living; livf ; stable dhaxan cold noun

deg to sink dhedo mist; frost degmo community; settlement dheefsasho metabolism dejin unload dheefshiid digestion deked harbour; port dheeh enamel derbi wall dheel dance dermo mat dheeUitiran equilibrium deero gazelle dheemman diamond

dhab real; lap dhcer long; tall dhaban cheek dheeraad extra dhabbo lane dheg ear dhabcaal mean dhegayare clove

dhac to drop; to fall to happen dhegayso to listen

dhadhaab rock; stone dheg wcel handle dhadhaab dhalan rogan dhehtell metamorphic rock dhaqaaji move; drive dhadhaab lakabeed sedimentary rock dheraran longitudinal

dhadhaab shiileed igneous rock dhereg to be full up; to be satisfied

dhadhamo taste dheregsan full; satisfied dhadhan taste dheregsanaan saturation dhaaf pass by dherer length; height dhaafi; dhaafiye pass dhcri pot dhagax burbur weathering dheri ubaxa vase

dhakhso fast dhex middle; waist dhakhtar male doctor dhexda ukunta yolk dhakhtarad female doctor dhexdhexaad neutral dhakhtar ilkaha dentist dhcxe between; middle

dhalad indigenous dhexee to be in the middle

dhalaal to shine; to melt dhexgelid infiltration dhalin cause dhex roor diameter dhaliye generator dhexyaal medium

dhalo bottle; glass dhib problem dhammaad end dhib yar easy

28 • Pocket Somali Dictionary dooni

dhibaato problem dhuunta faloob fallopian tube dhibic drip dhusun underground dhidib axis dhuux marrow dhif rare dhuxul charcoal dhibiqtiny dib tail; rear dhig to put down; to teach dibad outside; abroad dhigaal; dhigasho deposit dibadeed external dhige longitude dibno lips dhilawyahan ivy dibqalooc scorpion dhimbiil green vegetables dibudhac underdevelopment dhimbiliye spark plug dib u habee reform dhimoto die dib u hel recover dhin reduce dibusocod retrogressive dhinac side diid refuse dhir plant; herb didib limestone dhir isku cufan hedge diidmo refusal; resistance dhir teel-teel ah scattered trees difaac defence dhisto build digaag chicken dhismaha jugraafiga duleed digir bean(s) physical geography digir-cagaar peas dhisme-unug cell structure digrii degree dhisid construction; building digsi pan dhogor wool; fur dil to hit; to kill dhoobo clay (qof) dilid murder dhoofi export dimis screwdriver dhow near diin religion; tortoise dhowow to approach; soo diinlaawe atheist

dhowow! come in! dir class; send dhowr few diir peel dhowrso (ka) refrain diirad compass dhuuban thin direys uniform dhucoyaray pint diriishad window dhufo ku hit with dirindiir caterpillar; worm dhugo peep diirran warm; heated dhukey wax diirri to heat up dhukubis peck disembar December dhul earth; land; country; ground; floor diisnaan compression dhul balaarsi territorial expansion diyaar ready; prepared dhul bannaan field diyaargarow to prepare dhulbeereed field dood quarrel dhul-daaq grazing land doofaar pig dhul gariir earthquake doog grass; green dhulgoosi feudal doolshe cake dhululubo cylinder dooUar dollar dhuumasho hide dooUi mouse; rat dhuun pipe doon to want; to wish; will dhuuni becris subsistence doondoon to look for dhunkasho kiss dooni boat

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 29 doonis

doonis want eedee to accuse dooni yar canoe edebdarro rude dooro chicken eedo paternal aunt

dooro waraabe mushroom eeg to look; to watch dooxo valley eegeeg look around doqon silty elektaron electron dub grill; skin engeg to dry

dubaalad filament engegan dry; dried dubaax fresh ensayn enzyme dubbe hammer Cray word dube baker; oven ergo ama wakiillo diin-fidineed dub sarc epidermis missionary ducaysi pray eryo to chase duco prayer eex bias dufan fat; grease ey dog dugaag wild anir^l dugsi school duhur midday dukaan shop F dukaanle shopkeeper

dukhsi fly fadhiisi to sit dul top; surface; plateau fadhiisi dhaqaate economic duUn parasite stagnation dul ka hoor rain, convectional fadhiiso to sit down dulmi oppression fadlan please dulmi badan oppressive faafid diffusion dumar women faag dig dun thread faa'iido useful; profit; (ka) duni world faa'iidaysi exploitation; aan dunta ciida soil texture faa'iido lahayn useless dun tolin thread fakiro: sida loo fakiro attitude duray medical cold durbaan drum fal act fallaadh arrow durdur stream duud escarpment faalladho rays falfalliiran exfoliation duul fly rays duuliye pilot fallaaraha qorraxda sun duumo malaria fallaaro rays duur jungle fandhaal wooden spoon duur joog wild animals faqiir poor far finger

faragelin intervention

faraggeli intervene E faranka budo stamp faras horse ee and faras yar pony Eebbe God farasmagaalo town/city center eber zero farax to be happy

30 • Pocket Somali Dictionary gaaban

faraxsan happy distribution far cayeed toe filitaan expectation fargal ring firdhi disperse fargeeti fork firdhis dispersal farmaajo cheese firdhiso diverging faro digits firfircooni activity farriin message firiley cereal farsamad, farshaxan craft fishiisto fascist farshaxan artist fiyuus fuse farshaxanyahan artist. fog long; far fursuq peach fogaansho distance farxad leh happy; exciting food forehead farxad la' unhappy foodhi whistle faas; faash ax foog fork fasal classroom fogaansho distance fasax holiday folkaaneed volcanic fatah flood foolal incisors fatoorad car foolxun ugly faxal pollen foormaajo cheese faxal gudbin cross-pollination foorno oven faxaliid anther foosil fossil faxlid pollination foosto barrel tayi tile footari marble faynuus lamp footookoobi photocopy faaytamiin; faytamiino vitamin(s) footoosintasis photosynthesis febraayo february forno oven feedhyahan boxer fosil fossil feker think frinjideer refrigerator fcero flat iron fritijeer refrigerator ficil activity fuud soup; food stock fidi expand fudud light; easy fidid expansion fuul ride fidin extension fuuqis absorption fidis expansion fur to open; to divorce fiidmeer bat animal furan open figta buurta peak furaash mattress fiican well fur-dabool plug fiid evening fure key fiidhiyoow video furo to open fiiq sweep fiiqan pointed fiise visa fiitamiin vitamin(s) finjaan cup fikrad thought gaab shortness; gap filfil black pepper gabay poem filim film gabadh girl; young woman; dau filiqsanaanta dadka population gaaban short

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 31 gaabis

gaabis slow garab shoulder

gabogabo finish - > garan vest

gabooje cool garo to know; to realize gacan hand; arm; handle; radius; gulf garee to do; to make gacanta shaadhka sleeve garfeedh comb gacmo-gclis glove gargaar help

gad sell garoon field; ground gaadh to reach; to arrive garoon dayuuradeed; garoon gadh chin; beard dayuuradaha airport

gaadhi car; truck garsoorayaal jury

gaadhi faras cart garsoore judge; referee

gaadhi kiro taxi gaadhi qafilan van gaadhi weyn truck gaas gas gaadiid vehicle gasho wear

gaadiid badan|raffic gaatir callus gaadiid caafimaadka ambulance gee take gaadiidka hawada spaceship gebogebo end gado buy gedef mask gadood anger geed tree

gaagaabiye scissors geed-cuf bush

gaajeysan hungry geeda gooye herbalist gaajo hunger geedka canabka vine gal to enter geedka timirta date palm

gaal infidel geedo quute herbivorous galab afternoon gcf mistake; wrong

galabnimo in the afternoon geftin edge galbeed west geel camels collective gallay maize gelid invasion galoob badh hemisphere gelin invest galool yar gut geeltoosiye vulture galuus button geerash garage

gal waraaqeed envelope geri giraffe gambadh stool gees horn; side gambo penny gees careen antenna ganaan malt geesi brave ganacsade merchant gidaar wall ganac pancreas giraangir hoop ganacsi commercial go' sheet; to cut ganacsi trade go'aan decision; resolution

ganbaleel bell go'aansasho determination ganjeello gate gobanimo freedom; sovreignty

gantaai projectile goob place; side; position

gar aorta; chin; beard goobaabin circle gaar ah private gobol area; region gar sambab pulmonary aorta goborayn polarity gaardis march goob xafladeed reception; party

garaac to knock; to dial god hole; cave garaacid knocking god bahal den

32 • Pocket Somali Dictionary haddiyad

godan curve guuleysi; guul to win; success; gogol mat victory gogoldhig foreword guuleyso ku to succeed In goiaha la taliyayaasha advisory guumays owl council guuris copy gole committee; assembly guurso to marry; to get married goodi edge; hem guurti jury googooye scissors geddisle trader gool goal geedo plants goolad baabuur roundabout gibil atmosphere goomo rubber girid grid goon tin hair follicle gobol region goor hore early gorayo ostrich gooryaan jillaabeed (hoog) gudbin conduction hookworm gudbiye permeable gooryaan mullaax tapeworm gufaacaale cyclonic rain gooryaan suun flatworm guluub globe gooy to cut gorayo ostrich gorgor coomaada vulture U gowdhis persecution n gows molar goy cut haa yes gu' long rains (April to June) hab institution gub burn habardugaag wild animals guban burnt habaryar maternal aunt

1 L . t 1 •••II t/ 'II gubasho fire habaynta (caanana, nilibka] (milk, gubo to burn meat) processing gudbane transverse habaysan regular gudbin conduction nabdhiska1 1 II • 1 dareenwadka1 II dnexe11 gudin ax central nervous system gudo inside habdhis ikooloji ecosystem gudo wadneed endocardium habe permeable gudub cross habeen badh midnight guduud red habeen night; evening guuleyso ku succeed in habeyn reform gujo impulse habid permeable guluub electric bulb habka biyo shubka drainage system gumaysi dahsoon indirect rule habka loo macaamilo behavior gumud tare nodule habsan formal gunbur pyramid habsaan late guntiino woman's dress habsame regular gunud to fasten; to knot; to pin haad large bird gurracan wrong hadal talk; discussion; to speak (la guri boqortooyo palace with) guri cariish cottage hadal yar quiet guri house; home Haddii Eebbe yiraahdo! God willing! guud general haddiyad present

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 33 hadh

hadh shade hayye ah!; hi! hadhaa backwardness heedheh hey! hadhuudh sorghum heehaab suspension hagaag straightness; to be straight hektaar hectare haagaag: waa haagaag! ok! helfind

hagaaji to mend; to straighten hel ka to like; to enjoy

hagid orientation helid to find; to receive rakaad frequency helikobtar helicopter hakin hold heer rank

hal female camel; one (used with a heerka badda sea level

noun when a single object is heerka biyo gaadhka water table counted) heerkul madoorshe isotherm halbawla beer hepatic artery heerkul sheeg thermometer

halbawle yare arteriole hecs song; to sing

halgan dhaqaale economic struggle hees qaad to sing a song

halganka daba^dda; halgan heshiis agreement; pact; treaty dabaqdeed class stnjggle heyl cardamom halis dangerous hiddo heredity halkaas there hiddo barasho genetics halkee where hiimagoloobin hemaglobin

hamaansi yawn hilib meat

haan tank hilib cune meat eater handaraab knob hilibleh butcher

hangool hook hilib idaad mutton

hani lab-faraarle mitral valve hillaac-danab tiir lightning rod

hanti capital hinjin lift

hanti-goosi capitalist hoobad gradient

hantiwadaag socialist hodan rich hanuunis orientation hodannimo wealth

harag skin; leather hoggaami lead harame weeds hoggaamiye leader haramcad cheetah holac flame

haro pond; lake hoor liquid

harqaan sewing machine hoorayn liquification

harqaanle tailor horjeed: soo horjeed to be in

harraad thirst conflict (ka) with

harraadsan thirsty hoormoon hormone haro baddeed lagoon hoos bottom hawada sare space hoose lower hawd forest hoos-u-dhac dhaqaale economic haweenay woman depression

hawl work; job; activity hoose lower hawlan busy hooseeya low

hawo air; gas; weather hoy home

hawo hays air bladder hooyo mother hay have hoysiin accommodate hayn hold hor front part hayso have hordhac preface

34 • Pocket Somali Dictionary iska dhaaf

hore; horaad first; previous; ilays light

primary; forward ili-aragto macro horeeye first ili-ma-aragto micro horjeed opposite ilig tooth horjeed ka soo; hortag to oppose iljebin; il jebis wink horumar development ilka-cadayn smile horumar progress iiko teeth horuscod progressive ilkood dental hub weapon ilmec weep hubaal sure ilmagaleen uterus hubi prove ilmo uur ku jira fetus ilmo yar child hudheel hotel ilmo baby; child; tears hufan accurate lUaah mahaddi! Thanks be to God! hunguri throat imbaraaduuriyad empire hunguri cad trachea imberiyaaliyad imperialism hurdo sleep imminka now; just now hurid sacrifice iimo defects hurud sleep in amount; part huur beeg hydrometer in yar few huur humidity ina boqor prince; princess huuris roast ina-adeer cousin hyuumas humus inan boy inan son; daughter indha-indhayn survey indho eye I indhosarcaad magic

iniin; iniinyo seed iibi sell intii while iibis trade irbad needle ibriiq jug irid door; gate iibso: soo iibso buy; sii iibso sell is oneself idil whole is qurxis make-up idhiyoloojiyad ideology is shareer leap ido sheep isbaageeti spaghetti if illumination isbahaysi alliance iftiin bright isbahayso to make an alliance ikhlaaq manners isburin contradiction ikooloji ecology isbuunyo sponge; foam il eye; spring; source isdhaafsi cayn exchange in kind i(-biyood fountain isdhaafsi exchange ilaa until; up to isdhaafsi ataabeed exchange in kind ilaahay God isdhexgal diffusion ilaali protect isdiid antagonism ilaalin protection isgal joint

Hays light ishortaagid resistance

Hays dharaareed daylight iska dhaaf skip

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 35 iska dhal

iska dhal hybrid jabi break iska yeelyeel pretend jacayl love iska horimaad confrontation jadeeco measles; typhoid

iskaashato co-operative jago plot; yard isku dar add jaho tilmaame compass iskudar confluence jalaato ice-cream

isku dhex tuur plunge jalxad jug isku dhisan composite janaayo january

isku dhufo multiply janjeer inclination

isku dubadhac resonance jaranjaro ladder; stairs isku mid same jariidad newspaper; joumal; isku siman smooth magazine

isku xidhid join jarjar chop up

isku day try jasiirad island isku walaaq s% together jawaab answer isku fac age group jawi environment iskukoob monopoly jeeb pocket

isia weyni wacan pride jecbis gudub cross section

isla markaasi at the same time jeclayso to like; to prefer islabarog convection jeedi: soo jeedi propose

islis friction jeeg garee check isnac antagonism jenetika genetics

Isniin Monday jeer hippopotamus isqurxis model jeesad plaster

istaag stand jeeso chalk

istaayshanka station jelemad kettle

isticmaal use jid road

isu'eg same jiida zone

isugeyn add jiida baraflayda freezing zone

isxabaalid hibernation jiida dhexdhexaadka temperate isxukun self-government zone

itaal intensity jiidasho attraction

iiaali (ka) refrain jidh body itaalyar weak jidh-diid allergy

iyo and jiheeye compass

jiilaal dry season (December to March); winter

jiilaashin north-east tradewind j jiin gene jiir mouse; rat

jiirar mice

jaakeet jacket jiisel chisel

jaamacad university jiko kiln; kitchen jaandi aluminum jilbo joogsi kneel

jaarka neighbor jilib knee

jab piece; to break jilicsan easy jaban cheap; broken jilicsan soft jabaq sound jimcc Friday

36 • Pocket Somali Dictionary karin

jimidh size kaah-fal radioactive jinac dulaa wasp kal period; pestle jinsi race; sexual kala separately jir to be in a place; used to kaladh collar jiritaan existence kala dheer dheer uneven jirran sick kala durug qaarado continental jirrid stem; tree trunk drift jirridda maskaxda brain stem kala duwan different joodari mattress kala duwid diversification (of joog to stay crops) joog dheer height kala furid undo joog ckeeye contour kala goysyo joints joogid present kala jiid stretch joogso stop kala rog watershed joogto ah permanent kala sooc discriminate jokolaato chocolate kala soocid classification jooji to stop; to prevent kala-dheer rough jugee knock kalajeclaysi bias juul joules kalakaan heterogeneous Juun June kalamaan antagonism kala-saarid differentiation kalasoor segregate kal-diid repulsion K/KH kal-gal periodic kale other kab shoe kal huuris incubation period ka badan more kalidii tashada dictator kabadh cupboard kalka qarsoon latent period kabadh-buugageed bookcase kalkaaliye nurse kabaal lever kalkulatar calculator kaabash cabbage kaaloori calorie kabbo sip kaluumayste fisherman kabo tole cobbler kalluun fish kabriid match kaman lute; guitar kac rise kamarad camera kacaan revolution kambiyuutar computer kacaanimo revolutionary ka mid ah one of

kacaankii warshadaynta industrial kan this; revolution kar to be able kaadi urine kaaradh carrot

kaadi u to wait; to delay karaahiyo unpleasant ka dib after karaamo mystical

kadiifad carpet; mat karaan la'aan unable kaadihays bladder karaar cufisjiidad generator

kaadi mareen urethra karaya boiling

kafeey coffee karaysalis chrysalis

kaftan joke kari to cook; to boil

kaah radiation karin boil; gap

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 37 kariye

^ Icdriyc oven kimic KrpaH

kiniin medicine; quinine kaarootiin cdrotene kinisad church

kdrti ability; efficiency kinisad weyn cathedral ksrti xukun authority kiish sack

kftshaafiito screwdriver kiish haweed air sacs kasta each; every kiish lacageed purse ka taagan facing kolay basket

ka tirsan belonging to; member of konton fifty

kaatun ring koob cup KAawivAfl iron ^rlntnp<\ knAnan ka rrkmnricpH of

kayd savings; potential koodh coat kaydin preservation; conservation koofiyad hat kaydsan potential koolo glue kayn forest koonfur south kedis quiz ^ koor bell vAWASfl nrimarv

keeg cake koox group

kelbad pincers koox afecd linguistic group

veil a\\Jl IC, jll IKiC kof ton* 1 in* Iv^Hx/

kdigii'taliyc dictator kordhiivwiuiii toK\j iiiv.icajcinrrp;)^p

ivdii veil lai, KiKji icy knro 1 innpr

keen to bring koreeya high

KcaCCvAVOA t'tf'klU UilVC,Hriv/P' fr\lU iCaUIpsH alllllldlozinimslc khaanad shelf koritaan grow khaas ahaan especially korniini soo korniin

khad ink underdevelopment khajaar cucumber korodh increase khajilaad shy koromesoomis chromosomes

Kliaiknal \/inpc;)rVIIICKOI ivwiwiiivkorontA v.vjiidii,n irrpnt* dcv.iiiv.iiypiprtriritv khalad mistake* wrong korriin growth Ifnamiic TK| ir^H^v kAr CAsr nilp KIIOIIIIII> 1 1 IvJI JVJOY khariidad map kor u bood to leap

iviicisiiocii au A 1 uY kow one

khatar dangerous kowaad first khiyaamo cheat kristaan Christian KflUuraU VcgCldUlC^bj RUvii mvcimAAi gaaisasp t'pmptr^rarviciiipuiaiy

ivfiuuiau rniano vaa (.iiciiy RUW4IUkubbad halluaii

kniiraafaa^ ci inpr^titirtn kubbaHa fiaffta frtothall KIIUI 0011 elCIU dULfCI JllllVJI 1 i^uwuciuai woiKta iv^wcaii

vniicawn rplstiwp \%>ri to ^npnH thp nipht in/at Rnuaayn icialivc I^Uku V4II 1 IVJ OIJCI IVJ 11 IC 1 IIKI 11 II 1/ ai khuuro snore kuberto bedcover kibis bread kug crown; zenith kifi tn rai^p* tn ^tart tin kul heat

kicid awake kulan meet

kidhli kettle kulanti meeting kidhli-shaah teapot kulayl hot; heat

kildhi kettle kul-ekeeye isotherm

kiilo; kiilograam kilogram kulmis focus

38 • Pocket Somoli Dictionary luuq

kulul hot lawaxaad malleability kuma who laws nut; groundnut kun thousand laxaad magnitude ku-qasan infiltration laybreeri library kuraan patella laydh light kurdad dheer robe leben brick kurux iris leeflick kushiin kitchen leefleef lap kursi chair; seat -leh with; owning kursi dheer sofa leexad deviation kurtin log leexleex wind ku saabsan concerning leexo swing kuul bead(s) leexo u to tum to penny kuumi libaax lion libaax-badeed shark

libidh to disappear L lid opposite; anti- lid mariid antitoxin

lid xoog xudumeed centrifugal la one (pronoun); with force -la' without lid-jidh gale antibody laba two lidh-gal antigen laba jeer twice lidsaacad wareeg anti-clockwise labaatan twenty ligan perpendicular laaban folded liic-liic wobble labanlaab double liilan fibrous laabato joint liin lemon; lime laabbis; laabis pencil liin macaan grapefruit; orange labid interference liin miiran lemonade labisasho dress liinen linen laablaab fold liino linen labo dhexaad space liis list lacag money lingax bireed metal nut laace petal liq swallow laadkick lis to milk an animal ladan; ladnaan healthy; well laf bone; ridge lix six lixdan sixty laf madax skull lahaansho property lo' cattle lahjad accent lool latitude laakiin but lool sare high latitude

laalaabid to fold loolalka dhexe middle latitudes laallaad to hang loos groundnuts

lalida cirka flying loox(a) wood; board; bat lamadegaan desert lug foot; leg laambad candle; lamp luqun neck

laan branch Luulyo July

laastiko elasticity luuq lane

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 39 mabda'

M makiinad dhar sewing machine makiinad qubasho gudeed internal combustion engine mabda' principle maktabad library macaan sweet malab honey macaash profit malaha perhaps macalgad metal spoon malaa'ig angel macallimadda dugsiga mistress malax pus macallimad female teacher malee to guess; to suppose macallin male teacher maleeyo la imaginary macdaar weyn supermarket maalgeli invest macdan mineral(s) maalin day macdan qodis mining maalintaad dhalatay birthday machad institution mallaay fish macnee mean malmalaado; malmalaato jam; macquul ah reasonable marmalade; jelly macrufo acquaintance malqacad spoon madax bannaanaan independence malyuun million madax furasho ransom maamul cuius oo cagojiid ah madax head bureaucracy madaxbannaan independent maamule administrator madaxweyne president maan mind madbacad printer mandheer placenta madbalch kiln; kitchen mandiil razor maadad subject mansuun monsoon maddiibad cooking pot maanta today maaddinimo materialism maqaar skin; leather madhan empty; space maqal to hear; hearing madhxin conservation maqalkarid audibility madhxiye current maqan absent madiibad bowl maqas scissors madoobaad eclipse maqlid hearing madow black; dark mar (women's) clothing; time; mafiiq broom occasion; to pass magaalo city; town maar copper magac name maraakilb ships magool germination maaran ka to manage without magoolayaal deciduous maraq soup magudbin insulation marawaxad fan mahadsan thanked mareykaan calico mahadsanid! thank you! mariid toxin majaajileeye clown marinka webiga river course majarafad shovel; spade marka hore firstly majare sea route markaas at that time majiire orbit markab ship maajo May markabka quusa submarine makhaayad restaurant; teashop maro cloth; material makiinad machine; engine maro-miis tablecloth

40 • Pocket Somali Dictionary moqor sanbabeed

maroodi elephant midab color maroori to wind; to twist midab casuus orange maarso March midabee to dye martiqaad entertain (guests) midab samayn coloring marwo lady midabsiis pigment mas snake midabtakoor apartheid maas leather midayn unification; amalgamation masaajid mosque midee unite masalle prayer mat miidh segregate masar handkerchief; scarf midhicir weyne large intestine masax rub midhiq vanish mashiinka cajaladdaha record midho fruit; seeds player midho-cas cherry mashiinka cuntada shiidan food midho madow blackberry

processor midig right mashiinka dharka lagu dhaqo midow unification washing machine migdayn tanning mashquul busy milan solution masiibo calamity milix salt masjid mosque milixsanaan salinity maskax mind; brain minan house maskax yar cerebellum mindhicir intestine maskaxda dhexe mid-brain mindi knife mastarad ruler miinshaar saw masuuliyad responsibility miiq filament mataano twins miiqlay debris matiiriyalisim materialism miir sieve; strainer matoor engine miridh minute mawjad wave miro fruit(s) maxaa; maxay what miro dhannaan citrus fruits maxbuus prisoner miis desk; table maxkamad court miisaami weigh maya; may no miisaan scales; weight maayad current miisaan garboole balance beam mec where? miisaan gariireed balance spring meeday where? miis dukaan counter meherad work; occupation mise or ... ? mcel place misig hip meerada nolosha life cycle miishaar saw meerayaal planets miiska kaawiyadda ironing board meeshee where miskiin poor

meesiyan differentiation miyaa is it that . . . ? mici sting miyi interior of country miici hardwood miyir la'aan unconscious micno-dari rubbish monoboli monopoly mid one (used on its own when moofo oven

'one' particular thing is referred moos banana

to) moqor sanbabeed pleural cavity

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 41 mooto

mooto scooter nafaqo xumo malnutrition

moxoggo cassava naflay living organism mooye mortar naftihawir adventure mucaarad political opposition naag woman mudac fork nagaadi settlement muftaax key nagdayn tanning mug capacity najaar carpenter

mugdi darkness nal light muhiim main; principal nambar number mujtamac community naqdi cash mukulaal cat naqil copy muuqaal features naqshad drawing; model; pattern

muraayad glass; mirror nasasho rest

muran quarrel nasiib fortune; luck

muriyad neckla^ nasiibdarro bad luck

murti wisdom naastaro record player; tape murugo unhappiness recorder muruq muscle naxariis kindness muus banana naxariis la'aan unkindness mushahaar pay naxariislaawe barbaric

mushahaaro salary nayl lamb mushkilad problem nayloon nylon muusiko music neecow dhuleed breeze

musmaar nail neef gas musmaar maraara (eh screw neef ceerin natural gas

musqui bathroom; toilet neef engegan dry gas mustacmarad colony; protectorate neefi to blow muufee bake neefqaadasho inspiration muxibbo admiration neefso to breathe

neefsasho oksajiin la' anaerobic


neefsasho oksajiin (eh aerobic N respiration neefsasho respiration; breathing

-na and nibiri whale nabad peace nidaamsan neat

nabad gelyo peace; safe; goodbye! niman men nabaad guur erosion nin man; husband

nabad ilaalin peace-keeping niyad moral nabad sugid security noobiyad lighthouse nabar scar Noofembar November

nacas stupid person noog tired

nacbaysi unpleasantness nool alive; living

nacnac sweet nool ku to live in nadh metal nut no(ol dag biosphere

nadiif(i) clean no(o(raacdaysi livelihood

naadir rare noqo: ku soo noqo retum to

nafaqo nutrition noqod reflection

42 • Pocket Somali Dictionary qarrar

nud tissue qado dinner; lunch nuuge suction pump qaado to get; to take nuugis absorption qafas cage nuxur subsistence; nourishment qalaad isjiidad adhesion nuxurleh nourishing qalaad stranger

qalaad extensive qalab ciyaareed top

qalab equipment; instrument; tool O qalab waxsoosaar means of production 00 and qalabka muusiga Instrument oday old man; elder qalabka tacabka means of oogada dhulka lithosphere production oggolow to allow; to approve; to qalabka wax lagu kariyo cooker ratify qalcad castle; fort oohi to cry qalalaase disturbance oktoobar October qalayl dry olol flame discrimination orod run qalayn

-ow masculine vocative suffix qaleyl dried qaali something expensive

qalin khad pen qalin pen Q qalin qori; qalin rasaas ah pencil qallooc curve qaab shape qalloocan refraction; bent; curved qaab darane irregular qalqallooc meander; zigzag qaabka dhulka land forms qaamuus dictionary qab dhaaf proud qandac warm qabatin adaptation qandi bag; handbag qabo to catch; to hold; soo qabo to qaniin to bite; to sting reach qaniinyo bite qaboojiiye cool; refrigerator qanjaafilo hooves qabow cold qanjaafulay ungulates qabow dhaaf to freeze qanjaruufo pinch qabsasho invasion qanjidh dheefshiid digestive gland qabso take hold qanjidh dhidid sweat gland qadaadiic penny qanjiidho to pinch qaad take qanjo barar mumps qaaddo spoon qaan gaar mature qaadi judge qaanso rainbow qaadid lift qadar destiny qarannimo sovereignty qadee to have lunch qarax eruption

qadh-qadhyo shiver qardaas card; cardboard qadhaabasho food gathering qariib stranger

qadhaadh bitter qarni century

qadhabi buckle qarrar faulting

Pocket Somali Dictionary •43 qarxiye

qarxiye fuse qor to write qas mix; mess qorrax sun qasab sugar cane; straw qorrax dhac sunset

qasabad tap qorrax soo bax dawn; sunrise qasacad can; tin qorfe cinnamon

qashin garbage; litter; rubbish qori wood; gun qashinsaar excretion qori dheecaan sap qaxwe coffee qori goyn lumber work

qayb part; share qor to write

qaybin distribution qorraato lizard qaybsan divided qorshe program qaybsasho share qosol laugh qaylo noise; shout qotin electrode

qaayo valuable; price; quality qotin tabane cathode

qeexid definitiori qoto dheer deep

qiimee evaluate' qoton vertical

qiimo valuable; price; quality qoxooti refugee qiimo dhin depreciation qoyan wet qiimo leh valuable qoys family

qiiq sii daaye chimney qudaar vegetables qiiq smoke qudhaanjo ant

qiire-qiire critical quudhid sacrifice qiro admit qudhmis decay qiyaam values quduuc mean qiyaas dhuleed acre quful lock

qiyaas scale; average qulaanqulshe larynx qiyaasi weigh qulqul current

qod dig qumbe coconut qodaal plantation quraac breakfast qodaal dhafan mixed farming quraaco to have breakfast

qodaal guur shifting cultivation Quraan Quran qodax thorn quraar sculpture

qodobbo factors quraarad bottle; glass qof person qurbin fragmentation qol room quruurux pebble; gravel

qol dhusin cellar qurux beautiful; beauty qol hurdo bedroom qurux badan beautiful qolka cuntada dining room quruxsan beautiful qolka cuntada lagu kariyo kitchen qurxi decorate

qolka fadhiga sitting room quwad strong qolka qubaysiga; qolka qubeyska bathroom

qolo race 9% qolof shell R qooley pigeon qooqab crab rab to want; to wish qoor neck Rabbi God qoosh mix rabitaan willing

44 • Pocket Somali Dictionary I safaysan

rablo plait riixo press raac to accompany; gaadhi raac to riyo goats

go by car roob rain; rainfall raad effect roob beeg rain gauge raadi seek roobka sannadka annual rainfall raadyatoore radiator roodhi bread raf shelf roog carpet rag men root! bread ragcad prostration in prayer rooxaan mystical rah frog rubuc quarter rajce hope rumaysi believe rajistar register rumaysi realize rajo wish run reality; truth raajo x-ray runtii of course! rakaab passenger ruqur bud rakaad frequency ruqurayn budding raalli ahow! excuse me! ruqur dhadhan taste bud raqiis cheap ruqur surdhubeed axillary bud rar la'aan unload ruqur ubax flowering plant raas family; to accompany ruxrux shake raasamaal capital raasamaal wareega circulating

capital rasaas bullet; ammunition S/SH rasaas joojin ceasefire raashin provisions saab calyx rash qarxin firework sabab reason raasi peninsula saabaan apparatus rasiidh receipt sabiib (madow) currants; raisins raydiiyow radio sabiib sultana ra'yi idea saabka jidhka skeleton raaxo la'aan uncomfortable sabo habitat rcer (extended) family; group of saabsan ku concerning related people sabti Saturday reer guuraa nomads saabuun soap reer magaal townspeople sabuurad blackboard rhoodhi duban toast sac cow ri nanny goat saacad hour; watch; time rib contraction saacad wareeg clockwise ribnaan concentration saacad weyn clock rid drop sacaaf plankton ridiq to mince saadaasha hawada weather rikoodh record forecast rikoor tape recorder saddex three

rinji paint saf line; queue rinjiga dhar dye safaana savanna

riwaayad play safar journey; voyage; travel

riix push safaysan refined

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 45 safee

safee clean sareeya high

saafi plain sarif exchange safiir ambassador sarifo to exchange money

sagaal nine sariir bed

sagaashan ninety sariir carruureed cot; cradle sagxad badda ocean floor sarreen wheat sahame explorer sawir photograph; picture; to draw sahlan easy sawir jini-jini cartoon; cartoon salcaar sternum sawir qosol comic sakiin razor sax correct; right sal base soo fadhiiso to sit down sal carays continental shelf soo jeed to stay awake salaad prayer soo nabadgelyee to say goodbye salaan ladder; stairs; to greet soo gado to buy salaasa Tuesday ^ soo mar to pass along salbuko pea soo dhowee welcome saldhig station soo dhowow to come in saldhig milatari military base saldhigga saadka supply base soo deg to land basin; dish; saliid oil saxan plate

saliloos cellulose -saaxiib mo/e friend

salli prayer mat saaxiibad female friend

samay stalk saxir magic sambab lung saxni plate

samee to do; to make; to fix; to saxaro feces

manufacture saynis yaqaan scientist

saami share saynis science samo sky sayruukh rocket

san nose -se but saan hide sebtember September sanad year seeb paddle saanad ammunition seed ligament sanbab lung seef sword sanboor hay fever seeg miss sandal slipper seesar saucer sandulayn imposition seexasho sleeping sanduuq box seexo sleep sanduuq-waraaqeed mailbox shaabuug whip saani straight shaac twilight sannad sid dhaaf ah leap year shaadh(i] shirt sanqad sound shaag wheel; tire sansaan form sanuunad gravy shaah tea sieve; strainer saqaf roof; ceiling; comb shaandho saaqid induction shacaabi reef saar put on top of shalay; shaleyto yesterday saaran on top of shamac candle

sare top; upper shan five

46 • Pocket Somali Dictionary soor

shandad bag; handbag; suitcase shukumaaso towel shaneemo film shuuUyo bracelet shanio comb shummi kiss shaqal vowel shuruudo criteria shaqaale worker; laborer si way shaqaale cunteed a cook sii away; to give; to pay; to supply shaqaale guur-guura migrant labor siib zip shaqee to work sibiibix smooth shaqo work; labor; job; profession sibiibixo slide shaqo jujuub ah; shaqo ku qasab sibiil furubo stigma

forced labor sicir price shaqo-raadin dibedeed migrant sida caadiga ah usually

labour sidaas darteed because of that; sharabaad sock therefore sharabaad xuub stocking sidde handle sharxi to decorate siddeed eight sharci law siddeetan eighty shamaca xaydhiisa wax sidee how shaxan art; figures sii deyn lose shay substance sigaar cab smoke shaybaar laboratory sii iibso to sell shebeg net siiye guud universal donor sheeg tell silbo slip sheeko baralay myth sitig wire sheeko story silsilad chain; necklace sheekooyin beryo hore ah myth silsilad cunto food chain shay material sir secret shiid to mince siraad lamp shidaat fuel sisin sesame shidan lit sii wad to continue shil accident sixir magic shiil to fry sixni dish shiilan fried sixniga-qubaysiga bath shimbir bird (not a bird of prey) siyaado abundance shiine china siyaasad politics shineemo film $00 towards here shinni bee soo bax to rise up shinyeeriga zip soco to go; to continue; to shiiqiye dominant accompany shir meeting; assembly socod motion shiish target; aim socoto travelers shishe far soddon thirty shisheeye foreign soohdin boundary; frontier shii-shiid puree soke near shokad fork sonkor sugar shub to pour soofe sofa; file (tool) shucaabi corals Soomaali Somali person shufti bandit soor porridge

Pocket Somali Dictionary •47 soore host tagsi taxi

soosaarayaal producers tagsile taxi driver soosaarid production tahar tendon su'aal question taaj crown

subag butter taajir trader suubaan alluvium takfiflea subax morning takoor segregate

subitoor whip taksi taxi

sudh hang talaagad refrigerator

suuf wool; cotton wool tali u dictate

sug wait talifishan television sugan absolute tallaabo step

suugaan literature talo advice; decision

suugo sauce talo geli to seek advice (ka from) sukiini courgett? talogelyo seeking advice

suul thumb tallaal vaccine; vaccination suldaantooyo sultanate tamaandho tomato suuU lavatory tamar energy

sulub steel tanbuug camp summad name; mark; symbol taandho tent

sun poison tantoon fist

suun belt taraq match

suune eyebrow tarrijis extension suuq market tartan race suuq madow black market; informal taloggal consider economy tax-dhaxaltooyo dynasty suuq-sooran (side EU) Common taxa maamulka bureaucracy Market taayir wheel surwaal trousers tayo quality surwaal gaaban short trousers tayroodh thyroid suuxid unconsciousness teknooloji technology suxul elbow telefishan television suxuun plates tetefoon; telifoon telephone

telefoon dir telephone (u someone) teendho camp

termuus thermos flask T tidic plait tif taf capillary tab technique tigidh stamp; ticket tabaashiir chalk tijaabo experiment taabasho touch tilmaan to describe

tababbar training timir dates tacab production timo hair tadiin education timo aan run ahayn wig

tag go; leave tin hair

taag hill tiin cactus

taagan ka facing tiir pillar taageero support tiirada dadka population

48 • Pocket Somali Dictionary waddan tiirada qaaradeed continental slope U tiiraanyo depression tirayn railway ubax flower tirl to count ubo-ubax pistil tiriig lamp ubuc abdomen tiro number; quantity u eegid relative tiiro slope; gradient ugaadhsi hunting tiro koobka dadka population ugax side yar ovule census ugax egg tiirso lean ugbaad fresh grass tirsan counted ugedi convert tirtir to rub; to wipe ugxan egg tixraac refer ugxanside ovary toob robe ujeeddo aim toban ten ujeeddo purpose toobin cone ukun eggs (chicken) toddoba seven toddobaad week ul stick toddobaatan seventy ul tin hair shaft uumi bax evaporation tog ravine; dry valley toogo shoot uumi biyood water vapour uumibax evaporation tol to sew; to mend condensation tolan stitch; suture uumihoorow toliin sewing uun universal toon garlic unug cell toorri dagger uur pregnant toos directness; straightness; direct; ur smell

to wake; to get up; to stand up; urur assembly

to be straight uurjiif embryo toosan straight; upright uur leh pregnant toosi wake someone up urur shaqaale trade union toxob dandruff uskag dirty tub orbit tuubo siphon tufaax apple tuug burglar; thief W tukasho prayer tuko pray waa epoch; to fail; to miss tuulo village waabbay venom tuman ground waabeeri dawn tun to hit; to grind wacan: ugu wacan best tuurto throw wacatan to make a pact turjumida interpretation wacdi to preach tu$ show wad to continue; to drive tusid show wada together tusmada girid grid reference wadahadal talks tusmo khariidadeed reference wadajir together tuwaal towel waddan land; country; nation

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 49 . vvraddo

waddo lane; road warran to give news (ka about) wadnc heart warshad factory

wadneed cardiac warshadeyn industrialisation wado xadiid railroad warshed industry waddo to drive a car war-side newspaper

waddo-cageed pavement waryaa hey!; hi!

waa hagaag! ok! wasaaqyo earring

wahsi inertia wasdaad builder waajibaad duties wasiir minister

waa lean . . . here is . . wasiirka arrimaha dibadda foreign wakhtigii while minister wakiii representative wax thing waal to make mad waxba nothing

walaal brother; sister waxbarasho leaming walaaq mix waxsoosaar production; output

walaaq isku stir up waxtar leh useful

walaal sister waxtar usefulness walba each; every wayne major walhade pendulum waayo because; why?

waalid parent webi river waliinjo box weji face

wallaah really! wejiga dayaxa lunar phase waalo to go mad wcel deposit

wanaagsan good; nice; well wcli still; yet wan ram welwel worry waani to recommend weerar attack Waaq God weerar qaad attack waqooyi north weydii to ask

waqti time weyn big waqti dhaw recent weyneyn magnification waqti fiican fun wiil boy

war lake; news wiqiyad ounce waraabe hyena wiriq crystal

waraabin irrigation wiish elevator waraaq paper wisikh dirty waraaqo qoraal mail wiyil rhinoceros waran spear wardoon intelligence (spying) waare permanent wareeg revolution; rotation; to go X around; to revolve; to tour wareegsan round xab amniotic fluid wareegsan ku surrounded by xabag glue; to stick wareysi interview xabaal grave

wargeys magazine xabbad bullet; piece; unit war ileed oasis xabsi prison

warqad letter; paper xabuub grain(s) warqad gaaban note xad boundary; limit

)0 • Pocket Somali Dictionary xoolaley

xadhig string; rope; line date line xadhiga kabaha lace xariiqa xeebta coast line xadhko chords xariir silk xadidan limited xariif clever xadiid iron; steel xarun capital; institution xadiid ciideed cast iron xaas wife; wife & children; family xadiidka railway xaashi paper xadiidlab steel xasuus recollect xaafad quarter xataa even xafid preserve xatabad step xaflad party; reception xawaare speed xag direction; side xawaash spices xagaa dry season (July to August) xaaxeeyo snail xagaashin southwest trade wind xayawaan animals xagal angle xayawaan guri joog ah pet xagal gooye diagonal xayeesi lean xaggee where xayir block xagli to favour; to tend xecb beach; coast xaglin bias xeebta badda bay; beach xaakimada iyo maxkamadaha xeedho dish

judiciary xeer law xaakin judge xeer-beyti fury xalteefsan flat xeydaan fence xallin settlement xiddig star xaamilo pregnant xiddigis astronomy xammaal porter xidh to fasten; to tie; to shut; to xamaam bathroom close xamayti bile xidhan closed; to be closed; xammuul load dressed; to be tied xanaaq anger; heat xidhe lock xannaanadda digaaga poultry xidhiidh relation xanshasheq whisper xidid root; vein xanuun ache; pain xidid maskaxeed medulla xaq just xilran shave xaaq to sweep; to exterminate xiiso interest xaqi junsdiction xiiso Ich interesting xaqiiji to confirm; to prove xil responsibility xaaqin broom xilli season xaqiiq truth xiribo eyelids xaqiiq ah actual xisaab account xaar feces xisbi political party xaraf letter xishood shy xarafaha alphabet xoghaye secretary xareed rain water xoog strong; force; army xareedeyn distillation xoogahaan violent xarfiye condenser xoogsato proletariat xariifnimo intelligence xool cot xariiqa taariikh sooca international xoolaley livestock keepers

rocket Somali Dictionary • 51 xoolo

xoolo domestic livestock xun bad; nasty xoolo dhaqato pastoral xunbo foam

xordan luqumeed cervix xornimo freedom xuub membrane xubin member; segment Y xuddun umbilical cord xuddun cufisjiidad centre of yaab leh marvelous

gravity yaab to be surprised xuddun fur decentralised yaanyo tomato

xuduud frontier yar little; small

xufrad pit yaraan: ugu yaraan minimum xukumad government yariis tiny

xukun dadban indirect rule yeedh u to call someone xulasho selection yeelo to have; to hold wild xulufo allies yey dog xummad shccg thermometer yuuriya urea

52 • Pocket Somali Dictionary ENGLISH-SOMALI INGRIISi-SOMAALI

after ka dib A afternoon galab afterwards ka dib ubuc abdomen age group iskufac ability karti age da' able: to be able kar aggregate cuntub qalaad abroad dal agnostic cawaan absent maqan agreement heshiis absolute sugan ah! hayye absorption fuuqis Aids Aydis abundance siyaado aim shiish abuse af-lagaado air bladder hawo hays accent lahjad air sacs kiish haweed accept aqbal air hawo accident shit airport garoon dayuuradeed accommodate hoysii alimentary canal cunto mareen accompany la soco alive nool account xisaab alkaline atkalayn accurate hufan alone keli accuse dacwee alphabet xarafaha acid aasiidh aluminum jaandi acquaintance macrufo allergy cadanyo acre qiyaas dhuleed alliance isbahaysi; to make an acrobat ciyaaryahan xirfad leh alliance isbahayso act samee allies xulufo activity dhaqdhaqaaq allow oggolow run actuality alluvium suubaan ache xanuun amalgamation midayn adaptation qabatin ambassador safiir add isku dar ambulance ambalaas add to ku dar ammunition rasaas address cinwaan amniotic fluid xab adhesion qalaad isjiidad amount in adhesive xabag anchor baroosin admit qir and iyo adventure naftihawir anerobic respiration neefsasho advice tab oksajiin la' advisory council golaha la angel malaa'ig taliyayaasha anger cadho aerobic respiration neefsasho angle xagal oksajiin leh angry cadhosan; to get angry aeroplane dayuurad cadhow fear baqdin animal xayawaan; wild animals Africa Afrika habardugaag

Pocket Somali Dictionary ankle

ankle canqow average qiyaas

announce baaq; dhawaaq awake kicid

annual rainfall roobka sannadka away sii answer jawaab ax gudin ant qudhaanjo axillary bud ruqur surdhubeed antagonism isnac axis dhidib antenna gees dareen

anther faxaliid

anti lid anti-clockwise lidsaacad wareeg B antibiotic antibaayootik

antibody lid-jidh gale baby cunug antigen lid-gai bacillus bausilas

antitoxin lid mariid back part dabo aorta gar bacteria bakteeriye apartheid midat^akoor bad xun ape daanyeer bag shandad; boorso apparatus saabaan bag plastic carrier bac apple tufaax bake dub approve oggolow baker dube April Abriil balance miisaan arab carab bald bidaar area bed; gobol ballkubbad arm gacan balloon buufin armchair kursi banana muus army askar bandit budhcad arrive gaadh bank bangi arrow falaadh barbaric cawaan art shaxan; fan barometer cadaadis beeg arteriole halbawie yare barrel barmiil; foosto

artesian well ceelka aartiis barrier carqalad

artist farshaxan base sal ask weydii basin saxan asleep: to be asleep seexo basket danbiil

assembly shir bat animal fidmeer assimilation beelaysi bat wooden box atheist diinlaawe bath sixniga-qubaysiga atmosphere atmoosfeer bathroom qolka qubeyska atom aton battle dagaal attack noun weerar bay gacan

attack verb weerar qaad be in a place jir attitude dabci beach xeebta badda attraction jiidasho bead(s) kuul aubergine bidingal beak afka shimbiraha

audibility maqalkarid bean(s) digir audience daawaadayaal beard gadh gar august agoosto beautiful quruxsan aunt paternal eedo beauty qurux aunt maternal habaryar because of that sidaas darteed authority awood because waayo; maxa yeelay

autumn dayr bed sariir

54 • Pocket Somali Dictionary butterfly

bedcover kuberto boxer feedhyahan bedroom qol hurdo boy inan; wiil bee shinni bracelet shuuliyo beetle cayayaan bran buushe begin bilaab branch laan behavior dabci brave geesi behind dambe bread kimis; rooti; kibi; roodhi believe rumaysi breadth ballaadh belonging to ka tirsan break jabi belt suun breakfast quraac; to have bell koor breakfast quraaco belly buruc breath neefsasho bent qalloocan tired noog berry midho yar breeze neecow dhuleed between dhexe brick leben bias kalajeclaysi bridge buundo bicycle baaskeelad; bushkuleeti bright iftiin big weyn bring keen bile xamayti broad ballaadhan biosphere nolol dag broadness ballaadh bird shimbir broken jaban bird of prey haad broom xaaqin birthday maalintaad dhalatay brother aboowe; walaal biscuit buskut brown boodhe bite qaniin brush burush/buraash bitter qadhaadh bucket baaldi black madow buckle qadhabi black market suuq madow bud ruqur blackboard sabuurad Buddhism diinta buudaha bladder kaadihays budding ruqurayn blanket buste bug cayayaan block xayir build dhis blockade cunaqabatayn builder wasdaad blow neefi building daar blue buluug building activity dhisid board (oox bulb electric guluub boat dooni bullet rasaas; xabbad bodyjidh; jidhka bureaucracy taxa maamulka boil verb kar; kari burglar tuug boil noun kasoobbax burn gubo boiling karaya burn something gub bolt bool burnt guban bone laf bus gaadiidka weyn; bas book buug bush geed-cuf boot buudh; kab busy active hawlan; occupied borrow amaah mashquul bottle dhalo but -se; laakiin bottom hoos butcher hilibleh boundary xad butter burcad bowl madiibad butter badhar; subag box waliinjo butterfly balanbaalis

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 55 .


button badhan cat bisad

buy gado; iibso ^ ^ catch qabo

by agteeda caterpillar dirindiir cathedral kinisad weyn cathode qotin tabane

cattle to' rw cause dhali cave god cabbage kaabash ceasefire rasaas joojin

cactus tiin ceiling saqaf cage qafas cell structure dhisme-unug cake keeg cell unug calamity masiibo cellar qol dhusin calculator kalkulatar center badhtarne calico mareykaan center of town farasmagaalo calorie kaalooriw. century qarni

call someone u yeedh; 1 am called cereal firiley

. . . Magacaygu waa . . cervix xordan luqumeed callus gaatir cinnamon qorfe camel awr; female hal circle goobaabin camels geel circus carwo dad camera kamarad city centre farasmagaalo camp tanbuug city magaalo

can qasacad civil war dagaal sokeeye

canal kelli clan qabiil candle shamac clarify caddee cannon bunduq-madfac class social dabaqad

canoe dooni yar class school dir

cap koofiyad classification kal a-soocid capacity mug classification abla-ablayn

capillary tif taf classroom fasal capital financial hanti clay dhoobo capital city magaalomadax clean safee capitalist hanti-goosi clear: to make clear caddee

car baabuur; fatoorad; gaadhi clever xariif card qardaas climate cimilo cardamom heyl climb kor u kor cardboard qardaas clock saacad (weyn) cardiac wadneed clockwise saacad wareeg

carnivorous hilib cune close xidh carpenter najaar closed xidhan carpet roog cloth dhar; maro carrot kaaradh clothes dharka cart gaadhi faras clothing women's mar cartilage carjow cloud(s) daruur cartoon sawir qosol clove dhegayare cash naqdi clown majaajileeye cash crop dalag ganac co-operative iskaadhato cassava moxoggo coast xeeb cassette tape cajalad coast line xariiqa xeebta castle qalcad coat jaako

56 • Pocket Somali Dictionary crystal

cobbler kabo tolle cook kari coconut qumbe cook person shaqaale cunteed coffee qaxwe cook verb kari coin beesad cooked: to be cooked bislow cold noun dhaxan cooker qalabka wax lagu kariyo cold adjective qabow cooking bislayn cold illness duray cooking pot maddiibad colony mustacmarad cool qabow color midab copper maar collar kaladh copy noun naqil collective beer kooxeed copy verb guuris comb shanio corals shucaabi come after dambee cork quf come in soo dhowow correct sax in! dhowow: soo dhowow! come cot sariir carruureed sawir qosol comic cot xool commercial ganacsi cottage guri cariish committee gole cotton cudbi common market suuq-sooran (side cotton cloth bafto EU) cotton wool suuf commonwealth barwaaqo-sooran couch kursi dheer community mujtamac count tiri compass jiheeye counted tirsan composite isku dhisan counter miis dukaan compression diisnaan country dhul comprised of ka kooban countryside baadiye computer kambiyuutar courgette sukiini concentration ribnaan course: of course! runtii concerning ku saabsan court maxkamad condensation uumihoorow cousin ina-adeer condenser xarfiye cover dabool conduction gudbin cow sac cone toobin crab qooqab; carsaanyo confirm xaqiiji cradle sariir carruureed conflict: to be in conflict with ka craft farsamad, farshaxan soo horjeed crash program barnaamijka confluence iskudar (cuntada) degdegga confrontation iska horimaad conservation kaydin criteria shuruudo consider taioggal critical qiire-qiire construction dhismo crop rotation dalag gedis dalag continue u soco; sii wad crops contour joog ekeeye cross section jeebis gudub contraception ka hor-taga uur cross noun gudbid qaadidda cross verb gudub

contraction rib cross-pollination faxal

contradiction isburin gudbin-tallaabin convection islabarog crown kug

conventional sign calaamadaha la crumb burbur roodhiyeed doortay cry shout ilmo; weep oohi convert ugedi crystal wiriq

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 57 cucumber

cucumber khajaar; khiyaar cultivate beer D cup koob dagger toori cupboard armaajo dairy caano diiq currants sabiib dance noun ciyaar current water madhxiye; electric dance verb dheel koronto danger khatar curtain(s) daah dangerous khatar curve qallooc dark madow curved qalloocan darkness mugdi cushion barkin date palm geedka timirta

cut go' dates timir cuticle toxob daughter gabadh; inan dawn waabeeri cutlery alaabta wax lagu day beri; casho; maalin cuno daylight ilays dharaareed cyclonic rain gufaacaale D.DX di-di-ti cylinder dhululubo death dhimasho chain silsilad debris miiqlay chair kursi decay qudhmis chalk jeeso December Disembar change beddel decentralised baahin characteristics astaamo decision go'aan charcoal dhuxul declare caddee

charge electric danabayn decorate sharxi chase eryo deep qoto dheer cheap jaban defects iimo cheat khiyaamo defense difaac definition qeexid check jeeg garee deflection baydhis cheek dhaban degree digrii cheese foormaajo delay u kaadi chicken digaag; dooro den god bahal child ilmo yar; cunug; ilmo density cufnaan children carruur dental ilkood chilli pepper basbaas dentist dhakhtarka itkaha

chimney qiiq sii daaye deposit weel chin gadh; gar depreciation qiimo dhin

china shiine depression lQr)d bohol; medical

chisel jiisel tiiraanyo; ecor)omic ceriiri chlorophyl cagaariye dhaqaale chocolate jokoiaato describe tiimaan desert lamadegaan chop up jarjar desire rab chords xadhko desk mils christian kristaan destiny aayatiin Christmas iida kristamasaka destroy bi'i chromosomes koromesoomis destroyed: to be destroyed chrysalis karaysalis ba church kiniisad determination go'aansasho

58 • Pocket Somali Dictionary east

development horumar do samee deviation teexad doctor male dhakhtar; female dew dharab dhakhtarad diagonal xagal gooye dogey dial verb garaac dollar doollar diameter dhex roor dominant shiiqiye diamond dheemman donkey dameer diary buug xasuus qor donor deeqe dictate u tall door irrid dictator keligii-taliye double labanlaab dictionary qaamuus d.p. see displaced person diedhimo drainage system habka biyo shubka diet cunto draw sawir different kala duwan drawing naqshad differentiation kala-saarid dress woman's guntiino; clothes difficult adag labisasho difficulty dhib dressed xidhan diffusion baahid dried qaleyl dig faag drink cab digestion dheefshiid drink milk dhan (dhamaa) digestive gland qanjidh dheefshiid drip dhibic digits faro drive animals kexee dilute badhax drive a car wado dine cashee drop dhac dining room qolka cuntada drought abaar dinner casho drum durbaan dinner, to have dinner cashee dry verb engeji direct current danab qumman dry adjective qalayl direct toos dry season (December to March) direction xag jiilaal directness toos dry season (July to August) xagaa dirty uskag; wisikh dry valley tog disappear libidh dualism labaale discriminate kala sooc duck boolo-boolo discrimination qalayn dust boor; boodh discussion hadal duties waajibaad dish xeedho dye noun rinjiga dhar disk daawe dye verb midabee dispersal firdhis dynasty tax-dhaxaltooyo disperse firdhi displaced person qaxooti displacement barabbaxin distance fogaansho E distillation xareedeyn distribution qaybin each kasta disturbance qalalaase ear dheg diverging firdhiso early goor hore diversification (of crops) kala earring wasaaqyo duwid earth ground dhul; planet meere divided qaybsan earthquake dhul gariir divorce fur east ban

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 59 easy fudud envelope gal waraaqeed eat cun environment deegaan eclipse madoobaad enzyme ensayn ecology ikooloji epidermis dub sare economic depression hoos-u-dhac epiglottis cidhib dhaqaale epoch waa economic stagnation dhaqaale equator badhe fadhiid ah equilibrium dheelitiran economic struggle cunoqabatayn equipment qalab dhaqaale erosion nabaad guur economy dhaqaale eruption qarax ecosystem habdhis ikooloji escape baxso echo dayaan escarpment duud edge geftin especially khaas ahaan education barasho European Union Midowga Yurub effect raad ^. evacuate daadguree efficiency karti evaluate qiimee egg ugxan evaporation uumibax eggplant bidingal even xataa eggs chicken ukun evening habeen; to spend the egoism anaaniyad evening cawee; this evening caawa eight siddeed every kasta eighty siddeetan examine day elasticity laastiko exchange isdhaafsi; sarif elbow suxul exchange money sarifo elder person oday exciting farxad leh electric koronto ah excretion qashinsaar electrification danabayn excuse me! raalli ahowl electrode qotin exfoliation falfalliiran electromagnetism birlabdanabow existence jiritaan electron elektaron expand fidi electroscope danabtuse expansion fidis electrostatic danad beg expectation filitaan elephant maroodi expensive thing qaali elevator wiish experiment tijaabo embryo uurjiif explain caddee emission bixin exploitation ka faa'iidaysi emit bixi empire imbaraaduuriyad explorer sahame empty madhan export dhoofi enamel dheeh extension fidin end noun dhammaad extensive qalaad end verb gebogebbee exterior debed endocardium gudowadneed exterminate xaaq endurance adkaysi external dabadeed enemy cadow extra dheeraad ah energy tamar extract bixi

engine makiinad eye il enjoy hel ka eyeball gumuca isha

enter gal eyebrow suune entertain guests martiqaad eyelids xiribo

60 • Pocket Somali Dictionary food gathering

F fibula biixi-yar field dhul beereed garoon fifty konton fabric dhar fight dagaal face weji fighting dagaal facial nerve dareenside waji figures shaxan facing ka taagan file fayl; tool soofe factors qodobbo film cinema shineemo; camera factory warshad filim fail waa fill buuxi fair carwo find hel falldhac finger far fall rain da' finish dhammee fallopian tube dhuunta faloob fire dab; gubasho fame caan fire-engine dab demis family bah; qoys; extended reer firewood xaabo fan babis firework rash qarxin fan marawaxad first kowaad far (from) fog (ka) first-born child curad farm beer firstly marka hore farmer beeroley fish kalluun farming, commercial beeris fisherman ganaceed kaluumayste fist tantoom fascinating xiiso leh five shan fascination xiiso fix hagaaji fascist fishiisto flag fast dhakhso calan fasten xidh flame holac fat noun baruur flat balaadhan fat adjective buuran flatworm gooryaan suun father aabbe flea booddo favour xagli flesh eater hilib cune feather baal flood fatah features muuqaal flood plain bannaan fatah February Febraayo floor dabaq feces saxro flour budo feed cuntee flower ubax feet cago fluid dareere femur bawdo fly verb duul fence xeydaan fly noun dukhsi fertile soil carro-san foam isbuunyo fertility bacrinnimo focus kulmis fertilization bacrimin fog ceeryaamo; ceeryaan fertilizer bacrimiye fold buur duuban fetch keen folded laaban fetus ilmo uur ku jira follow dabo socod feudal dhulgoosi food cunto few dhowr food chain silsilad cunto fibrous liilan food gathering cunto ururin

Pocket Somali Dictionary 61 food processor

food processor.mashiinka cuntada fur dhogor shiidan fury xeer-beyti fool nacas fuse badbaadiye foot cag football kubadda cagta force xoog forced labor shaqo jujuub ah G forces armed ciidamo forehead food gap gaab foreign shisheeye garage geerash foreign minister wasiirka arrimaha garbage qashin dibadda garden beer forest hawd garlic toon fork foog/fargeeti gas hawo; gaas fork shokad gate albaab form sansaan gene jiin, hiddoshid formal habsan general guud fort qalcad generator dhaliye fortune nasiib genetics hiddo barasho forty afartan geology barashada dhulka forward gogoldhig germination biqil; magool fossil foosil get ka qaado fountain il-biyood get up toos four afar giraffe gerl fox dawaco girl gabadh fragmentation qurbin give sii freedom xornimo glass substance muraayad; drinking freeze qabow dhaaf dhalo frequency rakaad glove gacmo-gelis fresh cusub glue xabag fresh grass ugbaad go bax friction isliska go around wareeg Friday jimce go by car gaadhi raac fried shiilan go with raac friend female saaxiibad goal gool friend male saaxiib goat: nanny goat ri frightened: to be frightened baqo goats riyo frighten cabsi Allaah frog rah God front part hor God willing! Haddii Eebbe frontier soohdin yidhaahdo! frost dhedo gold dahab fruit midho; miro good wanaagsan

fry shill goodbye nabad gelyo; to say fuel shidaal goodbye to soo nabadgelyee

slope tiiro goods badeeco

full dheregsan government dawlad; xukumad

full: to be full up dhereg gown woman's guntiino furniture alaabo guri gradient hoobad

fun waqti fiican grain xabuub fundamental aasaast grandfather awoowe

62 • Pocket Somali Dictionary . hookworm

grandmother abooto; ayeeyo hat koofiyad grapefruit bambeelmo have hay grapes canab hay caws qallalan grass caws hay fever sanboor grave xabaai head madax gravel quruurux health caafimaad gravity cufisjiidad healthy ladan gravy sanuunad hear maqal graze daaji hearing maqal grazing land dhul-daaq heart wadne grease dufan heat noun kuleyl green doog heat verb diiri green vegetables dhimbiil heated diiran greet salaan heavy cuius grid girid hectare hektaar grid reference tusmada girid hedge dhir isku cufan grill dub heel cidhib grind tun height dherer ground dhul helicopter helikobtar groundnut loos help noun caawimo group koox help verb u gargaar grow koritaan hemaglobin hiimagoloobin growth korid hemisphere galoob badh guerrilla dagaal yahan jabhadeed hen digaag guess malee herbalist geeda gooye guitar kaman herbivorous daaq cune gulf gacan herbs caleemo

gullies boholo here is . . . waa kan . . gun bunduq heredity hiddo gut gabol yar hermaphrodite labeeb heterogeneous kalakaan hey! heedheh!

hi! waryaa! H hibernation isxabaalid hide dhuumasho habit caado high korreeya habitat sabo high latitude lool sare hair tin, high pressure cadaadis wayn halfbadh hill buur yar hammer bums; dubbe hinduism diinta hindiga hand gacan hip misig handbag boorso hippopotamus jeer handkerchief masar hit tun handle gacan hold hakin hang laalaad hole god happen dhac holiday fasax happy farxad leh home hoy happy: to be happy farax honey malab harbor deked hoof qanjaaful hard adag hook hangool hardwood miici hookworm gooryaan jilaabeed

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 63 hoop

hoop giraangir imperialism imberiyaaliyad hope rajee import dibadda ka soo keen hormone hoormoon imposition sandulayn horn gees impulse gujo Horn of Africa Geeska Afrika incisors foolal horse faras inclination janjeer hospital cusbataal income dakhli host score increase korodh; (something) hot kulayl; spicy basbaas leh kordhi

hotel hudheel incubation period kal huuris hour saacad independence madax bannaanaan house daar; hut minnan independent madaxbannaan housefly dukhsi Indian Ocean Badweynta Hindiga how sidee indigenous dhalad human aadimiga indirect rule gumaysi dahsoon humanitarianism bani aadnimo induction saaqid humerus cudud industrial revolution kacaankii humidity huur warshadaynta humus hyuumas industrialisation warshadeyn hundred boqol industry warshed hunger gaajo inertia wahsi hungry gaajeysan infidel gaal hunting ugaadhsi infiltration dhexgal; ku-qasan hurry degdeg informal economy suuq madow hurt damqasho ingestion cunto qaadasho husband nin inheritance dhaxal

hut cariish ink khad

hybrid iska dhal inland drainage biyo shub oodan hydro-electric power awoodda input dalag danabka biyaha insect cayayaan hydrometer huur beeg inside gudo hydrosphere biyowlayda dhulka inspiration neef qaadasho hyena waraabe institution hab hypothesis afeef instrument qalab insulation magudbin insulator mugudbiye insurance caymis

I intelligence caqli; spying basaasnimo

ice baraf intensity itaal ice-cream jalaato interest dan

idea ra'yi interesting xiiso leh ideology idilooyiyad interference iabid letter xaraf interior gudo; of country miyi igneous rock dhadhaab shiileed internal combustion engine

ill jirran makiinad qubasho gudeed

illumination if international date line xariiqa

imaginary (a maleeyo taariikh sooca

I.M.F. Hay'adda Lacagta Adduunka international community immorality anshax xumo adduunweyne impact radayn interpretation turjumid

64 • Pocket Somali Dictionary last

interval biririf K intervene faraggeli intervention faraggelin kettle jelemad interview wareysi key fure intestine mindhicir kick laad invade dal qabso kidney keli invasion gelid kiln madbakh invest gelin kilogram kiiio; kiilograam investigation baadhis kill dil investment maal gelin kind naxariis leh iris bu' king boqor iron metol bir; feero: cast xadiid kingdom boqortooyo ciideed; clothes kaawiyad kiss dhunko ironing board miiska kaawiyadda kitchen qolka cuntada lagu kariyo irregular qaab darane kite abitey irrigation waraabin kitten bisad yar island jasiirad knee jilib isotherm heerkul madoorshe; kneel jilbojoogsi kul-ekeeye knife mindi ivy dhilawyahan knob handaraab knock garaac knot guntin knowyiqiin J knowledge aqoon Koran Quraan jacket jaako jam malmalaato January janaayo jaw daan L job shaqo

join isku xidhid labor shaqo joint noun isgal laboratory shaybaar joint adjective laabato laborer shaqaale joints kala goysyo lace xadhigga kabaha

joke kaftan ladder jaranjaro joules juul lady marwo journal jariidad lagoon haro baddeed journey safar lake war judge qaadi lamb nayl judiciary xaakimada lyo lamp faynuus

maxkamadaha land dhul; fertile land barwaaqo jug ibriiq; jaag land aeroplane soo deg July luulyo lane dhabo jump bood language af Junejuun lap dhab

jungle aay jiq ah large weyn jurisdiction xaqi large intestine midhicir weyne jury garsoorayaal larynx quiaan quishe just adjective xaq ah last dambe

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 65 lateness

lateness daahid lion libaax

latent period kalka qarsoon lip dibin latitude (ooi lips dibno laugh qosoi liquid hoor lava lafa liquification hoorayn

lavatory beetalmay list liis law sharci listen dhegayso

lawn cagaar lit shidan lead hoggaamin literature suugaan leader hoggaamiye litter qashin

leaf caleen little yar

lean xayeesi live nool leap kor u bood livelihood nololraacdaysi

leap year sannad sid dhaaf ah liver beer learn baro livestock keepers xoolaley learning waxbarasho living organism naflay; noole leather harag living nool leather maas lizard qorraato leave bax load xamuul leeward dabayl ka jeed local time ammin meeleed left bidix lock qufui

leg lug log kurtin

lemon liin long dheer

lemonade liin miiran long rains (April to June) gu' length dherer longitude dhige lens bikaac longitudinal dhereran leopard haramcad; shabeel look eeg lesson cashar look at day letter warqad look for doondoon lever kabaal lorry baabuur library laybreeri loose debecsan lick leef loud cod dheer

lid dabool love jacayl

life cycle meerada nolosha low hooseeya

lift noun wiish low pressure cadaadis fudud yar

lift verb hinjin lower hoose ligament seed lower part hoos

light noun ilays luck nasiib light adjective fudud lunch qado; to have lunch qadee light verb nal lung sambab lighthouse noobiyad

lightning rod hillaac-danab tiir like presposition sida

like verb ka he I M lime fruit liin limestone didib macro ili-aragto limit xad machine makiinad limited xadidan mad: to go mad waalo; to make line saf mad waal

linen liinen magazine jariidad; wargeys linguistic group koox afeed magic indhosarcaad

66 • Pocket Somali Dictionary minority

magnet birlab waxsoosaar magnetic birlaboobe measles jadeeco magnification weyneyn measurement cabbiraad magnitude laxaad meat cad maid adeegto medicine dawo mai( waraaqo qoraal Mediterranean Sea Badda Cad mailbox sanduuq-waraaqeed medium dhexyaal main muhiim medulla xidi maskaxeed maize gallay meet kulan major noun gaashaanle meeting shir major adjective weyn melt dhalaal majority political aqlabiyad member xubin make clear caddee membrane xuub make garee men niman malaria duumo mend hagaaji malnutrition nafaqo xumo mend tol malt ganaan meninges xuub maskaxeed man nin merchant ganacsade manager maamule mess qas mandate awood-siin message farriin mango cambe metabolism dheefsasho manners dabeecad metal bir manufactured samayn metamorphic rock dhagax dhalan manufacturing samayn rogan many badan method dariiqo map khariidad mice jiirar marble footari micro- ili-ma-aragto March nrionth maarso midday duhur march verb lugee middle badhtame; to be in the mark astaan middle dhexee market bacadleh midnight habeen badh married: to get married guurso migrant labour shaq-raadin marrow dhuux dibadeed marry guursado military base saldhig milatari marshy land biyo fadhiisin milk caano marvelous yaab leh milk an animal lis mask gedef milkman caanoole mass cuf million malyuun mat gogol; prayer mat masalle mince up shiid match football tartan; fire mind maskax; maan kabriid mine shaft waxsyga; explosive material alaab miino materialism maadinimo miner macdanqode matter arrin mineral(s) macdan mattress furaash mineral salt cusbo macdaneed maturation baaluq minimum ugu yaraan mature qaan gaar mining macdan qodis

May maajo minister wasiir; foreign minister mean dhabcaal wasiirka arrimaha dibadda meander qalqalooc minority ethnic laan gaab; political means of production qalab laan gaab siyaasadeed

Pocket Somali Dictionary 67 minute

minute daqiiqad mirror muraayad N miss seeg nail finger ciddi; metal musmaar missionary baadari name magac mist dhedo narrow cidhiidhi mistake gef nasty xun mix qas nation waddan mixed farming qodaal dhafan natural gas neef ceerin

model isqurxi nature dabiici modern cusub naughty edeb darro molar gows navy ciidamma badda

monarchy boqortooyo near (to) dhow (u)

Monday Isniin nearness ag money lacag^ neat nidaamsan monkey daanyeer neck luqun monopoly iskukoob necklace muriyad need baahan monotheism alle keli aamine monsoon mansuun needle irbad neighbor jaar month bi( neighborhood agagaar moon dayax nest buul shimbireed moral akhlaaq net shebeg morality anshax neutral dhexdhexaad more ka badan new cusub morning aroot news war; to give news (about) (ka) mortar mooye warran mosque masjid newspaper jariidad mother hooyo next dambe motion socod nice wanaagsan motor dhaqaajiye night habeen; to spend the night mountain buur bari mouse doolli nine sagaal mouth af ninety sagaashan move dhaqaaji no maya; may movement dhaqdhaqaaq no one cidna node guntin much badan nodule gumud tare mug koob noise buuq mule baqal nomads reer guuraa multiply isku dhufo nonsense bilaa micne mumps qanjo barar noon duhur murder dil normal caadi murderer dile north waqooyi muscle muruq nose san mushroom dooro waraabe; note cod muusiko boqoshaa notebook buug wax lagu qoro music muusiko nothing waxba mutton hitib idaad nourishing nuxurleh mystical karaamo nourishment nuxur myth sheeko baralay November Noofembar

68 • Pocket Somali Dictionary pass by

now imminka ore bir ceeriin nucleus bu' orient bari number nambar oriental bari nun baadariyad orientation hagid nurse kalkaaliye original asal nut metal nadh; food laws ostrich gorayo nutrition nafaqo other kale nylon nayloon ounce wiqiyad output waxsoosaar outside debed ovary ugxanside O oven foorno owl guumays oasis war ileed own la haansho oats baarij owner kii lahaa; hantiile O.A.U. Ururka Midowga Afrika occasion mar occupation meherad ocean badweyn ocean floor sagxad badda P October oktoobar of course! runtii! package bushqad oh! bal pact axdi; to make a pact wacatan oil saliid paddle batalaqsi ok! waa hagaag! page baal old da'weyn pail baaldi old man oday pain xanuun omnivorous geedo quute paint noun rinji on top of saaran paint verb rinjiyee one numeral kow; (used with a noun paint brush burushka rinjiga

when one object is counted) hal; palace guri boqortooyo (used on its own when 'one' palm calaacal

particular thing is referred to) pan digs! mid; pronoun la; pancake canjeelo qalaad one of ka mid ah pancreas baankiriyas oneself is papaya babbay onion basal paper warqad open verb fur parachute baarashud open adjective furan parasite dulin oppose hortag parcel bushqad opposite horjeed parent waalid opposition political mucaarad park beer raaxo oppression dulmi oppressive dulmi badan parliament barlamaan oppressor daallin parsley barataseemolo or ama part in orange liin macaan party festive xaflad; political xisbi orbit majiire pass noun daw order noun amar pass verb dhaaf order verb dalab pass along soo mar ordinary caadi pass by dhaaf

Pocket Somali Dictionary 69 passenger

passenger rakaab photograph sawir passport baasaboor photosynthesis foctoosintasis pasta baasto physical duleed paste cajiin physical geography dhismaha pastoral xoolo dhaqato jugraafiga duleed pasture daaq piano buyaane patella kuraan picture sawir pattern naqshad piece jab pavement waddo-cageed pig doofaar paw cidiyo pigeon qooley pay noun mushahaar pigment midabsiis

pay verb bixi pile kor saar pea salbuko pilot duuliye

peace nabad; peace be with you! pillar tiir assalaamu calaykum! pillow barkin

peace-keepmg nabad ilaalin pin biin peace-keeping forces ciidammada pincers biinso

ilaalinta pinch qanjaruufo peacock daa'uus pineapple cananaas

peach fursuq pink basali

peak figta buurta pint dhucoyaray peanut laws pipe dhuun pear canbaruud pirate budhcad-badeed

pebble quruurux pistil ubo-ubax peck dhukubis piston cabuudhiye pedal dacsad makiinadeed pit god

peel diir place meet peep dhugo placenta mandheer peg biin plain noun bannaan pen qalin plain adjective saafi pencil qalin qori plait rablo

pendulum walhade planet cir jooge

peninsula raasi plankton sacaaf penny gambo plant noun beeritaan people dad plant verb beer pepper copsicum berberooni; hot plantation qodaal

rilril planting beerid perhaps malaha plants geedo period kal plaster jeesad

periodic kai-gal plastic caag permanent joogto ah plate saxni; saxan permeable habid plateau dul

perpendicular (igan plates suxuun persecution gowdhis play theater riwaayad person qof play verb ciyaar

pestle kal please fadlan

pet xayawaan guri joog ah plenty badan petal laace pleural cavity moqor sanbabeed petrol baansiin pliers biinso

pharynx dalqo plot of land \di^o photocopy footookoobi plough cagafcagaf

70 • Pocket Somali Dictionary provisions

plug balaag preserve kaydi plunge isku dhex tuur president madaxweyne pocket jeeb press media saxaafad poem gabay press verb riixo point bar pressure cadaadis; air pressure pointed fiiqan cadaadis hawo poison sun pretend iska yeelyeel polarity goborayn pretty quruxsan pole cirif prevent baaji politics siyaasad previous here pollen faxal price sicir pollination faxlid pride isla weyni wacan pond haro primary hore, horaad pony faras yar prince ina boqor poor miskiin; faqiir princess ina boqor population tirada dadka principal maamule population census tiro koobka principle mabda' dadka print daabac population density cufnaanta printer madbacad tirada dadka prison xabsi population distribution prisoner maxbuus filiqsanaanta dadka private gaar ah porridge soor prize abaalgud port deked problem dhibaato porter xammaal proceed soco position goob processing habaynta post office boosta producers soosaarayaal postcard booskaadh production soosaarid postpone baaji profession shaqo pot dheri profit faa'iido potato baradho program qorshe potential kayd progress horumar poultry xannaanadda digaaga progressive horusocod ah pour shub projectile gantaal powder daqiiq promise ballanqaad power awood propagation baahid praise amaan property lahaansho; characteristic pray ducaysi astaan prayer duco; salaad propose soo jeedi prayer mat salli prosper barwaaqo soor preach wacdi prosperity barwaaqo-sooran precious qaayo protect dhawr precipitation roob protection ilaalin preface hordhac protectorate mustacmarad prefer ka jeclayso protein borotiin pregnant uur leh; xaamilo protest banaanbax prepare diyaargarow protetariat borolataariyat prepare for u diyaargarow protoplasm brotobalaasam prepared diyaar proud qab dhaaf present haddiyad prove caddee presenter (radio/TV) weriye provisions raashin

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 71 pulmonary aorta

pulmonary aorta gar sambab rainbow qaanso

pump buufiye raise kici

pumpkin bocor raisins sabiib (madow) puree shii-shiid ram wan purpose ujeeddo ranching ahminayn purse kiish (acageed range buuro silsilad ah pus malax rank darajo push riix ransom madax furasho put dhig rapid dhakhso badan put on top of saar rare dhif pyramid gunbur rascal ciyaala suuq

rat doolli ratify oggolow Q H ravine tog raw ceyriin; ceedhiin

raw material alaabo ceeriin quality tayo rays faalladho quantity tiro quarrel dood razor sakiin quarter rubuc; area xaafad reach gaadh queen boqorad read akhri

question su'aal ready diyaar queue saf real dhab quick dhakhso realize garo quiet aammus badan; to be quiet really! wallaah! aammus rear dib

quinine kiniin reason dar; sabab quiz kedis reasonable macquui ah

receipt rasiidh

receive hel recent waqti dhaw R reception goob xafladeed recognition aqoonsi rabbit bakayle recollect xasuus race people jinsi; qolo; sport recommend waani tartan record player mashiinka radiation kaah cajaladdaha radiator raadyatoore record rikoodh radio raydiyow recover dib u hel radio station rugta idaacadda red cas radioactive kaah-fal Red Sea Badda Cas radius gacan red soil carro guduud rag calai reduce dhin rage cadho; gadood; xanaaq shacaabi railroad waddo xadiid reef railway tirayn refer tixraac

rain roob; da' referee garsoore

rainfall: annual rainfall roobka reference tusmo khariidadeed sanadka refine safee rain gauge roob beeg reflection noqod rain water xareed reform beddelid

72 • Pocket Somali Dictionary scissors

refraction qaloocaan rope xadhig refrigerator frinjideer; qaboojiye rotation wareeg refugee qaxooti rough kala- dheer refuse diid round wareegsan region gobol roundabout goolad baabuur register rajistar rub masax regular habaysan rubber goomo relation xidhiidh rubbish qashin relative khusayn religion diin rude edeb darro repeat celi; ku celi ruler mastarad representative wakiil run orod repulsion kat-diid run (from) carar (ka) residual buur haraa resistance adkaysi resolution go'aan S resonance isku dubadhac respiration neefsasho responsibility masuuliyad sack kiish rest nasasho sacrifice hurrid restaurant makhaayad sadness murugo retrogressive dibusocod safety nabad gelyo return celi sailor badmaax revenue dakhli salary mushahaaro revolution kacaan salinity miiixsanaan revolve ware eg salt cusbo rhinoceros wiyil same isku mid rice bariis rich hodan sand batax; cammuud ride fuul sap qori dheecaan ridge laf satellite dayax gacmeed right midig; correct sax satisfied dheregsan; to be satisfied right! waa hagaag! dhereg ring fargal; kaatun saturation dheregsanaan ripe bisil Saturday sabti rise kac sauce suugo river webi saucepan maddiibad river course marinka webiga river estuary biyo shub toosan saucer seesar river source bilowga webiga savanna safaana road dariiq savings kayd roast huuris saw miishaar; miinshaar robe kurdad dheer; toob scale qiyaas rock dhadhaab; igneous dhadhaab scales miisaan shiileed; metamorphic dhadhaab scar calaamad dhalan rogan; sedimentary scared: to be scared baqo dhadhaab lakabeed scarf masar rocket sayruukh roof saqaf science saynis room qol scientist saynis yaqaan root xidid scissors gaagaabiye; maqas

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 73 scooter

scooter mooto - ^ shepherd adhi-jire

scorpion dibqaitooc shine birbiriq screw musmaar maraara leh ship markab screwdriver dismis shirt shaadh(i) sculpture quraar shiver qadh-qadhyo school dugsi shoe kab sea bad; badda shoot toogo sea level heerka badda shop dukaan sea route dariiq badeed shopkeeper dukaanle

season xilli short gaaban

seat kursi short circuit mareeg binis secondary dambe short rains (September to

secret sir November) dayr secretary xoghaye shortness gaab security naba4;sugid shorts surwaal gaaban see arag shoulder garab

seed iniin shout qaylo seed selection abuur xulasho shovel majarafad seek raadi show noun riwaayad segment xubin show verb tus segregate kalasoor shut xidh selection xulasho shy khajilaad

self-determination aayo ka talin sickjirran self-government isxukun side xag; at the side of agteeda

sell gad sieve miir

send dir sign calaamad separately kala silent aammusan

September Sebtember silk xariir

sesame sisin silt daad-wad

set down deg silly nacas settle deg sing heesee settlement nagaadi sing a song hees qaad

seven toddoba single keli seventy toddobaatan sink noun saxanka wax lagu mayro

sew to I sink verb deg sewing machine harqaan sip kabbo

sewing toliin siphon tuubo

sexual jinsi sister walaal

shade hadh sit down fadhiiso

shake ruxrux sit fadhiisi shall doon site goob shape qaab sitting room qolka fadhiga

share qayb six lix shark libaax-badeed sixty lixdan sharp af-badan size baaxad

shave xiiro skeleton saabka jidhka sheep ido skin maqaar sheep & goats adhi skip bood-bood sheet go' skip over iska dhaaf

shelf khaanad skull taf madax

shell sea alleelo; military qashar sky cir

74 • Pocket Somali Dictionary straighten

slave addoon speed xawaare slavery addoonsi spend bixi sleep hurdo spend the night in/at ku bari sleeping sickness cudur seexiye spices xawaash sleeve gacanta shaadhka spicy basbaas leh slide sibiibixo spider caaro slip silbo spinal nerve dareen farac xangule slipper dacas spit candhuufo slow gaabis spleen beeryar small yar sponge isbuunyo smell ur spoon metal macalgad; wooden smile ilka-caddee fandhaal smoke qiiq spore boodh smooth isku siman spokesman af hayeen snail xaaxeeyo spray buufi snake mas spring il snore khuuro square afar gees snow baraf squirrel dabagaale soap saabuun stable deggan social sciences cilmiga bulshada stairs jaranjar socialist hantiwadaag stalk samay society bulsho stamp boolo sock sharabaad stand is taag sofa soofe stand up toos soft jilicsan star xiddig soil conservation daryeelka carrada start bilow soil erosion carro guur start up kici

soil fertilisation carro nafaqeyn state nation dawlad; condition

soil texture dunta ciida xaalad solar system baho cadceedeed station istaayshan soldier askari statistics cilmiga tirokoobka solution milan stay deg Somali person Soomaali steel sulub

someone cid stem jirrid son inan(ka) step taltaabo song hees sternum sakaar

sorghum hadhuudh stick noun ul sound jabaq stick verb xabag

soup maraq still weii sour dhanaan sting mici

source i( stir walaaq shave saami stitch tolan south koonfur stock food fuud sovereignty qarannimo stocking sharaabad xuub space hawada sare stomach calool spaceship gaadiidka hawada stone dhagax spade majarafad stool gambadh

spaghetti baasto stop joogso; (someone/thing) jooji spark plug dhimbiliye story sheeko

speak hadal straight saani; to be straight hagaag spear waran straighten hagaaji

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 75 straightness

straightness hagaag strainer miir T stranger qalaad table mils strategic position meet istaraatiijika ah tablecloth maro-miis straw caws tail dabo; dib stream durdur tailor dawaarlaha

street dar iiq take for oneself qaado

stretch kala jiid take from ka qaado string xadhig take qaad strong quwad take hold qabso student ardey tale sheeko submarine markabka quusa talk hadal submerge deg talks wadahadallo

subject maada^ tall dheer succeed in guuleyso ku tank military dabbaabad; container success guuleysi, guul haan suction pump buufiye nuuge tanning migdayn sugar sonkor tap faucet baambad sugar cane qasab tape cassette cajalad suitcase shandad tape recorder naastaro sultana sabiib tapeworm gooryaan mullaax

sultanate boqortooyo target shiish sun qorrax taste dhadhan Sunday Axad taste bud ruqur dhadhan sun rays fallaaraha qorraxda taxi taksi sunrise qorrax soo bax taxi driver tagsile sunset qorrax dhac tea shaah supermarket macdaar weyn teach bar superstition khuraafaad teacher male macallin; female supply base saldhigga saadka macallimad supply siin teapot kidhli-shaah support taageero tears ilmo suppose malee teashop makhaayad sure hubaal ah technique tab surface dul technology teknooloji surprised: to be surprised yaab teeth ilko surrounded by ku wareegsan telephone noun telefoon; telifoon surroundings agagaar (someone) verb telefoon survey indha-indhayn telephone survive badbaad (u)dir suspension heehaab compass diirad suture tolan television talifishan(ka) station rugta telefishanka swallow Iiq television sweat gland qanjidh dhidid television antenna eeriyal

sweep fiiq tell sheeg sweet noun macaan temporary ku meel gaar ah sweet adjective macaan ten toban swing leexo tend xagli sword seef tendon tahar symbol summad tension dareen

76 • Pocket Somali Dictionary U.N.

tent taandho tool qalab territory dhul tooth ilig territorial expansion dhui balaarsi tooth-stick caday terrorism argaggixiso top dul test ku day tortoise diin thanked mahadsan touch taabo thanks be to God! Illaah mahaddil tour wareeg thank you mahadsanid towards here soo then dabadeedna towel shukumaan theory aragti town magaato there halkaas town centre farasmagaalo therefore sidaas darteed townspeople reer magaal thermometer heer ku( sheeg toxin mariid thermos flask termuus toy carruusad thick adag tractor cagafcagaf thief tuug trachea hunguri cad thigh bawdo trade ganacsi thin dhuuban trade union unjr shaqaale thing wax trader gedisle think feker traffic gaadiid badan thirst harraad training tababbar thirsty harraadsan travel safar thirty soddon traveler socdaale this kan travelers socoto thorn qodax treaty heshiis thought fikrad tree geed thousand kun tree trunk jirrid thread dun tribe qabiil three saddex triumph guul throat hunguri trousers surwaat throw tuur truck baabuur

thumb suul trunk tree jirrid Thursday Khamiis truth run

thyroid tayroodh try isku day ticket tigidh Tuesday Salaasa tie xidh; to be tied xidhan turn leexo

time waqti; what time is it? waa twenty labaatan

immisadii^; at the same time isia twilight shaaca markaasi; at that time markaas twins mataano tin qasacad two laba tiny dhibiq typhoid jedeeco tire car shaag tyre shaag tired daal tissue nud toast roodhi duban U today maanta toe faraha lugaha ugliness foolxumo together wada ugly foolxun tomato tamaandho umbilical cord xuddun tomorrow berrito umbrella dalaayad tongue carrab U.N. see United Nations

Pocket Somali Dictionary • 77 unable

unable karaan ta'aan valley dooxo; dry valley tog uncle paternal adeer; maternal abti van gaadhi qafilan

uncomfortable raaxo ia'aan ah vanish libidh unconsciousness miyir (a'aan vase dheri ubaxa underdevelopment dibudhac vegetable(s) khudrad underground dhusun vegetation deegaan kala fur undo vehicle gaadiid undress dhar bixin vein arooro UNESCO Ururka UNESKO venom waabay uneven kala dheer dheer vertical qoton unhappy farxad la'

very aad . . . u unification mideyn vest garan uniform direys vet dhakhtar xayawaanka unit of something xabbad vicinity agagaar unite midee victory guul United Nations Qaraamada video fiidiyoow Midcobay village buulo; tuulo universal caan villain budhcad university jaamacad vine geedka canabka unkind naxariis Ia'aan ah khal unload ka deji vinegar unlucky nasiib darro violent xoogahaan unpleasant karaahiyo virus feyruus unripe ceyriin visa fiise

untidy baali visit booqasho; booqo

until ilaa vitamin(s) fiitamiin up kor voice cod

up to ilaa volcanic folkaaneed upper kore vote cod upper arm cudud vowel shaqal

upright toosan voyage safar upset cadho vulture geeltoosiye urea yuuriya urethra kaadi mareen urgent deg-deg urine kaadi W use adeegsi

used to jir waist dhex useful faa'iido leh wait kaadi u usefulness waxtar wake up toos useless faa'iido daran wake someone up toosi usu^l caadi walk soco; lugee usually sida caadiga ah wall derbi uterus ilmagateen want doon war dagaal V wardrobe armaajo warm diirraan

vaccine; vaccination tallaai washing mashine mashiinka dharka valuable qiimo leh lagu dhaqo values qiimo. qiyaam wasp jinac dulaa

78 • Pocket Somali Dictionary x-ray

watch noun saacad wife and children xaas watch verb eeg wig timo aan run ahayn water biyo wild xayawaanka duur jooga ah waterfall biyo dhac wild animals duur joog water pot ashuun wild dog yey watershed kata rog will doon water table heerka biyo gaadhka wish rabitaan water vapour uumi biyood win guul wave mawjad wind dabayi; prevailing wind wax dhukey dabayl joogto ah; northeast way si tradewind jiilaashin; southwest weak daciif tradewind xagaashin wealth hodannimo window diriishad weapon hub windward dabayl ku jeed gashasho wear wings baalal weather cimilo-gooreed wink iljebi weather forecast saadaasha winter jiilaal hawada wipe tirtir weathering dhagax burbur wire silig Wednesday Arbaca wisdom murti weeds harame wise caaqil week asbuuc; toddobaad wish doon weep oohi with -leh weigh miisaami without -la weight cutays wobble liic-liic welcome soo dhowee; you're woman haweenay; naag; young welcome! adaa mudan! woman gabadh welfare daryeelid women dumar well noun cee!; artesian well ceelka wood piece of wood qori; plonk aartiis box; firewood xaabo; forest well adjective fiican hawd west galbeed wool suuf wet qoyan word eray whale nibiri work noun hawl what max-; maxay work verb shaqee wheat sarreen wheel shaag worker shaqaale where halkee world adduun; duni where? meeday? World Bank Bangiga Adduunka which kee worm dirindiir which? kuma? worry we I we I while intii worship caabud whisper xanshasheq wrist curcur whistle foodhi write qor white caddaan wrong gef ah whole idil

why max- . . . u why? waayo? wide balaadhan X width ballaadh wife afo; xaas x-ray khashaafad; raajo

Pocket Somali Dictionary • yam

you singular adiga Y you plural idinka young da'yar yam dun yard daarad yawn hamaansi year sanad Z yell qaylo

yes haa zero eber yesterday shalay zigzag qalqallooc

yet weli zip siib yogurt caano fadhi zonejiida yolk dhexda ukunta zoo beerta xayawaanka

80 • Pocket Somali Dictionary PHRASEBOOK 1. ETIQUETTE

Hello! Hayye! or Nabad! How are you? Iska warran?

Fine, thank you. Waan fiicanahay. Good morning! Subax wanaagsan! Good afternoon! Galab wanaagsan! Good evening! Caweys wanaagsan!

Good night! Habeen wanaagsan! See you tomorrow! Waa inoo berrito! Goodbye! Nabad gelyo! Bon voyage! Socdaal wanaagsan! Welcome! Soo dhowow! yes haa no maya thank you mahadsanid good luck! nasiib wanaagsan! excuse me! iga raalli ahow!*

iga raalli ahaada!** may I? miyaan karaa? sorry! waan ka xumahay!

An Islamic greeting used everywhere and at any

time of day or night is Assalaamu calaykum!

'Peace be with you!' — to which the response is Calaykum assalaam! 'And peace be with you!'

* Said to one person. ** Said to more than one.

Pocket Somali Phrasebook u QUICK REFERENCE


1 aniga* you adiga* he; it isaga* she; it iyada* we exclusive annaga* we inclusive innaga* you plural idinka'*' they iyaga* this kan that kaas these kuwan those kuwaas here halkan there halkaas where? xaggee? who? kuma? or yaa? what? maxaa? when? goorma? which? -kee?/-tee?** how? sidee? why? waayo?

how far? fogaan intee le^eg? how much? waa intee? how many? immisa? what's that? waa maxay kaasi?

is there?/are there? ma jiraa? or ma jiraan? how near? dhowaan intee ah? where is/are? mee? or meeye?

what must 1 do? maxaan sameeyaa? what do you want? maxaad rabtaa?

very aad . . . and iyo or oo

* For other variants, see the Pronouns section on page 13. ** Used for masculine and feminine nouns respectively.

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 83 ...... QUICK REFERENCE

or ama; in questions mise but laakiin

I like/want . . Waan jeclahay/Waan doonayaa . .

I don't like/want . . Ma jecli/Ma doonayo . .

I know. Waan ogahay.

I don't know. Ma ogi. Do you understand? Ma fahamtaa?

I understand. Waan fahmaa.

I didn't understand. Maan fahmin* My condolences. Waan tacsiyadeynayaa.

I am grateful. Waad mahadsantahay.

It's important. Waa muhiim.

It doesn't matter. Waxba ma laha. No problem! Dhib ma laha!

more or less ha badnaato ama ha yaraato

here is/are . . halkan waxa jira . .

Is everything OK? Wax waliba sow ma wanaagsana? Danger! Khatar!

How do you spell that? Sideen kaas u higgaadiyaa?

I am . . Waan . . cold dhaxmoonayaa hot kululahay hungry gaajeysanahay

thirsty harraadsanahay happy faraxsanahay sad cadheysanahay

tired daalanahay well fiicanahay worried werwersanahay

I am angry. Waan cadhaysnahay.

I am right. Waa runtay.

I am sleepy. Waan luHoonayaa.

84 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook ......


what is your name? Magacaa?

My name is . . Magacaygu waa . .

e.g. My names Ahmad. Magacaygu waa Axmed.

May I introduce you to . . Ma iskiin baraa . .

e.g. May I introduce Ma iskiin baraa you to Ahmad. Ahmed.

This is my . Kani waa. . friend saaxiibkay colleague saaxiib shaqo-wadaag ah

companion rafiiq

relative ehel


NATIONALITY Where are you from? Xaggeed ka timi?

I am from Waxaan ka imi. . Australia Ustaraaliya Britain/England Biritayn/lgian;

Dalka Ingiriiska Canada Kanada Ireland Irlaand New Zealand Niyuu Siiland Northern Ireland Wuqooyiga Ayrlaand Wales Weylis Scotland Iskootlaand the USA Ameerika Germany Dalka Jarmalka France Dalka Faransiiska

Italy Dalka Talyaaniga Europe Yurub India Hindiya Japan Jaabaan

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • . . . .

I am Waxaan ahay . . American Mareykan Australian Ustareeliyaan

British/English Biritish/lngiriis Canadian Kanadiyaan

Irish lyrash Welsh Walash Scottish Iskootish German Jarmal French Faransiis

Italian K Talyaani

Where were you born? Xaggeed ku dhalatay?

I was born in . . Waxaan ku dhashay . .

HORN OF AFRICA PEOPLES Somalian Soomaali Ethiopian Itiyoobiyaan Afar Canfar Amhara Amxaar Oromo Oroomo Kenyan Kiinyaan Sudanese Suudaani

Eritrean Eritereyaan

Pocket Somali Phrasebook . .

OCCUPATIONS What do you do? Maxaad ka shaqaysaa?

. . I am a/an . . Waxa aan ahay accountant xisaabiye

administrator maamule agronomist beeryaqaan

aid worker samo-fale

architect ku xeel dheere arrimaha dhismaha

artist fannaan

business person baayac-mushtar

carpenter nijaar consultant xeel dheer talo aqooneed laga qaato

dentist dhakhtarka ilkaha diplomat danjire doctor dhakhtar economist dhaqaaleyahan

engineer injineer farmer beeraley

film-maker filim sameeye

journalist suxufi lawyer looyar; garyaqaan manual worker gacan ku shaqeeye mechanic makaanik

negotiator dhexdhexaadiye

nurse kaalkaaliye; kal observer daawade

officer worker xafiis ku shaqeeya

pilot duuliye; baylood

political scientist siyaasi yaqaan

scientist saynisyahan secretary xoghaye

soldier askari student arday

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 87 surgeon dhakhtar ku takhasusay qalliinka teacher macallin; bare telecommunications xeeldheere war-isgaadhsiinta specialist ah

tourist dalxiis

training consultant xeeldheeraha ka talo bixinta tababarka writer qoraa


How old are you? Immisa jir baad tahay?

I am . . . years old. Waxaan ahay . . . jir.

FAMILY Are you married? Miyaad guursatey?

I am single. male Waxaan ahay doob. female Waxaan ahay gashaanti.

I am married.* Waxaan ahay xaas./Waan guursaday.

Do you have a boyfriend? Saaxiib ma leedahay?

Do you have a girlfriend? Saaxiibad ma leedahay?

What is his/her name? Magaciis?/Magaceed? How many children do Immisa carruur ah baad you have? leedahay?

I don't have any children. Carruur ma lihi.

I have a daughter. Inan/gabadh baan leeyahay.

I have a son. Inan/wiil baan leeyahay.

How many sisters Immisa hablood baad do you have? walaalo tihiin? How many brothers Immisa wiil baad walaalo do you have? tihiin?

* It is men only who actually say this. Women will define their marital status by context.

Pocket Somali Phrasebook . .

father aabbe mother hooyo grandfather awoowe grandmother ayeeyo brother walaal sister carruur child ilmo children carruur daughter inan; gabadh son inan; will twins mataano husband ninkayga wife naagtayda family xaas man nin woman gabadh; naag boy inan; will girl inan; gabadh person qof people dad


Somalis are Sunni Muslims. Islam (Islaam) came early to the

Horr^ of Africa through trade.

What is your religion? Diintee ayaad haysataa?

I am (a) . . Waxaan ahay . . Muslim muslim Buddhist buudhiist Orthodox ortodhogos

Christian kiristaan; masiixi Hindu hinduu Jewish yuuhuudi

I am not religious. Waxaan ahay bilaa-diin.

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • . . . . . LANGUAGE


Aside from other indigenous languages spoken in the Horn of

Africa, many Somalis will speak a little Arabic while some in the

south may speak Swahili. Some will also know at least a

smattering of one or more European languages like Italian and


Do you speak English? Af Ingriisi ma ku hadii kartaa? Do you speak Somali? Af Soomaali ma ku hadli kartaa?

Do you speak Italian? Af Talyaani ma ku hadli kartaa? Do you speak German? Af Jarmal ma ku hadli kartaa? Do you speS< French? Af Faransiis ma ku hadli kartaa? Do you speak Arabic? Af Carbeed ma ku hadli kartaa?

Does anyone speak Qofna Af Ingriisi ma ku hadli English? karaa?

1 speak a little . . In yar baan ku hadlaa . .

1 don't speak . Kuma hadio . .

1 understand. Waan fahmaa.

1 don't understand. Maan fahmo.

Please point to the Fadlan kelmedda buug iiga

word in the book. dhex calaamadi.

Please wait while 1 look Fadlan i sug intaan kelmeda up the word. eegayo. Could you speak more Fadlan miyir ma u hadli slowly please? kartaa?

Could you repeat that? [gu celi?

. . . How do you say . . Sidee Af Soomaali loogu

in Somali? yidhaahdaa?

. What does . . . mean? Eraygii . . macnihiisu waa maxay? How do you Sidee baa loogu dhawaaqaa

pronounce this word? ereygan?

90 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook . . LANGUAGE

I speak . . Waxa aan ku hadlaa . . Amharic Af Xabashi Arabic Af Carbeed Danish Af Dheenish Dutch Af Holandish

English Af Ingriisi French Af Faransiis German Af Jarmal Greek Af Giriig

Italian Af Talyaani Japanese Af Jabaaniis Portuguese Af Boortiqiis Russian Af Ruush Spanish Af Isbaanish Swahili Af Sawaaxili Tigrinya Af Tigre Turkish AfTurkI

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 91 5. BUREAUCRACY

Note that some forms you encounter may be written in Arabic

as well as Somali.

FILLING IN FORMS name magac address cinwaan date of birth maalintaad dhalatay

place of birth meesha aad ku dhalatay nationality dhalashadaada ^ age da'daada

sex: male lab female dheddig

religion diintaada

reason for travel: sababta socdaalkaaga: business baayacmushtar

tourism dalxiis work shaqo

personal arrin gaar ahaaneed profession shaqo gaar

date taariikh

date of arrival maalintaad timi date of departure maalintaad dhooftay passport baasaaboor passport number lambarka baasaaboorka

visa fiise currency lacag


Ministry of Defense Wasaaradda Difaaca

Ministry of Agriculture Wasaaradda Beeraha

Ministry of Home Affai s Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha

• Pocket Somali Phrasebook Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Ministry of Transport Wasaaradda Gaadiidka Ministry of Health Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Ministry of Education Wasaaradda Waxbarashada

Ministry of justice Wasaaradda Cadaaladda


Is this the correct form? Sidani ma sida saxa ah baa?

What does this mean? Macneheedu waa maxay?

... Where is 's office? Waa xaggee xafiiska . » . ?

Which floor is it on? Waa dabaqee?

Does the lift work? Wiishku ma shaqaynayaa?

Is Mr/Ms. ... in? Mr./Ms ma joogaa?

Please tell him/her Fadlan u sheeg inaan joogo.

that I am here.

I can't wait, I have an Ma sugi karo waayo ballan appointment. kale ayaan leeyahay.

Tell him/her that I was U sheeg inaan joogay. here.

Pocket Somali Phrasebook - 93 " ...... [RAVEL

6. TRAVEL Public transport ('Gaadiidka dadweynaha") — When running, buses are generally too crammed to be practical. Far more

practical are taxis which you can hail in the street. Bicycles or

motorbikes may be found for personal use.


What time does Goorma . .

(the) . . . leave/arrive? the airplane ayay diyaaraddu tegeysaa/ imanaysaa? the boat ayay doonnidu tegeysaa/ imanaysaa? the bus ayuu basku tegeyaa/imanayaa?

the train ayuu tareenku tegeyaa/imanayaa?

The plane is delayed/ Diyaaraddii dib bay u dhacday. cancelled.

The train is delayed/ Diyaaraddii way baaqatay. cancelled.

How long will it be Intee ayuu dib u dhacayaa? delayed?

There is a delay of Waxa uu dib u dhacayaa . .

. . . hours. saacadood.


Excuse me, where is Adigoo iga raali ah ma ii sheegi

the ticket office? kartaa xafiiska tigidhaha?

Where can I buy a Xaggee ayaan tigidh ka soo

ticket? iibsan karaa.

I want to go to. . Waxaan rabaa inaan tago . .

I want a ticket to . . Waxaan rabaa tigidh ku siman

I would like . . Waxaan rabaa . .

a one-way ticket tigidh tegitaan kaliya ah

a return ticket tigidh soo noqosho ah

first class tigidh feeras kalaas ah

second class tigidh sekond kalaas ah

business class tigidh bisnes kalaas ah

94 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook . ? . TRAVEL

Do I pay in dollars or Doolar mise shilin midkee

shillings? baan ku bixin karaa?

You must pay in dollars. Waa inaad doolar ku bixiso.

You must pay in shillings. Waa inaad shilin ku bixiso.

You can pay in either. Kaad doonto waad ku bixin kartaa.

Can I reserve a place? Kursi ma ii hayn kartaa?

How long does the trip Socdaalkanu intee ayuu take? qaadan doonaa?

Is it a direct route? Ma duulimaad toos ah baa?


Is there a flight to ... ? Ma jiraa duulimaad . . . ahi?

When is the next flight Duulimaadka kan ku xigee to ... ? . . . goorma ayaa yahay?

How long is the flight? Duulimaadkan dhererklisu xaggee ku egyahay?

What is the flight number? Nambarka duulimaadku waa maxay?

You must check in at . . Waa in aad ka jeeggareyso . .

Is the flight delayed? Duulimaadkii ma dib buu u dhacay?

How many hours is the Immisa saacadood buu dib u

flight delayed? dhacay?

Is this the flight for ... ? Duulimaadkani ma ku

socdaa . . .

Is that the flight from . . . ? Duulimaadkan diyaaradu ma katimi...?

When is the Rome Rooma diyaaradii ka imanaysey

flight arriving? goormay timaaddaa?

Is it on time? Wakhtigeedu ma mid sugan baa?

Is the flight late? Duulimaadkii miyuu raagay?

Do I have to change Diyaarado kale ma ku planes? beddelayaa?

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 95 ? TRAVEL

Has the plane left Rome Diyaaraddii miyay well yet? Rooma ka soo dhaaftay? What time does the plane Goorma ayay diyaaradu take off? kacaysaa? What time do we arrive Xillima ayaanu Rooma

in Rome? gaadhaynaa? excess baggage culays dheeraad international flight duulimaad caalami ah internal flight duulimaad dalka gudiihiisa ah

BUS ^ bus stop bas istob

Where is the bus stop/ Waa xaggee bas istobtu/ station? isteeshinka basku?

Take me to the bus station. I gee isteeshinka baska?

Which bus goes to ... ? Baskee baa tegeya . . . ?

Does this bus go to ... ? Baskani miyuu tegeyaa . . . ?

What time is the . . . bus? Goorma ayuu tegeyaa

baska/baskan . . . ? next ku xigaa

first ugu horeeyaa

last ugu dambeeyaa

Will you let me know Ma ii sheegi kartaa goorta

when we get to ... ? aynu gaadhno . . . ?

Stop, I want to get off! Ii jooji, waxaan rabaa inaan dego!

Where can I get a bus Xaggee ayaan ka heli karaa

to ... ? baska tegaaya . . .

When is the first bus Waa goorma goorta baska ugu

to...? horreeyaa uu tegi doono . . . ?

When is the last bus Waa goorma goorta baska ugu

to ... ? dambeeyaa uu tegi doono . . . ?

When is the next bus Waa goorma goorta uu baskan

to ... ? ka xigaa uu tegi doonaa . . . ?

Do I have to change buses? Ma basas kale ayaan ku baddelayaa?

96 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook ? . . . . ? . . . TRAVEL

I want to get off at . . Waxa aan rabaa inaan ku

dego . .

Please let me off at the Fadlan ii ogoloow inaan next stop. istobtan istobta ku xigta ku dhaadhaco.

Please let me off here. Fadlan ii ogoloow inaan halkan ku hadho*

How long is the journey? Waa intee dhererka socdaalkani?

What is the fare? Kiradu/nooligu waa immisa?

I need my luggage, please. Fadlan shandadahaygii baan rabaa.

That's my bag. Taasi waa shandadaydii


Passengers must. . Rakkaabka waa in ay . .

change trains. beddelaan tareenka

change platforms. beddelaan balaadfoomka

Is this the right platform Ma yahay kani balaadfoomkii for ... saxa ahaa ee tareenka ku

socda . . .

The train leaves from Tareenku wuxuu ka baxayaa

platform . . balaadfoomka lambarka . .

Is there a timetable? Halkan ma jiraa jadwalka laga eegto tareemada socdaalkoodee?

Which platform should Balaadfoomkeen ka raagi

I go to? karaa tareenka tegaya . . . ? platform one/two balaadfoomka koobaad/ labaad

You must change trains Waa in aad tareenka

at... ku bedesho . .

Where can I buy tickets? Halkee baan tigidhada ka goosan karaa?

Will the train leave on Tareenku xillii sugan miyuu time? ku dhaqaaqayaa?

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 97 . TRAVEL

There will be a delay of Waxa jira dibu dhac minutes. daqiiqado ah.

There will be a delay of Dib u dhac . . . saacadood ah

. . . hours. baa jira.


Some taxis are marked , while others are not. You can also wave

down and negotiate a fare with any private car willing to go your

way although this is not always as safe. To avoid unpleasant

surprises, agree to fares in advance. It is useful to be able to tell

the driver your destination in Somali (or have it written down on a

piece of^aper). Be v\^med, however, that some drivers will have

as little idea as you as to the precise whereabouts of your


Taxi! Tagsi!

Where can 1 get a taxi? Halkee baan tagsi ka heli karaa? Please could you get me Fadlan tagsi mayla raadin

a taxi. kartaa?

Can you take me to. . . ? Ma i geyn kartaa . . . ?

Please take me to . . Fadlan i gee . . . ?

How much will it cost it Immisa weeye nooligu/

to. . . ? kiradu ilaa . . . ?

To this address, please. Fadlan cinwaankan i gee.

Turn left. Bidix u leexo.

Turn right. Midig u leexo.

Go straight ahead. Toos u soco.

Stop! Joogso!; Is taag!

Don't stop! Ha joogsan!; Ha is taagin!

I'm in a hurry. Waan degdegsanahay.

Please drive more slowly! Fadlan sidan si ka gaabinaysa gaadhiga u wad!

Here is fine, thank you. Halkan baa wanaagsan mahadsanid.

The next corner, please. Fadlan koonaha/geeska

dambe i gee.

The next street to the left. Jidka kale ee bidixda.

98 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook . . TRAVEL

The next street to the right. Jidka kale ee midigta.

Stop here! Halkan ii jooji!

Stop the car, I want to Gaadhiga jooji halkan get out. baan bixi rabaa.

Please wait here. Fadlan halkan igu sug.

Take me to the airport. Gegida diyaaradaha i gee.


I want to get off at . . Waxaan rabaa inaan ku dego . .

Excuse me! Iga raalli ahow!

Excuse me, may I get by? Iga raalli ahow, ma dhaafi karaa?

These are my bags. Kuwaasi waa shandadahaygii.

Please put them there. Fadlan halkaas dhig.

Is this seat free? Kursiganu miyuu bannaanyahay?

I think that's my seat. Waxa aan filayaa inuu yahay kursigaygii.

EXTRA WORDS ambulance ambalaas bicycle baaskeel boat doonni car gaadhi

4-wheel drive foor wiildarayf helicopter helikobtar horse & cart faras iyo carabiyad motorbike dhugdhugley trolley bus bas airport garoonka diyaaradaha/ gegida diyaaradaha airport tax cashuurta gegida diyaaradaha arrivals cagadhigasho baggage counter barta maamulka rarka iyo rogida xamuulka boarding pass boordhin baas

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 99 TRAVEL

bus stop bas istob cancellation baaqasho check-in counter kaawntarka ka hub! check-in hubi closed xidhan customs xafiiska cashuuraha/kastam delay dib u dhac departures duulid

ennergency exit iridka degdeg ah entrance iridka gelitaanka

exit w iridka bixitaanka

express degdego o ah ferry feeri information macluumaad ladies/gents suuli dumarka/suuli ragga

local (for trains) tareenka gudaha no entry lama-geli karo no smoking sigaarka laguma cabi karo open furan

path jid lugeed platform number lambarka balaadfoomka railway jidka tareenka/xadiidka reserved kaydsan

road jid; waddo

sign calaamad sleeping car gaadhiga lagu seexdo

station istayshin; maxaddad telephone tilifoon

ticket office xafiiska tigidhada timetable jadwal

vQV ^aii iioiy V town center faras-magaale

train station maxaddadda tareenka; isteeshinka tareenka

TOO • Pocket Somali Phrasebook ......


Aside from the main hotels, you will find that room service is

not always available, and breakfast or other meals will have to be negotiated and paid for separately.

. . I am looking for a . . Waxaan doonayaa guesthouse guri martiyeed hotel albeerko; huteel

hostel hostal

Is there anywhere I can Meelahan ma jirtaa meel aan stay for the night? caawa u hoydaa?

Is there anywhere we can Meelahan ma jirtaa meel stay for the night? aannu caawa u hoyannaa?

Where is ... ? Xaggee buu jiraa . . . ?

a cheap hotel huteel jabani

a good hotel huteel wanaagsani

a nearby hotel huteel dhawi

a clean hotel huteel nadiifsani

What is the address? Maxuu yahay cinwaanku Could you write the Fadlan cinwaanka ma address please? ii qori kartaa?

AT THE HOTEL Do you have any rooms Ma helaysaa qolal bannaan? free?

I would like . . Waxa aan doonayaa . .

a single room qol singal ah/nafar ah

a double room qol laba nafar ah

We'd like a room. Waxaanu rabnaa qoL

We'd like two rooms. Waxaanu rabnaa laba qoL

I want a room with . . Waxan rabaa qol leh . . a bathroom baad a shower shaawar; rushaashad a television telefishan

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 101 ......

a window daaqad a double bed sariir laba nafar qaad ah a balcony balakoono

1 want a room that's quiet. Waxaanu rabaa qol bilaa sanqadh ah.

How long will you be Intee ayaad degganaan staying? doontaa? How many nights? Immisa habeen?

I'm going to stay for . . Waxa aan degganaan doonaa . . one day maalin two days laba maalmood one week hal toddobaad

Do you have any I.D.? Ma haysataa wax caddayn ah?

Sorry we're full. Waan ka xumahay hudheeiku wuu buuxaa.

1 have a reservation. Qol baan sii ballansaday.

My name is . . Magacaygu waa . .

May I speak to the Fad Ian maareeyaha ma la manager please? hadii karaa?

I have to meet someone Halkan qof baan kula

here. ballansanahay.

How much is it per night? Habeenkii waa immisa?

How much is it per person? Qofkii waa immisa?

How much is it per week? WiiggiiVtodobaadkii* waa immisa?

It's ... per day. Maalintii kiradu waa . .

It's ... per person. Qofkii kiradu waa . .

Can I see it? Ma arki karaa? Are there any others? Kuwo kale ma jiraan?

Is there . . . ? Ma leeyahay . . . ?

air conditioning qaboojiye

laundry service dhar dhaqidi room service qolkoo laguugu shaqeeyo a telephone tilifoon hot water biyo kulul

* Both mean 'week.'

102 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook . . . . .

No, I don't like it. Maya ma jecU.

. . It's too . . Aad bay u cold qabawdahay hot kulushahay

big weyntahay dark madowdahay

small yartahay

noisy sanqadh-badan tahay

dirty uskag ah; wasakh ah

It's fine, I'll take it. Way wanaagsantahay, waan qaadan doonaa.

Where is the bathroom? Mee baadku?

Is there hot water all day? Biyo kululi ma jiraan maalintii oo dhan?

Do you have a safe? Khasnad ma leedahay?

Is there anywhere to wash Ma jirtaa meel clothes? dharka lagu maydhaa?/ qasaali karaa?/dhaqaa?

Can I use the telephone? Telifoonkan ma isticmaali karaa?


I need . . Waxaan u baahanahay . . candles shamac

toilet paper waraaqaha saxarotirka; tooyled beebar soap saabuun clean sheets go'yaal nadiif ah an extra blanket buste dheeraad ah drinking water biyo cabitaan

a light bulb guluubka laydhka/nalka

Please wake me up at . . Fadlan i toosi . . . subaxnimo.


Please change the sheets. Fadlan iga beddel go'yaasha.

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 103 .

I can't open/close the Ma furi karo/xidhi karo window. daaqadda.

I have lost nny key. Furahaygii baa iga lumay.

Can I have the key to my Furaha qolkayga ma room? haysan karaa.

The toilet won't flush. Baytalmayga biyihiisa wasakhda qaadayaa ma shaqaynayaan.

I am leaving now. Imminkaan tegeyaa. We are leaving now. Imminkaanu tegeynaa.

I would [\\^ to pay the bill. Waxaan doonayaa inaan kharashka bixiyo.

I would like to be woken Waxaan jeclaan lahaa

up at . . . (o'clock). in la i toosiyo . .

The water has been cut off. Biyuhu wuu go'anyahay.

The electricity has been Laydhku wuu go^anyahay.

cut off.

The gas has been cut off. Gaastu way go'antahay.

The air conditioning Hawo qaboojintu ma doesn't work. shaqaynayso. The heater doesn't work. Kulsiintu ma shaqeynayso. The phone doesn't work. Tilifoonku ma shaqaynayo.

I can't flush the toilet. Biyaha qaadista wasakhda ee baytalmaygu ma shaqaynayaan.

The toilet is blocked. Baytalmaygu wuu oodanyahay.

I can't switch off the tap. Qasabadda ma xidhi karo.

EXTRA WORDS bathroom baad; musqui

bed sariir

bill xisaab blanket buste candle shamac

chair kursi

104 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook cl63n nadiifsan cold water biyo qabow runboard kabadh dark madow dirty uskag; wasakh doorlock handaraab double bed sariir iaba nafar ah electricity laydha excluded ka debedda fridge qaboojiye hot/cold kulayl/qabow hot water biyo kulul included ku jiraan key fure laundry doobbiile mattress barkimo meals waqtiyada cuntada mirror muraayad name magac noisy sanqadh badan padlock quful pillow barkin dIu2 balaas******* **Q quiet defsan room qol room number qolka nambarkiisa shampoo shaanboo sheet o shower rushaashadi shaawar suitcase samsanaayt; shandad surname magaca awoowga table mils towel tuwaal water biyo window daaqad

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 105 FOOD & DRINIi


Food plays an important part of Somali life, and important

events in all aspects of life and the seasons are marked with a

feast of one form or another. Dishes on offer will vary from

region to region and from season to season.

breakfast quraac

li inrh UaUU

snack vwcuwaafWW nsii

dinner, supper casho dessert macmacaan

I'm hungry. Waan gaajoonayaaa.

rm thirsty. Waan harraadsanahay.

Ramadan Ramadaan; Ramadhaan

1 am fasting. Waan soomanahay.

to break a fast afur

Do you know a good Ma garanaysaa makhaayad restaurant? wanaagsan?

I would like a table for Fadlan waxaan doonayaa

. . . please. miis...qof qaada.

Can I see the menu please? Fadlan menyuuga i sii?

I'm still looking at the Menyuuga well ayaan menu. eegayaa.

I would like to order now. Imminka ayaan wax dalbanayaa.

What's this? Kani waa maxay?

Is it spicy? Ma besbaas buu leeyahay?

Does it have meat in it? Hilib miyuu ku jiraa?

Does it have alcohol Isbiirto miyaa ku jirtaa?/

in it? Khamri miyaa ku jirtaa?

106 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook . . . . FOOD & DRINK

. . . Do you have . . . ? Ma haysaa ?

. . . We don't have . . Ma hayno ?

What would you Maxaad ii soo jeedinaysaa? recommend?

Do you want . . . ? Ma rabtaa . . . ?/Doonaysaa . . . ?

Can I order some more . ? Ma dalban karaa . . . kale?

That's all, thank you. Waa dhantahay mahadsanid.

That's enough, thanks. Intaas baa igu filan mahadsanid.

I haven't finished yet. Well maan dhammaysan.

I have finished eating. Cuntadaydii waan dhammaystay.

I am full up! Waan dhergey!

Where are the toilets? Mee baytalmaygu?

I am a vegetarian. Khudrad cune ayaan ahay.

I don't eat meat. Hilibka ma cuno.

I don't eat pork. Doofaarka ma cuno.

I don't eat chicken or fish. Digaaga ama kalluunka ma cuno.

I don't drink alcohol. Khamriga ma cabbo.

I don't smoke. Sigaarka ma cabbo.

I would like . . Waxaan rabaa . . an ashtray haashtari

the bill xisaabta

a glass of water koob biyo ah a bottle of water quraarad biyo ah a bottle of wine quraarad waayn ah a bottle of beer quraarad biire ah another bottle quraarad kale a bottle-opener manfag

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 107 FOOD & DRINK

EXTRA WORDS a corkscrew manfag a cup bakeeri; koob dessert macmacaan a drink cabbitaan

a fork farogeeto another chair kursi kale another plate bilaydh/saxan kale

another glass bakeeri kale another cup koob kale

a napkgi istiraasho

a glass bakeeri

a knife mindi a plate bilaydh; saxan

a spoon malqacad table miis teaspoon malqacadda shaaha toothpick findhicil

fresh daray

spicy besbaas

stale cunto xumaaday sour dhanaan sweet macaan hot kulayl cold qabow

salty milix badan

tasteless bilaa-dhadhan bad xun

tasty dhadhan leh

too much aad u badan

too little aad u yar not enough kuma filma

108 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook FOOD & DRINK

FOOD bread roodhi cheese jiis chewing gum xanjo egg beed) ukun flour daqiiq french fries baradho shiilan honey malab ice cream iskiriin ketchup kajab nut lOOS oil sauid pasta baasto pepper basbaas sweet pepper barbarooni rirp saiau saiaan sait cusbo sandwich saanwij soup maraq sugar sonkor candy nacnac vinegar khal yogurt ciir; gadhoodh

VtVat 1 ADLtd potato baradho tomato tamaandho vegetables khudaar yam baradho macaan rKUIT apple tufaax banana moos coconut qumbe date timir

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 109 FOOD & DRINK

fig tiin grape canab

lemon liin dhanaan

melon shamaam; bartiiich

orange liin macaan pineapple cananaas watermelon xabxab; qare


beef hilib lo'aad chicken digaag

fish kalluun lamb wan

meat hilib pork doofaar sausage soosayj

DRINK Remember to ask for modern soft drinks by brand name, alcohol khamri bottle quraarad brandy barandhi can qasacad

coffee bun; kaaf i coffee with milk bun caano leh

fruit juice casiir

ice baraf milk caano mineral water biyo macdanaysan tea shaah

tea with lemon shaah liin dhanaan leh tea with milk shaah caano leh

no sugar, please fadlan sonkor ha ku soo darin vodka foodke

110 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook FOOD & DRINK

whisky wiski wine waayn

MORE ON FOOD & DRINK Somalis produce a wide range of seasonal grains and

vegetables, including sonkorqan 'yam,' muus 'bananas,' bocor

'squashes', diir/diglr 'beans/peas,' basal 'onion,' qassab 'sugar cane,' loows peanuts,' hadhuudh 'sorghum,' moxoggo 'cassava/manioc' and sinasim 'sesame' Added to these are the meat and other products that come from the herds of camels,

cows, sheep and goats traditionally kept on the land.

A traditional main meal may be centered around soor, a

'porridge' made from a variety of grains such as maize (gallay),

wheat (sarrccn) or even rice (bariis) — or two can be added

together, like maize and coconut (qumbe) or wheat and peas,

etc. Stews (sanuunad) can be made from goat meat, beef,

mutton, fish, rice, or pasta (baasto). Many dishes add garlic

(toon), salt (cusbo), and more than a dash of hot chilli pepper

(basbaas) — food that is spicy or hot is called basbaas Ich.

There are also soups (maraq), which also tend to be spicy

There are two words for eggs: ugxan (singular ugax) means

eggs in general, while ukumo [singular ukun) is used specifically

for chicken eggs. Traditional drinks include camel milk (caano gcci) and

Somali tea (shaah), which is made by brewing tea, sugar, milk, and spices (xawaash) such as cinnamon (qorfe), cardamom

(heyl), cloves (dhegayare), and black pepper (filfil). And you

might round off your meal with fresh dates (timir).

Although fish (kalluun) has never been a part of Somalis'

traditional diet despite their long coastline, campaigns have

been launched to promote fish and fishing.

When Somalis sit down and are about to eat, they say

"Bismillaah!" — "In the name of God!"

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 111 . . . .


Where is Waa xaggee . . . ? the art gallery rugta bandhigga farshaxanka a bank baanku/bangigu the church kiniisaddu

the Ministry of . . wasaarada . . the mosque masaajidku

the city center faras magaaluhu

the . . . embassy safaaradda . . my hotel huteelkaygu the market suuqu the museum guriga carwadu the police booliisku

the post office xafiiska boostadu

a toilet tooyladku; baytalmaygu the consulate qunsuiiyaddu the telephone center rugta dhexe ee tilifoonadu an information office xafiiska macluumaadku the parliament guriga baarlamaanku

the university jaamacaddu

the airport gegida diyaaraduhu

the station isteyshinku the academy kuliyaddu

What ... is this? Muxuu y^h^y ..,1 masculine words bridge biriishkani

building dhismahani

river webigani

What ... is this? Maxay tahay . . . ? feminine words

district degmadani road waddadani

street wadiiqadani suburb xaafaddani town magaaladani

village tuuladani

Pocket Sonnali Phrasebook . . . .

what is this building? Muxuu yahay dhismahani?

What is that building? Muxuu yahay dhismahaasi?

What time does it open? Xillima ayaa la furaa?

What time does it close? Xillima ayaa la xidhaa?

Can I park here? Halkan gaadhiga ma dhigan karaa?

Are we on the right road Ma haysanaa jidkii saxa ah for...? ee tegaya . . . ?

How many kilometers is it Immisa kiiloomitir bay . . to ... ? jirtaa?

It is . . . kilometers away. Waxay jirtaa . . . kiiloomitir?

How far is the next village? Intee bay jirtaa tuuladan, tuulada ku xigtaa?

Where can I find this Halkee ayaan cinwaankan address? ka helayaa? Can you show me (on the Maabka ma iga tusi kartaa? map)?

How do I get to . . Sideen ku tegi karaa . . . ?

I want to go to . . Waxaan doonayaa inaan tago . .

Can I walk there? Halkaa ma u lugayn karaa?

Is it far? Miyay fogtahay?

is it near? Miyay dhawdahay?

Is it far from/near here? Halkan miyay ka fogtahay/ dhawdahay?

It is not far. Ma foga. Go straight ahead. Saani u soco.

Turn left. Bidix u leexo.

Turn right. Midig u leexo.

at the next corner waa koonaha/rukunka kan xiga xaggiise

at the traffic lights waa nalalka taraafiga xaggooda

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 113 behind xagga dambe/dabada

far fog

in front of hortiisa

left bidix near dhaw opposite ka soo horjeeda

right midig

straight on toos; saani

bridge buundo; biriish corner rukun; koone crossroads isgoysyo

one-way street jid dhinac qudha loo maro

north woqooyi south koonfur

east bari west galbeed

114 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook . . SHOPPING


where can I find a . . . ? Xaggee ayaan ka heli

karaa . . . ?

Where can I buy ... ? Xaggee ayaan ka iibsan

karaa . . . ? Where's the market? Waa xaggee suuqu?

Where's the nearest . . . ? Waa xaggee . . . ugu dhow?

Can you help me? Ma i caawin kartaa?

Can I help you? Ma ku caawin karaa?

I'm just looking. Waan eegeegayaa uun.

I'd like to buy . . Waxa aan rabaa inaan

soo iibsado . .

Could you show me Ma i tusi kartaa . . . ?

some . . . ?

Can I look at it? Ma eegi karaa?

Do you have any . . . ? Waxba . . . ma ka haysaa?

This. Kan.

That. Kaas.

I don't like it. Ma jecli.

I like it. Waan jecelahay. Do you have anything Midkale oo ka jaban/ cheaper? raqiisaysaa ma haysaa? cheaper/better ka raqiisan/ka fiican larger/smaller ka weyn/ka yar

Do you have anything else? Wax kale oo aan kan ahayn ma haysaa? Do you have any others? Kuwo kale ma haysaa?

Sorry this is the only one. Iga raalli ahow, kanoo kaliya baan hayaaye.

I'll take it. Waan qaadan doonaa/ qaadanayaa. How much/many do you Waa immisa/meeqa qiimahaad want? rabtaa?

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 115 SHOPPING

How much is this? Waa immisa kanu/tanu?* Can you write down the Qiimaha ma qori kartaa? price? Could you lower the price? Qiimaha ma jebin kartaa?

I don't have much money Lacag badan ma haysto.

Do you take credit cards? Kiridit kaadhka ma qaadataa?

Would you like it wrapped? Ma rabtaa inaan duubiyo sida hay'ad oo kale.

Will that 1^ all? Wax kale ma rabtaa? Thank you, goodbye. Mahadsanid, nabadgelyo.

I want to return this. Waxa aan rabaa kan inaan celiyo.

USEFUL WORDS auto spares store bakhaarka isbeerbaadhka baabuurta?

baker's moofada bank bangi

barber's timojare

I want a haircut please. Fadlan timaha in la ii jaro ayaan doonayaa. bookshop dukaan buugagga butchers hilible pharmacy farmasii clothes store bacadle dharka

dentist dhakhtarka ilkaha department store dukaan aad u weyn dressmaker dawaarle; harqaan

electrical goods store dukaanka qalabka laydhtiriigga

florist dukaanka ubaxyada iibiya/ gada greengrocer booshari

hairdresser timoqurxiye

* Icanu for a masculine ling, tanu for a feminine thing.

116 • Pocket Somali Phraseb SHOPPING

hardware store bakaar alaabta dhismaha hospital casbitaal kiosk dabakaayo laundry doobi market suuq newsstand dabakaayo jaraald laga gado shoeshop dukaanka kabaha shop dukaan stationers dukaan laga gado qalabka xafiiska supermarket subarmaarkad; baqaalad travel agent xafiiska tigidhada googa vegetable shop khudradle watchmaker's saacadoole


Carved wooden combs are used by both sexes and are worn as

ornaments in the hair. Women traditionally wear their hair long

and display a dazzling range of coiffure styles. Ornaments are

popular and those who can afford it prefer Arab-style jewelry,

usually crafted in the towns on the coast. Necklaces are very

striking and are made from pearls, leather, amber beads, silver

and cowries. Women wear bracelets around their wrists,

elbows and ankles, and are made of zinc, although rich women

possess finely wrought bracelets of silver. Men wear necklaces

or bracelets as talismans, often with a small leather pouch

containing a fragment of the Quran. Wooden rosaries (tusbax)

are also worn by religious people. Traditionally, warriors wore

bracelets of ivory bracelets as a sign of their prowess in battle. box sanduuq bracelet jijin carpet kaarbad chain silsilad clock saacad copper maar crystal wiriq

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 117 SHOPPING

earrings wasaaqyo enamel dheeh gold dahab handicraft farsamada gacanta

iron bir; xadiid jade dhagax cagaaran jewelry dahab leather leedar; maas

metal bir

modern cusub; casri ah

necklace silsilad luquuta lagu xirto pottery waxyaabo dhoobaha laga sameeyey

ring kaatun rug sajaayad rosary tusbax

silver silfar; naxaas

steel bin xadiid stone dhagax

traditional qalab dhaqan; hidde ah vase weel watch saacad wood qori


aspirin asbiriin bandaid bandeej comb shanio condom kondham cotton wool cudbi deodorant shiirdhawr hairbrush baraashka timaha

lipstick xammuurad mascara waxay dumarka baalashooda marsadaan mouthwash luqiuq

118 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook SHOPPING

nail clippers qalabka ciddi lagu jaro

painkillers xanuun joojiye nprfume udcfoon powder budo razor sakiin razorblade sakiin shampoo shaanboo shaving cream saabuunta osadh xiirashada sleeping pills kiniinka hurdada soap saabuun isbuunyo tampons tambooni thermometer heerkul beeg tissues sooft beebar; kiliinikis; tishiyuu toilet paper tooylad beebar raHav kuruch ah toothpaste dawada cadayga


Somali traditional clothing is notable for its use of cotton (suuf).

The loose gowns worn by both men and women is the maro or

toob. Men may wear a white or colored loincloth and either a

full maro or a half maro, which covers their shoulders. These

are naturally white or grey, or can be dyed red or yellow. The robes worn by women are more varied and vary according to

their status or position in life. Women closely linked to the Sufi orders would wear colored jackets and stockings. Men

sometimes would wear a dagger (toorri), which is strapped to

the waist by a leather belt.

bag shandad belt suun boots buudh cotton cudbi dress direys; dhar gloves galoofyo handbag shandad gacmeed

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 119 SHOPPING

hat koofiyad jacket jaakeet

jeans jiinis

leather liidar; harag overcoat oborkoodh pocket jeeb scarf iskaaf

shirt shaadh shoes kabo socks sharabaaddo

suit \ suudh sweater funaanad

tie niigteyn trousers surwaal umbrella dallaayad underwear hoos gashi uniform direys wool suuf

STATIONERY ballpoint bolboynit dictionary dhigshaneeri; qaamuus envelope gal guidebook tilmaansiiye

ink khad magazine jaariidad; wargeys map maab; khariidad road map maabka waddooyinka a map of Mogdishu Mcqdishu"*^ maabkeeda; maabka Moqdishu newspaper jariidad

a newspaper in English jariidad Ingriisi ah notebook xusuusqor

novels in English noofallo Af Ingriisi ah

* often referred to as Xamar (the name for the old centre of the city).

120 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook SHOPPING

(piece of) paper xaashi; warqad; waraaq pen qalin; ben pencil qalin; beensal; qori; laabbis postcard booskaadh scissors maqas writing paper warqad/xaashida wax lagu qoro Do you have any foreign Ma haysaa wax qoraalo publications? kutub ah oo ajanebi ah?


How much is it to process Safaynta filimkani immasa this film? ayuu qiimihiisu noqonayaa?

When will it be ready? Goorma ayaad diyaarin kartaa?

I'd like a film for this Kamaradan ayaan filim u camera. rabaa? camera kamara color (film) filim kalar leh; filim midab leh film filim flash falaash lens bikaaco light meter iftiinbeege


A packet of cigarettes, Fadlan baakidh sigaar ah. please.

Are these cigarettes Sigaaradassi ma qaar cuius/ strong/mild? fudud baa?

Do you have a light? Wallaacad ma haysaa? Do you have any Wax sigaar maraykan ah American cigarettes? ma haysaa? cigar sigaar cigarette papers waraaqaha sigaarka

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 121 SHOPPING

sl|[d3r a carton of cigarettes kartoon sigaar ah

filtered 1/UU9IIhuush lehtdl

filterless bilaa buush ah

flint dhagax bilikeega lagu isticmaalaa

lighter fluid gaasta bilikeega

lighter bilikee matches kabriid; qaraf; taraq pipeDioe bccb tobacco ^ buuri; tubaako

ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES adapter bareesada korontada qaybisa battery batari

cd sii-dii

cd player sii-dii rakoodh fan marwaxad hairdryer heerdarayer

iron (for clothing) kaawiyad

kettle kildhi balaag

portable tv tii-vii la qaadi karaa radio raadiyow record rikoodh

tape (cassette) cajalad tape recorder rikoodh

television telefishan transformer korontooge

video (player) fiidiyow videotape cajalad fiidiyow voltage regulator korontosime

SIZES small yar

big weyn

122 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook SHOPPING

heavy cuius light fudud more ka badan less ka yar too much/many aad u badan many badan enough ku filan that's enough intaas baa ku fulan also sidoo kale a little bit in yar

Do you have a carrier bag? Bac miyaad haysaa?

NOTE ON *VERY' - Aad u is used to express 'very,' e.g.

Aad baan u fiicanahay. 'I am very well.'

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 123 n. WHAT'S TO SEE

Do you have a guide- Miyaad haysaa buug ah book/local map? maabka degaankan?

Is there a guide who Qof wax hagi karaa oo Af

speaks English? Ingiriisiga ku hadlaa halkan ma joogaa?

What are the main Meelihii soo jiidasho leh attractions? maxay yihiin?

What is that? Kaasi muxuu yahay?

How old is it? Waa immisa jir?

May I take a photograph? Ma sawiri karaa?

What time does it open/ Immisadaa la furaa/la close? xidhaa?

What is this monument? Taalladii waa maxay? What does that say? Kaasi muxuu leeyahay?

Who is that statue of? Taalladii yay matalaysaa?

Is there an entrance fee? Gelitaanka meesha wax lacag ah miyaa layska rabaa? How much? Waa intee?

Are there any night clubs? Ma jiraan goleyaa caways?

Where can I hear local Xaggeen ka dhegaysan karaa

folk music? muusig hidde ah?

How much does it cost to Immisaa halkaas lagu

get in? bixiyaa?

What's there to do in Halkan cawaysyada maxaa la the evenings? sameeyaa?

Is there a concert? Riwaayad ma jirtaa?

When is the wedding? Aroosku waa goorma?

What time does it begin? Goorma ayuu bilaabmayaa?

124 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook Can we swim here? Halkan ma ku dabbaalan karnaa? dancing qoobka ciyaar disco disko pvhihition CAI IIL/l \.l\Jt 1 traditional dancing faalkaloor/ciyaaro hiddood traditional music muusig hidde ah

jazz iaas oarty baadhi rock n' roll rok-aan-rool blues buluus

BUILDINGS academy akadeemi apartment guri dabakh ah arrhpoinpirai UOUIIIIII oil art gallery rugta bandhigga farshaxanka bakery moofo; foorno bar bar; maqaahi apartment block dhismo dabakh ah building dhisme casino kaasiino castle qalcad AOVOOIU rhi 'rrh ivlllllaCIUIf iniicarl cinema JsinimooII 1 1 1 1 1 WW ritv-man iiioioiuiva iiiaicaoiiciua college koolaj concert hall guriga riwaayadaha concert riwaayad elevator wiish embassy safaarad hospital cusbitaal house guri

Pocket Somali Phrasebook -125 housing project mashruuca guriyaynta Or J library ragta kutabta; laabareeri madrasa madrasa main square gooladda muhiimka ah market suuq monument faallo mosque masaajid museum guriga carwada nightclub naayt kilaab

old city magaalada qadiimi ah park beer parliament building dhismaha baarlamaanka restaurant maqaahi; hudheel saints tomb maqaam school dugsi; iskuul shop dukaan; daas; macdaar shrine meel caabudaad loo aado stadium istaadiyam statue faallo synaso^ue macbadka yuhuudda theatre tiyaatar tomb xabaal tower faallo

university jaamacad zoo beerta xayawaanka


birth dhalasho death dhimasho

funeral aas marriage guur

126 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook SOCIAL TIES FAMILY — Somalis have an extremely sophisticated way of defining the different groups of family and degrees of

relationship, due in part to the clan system and the fact that men can have more than one wife under Islamic law. For

example, the single English word 'family' is translated as bah or

xaas when it refers to the mother and her children,' xaasas

when it means the 'wife/wives and children of one man,' qoys

when it refers to the 'general immediate family,' and reer is a

very flexible group word which can describe the 'extended


Xiddid — 'family ties,' referring to the relationship

established by marriage — are an important force in Somali

society and these form the bedrock of xeerica qoysica 'family

law.' Families and clans alike look to their odayaal — 'elders' or

'wisemen' — for guidance. Duq or akhyaar — terms also heard to describe an elder — can also be used for anyone you

respect, and are often heard on the radio when broadcasters

are referring to the listeners.

CLANS — Perhaps the dominant form of social organization in

Somali society is the clan system. Clan ties are based on kinship

more than region, and all Somali ethnic groups have a common

cultural background, but there is still a great difference

between the pastoral Samaale groups — the Dir, Isaq, Hawiya and Darod clans — and the Southern, sedentary Sab peoples —

including the Digil and Rahanwein.

Certain clans (qabiil) have heads who may be called ugaas,

suldhaan or garaad. Tol is the word used to express the concept of clan descent or genealogy'

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • FINANCE


Currencies — The official currency in Somalia is the shilin,

divided into 100 sentl. Unofficially in use, but still accepted

everywhere outside of government establishments and official

retail outlets, are U.S. dollars. These may be refused however if

notes are creased, torn, old, or simply a low denomination. Be

prepared to accept change in Somali currency

Changing money — In the absence of a reliable banking

system, money is best changed in any bureau de change, where

you will find reliable, up-to-date exchange rates prominently

displayed on a board. The cashiers will often know a European

language or two, and almost all will show the workings of the

exchange on a calculator for you. Many shops and stalls will

also be happy to change money for you.

Where can I change some Xaggeen ka sarifan karaa money? xoogaa lacag ah?

I want to change some Waxaan rabaa xoogaa doolar

dollars. ah inaan sarifto.

I want to change some Waxaan rabaa xoogaa pounds. giniya ah inaan sarifto.

What is the exchange rate? Qiimaha sarifku waa intee?

What is the commission? Immisaa dilaal ah?

Could you please check Fadlan mar labaad ma ii that again? hubin kartaa?

Do you have a calculator? Kalkulaytar ma leedahay?

dollar doolar

franc faran mark maark

shilling shilin

sterling istaraliini

128 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook FINANCE

DdriK noicb jeegag calculator KaolKUlayXar cashier xisaabiye coins qadaadiic

Li cull Lai U IVIIIriridhiidl\JIIII\J IVCICIUIIIfaadh connmission dilaalis; mashqaayad exchange sarif

(loose) change baaqi signature saxeex

A NOTE ON RELIGIOUS HERITAGE Sufism — Many Somalis were traditionally associated with Sufi

tariiqas (sects or paths'), followers of the mystical side of

Islam. There are three tariiqas — the Qadiriya, the Ahmadiya

and the Salihiya. Few Somalis actively participate in the

religious side of this, while these sects transcend clan groupings

(see page 127).

The sheikhs or leaders (wadaad) of the sects act as widely regarded community leaders or spokesmen. Since the beginning

of Islam many sheikhs have become saints and their tombs are important sources of pilgrimage and holy places. Some of

these are clan ancestors, while others are revered for their

religious powers.

Holidays & festivals — There are a wide variety of traditional

festivals celebrated in every area. Important dates in the national calendar include Ramadhaan (Ramadan) and Ciidda

Carrafo (also known as simply Ciid). A popular festival is the

Mawliid, originating from a celebration in verse and song of the

Prophet Muhammad's birthday, and now used as a vibrant

means of celbrating events of significance to the community.

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 129 . .


Telecommunications — Facilities should be available from

towns and cities to make international calls.


Where is the post office? Waa xaggee boostadu?

What time does the post Walchtigee baa boosta la

office open? furaa?

What time does the post Wakhtigee baa boosta la

office close? xidhaa?

Where is'^he mail box? Mee sanduuqii waraaqu?

Is there any mail for me? Wax waraaqo ahi ma ii yaalaan?

How long will it take for Intee ayay qaadanaysaa

this to get there? inay halkaas gaadho?

How much does it cost to Immisa ayuu qiimahii yahay

send this to ... ? warqadan in loo

diro . . . ?

I would like some stamps. Waxaan doonayaa tigidho.

I would like to send . . Waxaan doonayaa inaan

diro . .

a letter warqad

a postcard booskaadh

a parcel baarsal

a telegram teligraam; taar

air mail warqad hawada loo diro

envelope gal mailbox sanduuqa waraaqaha

parcel baarsal

registered mail warqad rajistar ah stamp tigidh

130 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook ......


Where is the telephone? Waa xaggee tehiroonku. Ill l_ o May 1 use your phone? Tilifoonkaaga ma isticmaali karaa?

Can 1 telephone from Halkan tilifoonka ma ka here? diri karaa?

Can you help me get this Ma i caawin kartaa inaan number? helo lambarkan?

1 would like to make a Waxaan rabaa inaan tilifoon phone call. diro?

i would like to send a fax. Waxaan rabaa inaan faagas diro.

I would like to send a Waxaan rabaa inaan teleges telex. diro.

I want to ring . . Waxaan rabaa inaan tilifoon

diro . .

What is the code Waa immisa furaha . . . lagu for...? galaa?

What is the international Waa immisa furaha code? caalamiga ahi?

The number is . . Lamabarku waa . .

The extension is . . Ekestanshanku waa . .

It's busy. Waa mashquul.

I've been cut off Wuu iga go^ay.

The lines have been cut. Khadadkani way go'anyihiin. Can you help me get this Inaan lambarkan helo ma igu number? caawin kartaa?

Can 1 dial direct? Waa xaggee tilifoon dadweynuhu isticmaali karo ka ugu dhawi?

Where is the nearest Waa xagee tilifoon bablig public phone? ah ka ugu dhawi?

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 131 .

I would like to speak Waxaan doonayaa inaan la

to... hadio . .

Can I leave a message? Farriin ma u dhaafi karaa?

fax faagas e-mail waraaq e-mayl ah intemational operator obraytar caalamka ah/ dibada

Internet Internet modem moodem

operatol^ obraytar; xiriiriye telefoon

satellite phone dayaxgacmeedka tilifoonada

telex telegas


There is a special form, the vocative, which is used when

speaking to people: -ay is added to female names and -ow to

male names, e.g.

Faadumayl Faadumo! Maxamedow! Maxamedi

132 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook THE OFFICE


K.\rhairlull Ifurci computer kumbuyuutar desk deski drawer khaanad fax faagas file fayl meeting shir paper war(|ad pen qalin; ben pencil aalin beensal* aalin aori

UlnhntnroniprIVJIVJ^L/IJICI printer VIIbirintarII l%llil report warbixin ruler masdarad telephone tilifoon telex teleges typewriter teeb

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 133 15. THE CONFERENCE

conference room qolka shirka copy koobi discussion wadahadal

guest speaker jeediye la martiqaaday

a paper warqad podium mimbar projector baroojektar speaker qofkii khudbaneynaya subject^. mawduuc

134 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook THE FARM



Ddin uai%aaiK

Idll llci

IdriTllllg animal feed xoolo daajin fprtiliTPrId tilled lai a\| w T V

fruit Ichudrad garden beer fn ornvj rrnn^ way Kppr lldi Vcol

1 lay voWa VillcVKaclil ndysidCK laSO CaWS eflgegSan march mool Hniil

niantinpL^iai nil If. kppriH plow makiinadda carro rogidda to piow carro rog


Aimvilli seed siidh| inlin criVA/incJ aKiiiir jV<»W II IK ClilUUf tractor cagafcagaf wheat sarreen well (of water) ceel

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 135 17 ANIMALS

bull dibi

camel hal; awr camels geel cat bisad; dinnad; mukulaal cow sac dog «y donkey dameer elephant maroodi gazelle ^ deero; golcas

goat ri herd of camels kadin herd of horses raxan horse faras lamb nayl

lion libaax mare geenyo

mouse jiir mule baqal

P'g doofaar pony faras yar

rabbit bakayle ram wan

rat jiir sheep ido

stallion faras lab ah wild dog yey


bird shimbir

bird of prey haad chicken/hen digaag; digaagad; dooro guinea fowl digiiran hawk dhuuryo crow tuke

136 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook duck boolonboollo eagle gorgor ostrich goroyo owl guumays rooster diiq turkey turki vulture gorgor

INSECTS & AMPHIBIANS ant qudhaanjo bee shinni butterfly balanbaalis caterpillar dirindiir cockroach baranbaro dung beetle xaar walwaal fish kalluun flea dhuudhi fly duqsi frog rah insect cayayaan lizard qorrato; qallajis louse injir mosquito kaneeco scorpion dibqallooc snail xaaxeeyo snake mas spider caaro termite aboor tick shilin wasp laxle worm dirixi

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 137 1 COUNTRYSIDE I


canal biyomareen cave god dam dhaam; biyoxidh earthquake dhulgariir

fire dab flood daad foothpath waddo lugeed; wadiiqo forest kayn

hill gunbur lake haro mountain buur plain meel siman plant geed

river bank daafta webiga

river webi rock dhadhaab

slope tiiro niir^iir jll Cai 1 MUI UUI tree geed valley dooxo waterfall biyo dhac a wood duur


Traditionally a pastoralist society — a way of life still vital to a

large section of the population of Somalia — Somalis have

many special words for their grazing animals and the nomadic

life that goes with tending them. Apart from the words for

individual types of animals there are special words for groups

of animals, e.g. adhi sheep & goats' and geel camels'. Social

words include gurl 'nomadic domestic group,' while nomads are called reer guura 'migrating people.' Their grazing

encampments are called degmooyin [singular degmo). People

living along and between the two main rivers Webi Jubba and

Webi Shabeelle (see next section) practise agriculture.

138 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook .


Much of Somalia is covered by often impenetrable flat plateaus

and plains covered with scrub bush. The northern coastal plains

are particularly arid — they are called guban or 'burned'

because of their scorched appearance. Inland are the Oggo

Highlands which turn to low-lying hills and valleys with rivers,

but only two — the Jubba and Webi Shabeelle in the south —

contain water all year round. This is where most of the

country's agriculture is centred .

The Somali year is divided into four seasons which are

defined by rainfall or lack of it:

Jiilaal (December-March) is the hot, dry season when the

north-east tradewind or jiilaashin blows.

Gu' (April-June) is the main wet season, with heavy rains.

Xagaa (July-August) is mainly a dry season when the south-west tradewind or xagaashin blows, with some

rain falling in the south.

Dayr (September-November) is the lesser wet season,

with light rains.

Rainfall averages annually at less than 17 inches in most areas.

The climate is tropical, with little seasonal change in temperature across most of the country. While the mean

temperature is 24-3VC, the interior and area on the Gulf of

Aden are hotter and the plateaus cooler.

What's the weather like? Cimiladu maanta waa sidee?

The weather is . . . today, Cimiladu maanta waa . . cold qabow; dhaxan cool/fresh iska dhaxan cloudy mid daruuro leh foggy ceeryaamo freezing baraf

hot loilayl very hot aad bay u kulushey windy dabayl leh

It is raining. Roob baa da'aya.

It is snowing. Baraf baa dhacaya.

It is sunny Cadceed baa jirta.

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 139 air hawo cloud daruur drought abaar

duststorm siigo

famine cunto la'aan sea fog ceeryaamo xagga badda

frost dhedo

full moon shaniyo tobnaad; dayax dhamays ah

ice baraf midsummer badhtamaha xagaaga

midwinter badhtamaha jiilaalka

mild winter jiilaal aan sidaas u xumayn moon dayax

new moon bil parched earth dhul qallalan

rain roob

sleet roob barafle ah snow baraf

star xiddig sun cadceed; qorrax

sunny cadceed baa jirta weather cimilo wind dabayl

140 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook CAMPING


Where can we camp? Halkee baynu degi karraa? Can we camp here? Halkan ma degi karraa?

Is it safe to camp here? Ammaan ma tahay halkani haddii aynu degno?

Is there drinking water? Halkani biyo ma leedahay?

May we light a fire? Dab miyaan shidi karraa?

ax faash backpack boorso dhabarka lagu qaato bucket baaldi campsite meel teendhooyin lagu dhisi karaa can opener manfag compass jiheeye firewood xaabo flashlight falaashlaydh hammer dubbe lamp laambad; nal mattress joodari penknife mind! laysku laabo rope xadhig sleeping bag isliibin baag stove furinyar tent taanbuug; teendho tent pegs biro feendho water bottle quraarad biyood

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 141 21. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY

Complaining — If you really feel you have been cheated or

misled, raise the matter first with your host or the proprietor of

the establishment in question — preferably with a smile.

Somalis are proud but courteous and they consider it their

duty to help any guest. Angry glares and shouting will get you nowhere.

Crime — Somalis are law-abiding people, but petty theft does occur. Without undue paranoia, take usual precautions: watch your wallet or purse, securely lock your equipment and

baggage before handing it over to railway or airline porters, and

don't leave valuables on display in your hotel room. If you are

robbecf contact the police. Of course, in the more remote

areas, sensible precautions should be taken and always ensure

that you go with a guide. In general, follow the same rules as

you would in your own country and you will run little risk of

encountering crime.

What to do if you lose something — Save time and energy by

appealing only to senior members of staff or officials. If you

have lost items in the street or left anything in public transport,

the police may be able to help.

Disabled facilities — The terrain and conditions throughout

most of Somalia do not make it easy for any visitor to get

around in a wheelchair even at the best of times. Access to

most buildings in cities and towns is difficult, particularly since

the majority of lifts function irregularly. Facilities are rarely

available in hotels, airports or other public areas.

Toilets — You will find public utilities located in any important or

official building. You may use those in hotels or restaurants. You

may often encounter failed plumbing and absence of toilet paper.

Help! Hayaay!

Could you help me please? Fadlan ma i caawin kartaa? Do you have a telephone? Tilifoon ma haysataa?

Can 1 use your telephone? Tilifoonkaaga ma isticmaali karaa?

Where is the nearest Waa xaggee tilifoonka telephone? halkan ugu dhowi? Does the phone work? Tilifoonkani ma shaqaynayaa?

142 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook . .

Get help quickly! Si degdeg ah kaalmo u hel!

Call the police, Booliiska u yeedh/wac

ril call the police! Booliiskaan u yeedhayaa/ wacayaa!

Is there a doctor near Dhakhtar halkan ma ka here? dhawyey?

Call the doctor! Dhakhtarka u yeedh!

Call the ambulance! Ambalaaska u yeedh!

I'll get medical help! Waxaan heli doonaa kaalmo caafimaad!

Where is the doctor? Mee dhakhtarku?*/ Mee dhakhtaraddu?**

Where is the hospital? Waa xaggee cusbitaaiku?

Where is the chemist? Farmasigu waa xaggee?

Where is the dentist? Dhakahtarka ilkuhu waa xaggee?

Where is the police Isteeshinka bilaysku waa

station? xaggee?

There's been an accident! Shil baa dhacay.

Is anyone hurt? Qofna wax ma ku noqday?

This person is hurt. Qofkan baa wax ku noqday.

There are people injured. Dadkan baa ku dhaawacmay. Don't move! Ha dhaqaaqin! Go away! Soco/tag/fogoow

I am lost. Waan lunsan ahay.

I am ill. Waan bukaa/ xanuunsanayaa.

I've been raped. Waa lay kufsaday.

Take me to the doctor. Dhakhtarka i gee.

I've been robbed. Waa lay dhacay/waan dhacanahay. Thief! Tuug!

My . . . has been stolen. . . . waa layga xaday.

I have lost my . . Waxa iga lumay . . my bags shandadahaygu my camera equipment qalabkii kamaradayada

* male doctor ** female doctor

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 143 my handbag shandadaydii gacanta my laptop computer Icombutarkaygii laabtobka ahaa my money lacagtaydii my passport baasaboorkaygii

my travelers* checks ieefifaffavcii ahaa kuwa wareega my wallet shandadaydii jeebka

My possessions are Alaabadaydu caymis bay ku

insured. jirtaa.

1 have ^problem. Dhibaataan haystaa.

1 didn't do it. Sidaas maan samaynin.

I'm sorry. Waan ka xumahay.

1 apologize. Waan ka xumahay.

1 didn't realize anything Maan rumaysnayn in wax

was wrong. khalad ahi arrintaas ku jiray.

1 want to contact my Waxaan doonayaa inaan la embassy xidhiidho safaaradayda.

1 want to contact my Waxaan rabaa inaan la consulate. xidhiidho qunsaliyaddayda.

I speak English. Af Ingiriisiga baan ku hadlaa.

1 need an interpreter. Turjubaan baan u baahanahav

Where are the toilets? Meeye suuliyadu/ baytalmaygu.

clinic kiliinik doctor dhakhtan* dhakhtarad** nurse kalkaaliye; kalkaaliso; neeras

hospital cusbitaal

policeman bilays; booliis

police bilays; booliis

police station isteeshin bilays/booliis

* male doctor ** female doctor

144 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook HEALTHCARE t

22. HEALTHCARE Health/medical information — Make sure any insurance

policy you take out covers Somalia, although this will only help

in flying you out in case of a serious accident or illness.

Vaccinations are required for Somalia — check with your

doctor, who may also suggest you take other boosters usually

recommended when making any trip outside of North America and Western Europe.

Pharmacies are not always easy to find and can be

understocked. If planning to travel off the beaten track, it is

probably best to bring a sufficient supply of any medication

you require — even basics such as aspirin, cotton wool or

sunburn lotion.

What's the trouble? Maxay tahay mushkiladu/ dhibaatadu?

I am sick. Waan xanuunsanayaa.

My companion is sick. Rafiiqaygii ayaa xanuunsanaya.

May I see a female doctor? Ma arki karaa dhakhtarad naag ah?

I have medical insurance. Waxaan ku jiraa caymis caafimaad.

Please undress. Fadlan dharka iska bixi.


How long have you had Muddo intee le'eg baad this problem? dhibaatadan qabtay?

How long have you been Muddo intee le'eg ayaad feeling sick? xanuunkan iska dareemaysay.

Where does it hurt? Halkee ku xanuunaysa? it hurts here. Halkan bay i xanuunaysaa.

I have been vomiting. Waan hunqaacayaa?

I feel dizzy Dawakhaad baan dareemayaa.

I can't eat. Wax ma cuni karo.

I can't sleep. Ma seexan karo.

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 145 ...... flEALTHCARE

I feel worse. Waan ka sii darayaa.

I feel better. Waan ka soo raynayaa.

I am . . Waxan qabaa . .

Are you . . . ? Miyaad qabtaa . . . ? diabetic kaadi sonkor

epileptic sarco

asthmatic xiiq

I'm pregnant. Uur baan leeyahay.

I have . . Waxaan leeyahay .

You have . . Waxaad leedahay

a temperature xummad

an allergy alerjig

an infection caabuq

an itch cuncun fever xummad

I have a cold. Dhaxan baa igu dhacay.

You have a cold. Duray baa kugu dhacay.

I have a cough. Qufac baan leeyahay.

You have a cough. Qufac baad leedahay.

I have a headache, Madax xanuun baan leeyahay.

i have toothache. ilko xanuun baan leeyahay.

1 have a sore throat. Cuno xanuun baan leeyahay.

1 have a stomachache. Calool xanuun baan leeyahay.

1 have backache. Dhabar xanuun baan leeyahay.

1 have constipation. Calool istaag baan leeyahay.

I have diarrhea. Shuban baan leeyahay.

I have a heart condition. Wadne xanuun baan leeyahay.

1 have a pain in my heart. Wadnaha ayaa xumadi iga haysaa.

146 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook . . HEALTHCARE


I take this medication. Dawadan waan qaataa.

I need medication for . . Waxaan u baahanahay

dawada . . What type of medication Dawadani waa noocee?

is this? How many times a day Immisa goor baan maalintii

must I take it? dawadan qaadan doonaa?

When should I stop? Goormaan joojin doonaa?

I'm on antibiotics. Antibayootiig baan qaataa.

I'm allergic to antibiotics. Antibaayootiga elerjik baan ku ahay.

I'm allergic to penicillin Beynasaliinta elerjik baan ku ahay.

I have been vaccinated. Waa lay tallaalay.

I have my own syringe. Anaa siliijkayga sita.

Is it possible for me Inaan muddada dawadani to travel? ii socoto socdaal galaa suurtogal ma yahay?

painkiller xanuun joojiye tranquilizer kiniin dejiye ah

aspirin asbiriin

antibiotic antibaayootig drug dawo

HEALTH WORDS AIDS eeydhis alcoholic khamriya cab alcoholism khamriya cabnimo; isbiirtoolenimo anemia dhiigla'aan

amputation laf goyn

Pocket Somali Phrasebook - ]47 HEALTHCARE

anesthetic suuxiye anesthetist dhalchtarka suuxinta antibiotic antibaayootig antiseptic jeermisreeb blood dniig blood group nooca dhiigga blood pressure: dhiig kac low blood pressure hoos u dhaca dhiigga high blood pressure dhiig kac blood transfusion dhiig ku shubid

bone lai cancer kansar cholera daacuun

clinic kiliinig

dentist dnaKntarKa iikana epidemic safmar fever xummad

flu hargab

fracture jabniin

1 1 vJjIUI ic vlllfllOIVVClW UOvUVVkU dOUCIW

^Cl 1 1 lb ll:crnila heart attack wadne istaag

hepatitis joonis hygiene nadiifnimo

indigestion calool qushqush

infection caabuq influenza hargab limb addin needle irbad nurse kalkaaliye operating theatre qolka qalliinka

(surgical) operation qalliin oxygen ogsajiin pain xanuun pins & needles kabuubyo

rabies reymis

148 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook HEALTHCARE |

snrdprici TiruiiaaU ifaraA

SndKc ullc uaniinyu moia + SIOrriaLildLilCc 2 ^ h 3 ^h o vaiuui Aanuuii surgeon dhakhtarka qalliinka

(act of) surgery qallitaan syringe siliij thermometer heerkul beeg toothache ilig xanuun torture jidh dil


1 have broken my glasses. Muraayadii araga ayaa iga jabtay.

Can you repair them? Ma ii hagaajin/samayn kartaa?

1 need new lenses. Muraayad cusub baan u baahanahay.

When can 1 collect them? Goorma ayaan qaadan karaa?

How much do 1 owe you? Immisa weeye qiimaha aad iga rabtaa?

Pocket Somali Phrosebook • 149 23. RELIEF AID

Can you help me? Ma i caawin kartaa? Do you speak English? Miyaad Af Ingriisiga ku hadashaa?

Who is in charge? Halkan yaa xukuma?

Fetch the main person in Qofka u mudan keen. charge.

What's the name of this Magaaladan magaceed? town?

How mdiff^ people live Dad intee le'eg baa halkan ku there? nool? What's the name of that Webigaas magaciis?


How deep is it? Intee ayuu dhererkiisu hoos u jiraa?

Is the bridge still standing? Biriishki well miyuu taaganyahay/dhisanyay?

What is the name of that Buurtaas magaceed? mountain?

How high is it? Dhererkeedu waa intee?

Where is the border? Xuduuddu waa halkee/ xaggee?

Is it safe? Ammaan ma tahay? Show me. Itus.

CHECKPOINTS checkpoint kaantarool roadblock waddo xidhan Stop! Joogso! Do not move! Ha dhaqaaqin! Go! Tag/soco! Who are you? Kumaad*/Tumaad** tahay?

** * If you' is male. If 'you' is female.

150 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook Don't shoot! Ha toogan! Help! Hayaay! no entry lama geli karo no admission ruqso ma laha emergency exit iridda bixidda xaalada degdeg ah straight on toos u soco turn left bidix u leexo turn right midig u leexo this way waddadan hay that way waddadaas hay

Keep quiet! Is deji!

You are right. Sax baad tahay. You are wrong. Waad khaldantahay.

I am ready. Diyaar baan ahay.

I am in a hurry Waan degdegsanahay.

Well, thank you! (in reply) Waa yahay, waad mahadsantay! What's that? Waa maxay waxaasi?

Come in! Soo gal!; Soo dhowow!

That's all! Waa arrin dhamaatay!


This is a feeding station. Tani waa xarunta quudinta.

How many people in your Qoyskaagu immisa qof buu family? ka koobanyahay? How many children? Immisaa caruur ah? You must come back this Waa inaad kan la soo afternoon. noqoto galabtan. tonight caawa tomorrow berrito the day after saa dambe next week todobaadka dambe

There is water for you. Waa kuwan biyahaagii.

There is grain for you. Waa kuwan midhahaagii.

There is food for you. Cuntadan adigaa iska leh.

There is fuel for you. Shidaalkan adigaa iska leh.

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 151 . .


Is the road passable? Waddadii ma la mari karaa?

Are the bridges intact? Buundooyinka ma la mari karaa?

Is the road blocked? Waddadii ma la xidhay?

What is it blocked with? Muxuu yahay waxa xayiray? holes? godad? trees? dhir? rocks? dhadhaabo? something else? wax kale?

Are there any road- Makiinad waddooyin lagu building machines nearby? dhiso meeshan u dhow ma jirtaa?

We are repairing the road. Waddadan ayaan dib u hagaajinaynaa. We are repairing the Biriishkan ayaanu dib u

bridge. hagaajinaynaa.

We need . . Waxaan u baahannahay . * wood qoryo; looxaan rock dhadhaab

gravel jay

sand ciid

fuel shidaal

MINES mine noun miino mines miinooyin minefield beermiino

to lay mines miinooyin dhig; miinee

to hit a mine miino jiidh

to clear a mine miino saar mine detector qalab miinooyin lagu helo mine disposal miino gurid

152 • Pocket Sonnali Phrasebook Are there any mines Wax miino ah near here? miyaa halkan ka dhaw? What type are they? Noocoodu waa maxay? anti-vehicle lidka gaadiidka? anti-personnel joogsi

plastic raag

floating biyood magnetic birlab ah

tripwire jalfis

What size are they? Intee bay le'egyihiin? What color are they? Midabkoodu waa maxay? Are they marked? Miyay calaamadsanyihiin? How? Sidee? How many mines are Immisa miino ah baa halkaas there? ku jiraa?

When were they laid? Goormaa la dhigay?

Can you take me to the Ma i geyn kartaa beerta minefield? miinada? Are they made from Ma waxay ka samaysanyihiin grenades, high explosives garnayl mise waxyaabaha or something else? qaraxa khatarta ah leh mise wax kale?

Are they in a building? Ma dhismo ayay ku jiraan? on tracks? ma dariiqyo? on roads? ma waddo? on bridges? ma buundo? or elsewhere? mise meet kale?

Can you show me? Ma i tusi kartaa?

OTHER WORDS airforce ciidanka cirka ambulance ambalaas armored car gaadhi ciidan army ciidan artillery madaafiicda goobta barbed wire gaabiyan

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 153 bomb bambaane; bambo bomber duqeeye bullet xabbad cannon madfac cuius disaster burbur fighter dagaalyahan gun qori machine gun boobe fudud missile gantaal

missiles gantaallo

natural disaster burbur dabiici navy ciidanka badda

officer sarkaal parachute baarashuud peace nabad people dad

pistol baastoolad refugee camp xero-qaxooti

relief aid gargaar sack jawaan

shell qashar shrapnel firdhaad qarax tank taangi; dubaabad troops ciidamo unexploded bomb bam aan qarxin United Nations Qaramada Midoobay war dagaal

154 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook tools]

24. TOOLS binoculars diirad brick bulukeeti brush burush cable silig cooker Icuukan cuntolcariye drill dalooliye; diriil glasses, sunglasses muraayado hammer dubbe handle siddo hose tuubbo; dhuun insecticide sunta cayayaanka ladder sallaan machine mishiin microscope weyneyso nail musbaar padlock quful paint rinji pickax garweyn plank loox dheer plastic caag rope xadhig L L rubber rabadh; goome rust daxal saw dawaar scissors maqas screw iskuruug; bool screwdriver dismis sewing machine harqaan spade1 badeel spanner kiyaawo; baanad string xadhig dhuuban telescope diiradda xiddigiska wire waayir; fiilo; silig

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 155 25. THE CAR

Driving — Unless you already know the country well, it is

inadvisable to bring your own vehicle to Somalia. If you do, you

will need an international driving license, car registration papers

and insurance. It is unlikely you will find spare parts. Driving

conditions were never optimal and the recent conflicts have

taken a predictable toll on the road system.

Where can I rent a car? Halkee baan gaadhi ka kireysan karaa?

Where can I rent a car Halkee baan gaadhi iyo

with a driver? wadihiisa ka kiraysan karaa?

How much is it per day? Maalintii kiradu waa immisa?

How much is it per week? WiiggiiVtodobaadkii* kiradu waa immisa?

Can I park here? Halkan gaadhiga ma dhigan karaa?

Are we on the right road Ma ku taagannahay waddadii

for...? saxa ahayd ee . . . ?

Where is the nearest Halkee ugu dhaw

filling station? baadroole?

Fill the tank please. Fadlan taangiga ii buuxi. normal/diesel caadi/naafto Check the oil/tires/ Jeeggaree saliidda/

battery, please. shaagagga/beyteriga.

I've broken down. Gaadhigu wuu iga jabay.

I have a puncture. Shaag ayaa iga banjaray.

I have run out of gas. Batroolkii ayaa iga dhamaaday.

Our car is stuck. Baabuurkaannu wunlimmaday.

' Both mean 'week.'

156 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook Thprp'<; <;nnnpthinp wrnnp Gaadhifi^an wax baa

Ka Knollvlail* wp nppd a mpchanir Makaani? avaanu u baahannahay.

Where is the nearest Mee geerashka halkan flora PP? UICU VIIIOIvTI* v^an you low usr IVIana Jllul KaiTaof

Can \/ni 1 it imn-^tart thp GtfisiHhiiysivsoouiiiica maIlia iiwnno jukcviiiii9P\/n car? kartaa?

There's been an accident. Shil baabuur baa dhacay.

IViyKA\/ Ldirzxr lidohac UcdlKoon^ljon Oaaunij^ayi^ll ayaa la Aouay*

Call thp nnilrpl Booliiska u veedhl

driver's license liisan insurance policy inshooran; caymis

Ldr pdpcio Snarci^a gaaaniga rar rppi^tration viiivTooiidiiwaan Kdiii%applinfa Kaauiiiicavaadhica

USEFUL WORDS arrplpratnr air dll ilaWU anti-freeze ka hortac'c^a bivo barafowpa battery wy iai 1

UUI II Id KaWai Kra Uo

Ki irnnor UUI 1 lUci turns rar narL' inccl DaaDUUrraua laauniKiu rliitrh Lriloocn driver wade) dareewal

\-lpnpinpl^ll IC iiiiiiiiiiin* iiiidiiiiiimlcniin

PYnai icI" igsaas fan belt Vbadhahnvi 1 mil gear geer; isbiidh indicator light bidhbidho inner-tube tiyuub

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 157 jag mechanic makaanig neutral drive khali

oil saliid

oilcan qasacad saliid ah


radiator tangiga biyaha rayarc a

seat kursi

spare tire taayirka/shaagga dheeraad ah speed isbiidh steering wheel shookaan tank taangi

tire shaag

tow rope xadhigga jiidista windscreen muraayadda hore

158 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook COLORS


black madow blue buluug brown midab boodhe green cagaaran; doogo orange laymuuni

red cas white cad yellow hurdi


Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 159 27. SPORTS

athletics ciyaaraha fudud

ball kubbad basketball kubadda kolayga

chess jas goal gool horse racing tartanka fardaha horse-riding fardo fuulid match ciyaar/dheel soccer match ciyaar kubadda cagta ah; dheel kubadda cagta ah pitch garoon rugby rugbi soccer kubadda cagta stadium staadiyum swimming dabbaal team tiim; koox wrestling legdin

Who won? Yaa guuleystey? What's the score? Immisa gool baa dhashay?

160 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook THE BODY


ankle canqow arm gacan back dhabar beard gadh blood dhiig body jidh bone laf bottom informal badhi breast naas chest xabbad chin gar ear dheg elbow suxul

eye il face weji

finger far foot cag genitals saxaax

hair timo hand gacan head madax heart wadne jaw daan

kidney keli kidneys kelyo

knee jilib

leg lug

lip dibin

liver beer lung sambab lungs sambabo moustache shaaruubo mouth af neck qoor

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 161 THE BODY

nose san shoulder garab stomach calool throat cune thumb suul toe far cageed tongue carrab

tooth ilig

teeth iiko vein halbawle veins halbawleyaal

womb ^. min wrist jalaqley

162 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook 29. POLITICS

OlvJAiH workerVVVyl hawl wadeen hay'dd samofal ambassador danjire arrest xidh

;^<;<;;^^<;i nation shircjool occpmhlv pole* djddi ai itnnnmv auiwi ivji 1 IV cabinet golaha wasiirada a charity samafal; urur samafal ah citizen wadani/muwaaddin rivil rights xuc]uuc|da dadka civil war dagaal sokeeye communism shuucinimo communist shuuci constitution qaanuun; dastuur rnnvov Ifolanvn corn intinn coup d etat afgembi crime dambi rriminal ^1 II 1 III lUl viai 1 ivi 1 crisis qalalaaso

Hirtp^tor ivdi native debt Oil iioiaii

Hpmorrarv viiiiiuuiaoiuiyoiuHimunraaHix/AH dictatorship keli talisnimo diplomatic ties xidhiid dibloomaasi plprtinn

CI 1 luo^oy dai aai au ethnic cleansing takoorid exile masaafur free xor freedom xoriyad government dawlad guerrilla dagaalyahan hostage afduubane

Pocket Somali Phrasebook - 163 humanitarian aid gargaar samofal ah

human rights xuquuqal insaan imam iimaam independence madax bannaani independent madax bannaan independent state dal madax bannaan judge garsoore

killer dilaa law court maxkamad share! ah law sharci lawyer looyan garyaqaan leader ^. hoggaamiye left-wing garabka bidixda

liberation xorayn majority inta badan; badnaan mercenary caloosha u shaqayste minister wasiir ministry wasaarad minority tirada yar murder gacan ku dhiigle opposition mucaarad parliament baarlamaan

(political) party xisbi siyaasi ah

politics siyaasad peace nabad peace-keeping troops ciidamada nabad Kaalinta

politician siyaasi premier ra'iisal-wasaare president madaxweyne

presidential guard ilaalada madaxweynaha prime minister ralisal-wasaare

prison jeel; xabsi prisoner-of-war maxbuus dagaal POW camp xerada maxaabiista dagaalka protest diidmo rape kufsi

164 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook redciioi idiy uiuuduvuviHiKiicnroH allah Laanqayrta Cas rofi lOPP

1 CVUlUllvJI 1 ngnirl oK^—wiiig\A/i n o KaiauK.cs rniuiK rnhhprv 1 vJUUCI V boob cpat /in a^tiprnhlv^ ivui 91^ lavjiii

^f^rrfif nnlirp i/ww%iid^a dii \o ail socislism hanti wadaagnimo hanti wadaag basaas

thpft Aa WW ¥ V/ trarlp 1 ininn Miuiurur diiauaai^shaaaalp trpaci ir\/ Irhacna^ u cdoUi y Knaanavi United Nations Qaraamada Midoobay veto fiito) codka diidmada (jayaxan vote codbixin; food vote-rigging aadanyabaaleys voting codbixin

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 165 TIME & DATES


century qami decade toban guuro year sanad

month bil fortnight laba toddobaad week wiig; toddobaad day maalin hour saacad minute^ miridh

second" seken; ilbiriqsi

dawn salaad hore sunrise waaberi morning subax day maalin noon duhur afternoon galab evening caways sunset cadceed dhal night habeen midnight saqdhexe

four days before afar cisho ka hor three days before saddex cisho ka hor the day before yesterday dorraad yesterday shalay

last night xalay today maanta tomorrow berrito

the day after tomorrow saa dambe three days from now saddex cisho maanta laga bilaabo four days from now afar cisho maanta laga bilaabo

166 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook TIME & DATES!

iric ycai Dciorc idbi Kotl nurc aaiiaU Ka nui

last year kal-hore

this year sanadkan next vear sanadka dambe thp vear after next sanadka soo socda! sanad kedib

last week wiiggii ina dhaafay thic wppk" LI llj VVCC^ ""oo

1 ICAl WCCK. oo wamuc this morning saakadan now imminka tonipht caawa yesterday morning shalay subax

vcjLCi uciy di LCI i ivjvji i diiaioiy Koiciu

\/fiQffirr\;^\/ nipht vv-jLCiuay 1 iiKi iL AGIIOIV tomorrow morning berri subax tomorrow afternoon Wwlberri1 1 KVi%WWpalab tniTinrrnw nipht hah^pnIIOI/wwII VIQIIIWdamhp

In the morning subaxdii

in the afternoon galabtii

IIIin thetllV« V>T\_lllllgeveninp cawavskii

past xilli tegey

villi tf\f%a^ Ul CjCI il Aim iwkoi

future xilli soo socda

what Hato ic it trirlav/? VVIIaL Udlc lb IL lUUdy: rrlaanXa maallnlU Waa rnaaiiriiec:I'M 9 IM^AA#

What time is it? Waa immisadii?

It is . . . o'clock. Waa . . . subaxnimo/ galabnimo/habeennimo.*

* In the morning/in the afternoon/in the evening.

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 167 TIME & DATES


Monday isniin Tuesday salaasa Wednesday arbaca Thursday khamiis Friday jimce Saturday sabti Sunday axad

MONTHS* January Jeenawery; janaayo February"^ Feebarwery; Febraayo March Maarij; Maarso

April Abriil May Meey; Maajo June Juun

July Juuiaayi Luulyo August Ofos: Afoosto ^pntpmhpr October Oktoobar November Noofembar December Diisembar

* where there are two variants, the first has come through English and the second through Italian.

168 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook 31. NUMBERS & AMOUNTS

NOTE ON 'ONE': The numeral used in counting is kow — as

listed below. However, when a noun follows, hal is used, e.g.

' hal buug one book.' When one particular thing is referred to

then mid is used, e.g. mid bay cuneen 'they ate one.' Note that

koob is also used in number combinations using one', e.g.

eleven' is koob iyo toban as well as kow iyo toban

0 eoer

1 kow z laoa saddex 4 atar r b snan

6 lIX 7 / toddoDa Q 0 siaaeea V sagaal lU toDan

II kow iyo toban; koob iyo toban

Iz laba iyo toban T3D saddex iyo toban

14 afar iyo toban ir 15 snan iyo toban

10 lix iyo toban 17 toddoba iyo toban 18 siddeed iyo toban 19 sagaal iyo toban 20 labaatan 22 laba iyo labaatan 30 soddon 32 laba iyo soddon 40 afartan 42 laba iyo afartan 50 konton 52 laba iyo konton

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 169 1 iv/f an

laua lyo UXQail 70 iUUUUDoaian 72 80 siddeetan 82 Idbd iyo siddcctan 90 sagaashan 92 laba ivo sa^aashan

100 boc|ol 102 laba ivo boaol

112 boflol ivo labsi ivA tnban ^ 200 laba boaol 300 saddpy boaol 400 afar boaol 500 shan boflol

600 lix bo(]ol 700 iUQUUUa DOUUI ROO


1 000 If un 10,000 toban kun 50,000 konton kun

100 000 DU\fUI Kun

1 000 000 rnaiyuunimaliii II in

firct KUWaaU Sccona lauaaU

thirriiniru SaQUcAaou

frii irth oilafraadaau

fifth shanaad tenth tobnaad cnani%//\ tnnnsiaH 1 II ICCi III 1 twpntipth labaatanaad

once mar twice laba jeer

170 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook three times saddex jeer one-half badh one-quarter rubuc three-quarters saddex rubuc one-third hal saddex loo qaybiyey meel two-thirds laba saddex meelood loo qaybiyey meel

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 171 WEIGHTS & MEASURES


kilometer kiiloomitir meter mitir mile mayl foot fuudh yard waar

gallon galaan

liter Iitir

kilogram kiiloogaram gram garam pound rodol ounce wiqiyad

172 • Pocket Somali Phrasebook 33. OPPOSITES

beginning - end bilaw - dhamaad

clean - dirty nadiif-uskag comfortable - raaxo ku ah - uncomfortable aan raaxo ku ahayn

fertile - barren bacrin - aan bacrin ahayn happy - unhappy faraxsan - aan faraxsanayn

life - death nolol - dhimasho friend - enemy saaxiib - cadaw; col modern - traditional casri - soo jireen; dhaqan ahaan modern - ancient casri - qaadiim open - shut fur - xidh wide - narrow balaadhan - dhuuban high - low sare - hoose peace - violence/war nabad - dagaal polite - rude edebsan - edebdaran silence - noise aammus - buuqbadan cheap - expensive jaban - qaali hot/warm - cold/cool kulayl; diiran - qabaw health - disease caafimaad - cudur

well - sick bed qaba - buka night - day habeen - maalin top - bottom kor - hoos backwards - forwards xagga dambe - xagga hore back - front dambe - hore

dead - alive dhintay - nool

near - far dhaw - fog

left - right bidix-midig up - down kor - hoos yes - no haa - maya here - there halkan - halkaas

soft - hard jilicsan - adag

easy - difficult sahlan - dhib badan quick - slow dhaqso - tartiib

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 173 big -small weyn - yar

* old - young duq - dhalin yar

tall - short dheer - gaaban strong - weak xooggan - taagyan taagda

success - failure guul - guuldarro new - old cusub - gaboobay question - answer su'aal - jawaab safety - danger ammaan - khatar good - bad wacan; fiican - xun

true - false run - been

light - heavy fudud - cuius light nourv^ dark noun iftiin - mugdi

truth - lie run - been

Pocket Somali Phrasebook FURTHER READING

There is a large body of work in English and other European languages, especially Italian, written on most aspects of the Somali people, culture, language and land. The best — and most accessible — introduction to modern history currently available is A Modern History of Somalia: Nation & State in the Horn of Africa (Boulder, 1988) by loan Lewis. Providing an expert insight into how Somali society works, also by the same author, is Blood & Bone: The

Call of Kinship in Somali Society (New Jersey, 1993).

An excellent introduction to popular culture is An Anthology of Somali Poetry (Bloomington, 1993) by

B. W. Andrzejewski with S. Andrzejewski. Soon to be published is The Somalis: A Handbook (Curzon Press,

London). And highly recommended is any of the wide selection of works produced by Haan

Associates, an organisation based in London which is dedicated to producing Somali-related materials.

Pocket Somali Phrasebook • 175 Xaafuun ^

Ceerigaabo \ Berbera



MOQDISHU (Mogadishu)


The aim of this dictionary and phrasebook is to

assist the student or traveler in expanding his or her knowledge of the language and culture of Somali.

• Introduction to basic grammar • Pronunciation guide • Somali alphabet • Somali to English and English to Somah dictionary

• Somali phrasebook, featuring all topics a visitor to Somali needs to know, including health care, time of day, dates, transportation, money, communication services, and much more • Maps


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