Memoir of Sir John Forbes, for His
LIBRARY | :7^«neral Collections SI? MEMOIR 01' SIR JOHN FORBES, K M.D„ D.C.L., F.E.S., ETC. I 1 I I i j 1 I I ! I I I i 1 I I 1 I i I 1 I ! I ! i : MEMOIR OF SIR JOHN FORBES, E M.D„D.C.L., F.E.S.,ETC. REPRINTED, BY PERMISSION, PBOM THB JANUARY NUMBER, 1862, OV THB British & Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review. (foe EBITATB OIEOUIiATION.) LONDON Printed by SAVILL & EDWARDS, CHANDOS STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1862. HISTORICAL MEDICAL PREFACE. the kindness and courtesy of Mr. fYChurchill and Dr. Paukes, I am reprint in a separate l^^"^^ permitted to "^^X form the accompanying memoir of ^ my late father, Sir John Porbes. I had at one time cherished the hope of being able to produce a complete biography of my father, bat find that this is now impossible. Sir John Forbes, eighteen months before his death, examined and burnt nearly all the papers he possessed, fearing, as he said himself, " that we should publish something that might be unworthy of him." Nothing, indeed, is left of any consequence. Dr. vi Preface. Parkes most kindly undertook to write the best article lie could, out of sueh materials as still existed. This article was published in the January Number of the " British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Eeview." My father had many friends, non -medical, who would not see this Eeview. I have therefore felt it incumbent upon me, after obtaining the permission of the above-named gentlemen, to reprint, for private circulation, the Memoir exactly as it appeared in the Eeview.
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