The Star Fox Erotic Story Series by Cyberwuffy Ala Wolfe
The Star Fox Erotic Story Series © Cyberwuffy Ala Wolfe Updated 06/29/2010 The Star Fox Erotic Story Series by Cyberwuffy Ala Wolfe DISCLAIMER Star Fox, Fox McCloud, Peppy Hare, Falco Lombardi, Slippy Toad, Katt Monroe, Bill Grey, General Pepper, James McCloud, Wolf O'Donnell, Andross, Corneria, Katina, Aquas, MacBeth, Titania, Sector Y, Sector X, Sector Z, Solar, Venom, Meteo, Zoness, Fortuna, the Arwing, The Catspaw, Krystal, Lylat Central Command, Wolfen II, the Lylat System, and Great Fox are © 1993, 1997 Nintendo of America. Fara Phoenix, Vixy Reinard, Fox McCloud Sr., and Papetoon are © 1993 Benimaru Itoh (did I spell that right?) All other characters are © Cyberwuffy Ala Wolfe. October 20, 2370 “Morning” The once harmless experiments and inventions of Dr. Andross were slowly building towards dangerous levels. Andross was the head of the Cornerian Flight Academy, but tensions between him and the leaders of Corneria were beginning to escalate. Andross's position at the flight academy was merely a formality, only running bits and pieces of the school so he could devote most of his time in his lab. The rest of the school's functions were ran by Lieutenant Colonel Argon Gree. The cheetah shared no love for her superior and didn't waste time with an ego. She ran daily operations and was kinder to the cadets. Some thought that she let the seniors get away with one too many pranks, but Argon did well with keeping them in line. Rumors were flying about that Andross was soon to be exiled. The Cornerian Military Flight Academy was three months into its fall semester.
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