Evolution of the Goniatitaceae and Vis6an-Namurian Biogeography

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Evolution of the Goniatitaceae and Vis6an-Namurian Biogeography Evolution of the Goniatitaceae and Vis6an-Namurian biogeography DIETERKORN Korn, D. 1997. Evolution of the Goniatitaceaeand Vis6an-Namurian biogeography.- Acta Pal eontologica P olonica 42, 2, 177 -199. Evolutionary lineages within the Carboniferous ammonoid superfamily Goniatitaceae can be recognized using cladistic and stratopheneticanalyses, showing that both ap- proaches lead to coinciding results. In the late Vis6an and Namurian A, ammonoid provinces can be defined by the distribution of lineages within the goniatite superfamily Goniatitaceae. The first province corresponds to the Subvariscan Realm (where the superfamily became extinct near the Vis6an-Namurian boundary), and the second em- braces the majority of the occurrences,e.g. the south urals, central Asia, and North America (where the superfamily with different independent lieages continued up into the late Namurian A). In the Vis6an, the superfamily was, in two short epochs, globally distributed with major transgressions,which probably led to migration events. The first is at the end of the late Vis6an A(G. fi.mbrians and G. spirifer Zones, when the genus Goniatites had a world-wide distribution with various species),and the second at the beginning of the late Vis6an C (L. poststriatumZone, when Lusitanoceras is globally distributed). K e y w o r d s : Ammonoidea, Goniatitaceae, Early Carboniferous, phylogeny, palaeo- biogeography. Dieter Korn [dieter.korn@uni+uebingen.de], Institut und Museum fiir Geologie und Palciontologieder Eberhard-Karls-(Jniversitrit, SigwartstraJJe10, 72076 Tiibingen, Ger- many. Introduction Late Vis6an and early Namurian goniatite faunashave been reported fiom numerous localities in the northernhemisphere, from Alaska andCanada, the Westernand Central United States,various regions in Europeand North Africa, Novaya Zemlya and the South Urals, Central Asia, as well as from China. They have beendescribed in several monographsand articles,mostly publishedduring the last 30 years.These data allow a comparisonof the faunalcompositions in the differentregions, and provide a tool for r78 Evolution of the Goniatitaceae: KORN palaeogeographicalreconstructions of the plate configuration during the late Early Carboniferous. Ammonoid provincialism in the late Vis6an and early Namurian has already been postulatedseveral decades ago. Kullmann (1962) distinguishedbetween an epicon- tinental fauna (to which he referred the SubvariscanRealm), and a geosynclinalfauna (= Tethyal fauna), in which he placed the faunas collected from the Cantabrian Mountainsof Spain,North Africa, SouthlJrals, etc., and accountedfor dissimilarities in the faunal spectramostly to differencesin water depth. Kullm ann(1962) suggested that the two provinces, during the Namurian, contained different types of goniatites: the epicontinentalfauna being characterizedby goniatiteswith various ornamenttypes, while typical for the geosynclinal fauna were goniatites with modified internal struc- tures,such as advancedsutural development, and evolutecoiling of the inner whorls. The Goniatitaceaeis one of the major late Vis6an and early Namurian goniatite superfamilieswith an almost world-wide geographicaldistribution. It is recordedfrom numerous regions in Europe, from North Africa, North America, as well as from several localities between the Ural Mountains and Japan.The Goniatitaceaeis also a superfamilycontaining numerous species, of which most occur in the late Vis6an. Conchsof Goniatitaceaespecies display a ratherhigh numberof distinctivecharacters. Sutural features,conch geometry,and ornamentalfeatures allow cladistic analysesof these forms, and the densesampling enablesstratophenetic approach. Thus relation- shipsbetween the variousgenera can probably be uncovered. Discrimination of faunal provinces will be achievedherei by pointing out differen- ces in the distribution of independentevolutionary lineages. The data on which the cladistic and stratopheneticanalyses are based are taken from the literature (Ruzhencev & BogoslovskayaI97 L; Korn 1988),and the dataof the geographicaldistribution from the DatabaseGONIAI, Tiibingen(Korn & Kullmann 1996). Conch morphology characters of the Goniatitaceae Apomorphies. - The membersof the superfamily Goniatitaceae,like many Car- boniferousgoniatites, display a sutureline containingthe elementsEm E1 A L U I (terminology of Wedekind 1918), of which during phylogeny the El lobe (family Delepinoceratidae)or A lobe (family Agathiceratidae)became subdivided. The ma- jority of the forms possessan E lobe with a generalv-shaped outline, and an acuteor subacuteventrolateral saddle.Characteristic for all the membersof the superfamily is the courseof ontogeneticdevelopment of the externallobe. In juveniles,it is Y-shaped, but during ontogeny it changedto a v-shaped outline. without exception among the Vis6an and Namurian species,all forms have pointed lobes (in contrast,the latest Carboniferousand Permianagathiceratids had roundedlobes and saddles).The conch is usually pachycdnicor globular with an extremelylow whorl expansionrate, and a very nalrow or closed umbilicus. Many forms bear crenulatedgrowth lines and/or spiral lines,which alwaysresult from crenulation. The phylogenetic origin of the superfamily Goniatitaceaeis unclear (Ruzhencev& Bogoslovskaya1970).In Centraland western Europe,the first speciesof the super- family appearsnear the mid-vis6an boundary and can be classified in the genus ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (42) (2) 179 Goniatites(Korn 1996),possessing aconch morphology dissimilarto any earlyVis6an goniatites. The pointed ventrolateral saddle of the suture line, maintained in the Jubsequentlin"ug"r, is unique amongthe early late Vis6angoniatites. Additionally, the naffow umbilicated, globose conch form and the strongly crenulatedgrowth lines on an otherwise unornamentedshell are novelties (apomorphies)in this group. Juvenile stages of species of Goniatiter seem to recapitulate an adult sutural outline of its ancestor,which probablypossessed a Y-shapedexternal lbbe' Morphotogical trends in the evolution. - Afransformation of severalcharacters can be observedwithin the evolutionary history of the Goniatitaceae(Ruzhencev & Bogoslovskayalg70). Primarily, the suturaldevelopment displays a significantpat- tern, and allows separationof severalindependent evolutionary lineages, chnacteized by different modei of sutural subdivision (Figs 1, 2). Trends of sutural and conch transformationswithin the Goniatitaceaeare: (1) The median saddleheight increase(relative to the ventrolateral saddle). 0.40 in the earliestlate visean (e.g.,Goniatites hudsoni, G. crenistria), 0.50 in the late Vis6anB (e.g.,Arnsbergites, Hibemicoceras, Paraglyphioceras), 0.60 to 0.70 near the Vis6an-Namurianboundary (e.g., Neogoniatites, Dombarites), and more than 0.80 in the early Namurian(e.g., Platygoniatites, Delepinoceros, Proshu- mardites). This tendency is shown by almost all the evolutinary lineages, and a reversal apparentlydid not occur.The height increaseof the median saddleis a common feature u*ong many Carboniferousgoniatites (Ruzhencev & Bogoslovskaya1971, 1978)' henceit should not be used as a criterion for the definition ofhigher taxa. The height inctease,however, is important for the separationof generaand species (2) The E lobe widening (the width measuredat its half depth, relative to its total depth = E lobe index). On the basis of this character,four independentlineages can be recognized,these are: Goni.atites-+ Hypergoniatites, with no remarkable widening (E lobe index always between0.50 and 0.60), Paraglyphioceras -+ Neogonintites,with a continuouswidening rate during phyloge- ny (E lobe index 0.65 to 0.95), Lusitanoceras -+ Proshumnrdites,with a moderate widening of the E lobe (E lobe index 0.65 to 0.95,but with secondarydissection of the Alobe), and Lusitanoceras--> Delepinoceras,with a prominentwidening during phylogeny(E lobe index 0.65 to 1.50),leading to a secondarilyfiidentate El lobe' (3) The evolute coiling of the inner whorls. Derived specieswith evolute inner whorls evolve from completely involute forms, which stratigraphically occur at the beginning of the evolutionary history for example: the inner whorls are involute in Goniatites,Goniatitella, andin Hypergoniatites,but evolutein Hibernicoceras,Ams- bergites,Paraglyp,llisceras, Lusitanoceras, and Dombarjfes. Cross sections of strati- graphically later generaremain unknown, but, according to published photographs,it Ian^beassumed that in derivedforms suchas Delepinoceras and Proshumardites only very few initial whorls are evolute' 180 Evolution of the Goniatitaceae: KORN N- z tn a, 't- zF z tre - z o c +a U a (-"! \() rI ! (a cl l' Go,iori^ | I " Arnsbergites I lo . Hibernicoceras .'t i I - PrwagbphbcerasI c LusitanocerasI a- Goniatftella I aa + Neogoniqtites I a HypergoniatitesI Dombqrites 't I " ProshumarditesI o Platygoniatites t@I I 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 MSIh Fig. 1. Diagram showing the height increase ofthe median saddlein the evolution ofthe late Vis6an and early Namurian speciesof the superfamily Goniatitaceae.MS/h refers to the ratio betweenthe height of fhe median saddle(MS) and the total height of the ventrolateralsaddle (h). Note that there is a continuousheight increase (except for the late Vis6an genera Goniatitella and Hypergoniatites), and that no independent evolutionary lineages can be traced in the remaining species.In the box: Sutural parametersused in the diagrams and for the cladistic analysis. Seealso explanation to Fig. 2. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICAPOLONICA
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    SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIOXS. 227 AEEANGEMENT FAMILIES OF MOLLUSKS. PREPARED FOR THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION BY THEODORE GILL, M. D., Ph.D. WASHINGTON: PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, FEBRUARY, 1871. ^^1 I ADVERTISEMENT. The following list has been prepared by Dr. Theodore Gill, at the request of the Smithsonian Institution, for the purpose of facilitating the arrangement and classification of the Mollusks and Shells of the National Museum ; and as frequent applica- tions for such a list have been received by the Institution, it has been thought advisable to publish it for more extended use. JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary S. I. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, January, 1871 ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION, FEBRUARY 28, 1870. (iii ) CONTENTS. VI PAGE Order 17. Monomyaria . 21 " 18. Rudista , 22 Sub-Branch Molluscoidea . 23 Class Tunicata , 23 Order 19. Saccobranchia . 23 " 20. Dactjlobranchia , 24 " 21. Taeniobranchia , 24 " 22. Larvalia , 24 Class Braehiopoda . 25 Order 23. Arthropomata , 25 " . 24. Lyopomata , 26 Class Polyzoa .... 27 Order 25. Phylactolsemata . 27 " 26. Gymnolseraata . 27 " 27. Rhabdopleurse 30 III. List op Authors referred to 31 IV. Index 45 OTRODUCTIO^. OBJECTS. The want of a complete and consistent list of the principal subdivisions of the mollusks having been experienced for some time, and such a list being at length imperatively needed for the arrangement of the collections of the Smithsonian Institution, the present arrangement has been compiled for that purpose. It must be considered simply as a provisional list, embracing the results of the most recent and approved researches into the systematic relations and anatomy of those animals, but from which innova- tions and peculiar views, affecting materially the classification, have been excluded.
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