Revista Humanidades ISSN: 2215-3934
[email protected] Universidad de Costa Rica Costa Rica Azerbaijan Democratic Party: Ups and Downs (1945-1946) Soleimani Amiri, PhD. Mohammad Azerbaijan Democratic Party: Ups and Downs (1945-1946) Revista Humanidades, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020 Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica Available in: DOI: Todos los derechos reservados. Universidad de Costa Rica. Esta revista se encuentra licenciada con Creative Commons. Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Costa Rica. Correo electrónico:
[email protected]/ Sitio web: http: // This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 International. PDF generated from XML JATS4R by Redalyc Project academic non-profit, developed under the open access initiative PhD. Mohammad Soleimani Amiri. Azerbaijan Democratic Party: Ups and Downs (1945-1946) Desde las ciencias sociales, la filosofía y la educación Azerbaijan Democratic Party: Ups and Downs (1945-1946) Partido Demócrata de Azerbaiyán: altibajos (1945-1946) PhD. Mohammad Soleimani Amiri DOI: University of Sapienza, Italia Redalyc:
[email protected] id=498060395015 Received: 19 June 2019 Accepted: 23 November 2019 Abstract: Democratic Party of Azerbaijan's movement is one of the most important events in the history of Iran and the world. It was for the first time in the history of Iran that a political party seriously stressed the issue of autonomy. In addition, this movement as liberation movement prioritized several decisive and fundamental reform.