A-level Physics Transition Work Summer 2021 Welcome to A-level Physics! Congratulations on choosing the best A-level subject! The purpose of this work is to revise key concepts from GCSE so that you are as ready as possible for A-level Physics in September. Please complete this work on separate sheets of paper and bring it with you to your first Physics lesson in September. We expect to see all three tasks attempted and self-marked. You should expect to find some of the tasks hard. If you are stuck with any of this work, please feel free to contact Mr. Smith (
[email protected]) for a hint. There are three tasks. You should spend 1½ to 2 hours on each one. Complete as many of the questions as you can in this time. If you don’t get to the end of the questions, that is fine as long as you have made the effort. Task 1 Energy Task 2 Electric circuits Task 3 Resultant force All the answers are in the back, so you can check your work yourself. (If you think you have spotted a mistake in the answers, please let us know using the email address above!) Other resources to help you prepare… GCSE revision guides - use these to revise key knowledge. The first topics you will study are electricity (AQA P2) and forces and motion (AQA P5), so these are the best sections to focus on. Buy the CGP books ‘Head Start to A-level Physics’ (tinyurl.com/ycboqamn) and ‘Essential Maths Skills for A-level Physics’ (tinyurl.com/y9grnrag).