Aajtak.In CIN No : L92200DL 1999PLC1 03001
T.V. TODAY NETWORK LIMITED INDIA India Today Group Mediaplex FC 8, Sector 16 A, Film City, Noida - 201301 TODAY. Tel: +91 1204908600 Fax: +91 1204325028 llYJfJ [ T \', 0 R K GROUA Website: www.aajtak.in CIN No : L92200DL 1999PLC1 03001 Date: August 05, 2021 Corporate Relations Department listing Department SSE limited National Stock Exchange of India limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, Sandra - Kurla Complex, Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400 001 Sandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 Scrip Code - 532515 Scrip Code - TVTODAY Dear Sir / Madam, Sub: Electronic COPy of the Notice of the 22nd Annual General Meeting ("AGM") & Annual Report for the Financial Year 2020-21. Further to our intimation dated August 03, 2021 regarding the 22 nd Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of the Company to be held on Thursday, September 16, 2021 at 03:30 p.m. through Video Conferencing ("VC")/ Other Audio-Visual Means ("0AVM"), in accordance with the relevant circulars issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the Securities and Exchange Board of India and pursuant to Regulation 34 and other applicable regulations of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find attached Annual Report of the Company alongwith the Notice of 22nd AGM for the Financial Year 2020-21 which is being sent to the shareholders. The Annual Report including Notice are also available on the Company's website at https:ilwww.aajtak.in/investor. We request you to kindly take the above on record. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For T.V. Today Network limited End: As above. CC: 1. National Securities Depository Limited 2.
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