Maitland City Council Ordinary Meeting Agenda

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Maitland City Council Ordinary Meeting Agenda MAITLAND CITY COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 10 APRIL, 2007 ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 10 APRIL, 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM SUBJECT PAGE NO 1 INVOCATION.............................................................................................. 1 2 APOLOGIES ............................................................................................... 1 3 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST ......................................... 1 4 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING....................... 1 5 BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES...................................................... 1 6 MAYORAL MINUTE.................................................................................... 1 7 PUBLIC ACCESS ....................................................................................... 1 8 WITHDRAWAL OF ITEMS AND ACCEPTANCE OF LATE ITEMS OF BUSINESS .................................................................................................. 1 9 OFFICERS REPORTS ................................................................................ 2 9.1 GENERAL MANAGER................................................................. 2 9.2 PLANNING AND REGULATION ................................................. 3 9.2.1 DA 06-3598: MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSING AT 3 & 5 WALLER STREET, EAST MAITLAND (LOT 34 & LOT 35 DP758374) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL .......................... 3 9.2.2 DA 06-2676 POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS & OFFENSIVE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT - LOT 192 DP 1016698 62 RACECOURSE ROAD, RUTHERFORD RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL ........................................... 31 9.2.3 ILLEGAL MOTORBIKE ACTIVITY AT THORNTON A & D LAWRENCE SPORTING FIELDS .............................................. 57 9.2.4 AMENDMENT TO MAITLAND CITYWIDE DCP - ABERGLASSLYN URBAN RELEASE AREA ............................. 69 9.2.5 AMENDMENT TO MAITLAND CITY WIDE DCP - OUTDOOR DINING......................................................................................103 9.2.6 TENAMBIT NEIGHBOURHOOD SHOPPING CENTRE REVITALISATION PLAN...........................................................106 Page (i) ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 10 APRIL, 2007 9.3 ASSETS ....................................................................................117 9.3.1 PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE FOR PART PATHWAY OFF NATHAN CLOSE ADJOINING LOT 186, DP 243854 AT METFORD.................................................................................117 9.4 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION..........................................121 9.4.1 LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGERS AUSTRALIA NATIONAL CONGRESS AND BUSINESS EXPO 29TH APRIL TO 2ND MAY 2007....................................................................121 9.4.2 HUNTER REGION BUSINESS ENTERPRISE CENTRE..........123 9.4.3 COUNCIL LAND LOT 2 DP 1047287 SEMPILL STREET MAITLAND ................................................................................127 10 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION....................................................................131 10.1 STATUS REPORT ON WORKS AND PROJECTS ..................131 10.2 36 BANKS STREET, EAST MAITLAND ..................................138 10.3 COUNCILLOR MOTIONS.........................................................140 10.4 COUNCIL’S HOMEPAGE STATISTICS ...................................145 10.5 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY ..........................................146 10.6 SENIORS WEEK 2007..............................................................152 10.7 WATER SHARING PROPOSAL FOR THE TIDAL POOL OF THE PATERSON AND HUNTER RIVERS................................154 11 NOTICE OF MOTION/RESCISSION........................................................157 12 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE ............................................................157 13 URGENT BUSINESS ...............................................................................157 14 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE................................................................158 14.1 REVIEW OF COUNCIL'S ORGANISATION STRUCTURE ......158 14.2 CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT - GENERAL MANAGER ......159 15 CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS FROM COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ...160 16 CLOSURE................................................................................................160 Page (ii) ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 10 APRIL, 2007 PRESENT 1 INVOCATION 2 APOLOGIES 3 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING • The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held 27 March 2007 be confirmed. 5 BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES 6 MAYORAL MINUTE 7 PUBLIC ACCESS 8 WITHDRAWAL OF ITEMS AND ACCEPTANCE OF LATE ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page 1 ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 10 APRIL, 2007 9 OFFICERS REPORTS 9.1 GENERAL MANAGER No reports Page 2 ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 10 APRIL, 2007 9.2 PLANNING AND REGULATION 9.2.1 DA 06-3598: MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSING AT 3 & 5 WALLER STREET, EAST MAITLAND (LOT 34 & LOT 35 DP758374) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL File No: DA 06-3598 Attachments: Locality Plan Development Plans Submission Responsible Officer: David Simm Manager Development & Environment Author: Anthony Calthorpe Town Planner Applicant: Toner Design Proposal: Demolition of Existing Dwellings and Redevelopment of Medium Density Housing (x 7 Units) with associated car parking and landscaping Location: 3 & 5 Waller Street, East Maitland Zone: 2(a) Residential EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant seeks consent for a ‘Medium Density’ housing development over two lots at 3 & 5 Waller Street, East Maitland (hereafter “the application site”). The proposal would comprise the removal of an existing dwelling from each lot and the redevelopment of the application site for a medium density housing scheme, comprising four two-storey units fronting Waller Street and three single storey units to the rear. Medium Density Housing is a permissible form of development in the 2(a) Residential Zone with Council consent and it is considered that this form of development is consistent with the general objectives of the zone. It is to be noted that the application site sits in a highly accessible location in terms of its proximity to public transport (rail) and is within walking distance of the shops and services of East Maitland. With regard to the housing strategy of the Lower Hunter Regional Strategy, the development would be highly consistent with the need to provide for more compact urban settlements and making the best use of existing land and social and physical infrastructure in order to reduce the need to travel, particularly by car. To meet such objectives, a better mix and higher density of housing is required in established urban areas, which is an objective achieved by the application proposal. Page 3 ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 10 APRIL, 2007 DA 06-3598 Medium Density Housing Lot 34 & Lot 35 DP758374 3 & 5 Waller Street, East Maitland (Cont) The application was advertised and notified for a period of 14 days between 8 January and 22 January 2007 and one objection was received by Council, relating to matters such a car parking, fence heights, building heights and noise and vibration. Overall, it is considered that the development generally satisfies Council’s relevant town planning policies and would help to increase the overall mix of housing choice in the locality. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION THAT: DA 06-3598, for the demolition of two existing dwellings on 3 & 5 Waller Street, East Maitland (Lot 34 & Lot 35, DP758374) and the redevelopment for medium density housing (7 units) and all with associated car parking and landscaping, be approved, subject to the conditions of consent set out in the attached schedule. REPORT The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the development application in order to allow Council to make an informed decision in respect of the recommendation contained herein. INTRODUCTION The application site is located on the northern side of Waller Street, East Maitland, and comprises two adjoining lots (3 & 5 Waller Street). Each lot contains an existing weatherboard dwelling and both sites are vacant and have assumed an unkempt appearance in the streetscape. The two properties are shown in Figure 1 below. Figure 1- Showing 3 (to right of picture with cream roof) & 5 Waller Street (red roof, centre )- as existing Page 4 ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 10 APRIL, 2007 DA 06-3598 Medium Density Housing Lot 34 & Lot 35 DP758374 3 & 5 Waller Street, East Maitland (Cont) BACKGROUND The application proposal currently being considered emerged as a result of two DCU meetings with Council. Advice was provided to the applicant in terms of the form, scale, density, layout, access, car parking and overall appearance in the streetscape. PROPOSAL The application proposal is illustrated more clearly on the application plans contained at Attachment 2 of this report. In summary, however, the proposal comprises the following key elements: • Removal of two existing dwellings • Redevelopment of both lots for a seven (7) unit medium density housing scheme comprising: o 4 two storey, 3-bedroom, family dwellings fronting Waller Street. Units 2, 3 & 4 with double garages o 3 Single Storey dwellings to the rear of the site. Unit 5: 3 bedroom & double garage and Units 6 & 7 2-bedroom with single garage. Figure 2- Proposed development as seen in Waller Street (trees reaching maturity) PLANNING ASSESSMENT Pursuant to Section 79(c) of The Act, all matters relevant to the determination of the application have been duly considered, inclusive of any environmental planning instruments, draft environmental planning instruments, relevant development control plans (see below), and The Regulations.
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