Genesis 39.12-23 (Faithful Without Hope)
Well, we have been following the narrative of Joseph and we have watched Joseph go from basking in the privileges afforded to the favorite son of a doting father, to an object that is auctioned off at a slave market to the highest bidder. We have watched his brothers strip his coat from his body like skin from an animal. And that began a process by which his entire identity was just as violently stripped away from him. His language was stripped, culture stripped, values, name, reputation, influence, and position stripped. He was truly naked - body and soul. If ever there were circumstances where you could say you were justified in being bitter, resentful, and angry, circumstances where you’d be entitled to a bit of self-pity and depression, it would be this. Imagine the confusion and loneliness in Joseph’s mind as he tries to make heads or tails of why all this happened. Is God even real? What did I do to deserve this? Joseph could have forever been imprisoned in these dark lonely walls of self-pity and feeling sorry for himself. God delivered Joseph from that mental prison. Joseph was able to trust God to the point that he not only was able to exist, but he thrived. He rose and became a blessing in Potiphar’s house. And if you didn’t know better, it would sure seem that the rags to riches story is complete. Joseph has risen to a position of prominence in the house of Potiphar. This is a significant accomplishment.
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