The London Gazette, Issue 42575, Page
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 19ra JANUARY 1962 521 of 9 a.m. and S p.m. on Mondays to Fridays in- much of the map as relates to each borough, urban clusive and 1'1.30 a.m. on Sa,turdays. district and rural district affected may be inspected Any objection or representation witih reference to at all reasonable hours at the addresses shown below: the proposal may be sent in writing to the Secretary, M'nistry of Housing and Local Government, White- Aylesbury Borough. The Town Clerk's Office. hail, London S.W.I, before the 3rd day of March Municipal 'Offices, Aylesbury. L962, amd any such objection or representation should Wolverton Urban District. The Office of the Clerk state the grounds on which it is made. Persons of the Wolverton Urban District Council, Market making an objection or representation may register 'Square, Stony Stratford. tiheir names and addresses with the undersigned and Aylesbury Rural District. The Police Office, will! tihen be entitled to receive notice of any amend- Aylestoury Road, Wendover. ment of Itihe Development Plain made as a result oif Newport Pagnell Rural District. The Post Office, the proposal. 37 Market Place, Olney. Winslow 'Rural District. The Office of the Clerk Dated itlhis 19th day of January 1962. of the Winslow 'Rural District Council, 28-30 C. P. H. McCali, 'Clerk of the County Council. High Street, Winslow. Chesham Urban District. The Office of the Clerk County Hall, Preston. of the Chesham Urban District Council, Council (586) Offices, High Street, Chesham. Amersham Rural District. The Office of the Clerk of the Amersham Rural District' Council, ANGLESEY COUNTY COUNCIL Elmodesham House, High Street, Amersham. ANGLESEY DEVELOPMENT PLAN Eton Rural District. Burnham Police Station. Stomp Road, Burnham, Bucks. Holyhead and Trearddur Bay Town Map Wycombe Rural District. The Office of Lightfoot Notice is hereby given that the Minister of Housing & Ixnvndes, Solicitors, High Street, Princes and Locad Government 'has considered the proposals Risborough. submitted by the Council on 19Dh May 1959, to add A copy of so much of the Map as relates to each to itihe Anglesey Deve'oprnent Plan a town map for parish in a rural district for which there is a Parish 'Hoilyhead and Trearddur Bay, and proposes to amend Council has been supplied to the Clerk of the Parish tihe 'Plan accordingly subject to a number of modifi- Council and may be inspected on application to him. cations. He proposes on ,the recommendation of the The address of the Clerk of any parish council may Council to delete the design/at on proposals for the be obtained from the undersigned. civic centre site; to delete also public open apace Any representations or objection with respect to proposals norlth oif 'Llanfawr 'Road. At the same time these determinations shall be made in writing he intends to modify rtJhe plan to ta'ke account of the development which has been carried out and of new addressed to the Clerk of the Bucks County Council, proposals which 'have received planning permission County Hall, Aylesbury, before the 24th day of since its preparat'on, and also to remedy certain minor February 1962, and shall state the grounds on which errors and discrepancies in the presentation. it is made. Lists oif the Minister's modifications and amend- R. E. Millard, Clerk of the Bucks County ments have been deposited for public inspection at Council. the places mentioned below and may be seen between 19th January 1962. the houms of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays and between 9 a.m. and H.45 a.m. on Satur- THE SCHEDULE above referred to County Planning 'Department: Sh're Hall, FP = footpath. BR = bridleway. Llangefni. District or Parish and modification 'Holyhead Unban District Council Offices, Town Aylesbury Borough. Haffll, Holyhead. Amend route of F.P.7 to accord with diversion Valley Rural District Council Offices, Valley, order. Holyhead. Chesham Urban District. Any objections' to the modification's and amend- Add 3 new FPs—(Amend written statement in ments shou'd be sent in writing to the Welsh Secre- respect of 1 new FP). Extend FP.93. Convert tary, Min'stry of 'Housing and Local Government, iFP.80 to BR. Amend route of FP.'lll. Cathays Park, Cardiff, before the 1.2th February 1962, Wolverton Urban District. and should set oult fully die reasons for tfhe objection. Add 3 new FPs. Dated this. i!9th day of January 19>62. Amersham Rural District. Idris Davies, Clerk of the County Council. Amersham. Add 2 new FPs. Add number to FP.57. Amend Shite Haft, line of FP.3. Llangefni. Chalfont St. Giles. Add 1 new FP. Chartridge. Add 1 new -BR. Amend route of JFP.27. Extend BR.38A to agree with Definitive Map. NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO Chalfont St. Peter. THE COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1949 Amend number of that portion of FP.9 in- correctly shown as 8. BUCKS COUNTY COUNCIL Chesham 'Bois. Add 1 new BR. Extend FP.l to agree with Quinquennial Review of Rights of Way Definitive Map. Notice is hereby given that the Bucks County Coleshill. Council in exercise of the powers conferred on them Convert FPs IA, 3, 4 and 11 to BRs. Add 1 by sub-section (3) of section 29 of the National Parks new F.P. and Access to the Countryside Act, 1949, have deter- Cholesbury. mined to modify the particulars contained in the Add path (part of FP.48). Revised Map and .Statement in draft form prepared Great Missenden. under sections 33 and 34 of the said Act in relation Add 1 FP. only to rights of way within the borough of Ayles- 'Latimer. bury, the urban districts of Chesham and Wolver- Deletion of part of BR.20 and conversion of ton, and the rural districts of Amersham, Aylesbury, remainder to FP. Eton, (Newport Pagnell, Winslow and Wycombe. No •Penn. other parts of the county are affected by such modifi- Convert FPs 1 and 2 to BRs, Extend FP.67 and cations. A list of the modifications is set out in the amend line of FP.74 to agree with Definitive Map. Schedule to this notice the numbers of the rights Aylesbury iRural District. of way mentioned therein being the numbers shown Haddenham. on the Revised Map in draft form. A more detailed Add FP.l'.l to agree with Definitive Map. list may be obtained on application to the under- Lower Winchendon. signed. Extend BR.12 to agree with Definitive Map, The modifications are shown on a map which has Whitchurch. been deposited at the office of the County Sur- Delete FP.56. veyor, County Offices, Aylesbury, which may be seen, Wotton Underwood. free of charge, at all reasonable hours. A copy of so Amend route of FP.37..