The Suppliers of Statutory Audit Services to Large Companies
STATUTORY AUDIT SERVICES MARKET INVESTIGATION The suppliers of statutory audit services to large companies Introduction 1. This paper provides an overview of the suppliers of statutory audit services in the UK and the history of their consolidation (paragraphs 2 to 21). It then provides a brief portrait of each of nine large firms which have provided statutory audit services to large listed companies in the UK in turn: Baker Tilly, BDO, Deloitte, Ernst and Young (EY), Grant Thornton, KPMG, Mazars, PKF, and PwC. Overview and the history of consolidation The structure of the UK firms and their international networks 2. The four largest UK firms (Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC) are members of international networks of broadly similar scale. Each operating in approximately 150 territories and employing between 145,000 and 182,000 partners and staff in total. The members firms of the networks share a name, brand, a commitment to audit quality standards and common methodologies but member firms remain legally separate, and are typically independently owned and controlled. Member firms are brought together by common membership of a central network body or entity. The EY network differs through the greater level of ‘global integration’ and this is discussed below. 3. Most of the other large firms (Baker Tilly, BDO, Grant Thornton and PKF) are also members of networks (Mazars by contrast has adopted a global ‘integrated partnership’).1 The legal structure of these networks is broadly similar to the four largest networks and are differentiated primarily by the combined size of their member firms. Geographic coverage (measured by the number of countries in which 1 Mazars is included in the comparisons of networks.
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