Studia bot. hung. 44, pp. 5–192, 2013 THE GENUS BRYUM (BRYACEAE, MUSCI) IN HUNGARY P. Erzberger1 and W. Schröder2 1Belziger Str. 37, D–10823 Berlin, Germany;
[email protected] 2Ludwigsstädter Str. 51, D–96337 Ludwigsstadt, Germany;
[email protected] All available specimens of Bryum collected in Hungary in Hungarian herbaria (BP, EGR) and collec- tions of the fi rst author (B), altogether more than 2,100 specimens, were revised. Th e following thirty- four taxa were found to occur in Hungary: Bryum algovicum, B. alpinum, B. archangelicum, B. argen- teum, B. bimum, B. caespiticium, B. capillare, B. creberrimum, B. dichotomum, B. ele gans, B. funckii, B. gemmiferum, B. gemmilucens, B. intermedium, B. klinggraeffi i, B. kunzei, B. lon chocaulon, B. mildeanum, B. moravicum, B. neodamense, B. pallens, B. pallescens, B. pseudo tri quet rum, B. radiculosum, B. rubens, B. ruderale, B. stirtonii, B. subapiculatum, B. tor ques cens, B. tur binatum, B. uliginosum, B. violaceum, B. warneum, and B. weigelii. Th ree more taxa, i.e. B. ba di um, B. knowltonii, and B. tenuisetum, are also pos- sibly members of the Hungarian bryo fl ora, but the material was insuffi cient in some way or other to sup- port full verifi cation of their presence. Th e following species are excluded: B. bar nesii, B. born holmense, B. cyclophyllum, B. schlei cheri, B. veronense, and B. versicolor. A key, detailed descriptions, illustrations, and distribution maps are provided, with notes on habitat, associated bryophytes, and red list status. Key words: associated bryophytes, distribution maps, habitat requirements, illustrated key, mor- phological descriptions, mosses, redlisted species INTRODUCTION Recent checklists addressed the seemingly simple question: Which species form part of the Hungarian bryophyte fl ora? (Erzberger and Papp 2004, Papp et al.