Global list of National Bioethics Committees with contact details This list will shortly be available in a searchable format on the Ethics website at For further information or if you wish to add/modify information in this document, please contact Dr Marie Charlotte Bouësseau at
[email protected] Department of Ethics, Trade, Human Rights and Health Law (ETH) World Health Organization Geneva National bioethics Committees Draft August 2004 2 National bioethics Committees Draft August 2004 Country Name of Institution Contacts Conseil National de l'Éthique Prof. Said Slimane - Taleb (Président ) des Sciences de la Santé Ministère de la santé, de la population et de la réforme hospitalière, 125 Boulevard Abderrahmane LAALA, EL-MADANIA, Alger, ALGERIE Algeria Tel: +(213) (2) 127 9831 (secrétariat du Ministre),+ (213) (2) 127 9964 (secrétariat du Conseil)/Fax: +(213) (2) 127 9641 National Health and Medical Dr Kerry Breen (Chairperson) Research Council, Australian Ms Cathy Clutton (General Secretary) Health Ethics Committee, Health Ethics Section, G.P.O. Box 9848, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA Australia NHMRC - AHEC Tel: +(61)(2) 6289 9807/Fax: +(61)(2) 6289 9898
[email protected] The Bioethics Commission Prof. Johannes Huber (Chairman) Dr. Robert Gmeiner (Head of the Secretariat ) Bioethikkommission beim Bundeskanzleramt - Geschäftsstelle 1010 Wien, Hohenstaufengasse 3, Austria AUSTRIA Tel: +(43)1 53115-4319 /Fax: +(43)1 53115-4307
[email protected] Comité consultatif de Prof. Léon Cassiers (President) Bioéthique de Belgique 4, Rue de l'Autonomie- 1er étage.