ISSN 2372-2517 (Online), ISSN 2372-2479 (Print) METALEPTEAMETALEPTEA THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ORTHOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY * Table of Contents is now clickable, which will President’s Message take you to a desired page. By MICHAEL SAMWAYS President [1] PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
[email protected] [2] SOCIETY NEWS n this age of decline of biodi- [2] New Editor’s Vision for JOR by versity worldwide, it is es- CORINNA S. BAZELET [3] Orthopteroids set to steal the spot- sential that we have in place light once again at ESA, 2015 by sentinels of change. We require DEREK A. WOLLER organisms to measure deterio- [4] Open Call for Proposals for Sympo- I ration of landscapes, but also sia, Workshops, Information Sessions at I ICO 2016 by MARCOS LHANO their improvement. Improvement can [5] Announcing the publication of be through land sparing (the setting “Jago’s Grasshoppers & Locusts of aside of land for the conservation of East Africa: An Identification Hand- biodiversity in an agricultural produc- book” by HUGH ROWELL focal species varies with area, but the tion landscape) and land sharing (the cross section of life history types is [8] REGIONAL REPORTS combining of production and conser- remarkably similar. [8] India by ROHINI BALAKRISHNAN vation within agricultural fields). We What this means, apart from the also need to measure optimal stocking [9] T.J. COHN GRANT REPORTS enormous practical value of grasshop- rates for domestic livestock. [9] Evaluating call variation and female pers, is that we need to keep abreast decisions in a lekking cricket by KIT It is fascinating how researchers of taxonomy, simply because we must KEANE around the world are finding that have actual identities.