811 bus time schedule & line map

811 Chester-Le-Street View In Website Mode

The 811 bus line (Chester-Le-Street) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Chester-Le-Street: 7:57 AM (2) : 3:25 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 811 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 811 bus arriving.

Direction: Chester-Le-Street 811 bus Time Schedule 48 stops Chester-Le-Street Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Washington Hospital, Rickleton Tuesday 7:57 AM Vigo Lane, Rickleton Wednesday Not Operational Vigo Lane-Woodlands Surgery, Rickleton Thursday Not Operational

Vigo Lane-Laburnhum Avenue, Harraton Friday Not Operational Laburnum Avenue, Washington Saturday Not Operational Vigo Lane - Firtree Avenue, Harraton Vigo Lane, Washington

Vigo Lane, Harraton 3 Vigo Lane, Washington 811 bus Info Direction: Chester-Le-Street Chester Road-Fernlea, Stops: 48 Trip Duration: 52 min Chester Road-Grangewood Close, Shiney Row Line Summary: Washington Hospital, Rickleton, Vigo Lane, Rickleton, Vigo Lane-Woodlands Surgery, Chester Road - Station Road, Shiney Row Rickleton, Vigo Lane-Laburnhum Avenue, Harraton, Chester Road, Vigo Lane - Firtree Avenue, Harraton, Vigo Lane, Harraton, Chester Road-Fernlea, Shiney Row, Philadelphia Lane, Shiney Row Chester Road-Grangewood Close, Shiney Row, Beatrice Terrace, England Chester Road - Station Road, Shiney Row, Philadelphia Lane, Shiney Row, Burn - Herrington Burn - A182, Herrington Burn A182, Herrington Burn, Philadelphia Lane-Success Row, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Lane-Bus Depot, Philadelphia Lane-Success Row, Philadelphia Philadelphia, Philadelphia Lane-The Crescent, Philadelphia, Front Street, Newbottle, Coaley Lane- Melrose Gardens, Newbottle, Coaley Lane- Philadelphia Lane-Bus Depot, Philadelphia Beechwood Terrace, Houghton-Le-Spring, Burnside Estate, Houghton-Le-Spring, Sedgeletch Road-Abbey Philadelphia Lane-The Crescent, Philadelphia Drive, Houghton-Le-Spring, Sedgeletch Road- Brompton Terrace, England Industrial Estate, , Sedgeletch Road- Avenue Vivian, Fence Houses, Mulberrry Way, Fence Front Street, Newbottle Houses, North View Terrace-Greenbank House, Houghton Road, England Fence Houses, North View Terrace-The Folds, Fence Houses, Front Street Fence Houses, Fence Houses, Coaley Lane-Melrose Gardens, Newbottle Front Street-Station Avenue South, Fence Houses, Front Street-Lambton Lane, Fence Houses, War Coaley Lane-Beechwood Terrace, Houghton-Le- Memorial - Bingo Hall, New Lambton, Gill Crescent, Spring Woodstone Village, Road End - the Meadows, Coaley Lane, England Bournmoor, Rose Crescent, Bournmoor, Primrose Hill, Bournmoor, Fire Station, Woodstone Village, Burnside Estate, Houghton-Le-Spring Electricity Sub-Station, Woodstone Village, Community Centre, Woodstone Village, Road End, Sedgeletch Road-Abbey Drive, Houghton-Le- Lumley Thicks, Castle Dene, Great Lumley, Scorers Spring Lane End, Great Lumley, Sevenacres, Great Lumley, Church, Great Lumley, Post Oce, Great Lumley, Sedgeletch Road-Industrial Estate, Fence Houses Riding Hill, Great Lumley, Sandbach, Great Lumley, Sedgeletch Road, England Coverley, Great Lumley, Back Lane End - New Rd End, Great Lumley, Golf Club - Bridge, Chester-Le-Street, Sedgeletch Road-Avenue Vivian, Fence Houses Riverside Cricket Ground, Chester-Le-Street, Park View School - Deanery Site, Chester-Le-Street Mulberrry Way, Fence Houses

North View Terrace-Greenbank House, Fence Houses The Granaries, England

North View Terrace-The Folds, Fence Houses The Folds, England

Front Street Fence Houses, Fence Houses Front Street, England

Front Street-Station Avenue South, Fence Houses

Front Street-Lambton Lane, Fence Houses

War Memorial - Bingo Hall, New Lambton

Gill Crescent, Woodstone Village

Road End - the Meadows, Bournmoor A1052, Bournmoor Civil Parish

Rose Crescent, Bournmoor

Primrose Hill, Bournmoor

Fire Station, Woodstone Village

Electricity Sub-Station, Woodstone Village Lumley New Road, Little Lumley Civil Parish

Community Centre, Woodstone Village

Road End, Lumley Thicks

Castle Dene, Great Lumley

Scorers Lane End, Great Lumley

Sevenacres, Great Lumley

Church, Great Lumley Church Side, Great Lumley Civil Parish

Post Oce, Great Lumley Melbeck Court, Great Lumley Civil Parish

Riding Hill, Great Lumley Broadviews, Great Lumley Civil Parish

Sandbach, Great Lumley

Coverley, Great Lumley

Back Lane End - New Rd End, Great Lumley Lumley New Road, Great Lumley Civil Parish

Golf Club - Bridge, Chester-Le-Street

Riverside Cricket Ground, Chester-Le-Street Ropery Lane, Chester-le-Street

Park View School - Deanery Site, Chester-Le-Street Direction: Rickleton 811 bus Time Schedule 49 stops Rickleton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Church Chare Schools, Chester-Le-Street Tuesday 3:25 PM Riverside Cricket Ground, Chester-Le-Street Ropery Lane, Chester-le-Street Wednesday Not Operational

Golf Club - Bridge, Chester-Le-Street Thursday Not Operational Friday Not Operational Back Lane End - New Rd End, Great Lumley Lumley New Road, Great Lumley Civil Parish Saturday Not Operational

Coverley, Great Lumley Back Lane, Great Lumley Civil Parish

Sandbach, Great Lumley 811 bus Info Direction: Rickleton Riding Hill, Great Lumley Stops: 49 Broadviews, Great Lumley Civil Parish Trip Duration: 43 min Line Summary: Church Chare Schools, Chester-Le- Post Oce, Great Lumley Street, Riverside Cricket Ground, Chester-Le-Street, Golf Club - Bridge, Chester-Le-Street, Back Lane End - Community Centre, Great Lumley New Rd End, Great Lumley, Coverley, Great Lumley, Front Street, Great Lumley Civil Parish Sandbach, Great Lumley, Riding Hill, Great Lumley, Post Oce, Great Lumley, Community Centre, Great Church, Great Lumley Lumley, Church, Great Lumley, Windsor Terrace, Scott Court, Great Lumley Civil Parish Great Lumley, Sevenacres, Great Lumley, Scorers Lane End, Great Lumley, Road End, Lumley Thicks, Windsor Terrace, Great Lumley Community Centre, Woodstone Village, Woodlea Court, Woodstone Village, Primrose Hill, Bournmoor, Sevenacres, Great Lumley Rose Crescent, Bournmoor, Road End - the Meadows, Bournmoor, Fire Station, Woodstone Scorers Lane End, Great Lumley Village, War Memorial - Bingo Hall, New Lambton, Front Street-Lambton Lane, Fence Houses, Front Road End, Lumley Thicks Street-Station Avenue North, Fence Houses, Front Street - Sedgeletch Road, Fence Houses, Front Lumley New Road, Great Lumley Civil Parish Street-Fatherly Terrace, Fence Houses, North View Community Centre, Woodstone Village Terrace-Gladstone Street, Fence Houses, North View Terrace-The Graneries, Fence Houses, Mulberry Way, Lumley New Road, Little Lumley Civil Parish Fence Houses, Sedgeletch Road-Avenue Vivian, Woodlea Court, Woodstone Village Fence Houses, Sedgeletch Road-Industrial Estate, Fence Houses, Sedgeletch Road-Abbey Drive, Houghton-Le-Spring, Burnside Estate, Houghton-Le- Primrose Hill, Bournmoor Spring, Coaley Lane-Beechwood Terrace, Houghton- Le-Spring, Coaley Lane-Melrose Gardens, Newbottle, Rose Crescent, Bournmoor Front Street, Newbottle, Philadelphia Lane-The Crescent, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Lane-Bus Depot, Road End - the Meadows, Bournmoor Philadelphia, Philadelphia Lane-Success Row, Philadelphia, Herrington Burn - A182, Herrington Fire Station, Woodstone Village Burn, Philadelphia Lane, Shiney Row, Chester Road - Station Road, Shiney Row, Chester Road-Hindsons War Memorial - Bingo Hall, New Lambton Crescent, Shiney Row, Chester Road-Boundary Houses, Shiney Row, Harraton, Vigo Lane-Sycamore Front Street-Lambton Lane, Fence Houses Avenue, Harraton, Vigo Lane-Harwood Close, Rickleton, Vigo Lane, Rickleton, Vigo Lane-Cricket Front Street-Station Avenue North, Fence Houses Ground, Rickleton, Washington Hospital, Rickleton Front Street - Sedgeletch Road, Fence Houses Front Street, England

Front Street-Fatherly Terrace, Fence Houses

North View Terrace-Gladstone Street, Fence Houses Gladstone Street, England

North View Terrace-The Graneries, Fence Houses A1052, England

Mulberry Way, Fence Houses

Sedgeletch Road-Avenue Vivian, Fence Houses

Sedgeletch Road-Industrial Estate, Fence Houses

Sedgeletch Road-Abbey Drive, Houghton-Le- Spring

Burnside Estate, Houghton-Le-Spring

Coaley Lane-Beechwood Terrace, Houghton-Le- Spring

Coaley Lane-Melrose Gardens, Newbottle Lydford Court, England

Front Street, Newbottle Houghton Road, England

Philadelphia Lane-The Crescent, Philadelphia Brompton Terrace, England

Philadelphia Lane-Bus Depot, Philadelphia

Philadelphia Lane-Success Row, Philadelphia

Herrington Burn - A182, Herrington Burn

Philadelphia Lane, Shiney Row Beatrice Terrace, England

Chester Road - Station Road, Shiney Row Chester Road, England

Chester Road-Hindsons Crescent, Shiney Row

Chester Road-Boundary Houses, Shiney Row


Vigo Lane-Sycamore Avenue, Harraton

Vigo Lane-Harwood Close, Rickleton Eddlestone, Washington

Vigo Lane, Rickleton Vigo Lane-Cricket Ground, Rickleton

Washington Hospital, Rickleton Picktree Lane, Washington 811 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North East and Cumbria. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved