Cable Operators Federation of India 13/97, Subhash Nagar, New Delhi‐110027, Ph
Without Prejudice (Sent through email and speed post) Cable Operators Federation of India 13/97, Subhash Nagar, New Delhi‐110027, Ph. 011‐25139967, 9810269272 03 Sep 2013 Ref/COFI/TRAI/12/2013 The Chairman, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, Mahanagar Doorsanchar Bhawan, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg New Delhi-110002 Kind Attn: Dr Rahul Khullar/ Sh Wasi Ahmad Sub: COFI Comments on Consultation paper on Distribution of TV Channels from Broadcasters to Platform Operators dated 06 August 2013 Sir, We are extremely grateful to TRAI for initiating this consultation that is based on the ground level experience of malaise spread by unethical ways of ‘Pay’ channels by creating monopolies in content, distribution on all platforms and customer acquisition so as to earn maximum from subscription as well as advertising. The proposed amendments will definitely steer the industry to a positive growth required since long so that all stake holders can run their business lawfully, peacefully and profitably. This will also create a better environment to attract new investments in the industry. However, we feel there is a lack of understanding of the way this fragmented and disorganized industry can be brought on track and developed as a national infrastructure. 1 Notwithstanding the above, we are totally in conformity with TRAI on the changes it has proposed regarding distribution of TV channels through authorized agencies and aggregators. However, we are of the opinion this is only the beginning of a positive phase and much more stringent actions are needed on the part of the Regulator, particularly in controlling the ‘Pay’ broadcasters who are the root cause of the disorganized state of the industry.
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