election Fraud & Electoral Theft EP70 [Economic patriot score: 100)

Economic War Room - Election Fraud I -Dirty Tricks Status Update: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupt absolutely. As federal and state bureaucracies grow, government power seems to be moving toward absolute power. Politicians recognize that whoever controls the ballot box, controls your money. The despotic mantra seems to be Cheat your way to victory, then take the people’s money. Next, keep the power and never give it up. This is about your money and our freedom!

Your Mission: Election fraud is an economic weapon and today’s election fraud dirty tricks have become more sophisticated. It is time to recognize the tactics being waged against you. Your mission is to stay alert and educated as it relates to our election process.

Your assignment comes in two parts. This Battle Plan, Part I covers Election Dirty Tricks. Your next mission will cover Part II, electoral theft.

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(OSINT)– Open Sourced Intelligence Briefing Kevin Freeman - Election Fraud and Dirty Trick highlights:

Tactic and Examples:

Every election has dirty tricks, both sides do it and it is unfair to all of us.

There are multiple dirty tricks being used in elections: 1. Telling people the wrong date for an election 2. Sending voters to the wrong polling place 3. Manipulating Search Results 4. Hacking websites 5. Fake Facebook pages 6. Fake voter guides

1. Wrong election Dates to confuse and suppress votes: In North Carolina a group of pro-Trump supporters sent out voter information with the wrong election date with the goal of confusing the other party. 2. Manipulating Search Results: Google and big tech have been manipulating voters and can shift results by millions of votes.

Dr. ROBERT EPSTEIN BIO: Author, editor, and longtime psychology researcher and professor—a distinguished scientist who is passionate about educating the public about advances in mental health and the behavioral sciences.

The former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today, Dr. Epstein is currently Senior Research Psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology

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“I am not a Trump supporter. I’m not even a conservative. But I love America and Democracy, and I defend truth when I see it, and President Donald Trump is not only justified in expressing misgiving about Google and other tech companies – He seems to have no idea just how big a threat Google, and the gang pose to both democracy and human autonomy.” –USA Today Editorial Dr. Robert Epstein

• Epstein goes on to detail different methods big-tech companies can use to shift millions of votes in the midterm election with no one knowing they’re doing so without leaving a paper trail for authorities to trace. –Epoch Times

• “Big Tech companies can … shift … upwards of 12 million votes, by my calculations. These powerful new means of manipulation make stories and targeted ads, sources of influence that are both competitive and visible, look like kid stuff.”

• There is actual evidence of favoritism in results. “Data showed that Google’s search results favored in all 10 positions on the first page of search results. This is enough to have shifted 2 to 3 million votes in her direction over time.” –Dr. Robert Epstein

• “Google employees discussed ways they might be able to tweak the company search-related function to show users how to contribute to pro-immigration organizations and contact lawmakers and government agencies, according to internal company emails.” –Wall Street Journal article: John D. McKinnon and Douglas Mac Millan

3. Fake Facebook Pages: The Daily Caller Investigative Group found fake Facebook pages were used to suppress GOP turnout. The operation was funded by left-wing tech billionaire Reid Hoffman, who previously funded a “false flag” effort in the 2017 Alabama special election. 4. Voter Intimidation – 2008 election with Black Panther group carrying bats and night sticks at the entrance. They appeared to intimidate voters at the polling location, and the Obama justice department did not aggressively pursue.

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6. A recent organized operation was conducted to deceive voters in the mid-term 2018 election. The goal was to cheat and deceive voters by sneaking into church venues and switch out fact-based Vision America Voter Guides with counterfeit voter guides and data. INSIDE INTEL - VISION AMERICA

Background on Vision America and why voter guides matter – Vision America provides credible voter guides, footnoted with data for those looking to understand a candidate’s position: • Vision America is a nonprofit association of churches. They serve in political and lobbying areas to impact culture and help provide factual information for the governance for America. Vision America creates non- partisan voter guides. page 4 election Fraud & Electoral Theft EP70 [Economic patriot score: 100)

• 75% of voters stated that non-partisan voter guides as the #1 factor to help them make a decision.

• Distributed to churches and micro targeted to people that have not been active voters.

• Vision America contacts candidates, researches, and documents candidate positions.

• In most churches 50% of the attendees are not registered to vote. Another large group of attendees never turns out to vote even if registered. They are not up to speed on which candidates share their values.

• An engaged church can drive up to a 24% increase in voter participation. This is something that obviously concerned some members of the so-called “Blue Wave.” They did not want the truth circulated so they undertook an active deception effort.

• Vision America produced 5 million voter guides and got in front of 5,000 pastors on this last election. In many races, these efforts may have made the difference. They are preparing for an even wider distribution in 2020.

The Crime against You and Vision America: An organized group produced counterfeit voter guides that match the look and feel of the real Vision America voter guides.

• Candidate positions were changed, and the footnote-documented candidate positions were removed.

• The perpetrators disguised themselves and went to at least 3 different Texas cities to remove the real voter guides and replace them with misleading counterfeit guides.

• Local, state, and federal voting laws appear to have been violated as they tried to deceive people with the wrong information.

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Why You Should Care: » What happens in one corrupt state election can impact all of America. A corrupt Senate election in Minnesota could result in different Supreme Court justices or a different Federal tax rate for you.

» Social media giants can easily manipulate search terms and data to mislead the public. Combine this with mainstream-media bias and election integrity suffers. Having valid sources for candidate information is critical for an informed electorate.

» Without election integrity, a national election could be thrown into chaos that destroys the United States.

» You have a responsibility to help our country maintain integrity in elections. There is more at stake than many realize. A free society requires fairness in elections.

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Economic Patriot Action Plan - VOTER FRAUD As an economic patriot, you can make a difference.

Step 1: Access accurate information from groups like Vision America and iVoterGuide. An electorate needs to be educated on the candidates. These resources can help in a big way.

Step 2: Get involved, you are responsible for educating yourselves and your neighbors.

Step 3: Combat the dirty tricks with a grassroots effort. It is much easier to for an election to be corrupted at the local level. Remember, local politics matter too.

Step 4: Share this Economic Battle Plan™ and our short video segments with friends. We set up the Economic War Room to be your go-to resource for information, preparation, and mobilization.

A. Get others to sign up and review our weekly Economic War Room Economic Battle Plans™. Each of these will address critical solutions to the threats highlighted on this briefing. B. Subscribe to our weekly Economic War Room show on TheBlaze at EconomicWarRoom.com. C. Follow, like, comment and share on Facebook and Twitter. [We recognize these tools may be compromised at times, but when they are not filtered, they can be major platforms available to reach out to the public.] Step 5: Stay tuned to Economic War Room for next week’s Episode, Part II of our Election Fraud special.

Step 6: Pray; and remember 2nd Chronicles 7:14.

Thank you for accepting this mission. Together, we will make a difference! Shareable THOUGHT: “Whoever controls the ballot box controls your money.”

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Economic War Room - Election Fraud II - Electoral Theft Status Update: Fair elections and freedom go hand in hand. We are now learning about illegal voter registrations identified across the country. While results are still being validated, up to 95,000 in Texas and 11,000 in Pennsylvania are possible non-U. S. citizens registered to vote. In addition, there are 37 states with potential integrity issues with voter machines.

There is an economic war against you! With the recent far-left radical socialist agendas rising in America, imagine the risks of stolen elections stealing your money in the process.

“America has 3.5 million more voters than eligible adult citizens.” –Dallas Morning News

Your Mission: To recognize that electoral theft is an economic weapon! Upon completion of this assignment, you will have a topline understanding of the tactics being waged against you. Your mission is to stay alert and educated as it relates to Election Fraud. Second, we must stand together for election integrity. This may require a return to numbered paper ballots with an audit process to ensure fair elections.

[This mission is part II of election fraud and is focused on electoral theft at the ballot box and in the counting rooms. Part I, EP 20, was focused on the dirty tricks of election fraud.]

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(OSINT)– Open Sourced Intelligence Briefing Kevin Freeman - Election Fraud Dirty Trick highlights: Tactic and Examples: Cheating an election is not new, the tactics used by Lyndon B Johnson to win his Senate seat are well documented.

Lyndon Johnson’s Senate election rigging was even documented in by author Robert Caro: “It has been alleged for years that Johnson captured his Senate seat through fraud, but Mr. Caro goes into great detail to tell how the future President overcame a 20,000-vote deficit to achieve his famous 87-vote victory in the 1948 Democratic runoff primary against a former Governor, Coke Stevenson. A South Texas political boss, George Parr, had manufactured thousands of votes, Mr. Caro found. Johnson died in 1973, Stevenson and Parr in 1975.”

The Problem: With new technology and lack of accountability there is significant risk to the democracy. Corruption can be easily scaled and election results skewed in favor of one group’s agenda, not the people. Three (3) Major Electoral Theft Tactics that Compromise Fair Elections:

Your freedom and money are at risk through these tactics: 1. Voting machines can be easily hacked 2. Manipulated elections and voting results 3. Illegal Voters

1. Voting Machines Can Be Hacked: Interview with white hat hacker – code name Jekyll. » At the 2018 DEF CON Hacking Conference, it was common knowledge how easy it is to break today’s shoddy technology voting machines » It is so easy to hack a voting machine, that the experienced hacker community did not want to be a part of the competition. Voting machine hacking it is so easy it has been a joke for over a decade. page 9 election Fraud & Electoral Theft EP70 [Economic patriot score: 100)

» During 2018 Black Hat Convention, an area called voter village was set up for hackers to attempt to hack. The hacker community made a mockery of it and brought in kids to hack the system. » One 11-year-old kid hacked a voter machine in less than 30 seconds. Others even younger were able to hack the system as well. » To hack a voting machine, you do not even have to be in the room, you can sit outside in your car and do it. » When it comes to electronic devices, there is little integrity in the system. » It seems like corruption because those running the systems have not updated the software. Some systems are using a version of Windows 2000 that has not been updated in a decade or longer. » This type of flagrant neglect is asking for machines to be compromised. Is it on purpose? » We must ensure that voting machine companies follow up with NIST standards. Each system needs to be checked and certified to meet government standards. Our military does this on a daily basis, but there does not seem to be a willingness to do this with our election machines.

2. Elections and Voting Results are manipulated – Case Study

Sharron Angle vs Harry Reid in 2010, indicates blatant fraud?:


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Real Clear Politics The Closing Poll data: “Angle has managed to pull into a fairly steady four-point lead here, with some pollsters seeing an even larger lead among those who have already voted. Either candidate could win here, but Angle is the favorite going into the closing weekend.” 10/29/10 RCP https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2010/senate/nv/nevada_senate_angle_vs_reid-1517.html

All exit polls indicated Angle was winning. The polling data had her up 3 to 8 points.

The Weekend Results: Despite final polls and that day’s exit polls showing Sharron Angle the winner, Harry Reid ended up declared the winner by 5.6 points. This was approximately a 9-point swing from the poll results, something unimaginable to the Nevada pollsters.

At Issue: The rest of the Democrat ballot also consistently swung vote totals from the polls by over 9%. The margin consistency across the platform is suggestive of voting machine manipulation.

Additional Background: » Ten minutes after the polls closed, Sharron was told she lost the election. How is that possible when exit polls showed her winning? » Serious reports that illegal aliens were coerced to vote. » A mysterious power outage happened in Henderson, the largest Republican sity in Nevada. Electronic voting machines, regardless of internal battery claims, may have been reset. Were votes erased, were voters turned away, or tallies altered during the hour blackout? » Eyewitness accounts suggested that people were bussed in from other states to vote. » The election swung by 9.3% in every race U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress, Governor, etc. down to the Democrat judicial candidate, to change by the same margin in every race is a statistical impossibility.

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» Angle through her attorney, Cleta Mitchell, took the election to the Democrat attorney general and the Nevada secretary of state. Even though she was the candidate, she was told she had “no standing.” They were not going to look at it. » The Obama Justice Department was led by AG Eric Holder. He refused to investigate. » Justice delayed is justice denied. In 2014 Angle took the case to the new Nevada Attorney General and Secretary of State, both Republicans. They did not view it politically correct to address using statute of limitation and not being able to change the election as possible excuses. » In a 2012 tour, Sharron Angle traveled the country and consistently asked people if they felt that elections are fair and honest. Multiple examples of tampering with ballot harvesting, and voting machines were uncovered. This is a growing trend.

Sharron Angle’s Book – https://www.amazon.com/ Right-Angle-Journey-Reclaim- Constitution/dp/1456754254 Following the Collection Deck is Sharron’s Action Plan.

“I count everything but cheating.”–Nevada Pollster after announcement of Reid winning election

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3. Illegal Votes: There is Evidence of Illegal voting across America. Interview with Adam Kraft, CEO, Allied Special Operations Group (ASOG). ASOG recently concluded an integrity analysis of the 2018 midterm elections and found the following: » There are 37 states with problems at the machine level, the server level, and/or the companies/contracts that deal with the election. » There are no disclosure requirements of the relationships between voting machine companies and political operatives. » It was reported that 600 voters in Broward county who voted in the mid-term election were age 104 or older. » Other countries see the risk with voting machines. One country is now moving back to paper ballots due to the risks of the electronic spectrum and central counting. » Voting machine companies need to disclose who their owners are. Are there George Soros connections? Hard to tell with all the shell companies involved. » Are those who service and operate the voting machines subject to foreign influence? Some may have dual citizenship and might be compromised. » Our country has a huge problem, and that means the world has a huge problem.

In 2014, professors from Old Dominion University and George Mason University produced a report estimating that about 6.4 percent of noncitizens voted in the 2008 presidential election and that 2.2 percent voted in the 2010 midterm election. –Watchdog.org | Bethany Blankley | Nov 12, 2018

Good News: Economic Patriots like You are Making Difference!

This was drive by a grass roots organization, The Election Integrity Project of California. They spent time auditing the voter rolls to ensure a fair election. Armed with data, Judicial Watch worked with the group to sue the county and have the inactive voters removed from voting rolls. page 13 election Fraud & Electoral Theft EP70 [Economic patriot score: 100)

Why You Should Care: 1. What happens in one corrupt state election can impact all of America. What looks like a corrupt Senate election in Minnesota resulted in Obamacare. Al Franken was elected by a margin of 312 votes after a nine-month dispute. Some ballots were allegedly found in the trunk of a car. There were over 1,000 votes that were later found to be illegal.

2. Voting-machine companies can be foreign based or have large investors from other countries. This could be a national security threat.

3. Ask yourself why voting machines use hackable, old software? Why don’t they meet NTIS standards? Is it incompetence, or part of an agenda?

4. Fair elections and freedom go hand in hand. Without election integrity, a national election could be thrown into chaos that destroys the United States.

5. There should be a full-scale, non-partisan federal voter fraud investigation to ensure that integrity is in place. To date, this topic has been ignored and pushed to the side. It is not politically correct to question voter integrity, unless the wrong candidate wins.

6. Non-citizens are voting. “Many states do not have a requirement to certify citizenship.… limited systems in place to prevent unlawful voting are either non-existent or so weak they are useless.” – Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch

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Economic Patriot Action Plan - Election THEFT As an economic patriot, you can make a difference.

Step 1: We need paper ballots that are numbered. This creates a paper trail and the ability to audit and recount when needed. Manipulated voting machines provide limited accountability. Make sure your Congressional Representative and Senators understand the threats that voting machines can pose to a fair election.

Step 2: If vulnerable voting machines cannot be eliminated immediately, then NTIS standards need to be put in place to minimize fraud and hacking attempts.

Step 3: Get involved politically. We need poll watchers (trained volunteer to sit at the polls and make sure people are voting fairly). Also, we must ensure that honest people observe the counting process to make sure it is accurate.

Step 4: We need to clean the rolls, like the group just did in California. Gather like-minded neighbors and start working through this with your representatives, and through county and state platforms.

Step 5: You need to get involved, so that good candidates win by large margins and ensure cheating is minimized.

Step 6: Share this Economic Battle Plan™ and our short video segments with friends. We set up the Economic War Room to be your go-to resource for information, preparation, and mobilization.

»» A. Get others to sign up and review our weekly Economic War Room Economic Battle Plans™. Each of these will address critical solutions to the threats highlighted on this briefing. »» B. Subscribe to our weekly Economic War Room show on TheBlaze at EconomicWarRoom.com. »» C. Follow, like, comment and share on Facebook and Twitter. [We recognize these tools may be compromised at times, but when they are not filtered, they can be major platforms available to reach out to the public.] Step 7: Pray for America.

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Thank you for accepting this mission. Together, we will make a difference! Shareable THOUGHT: “Fair elections and Freedom go hand in hand.”

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Voter Fraud The EWR Collection Deck From Kevin Freeman Sources for Voter Information »» http://home.ivoterguide.com »» https://visionamerica.org/ »» http://www.electionjournal.org/

QUICK SECTION LINKS The Battle of Athens Dirty Tricks Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tech Manipulations Fake Voter Guides The Importance of Fair Elections Voter Integrity Should Christians Be Involved in Politics?

The Battle of Athens https://www.americanheritage.com/content/battle-athens

The Battle of Athens – When WWII Veterans stood up to the corrupt Local Government in Tennessee https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/battle-athens-group.html

Where Were You During the Battle of Athens? http://www.nbcnews.com/id/14138208/ns/us_news-life/t/where-were-you-during-battle-athens/#.XFIU8C2ZMlI

»» The Battle of Athens [TN] - TheBlazeTV - REAL HISTORY - 2013.03.08 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtrsk1HmOKU

The Battle of Athens: Restoring the Rule of Law https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5ut6yPrObw

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Dirty Tricks Is Lying About an Election Free Speech or Fraud? https://newrepublic.com/article/150265/lying-election-free-speech-fraud

DON’T BE DUPED BY VOTING MISINFORMATION BEFORE THE MIDTERMS https://www.wired.com/story/midterm-elections-2018-voting-misinformation/

Deceptive Election Practices and Voter Intimidation; The Need for Voter Protection https://lawyerscommittee.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/DeceptivePracticesReportJuly2012FINALpdf.pdf

MORE Chicanery Uncovered in STUNNING Dem Upset http://americanactionnews.com/articles/more-chicanery-uncovered-in-stunning-dem-upset

Problems, Panthers surface at Pa. polls https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/nov/6/problems-black-panthers-surface-pa-polling-places/

New Black Panthers back at Philly voting site https://www.foxnews.com/politics/new-black-panthers-back-at-philly-voting-site

Holder’s Black Panther Stonewall https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052970203550604574361071968458430

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tech Manipulations Not just conservatives: Google and Big Tech can shift millions of votes in any direction https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/09/13/google-big-tech-bias-hurts-democracy-not-just-conservatives-column/1265020002/

10 Ways Big Tech Can Shift Millions of Votes in the November Elections—Without Anyone Knowing https://www.theepochtimes.com/10-ways-big-tech-can-shift-millions-of-votes-in-the-november-elections-without-anyone-knowing_2671195. html

Dr. Robert Epstein: Google Has the ‘Power to Flip Elections in a Way that No One Can Trace’ https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/05/03/robert-epstein/

The manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections https://www.pnas.org/content/112/33/E4512/tab-article-info

GOOGLE’S SEARCH ALGORITHM COULD STEAL THE PRESIDENCY https://www.wired.com/2015/08/googles-search-algorithm-steal-presidency/ page 18 election Fraud & Electoral Theft EP70 [Economic patriot score: 100)

The Unprecedented Power of Digital Platforms to Control Opinions and Votes https://promarket.org/unprecedented-power-digital-platforms-control-opinions-votes/

Dr. Robert Epstein - The Power of Google’s Search Algorithms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXZRRMsPJL4

Lawyer Accused of Using Fake Facebook Pages to Sway Elections in Staten Island https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/30/nyregion/lawyer-luthmann-fake-facebook-election.html

Facebook Identifies an Active Political Influence Campaign Using Fake Accounts https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/31/us/politics/facebook-political-campaign-midterms.html

FAKE FACEBOOK ACCOUNTS ARE GETTING HARDER TO TRACE https://www.wired.com/story/facebook-uncovers-new-fake-accounts-ahead-of-midterm-elections/

Fake news on Twitter during the 2016 U.S. presidential election http://science.sciencemag.org/content/363/6425/374.full

Democratic Operatives Used Misleading Facebook Pages To Suppress GOP Turnout In Midterms https://dailycaller.com/2019/01/08/democrat-facebook-campaign-supress/

Facebook suspends accounts that used disinformation tactics in Alabama’s special election https://www.theverge.com/2018/12/22/18152834/facebook-suspended-disinformation-accounts-alabama-special-election-new-knowledge- jonathon-morgan

LinkedIn Co-Founder Apologizes for Deception in Alabama Senate Race https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/26/us/reid-hoffman-alabama-election-disinformation.html

Secret Experiment in Alabama Senate Race Imitated Russian https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/19/us/alabama-senate-roy-jones-russia.html

HERE ARE THE OBAMA-ERA OFFICIALS ALLEGEDLY BEHIND THE ALABAMA FALSE FLAG CAMPAIGN https://dailycaller.com/2019/01/07/alabama-false-flag-democrats/

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Fake Voter Guides Dirty Tricks? Fake Voter Guides Distributed to Christian Voters in Texas http://www1.cbn.com/content/dirty-tricks-fake-voter-guides-distributed-christian-voters-texas

Fake Voter Guides Sent to Texas Churches https://thehayride.com/2018/11/fake-voter-guides-sent-to-texas-churches/

Don’t be fooled by the fake “Pope Francis” voter guide https://www.texasrighttolife.com/dont-be-fooled-by-the-pope-francis-voter-guide/

The Importance of Fair Elections SUPPORTING FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS https://www.usaid.gov/what-we-do/democracy-human-rights-and-governance/supporting-free-and-fair-elections

The Electoral College: Enlightened Democracy https://www.heritage.org/the-constitution/report/the-electoral-college-enlightened-democracy

Why Dissolving the Election Fraud Commission Is a True Loss for the Nation https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/commentary/why-dissolving-the-election-fraud-commission-true-loss-the-nation

Voter Integrity https://solutions.heritage.org/protecting-the-rule-of-law/voter-integrity/

Should Christians Be Involved in Politics? »» Your Seven Duties as a Christian Citizen http://visionamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Your-7-Duties-as-a-Christian-Citizen-Bill-and-Brad-Bright.pdf

»» What Does the Bible Say About Political Involvement? http://visionamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/DrRickScarborough_FaithTalk_Fall2017.pdf

Vote Under God (resources for political involvement for people of faith) http://voteundergod.com

Note: The Economic Battle Plan™ contains hyperlinks to other sites not under the editorial control of EWR-Media Holdings, LLC. These hyperlinks are not express or implied endorsements or approvals by EWR-Media Holdings, LLC, of any products, services or information available from these 3rd party sites. Links to these 3rd party sites are open source links that may require subscription or registration. page 20 election Fraud & Electoral Theft EP70 [Economic patriot score: 100)

Election Theft The EWR Collection Deck From Kevin Freeman QUICK SECTION LINKS Issue Overview Illegal Voters Possible Examples of Voter Fraud Voting Machine Worries Threats to Constitutional Elections (State Controlled with Electoral College) Election Integrity Projects Good News

Issue Overview Heritage Foundation Explains Voter Fraud https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/heritage-explains/voter-fraud

Voter ID and the Real Threat to Democracy https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/commentary/voter-id-and-the-real-threat-democracy

The Only Misleading Claim About Voter Fraud: “It Doesn’t Exist” https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/commentary/the-only-misleading-claim-about-voter-fraud-it-doesnt-exist

Illegal Voters Democrats, Liberal Media Downplay Noncitizen Voting https://texasscorecard.com/state/democrats-liberal-media-downplay-noncitizen-voting/

7 Facts About Noncitizens Illegally Voting in Texas https://texasscorecard.com/state/7-facts-about-noncitizens-illegally-voting-in-texas/

ALERT: 95,000 Registered Texas Voters Told DPS They Were Non-Citizens https://twitter.com/KenPaxtonTX/status/1088898595653386240

Texas says it found 95,000 non-citizens on voter rolls; 58,000 have voted https://www.foxnews.com/politics/texas-says-it-has-discovered-95000-non-citizens-on-voter-rolls-58000-have-voted

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Leaked Docs: Soros Aims to Enlarge Electorate by 10 Million Voters by 2018 https://freebeacon.com/issues/soros-aims-to-enlarge-electorate-by-10-million/

Possible Examples of Voter Fraud Al Franken May Have Won His Senate Seat Through Voter Fraud https://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/peter-roff/2010/07/20/al-franken-may-have-won-his-senate-seat-through-voter-fraud

Felons for Franken https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704518904575365063352229680

Nevada voting machines automatically checking Harry Reid’s name; voting machine technicians are SEIU members https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/nevada-voting-machines-automatically-checking-harry-reids-name-voting-machine-technicians-are- seiu-members

Voting Fraud In The ‘Banana Republic Of Kalifornia’ Is A Huge Warning To America: If Democrats Get Their Wishes, This Method Of Stealing Elections Is Coming To A State Near You! http://allnewspipeline.com/The_Banana_Republic_Of_Kalifornia.php

Election fraud scheme on L.A.’s skid row got homeless to sign fake names for cigarettes and cash, D.A. says https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/california/la-me-ln-skid-row-voter-fraud-20181120-story.html

How Johnson Won Election He’d Lost https://www.nytimes.com/1990/02/11/us/how-johnson-won-election-he-d-lost.html

How ‘Landslide Johnson’ stole a win in Texas https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/news/local/progress-opinion/2016/02/02/how-landslide-johnson-stole-win-texas/79691404/

The Mystery of Ballot Box 13 https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/entertainment/books/1990/03/04/the-mystery-of-ballot-box-13/70206359-8543-48e3-9ce2- f3c4fdf6da3d

Sharron’s Angle: Harry stole election https://www.politico.com/story/2011/06/sharrons-angle-harry-stole-election-056698

Nevada Senate: Final Polls https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2010/senate/nv/nevada_senate_angle_vs_reid-1517.html

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Shock Claim: Florida County Has ‘Thousands’ of Voters Over Age 100 http://archive.is/HYJzi#selection-697.0-697.66

Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2016/12/12/records-many-votes-detroits-precincts/95363314/ Ghost Voters https://www.nationalreview.com/2017/08/election-fraud-registered-voters-outnumber-eligible-voters-462-counties/

Chicago reported thousands more votes than voters in 2016, GOP official says https://www.foxnews.com/politics/chicago-reported-thousands-more-votes-than-voters-in-2016-gop-official-says

America may have 3.5 million more voters than eligible adult citizens https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2017/08/11/america-may-35-million-voters-eligible-adult-citizens

U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults — A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/u-s-has-3-5-million-more-registered-voters-than-live-adults-a-red-flag-for-electoral-fraud/

ORANGE COUNTY VOTE COUNT SUGGESTS FRAUD https://www.wnd.com/2018/11/orange-county-vote-count-suggests-fraud/

Illegal immigrants use Motor Voter to get on rolls, can’t be removed https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/sep/3/illegal-immigrants-use-motor-voter-get-rolls-cant-/

2 Investigators: Chicago Voters Cast Ballots From Beyond The Grave https://chicago.cbslocal.com/2016/10/27/2-investigators-chicago-voters-cast-ballots-from-beyond-the-grave/

Hacks, Security Gaps And Oligarchs: The Business Of Voting Comes Under Scrutiny https://www.npr.org/2018/09/21/649535367/hacks-security-gaps-and-oligarchs-the-business-of-voting-comes-under-scrutiny

Voting Machine Worries Democrats Accuse Conservatives https://medium.com/@jennycohn1/updated-attachment-states-have-bought-voting-machines-from-vendors-controlled-and-funded-by-nation- 6597e4dd3e70

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Others Accuse Soros https://www.lifezette.com/2016/10/concern-grows-over-soros-linked-voting-machines/

Hackers break into voting machines within 2 hours at Defcon https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hackers-break-into-voting-machines-defcon-las-vegas/

YOUR VOTE COUNTS. BUT HOW DOES YOUR BALLOT GET COUNTED? https://www.wired.com/2016/11/vote-counts-ballot-get-counted/

Private Equity Controls the Gatekeepers of American Democracy https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-11-03/private-equity-controls-the-gatekeepers-of-american-democracy

Kids at hacking conference show how easily US elections could be sabotaged https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/aug/22/us-elections-hacking-voting-machines-def-con

There’s more than one way to hack an election https://www.axios.com/be-smart-there-is-more-than-one-way-to-hack-an-election-1529424861-1e0c75d9-32b8-4a85-98b3-47d5a853fdeb. html

Nielsen: Election officials don’t have necessary security clearances https://www.axios.com/how-secure-are-us-elections-nielsen-state-local-officials-security-clearances-jeh-johnson-eb68ecff-add4-4047-80cd- 6df9cb56b6ed.html

Can the elections get hacked? https://us.norton.com/internetsecurity-privacy-can-the-elections-get-hacked.html

Voting machine vendors under pressure https://www.politico.com/newsletters/morning-cybersecurity/2018/07/12/voting-machine-vendors-under-pressure-277054

If the 2018 Election Is Hacked, This Is How It Will Happen https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/security/a24666436/2018-midterm-election-hacking/

Voting Machine Used in Half of U.S. Is Vulnerable to Attack, Report Finds https://www.wsj.com/articles/widely-used-election-systems-are-vulnerable-to-attack-report-finds-1538020802

Top Voting Machine Vendor Admits It Installed Remote-Access Software on Systems Sold to States https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/mb4ezy/top-voting-machine-vendor-admits-it-installed-remote-access-software-on-systems- sold-to-states

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Leading voting machine company admits it lied https://boingboing.net/2018/07/18/election-systems-and-software.html

ELECTION HACKING: VOTING-MACHINE SUPPLIER ADMITS IT USED HACKABLE SOFTWARE DESPITE PAST DENIALS https://www.newsweek.com/election-hacking-voting-machines-software-1028948 Threats to Constitutional Elections (State Controlled with Electoral College) DOJ expert: Dems strategize to take control of elections nationwide https://www.wnd.com/2019/01/doj-expert-dems-strategize-to-take-control-of-elections-nationwide/#h7Az5bwuGTLawbsz.99

CONSERVATIVES OPPOSE H.R. 1, THE ULTIMATE FANTASY OF THE LEFT http://conservativeactionproject.com/conservatives-oppose-h-r-1-the-ultimate-fantasy-of-the-left/

Dem introduces bills to eliminate Electoral College https://thehill.com/homenews/house/423810-dem-introduces-bills-to-eliminate-electoral-college-stop-presidents-from

National Popular Vote Movement https://www.nationalpopularvote.com

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘Eliminate’ Electoral College, It ‘Undermines’ Democracy https://reason.com/blog/2018/10/08/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-we-should-elimi

WHY WE MUST KEEP THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE: “The Indispensable Electoral College” http://www.taraross.com/2017/10/the-indispensable-electoral-college/

Election Integrity Projects Judicial Watch Efforts https://www.judicialwatch.org/election-integrity/

Heritage Foundation Vote Fraud Map https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud

Fraud, Cheating, Dirty Tricks http://www.electionjournal.org/

DEFCON Efforts to Secure Elections: Report on Cyber Vulnerabilities in U.S. Election Equipment, Databases, and Infrastructure https://defcon.org/images/defcon-26/DEF%20CON%2026%20voting%20village%20report.pdf

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Election Integrity Project, Inc. (EIP) https://www.electionintegrityproject.com

Good News Los Angeles County agrees to purge up to 1.5 million voters from its rolls in settlement https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/jan/7/los-angeles-county-agrees-purge-voter-rolls-judici/

Supreme Court Upholds Ohio’s Purge of Voting Rolls https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/17pdf/16-980_f2q3.pdf

Georgia effort to clean up state’s voter rolls underway https://www.ajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/georgia-effort-clean-state-voter-rolls-underway/rpAkxxDXJ2LlaOXXJfioxH/

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