Date: 13 May, 2020 Your reference: Our reference: FH / 004453 Contact: Farida Hussain Email: Direct line: 01442 228557

Katrina Bond The Forum with Potten End Parish Council Marlowes Highcroft Cottage Hempstead Road HP1 1DN Bovingdon HP3 0HE Telephone: 01442 228000 D/deaf callers, Text Relay: By post and by email to: [email protected] 18001 + 01442 228000

Dear Katrina


We write to notify you that the Dacorum Borough Council has now received a notification under Section 95(2) of the Localism Act 2011, namely that the owner of the above property wishes to enter into a ‘relevant disposal of the land’.

We are therefore, writing to inform you:

- that notice under section 95(2) has been received in respect of the land; - that the notice was received on 12th May 2020; - that the initial moratorium period will, therefore, run from 12th May 2020 to and including 22 June 2020; - the full moratorium period (if applicable) will run from 12th May 2020 to and including 11 November 2020 - The protected period will run from 12th May 2020 to and including 11th November 2021

Interim Moratorium

This property is now subject to a six week interim moratorium, During the interim moratorium period, an owner of land listed as an asset of community value can only dispose of the listed land to a community interest group.

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During the interim moratorium period, a community interest group may give written notice to the local authority that it wants to be treated as a potential bidder in relation to the land. There is no requirement as to how this request should be expressed, but it must be made in writing.

Should no community groups express an interest, the owner will be free to sell after the end of the interim moratorium period and the protected period will apply.

Full Moratorium

Should a community interest group make a bid during any part of the interim moratorium period, the full moratorium period will be enacted, which will run for 6 months (to and including 11 November 2020).

Protected Period

If no request is made by a community interest group within the interim moratorium period, the owner is free to dispose of the land at the end of the six-week period, and no further moratorium will apply for the duration of the protected period.

Kindly acknowledge receipt of this letter.

Yours sincerely,

Farida Hussain Group Manager - Legal & Corporate Services)