Name of Deceased
Date before which Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be notices of claims (Surname first) Deceased given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given BELL, Albert Ewanrigg Gardens, Maryport, Cumbria, Market Saul & Lightfoot, Midland Bank Chambers, Senhouse Street, Maryport, Cumbria, 2nd July 1974 Gardener (Retired). 26th March 1974. Solicitors. (National Westminster Bank Limited.) (513) CARTWRIGHT, Monica 33 Henley Road, Taunton, Somerset, Spinster. Perham & Sons, All Saints House, The Exchange, Bristol, BS1 1JL, Solicitors. 4th July 1974 Wadham. 2nd April 1974. (National Westminster Bank Limited.) (514) DRURY, Elsie May 52 Whin Bank, Scarborough, Yorkshire, National Westminster Bank Limited, Trustee Department, Suffolk House, 21 Silver 5th July 1974 Spinster. 29th March 1974. Street, Hull, Yorkshire, HU1 1JL. (515) McCAMLEY,• Hugh - ... 12 Sandringham House, Courtlands, Richmond, The Manager, Clydesdale Bank Limited, Trustee Department, 30 Lombard Street, 4th July 1974 Surrey, Retail Manager (Musical Instru- London E.C.3. (516) ments). 14th February 1974. f BUTCHER, Gertrude Four Acre West Keal, Spilsby, Lines, Widow. Midland Bank Trust Company Limited, 44 Upper Parliament Street, Nottingham, 8th July 1974 Q Amelia. 6th March 1974. NG1 2D2. (Midland Bank Trust Company Limited and John Shepherd.) (517) ASHLEY, Dorothy . Ticehurst House, Tidehurst, Wadhurst, Sussex. Blok Woodfordl, 70-72 Parsons Green Lane, Fulham, London, SW6 4HU, 3rd July 1974 i Cleeve. 3rd January 1974. Solicitors. (Mary Nesbitt Patteson, William Godfrey Scott-Hart.) (518) BOURNE, Eleanor. Alice;.. The Rowans, Beacon Road, Crowborough, National Westminster Bank Limited, Trustee and Income Tax Department, 4th July 1974 Sussex, Widow.
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