Effects of internal irradiation in the pale grass blue maha and comparative morphological analysis of the Title grass blue Zizeeria and (: )( Abstract_論文要旨 )

Author(s) Gurung, Raj Deep


Issue Date 2017-09-14

URL http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/37407

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Ab 8tract

Ti tle Effects Effects of internal irradiation in the pale grass blue butterfly Zizeeri a. m a. ha and comparative morphological analysis of the grass blue butterflies butterflies Zizeeria and Zizina (Le pidoptera : Lycaenidae)

Lycaenid Lycaenid butte rf1 ies like Zizeeria and Zizina 紅 'e mainly distributed in A 企lcan , Asian Asian and Aus 仕alian continents. With wing spans of 20 - 30 mm and low tlight ability these these bu 陶 rflies 訂 ee 鎚 Y to re 紅 at table top rearing space under laboratory conditions .

Additionally , their simple wing pa 悦 :rns and their responses to various changes in environmental environmental temperature and chemicals factors make them candidates ぉ environmental environmental indicators. To expand the lycaneid model system additional rearing of three Zizina (Zizina ( labradus , Zizina otis riukuensis , Zizina emelina) and one Zizeeria species (Zizeeria () under conditions .1aboratory w ぉ successfully performed. Imm ature S旬ges of these butterflies were compared toge 也er and a morphologic a1 -trait database of immature immature s也ges of these butterflies was established. Such system will not only help mωidenti ち rthese organisms at early s句ges but will be equally help 白1 to observe the response response to certain environmental factors.

Recently , Japanese pale grass blue butterfly Zizzeria .maha use 錨 m environmental environmental indicator is on the rise after Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant fallou t. Reports Reports have shown that these butterflies exhibit various degrees of morphological abnormalities abnormalities when fed with radioactive Cs-137 irradiated diets.

In白 is s佃 dy , an e宜icient artificial diet w 出 formulated which was then used to feed feed radioactive Cs ・137 to Zizeeria maha larvae. Furthermore ,non-radioactive cesium chloride chloride w ぉ also fed to these larvae to observe toxicity e fI ects. Results showed 'that under under laboratory conditions these larvae are highly tolerant to bo 也 radioactive and non-radioactive non-radioactive cesium. 百le high tolerance of bo 血 chemical and ,radioactive cesium also also suggests 由at morphological abnormalities 加 the gr 出 s blue butterflies could be the outcome outcome of combinations of various factors and not of the Cs ・137 activity alone.