Severance Consent Application B21/2021 and Zoning Amendment
Staff Report Meeting Date: 08 Jun 2021 To: Mayor and Members of Council From: Liz Stillman, Planning Coordinator Report No./Subject: PLN-2021-39 re: Severance Consent Application B21/2021 and Zoning Amendment Application C12/2021, Concession 5, Part of Lot 2, 6th Line West, former Township of Seymour - Kevin Little / Ron Little Staff Recommendation: __ Receive for Information X Action Required Be it resolved that Staff Report PLN-2021-39, Liz Stillman, Planning Coordinator re: Severance Consent Application B21/2021 and Zoning Amendment Application C12/2021, Concession 5, Part of Lot 2, 6th Line West, former Township of Seymour - Kevin Little / Ron Little, be received for information. Severance Consent Application B21/2021 That Severance Consent Application B21/2021, Kevin Little / Ron Little, with respect to property located in Concession 5, Part of Lot 2, 6th Line West, Roll # 14 35 134 010 13900 0000, former Township of Seymour, for application to sever one (1) new parcel, being approximately 2.0 acres (vacant land) for residential building purposes, from approximately 98 acres, in which the retained portion is vacant land and will be eligible for residential building purposes, be approved with the following conditions: 1. That $1,000.00 for each new vacant building lot created, is paid cash-in-lieu of parkland pursuant to Section 53 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, as amended, and the Municipality of Trent Hills By-law 2001-47. 2. That all taxes on the subject properties be paid in full, including any tax installment(s) due within the month of receipt of the severance consent deed(s) for processing at the municipal office.
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