Churachandpur District District Health Action Plan for the Year 2010-11
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2 N D D R A F T CHURACHANDPUR DISTRICT DISTRICT HEALTH ACTION PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2010-11 PREPARED BY:::: DISTRICT PLANNING TEAM CHURACHANDPUR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE GOVERNMENT OF MANIPUR CCP PIP 2010 -11 PREFACE The Program Implementation Plan (PIP) for the Churachandpur District is prepared for the year 2010-11 as per the guidelines and directions from the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. An elaborate exercise was undertaken for reflecting the District needs in various Health sections. The District Planning Team conducted Capacity Building for Health Management, Meetings with blocks level officers, Open Sessions during ASHA training, and compilation of collected data from ASHA and ANMs for unearthing the problems and issues in the Block level- wise/PHCs. In addition to the District Planning Team visits various Health Institutions to curve out the actual adverse Health situation prevailing in the District. The District Planning Team also trained to Some Senior Medical Officers of CHC/PHCs, BPMUs, District Health Program Officers of the various Vertical Health. They were also involved in the making of this Integrated District Health Action Plan 2010-11. Also desk reviews, analysis of the available Block/PHCs data and indicators, were collected for preparing this District PIP 2010-11. The requirements of the District for NRHM initiatives are projected yearly reasonably in the District PIP. The District will also ensure adequate monitoring and evaluation for assessing the improvement in the progress of activities using available data for taking corrective measures wherever necessary in the coming year 2010-11. The District is thankful to the SHMS, Manipur officials for their directions and help by giving us various Training relating to framing of PIP without which it would have been difficult to frame the District PIP 2010-11 in time. Also, the DPMU, BPMU is grateful to Jacintha Lazarus IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Churachandpur who is also the Chairman, DHS for motivating us for the making of the Integrated District Health Action Plan 2010-11 and hope that the impact of District PIP will enables every citizen to benefit in the field of health and others as well “ healthy Village, Healthy District, healthy nation”. CCP PIP 2010 -11 MESSAGE National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was introduced in India with the purpose of improving the health of Children, Mothers, Adolescents and others and reaching out to meet the health needs of the people in the most remote areas of the Nation and District. The launched of NRHM is a boon and blessing to the District. Implementation of NRHM in the District has progressed tremendously during 2009- 10.The District Health Society, Churachandpur has accomplished many tasks through their sincere and dedicated hard work and cooperation of the Program Management Unit and the work teams. Further, work plans have been chalked out to improve the health facilities in District taking into consideration the special needs of each and every Block. The future of NRHM in District is very promising and its ultimate success lies in the hand of the needy people through their active and sincere participation. Taking this opportunity, I congratulate all the concerned District level Officers including the District Mission Director and the District Program Management Unit staff, District Family Welfare Officer, Concerned National Disease Program Officers, Senior Doctors, Nurses, Village level workers, ASHAs, NGOs, etc. for having played crucial roles in the making of the District PIP for the year 2010-11. Lastly but not the least, I would also like to appreciate the District Program Management Unit in particular for their support and hard work in planning, formulation and for their timely completion of the District PIP for the year 2010-11. Jacintha Lazarus, IAS Deputy Commissioner/ Chairman District Health Mission Society, Churachandpur CCP PIP 2010 -11 MESSAGE I am glad that the Integrated District Health Action Plan for the year 2010-11 under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) has been completed. The present District Health Action Plan is an outcome of great effort made by District Planning Team which constitute of different program officers headed by the Chief Medical Officer and assisted by the District Programme Management Unit The introduction of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) launched in the District in 2006 has brought a lot of development and change in the field of Health Sector. I take this privilege to thank all the District Planning Team members for their untiring effort in formulating the District Health Action Plan for 2010-11 and hope that their endless effort will bring changes to the entire people of the District in near future. My best wishes that all the people co-operate in smooth implementation of the programme and make the best of it. Dr Singkhawzam Hauzel CMO/ District Mission Director District Health Mission Society’ Churachandpur CCP PIP 2010 -11 Churachandpur District Map Population: 2.50 Lacs No of Blocks: 05 No of facility: 1 DH, 10 PHC , 66 PHSC IMR: 12.8 TFR: 2.8 I N D E X E S Sl. Contents Page No. No. 1 District Background 1 2 District Profile 3 Total Budget at a Glance a) Geographical area of the Blocks a) Administrative Set-up of the District b) Rural electrification status c) District and Block Planning Process 4 Situational Analysis a) Public Health Facilities in the District b) Private Health facilities c) Human Resources in the District d) Status of Logistics e) BCC Infrastructure f) ICDS Programme g) Elected representatives of Village Authorities h) NGOs/ CBOs i) District / Sub-district variations j) Gender Equity k) HMIS/ M&E ( shifted at part B ) l) Convergence/ coordination m) Finance Utilization n) Key RCH Indicators o) Institutional arrangements & Organizational development : Issues and gaps 5 Lessons learned: 2009 -10 6 Key issues to be addressed CCP PIP 2010 -11 Sl. Contents Page No. No. 7 Part “A” --- RCH interventions Vision Statement Technical Objectives, Targets, Strategies and Activities a) Maternal Health b) Child Health c) Family Planning d) Adolescent Reproductive & Sexual Health e) Innovations/PPP/NGO f) Infrastructure & Institutional Strengthening g) Strengthening Training Infrastructure h) BCC/IEC ( budget tabulation enclosed) i) Procurement j) Program Management k) Financial Management l) Convergence/Co-ordination m) District and Block Plans n) Role of District, District and Block o) Synergy with NRHM Additional ties p) Programme Management Arrangement q) Monitoring and Evaluation r) Sustainability 8 Budget (3c , 3d , 3e , g) 9 Part “B” - New Interventions in NRHM 10 Part “C” - RI Strengthening 11 Part “D” - National Disease Control Program and IDSP a) NIIDCP b) IDSP c) NIIDCP d) IDSP e) NIIDCP 12 Part “E” - Intersectoral convergence 13 Grand Total Budget of the District for the year 2010-11 CCP PIP 2010 -11 DISTRICT BACKGROUND Churachandpur district occupies the south-west part of Manipur state. It stretches between 93° 15’E and 94° 45΄E Longitude and between 24°N and 24° 30 N Latitudes . It has 4570Sq. Km geographical area constituting 20.47% of the total geographical area of the State and it is the largest district of Manipur in terms of area. It is bounded by Jiribam Sub-Division of Imphal West, Tamenglong District on the North, Bishnupur and Chandel District on the East Myannmar (Burma) and Mizoram state on the South and Cachar largest District of Assam on the West. The District Headquarter, Churachandpur, which is the second largest town of the state, is situated at a distance of 64 kilometers from the State capital – Imphal. It covers a geographical area spanning 4570 Sq. Km. having 10 Tribal Development Blocks within its region viz. Lamka Block, Henglep Block, Singngat Block, Vangai Block, Samulamlan Block, Tuibuong Block, Sangaikot Block, Tipaimukh Block, Thanlon Block and Saikot Block. The District has the literary of 74.67% with the population density of 50 persons per sq km. Under these, it covers 1 District Hospital, 1 Community Health Centre, 9 Primary Health Centre and 64 Primary Health Sub Centres. The various health indicators of the District are IMR-12, Sex Ratio-996/1000, TFR-2.81, CBR-12.8, CDR-3.0 Literacy Rate (Female)-66.40) The Integrated Program Implementation Plan (PIP) of National Rural Health Mission is prepared with a vision to achieve the National Millennium Goals spelt out by the Government of India under H&FW and the National Population Policy Goals. The present PIP has five parts viz. 1. Part “A” - RCH-II 2. Part “B” - New Initiatives under NRHM 3. Part “C” - Routine Immunization Strengthening 4 Part “D” - Disease Control Programs & Integrated Surveillance and 5. Part “E” - Program Convergence . TOTAL BUDGET REQUIRE FOR 2010-11: Sl. No. NRHM Component Rs. in lakhs 1 Part “A” – RCH II 127.163 2 Part “B” – New Initiatives 805.375 3 Part “C” – RI Strengthening 14.23 4 Part “D” – Disease Control Programs & Surveillance 113.28 5 Part “E” – Program Convergence 0.0 Total 1060.048 CCP PIP 2010 -11 1.1 District Profile District S.No. Background Characteristics 1 Geographic Area (in Sq. Kms) 4570 2 Number of Tribal Development Blocks 10 3 Size of Villages ( Current Census) 641 1-500 villages 490 501-2000 villages 132 2001-5000 villages 15 5000+ villages 04 4 Number of towns 01 5 No of Police Station 01 6 No of Assembly Constituencies 05 7 Total Population ( DHIS2 ) 2.50 Lakhs Urban 103390 K Rural 175317 K Male: 144740 Female 133967 8 Sex Ratio (F/M*1000) ( as reported ) • Population Sex Ratio 996/1000 • Child Sex Ratio 967/1000 9 Decadal growth rate ( DHIS2 ) 33.0% 10 Density- per sq. km. ( census 2001 ) 39 11 Literacy Rate ( statistical dept ) 74.69 -Male 84.98 -Female 64.40 12 %SC population ( DHIS2 ) 387 %ST population 261119 No.