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About Google Book Search Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and to make it universally accessible and useful. Google Book Search helps readers discover the world’s books while helping authors and publishers reach new audiences. You can search through the full text of this book on the web at http://books.google.com/ 1 ALvAL nC . ;.F ‘ ii. \ ..i.§w_.....s. w T fili'IVERSITY? .- ' ~ I've}; . - w . “ 1." 7!‘ L . q 05 1311,1413101'3 ll .9 @{ rail! , ~ ‘ ' u \v 1-,” mv’cr \\ THE LITURGICAL YEAR TIME AFTER PENTECOST LITURGICAL YEAR ABBOT GUERANGER 0. s. B. TBANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY THE BENEDICTINES OF STANBROOK. TIME AFTER PENTECOST VOL. V STANBROOK ABBEY, WORCESTER LONDON mmns a OATES LTD. R. a T. WASHBOURNE L'rn. ART a BOOK COMPANY LTD. UNITED STATES BENZIGEB momma, NEW YORK, cmcnmur a cmomo 1910 PRINTED AT STANBBOOK ABBEY WORCESTER ZQQD'M (“I 3 36, Es 3 'r V‘ ‘4 CONTENTS COMlMON OF THE TIME FAG! CHAP. I.—On hearing Mass, during the Time after Pentecost, . 1 CHAP. III.—Of the Office of Vespers for Sundays and Feasts, during the Time after Pentecost, . 37 CHAP. IV.—Of the Office of Compline, during the Time after Pentecost, . 48 PROPER OF THE SAINTS August 23.——SAINT PHILIP BENIZI, Confessor, . 57 August 24.-—SAINT BARTHOLOMEW, Apostle, . 63 August 25.—SAINT LOUIS, King “of France, Con fessor, . 69 August 26.—SAINT ZEPHYRINUS, Pope ahd Martyr, 82 August 27.—SAINT JOSEPH GALASANCTIUS, Gon fessor, . 84 August 28.-—SAINT AUGUSTINE, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, . 92 Commemoration of Saint Hermes, Mar . tyr, . 107 August 29.-——THE DECOLLATION or SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST, . 108 Commemoration of Saint Sabina, Mar tyr, . 113 August 30.—SA_INT Ross: on LIMA, Virgin, . 116 Commemoration of Saints Felix and Adauctus, Martyrs, ' . 122 August '31.--SAINT RAYMUND NONNATUS, Con fessor, . , . 123 7534393 V1 CONTENTS September 1.—SAINT GILEs, Abbot, . 128 Commemoration 0f the Twelve Broth ers, Martyrs, . 132 September 2.-—SAINT STEPHEN, King of Hungary, Confessor, . , . 133 September 5.-—~SAINT LAURENCE J USTINIAN, Bishop and Confessor, . 139 September 8.—TIIE NATIVITY or THE BLEssEn VIE GIN MARY, 146 First Vespers, 151 Mass, . 158 Second Vespers, . 166 Commemoration of Saint Gorgonius, Martyr, . 167 Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity.— FEAST OF THE MOST HOLY NAME OF MARY, 171 Mass, 174 Vespers, . 179 September 9.—SE00ND DAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE NATIVITY, . 181 September 10.—SAINT NICHOLAS 0F T0LENT1N0, Con fessor, . 184 September 11.—FOURTH DAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE NLTIVITY, . 187 Commemoration of Saints Protus and Hyacinth, Martyrs, . 188 September 12.—FIrTH DAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE or THE NATIVITY, . 191 September 13.—SIXTH DAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE or THE NATIVITY, . 193 September 14.—THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY Cnoss, 196 September 15.—THE OCTAVE DAY OF THE NATIVITY, 203 Commemoration of Saint Nicomedes, Martyr, . 205 Third Sunday of September.—FEAST or THE SEVEN DOLOURS OF THE BLESSED VIR GIN MARY, . 208 Mass, . 210 Vespers, . , , , .218 00 CONTENTS V1.1 September 16.—_SAINT CORNELIUS, Pope and Martyr, and SAINT CYPRIAN, Bishop and Martyr, . 221 Commemoration of Saints Euphemia, Lucy and Geminian, Martyrs, 228 September 17.—STIGMATA or SAINT FRANCIS, . 229 At Bingen, in the Diocese of Mayence,— Saint Hildegarde, Virgin, . 234 September 18,—SAINT JOSEPH or CUPERTINO, Con fessor, . 236 September 19.-—SAINT JANUARIUs, Bishop and Martyr, AND HIS COMPANIONs, Martyrs, . 241 September 20.—SAINT EUSTACB AND HIs COMTANIONS, Martyrs, . 244 September 21.—SAINT MATTHEW, Apostle and Evan gelist, . 248 September 22.-'-SAINT THOMAS or VILLANOVA, Bishop and Confessor, . 252 Commemoration of Saint Maurice and his Companions, Martyrs, 256 September 23.—SAINT LINUS, Pope and Martyr, 257 Commemoration of Saint Thecla, Virgin and Martyr, 258 September 24.—00n LADY or RANSOM, . 261 September 26.—SAINT CYPRIAN, Martyr, and SAINT J USTINA, Virgin and Martyr, 266 September 27.—SAINTs COSMAs AND DAMIAN, Martyrs, 268 September 28.-—SAINT WENCESLAS, Duke and Martyr, 273 September 29.—DEDICATION or SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, . 277 September 30;—-SAIN-r JEROME, Priest, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church, . 284 First Sunday of OctobeT.-—FEAST or THE MOST HOLY ROSARY, . 295 Mass, . 298 Vespers, . 303 October 1.—SA1NT REMIGIUS, Bishop and Confes sor, Apostle of the Franks, 306 October 2.—THE HOLY GUARDIAN ANGELS, 316 October 4.—SAINT FRANCIS, Confessor, 324 CONTENTS October 5.-SA1NT PLACID AND ms COMPANIONS . Martyrs, . 338 October 6.—SAINT BRUNO, Confessor, . 348 October 7.—SA1NT MARK, Pope and Confessor, and SAINTS SERolus, BACCHUS, MAR CELLUB AND APULElus, Martyn, . 354 Commemoration of Saint J ustina, Vir gin and Martyr, . 356 Commemoration of Our Lady of Victory, 357 October 8.—SAINT BRIDGET, Widow . 360 Octo ber 9.—SA1NT DIONsts, Bishop and Martyr and SAINTS RUSTICUS AND ELEU TEERws, Martyrs, . 368 October 10.—-SAINT FRANCIS BORGIA, Confessor, 377 October 13.—SAINT EDWARD THE CONFESBOB, King of England, . 382 October 14.—SAINT CALLIXTUS I, Pope and Martyr, 387 October 15.—SA1NT TERESA, Virgin, . 394 October l7.—SA1NT HEDWIGE, Widow, . 409 October 18.—SAINT LUKE, Evangelist, . 414 October 19.—SA1NT PETER 0F ALCANTARA, Con fessor, . 422 October 20.—SAINT JOHN CANTIUs, Confessor, 428 October 21.—SAINT HILARION, Abbot, . 433 Commemoration of Saint Ursula. and her Companions, Virgins and Mar tyrs, . 437 October 24.—SA1NT RAPHAEL, Archangel, . 439 October 25.—SA1NTs CHRYSANTHUS AND DARIA, Martyrs, . 442 October 26.—SA1NT EVARISTUS, Pope and Martyr, 445 October 28.-—-SA1NTs SIMON AND J UDE, Apostles, 447 October 31.—VIG1L OF ALL SAINTS . 451 CHAPTER THE FIRST ON BEARING MASS, DURING THE TIME AFTER PENTECOST + ON the Sundays, if the Mass at which the faithful assist be parochial, or, as it is often called, the public Mass, two solemn rites precede it, and they are full of instruction and blessing: the Aspe'rges, or sprinkling of the holy water, and the procession. During the Asperges, you should unite with the intentions which the Church has in this ceremony, so venerable by its antiquity: you should pray for that purity of heart which is needed for worthily assisting at the mysteries, wherein God Himself becomes present, and unites heaven and earth so closely together ANTIPHON OF THE ASPERGES Asperges me, Domine, Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssopo, et mundabor ; la hyssop,O Lord, and I shall be vabis me, at super nivem cleansed; thou shalt wash me dealbabor. and I shall be made whiter than snow. Ps. Miserere mei, Deus, Pa. Have mercy on me, O secundum magnam miseri God, according to thy great cordiam tuam. I mercy. Y. Gloria Patri, kc. )7. Glory, dzc. ANT. Asperges me, dzc. ANT. Thou shalt sprinkle me, 6w. 1 2 TIME AFTER PENTEOOBT Y. Ostende nobis, Domi Y. Show as, O Lord, thy ne, misericordiam tuam. mercy. B. Et salutare tuum da. B. And grant us thy sal nobis. vation. 7V. Domine, exaudi ora Y. OLord,hear my prayer. tionem mean]. B. Et clamor meus ad to B. And let my cry come veniat. unto thee. F. Dominus vobiscum. g.
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