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Rr E a Ng Hist T O I Inwn A aj|gy.r-nnr ________ B- 4 ffl Ounsrunnluht>/v4di;ycar. No. -102li ----- ------ --------------- :--------------- M o n d a y f e C5oofigMORrR N I N C __________ ^\ide^- W E s i n i n r R f fC^Sunny •^ p B S y andiwarvaz3ntic r R E a TOITOR ivitijjwvvinds- u Oust frnimStiS tD .lS ■______________ m p f c■Mbsdv. J a i . grnti^jHyr 1 i n a l c o nupany iSertr- ■; 5 ^ B xxcjic;V v/l i l j £ leader lUii&SaBUBm: (Cusom^ g i n s i migation .Adm m isEEiEiaBi^-S2CVS- . (ChonliL-dbmistiimanY. : ■mUltUijiiUi'^diunises- '\'u^C K ia\ia' n e e d s ■ cihc2BEas,UucmmfoinnEs:' I del.l i v e r y t (oday iDo boot MOosciic,1 C , / . B ; By: N .s. Nokii<kkentvad , ■ R — — l.TTinwNew^writw______________ ' IjHjH JD jm e ddin<aa!ac% i'T W IN E AlL U L S -T lie canals ure TThe HwnnhBBflgiM* ' ■ BK 1I___ . ; ruUand.thel>t TWin Falls,Canal Co. 1 n ^ B p |l . ‘ I .plans to beeiiigin* delivering irriga- ’i jfiS ^-W A 5H 3X C I© X — Ljjo4«ijotern;? ; donwatcirMoi It mxizsis?ra ticiRn- r a e f W ater in thithe carials moves fast :; p lli pa. IF^netuiltan Omziia.'.tB.'s Dip , burcon-be latem pting on a warm aid e ■Kuiil i^uu^- ouir'% tuumiiumiu'iui ^ D u ; day, bur canalnal company ofndals f? imun r.tgitiiKr Siiitiiiiun> tijjMuuu: I wann peoplelie to stay out of the JMi lh»> of cur miQitc: wxw unci ie fast water and nilu 3(> [jots Jl olamc (DHUin»:(QinnmiuEniradly2ni Boa: ; unseen obsioda d e s can bc deadly. «»cS.thidie§SS^w ^ ueom iium j^jwuitL-ogdiedte:iSB- ■ ; There hos:s beenI water in the i^VW ' Srt<£s*j^ ihr»~ ■an^'QIIi m . ttUelhdnsfmnuBdiiirt]indie.' < Cow Line Can^nal sincc February ' analbca> -MiBii ______ i^iym vwHtttinnttrtiw.W?.H k ira tC ! for eroundwawater rcchargc and "q ' im aifae Yt^m iUn ► -KJ 7 'qni«c»nrTriffn rAVr«x.TTiibSaence- t i S : generalration. And the com* 5 » T « f iiid tm a -------------------- “u : pany sta rte dd <charging the High s W ittidtOd theetttid f unttiHKGdUifpLidfiSnuhcthenr. ; une Canal lastlas Mortday and fm- fW ? ,' ifur«uarCTimet..‘‘1Iiiimn: rtnnh.im ltw e * nutiht^ ioe laierols, cacompany fidd super- v W ra I .yti-n iMW-rki ll i iii' ** .■).-Kud: gfagp>gt? j visorStonHayiaye said. itbml J<rN4e?fi) gioifttnL.g^-gtoi.Hei. -1 ! I r m kes aI fewfc days to charge •.‘•butc I tthiiik ihe a* •iimixr cdjniniill'*' ’ more than 75,75 .miles of canal, he ^ 'p a ^ .aji niiiiiuHiipiim anxii PtencK ■ SriCHIKUS I said. So for• nonc major problems * rtwi^wr (jnon lilw-|j 1 have shown up.“ P- .. inuiLm: ati iBrmiiitior mimg; lirni IHbrite|jr^HHin»;JUseJVEtJVBirni! I T h e ca n a l1 ocompany provides micQTk. Jtiuiic ititStniiiiti iIxk- a 11000 .= « , of Magic fCTh¥ T ii^ j|« t'rCTi<i»«ti:tigtwiiSarit; ; 20W u* hands,** Haye said, Tean mit icmQpmpti. «inuxxu:icwuti ic ' :■! H11 iM.TtWf IftnrKis- Vj^eyf^am a.,,.,- ' Canal comimpany employees Sok) ditchridersd are b u ^ pulling •«i»tnmHgm»«tTijprW/»nfiiin>»oUay. , worked on can 3ds out and dearing culverts. vocQtsini Siowwii ninal system repairs wtccis W luxs iq fm riwTTmh^p'ffiH-WhiBtristers- ( over the winteiier.. One mojor pro- Ano.Lnother-concern this tim e ol Jioifan ff'ufltsaai. alte- W a BouM t dhiwf ae -tsciS. rioxd:' iQ^sixzi* I ju c r w as retncmoving rock chcck ,r is thot holes would open up •r the canal being dry all win- KBCY r » « o ttibe siSfattT fftR tesB H I dams put inI tlthe canal during a aftertl I lowwateryear;a r a few years ogo. And.sometimes lasc.yearj VufSMilinuti mma iimiin^ ul: mimxtu- j B uc th is is a busy time for seepsps increase1 with the.spring’s itune tof (dtoDtic-Ji:? am£ nef^i ; ditchriders, Hd^aa y e sa id «»««■•.er. ■ . ,. ‘ t o - toimuin BSjtet. is is *asavl£9e-‘D> M e m h i ut the most pressing problemsns-'. b,btioame m vub&e-mamb*aatsc u£ Over th e winIvinter, tumbleweeds ‘ ■ wMya-w/wti——. B androther-deaecritus get into the wonI't tc coouLuntu later in theyear, Eujtqptu . __ ________ditches. W henlen water begins to wn®":n the< canals are running aat t ■ ...............- , -■• ' OteBnmd^ lhe«ii£. •^ -de-dtitm. t ‘ flow as compaipany employees fill . ir maximum and wet weatherer Joe Webrterand Terryy JJolinson, am ployns of ttoil T« M n F a lltC ^ C D .. itcam ai itn tiir - th e system , ththe weeds plug up m is^:, Haye said. The canals can . 'elMnoutd<Bb^onadHdltch'twir Pola Une RoMjandJndJN«draraStmtlK.» IbiIhicOsBoimeQ&Ktihevancifiiini!iiimpm ' I culvens. * ** overflorflow, espedally In the west ________ ________ suBM aflaagmnaiiflt&^Huclie-ate-suid . I *‘Then ybii’vli’ve got a mess on end'ofi'ofthesysnan:"" iin HRedieiBlJC ^ iwi>e-j-ra- WtEEiiEE£i2zat mrihnn, <tm A O O t -*nrhi» W««il ilonstructionibe^ns 1 “ ih' imig;'.ftit (SfiiimiK W'I' wiiwink. w a i SOmofKiirewen) S'ltts oexteIgtMWd Qw c a s in l g hist so iptiD npnip».ErooL*So*nliJHiMU t o i3 ^in Oakley Mlluseiun “and afflim-X£ID ffieuiaikitepE IIO .■KBffcipuBd Eimorix'H. ttstemii iitf I j 8y>Oex Dut8onon ■ nm JUjHIKwTtiitTn TlBw Newicofw «Quea3'«dQ;’AunsiMSRbR'weMiMie«ee Dnone l an fl Bnnitt emi&mDs-ofa£:tfae- :c OAKLEY -• A m arket, a silent Betland aS SSBtaaqiat immfiiciti: I movie theatre! anda a tavem have a>ebe m r ianoe^ &ante r'lujniym f tu i IVQue;- I token, th e ir'tuum n on the lot that ■ taiT* Kukfi. WL»i rmnit*-Jdnuc -w amHrmniBaimarwnniema]u a m .' ! soon may seei a new building to nte-uf — — lieoii^ptitcinisigeM Etiiirrw».. ijhowraset^ravtown’s histoiy. liiaimu Jiaet BaSaiBwai. rYipyj^Hmiiwc iH slK e hope o rthe Annauintv Sar SoHUBa • and.'u L thitc ^ •■ ___ i Oakley Vallilley Historical afatna»m nn «d~ ai g>a.TO p«att i.A ..ociidom CoiSonstniction of the - \J^M LiaauliijjffnH ie«aBfiaiftwS i l g P . - - USUU sq u aire*toot re uaKiey ” ipaie^ f f wea: off idae JLm ttm um Museum is undeiderway on donated ' poaae inaia:tibin afi& M e^njttiwjtan!- C a i i N i O K : property on Maiblain Street npxt to sfl'%c£iine a&e femrftrng betm ■1^_______ the Pose Office. , tn c t 1 ” ' ^ 1 •tP^jjyuiitfwpwgnHegtfaiPlei ce-the Titanic*s til' , llesffis^ i fireproof; Like-i Stofanoi s <nntRnM;ftn agiiimtr itttgiS“ nnon>~aDitincs;veisa^a!ga i ^ c s c ' fated unsinkabable boast, those ' A3!ill!h«Tiii.iiiTts. lac picits.ts. iu r • (sHtnnitliM^ss. words seem ed1 tcto spell the build- Rn£nnftinaiU« Itune- thttm. uuztrtutrtufe- --------------------------------------------- P 6 | iri It- <rvin fnti yj^frTI jn Ibx'>e*«anB."' ^ g c A E j^finines. A iav«av em followed but i ScBik. JJifiini MrCitm.,. B-Airi=A sz:^: ’ it too was damagiaged by fire. i I ^ H a a c — - —.7—- " ---------“T h e 'lo rh a sis;had'n'long ;: nnd— f aid Sflilwtwur Misuili be patuiaItumd .S h ciiu o k ; dm s e ci-LlUN- t i interesting histiistory," said Kent at« » J] wjD cTsttiaitiL B «pu; ____^ . Hole, a nrember3cr of the associa- • So.;©CT«a£r?' i«i ScaSK' Swuia7Ub^ &diimiA &dramDmG' tion. “With thethe design of the :'alli>nn> 'rai C ^ ' “ Faias; 5tis ^ --------v V ia b g r ....... Jt M S g m glflgorn?C— y -bm lding; we rairp-t^nng' re- iu-i%prc- " ^ ^ sent th e old Ookliikley style.” 1^ sie^pimtiiiik- an: bi»- ui:»» bby • rialccr........... 2 atetuaThes. ing will have a' l_ _ I_ 'T he buildinj n— ^^TT-.---------- ^ be ttfjT Cutmz!tnusa Ntotngwat.x Oassflot.l*tr.5-lD Victorian-cra facadefac and a floor .... tihmuil un Hint-aUrnut. QteafAterir. made of nativev c Oal<loy stone, Kent HaleHa» of the Oakley Valley HIstotorlcal As«bcIatJon Inspects onongolnfi construction ot theiOMeyMmmmn. Oi j,Mtmt onuntntrt- hr CooizstsiK-iK-iirtr iix . worth several ththousand dollars.. ..C C n iE S .....—g - } ished by July 24, b ut ththe e comple- d o n atin g mo;mnn^y ctijrp1i»-c mt/l lUff’w in e KA'?iQ> mun law cjK: imuiMc B T rlf-------TljffproJecr. whii* ic h Is being paid - in .” -HHale a said. “People hove juiimd sicm w-13. BkjjHiwTjr TTib ib i- - ; in our town and many ofr tion date also dependnds on the labor. •• .^3Wi ............~ Healltr . ... for by private dadonations, started i pnde in lonaQonsinadeiKdifii- iih.itsn UK cn,7ttinuii o: be ciubu A in the faU of 1998198. ’w fbe O)akley ak families are donat- doruUons diat come in.J, >H ale said. All tlie dom Oteirai .. .SS Mtoes ,.. have been cult to cstimiimate a total project il jit. lliTMTnuikKSs. :e;a5Ti. ::iu ii» "W e are veryi pipleased about die »ne-” Volunteers slowly ha ; to g eth er, ‘ Pleaseise sscJCWSEUm. Pag e A2 >ectl: feran 3 ^HL-ariwn.ian. donations we arare seeing come Conjtin^truction should be fin> putting the building t< & s i i i i n i S £ S n ® .......r - t FAALgalns,cor]n fid en ce■ in w nfixes aifeiir tests 15f2Kashingink l Ite. TfteAMOclatedPwPre— sy stemtns. s. How do you read this early Sunday,.as the FAFAA tested was th e fima open o| to repcjnnrs. 3i 1 MtliU m iuium inmiiK:x~7 y ^niiiliwSSiE , - ■ — . transmnission?" isj its Y2K compute;- fixes.s.
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