Surgical Instruments Ă
SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Claudia Gherman, ăCiocan, Ovidiu Fabian Learning objectives What you should know The main types of surgical instruments The main instruments used for cutting tissues The main instruments used for tissue manipulation The main instruments used for exposure (retractors) The main instruments used for suturing The functioning principle of electrocautery devices The main laparoscopic instruments What you should do Recognize the main surgical instruments Attach a scalpel blade to a handle/remove it from the handle Hand a scalpel to another person correctly Perform an incision Handle scissors (hold them correctly, cut under visual control, hand scissors to another person) Handle a self-retaining forceps (hold it correctly, grip the tissue, close and open the forceps, hand it to another person) Hold a retractor correctly Hold, close/open and hand over a needle holder correctly Recognize a suturing needle; recognize a sharp needle and an intestinal needle; find on the needle and suture package the main information about the needle Classification In order to perform surgery, the surgical team needs a number of surgical instruments. Each of the thousands of instruments used is designed for a specific function. They can be classified depending on use as follows: Cutting instruments Instruments for tissue grasping and manipulation Instruments for tissue exposure Suturing instruments Hybrid instruments Endoscopic instruments Cutting instruments Scalpels: consist of a handle and a blade; the handle is made of metal (reusable) or plastic (disposable); blades are disposable, of various shapes and sizes. The top of the scalpel handle has a special part, with a groove that allows its sliding into the blade slot and securing of the blade in position.