(Front Cover) Geyser NATURE'S WONDERLAND

Truly, Yellowstone National Park is a wonderland of nature. Poets have written about it, and artists have painted it, but to believe that such a scenic region is possible, you must see with your own eyes the spouting geysers, bubbling cauldrons, giant can­ yons and other spectacular phenomena, all of which presents a flashing brilliance of motion and color which you will never forget.

Yellowstone is the largest, the oldest and, perhaps, the best known of America's many national parks. It is at once weird, incredible and magnificent in its rugged, wild beauty. It is one of the greatest wild-life sanctuaries in the world.

Frontiersman John Colter discovered the fabulous area, and Jackson Hole, by ~hance in the winter of 1807-08. Colter had been sent by the celebrated trader, Manuel Lisa, to the headwaters of the Bighorn River to find the Indians for trading purposes. Coming home Colter sought a short cut and stumbled upon the mystery of Yellowstone. When he told his friends of the fantastic land he had seen, they refused to believe him. Twenty years later Jim Bridger brought back a report similar ro Colter's, bur he, roo, was greeted with winks and smiles. Finally, however, the Wash­ burn-Doane Expedition, headed by H. D. Wash­ burn, Surveyor-General of Montana, was organized in August, 1870, and accompanied by an army de­ rail, officially investigated the phenomena in the Park.

They encountered innumerable fascinating won­ ders that even Colter, Bridger and other explorers had missed. They were determined that Yellowstone should be preserved in all irs primeval beauty for the enjoyment of all Americans. Their enthusiasm was boundless. Largely because of their efforts a bill was passed through Congress on March 1, 1872, and the rugged wilderness was set aside as Yellow­ stOne National Park.

Since that rime millions of travelers have seen the glory that is Yellowstone's. Thousands return year after year. Still others come only once, bur they consider it the trip of a lifetime.

2 SEEING YELLOWSTONE PARK You may see Yellowstone National the alluring appeal, the charm, and Park in your own way. Roam the tonic effect of Yellowstone's beauty. trails alone, or with an experienced However, if you can stay for only a guide, as you prefer. But, by all means, limited period, you can still see all bring your camera! the principal points of interest. Yellowstone is your park! It has You can live as modestly or as lav­ been provided with fine roads and ishly as your choice dictates. In trav­ modern hotels so that you may enjoy eling about the Park you may select its wonders in comfort. You are gen- · the style of accommodations that ap­ uinely welcome to come and stay as peals most to you. You can go by long as you like. You could easily Park motor bus with other visitors, stay all summer and never exhaust or there is convenient Rent-a-Car serv-

Fishing the The wonders ol Yellowstone ore explained by Ranger-naturalists.

Ke with insured cars available at half days. Leisure scops are made to government approved rates. properly see all the chief scenic at­ Splendid camping sites may be tractions. found in all parts of the Park. At the Another advantage of selecting a main centers of interest are modern pre-arranged tOur is that it eliminates hotels, as well as clean, comfortable the anxiety of driving your own car cabins. Service and accommodations over unfamiliar mountain roads. With­ are excellent and one cannot help but out stress and strain, completely re­ marvel at such comfort and luxury in laxed, you're all the more free tO enjoy the depths of the wilderness. Y ellowsrone' s wondrous sights. So that visitOrs may see as much of Bus drivers in Y ellowsrone Park are the Park as possible, in a limited thoroughly competent and reliable. amount of time, pre-arranged tOurs Rangers and Naturalists of the N a­ by motOr bus are operated. These tional Park Service give authoritative tours are especially appreciated by descriptions of the wonders of Yellow­ folk who travel by rail tO YellowstOne. scone during evening programs and on The rour consumes just two and one- guided walks.


The Union Pacific route to Yellow­ The first day's ride is a preview of stone National Park takes visitors to the promise that Yellowstone will ful­ Ashton, Idaho. Motor buses of the fill. Along the way you will be con­ Yellowstone Park Company will meet stantly amazed by a continuous series Union Pacific trains at Ashton to re­ of pulse-quickening sights . . . green, ceive and deliver patrons who hold virgin forests; National Park Moun­ tickets for regularly scheduled motor bus tours through Yellowstone tain; glimpses of the Madison River, National Park. and charming views of distant moun­ Between Ashton and the western tains. entrance of Yellowstone you ride Presently the chatter of the cascades through beautiful Targhee National · of Firehole River is heard. This is one Forest, see numerous ranches and re­ of Yellowstone's most bewitching sorts of the Island Park recreational area. Inbound a breakfast stop will be waterfalls. Oddly enough, while the made at Stage Coach Inn, at West Yel­ waters are warmed from geysers and lowstone, as well as a dinner stop for hot springs, the river is alive with outbound patrons. trout.

Along the Fi rehole River

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In the Lower Geyser Basin, Yellow­ of the Park are six major geyser basins. scone pares the curtain and stages a Each contains a number of geysers, gigantic thermal exhibit. Here the first pools and springs. This spectacular sec­ geysers come into view. There they cion of Y ellowscone is extremely fasci ­ are! Dipping and skyrocketing; spears nating. In the Lower Basin are numer­ of boiling water belch upward, daz­ ous well-known geysers, but in the zling white against the backdrop of Upper Basin famous Old Faithful blue skies and forest greenery. For probably will attract your first atten­ size, number, power and action, no tion. Moreover, near-by is Old Faithful other geysers in the world compare to Inn, where you will want co stay for chose of Y ellowscone. one or more delightful, pleasure-filled In the west and south-central parts days.

Riverside Geyser throws its column over the Firehole River Brilliant Pool and Comet Geyser

Park ranger-naturalists have pre­ heat, finally expanding enough to push pared an interesting display at Old out the column of water in a passage Faithful Visitor Center which reveals to the surface. This lowers the pres­ the intricate operation of geysers. A sure. The water now boils violently, miniature model geyser has been con­ and mixed with steam, rushes out the opening as a geyser eruption. After structed and its working parts may be the eruption, 'refilling begins, and the seen and understood. Water heated by process is repeated, with the interval volcanic rock collects in underground of eruption varying greatly from gey­ chambers. Under pressure, it gains ser to geyser. OLD FAITHFUL GEYSER Most famous of all geysers is Old water surges up from the surface pool. Faithful. It is everything you would Rapidly it gains momentum until it expect to see in a geyser. Old Faithful reaches a height of 140 feet or more. has the showman's touch, as well. With For four minutes it continues to a rumbling beneath the thin shell of play, and then gradually dies away. the earth, Old Faithful goes into ac­ Tiny wisps of steam linger a moment, tion. Then a hissing, boiling pillar of and then disappear. Old Faithful puts

7 To see Old Faithful at night is, per­ haps the most wondrous sight of all. Floodlights are thrown upon its tower­ ing plume, and the steaming column of water, thus caught in the vivid, white light, presents a spectacle which be­ comes an everlasting memory of your trip to Yellowstone.

Other Geysers Numerous other geysers equal or excel Old Faithful in volume or height, but few match its regularity. The Giant Geyser exceeds all others in the amount of water expelled. Its jet of steaming water sometimes reaches 250 feet, and continues for an entire hour, and signs of an eruption become evident several hours in advance. Giant Geyser tops all others Other popular geysers include the Beehive, Daisy, Plume, Riverside, Grotto, Castle and the Sawmill. Their on its show within a few minutes of a descriptive names are derived from predicted time. The average interval their fantastic and unusual character. between eruptions is 65 minutes. For sheer individual splendor, the Grand, Giantess, Morning, Splendid It is staggering to conceive just how and Great Fountain Geysers are note­ much water Old Faithful hurls sky­ worthy. ward during each of its extraordinary performances. It has been estimated, Pools and Springs however, that in a single day this gey­ When you gaze into the shimmer­ ser discharges approximately 250,000 ing blue waters of Firehole Lake, jets gallons of water. of hot gas can readily be seen. The

8 flame-like effect led to this lake being named "Firehole."

There are other odd sights in the basins. Fountain Paint Pot looks like a por of boiling paint, bur it is merely hot multi-colored clay. is so named because of irs flower­ like cone and color. Black Sand Pool is a hot spring. Sapphire Pool, accu­ rately named in the past because of its resemblance to a blue gem, recently became a full-fledged and spectacular geyser.

The "DevWs Punch Bowl" The Continental Divide After leaving Old Faithful, you soon come to Kepler Cascade. Here a whole series of captivating waterfalls descend about 150 feet, the magic waters sing­ ing as they fall.

Going East 17 miles from Old Faith­ ful to --your next stop-through an accident of geog­ raphy, you cross the Continental Divide twice. The Divide winds through the southwest quarter of the Park. Waters flow northward from it into the Atlantic drainage, and south­ ward via the Snake and Columbia rivers into the Pacific. Kepler Cascade


Speedboat party on Yellowstone Lake

Countless v1s1tors spend as much time as possible at the Lake. After the first visit this can be readily under­ stood. It is ideal for camping and fish­ Yellowstone Lake covers approxi­ ing, and the stimulating air at this alti­ mately 139 square miles. Its shore line tude is invigorating and delightfully is 100 miles long. It is a mile and a refreshing. half above sea level, one of the largest You may take a pleasant boat trip mountain lakes in the world. The blue and explore its distant shores or, if you of its waters against the surrounding wish, you may engage a motor or row­ snow-capped mountains makes it one boat, at a nominal rate, for a pleasure of nature's grandest pictures. cruise or to try your luck at angling.

10 (Right) Yellowstone Lake, a mighty inland "sea"

GRAND CANYON of the YELLOWSTONE The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, The Upper and Lower Falls as seen from either Artist Point or Inspiration Point, is one of the truly As the flows great wonders of the West. It is hard from Yellowstone Lake toward the to conceive of such breath-taking Missouri River and the Gulf of Mex­ beauty. Once you have gazed into its ico, it leisurely twists and winds jagged depths, alive with color, you through the Park until, about fifteen will never forget it, nor would you if miles from its source, the river is con­ you could. verged to a width of less than fifty Perhaps you stand on the rim, and feet. Through foaming cataracts it gaze down into a seemingly bottom­ suddenly rushes forward to hurtle less void. Eagles and fishhawks quite down 109 feet in a graceful fall known likely will be circling far below. The as the Upper Falls of the Yell ow­ sides of the ragged pit will be painted stone. The velocity of flow is so great with myriads of shifting, changing, at the crest that the water pours over vivid colors, with shades of yellow pre­ the lip of the canyon in a graceful arc. dominating. In the bright sunlight the On approaching the Grand Canyon, canyon flames in glory. The river's a good view of the Upper Falls may roar rises and fades with the shifting be had from an observation point winds. about one quarter mile below Chit­ Grand Canyon-richly named! tenden Bridge. From Artist Point it is nearly 1,600 A short distance below the Upper feet to the opposite side. There is a Falls the swift, surging torrent again sheer drop of nearly 800 feet below comes to a mighty precipice, this the platform on which you stand. time with a drop of 308 feet-the Down there lies the green, serpentine famous Lower. Falls. Plunging over, Yellowstone River. Your gaze follows it leaps downward with a thunderous the curve of the canyon to where, in roar, and disappears in a cloud of the distance, may be seen the silvery spray, presenting an unforgettable pic­ sheet of the Lower Falls plummeting ture. A third of the fall is hidden be­ downward in a billowy cloud of misty hind this vast cloud of spray which spray. conceals the mad play of the waters You can also see the Canyon from beneath. other angles and obtain a fuller real­ Not far from the Canyon Village ization of its majestic beauty. This is a stairway leading to the top of the may be done at Point Lookout, or Lower Falls. It may also be viewed farther up, at the Grand View. from Uncle Tom's Trail which goes Time stands still at this mighty to the bottom of the Canyon from chasm. However long you stare in the South Rim. Looking upward at silent wonder, it seems like but a the roaring cataract from the foot of fleeting moment. the trail, you are awed by its wild


Lower Falls from Uncle Tom's Trail Looking down Yellowstone Canyon from Lower Falls

(Uncle Tom's Trail on left) 15 Graceful Tower Fall

and unharnessed power. Sunlight gives Mammoth, you see Tower Fall, one additional charm to the scene by form­ of the most graceful waterfalls in the ing multi-colored rainbows in the world. Plunging 132 feet into a cav­ filmy clouds of ascending spray. ernous basin, rimmed with stately evergreens, the Fall gets it name from Tower Fall the tower -like spires of rock that guard Tower Creek's approach to the Leaving Grand Canyon, which you precipice. do reluctantly, your route is north to­ ward Mammoth Hot Springs. Along Mammoth Hot Springs Area the way are many interesting views. About midway between Canyon and From Tower Fall, travelers follow

16 the road to Mammoth Hot Springs, More Geysers-Norris Basin , I site of the Park headquarters. Upon leaving Mammoth Hot Along the sides of the hill, from Springs, on the way back to We~t which the natural springs flow, are YellowstOne, you come upon Norns a group of steps or terraces over which Geyser Basin. Its geysers spout at fre ­ spread the steaming waters of hot quent intervals and its steam vents springs, laden with minera!s. Each noisily erupt great volumes of vapor. descending step has been tinted by Constant, Minute Man and Whirligig the algae (plant life) , living in the are some of the geysers. Emerald, hot water, in a thousand tones. So Opal, Iris and Congress are a few vivid are these colors that they ap­ of the pools. pear to vibrate and glow in. the sun­ light. Some of the older sprmgs have Enchanting Gibbon Falls will add now dried up, but about twenty are another lingering memory of your still active. trip through Norris Geyser Basin.

Fantastic Norris Geyser Basin



When making a trip ro Yellow­ Sublette named it for a fellow trapper, stOne, you should-by all means-in­ David E. Jackson, a "hole" being, in clude a visit to Grand Teran National trapper vernacular, a valley surrounded Park in what is known as the Jack­ by mountains. son Hole area, rich in pioneer hisrory ~ Although the two Parks are geo­ I when it was the crossroads of the graphical neighbors, there is very North American fur trade. little scenic similarity when you com­ pare them. As you know, Y ellowsrone The Jackson Hole region, and that has its unusual attractions such as area now set aside as Grand Teton geysers, waterfalls, bubbling pools and National Park, became known to wild life. In contrast, Grand Teton white men in 1807-8 when John Col-. is a region of mountainous grandeur, ter crossed the range on the memo­ with glaciated valleys of enchanting rable trip which resulted in his dis­ beauty with sparkling streams and covery of YellowstOne. lakes. The colorful tide "Jackson's Hole" The most imposing sight of all is dates back ro 1829 when Capt. Wm. the Teran Mountain range. These rugged peaks, snow-topped year 'round, form a majestic background. The dom­ inating peak is Grand Teto n which towers 7,000 feet above the valley MA~MOTh.-.A -:c. floor. You will find yourself think­ WEST ~ ing of the descriptive words "breath­ EN TRANCE CANYON '" taking beauty" and that is exactly ~LAK E what it is. Besides its pinacled peaks and ma­ jestic canyons, Grand Teran includes five large lakes and dozens of smaller bodies of water; glaciers, snowfields, YELLOWSTONE NATL. PK. and a green forest empire of pine, fir and spruce. Much of the Park is above timberline. ~ ctltltl BAY - ,.t;._ JACKSON LAKE !iJ So, don't fail to include Grand JACKSONLAKE • LODGE I S? Teton with Yellowstone. It will double ,...,., c;! l MNfiiKftOoGE ~ the enjoyment of your vacation. As GRAND- TETON NATL . PK. ~ you can see from a glance at the map, the Jackson Hole area is just south of Yellowstone's southern border -only 6 miles between Parks.

(Left) Mt. Teewinot from Jenny Lake


Famed for its picture window views Hotel and cottage conveniences have of the Teton Range, the commodious been deftly blended at Jackson Lake Jackson Lake Lodge brings modern Lodge. The large central lodge build­ hotel comfort to a mountain wilder­ ing, on a bluff overlooking Jackson ness area. Opened in 1955, it repre­ Lake at some 7,000-feet elevation, con­ sents a gift to the American people rains lounge areas, restaurants, shops, from Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., service facilities, and fifty guest rooms. who helped assure the preservation There are an additional 300 rooms in for future generations of what is now spacious guest cottages on the grounds. Grand Teton National Park. Among other features of Jackson Lake Jackson Lake Lodge is one of three Lodge are- facilities operated for Park visitors by A mammoth main lounge with a sixty­ the Grand Teton Lodge Company; foot picture window of the Tetons and others are Jenny Lake Lodge and two giant sized fireplaces ... Colter Bay Village. All income is de­ A distinctive cocktail lounge with an early western stockade motif . . vored to the maintenance, operation, and improvement of the facilities and A 500-seat coffee shop dining room, lined with picture windows and fea­ to further. the conservation program of turing delicious meals prepared by a Jackson Hole Preserve, Incorporated. master chef

22 (Lower-Interior ol cabin, Jenny Lake Lodge) AND GUEST COTTAGES

A counter-style restaurant, the Foun­ ities 1n Jackson Hole. Sightseeing is tain Room, offering "snack" service another favorite, particularly on one throughout the day and in the eve­ nings . .. of the regular ~us trips through the An auditorium seating 600 persons for Park or by boat across Jackson Lake evening programs and for early- and to the very foot of the Tetons. There late-season conventions and g roup is mountain climbing for the serious meetings ... alpinist and a mountain climbing Various shops and services, including gift shop, barber and beauty shops, school for the tyro. Pack trips are service station, corral, and first aid ... easily arranged, and one of the new In other words, Jackson Lake Lodge diversions is the ali-day float trip 30 offers complete hotel facilities at rea­ miles down the winding . sonable prices. Everywhere is lure for the camera lens, whether held by amateur or profes­ Recreational Activities sional, and the colorful western town Horseback riding, fishing in both of Jackson offers excellent shopping lake and stream, and hiking over and entertainment opportunities. In miles of trails to observe wildlife in the evenings there are campfire pro­ their natural habitat or magnificent grams, illustrated Ranger talks, and alpine wildflowers are popular activ- occasional informal square dances.

23 Attractive modern cabins at Colter Boy

Colfer Boy Marinoi Jackson Lake COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELER

Guest cottages at Jackson Lake campgrounds, trailer village, and fully Lodge are large and unusually com­ developed marina for enjoying the fortable. Each has two double beds for fishing and boating pleasures of Jack­ family vacationing needs, a sparkling son Lake. tile bathroom with combination tub and shower, and custom designed fur­ Grand Teron Lodge Company facili­ nishings including draperies with a ties in Jackson Hole are open from trapper motif. Full telephone and room early June ro mid-September every service is afforded and they are just year, with some accommodations a step away from the main lodge available from Memorial Day until building where the finest in food is October first. served at modest prices. It is advisable ro make room reser­ The Colter Bay area, six miles north Vfltions as far in advance as possible. of Jackson Lake Lodge on the shores You can ask your nearest Union Pa­ of Jackson Lake, is another new vis­ cific ticker office to make reserva­ iror center in the Park with attractive tions for you, or write direct to the log cabin accommodations for budget­ Reservations Office, Grand Teton conscious vacationing, a group of tent­ Lodge Company, Jackson, cabin units with housekeeping facili­ (from October 15 to May 15-209 ties, a light and airy cafeteria, stores, Post Street, San Francisco 8, Calif.) . Oxbow Bend ol the Snoke River with Jackson Lake and Telons JENNY LAKE LODGE Within a few miles of Jackson Lake ing its unique charm, Jenny Lake Lodge there is the Jenny Lake Lodge, Lodge has accommodations for some situated in a forested vale surrounded 76 persons. The log cottages scattered by scenic grandeur. The Cathedral through the forested area around th"e group of the mighty Teton mountain central lodge are tastefully appointed, range forms an impressive and in­ have restful beds, and private baths. spiring background. Delightful trails A roaring fire burns each evening in lead to three near-by Alpine lakes: the fireplace of the central lounge Jenny, Leigh and String Lake. Rush­ and the meals are exceptional, with ing streams and waterfalls cascade Sunday night buffet a special event. down the mountain slopes. Beneath the towering Teton peaks, The area provides unusually good Jenny Lake Lodge is most appreciated lake and stream fishing. Saddle horses by those who demand the finest in are available for hire. It is an en­ accommodations and a rustic, informal joyable experience to follow the wind­ atmosphere. ing trails through woodlands and With three fine facilities available flower-carpeted valleys. ... Jenny Lake, Jackson Lake, and Jenny Lake Lodge offers the ulti­ Colter Bay ... visitors to the Grand mate in quiet, peaceful vacationing. Teton region are assured of the best Recently refurbished to make it more in accommodations in one of Amer­ comfortable than ever while preserv- ica's most beautiful scenic areas.

The ''small fry" go west­ 26 ern at Jenny Lake Lodge



The Yellowstone visitor is well housed and well fed. The hotels fur­ nish modern, comfortable accommo­ dations, and only the finest of foods are served.

Old Faithful Inn Old Faithful Inn is unique among hotels. Constructed entirely of native logs and stone, it is utterly charming. A massive fireplace in the lounge gives forth warmth and cheerfulness for evening gatherings. Off the lobby is "The Bear Pit," a charming cock­ " The Bear Pit" tail lounge.

28 Lake Hotel Lodge, and Cottages Lake Hotel, a colonial-style hotel, overlooks Yellowstone Lake. This lake is the highest and the most beautiful lake of its size in the United States. Rail patrons will enjoy an overnight stay at Lake Hotel. It is ideally situ­ ated near the center of the Park and for those desiring more time for boat­ ing and fishing on Lake Yellowstone. Near-by, too, is the famous Fishing Bridge over the Yellowstone River from which many cutthroat trout are caught. No fishing license is required in Yellowstone Park. Lake Lodge has been remodeled and enlarged and the many cabins mod­ ernized. Famous fishing Bridge

Pleasure boating or fishing on Yellowstone lake is thrilling The New Canyon Village room seating 210 guests, a coffee shop for 66, and a cafeteria seating 300 at Canyon Village is the first major one time. In the Lodge there is also "" project started and com­ a cocktail lounge, barber shop, beauty pleted in any national park. "Mission shop, camera shop, gift shop and a 66" begun in 1956 by the National general lounge. 'Park Service, is the 10-year program designed to increase visitor facilities An important tourist facility in the in the national parks, and at the same new Canyon Village is the National time, give added protection ro natural Park Service Visiror Center opened in features. 1958. The new village blends with its natural surroundings of pine forest and Canyon Village, an eight-million­ the rugged beauty of YellowstOne's dollar development, is a complete vil­ mountains. Nearby is the Grand Can­ lage in every sense. It houses approxi­ yon as well as the tOwering Upper and mately 1,550 guests in more than 500 Lower Falls. Only a short distance modern, motel-type living units. away are Inspiration Point, Artist . The new Canyon Village Lodge, Point and other spectacular views of p1ct~red a?ove, is in a contemporary­ the Canyon. rustiC des1gn and contains a dining Mammoth Hotel and Cottages Headquarters of Yellowstone Na­ tional Park are at Mammoth Hot Springs. Here are located the office of the Park Superintendent and other executive offices of the park admin­ istration, and of the Yellowstone Park Company and Haynes Picture Shops. A post office and Visirors' Center are located at this point, as is Mam-

Dining room, Canyon Vi liege lodge 30 Mammoth Hotel and Dining Room mouth Hot Springs Hotel. Mammoth . as richly as some city hotels, but with is ideally situated in a charming high­ inviting charm as befits a resort deep land valley among som~ of the most in the Rocky Mountains. Every bed­ striking mountain scenery in the Park. room has hot and cold water, but not all rooms have private bath. For this "Postscript" reason, standard Yellowstone tour Hotels, the world over, have certain tickets at $56.95 do not include rooms personalities, and guests in Yellow­ with private bath. Convenient detached stone Park are immediately conscious bathrooms are available. that each Yellowstone hotel has a dis­ Meals are excellent and bountiful tinctive character. They are on a to suit keen appetites, which the magnificent scale, like the Park itself, mountain air never fails to stimulate. their architecture complementing the There is an air of hospitable in­ carefully-chosen locations. formality about. the Yellowstone Guest rooms are pleasant and com­ hotels, with employees extending skill­ fortable, furnished in good taste, not ful and courteous attention.

Minerva Terrace at Mammoth Hot Springs YELLOWSTONE WILD LIF E

Bears Yellowstone has long been renowned as a refuge for wild ani­ mals. While the visitor may not see many animals from the highway, the silent watcher on the trails will not be disappointed. A 1959 visitor to Yel­ lowstone reported seeing as many as 58 bears on or from the park loop road Moose in one day. The famous Yellowstone brown and black bears are the ones most fre­ quently seen. The less-sociable grizzlies are seldom seen. Park regulations forbid feeding, touching or teasing the bears. Ob­ serve them only from a safe distance.

Pronghorn Other Animals Tramping a forest trail your foot­ steps may disturb a deer that bounds away at your approach. In some of the grassy valleys of Yellowstone are immense herds of elk. Bands of big­ horn sheep scale the rocky heights with amazing agility. Buffalo roam the eastern section of Mountain Sheep the Park, away from the main roads. Quite likely you will catch glimpses of other animals- antelope, moose, coyote, beaver, porcupine, squirrel and mink, some of which are pictured here. More than 200 species of birds spend their summers in the Park. Eagles may be seen among the crags. Wild ducks and geese are abundant. Many large, white swans and pelicans Deer lend charm to Yellowstone Lake.

32 A part of Yellowstone's buffalo herd

A frisky fellow

33 Mother bear and cub go for a stroll Fishing Yellowstone is a fisherman's dream come true. Nearly all the streams and lakes contain one or more species of trout. Whitefish and grayling may also be caught. Fishing equipment is obtainable in the Park. No license An eager beaver required.

34 Herd of elk on the alert Other Forms of Recreation Y ellowsrone offers many forms of healthful recreation. Hiking is popu­ lar. Safe horseback trails beckon. Sad­ dle horses and guides are available at Mammoth Hot Springs, Old Faith­ ful and Grand Canyon. Some "added attractions" to the rec­ reation schedule were started in 1959 and which have proven popular are: Stagecoach Rides and Cook-ours to. Pleasant Valley (from Roosevelt Lodge ); Fish Frys on Stevenson Island (from Lake Hotel dock ); and bus ~rips tO summit of Mt. Washburn (from Canyon Village and or from Lake Hotel) . Entertainment Every minute of the day is pleasant at YellowstOne and the evening hours, roo, are filled with fun. Impromptu entertainments, lectures, music for dancing and for lisrening round out the day. There are National Park Serv­ ice Visitors' Centers at each major

Square dance af Old Faithful lodge center in the Park. Ranger-naturalist rours and evening talks (as pictured below) are offered. 35 ESCORTED, ALL-EXPENSE TOURS (From Chicago and Omaha) Why not enjoy a really carefree va­ Springs and Rocky Mountain National cation this summer by joining one of Park. Other tours visit the scenic won­ the delightful all-expense, escorted derlands of Zion, Bryce and Grand tours operated by our Department of Canyon National Parks, and include Tours? You know in advance what Denver. California tours visit Yosemite your trip will cost. You'll travel with National Park and other principal at­ congenial companions. Competent es­ tractions in the state such as Disney­ corts look after all travel details leav­ land, and include Las Vegas, Nevada, ing you free to enjoy every precious and Hoover Dam. One of our most minute of your vacation. There's a popular tours is that to the Pacific variety of tours from which to choose Northwest via the beautiful Columbia leaving Chicago weekly during the River Gorge, includes Portland, season. Tacoma, Mount Rainier National Park, Yellowstone tours include Grand Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver and re­ Teton National Park and Salt Lake turns via the Canadian Rockies (Lake City, and are combined with other at­ Louise and Banff). tractions such as Denver's Mountain For descriptive literature or reserva­ Parks or Rocky Mountain National tions, address Union Pacific Depart­ Park in Colorado, or with Zion, Bryce ment of Tours, One South LaSalle and Grand Canyon National Parks in Srreet, Chicago 3, Illinois, any Union Utah and Arizona. There are other Pacific representative (see directory or tours to Colorado including Colorado page 44), or see your travel agenr. Coaches have deep-cushioned, reclining seats with "stretch out" leg rests. Patrons using either Domeliner "City of Portland" or "City ol Los Angeles" during trip to or lrom Yellowstone or Grand Teton Parks will enioy the thrill ol our Dome Dining cars, the only such dining cars in the world.

INDEPENDENT MOTOR BUS TRIPS THROUGH YELLOWSTONE AND GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARKS Persons who travel independently by railroad make a complete all­ expense circle trip of Yellowstone, or in combination with Grand Teton National Park, in comfortable, modern motor buses, operated by competent and inf ormed driver-guides. These circle trips assure your seeing all of the outstanding sights within the Parks. Meals and lodgings are at the hotels in Yellowstone, or at Jackson Lake Lodge.



Travelers en route to or from Yel­ lowstone may arrange to stop over at beautiful Salt Lake City. Visitors come from all over the world to see the fa­ mous Mormon Temple, or take a dip in Great Salt Lake-a novel experi­ ence. There is a free organ concert daily during the noon-hour for visitors to the Mormon Tabernacle. In and around Salt Lake City are many other inter­ esting sights.

World Famous Mormon Temple Grounds, Salf Lake City Make your own 11Westerns" lrom a Dome Coach or Lounge Car UNION PACIFIC TRAIN SERVICE

Union Pacific serves both Yellow­ enter the Park from Ashton, Idaho, and scone and Grand Teton National Parks depart from Victor, Idaho, Gardiner, via either Ashton or Victor, Idaho, and or Red Lodge, Montana, or Cody, Wy­ during the Park Season offers conveni­ oming-ocher gateways to the Park. ent service from the East and Pacific Coast. Traveling Union Pacific to Yellow­ stone and Grand Teton National Parks During the Park season, also, round from the East one can include stop­ trip rickets are sold at nearly all sta­ tions in the United Scares and Canada overs at Denver, Ogden and Salt Lake to Ashton-Yellowstone Park, or to Vic­ City. cor, Idaho; you may enter via either These parks are also a pleasurable gateway and return from the other. side trip from Salt Lake City, Ogden, From any place in the United Stares or Pocatello for travelers ro or from rickets may be routed so passengers the Pacific Coast. 39 UNION PACIFIC'S ((DOUBLE FEATURE"

Combines Yellowstone and GO IN ONE WAY Grand Teton National Parks For those desiring this "double" vacation treat- Union Pacific's two Park gateways make it most conven­ ient. During the summer season through sleeping cars and coaches op­ erate from Salt Lake City, Utah, and Pocatello, Idaho, to Ashton-Yellow­ stone Park and Victor, Idaho (see map .. inside back cover). Through trains ...... •• from Chicago and St. Louis as well as from Pacific Coast points, make con­ venient connections with these through awL cars at Ogden, Salt Lake City or Poca­ tello. You will enjoy Union Pacific's UTTHE OTHER fine Domeliner or Streamliner service as an "added attraction." The Main Lounge, downstairs in the Dome Lounge Car IN addition to Yellowstone-Grand Teton National Parks, Union Pacific also serves:

PACIFIC NORTHWEST A trip to the scenic and magnificent Pa­ cific Northwest can easily be combined with a trip to Yellowstone.

SUN VALLEY, IDAHO America's foremost vacation and sports cen­ ter is just a short side trip from Ogden, or Salt Lake City, Utah, or Pocatello, Idaho. Offers complete summer and winter sports programs in season.

SOUTHERN UTAH ARIZONA NATIONAL PARKS Zion, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon Na­ tional Parks can easily be visited in con­ nection with a trip to Yellowstone, or en route to or from California.

CALIFORNIA With a variety of climate, scenic attractions and outdoor activities, California provides everything for the perfect vacation. Served by Union Pacific to Los Angeles and San Francisco.

COLORADO The Rocky Mountain wonderland, where East meets West. Served by fine Union Pacific trains from all parts of the country.

41 · The Na­ MEDICAL FACILITIES Physicians have tional Park Service, U. S. Department of headquarters at Mammoth Hot Springs and the Interior, has full jurisdiction over Y el­ are available for service at any place in lowstone National Park and is represented the Park. Also at Mammoth Hot Springs by a resident Superintendent, whose head­ is a well-equipped hospital with skilled quarters are at Mammoth Hot Springs. The personnel. Trained nurses are also stationed National Park Service of which Conrad L. in each hotel. Rates are the same as pre­ Wirth is director, has jurisdiction over all vail in cities near the Park. national parks. SADDLE HORSE TRIPS AND GUIDES WHAT TO WEAR Warm clothing Saddle horses and competent guides are should be worn, and one should be pre­ available at the Yellowstone Park hotels pared for the sudden changes of tempera­ and Grand Teton Lodge Company facilities ture common at an altitude of 7,500 feet. at reasonable rates approved by the Na­ Visitors should have medium weight over­ tional Park Service. Horseback trips afford coats, jackets, "windbreakers" or sweaters. opportunities to get far away from roads Stout outing shoes are best suited for walk­ and beaten paths into the remoter scenic ing about the geyser formations and ter­ regions and to see many of the more timid races, and for mountain use. Women's or­ wild animals that inhabit the Park. dinary street shoes are not well adapted for these walks. Tinted glasses, serviceable gloves and a pair of field or opera glasses will be found useful. BAGGAGE The Yellowstone Park Com­ pany will carry free, rwo pieces of hand baggage for each person, not exceeding 60 lbs. in total weight. (Grand Teton Lodge Company's limit is 50 lbs.) Additional pieces of hand baggage, for complete tour of park-$1.00 each, charged by Yellow­ stone Park Company and by Grand Teton Lodge Company. There is no arrangement for carrying trunks into the Parks. CHURCH SERVICES The chapel in Yellowstone National Park is located at Mammoth Hot Springs. Protestant and Catholic services are held every Sunday in the chapel and at other points in the Park, and are bulletined in hotels.

42 MAIL, TELEGRAPH AND TELE­ PHONE The main post office in the Park 11 Yellowstone Park, Wyoming and is lo­ c,ued at Mammoth Hot Springs. Guests FOR THE !COpping at hotels should have their mail ddressed to Old Faithful Inn, to Canyon CAMERA FAN Village, Lake Hotel or to Mammoth Hotel, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, depending at which place the addressee will be when the mail is received. Mail for travelers in Grand Teton Park should be addressed care of individual lodge where you plan to stay. Telegraph and telephone service between all hotels; telegraph to all parts of the Yellowstone has everything for the camera world; telephone connections throughout addict, but the Park presents some subjects the United States. Address your message to rather difficult to caprure satisfactorily. the hotel where addressee will be. If the person is at some point other than that of In either color or black and white the receipt, delivery of message entails a for­ geysers are best photographed with quar­ warding charge. Money transfers at all tering or slightly back light. Use panchro­ hotels in the Park. matic film and a fairly strong yellow filter or even a light red filter. ' PECIAL AUTOMOBILE SERVICE Color shots of Old Faithful are best made The Yellowstone Park Company and the very early in the morning or late in the Grand Teton Lodge Company both have afternoon. If you are lucky enough to catch .turo-rental services at reasonable rates. Ad­ a color shot of an eruption against a sunset vance reservation must be made. sky you will have a prize. UIDE AND LECTURE SERVICE Hot pools demand considerable exposure to reproduce the color in the depths of the fhe National Park Service has established pool. Do not waste time on hot pools if .1 narure guide service at Mammoth Hot prings, Old Faithful, West Thumb, Nor­ the day is cool and steam obscures the subjects. On such days the geysers give their ris, Lake and Canyon, where guides and best photographic eruptions. lecrurers are maintained on the naruralist force to explain and interpret Park fea­ In shooting geysers use a fast speed. Expose tures to the public. Trips are made afield, for the white and let the rest of the picrure Jnd are so arranged as to be available to fall into a low key. everybody. This service is free, as are the In using an exposure meter in Y ellowsrone evening lecrures on the history, geology, be careful to see that bright areas in the flora and fauna. foreground do not give a false reading. At Mammoth Hot Springs is a combined Your questions regarding either still or Visitors' Center and information office near moving picture photography in Yellowstone the administration headquarters and post will be answered fully if you will address office. There are interesting Visitors' Cen­ Manager, Photographic Department, Union ters also at Madison Junction, Old Faithful, Pacific Railroad, Union Pacific Bldg., 1416 Fishing Bridge, Canyon Village and Norris. Dodge Street, Omaha 2, Nebraska.

CONSULT UNION PACIFIC REPRE- HAYNES PICTURE SHOPS Pictures, ENTATIVES Any Union Pacific repre­ albums, guide books, postcards, camera sup­ sentative at the addresses listed on page 44 plies and printing and developing service will be glad to help you plan a trip to Yel­ may be had at Haynes Picture Shops lo­ lowstone Park or to any of the other places cated in the hotels and lodges and else­ reached by the Union Pacific Railroad. where in the Park.


Let one of Union Pacific's courteous and in­ formed representatives assist you with the details of your trip. There is no cost to you and you will find his helpful suggestions will add materially to your enjoyment of the trip. Write, phone, or call at any of the Union Pacific offices listed below.

Aberdeen, Wash ..... 3 Union Passenger Sta. New York 20, N. Y...... 626 Fifth Ave. Alhambra, Cal...... 51 S. Garfield Ave. Suite 350, Rockefeller Center Atlanta 3, Ga ...... Oakland 12, Ca1...... 214 Central Bldg ...... 705 Fulton Nat'l Bank Bldg . Ogden, Utah ...... Rm . 100, Un ion Station Bend, Ore ...... 1054 Bond St. Omaha 2, Nebr ..... Cor. 15th & Dodge Sts. Beverly Hills, Cal...... 251 N. Beverly Dr . Pasadena 1, Cai ...... Union Pacific Station Birm in'gham 3, Ala ...... Philadelphia 2, Pa ...... 701 Brown-Marx Bldg...... 904 Girard Trust Bldg. Boise, lda ..... ldaho Bldg ., 212 N. 8th St. Pittsburgh 22, Pa ...... 1419 Oliver Bldg. Boston 8, Mass ...... 294 Washington St. Bremerton, Wash ...... 228 First St. Pocatello, ldaho ...... Union Pacific Station Butte, Mont ...... 609 Metals Bank Bldg . Pomona, Cai...... Union Pacific Station Cheyenne, Wyo ...... 121 W. 15th St. Portland 5, Ore ...... Chicago 3, 111 ...... 1 S. LaSalle St...... 701 S.W. Washington St. Cincinnati 2, 0 .. .303 Dixie Terminal Bldg. Reno, Nev ...... 501 N. Virg inia St. Cleveland 13, 0 ..... 1407 Terminal Tower Riverside, Cai ...... Union Pacific Station Dallas 1, Tex ...... St. Joseph 9, Mo ...... 602 Corby Bldg. ______...... 21 08 Mercantile Bank Bldg . St. louis 1, Mo ..... 1223 Ambassacror Bldg. Denver 2, Colo ...... 535 Seventeenth St. Sacramento 14, Cal...... 217 Forum Bldg. Des Moines 9, la ...... 407 Equitable Bldg . Sal t lake City 11 , Utah ...... Detroit 26, Mich ...... 612 Book Bldg...... 417 S. Main St. E. los Angeles, Cal...5454 Ferguson Drive San Diego 1, Cal ...... 320 Broadway Eugene, Ore ...... 163 East 12th Ave. San Francisco 5, Cal...... 405 Market St. Fresno 1, Cal...... 207 Rowell Bldg. San Jose 13 , Cal ...... Glendale 3, Cal ...... 406 N. Brand Blvd...... 811 Bank of America Bldg. Hollywood 28, Cal ...... San Pedro, Cal ...... 805 S. Pacific Ave...... 6702 Hollywood Blvd. Santa Ana, Cal ...... 305 N. Main St. Huntington Park, Cal. ... .7002 Pacific Blvd. Santa Monica, Cal...... Kansas City 6, Mo ...... 2 E. Eleventh St...... ______307 Santa Monica Blvd. las Vegas, Nev ...... Union Pacific Station Seattle 1, Wash ...... 1300 Fourth Ave. lewiston, ldaho ...... Room 7, Union Depot Spokane 1, Wash ...... Union Station lincoln 8, Nebr .... ______234 S. 13th St. Stockton 6, Cal...... 206 California Bldg. long Beach 2, Cal...... Tacoma 2, Wash ...... 114 S. Ninth St. ______...... 221 long Beach Blvd. Toronto 1, Ontario ...... longview, Wash .. ______... 1453 Broadway ...... 201 Canadian Pacific Bldg. los Angeles 14, Cal...... 434 W. Sixth St. Tulsa 3, Okla ...... 721 Kennedy Bldg. Medford, Ore ...... ______1307 W. Main St. Vancouver, B. C ...... 315 Burrard Bldg. Memphis 3, Tenn ...... 1137 Sterick Bldg . Walla Walla, Wash ... Union Pacific Station Milwaukee 3, Wis ...... 814 Warner Bldg . Washington 5, D. C... 600 Shoreham Bldg. Minneapolis 2, Minn ...... Winston-Salem 3, N. C ...... 890 Northwestern Bank Bldg...... 311 Reynolds Bldg . New Orleans 12, la ...... 210 Baronne St. Yakima, Wash ...... Union Pacifi c Bldg .


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