(Front Cover) Old Faithful Geyser NATURE'S WONDERLAND Truly, Yellowstone National Park is a wonderland of nature. Poets have written about it, and artists have painted it, but to believe that such a scenic region is possible, you must see with your own eyes the spouting geysers, bubbling cauldrons, giant can­ yons and other spectacular phenomena, all of which presents a flashing brilliance of motion and color which you will never forget. Yellowstone is the largest, the oldest and, perhaps, the best known of America's many national parks. It is at once weird, incredible and magnificent in its rugged, wild beauty. It is one of the greatest wild-life sanctuaries in the world. Frontiersman John Colter discovered the fabulous area, and Jackson Hole, by ~hance in the winter of 1807-08. Colter had been sent by the celebrated trader, Manuel Lisa, to the headwaters of the Bighorn River to find the Indians for trading purposes. Coming home Colter sought a short cut and stumbled upon the mystery of Yellowstone. When he told his friends of the fantastic land he had seen, they refused to believe him. Twenty years later Jim Bridger brought back a report similar ro Colter's, bur he, roo, was greeted with winks and smiles. Finally, however, the Wash­ burn-Doane Expedition, headed by H. D. Wash­ burn, Surveyor-General of Montana, was organized in August, 1870, and accompanied by an army de­ rail, officially investigated the phenomena in the Park. They encountered innumerable fascinating won­ ders that even Colter, Bridger and other explorers had missed. They were determined that Yellowstone should be preserved in all irs primeval beauty for the enjoyment of all Americans. Their enthusiasm was boundless. Largely because of their efforts a bill was passed through Congress on March 1, 1872, and the rugged wilderness was set aside as Yellow­ stOne National Park. Since that rime millions of travelers have seen the glory that is Yellowstone's. Thousands return year after year. Still others come only once, bur they consider it the trip of a lifetime. 2 SEEING YELLOWSTONE PARK You may see Yellowstone National the alluring appeal, the charm, and Park in your own way. Roam the tonic effect of Yellowstone's beauty. trails alone, or with an experienced However, if you can stay for only a guide, as you prefer. But, by all means, limited period, you can still see all bring your camera! the principal points of interest. Yellowstone is your park! It has You can live as modestly or as lav­ been provided with fine roads and ishly as your choice dictates. In trav­ modern hotels so that you may enjoy eling about the Park you may select its wonders in comfort. You are gen- · the style of accommodations that ap­ uinely welcome to come and stay as peals most to you. You can go by long as you like. You could easily Park motor bus with other visitors, stay all summer and never exhaust or there is convenient Rent-a-Car serv- Fishing the Firehole River The wonders ol Yellowstone ore explained by Ranger-naturalists. Ke with insured cars available at half days. Leisure scops are made to government approved rates. properly see all the chief scenic at­ Splendid camping sites may be tractions. found in all parts of the Park. At the Another advantage of selecting a main centers of interest are modern pre-arranged tOur is that it eliminates hotels, as well as clean, comfortable the anxiety of driving your own car cabins. Service and accommodations over unfamiliar mountain roads. With­ are excellent and one cannot help but out stress and strain, completely re­ marvel at such comfort and luxury in laxed, you're all the more free tO enjoy the depths of the wilderness. Y ellowsrone' s wondrous sights. So that visitOrs may see as much of Bus drivers in Y ellowsrone Park are the Park as possible, in a limited thoroughly competent and reliable. amount of time, pre-arranged tOurs Rangers and Naturalists of the N a­ by motOr bus are operated. These tional Park Service give authoritative tours are especially appreciated by descriptions of the wonders of Yellow­ folk who travel by rail tO YellowstOne. scone during evening programs and on The rour consumes just two and one- guided walks. 4 ASHTON- YELLOWSTONE PARK The Union Pacific route to Yellow­ The first day's ride is a preview of stone National Park takes visitors to the promise that Yellowstone will ful­ Ashton, Idaho. Motor buses of the fill. Along the way you will be con­ Yellowstone Park Company will meet stantly amazed by a continuous series Union Pacific trains at Ashton to re­ of pulse-quickening sights . green, ceive and deliver patrons who hold virgin forests; National Park Moun­ tickets for regularly scheduled motor bus tours through Yellowstone tain; glimpses of the Madison River, National Park. and charming views of distant moun­ Between Ashton and the western tains. entrance of Yellowstone you ride Presently the chatter of the cascades through beautiful Targhee National · of Firehole River is heard. This is one Forest, see numerous ranches and re­ of Yellowstone's most bewitching sorts of the Island Park recreational area. Inbound a breakfast stop will be waterfalls. Oddly enough, while the made at Stage Coach Inn, at West Yel­ waters are warmed from geysers and lowstone, as well as a dinner stop for hot springs, the river is alive with outbound patrons. trout. Along the Fi rehole River ·- · ~. :- - ~~·,;~-~~~ ... t't' )>. _.# . •:,.. -..,.· •· '"' FIRST VIEW OF THE GEYSERS In the Lower Geyser Basin, Yellow­ of the Park are six major geyser basins. scone pares the curtain and stages a Each contains a number of geysers, gigantic thermal exhibit. Here the first pools and springs. This spectacular sec­ geysers come into view. There they cion of Y ellowscone is extremely fasci ­ are! Dipping and skyrocketing; spears nating. In the Lower Basin are numer­ of boiling water belch upward, daz­ ous well-known geysers, but in the zling white against the backdrop of Upper Basin famous Old Faithful blue skies and forest greenery. For probably will attract your first atten­ size, number, power and action, no tion. Moreover, near-by is Old Faithful other geysers in the world compare to Inn, where you will want co stay for chose of Y ellowscone. one or more delightful, pleasure-filled In the west and south-central parts days. Riverside Geyser throws its column over the Firehole River Brilliant Pool and Comet Geyser Park ranger-naturalists have pre­ heat, finally expanding enough to push pared an interesting display at Old out the column of water in a passage Faithful Visitor Center which reveals to the surface. This lowers the pres­ the intricate operation of geysers. A sure. The water now boils violently, miniature model geyser has been con­ and mixed with steam, rushes out the opening as a geyser eruption. After structed and its working parts may be the eruption, 'refilling begins, and the seen and understood. Water heated by process is repeated, with the interval volcanic rock collects in underground of eruption varying greatly from gey­ chambers. Under pressure, it gains ser to geyser. OLD FAITHFUL GEYSER Most famous of all geysers is Old water surges up from the surface pool. Faithful. It is everything you would Rapidly it gains momentum until it expect to see in a geyser. Old Faithful reaches a height of 140 feet or more. has the showman's touch, as well. With For four minutes it continues to a rumbling beneath the thin shell of play, and then gradually dies away. the earth, Old Faithful goes into ac­ Tiny wisps of steam linger a moment, tion. Then a hissing, boiling pillar of and then disappear. Old Faithful puts 7 To see Old Faithful at night is, per­ haps the most wondrous sight of all. Floodlights are thrown upon its tower­ ing plume, and the steaming column of water, thus caught in the vivid, white light, presents a spectacle which be­ comes an everlasting memory of your trip to Yellowstone. Other Geysers Numerous other geysers equal or excel Old Faithful in volume or height, but few match its regularity. The Giant Geyser exceeds all others in the amount of water expelled. Its jet of steaming water sometimes reaches 250 feet, and continues for an entire hour, and signs of an eruption become evident several hours in advance. Giant Geyser tops all others Other popular geysers include the Beehive, Daisy, Plume, Riverside, Grotto, Castle and the Sawmill. Their on its show within a few minutes of a descriptive names are derived from predicted time. The average interval their fantastic and unusual character. between eruptions is 65 minutes. For sheer individual splendor, the Grand, Giantess, Morning, Splendid It is staggering to conceive just how and Great Fountain Geysers are note­ much water Old Faithful hurls sky­ worthy. ward during each of its extraordinary performances. It has been estimated, Pools and Springs however, that in a single day this gey­ When you gaze into the shimmer­ ser discharges approximately 250,000 ing blue waters of Firehole Lake, jets gallons of water. of hot gas can readily be seen. The 8 flame-like effect led to this lake being named "Firehole." There are other odd sights in the basins. Fountain Paint Pot looks like a por of boiling paint, bur it is merely hot multi-colored clay. Morning Glory Pool is so named because of irs flower­ like cone and color. Black Sand Pool is a hot spring. Sapphire Pool, accu­ rately named in the past because of its resemblance to a blue gem, recently became a full-fledged and spectacular geyser.
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