Central State Teachers College Stevens Point, Wisconsin

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Central State Teachers College Stevens Point, Wisconsin Series III. No. 9 Whole No. 111 Central State Teachers College Stevens Point, Wisconsin BULLETIN Published Quar>ter>ly Central State Teachers College January-March, 1930 Thirty-seventh Year lllember of The American Association of Teachers College• Accredited Class A The Central S tate Teachers College has been dedicated to the preparation of teache·rs f or the public schools of Wisconsin. In a land whose very life hangs upon an informed initiative, a t1·ained intelligence, and a sense of social responsibility on the part of all its people, there can be no greate1· task. Proud of its mission, it confronts youth with this chc~llenge : Public Education is Ame1·ica's last frontier. Its positions of leadership still go to pioneer spirits. It demands steady nerves, ale1·t minds, and stout hearts. Possessing these, you can find in the p?·ofession of teach­ ing a task worth giving a life to. Yes, your life, your one life! Announcements for 1930-31 E:ntered at the Post Office at Stevens P oin t, Wis., as 2nd class matter. Accept ance for mailing at special r ate ot postage provided f or in sec· tion 1103 a c t of October 1917 a uthori7.erl September 19. 1918. IMPORTANT NOTICES FACULTY 1929-30 Degree courses are now offered which prepare for all fields of ROBERT DODGE BALDWIN .......................... President public school service. Princeton University B. A. 1913; University of Oregon; Colum­ bia University M. A. 1916; Advanced study Leland Stanford Junior CREDITS IN SUPPORT OF ENTRANCE AND University; Cornell University Ph. D. 1926. Principal of high ADVANCED STANDING school and superintendent of county union high school; department 1. All new students desiring to enter Central State Teachers College of education, state normal school; instructor in university. At should write t he Registrar and request Application for Admission Stevens Point since 1926. and Health Examination blanks. These blanks should be filled out and sent to the Registrar as soon as possible BUT THEY BESSIE MAY ALLEN .. ... Director, Home Economics Department MUST BE ON FILE BEFORE THE STUDENT WILL BE AL­ Graduate Iowa State Teachers College 1903; Columbia University LOWED TO ENROLL except by special permission, B. S. 1912, M. A, 1920; graduate study University of Chicago, Teacher of rural and high schools ; high school principal; teacher 2. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION OR ITS FULL AND FAIR in private college for girls and state normal university. At EQUIVALENT IS AN IRREDUCIBLE REQUISITE FOR Stevens Point since 1913. GRADUATION FROM ANY COURSE. 3. Any student who has attended a university, college, or other teach­ GEORGE C. ALLEZ ........ ..... .. ... ...... ...... Librarian ers college, or county normal school, must have official transcripts State Normal School, Bellingham, Washington, t hree-year diploma, of credits sent to the Registrar as early as possible but not later 1927; University of Washington, A. B. 1928; Library School, than time of registration. Columbia University, B. S. 1929. At Stevens Point since 1929. 4 Students who do not have Application for Admission and Health STELLA M. A USTERUD .. ... ..... .. ... .. Training Department Examination blanks or transcripts of advanced cr edit on file in the State Normal School, River Falls, two-year diploma 1918; Univer­ Registrar's office may not register until they have complied with sity of Wisconsin. Teacher in graded and junior high school. At this r equest; and late enrollment fee ruling will be enforced Stevens Point first semester 1929-30. (see p. 20) unless lack of transcript is not the fault of the student. 5. Any student desiring estimate of work to be completed for di­ OLGA M. BIZER .......... .. ... ....... Training Department ploma or degree must: (1) make the request not later than 30 Iowa State Teachers College two-year diploma 1922; Iowa State days preceding any enrollment date if enrollment is to be assured Teachers College B. A. 1927. Teacher of r ural and city schools ; on first day, (2) leave on file in Registrar's office, in support Assistant critic in Teachers College. At Stevens Point since Jan­ of his claims for entrance or advanced standing, official transcripts uary, 1928. of all previous work taken in high school or college before evalu­ ation will be given. FLORENCE LOUISE BROWN . .... ... ... .. Training Department Whitworth College; Washington State Normal School at Cheney 6. All transcripts should be sent direct from the school in which three-year diploma 1923; University of Washington B. A. 1927. credits were earned. Teacher of city graded schools. At Stevens Point since 1927. Experience has demonstrated throughout the United States that LELAND M. BURROUGHS ... ....... .. .......... English, Speech the Freshman year is the difficult and critical period in college. Wabash College B. A. 1913; Graduate King's College of Oratory, Hence every assistance that can be given to Freshmen it is both the Pittsburgh; Graduate student University of Chicago; University privilege and the obligation of the college to render. To this end of Michigan. Teacher of high schools. At Stevens Point since the Central State Teachers College at Stevens Point, in the fall of 1920. 1928, held its first special Freshman and new student registration and convention. Special F reshman and new student registration and EDNA CARLSTEN ... .. ..... .... ...................... ..... Art convocation will be held September 15, 1930, for purposes of ac­ Graduate Chicago Art Institute, three-year Normal Art Course quainting the new student with and aiding him to adjust himself to 1917; advanced study Chicago Art Institute. Art supervisor in his new collegiate environment and his first year's program of studies. public schools. At Stevens Point since 1923. 4 CENTRAL STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE CATALOG NUMBER 5 NANCY JANE CHURCH ...... ......... ... .... Home Economics DELL S. GAREY ................... .... ... ... .. ..... Chemistry Student at Whitewater and Oshkosh Normal Schools; Stout Insti­ University of Idaho B. S. 1912; University of Chicago, Ph. D. 1928. tute; University of Wisconsin; Teachers College, Columbia Univer­ Principal of high schools; university instructor. At Stevens Point sity B. S. 1916; graduate study University of Chicago. Teacher of since 1923. rural and graded schools; teacher in state teachers college and private college for girls. At Stevens Point since 1920. ELEANOR IDA GOERBING .. .. ............... Assistant Librarian University of Wisconsin B. A. 1928; Library School of the Uni­ JOSEPH VICTOR COLLINS . ............... ... ... ... Mathematics versity of Wisconsin diploma 1928. At Stevens Point since 1928. College of Wooster Ph. B. 1879; graduate student Johns Hopkins University; University of Wooster Ph. D. 1886; special study Uni­ MARY ELLEN HANNA ... ......... ......... Rural Department versity of Pennsylvania. Teacher of rural school; teacher in pre­ Stevens Point State Normal School diploma 1914; student Uni­ paratory school and college; professor in state college. At Stevens versity of Wisconsin, University of Chicago, and University of Point since 1894. Minnesota. Teacher of r ural and graded schools; high school prin­ cipal. At Stevens Point since 1919. JOSEPH M. DAVIDSON ......... ........... Training Department State Normal School, Kirksville, Missouri, diploma 1914; student GERTIE L. HANSON .... ...... ...... ... Training Department Iowa State Teachers College; Kirksville State Teachers College La Crosse State Normal School diploma 1914; student Teachers B. S. 1921; graduate student University of Chicago, and Univer­ College, Columbia University; University of Wisconsin. Ph. B. sity of Colorado. Teacher and principal of high school. At 1929. Teacher of rural and graded schools; city grade supervisor. Stevens Point since 1924. At Stevens Point since 1920. On leave 1929-30. MILDRED GRETA DAVIS ....... ... .. ......... Foreign Languages EVA I. HERNDON ..... ... ............. .... Training Department State University of Iowa B. A. 1922; M. A. 1925. Advanced State Teachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa, diploma 192'7; State graduate work and qualifying· examinations for Ph. D. Teacher Teachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa; B. A. Degree 1929. Teacher in high school and junior college; instructor in French and Re­ at State Teachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa. At Stevens Point search Assistant in Psychology of Speech, State University of since 1929. Iowa. At Stevens Point since 1928. ALFRED J. HERRICK .. ..... Superintendent, Training Department JAMES E. DELZELL ............ ... Director, Primary Department Stevens Point State Normal School diploma 1902; University of Peru State Normal School, Nebraska, B. Ed. 1908; Student, Teach­ Wisconsin Ph. B. 1909; Graduate student at Universities of Wis­ ers College, Columbia University; Fremont Normal College, consin, Minnesota, and Chicago. Teacher of rural schools, princi­ Nebraska, B. A. 1918. Superintendent of high schools; deputy state pal of high school; supervising principal; director, academic and superintendent and state superintendent. At Stevens Point since high school departments in normal school. At Stevens Point since 1915. 1912. LEAH L. DIEHL .. ....... .............. .... Training Department BERTHA HUSSEY .. .. ..... ......... Dean of Women, English Milwaukee State Normal School diploma 1907; student Universities Shurtleff College B. A. 1901; graduate work University of Illinois; of Wisconsin and Chicago. Teacher of rural and graded schools ; University of Chicago M. A. 1910; advanced study Columbia county supervisor of schools. County
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