Name of Committee Regulatory Committee Date of Committee 15 December 2008 Report Title Stratford Agripark, – Animal Carcass Transfer Station Summary This application seeks planning permission for the erection of a single storey portal framed building to accommodate a waste transfer station, for animal carcases, together with internal offices, external service yard, access roadway and landscaping on land at Stratford Agripark, Wincot Lands, Clifford Chambers near Stratford-upon-Avon. This application was deferred at the 18 November 2008 meeting of the Regulatory Committee in order to make a site visit to assess the visual impact of the proposed development. For further information Matthew Williams please contact Senior Planning Officer Tel. 01926 412822 Would the Yes/No recommended decision be contrary to the Budget and Policy Framework? Background Papers Planning Application, received 5/6/2008. Letter from Welford-on-Avon Parish Council, dated 25/6/2008. Letter from Environment Agency, dated 1/7/2008. Letters from Stratford on Avon District Council (EHO), dated 7/7/2008, 11/11/2008, 26/08/2008. Email from Clifford Chambers and Parish Council, dated 7/7/2008. Email from Preston-on-Stour Parish Council, dated 9/7/2008. Letters from Stratford on Avon District Council (Planning), dated 7/7/2008 and 16/7/2008. Letter from Museum Services, dated 10/7/2008. E-mail from Councillor Mrs Seccombe, dated 18/5/2008. Quinton Parish Council, dated 21/7/2008. Emails from Defra Animal Health Officer, dated 6/7/2008 and 14/10/2008. Letter from Defra Animal Health, dated 27 October 2008. Email from County Archaeologist, dated 12/11/2008. Email from County Ecologist, dated 12/11/2008. Email from Stratford on Avon District Council (EHO), dated 13/11/2008.

Regu/1208/ww1 1 of 13 CONSULTATION ALREADY UNDERTAKEN:- Details to be specified

Other Committees ......

Local Member(s) Councillor Mrs I Seccombe – See paragraph 2.8. (With brief comments, if appropriate)

Other Elected Members Councillor P Barnes – No comments received as at 28/11/08.

Cabinet Member ...... (Reports to The Cabinet, to be cleared with appropriate Cabinet Member)

Chief Executive ......

Legal X I Marriott – agreed.

Finance ......

Other Chief Officers ......

District Councils Stratford on Avon District Council –See comments in paragraph 2.1.

Health Authority ......

Police ......

Other Bodies/Individuals Long Marston Parish Council, Welford-on-Avon Parish Council, Atherstone-on-Stour Parish Council, Preston-on-Stour Parish Council, Quinton Parish Council, Clifford Chambers Parish Council, Environment Agency, Museum Field Services.

FINAL DECISION YES/NO (If ‘No’ complete Suggested Next Steps)

SUGGESTED NEXT STEPS : Details to be specified Further consideration by ...... this Committee

To Council ......

To Cabinet ......

To an O & S Committee ......

To an Area Committee ...... Further Consultation ......

Regu/1208/ww1 2 of 13

Agenda No

Regulatory Committee – 15 December 2008

Stratford Agripark, Clifford Chambers Animal Carcass Transfer Station

Report of the Strategic Director for Environment and Economy


That the application be reported to the Secretary of State as a Departure from the Development Plan and subject to the application not being called in for her determination that the Regulatory Committee authorises the grant of planning permission for the erection of a single storey portal framed building to accommodate a waste transfer station, for animal carcasses, together with internal offices, external service yard, access roadway and landscaping on land at Stratford Wincot Lands, Clifford Chambers, near Stratford-upon-Avon, subject to the signing of a Section 106 Agreement to secure: the removal of redundant/derelict former airfield buildings and structures; completion of a bat and barn owl survey and mitigation measures; and, a programme of archaeological work and conditions and for the reasons contained in Appendix B of the report of the Strategic Director for Environment and Economy.

Application No : S4510/08CM023

Received by County : 5/6/2008

Advertised Date : 19/6/2008

Applicant : Farm Waste Services Limited, Longstaples, Road, , Near Stratford-upon-Avon.

Agent : Mr A Bishton, Associated Construction Consultants, 45/46 Rother Street, Stratford-upon-Avon.

The Proposal : Erection of single storey portal framed building to accommodate waste transfer station, for animal carcasses, together with internal offices, external service yard, access roadway and landscaping.

Site & Location : Land At Stratford Agripark, Campden Road, Wincot Lands, Clifford Chambers, Near Stratford-upon-Avon. [Grid ref: 178.491].

See plan in Appendix A.

Regu/1208/ww1 3 of 13 1. Application Details

1.1 The application proposes the development of an animal carcass and other animal waste transfer station on land adjoining Stratford Agripark, Campden Road, Clifford Chambers. Carcasses of fallen stock, such as sheep and cattle, which can not enter the food chain would be collected from local farms and brought to the site for bulking up prior to onward transfer to disposal facilities in Devon and Stoke-on-Trent. The facility would be used purely to store carcasses prior to onward transfer with no rendering taking place on site.

1.2 The facility would be a replacement for that previously/currently operated by Goodmans Slaughterers (now trading as Farm waste Services) at Ettington. The existing facility is currently being redeveloped into a ‘state-of-the-art’ materials sorting and recovery facility. The existing facility handled around 12500 carcasses collected from the local area in 2007 and the proposed transfer station would be expected to handle a similar number.

1.3 The proposed transfer station would be enclosed within a purpose built industrial style building measuring 45 metres by 30 metres, creating 1350 square metres of floor space. The building would be 10 metres in height. The building would be clad in steel profile sheeting and facing brickwork to match the adjacent livestock market building and industrial units. The building would also include an office/reception area and staff changing facilities.

1.4 Vehicles delivering carcasses to the site would enter the building through two interconnecting doors which would be operated to form an ‘air-lock’ to contain odours (the outer door would close before the inner opened and vice-versa). The building would be fitted with air extractor fans to prevent the escape of odours. All vehicles would be unloaded within the building. Carcasses would then be sorted and stored within segregated bunkers. Bulk collection vehicles would be loaded periodically through the day within the building for onward transfer to disposal facilities. Any carcasses remaining on site over night would be stored within one of two Cold Stores.

1.5 An external service yard area would be provided for the manoeuvring and parking of vehicles. No waste or carcasses would be stored in the open.

1.6 The operating hours of the site would be 07:30 to 18:00 hours from Monday to Friday and 08:00 to 16:00 hours Saturdays. No operations would take place on Sundays and Bank Holidays. The facility would employ 6 people.

1.7 Access to the site would be via the existing Agripark access onto the Campden Road. A new dedicated internal concrete access roadway would be constructed to separate the waste facility traffic from the cattle market.

1.8 The applicants fleet of six small box-van vehicles would operate from the site for making collections. In addition local farmers would also make deliveries of fallen stock. Bulked up carcasses would leave the site in articulated lorries. This would amount to one or two loads per day. The facility would generate around 36 vehicle movements per day.

Regu/1208/ww1 4 of 13 1.9 Subsequent to initial submission of the application, and following discussions regarding the policy presumption against the development, the applicant now proposes the removal of a number of redundant/derelict former airfield buildings and structures in the vicinity of the application site, stretching to around 2000 square metres in floor space, to off-set the proposed new building.

1.10 The proposals include the provision of a landscape planting scheme around the facility.

1.11 The applicant has supplied letters of support for the proposal from various organisations and businesses, including: the Animal Health Officer at the County Council’s Trading Standards Service, the National Farmers Union, a waste operator, 4 local veterinary surgeons who use the Goodmans existing facility at Ettington.

2. Consultations

2.1 Stratford on Avon District Council (Planning) – Raises objection to the proposal on the following grounds:-

(i) In terms of the physical siting of the proposed facility consider that an further development outside of the existing site boundaries is inappropriate and against local plan policy, since it would result in sporadic development in the countryside and would have a harmful, detrimental effect upon the local landscape. The Agripark and surrounding Wincot Lands is a large, sprawling site with large areas of hardstanding and redundant buildings that would be far more appropriate for such a facility, should it be deemed to be appropriate in principle. The development fails to comply with Policies CTY.1, CTY.3, PR.1, DEV.1, DEV.2, and DEV.4 of the Stratford on Avon District Local Plan Review 1996-2011 in terms of its proposed siting.

(ii) There is however a more fundamental objection in principle. For a site such as this in a rural location, the starting point for assessment in the Local Plan has to be Policy CTY.1 with the presumption against development unless a proposal is in line with other policies within the local plan. Whilst the Local Plan includes policies specifically relating to conversion or adaptation of existing rural buildings (providing the proposed use is appropriate to a rural setting), there are no policies supporting new build for such a purpose. No other policy in the local plan supports this proposal to override the principle as set out in CTY.1.

(iii) Do not consider that removal of a number of redundant buildings on adjacent land that appear to be in a poor state of repair and incapable of conversion in their own right would overcome in principle objection to the proposal.

(iv) The site also lies within the Vale of Evesham Control Zone and policy COM.11A relating to the generation of HGV movements applies. Whilst not necessarily a reason to object on its own, movements and numbers of vehicles to and from the site should be a consideration when determining the application.

Regu/1208/ww1 5 of 13

2.2 Stratford on Avon District Council Environmental Health Officer (EHO) – The main issue of concern with this operation is the emission of offensive odours. In this respect have no objection in principle to the location of the proposed development and use. However, the details submitted with the application to address that important issue of odours generated by the waste handling activities are considered to be inadequate. Whilst the pledge to carry out all of the operations involving storage and sorting of animal waste within the purpose built building is welcomed, as is the inclusion of the ‘air-lock’ entrance doors, have concerns over the ability of the proposed ‘filtered air extract fans’ to effectively control the emissions of offensive odours.

2.2.1 The maintenance of the building under negative air pressure so as to prevent the escape of odours is a necessary detail but simply diluting odours will not necessarily achieve the required odour concentration levels to prevent adverse effects on neighbours. An acceptable specification for the system designed for the treatment of odours needs to be clarified. This element could be covered by the inclusion of a suitably worded conditions.

2.3 Clifford Chambers Parish Council – No objections.

2.4 Quinton Parish Council – Suggest that there is a back up power supply to the premises to cover periods when the mains power fails. The gate onto Back Lane should not become used as an entrance to the site and should be permanently closed to traffic. Other than these two comments, the Parish Council have no objection to the application.

2.5 Preston-on-Stour Parish Council – No objections.

2.6 Atherstone-on-Stour Parish Council – No comments received.

2.7 Welford-on-Avon Parish Council – Understand that the operator is a well established business which needs to relocate due to the development of a new recycling unit. Understand that there is a need for a collection point for carcasses in this area and the siting of this on the Agripark would seem sensible. Understand that carcasses will be kept at the facility for a limited time before transportation to the main rendering plants. Are aware that various pieces of legislation will ensure that the operations at the site will be tightly controlled.

2.8 Weston-on-Avon Parish Council – No comments received.

2.9 Long Marston Parish Council – No comments received.

2.10 Councillor Mrs I Seccombe – It is an important facility that Tom Goodman runs, and if lost to the area, then I feel it would be detrimental. I hope that he will be able to come up with a proper plan and details that will be acceptable. The important thing will be to ensure that conditions are put on to protect neighbouring communities, and time limit them, and finally make absolutely sure that they are enforced. The last site had a condition on it for a refrigerated unit, Tom Goodman has never put in place, and it was never enforced. As a result the smells were abhorrent and the site was a nuisance neighbour that it

Regu/1208/ww1 6 of 13 became. In this day and age, this would be totally unacceptable (comments received pre-submission of the application).

2.11 Councillor P Barnes – No comments received as at 4/11/2008.

2.12 Museum Services – Would not expect the development of the facility itself to present any significant threat to designated ecological sites or species. Suggest notes are placed on any permission granted to draw attention to potential presence of reptiles and nesting birds.

2.12.1 The proposed removal of a number of existing buildings from adjoining land has the potential to impact upon bats and barn owls. Bats and their roosts and barn owls are protected under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act. Recommend that a bat and barn owl survey of the buildings to be removed should be completed by a suitably qualified ecologist prior to determination of the application.

2.12.2 The structures proposed to be removed are associated with the former RAF Long Marston. The County Archaeologist does not object to their removal but considers that they should be recorded prior to demolition.

2.13 Environment Agency – No objections in principle to the proposed development but recommends that if planning permission is granted a condition is imposed to secure provision and implementation of foul drainage works in order to prevent pollution of the water environment.

2.14 Defra Animal Health – The assembly of carcases and bulking up into larger loads requires Intermediate Plant approval under the Animal By-Products Regulations 2005. Animal by-product plants must be located on separate premises from those containing livestock. The plant may be considered to be on separate premises if the boundary of the premises on which it is situated is fully secured against stock and it is entered separately from the market. Biosecurity conditions will be required to ensure that by-products are not transferred off the premises to livestock. All operations must be conducted within the building. The dedicated access roadway routed away from the market is satisfactory. The access roadway must be concreted for its whole length from the facility to the public highway and details of vehicle cleansing and disinfection should be clarified.

3. Representations

3.1 None received.

4. Observations

Site and Surroundings

4.1 The application site is an agricultural field located adjacent to Stratford Agripark. The Agripark is the site of the relocated Stratford Livestock Market and a number of small business units.

Regu/1208/ww1 7 of 13 4.2 The site is located a little under 200 metres to the east of the B4632 Campden Road, mid way between Clifford Chambers and Lower Quinton. Clifford Chambers is located 3.5 kilometres to the north, Lower Quinton 1.5 kilometres to the south and Long Marston 2 kilometres to the east of the application site. The site is situated immediately to the east of Long Marston Airfield.

4.3 Residential properties in the vicinity are sparse and isolated. The nearest dwelling, Little Willicote, is situated approximately 200 metres to the south-east from the proposed transfer building.

Site History

4.4 The application site, adjoining Agripark and surrounding land previously formed part of the nearby Long Marston Airfield. A number of dilapidated buildings, structures and hardstandings associated with the former wartime airfield facility remain in the vicinity.

4.5 Planning permission was granted in 2002 for the demolition of ex-ministry of defence derelict buildings and erection of steel portal frame buildings for the relocation of Stratford-upon-Avon Livestock Market, related activities, rural workshops and storage. The Livestock Market has now been in operation for a number of years.


4.6 Section 38(6) of the 2004 Planning and Compensation Act requires that planning applications are determined in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan ‘unless material considerations indicate otherwise’.

4.7 The Development Plan consists of the Regional Spatial Strategy, the Warwickshire Structure Plan (WASP) adopted by the County Council in August 2001 (Saved Policies), the Waste Local Plan for Warwickshire adopted by the County Council in August 1999 (Saved Policies), the Stratford on Avon District Local Plan Review 1996-2011 adopted by the District Council in July 2006.

4.8 Policy STR.1 of the Stratford on Avon District Local Plan establishes a settlement hierarchy directing development within the District to Stratford Town and the larger settlements within the District.

4.9 Policy CTY.1 of the District Local Plan states that, all forms of development in the countryside, other than those in accordance with provisions elsewhere in the Local Plan, will generally be resisted in order to preserve its character and to ensure that resources are protected. Proposals for forms of development and activity in the countryside that are not covered elsewhere in the Plan will have to be fully justified and show that they would not be contrary to the overall strategy of the Plan and their impact on the character of the area would not be harmful.

4.10 Policy CTY.3 of the District Local Plan states that, consideration will be given to providing scope for the expansion of existing groups of rural buildings for industrial uses where they are readily accessible by means of transport other than the private car from Stratford upon Avon or a Main Rural Centre, or similar sized settlements in adjoining Districts. In assessing such proposals, it will be

Regu/1208/ww1 8 of 13 necessary to ensure that the scale and nature of activities to be accommodated on the site are appropriate to the character of the area and would not cause undue harm to features of acknowledged importance.

4.11 Policy PR.1 of the Local Plan requires that all development proposals should respect and where possible enhance the quality and character of the area. Policy DEV.1 requires development proposals to have regard to the character and quality of the local area. Policy DEV.2 states that the landscape aspects of a development proposal will be required to form an integral part of the overall design. A high standard of appropriate hard and soft landscape will be required.

4.12 The Regional Spatial Strategy sets out criteria for the location of waste management facilities. Policy WD3 seeks the location and siting of waste facilities to be guided towards appropriate locations, having regard to the proximity principle and other environmental and amenity principles as identified elsewhere in the guidance. Consideration should be given to the potential advantages of making provision for waste management in the form of small- scale facilities that may be more easily integrated into the local setting.

4.13 The Waste Local Plan formerly contained a policy relating specifically to transfer stations however there was a degree of duplication with Policy 6 Material Recycling Facilities and therefore this policy was not saved. Policy 6 states that recycling facilities will be permitted; as an integral part of new and established disposal facilities, on industrial estates and on other land which has been used for a commercial use and where the proposed use would be compatible with adjacent land uses.

4.14 Policy 1 of the Waste Plan sets out general environmental constraints that all waste related planning applications must comply with. Planning permission will only be given where the proposal would not, amongst other things, give rise to a significant risk of pollution, have significant adverse visual impact, have significant adverse impact on the amenity of local occupiers by reason of odour, noise, dust or visual intrusion having regard to the sensitivity of adjoining land uses and the proximity to residential property.

4.15 Planning Policy Statement 10 – Planning for Sustainable Waste Management states that in considering planning applications for waste management facilities, planning authorities should consider the likely impact on the local environment and amenity. Annex E sets out more specific locational criteria including; protection of water resources, visual intrusion, traffic and access, air emissions, odours, vermin, noise, litter, potential land use conflict, etc.

4.16 The general thrust of the Development Plan is to focus new development within the main towns and population centres. The Agripark development itself arguably does not sit comfortably with this theme although there were clearly material considerations, including the fact that the development replaced existing buildings and that the livestock market is rural in nature, of sufficient weight to enable the development to be supported.

4.17 The current application site lies beyond the boundaries of the Agripark development on what is an agricultural field. The proposed location of this development, in an arguably isolated rural position, does not naturally accord

Regu/1208/ww1 9 of 13 with the aim of policies STR1 and CTY1 of the Stratford-on-Avon District Local Plan. In addition Policy 6 of the Waste Local Plan sets precise parameters for when materials recycling facilities will be permitted. Agricultural land does not represent one of the locations permitted in Policy 6 and as such the proposal is considered to be a departure from the Development Plan.

4.18 Given the policy conflicts it is considered that the proposed development must be considered to be a Departure from the Development Plan. In viewing the proposed development as a Departure it is not to say that the application is necessarily unacceptable or should automatically be refused. Clearly it is necessary to consider whether or not there are material considerations of sufficient weight to indicate otherwise. In this case it is considered that there are supporting factors of sufficient weight to suggest that, although contrary to policy, the application should be supported.

4.19 The applicant states that, they operate the only animal waste transfer facility in the area and it is imperative that a facility is maintained. They believe that letters of support from local farmers, veterinary practices, waste services contractors and the County Council’s own Animal Health Officers, indicate that the cessation of this service would have catastrophic consequences, not only in terms of the local farming community, but also the resultant environmental problems caused by fallen stock remaining uncollected.

4.20 Fallen stock and other animal related waste is an unavoidable by-product of the agricultural industry. This waste stream requires management and the provision of suitable disposal facilities. Such facilities are limited in number with the existing Goodmans facility at Ettington being the only animal waste facility in the area. The Ettington facility will cease to exist shortly as the site is redeveloped. The services provided by Goodmans are important to the operation of the local agricultural community. Therefore, there is a need for such a facility to be provided locally.

4.21 The site is in a rural green field location which conflicts with the general thrust of the Development Plan which focuses new development within the main towns and population centres. Unlike most waste streams which predominantly arise in urban areas and centres of population the proposed development relates to agricultural waste which arises in rural areas. The application site is located at the heart of the agricultural community the facility would serve.

4.22 The nature of the proposed development is such that even when operated to a high standard in an enclosed building it is not really suited to being located in an urban area or in close proximity to residential property. The proposed site is distant from villages and dwellings in the vicinity are few in number The nearest residential property is located approximately 200 metres from the site.

4.23 Although the application site adjoins the existing Agripark development it would effectively result in an extension of the site beyond its existing site boundaries into open countryside. The applicant has explored the possibility of accommodating the proposed facility within the existing site boundaries. However, space limitations and bio-security requirements in terms of proximity of livestock to fallen stock preclude this. Whilst the development would extend beyond the existing Agripark site boundary the proposed building would appear

Regu/1208/ww1 10 of 13 as a cohesive addition to the Agripark development. Furthermore, the proposed development could be argued to accord with Policy CTY.3 of the District Local Plan which permits the expansion of existing groups of rural buildings for industrial uses where readily accessible and appropriate to the character of the area. The Agripark is accessed off the B4632 Campden Road which forms part of the Advisory Lorry Route network within the County which identifies the best available routes for heavy goods vehicles and there are clear linkages with the Life Stock Market operating on the site.

4.24 The proposed development would include the removal of a number of redundant/derelict former airfield buildings and structures in the vicinity of the application site. The buildings to be removed are in a very poor state of repair, are visually unattractive and unsuitable/to small for conversion to the proposed waste use. The proposed building would be in keeping with the existing livestock market. Although individually the buildings to be removed are smaller than that now proposed, when combined they have a greater floor space than the new building proposed. Therefore, there would be a net loss in floor space. This is considered to be a significant consideration that would off-set the policy presumption against new development in countryside. Indeed such an approach was used to justify the construction of a range of new build workshops at the Agripark.

Environment and Amenity

Landscape/Visual Impact

4.25 The proposed development would result in more built development within this rural landscape that would be industrial in character. However, the design of the transfer station building, in keeping with the existing livestock market and industrial units on site, would result in the proposed building visually blending into the Agripark development. Furthermore, existing hedgerows and established trees around the development along with additional landscape planting proposed would further limit the visual and landscape impact of the proposed development.

4.26 The proposals include the removal of a number of existing derelict structures and buildings in the vicinity of the application site that are visually unattractive. It is therefore considered that the proposed development would result in an overall positive impact on the visual character and openness of the area. Removal of the buildings could be secured via a legal agreement and a draft 106 Agreement has been submitted by the applicant for consideration.


4.27 The nature of the waste the transfer station would handle, animal carcasses, has the potential to create adverse odours. The existing Goodmans facility in Ettington has in the past given rise to complaint resulting from odour, particularly in the summer months. The existing facility in Ettington is old and in essence not fit for purpose which does not assist odour management. The proposed transfer station would be fully enclosed within a building and incorporate odour management systems. The Environmental Health Officer at Stratford on Avon District Council is satisfied with the location of the proposed facility in terms of

Regu/1208/ww1 11 of 13 proximity to residents. Although he has some concerns with the odour management proposals submitted he considers that satisfactory odour management systems could be implemented. Suitably worded conditions are proposed.


4.28 Noise generation would predominantly arise from the manoeuvring of vehicles on the site and possibly the loading and unloading of carcasses within the building. The adjoining livestock market and industrial units generate similar noise impacts currently. It is therefore considered that the proposed development would have no greater noise impact than the existing activities undertaken at the Agripark.

Traffic and Access

4.29 Access to the proposed development would be via the existing Agripark access onto the B4632 Campden Road. This was purpose built in recent uses to facilitate access to the Agripark and is suitable for the number and type of vehicles the transfer facility would generate.

Residential Amenity

4.30 Residential properties in the vicinity of the proposed development are few in number and removed from the site. The greatest potential impact upon residential amenity would result from adverse odour. The proposed facility would be enclosed within a purpose built building incorporating odour management and suppression systems. It is considered that the design of the facility should, subject to good day to day management of the site, not result in an adverse impact upon residential amenity.


4.31 The derelict buildings and structures that are proposed to be removed from adjoining land, as part of this proposal, provide potential habitat for bats and barn owls, which are protected species. The County Ecologist recommends that appropriate surveys are completed prior to determination of the application. However, bats hibernate and such survey work may not be possible for some months. The derelict buildings are not located on the application site itself, therefore there is some flexibility in the timing of their removal. The applicant has made a commitment to complete this survey work and implement the findings/recommendations. This has been included as a clause within a draft 106 Agreement submitted.


4.32 The structures proposed to be removed are associated with the former RAF Long Marston. The County Archaeologist does not object to their removal but considers that they should be recorded prior to demolition. This could be included as a clause within a Section 106 Agreement.

Regu/1208/ww1 12 of 13 5. Conclusions

5.1 The proposed animal carcass transfer station would provide a facility necessary for a waste stream specific to the rural agricultural community. Although the proposal does not accord with the policies of the development plan it is considered that; the need for such a facility, relationship of the site to other rural/agricultural related industries, remoteness from residential development and removal of a number of visually unattractive derelict buildings, carry considerable weight. It is therefore considered that, whilst a Departure from the Development Plan, the development can be supported and therefore planning permission should be granted.

PAUL GALLAND Strategic Director for Environment and Economy Shire Hall Warwick

4 December 2008

Regu/1208/ww1 13 of 13 Scale 1: 8500 Ref No. S4510/08CM023 Drawn Janet Stevens Regulatory Committe 15th December 2008 Subject Stratford Agripark, Animal Carcass Transfer Station.

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey map. With the permission of the HMSO Controller Licence No. 100019520. (c) Crown Copyright. Appendix B of Agenda No

Regulatory Committee – 15 December 2008

Stratford Agripark, Clifford Chambers – Animal Carcass Transfer Station

Application No : S4510/08CM023

Commencement Date

1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun not later than 3 years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 51 of the planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until a detailed landscaping scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. Such a scheme shall include details of plant species, sizes, densities and numbers. Following approval the scheme shall be implemented accordingly in the first available planting season.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory landscape screening of the site in the interests of the visual amenity of the area.

3. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until details of the materials and finish colours of the buildings have been submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. Following approval the buildings shall be finished in the materials and colours approved.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development in the interests of the visual amenity of the area.

4. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until details of the fencing and gates to be erected around the site have been submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. Following approval the fencing shall be finished in the materials and colours approved.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development in the interests of the visual amenity of the area.

5. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until a scheme for the provision and implementation of foul drainage works has been submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The development shall not be used until the foul drainage works have been provided and implemented in accordance with a scheme so approved.

Regu/1208/ww 1b B1 of 4

Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment.

6. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until a system for the treatment of odours generated within the building has been submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The development shall not be used until a system so approved has been put in place and the system shall thereafter be maintained and implemented for so long as the development is in use Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development and in the interests of the amenity of the area and local residents.

7. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until a detailed odour management plan for the whole of the site, including building, hardstandings and access roadway, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. Such a scheme shall include amongst other things; timescales for storage and management of carcasses and materials on site and procedures for cleaning and disinfection of the building, external hard surfaces and vehicles and equipment used on site. The development shall not be used until the procedures set out in the plan are put in place and shall thereafter be maintained and implemented for so long as the development is in use.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development and in the interests of the amenity of the area and local residents.

8. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until details of refrigeration plant, and any other externally sited plant, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The development shall not be used until plant so approved has been installed and the plant shall thereafter be maintained for so long as the development is in use.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development and in the interests of the amenity of the area and local residents.

General Operations

9. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the County Planning Authority the development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted application ref. S4510/08CM023, plans ref. 1781/01B, 1781/02B, 1781/03A 1781/04B, 1781/05C.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development.

10. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied/used for the purposes of the storage or transfer of animal carcasses and other animal waste until the building, hardstandings and access roadway has been completed in all respects, including refrigeration equipment and odour treatment system is operational.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development and in the interests of the amenity of the area and local residents.

Regu/1208/ww 1b B2 of 4

11. Except as may otherwise be agreed in writing by the County Planning Authority, no operations or uses authorised by this permission (including the maintenance of vehicles and plant) shall be carried out other than during the following times:-

0730 – 1800 hours Monday to Friday 0800 – 1600 hours Saturdays

No such operations shall take place on Sundays or on Bank or Public Holidays.

Reason: In the interests of the amenities of nearby residents.

12. If within a period of five years from the date of the implementation of the landscaping scheme any plant or tree is removed, uprooted or destroyed or dies, it shall be replaced with another of the same species and size as that originally planted and shall be planted in the same place, unless the County Planning Authority gives its written consent to a variation.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development.

13. There shall be no outside storage of animal carcasses or other waste materials.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development and in the interests of the amenities of nearby residents.

14. The handling, sorting and storage of carcasses and waste materials shall not be carried out at the site other than within the transfer building.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development and in the interests of the amenities of nearby residents.

15. The development shall not be brought into use until the whole of the access roadway to the public highway and service yard has been surfaced in concrete or other suitably bound material agreed in writing with the County Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development.

16. No loaded lorries shall enter or leave the site unless they are sheeted or the load is otherwise adequately secured.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety.

Development Plan Policies Relevant to this Decision

Stratford on Avon District Local Plan Review 1996-2011 Adopted July 2006

Policy STR.1 Settlement Hierarchy, regarding controlling and regulating development;

Regu/1208/ww 1b B3 of 4 Policy CTY.1 Control over Development, regarding development in the countryside;

Policy CTY.3 Development Outside the Green Belt, regarding scope for the expansion of existing groups of rural buildings for industrial uses;

Policy PR.1 Landscape and Settlement Character, regarding importance of protecting the identity and distinctiveness of towns, villages and landscapes;

Policy DEV.1 Layout and Design, regarding development proposals having regard to the character and quality of the local area;

Policy DEV.2 Landscaping, regarding the standard of hard and soft landscaping required;

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